A Telegraph Wait M Will Quickly Rent Hat Vacant Room ! E>eatbs iHARRISON On November 27. I*l6, Mrs. Annie, wife of Albert Harrison. 325 Cherry street, in the Harrisburg Hospital. aged 54 years. Funeral Tuesday afternoon, at 'J o'clock, from her late home. Burial I Ht Lincoln Cemetery. The relative? and friends are invited to attend without further notice. I Hh:t(iKß Carrie 11. Creaser, on November ST. 1915. at the Harrisburg Hospital, wife of Frank Creancer, and in adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. German, aged 24 years. Private funeral on Tuesday. Novem ber SO, at 2 o'clock, from the resi dence of her adopted parent. W. H. tlernian, 1527 Rudy street. Body can !>c viewed by friends Monday, Novem ber 29, 1915. 2 to 10 P. M. Burial in St. John s Cemetery. LOST IwOST On Sunday, gold pin. with pearls in center, on Hill or Progress neighborhood. Reward if returned to 19.".• Park street. LOST Party who found handbag, remaining monev and letters address ed to LiOuis Mclvor, 1727 North Sixth street, is known. No further questions asked if same is returned. IjOST Fox Terrier female dog; black and brown face, four months old. Reward if returned to 830 Reily street. J LOST The person who. Thanks giving evening at the Maennerchor Hall. North street, took another man's overcoat by mistake and left his own, is requested to exchange at 1604 Hun ter street. FOI'ND The very best system for remodeling out-of-date clothing. Esti mates free. >» omen's fur coats, furs and muffs remodeled Into latest styles. H. L Powell. 925 North Third street. f-v..l"Nl> .Vow's the time to have your clothes put in shape for the winter. Kggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works. 1245 Markot Street. Both phones. We call and de- Il\ er. ...... Itu — WANTED Ten men or boys to dis trioutt- circulars. Apply Smltn's Store, 412 Market street, alter 6 to-night or before 7:30 Tuesday morning. WANTED Young man on Dairy Farm. Must be a good milker, sober and industrious, and understand the • arc of livestock. Apply W. W. Wei man's Sanitary Dairy Farm,. R. D. No. 2. Palmyra, Pa. WANTED A second and third hand baker. Call 45 North Fourteenth street. WANTED Experienced boarder wanted. New Idea Hosiery Co., South Fourteenth street. WANTED Young man. between age of 17 and 19 years, to do general work around grocery store. M. Bren ner & >on. Green and Emerald streets. WANTED Experienced blacksmith and liorseslioer. Will pay good wages to right party. Work all year around. Address 0.. 3309. care of Telegraph. 1 ARMV OF THE UNITED STATES— MEN WA.NTED Abiebodled. unmar ried men between ages of lb and 35; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, wno can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building. 3d & Market Sts.. Harrisburg, Pa. WE WANT SALESMEN, not the or dinary kind, but men who are seeking an opportunity to qualify for positions of trust, in charge of our branches. Salary and commission. Reference re quired. Jewell Tea Co.. 269 Broad street. WANTED Boy about 15. to help with chores and work on small farm. Board and clothing furnished right party. Address H.. 3807, care of Tele graph. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring mill ur lathe hands, who can work from blue prints; also tool makers. Au dress. or apply. Employment Depart ment, Westingliouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. TWO BUTCHERS WANTED Steel ton Store Co., Steelton, Pa. WANTED First-class toolmakers. profilers, millers, drillers, rlflers. barrel turners, blacksmiths and steam ham mer men to make drop forges. Also men for barrel rolling. Address P. O. Box 764. Lancaster, Pa. WANTED. AT ONCE First-class millwrights. Immediate employment. Address J. F. Creswell. P. O. Box 264, Lancaster, Pa., or call at Hotel Plaza. Thursday afternoons or evenings. WANTED Men to become practi cal chauffeurs and mechanics. We guarantee our students 30c per hour while repairing private cars; S4O In cash required. Several cars to over haul now. Make application at once. No. 5 North Cameron street. Auto Transportation School. WANTED Man with experience. In credit department methods; must be a thorough correspondent along the lines of collection. Hershey Employ ment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. WANTED House painter who will exchange labor for Suburban Building 7/Ots at a bargain price In a growing section. For particulars address P. O. <x 6?. Harrisburg, Pa. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Cook, or second maid, white. Apply 112 Harrisburg street, Steelton. WANTED Girl for upstairs work and diningroom work and kitchen helper. Apply 9 North Front street WANTED Girl for general house work; must be able to cook; reference required. Apply 1701 North Second street. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced R oilers, Btinchmakers, Packers, !