4 [T.ADIES' BAZAAR] DON'T FORGET t n fo Q j.l Q. DON'T FORGET THE NUMBER lU-J£ O. *lO Ot. THE NUMBER "We Advertise the Trath—The Tnrth Adrertue* U»" GET THAT NEW COAT FOR THANKSGIVING Of course;, you will want your new coat for Thanks giving—and the kind you want is to be had here at usual price advantages to be enjoyed at this store. PIjUSH COATS —% length Plush VELOIK AND CORDUROY Coats, flare model, chin chin collar COATS —Plain and fur trimmed with narrow band of beaver, fancy styles, variety of stvles, and shades, silk lined, worth FIJ 1 Q QQ worth sls to *27.50 $26; our price *>10.170 to Other Plush Coats in a variety of I V.570 plain and fur trimmed models, ur 1x .., worth S2O to JSO; priced here „ ZIBEEINE COAIS a. r> na ~ - _ With eliin cliln collars, plush trim -3>10.75 «b35.9S ' mcd collars and cuffs, half lined, worth $18.98; 0 1O qo PEBBLE CHEVIOT COATS— In our P rice green, navy and brown, fur trim med. chin chin collar, C 7 QFL OTHER COATS —in plaids, worth sls; our price «P # »S7O checks, corduroys and fancy mix- BUOADCLOTH COATS —Black tu . res ' "orth $7.98 to $18.98; our Broadcloth Coats, silk lined, worth P rlces * 2O i° $4.98512.98 $14.98 to $18.98 . N f— \ Wednesday Special Wednesday Special I $2.50 Lace Waists, $1 Onyx Silk Hose, 790 \ | $1.59 , S ! lk Ho8C • 111 I! Xew model, allovcr lace waists i=,® nn i . bronze, regu- If —silk lined, worth $2.50; sp- - lar sl.°o quality; special 70 cia i Wednesday *1 EQ only, choipe «M.0!7 U S——B—wxaimiA, ft Miss Anna Mae Pancake Has a Birthday Party Miss Anna Mae Pancake, of 119 Paxton street was hostess at a pleas ant party for a few of her little friends. The children enjoyed a de lightful evening. playing various games and guessing contests. Miss Eelle Pancake ei:'ertalned the guests with vocal and instrumental selec tions. A prettily appointed luncheon Was served to the Misses Sara Keil, Blanche Raine, Katie Hutie, Kathryn Xipholas. Helen Reichert, Esther K:\utz, Margaret Gramm, Catherine Smith, Alva Shoemaker, Anna Mae Pancake, Belle Pancake, Gertrude Keil, Mr. and Mrs. Runyan, Miss Re becca Runyan. Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Ream, Chester Smith, Al toert Pancake, Mr. »nd Mrs. Howard Pancake. EUGENIC MARRIAGES Will insure to this country a health ier and more Intelligent "family of the future" and many a woman, obviously unfit for marriage, has had her health restored by the timely use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, the most successful remedy for female ills the world has ever known. Enormous quantities of roots and herbs are used annually in making this good old-fashioned rem edy and no woman who suffers from female ills should lose hope until she has tried it —Advertisement. I The Doctor Says Eat GLUTEN BREAD GLUTEN BREAD is ! prescribed by physicians as a diet for Diabetics and cases of Kidney and Liver troubles, Rheumatism, Obesity, etc. The U. S. Pure Food Laws require I that GLUTEN FLOUR must contain at least 35 per ! cent, of gluten or protein. Our GLUTEN BREAD contains about 40 per cent. | j (a recent test showed 42 per j cent.) and must not be con fused with inferior grades. To be safe insist on CUN NINGHAM'S. Phone orders for Gluten Bread, Rolls, Pies and Pastry will re ceive prompt attention. Bell Phone 2252. Automobile delivery to all parts of the city. CUNNINGHAM'S Walnut St. at Court I m " "D EARING in mind that almost everywhere one shops, one sees the usual kind of goods, we have gathered together this year the largest stocks we have ever had of goods that are different. Men's and Women's Jewelry IN THE BEAUTIFUL New Green Gold UNUSUAL GIFTS IN CRYSTAL AND SILVERWARE What would it mean to you to receive a gift that came from Boas' ? C. R. BOAS. 214-216 MARKET STREET JEWELER SILVERSMITH TUESDAY EVENING, Suffrage Experiences , of Miss Lavina Dock Among the interesting speakers at a meeting of the Franklin County suffragists at the Chambersburg head quarters, was Miss Lavinia Dock, for j merly of this city, who was introduced iby Mrs. \an T. Haulman, president ■ of the association as "the beloved (sponsor of Woman Suffrage in Frank- I lin jcounty." j Miss Dock told a brilliant story of ( her experiences among the foreigners i in New York City where she lias been engaged in settlement work for a number of years. She said that in the work of the I suffrage party among the foreign ele- I tnent ill New York City they used ! banners with "Votes for Women" em i broidered thereon in the language of (the people among whom it is used and • composed of the colors of that nation. | She had with her a banner used | among the Turks and Syrians whose j colors are the same, rod and white, i On one side the suffrage slogan ap peared in the Syrian script and on ! the other side, the slogan in the lau | guage of Turkey. | Mrs. John W. Miller and daughter, j Miss Florence K. Milled, of Emerald | street have started for an extended [Western trip including San Francisco. iTliev will return home via the Panama Canal. Mrs. Philip Hummel of Maclay street has returned to v Willow Crest Farm, Bendersville after a short stay in the city. | An Old, Family Cough x Remedy, Home-Made | | Easily Prepared —Costa Very | | Little, but Is Prompt, Sure | [ and Effective w | By making this pint of old-time cough syrup at home vou not only save about fr>, a s compared with the ready-made J • kind, but you will also have a much more i prompt and positive remedy in every way. , It overcomes the usual coughs, throat arid l chest colds in 24 hours—relieves even ! whooping cough quickly—and is excellent, . too, for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, ! hoarseness and spasmodic croup. i Get from any drug store 2y 2 ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth), pour it into a ; pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Full directions with Pinex. Keeps perfectly and tastes good. \ou can feel this take hold of a cough or cold in away that means business. It ?uickly loosens the dry, hoarse or pain ul cough and heals the inllamed mem branes. It also has a remarkable effect In overcoming the persistent loose cough bv stopping the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes. The effect of Pine on the membranes is Known by almost every one. Pitiex is a most valuable concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine extract combined with guaiaeol and other natural healing pine elements. There are many worthless imitations of this famous mixture. To avoid dis appointment, ask your druggist for ounces of Pinex," and do not accept any" j thing else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction ' or money promptly refunded, goes with I this preparation. The Pinex Co.. Ft I Wayne. Ind. jgj fmSONAD'Z^OCIA^^ THE MACCABEES WOMEN'S BENEFIT Miss Lounsbury Speaks to Large Audience Interested in This Great WorU Three hundred members of Harris burs; district of the Women's Benefit. I Association of the Maccabees gathered j ill Harrisburg Review Hall to wit ness the beautiful initiatory work of I the organization, capably given by the great commander of Pennsylvania, Miss Nellie E. I-ounsbury. of Warren. This rally was arranged by Mrs. May H. Hlckok, district dopputy. and her efficient workers. Mrs. Hickok has charge of the Harrisburg district, comprising the counties of Adams, Dr.uphin, Cumberland, Leb anon. Perry and York. Preceding the ceremony introducing the distin guished guest a feature of especial mention was when two beautiful little girls, Dorothy Garlin and Cleo Miller, drew a tiny wagon laden with roses and presented them to the great com mander. Captain Spruceba-ik and her guards could not have been surpassed in the exemplification of their part of the work and the songs of welcome and , closing composed by the captain were j a credit to her ability along that line, j The commander, Airs. Estella Barr, j performed her part with ease and j grace and all who gave charges should ; be complimented on the efficiency of i their work. This organization, of about 187,000 women, provides life benefits, last ill ness and burial benefits and free hos pital service to those who need and desire it. The provision for free hos pital service is oue of the most im portant features of the association, the iirst free hospital bed in this stute hav ing been endowed in the beautiful new Homeopathic Hospital in Pitts burgh. The association is "good enough for the best." and those who fully live up to their obligations cannot but be better fitted for life's earnest work, fully carrying out the Master's teachings of goodness and helpfulness. Great enthusiasm was shown on the part of this large class to generally promote the cause. Mrs. Hickok wishes to thank the commander, rec ord keepers, musician, the captain and the guards, and till who aided in mak ing this the best meeting ever'held in the city. Thanksgiving Meeting ... . of the Meade W. C. T. U. A thank offering was taken last eve ning at a meeting of the Meade W. C. T. U. at the home of Mrs. J. 11. Kuse, the president, 15 North Seventeenth street, which will be distributed among the needy at Thanksgiving time. The general subject for discussion was "Our Blessings." Mrs. M. A. Bennett, Mrs. George Shartzer and Mrs. Kase comprise a committee to meet with the committees from the East Harrisburg and city unions, plan ning for a day of prayer for the na tional constitutional prohibition amendment, to be held December 2. Mrs. Walter Fishel was appointed superintendent of the suffrage depart in entj. Miss Nellie Behm of Lucknow was a recent guest of Miss Donna Wilson and Miss Lottie Zeigler in this city. PRACTICE HOCKEY GAME The Turk and Tartar Hockey teams of the Seiler school held a practice yesterday afternoon on the Island at 2.30 o'clock. This is the final prac tice before the second game of the series to be played to-morrow after noon at 2.30 o'clock. Epidemic of Matrimony in Harrisburg Hospital Quite an epidemic of matrimony has broken out in the Hi-rrisburg Hospital, with- four of the physicians fatally at tacked. The first symptoms are great secrecy of actions, followed by mar riage sooner or later. The lirst of the doctors to succumb to the attack during the oast few months was Dr Charles Snyder, of Marysvllle; next came Dr. Benjamin Garlinkle. who eloped with Miss Re becca Handler to New York city. The third was Dr. Lester Warren Frasier, of 711 North Seventeenth street, a for mer colleague of Dr. Snyder's, whose wedding to Miss Mary L. Ketterer, of Camden, N. .T., was solemnized last Wednesday. The fourth. Dr. George Lauman Laverty, took for his bride Miss Rebekah Eleanor Kendig. of Bal timore. Dr. I-averty was a hospital interne two years ago and is now a member of the medical staff there. Miss Pearl E. Johnston. 2329 North Sixth street, entertained the Covenant Guild at her home last evening. Miss Dora Wickersham 'Coe, of North Second street, is going to Lan caster to-morrow to visit her cousin, Miss Leavitte Wickersham, and attend the large charity ball on Thanksgiving Eve. Mrs. George Douglass Ramsay, of Locust street, will l>e a guest at the wedding of Miss Ella Brock to Joseph N. Du Barry in Philadelphia to-mor row. Mrs. Charles Reinoehl, of Steelton, and Mrs. S. N. Traver, of Paxtang, have gone to Bethlehem for a few days. Miss Lou Spangler. of the State De partment of Health, will spend part of the week in Chambersburg. Mrs. Charles Chandler, of Carlisle, has returned home after visiting her relatives. Miss Tillie Fisher and the late Joseph Willis, in this city. Mrs. Alvln I. Miller.