• iller and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, sOQ Race street. Houses For Sale •UR Camp St.—3-story brick house. l.ot 16x130 ft mi-' Derr> Ht 2 H-story frame » -e 9 rooms bath and fur nace. Lot 23x81 .-oo lU4I Fulton S«. 3-storv frame —S rooms. Lot 14x100. Make us an offer. -144 Green St, —3-story brick 8 roo J" bath and steam heat. Lot 21x86 703 rv. flih St. ::-story brick house lO rooms oath and fur- Lot 17»ix75 ft *7,.-,00 70H \. (Ith St.—3-story brick —• •-,, ro ?l ns bath and furnace. Lot ' , -ii ••' ' ,• $7,50© l«2« >. Third St. —3-»tory frame bouse 9 rooms bath and steam heat. Lot 19x84 sa<um -010 N. Third St. —3-story brick bouse 9 rooms 2 baths—steam • real Lot _.x94. Let ua have vour proposition. I SSS Vernon 5«.—2%-story brown stone house and 2>4-story frame stable on the rear of lot. Lot 40x MILLERBROTHERS&CO. ! RBAIi ESTATE Insurance Surety Bonds I.ornat and Court Streets Vl / AIU.NDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED —Female ! LADIES A fiscinating home busi ness; tinting postcards, pictures, etc.. spare time; make sl2 weekly: no enn ; VHssing; samples 10c; particulars free. Artlnt. 41211-130 Manhattan street. New I York. ! GIRLS WANTED We have calls •. for one bookkeeper and four accurate, i rapid typists. Apply W. 11. Keller, ; Business Manager The Office Training I School, Kaufman Building, 4 South ; Market Square. WANTED. AT ONCE Folders. In , quire Blough Manufacturing Co., Belly j and Fulton streets. AN attractive proposition open to a ! few Indies to take orders among friends ; for guaranteed hosiery. Easy at this ! time of the year. Earn money for Christmas. Experience unnecessary. Write to-day for particulars. Box S. Hill Station, Harrisburg, Pa. WORKS DRESSMAKIXG SCHOOL Tenches all pattern cutting by meas- j ure. Day and Evening classes. You can save $5 on your tuition fee by reg istering now. Works Dressmaking Coursix is not taught In the Y. W. C. A., as is rV'esented by them, or any part of it. Works Dressmaking School. 22 J North Fourth street. WANTED Girls experienced on I power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg Co.. Vernon street, ! Harrigburg. Pa. v | Si r I ATIONS W A.N TKD—Male WANTED Position as collector by ' young, married man with experience, i I or work of any kind, with chance for i I advancement; best of reference. Ad dress J., 3322, care of Telegraph. ; WANTED Colored man wants po- j sltion as chauffeur or butler; good ref- ■ erences. Apply 622 Forster street. ] j WANTED Position as salesman in i men's or children's clothing depart ment; tifteen years' experience; refer- i | ence furnished. Address F. L Kutz, 1 \ 525 North Hanover street, Carlisle. Pa. ; WANTED Colored man wants | I work of any kind. Apply, or address, : I 116% Liberty. ' WANTED Young, married man' wants position as chauffeur, private or commercial; sober and reliable; lour j years' driving experience; can make : own repairs. Address Box F. 3292. care i j of Telegraph. WANTED By colored man, posi- 1 tlon as Janitor or general housework, i taking tare of furniture. 405 Bailey 1 street. Steelton. Pa. WANTED Young, married white | ' man desires position tiring boiler; has j had experience as engineer. Address Harry A. Snell, Lemoyne, Pa. SITUATIONS \V.VNTKD—FemaIe : WANTED Reliable colored woman ' desires place as disiiwusher or to help ; lin kitchen. Write, or apply, 1221 1 | .Marion street. | WANTED —An experienced colored girl wants place to assist In general I Housework. Apply, or write, 1224 ; Marlon street. WANTED A young, white woman I desires housework or upstairs work; j ' reterences gi\*en. Address M. 3305, ! care of Telegraph. WANTED By half-grown girl. I light work in private family. Address ; | W., 3319, care of Telegraph. WANTED Washing and ironing ,to do at home. Call alter 6 P. M. at 1206 Cowden street. j WANTED Young girl desires po- I sltion in private branch exchange and assist with office work; experienced, j Address 11., 3304, care of Telegraph. WANTED Refined, middle-aged woman, pleasing manner, open for posi tion of trust in institution or home as ! matron, assistant or caring for wear- I ing apparel and linens. Trustworthy," i ; :iox 3293, care of Telegraph. W ANTE - White woman desires ] position as ij>ok or housekeeper. Call, i ; or write. M. F., 2046 Swatara street. WANTED Young woman wishes I position as day's work or hotel work or cleaning of any kind. Address , 522 Basin street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED -r- A colored woman wants a position as cook in private family or dinner parties. Call, or write. 433 South ! avenue. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO new houses In Penbrook, with ' all improvements. Price for each, $2,100. , • Inspect them soon. Not much cash i needed. Monthly payments reason- I able. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build : ing. 1 FOR SALE Plot 73x289 on Derry ' street at Paxtang. Get particulars. We ! also offer lots in other suburbs at mod- ! crate prices. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner , Building. ONLY one remaining unsold of eight new nouses built of brick steam ; heat gas and electric light well : finished. This one might suit you. Bell i ! Realty Co.. Bergner Building. i FOR SALE The Country Club | ; grounds, fronting 460 feet on Riverside 1 1 urive. Apply 204 State street. j PROPERTY in twenty hundred block, ! , Briggs street, 7 rooms, water and gas, . iarKe extra lot, can be purchased at a ' ! bargain by quick buyer. Apply Edw. W. Evans, Real Estate and Insurance, l Kunkel Building. FOR SALE Choice building lot on : southwest corner of State and Fit- ! teenth street; 40x45x90 feet; paved streets. Desirable site for one or two j houses. BARGAIN. For price, etc., call on Rohrer & Son, Bergner Build- i ing. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE A valuable North Second street resi dence. Most desirable residential lo i cality ?n city. A bargain. Price and ' terms tor the asking. Address "Home, • care of Harrisburg Telegraph. 622 N. EIGHTEENTH ST.; corner property; 3-story frame; S rooms, bath ; and furnace. Lot, 20x90. Offered at a nominal price for a corner property. 1 Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Wal nut streets. 6-ACRE truck farm; 2 dwellings; frame bank barn; all necessary out buildings; large apple orchard: located : 2 miles from New Cumberland trolley line. Price to a quick buyer, $2,200.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 3lB Nectarine; 3-story : brick house; all Improvements; posses-i l»ion at once; rent. $13.50 per month. In- ! quire 320 Crescent street. FOR RENT—2OIB-2028-2031 Swatara; brick, 7-room houses: all Improve ments; steam heat; side entrance; over looking Bellevue and Reservoir Parks. ] Inquire Irvin Johnson, 2052 Swatara street. Phone 2986 M. FOR RENT—7-room house at West ; 1 Fairvlew .along river front; front ' and rear porches; electric lights; $8 I per month. Inquire of George R. Alleman. 245 South Thirteenth street. Bell phone 2?04. FOR RENT 1242 State street, a3- j I story brick house, all improvements. | I Rent, $20.00. Key may be had at 1248 State street. Apply at 12 South Seven teenth street. • i l FOR RENT 1724 Carnatton street: ! S rooms and bath: modern conveni- I P*"" 0 ' 1 front: nice yard; rent.!; $16.00. Apply on premises or 1417 North ' Second street. FOR RENT Desirable corner house. No. 650 Emerald street: 8 rooms and hath; all conveniences; front and rear porches Apply at Seventh and Woodbine streets, or 2298 Sixth street. 1 B. F. Hoffman. | REAL ESTATE FOIt RENT | FOR RENT Building, corner York and Ash streets. Size. 45x50 feet. Lately j used by Northeastern Bottling Works. ! Inquire corner Cowden and York streets. I FOR RENT Frame house. 8 rooms. Water in kitchen, 1840 Boas street, I SIO.OO per month. Henry E. Fox. No. 2 North Court street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT Nine-roomed and bath dwelling house; complete laundry; front and rear porches; granolithic walks; Iron fences; cement cellar; steam hsat; magnificent interior deco rations. Located on North Sixth : Street. Mac Williams Construction Co., 2150 North Fifth street. j FOR RENT Two single fireproof I Karaites, situated In rear of 1435 and ' 1437 Shoop street. Rent. $5.00 each. Im mediate possession. J. E. Gipple, 1151 : Market street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Four large rooms for ' j light housekeeping. Kitchen and bed room newly furnished.other two rooms nfurnished. Corner house; steam neat; use of phone. Fine location. Ad dress 8., 3323, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT A suite of unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; water in room used for kitchen; use of bath and heat; no children. Apply 620 Camp street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, second door, suitable for light house ; keeping: no children. Inquire 521 I North Fifteenth street. FOR RENT Large room, suitable | for one or two persons, with or with out board: use of telephone and city ] heat. Apply 9 North Front street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, second floor front, adjoining bath; steam heat: electric light and gas. Apply 7 North Thirteenth street, or call 1149 Bell phone. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front j room In apartment for rent, at 10S North Second street: all conveniences, I Including use of phone and bath; de- I sirable home for gentleman. Apply 205 I Locust street. j ROOM FOR RENT Pleasant, third floor front room, furnished; good light, ! i heat and use of bath; rent reasonable, j 402 South Fourteenth street. FOR RENT Suite of rooms on second floor front, for one or two gen | tlemen, with use of bath, phone and I city heat; reference required. Apply 272 Briggs street. FOR RENT Suite of rooms, flrst floor, central location; suitable for doc tor. attorney, or milliner; rent reason able; also very desirable second and third floor rooms. Address S.. 3305, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Second-story, front room; newly furnished; steam heat: i electric lights and phone service. Ap j ply 125 Pine street. FOR RENT A third floor front 1 room, with heat, light, bath and use of phone. Call IS39R. FOR RENT Room for rent for single person or married couple. Ap ply 209 State street. FOR RENT Second floor front room, facing Capitol Park: stationary washstand (hot and cold running ; wat ?r); electric light; city steam; use I of Bell phone and large bath. A?ply .410 North street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Refined, young couple, j without children, want room and board | at once. Private residence preferred. Phone Mr. McElroy, 860. WANTED—Room and board In small. I private family, by young man of good habits, centrally located. Address A.. ■ 3303, care of Telegraph. WANTED ! WANTED Second-hand baby i I coach; white one preferred; must be in ! good condition. Apply 17 North Nine teenth street. WANTED 3OO men to purchase our ~!.)eclal Suit Pressing Ticket for SI.OO. veep pressed, and look well dressed, at a cost of 33 1-3 cents a suit. Ouy's, i 26 South Third street. Phone. j WANTED To buy, second-hand j typewriter; must be in good condi ! tlon. Address H„ 426, care of Tele | graph. WANTED To buy a hot water house heating boiler. "J. K. R.,'" 25S North Front street. Steelton, Pa. WANTED Mother, unable to sup- ' port child, wishes to find permanent 1 home for him. Four years old. Physlc ' ally perfect, intelligent and lovable. : ' Address 8., 3306. care of Telegraph. WANTED Three or four gentle- ; . nie«i boarders, who appreciate nice, 1 j comfortable home. Apply 1712 Regina i street. | POSITIVELY' highest cash prices ! i paid for Ladles' and Men's cast-off good Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and I I Carpets. Send postal to 636 Herr 1 street. City. ! IOH SALE FOR SALE A handsome solid ma- i i hogany diningroom and bedroom suit at a sacrifice; must be seen to be ap preciated. Address E. A. Z„ care of | Telegraph, City. FOR SALE Stock of groceries in | good location. Stock at invoice and I fixtures at a stated price. Address 8., I I No. 214, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Player piano, 88-note. I : mahogany case. Colonial style. 36 rolls i of music. Will sell to reliable party i part cash, rest in small payments. Ap- • i ply 1828 L/jgan avenue. FOR SALE One second-hand rub- j ber-tlre trap. $12.00: wagon, suitable : to deliver milk, $18.00; one top buggy, $31.00: one extra lance market wagon. ' S4O. H. M. Mendenhall, Paxtang, Pa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Three- I quarter to one ton truck, with express bodj'.in A 1 condition. Will sacrifice or 1 trade for roadster or touring car. A good opportunity for one wishing to ko in the delivery or express business, i i or will sell part cash, balance in month- | ly payments. Call 2003 North Sixth. FOR SALE 1914 Ford touring car, in good condition: demonstration. Call 1 124 Hummel avenue, Lemoyne. ! FOR SALE Public sale Thursday, i December 2. 1915, of Clsrar Store and Pool Room on account of 111 health. Lo ; eated on business street. 20 South Hanover street, Carlisle, Pa. FOR SALE Buick. 32 H. P. Roadster. Exceilent condition. Address R 3320, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE. STEAM BOILERS—Two ! slightly used cast iron square sectional j \ boilers; one 925 sq. ft. and one 2,340 sq. ft. capacity. Fisher Brothers, 1001 ' Capital street. | FOR SALE At Shaffer's. 80-88 j ; South Cameron street. A full stock of Antl-Freezlns; Solution. Positively | guaranteed to keep your automobile : radiator from freezing. FOR SALE One horse, coming 4 years old: fearless of steam and motor' cars. Cheap to quick buyer. Mrs. S. C. i Schrlver. 1428 Regina street. FOR SALE Good gas range, heater. ! hall rack, miscellaneous articles; must I be sold before December 5 on account I of moving. 1502 Green street. |, FOR SAijE Ten-week-old Boston Terrier Puppies from prize-winning i ,stock. 1639 Naudaln street. City. H ARRISBURG TELEGRAPH j FOR SALE FOR SALE. CHEAP To n k buyer, a dumb waiter. Apply to Amerl j can Dairy Lunch. 4 Court street. FOIt SALE. ."TEAM BOILERS—Two slightly used east iron square sectional boilers; one 925 so. ft. and one ".340 sq. ft. capacity. Fisher Brothers. 1001 Capital street. FOR SAIiE 3OO Single-comb White ' Leghorn pullets for sale, first-class stock. 50c apiece; must be sold quick. Apply lClk view Poultry and Supply i House. 1702 North Third street. FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up j to-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large •Gold Fish and Globes of all sizes; Bird Seeds, natural Fish Food and supplies 'Gebhardt. the "Bird Man." 1004 North ! Third, between Boas and Herr. ' OVERCOATS AND SUlTS—drummer s sairples (latest styles) at positively i lowest prices in the city. Call—be con vinced. Cohen & Son, Reliable Pawn- I brokers, 431 Murket. at Subway. ! FOR SALE —. Chesterfield Overstuff ed Davenport, 7 ft. Empire Green Panne. Never used. Box M. 3282, care : of Telegraph. FOlt SALE Scratch Pads new I supply—so for 26c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department, The Tele graph Printing Company. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph business Office. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Booms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of | Telegraph. ' FOR SALE A high-grade Player ! Piano; used less than thirty days in private home; moving; sell at sacrifice; reasonable. Address Box K. 3284, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE. CHEAP Fully equipped Job and Newspaper plant, doing good business. Reason for selling—other wise engaged. Address S., 3256, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT FOR RENT lsland in Susque hanna. 1 mile below Duncannon. 6 above Marysvllle; 50 acres under high state of cultivation. Cash or shares. Apply S„ 3321, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPOKXUNITIES DRUG BUSINESS, combined with 1 confectionery and soda fountain busi ness. for sale. Corner location on 1 prominent street. Rent. 820 per month. Price reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. WE will paint any old. leaky Roof and guarantee a water-tight job. Pos tal brings us. References from hun dreds of satisfied patrons. Hlte & Hlte, 135 Brady street. ANT intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock port. N. T. I MADE $60,000 in five years in the mall order business, began with 16. Send for free booklet Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport. N. T. BUSINESS PERSONALS ARCADE BARBER SHOpT sS N. Court Street. Newly remodeled and refitted. Clean and sanitary. Complete svstem Red Cross Sterilizers used. Massage, 25c. Shave, 10c. P. D. Rlchwine. Pro prietor. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market (treat. Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. BelJ 1960. FIRE ESCAPES, when needed, are of great importance. They ure soon worthless if not well painted. We paint them and paint them well. Hlte & Hite, No. 135 Brady street. HAUCK'S Automobile Repair Shop. Work guaran teed. Ford cars a specialty. Cars for hire. Bell phone 1613 J. Rear 1418 Swatara street. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN. Boarding stable nnil National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general hav.l- Ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO L£)AN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O Box 174, Harrlsburg, Pa. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, 82 per month and up. We Invite inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second ttreet. Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE . I IN 3-story brick building, rear 499 Market street. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 40S Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, 81 to 83. Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR A BRIDGE OVER 1 WYALUHING (REEK AT CAIIP. TOWN. WTALCBIXU TOWNSHIP, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA. THE Board of Commissioners of I Public Grounds and Buildings of the ! Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will j receive sealed proposals until 2 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday, the 14th day of De cember. 1915, in strict accordance with the plans and specifications, as prepared by David A. Iveefe, the Board's Engi neer, for replacing bridge over Wva lusing Creek at Camptown, Wyalusing I Township, in Bradford County. Penna., • destroyed by flood July 8. 1915. As a guarantee of good faith and to secure the Commonwealth from any loss by failure to comply with the ' terms of the bid, all bidders will de- I posit a certified check, payable to the i State Treasurer, for the sum of Four ! Thousand Dollars on some responsible ! Pennsylvania Bank or Trust Company, at least, twenty-four hours before the time set for the receipt of the bids. They shall take the State Treasurer's receipt therefor, which receipt must be deposited with their bid. Checks will be returned to Uie makers, unless forfeited, after the suc cessful bidder's bond has been approv ed and acceded. Proposals shall be In sealed en velopes, marked "Proposals for re building bridge at Camptown, Brad ford County, Penna.," addressed to "Samuel B. Rambo, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harris- j burg. Pa." SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. C. P. ROGERS. JR.. Secretary. Pennsylvania State Highway Depart ment. Harrlsburg, Pa. Sealed proposals will be received at said office until 10 I A. M., December 7. 1915, when bids I will be publicly opened and scheduled 1 and contrsct awarded as soon there- ' after as possible, for the construction of a double 50-foot span Plate Girder Bridge on the Station Road, crossing Four Mile Creek, in Harbor Creek Township. Erie County. Plans and specifications may be seen at office of State Highway Department. Harris burg; 1001 Chestnut Street: Philadel phia; 903 Hartje Building, Pittsburgh and Warren .Savings Bank Building' Warren. Pa. particulars and In formation on application to Robert J Cunningham, State Highway Commis sioner. SLIGHT ADVANCES MADE IN MARKET Some Few Specialties Record (»ood Gains; Dealings Dull Most of Day Hy .issociatrd I'ress Now York. Nov. 29. On the re sumption of trading to-day. stock of j various descriptions recorded moder ate advances, with greater gains for I a few specialties. Mercantile Marine preferred, rose 2% which it soon in j creased to 3% at 70 % and General | Motors rose 4'4 at 460 V*. later going |to 465. Some ruils were fractionally better and standard industrials mani fested a similar tendency. Offsetting features however included further weakness in American Tobacco which yielded 7 % points to 22, with some heaviness in Northern Pacific, Can adian Pacific and New Haven. Dealings became increasingly dull after the opening, with a sagging ten j dency to rails and standard shares, i Canadian Pacific and "Soo" its suh j sidiary, were lower by a point or more jalso St. Paul, a condition ascribed to (the Canadian government's seizure of ! large quantities of wheat within the | Dominion. The effect of this step re j mains to be seen, but its bearing upon j Northwestern roads and our exports of j food stuffs is already obvious. Stocks jof an obscure character rose 3 to 4 points, but failed to enlist public in terest. By mid-day heaviness became j niore pronounced, with a renewal of ( activity. Bonds were steady. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co.. members New » ork and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har rlsburg; 133 8 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, Nov. 29. .. , „ Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 26% 24% American Beet Sugar ... 63 % 61 % American C& F 82% 82 % American Ice Securities. 27% 27 American Ixicoinotlve .. 71 72'j | American Smelting .... 100% 98% | American Sugar 118% 117 s * I American T & T 12 8% 128 % 1 Anaconda 89% 88% Atchison 1071/ i 107 j Baldwin Locomotive ... 116 114% I Baltimore & Ohio 94% 94 j Bethlehem Steel 448 459 . Brooklyn Rapid Transit 90% 90 % California Petroleum ... 27% 26% Canadian Pacific 186% 185% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 63% 63% Central Leather 59% 59% Chicago, Mil and St Paul 94% 94% Chicago. R. I. and Pacific 20% 20% Chlno Consolidated Cop. 55% 54% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 52% 51% Consolidate Gas 144% 144 Crucible Steel 7514 73 nj Distilling Securities .... 46% 46% Erl « 44 43% Erie. Ist pfd 58% 58% General Electric Co .... 176 175 % Interboro-Met, pd 79% 78% Kansas City Southern .. 32 V* 32% Lehigh Valley 8>2% 82 Maxwell Mot 7514 73^ Mex Petroleum 93 92% Miami Copper 34% 34 U Missouri Pacific 6% 6}l| National Lead 65 65 1 General Motors 459 470 Goodrich B. F. "1% 70% I Great Northern p<l 126% 126%! Gt North Ore subs 51 50% Guggenheim Exploration 78 77% Inspiration Copper .... 46% 46% Interboro-Met 21% 21% New York Central 102K 102 NYN H H 73 % 74 Norfolk and Western... 119 118% Northern Pacific 116% 116% Pacific Mall 33% 33% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 59% 59% Pittsburgh Coal 36 35% LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR BRIDGE OYER SHAMOKIN CRREK, AT TEXTH STREET, SIMILRY, NORTHUM BERLAND COUNTY, PENNA. THE Board of Commissioners of Pub- j 11c Grounds and Buildings of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania will re- i ceive sealed proposals until 2 o'clock ' P. M. of Tuesday, the 14th day of De- ! cember. 1915, In strict accordance with i the plans and specifications, as prepar ed by G. A. Flink. the Board's Engi neer, for replacing bridge over Shamo kln Creek at Tenth Street, in Sunbury, Northumberland County, Penna., de stroyed by flood January 9, 1915. As a gurantee of good faith and to secure the Commonwealth from any loss by failure to comply with the terms i of the bid. all bidders shall deposit a certified check, payable to the State Treasurer, for the sum of One Thou sand Dollars on some responsible Penn sylvania Bank or Trust Company, at [ least twenty-four hours before the j time set for the receipt of the bids. They shall take the State Treasurer's re- i ceipt therefor, which receipt must be i deposited with their bid. Checks will be returned to the makers, unless forfeit- \ ed. after the successful bidder's bond I has been approved and accepted. Proposals shall be in sealed enve lopes marked "Proposals for rebuilding bridge at Tenth Street, Sunbury, Northumberland County. Penna.," ad- ! dressed "Samuel B. Rambo. Superlnten- | dent of Public Grounds and Buildings." SAMUEL B. RAMBO. Superintendent. I C. P. ROGERS. JR., Secretary. «. | EXECUTORS' NOTICE Estate of Elizabeth Gardner, late of the City of Harrlsburg. Pa., deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters > testamentary upon the above estate have been granted to the Central 1 Trust Company, Harrlsburg, Pa., anfi Regina Gardner. All persons indebted to said estate J are requested to mawe payment and those having claims or demands 1 against the same will make them known without delay to CENTRAL Titus'" COMPANY, Harrisburg. Pa. | NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that appli- | cation will be made to the Court of 1 Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County. Oil Tuesday, November 30. 1915. at 10 1 o'clock A. M.. or as soon thereafter an ! said Court shall be in session, for the I transfer of the retail liquor license now 1 held by Peter F. Pendeigast for prem ises No. 214 Cheßtnut street. Third Ward. Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, known as HOTEL BOL- i LINGER, to John E. Smith and Andrew ! J. Farrell. \ D. S. SEITZ, Attorney for transferees. 1 PROPOSALS PROPOSALS Pennsylvania State Highway Depart- ! ment. Harrlsburg. Pa. Sealed proposials will be received at said office until 10 A. ' M., December 16, 1915. when bids will be ' pubt'cly opened and scheduled, and con- t tract awarded as soon thereafter as Possible, for the construction of a 59 • t. 6 in. span piste girder bridge, in cluding masonry, situated near Kear sarge, Erie County, Route 258. Plans 1 and specifications may be seen at office : of the Stste Highway Department, Har- . l-isburg; 1001 Chestnut Street. Philadel- j phla; 903 Hartle Building, Pittsburgh, 1 and Warren Savings Bank Building. Warren. Pa Full particulars and In formation on application to R J. Cun- ! nlncham. State Highway' Commissioner. I NOVEMBER 29. 1915. Pittsburgh Coal pd 108V4 lOSVi , i Press Steel Car 65'.. 66 I Railway Steel Spk 46' J 45 U I i Ray Con Copper 26 25 j I! Reading 82% 81% I Republic Iron and Steel. 5151 Vi | Southern Pacific 103V4 103', Southern Railway 2,3 », 23 | Southern Ry pfd 62 4 62>i ; Studebaker 154}4 153 'Tennessee Copper 58 5 S Third Ave 62 62 ~ ! Union Pacific 141 110% I U S Rubber 54 58% IT S Steel 87% 56% I? S Steel pfd 11 u Tit 115% Utah Copper 80% 79% Vn C C 46% 46% j i Westlnghouse Mfg .... 70 69% I j PIIII.ADEI.I'Hia »'Ront;ris Philadelphia, Nov. 29. —-\Wheat 1 | Higher: No. 2. red, spot, and November, 1 ' JL1 101.16; No. 2, Southern, red, sl.ll® ' | Corn Firm; No. 2. yellow, local, 77 ! ■ |<B>7Bc; steamer, No. 2, yellow, local, 76 t ! 77c. j Oats Firm: No. 2. white. 44%® ; 45% c; No. 3, white. 426 43c. ■ Bran The market Is firm; city . | mills, winter, per ton, $21.00; western. .[Winter, per ton, none here; Spring, per I ton, $23.00® 23.60. Refined Sugars Market steady: powdered, 6.06@>6.10c; fine granulated, , 15.95®6.00c; confectioners' A, 5.85& 5.90 c. Butter Market higher; western, creamery, extras. 33% c; nearby prints, I fiincy, 37c. Eggs The market is lower; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts. ! free cases, $11.70 per case; do., current receipts, free cases. sll,lO per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $11.70 • per case; do., firsts, free cases. sll.lO per case. I Live Poultry Market steady; fowls. 14@16c; old roosters, lltftl2c; broil j Ing chickens. 16B17c: Spring chleUens 114®! 16c; ducks, 13® 16c; geese, 14® 16c; i turkeys, 18 0 20c. | Dressed Poultry Market lower, j fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18®>18%c; do..average, do., rniattractive, 14®16e; ice packed fowls, 13®)18c; old roosters, broiling chickens, [nearby, 21® 1 2oc; do., western, 14® , 21c;l : Spring ducks, nearby, 18®20c; do.. western. 16018 c; geese, nearby, 16® 18c; do., western. 14®; 16c; turkeys, nearby, choice to fancy. 26® 28c; do., western, do., 25®!27c; do., fair to good, 122024 c: do.. Inferior, 18® 20c | Potatoes Market steady; Penn sylvania, fancy, per bushel, 75@78c; Pennsylvania, fair to «ooti. per hushes 65@70c; Jersey. No. 1, per basket. 40@ 55c; Jersey. No.. 2, per basket. 20®25c. I Flour The market Is quiet: winter, (straights, $5.10@5.30; do., patents. $5.40 0*5.70; Spring straights, $5.25®5.40; I do., patent. $f>.40#5.60; do., favorite. 1 brands, $5.75®6.00. | Hay Market steady; No. 1, large i bales. $21.00fn21.50; medium halus. $20.50® 21.00; No. 2, do.. $ 19.00® 19.50; I So. 3. do.. $15.50® 17.50. Light mixed, $19.00®>19.G0; No. 1. do., i : tl8.00®18.60: No. 2. do.. $15.00®) 16.00. CHICAGO CATTI.E By Associated Press I Chicago, 111., Nov. 29. Hogs Re ceipts. 48,000; active, 10c to 15c above' Saturday's average; Bulk of sales, | j56.26®6.85: light, $5.85®6.80; mixed, I I $6.1507.00: heavy, $6.35® 7.00; rough. I $6.35®6.50: pigs. $3.75®0.65. Cattle - Receipts, 24,000; steadv. I Native beef steers, $5.65010.50; west- 1 ern steers, $6.20®8.30; cows and heif- I ers, $2.70®8.00; calves, $6.2»®10.10. Slieep Receipts. 22,000; steady. Wethers, $6.00®6.35; lambs, $6.7509.00. CHICAGO BOiRI) OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Nov. 29.—Board of Trade ! closing: Wheat December. 1.053.i; May, I 1.08%. I Corn—December, 64%; May, 68%. Oats —December, 41%; May, 14%. Pork—January, 17.95; May, 17.92. Lard—January, 9.50; May. 9.75. Ribs—January, 9.65; May, 9.82. WOMAN'S INFLUENCE OX THE WORLD'S MUSIC I In Ihe case of Wagner we can also] find female influence exerting strong ; j power in some of his compositions. The uncomplaining devotion of his] first wife can scarcely be exaggerated. | During the Paris days of poverty she | trudged about seeking and obtaining [loans for her husband (a W'agnerlan loan was practically a gift), she took in lodgers in their humble apartments, | she blacked the boots of husband and lodger, and she sewed and washed an.i drudged, only to be set aside when ; the- days of prosperity came and when i she objected to her husband seeking 1 inspiration from the wives of other men. Such inspiration he found 'n | Mathilde Wesendonck, who was the chief factor in bringing forth "Tristan ] and Isolde." I But the reader should imagine two ■ distinct Wagners, almost a real Dr. [Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Wagner tha : Little and Wagner the Great. The I latter It was who never forsook his | highest ideal In art: who worked a rp • I O • J| I icker Dervice II CHANDLER BROS. & CO. \ y S NORTH MARKET SQUARE HARRISBtTRG, PA !| p Offer unsurpassed facilities foj- trading- in all markets. |||.| ||l| All New York Stock Exchange official quotations ?&; reported by exclusive ticker service in this office. j|||j ( NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE '.M, t'd9?< PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SSis P*jß MEMBERSI NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE Wffl jSMj CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE * VJki I CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE '.|J? J CHANDLER BROS & CO. If OFFICES— I'HDSE*— J } Levi Brandt Estate No. 1 Addition to New Cumberland Half Acre Plots $490 Smaller Plots S2OO Gas, Electric Lights, Water and Sewer Connections. n KEENEY & SIMMONS, Agents 5c TROLLEY FARE EASY PAYMENTS NEW CUMBERLAND < ■ I quarter of n century upon a great mu sic drama ("The Ring of tho Nibel ,ungs") without the hope of ever see jing'it given, and wrote to a friend, I "If I live to complete it I shall havo j lived gloriously, and If I die before it ; is finished I shall have died for some thing beautiful." The second wife of Wagner wai I Cosmia, the daughter of I.iszt. Cosmirt ] Wagner was a helpmate indeed for • her imperative and very erratic hus ! band. She was his secretary; she J stood as the buffer between him and | troublesome visitors; she was the I diplomat who smoothed out many a ! trouble that was caused by Wagner's . imolitic and Irritating ways; and next jto himself. Wagner loved her as well as anything on earth. (l.ouis C. ! Klson in the December Mother's Maga j zlne.) , MON ASTIR ABOI'T IX) FAIX B.v Atsoeiaiid Press Athens, Nov. 2it.—A battle between I Bulgarians and Serbians, is raging be ;tweon Prilep and Monastlr, a dispatch (.states and it is thought that Monastir cannot hold out much longer. I FRANK R. LEIB > & SON j ! Real Estate and Insurance Of fice, No. 18 North Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT j 3-story brick dwelling on | sth St., New Cumberland, Pa. All improvements. Rent, $25.00. i Possession at once. 10,000 sq. ft. floor space in ! building northwest corner ' Court and Cranberry streets. | Use of elevator. Possession at j once. 1816 State St., 3-story brick i dwelling, 9 rooms and bath. < All improvements, side en trance. Possession at once, j Rent, $25.00. 1531 N. 4th St., 3-story frame dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, j All imp. Possession at once. Rent, $16.00. I FOR SALE Lot 37x66 ft., at Bartlne and ! Briggs Sts., in rear of City Grays I Armory, with hollow tile building J on rear of lot, suitable for garages. | Built for squash tennis courts and I has installed water, gas, electric ' lights and hot water heater. Apply | to DONALD McCORMICK 215 MARKET ST. READY MONEY for individuals pressed by lack of funds to meet Immediate necessities, at legal rates, pay able in weekly or monthly In stalments. No publicity. CO-OPERATIVE Loan & Investment Co. 204 CHESTNUT ST. Tjnder supervision State Banking Department. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers