12 CENTRAL HIGH FAVORITE TO WIN THURSDAY-GARNETS TO PLAY INDEPENDENTS QUAKER TOSSERS HERE THURSDAY Independents Expect a Hard Game With Garnets; Strong Thanksgiving Game The Harrisburg Independents will have one of their hardest Raines of the ■eason Thanksgiving nigrht, when they Jin© up against the Philadelphia (Jar nets. Fans will remember that last ■eason the Garnets defeated the Inde pendents by one point in a game that •went three extra five-minute periods. This season the Garnets have the same line-up which they used last year and already have been winning • ®ames. Anions other teams they have defeated _Pittston. last yeur's State league champions, on Pittston's floor. ' The locals came through the opening Wme with Shamokin in good shape and hope to present their regular Jine-up against the Garnets. With the two nights' practice which they will fret before Thursday they hope to be In better condition than they were Sat urday night. A special dance program has been prepared by the orchestra for the holi day game and dancing will continue I until 11.80 o'clock. Harvard's Profits Large During Nine-Week Season Special to The Telegraph Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 23. The Harvard football toam attracted nearly $225,000 in gate receipts during its. eeason of nine weeks, it was estimated | yesterday, and the gross returns to the ' Harvard Athletic Association will be 1 close to $125,000. Tbe expenses of the football team will amount to SBO,OOO or $35,000, leaving a net profit from this year's team of more than $85,000. More than 165,000 persons saw the Harvard team in action this season. The record crbwd was at the Yale Kame last Saturday, when 49,000 per sons paid $98,000 to attend the game. The Second largest crowd was at the Princeton-Harvard same, at Prince ton. X. .1., when 10,000 persons paid $60,000 to witness the contest. The Harvard-Brown game attracted 20,000 nnd the! Cornell and Penn State both e gate of 15,000. BENFER QI'TTS ALBRIGHT Special to The Telegraph Myerstown, Pa., Nov. 23.—"Haps" IRenfer. the big Red and White star fullback, has played his last, game of football for Mbright. This annouc.e *nent was made this morning by Coach Charlie S. Kelchner, who declared that i the recurrence of an old injury makes It Impossible for P.enfer to get into the game for Albright against Muhlenberg on Thanksgiving Day at Allentown. {The Muhlenberg game Is Albright's last contest of the season and this year completes Renfer's fourth year of foot hall for all time and it is not likely that he will play professionally. Ren fer's last appearance on the field was In the game with Susquehanna on Albright Field a little more than a *veel< ago. and he was the factor in Al bright's fi to 0 victory, carrying the hall from midtield on two runs and Ihen executed a forward pass to Springer on the goal line for the only tally of the game. GOTHIC THE NEW ARROW 3 for 25c COLLAR IT FITS THE CRAVAT EDUCATIONAL School of Commerce Troup Building 15 So. Market Sq. Day and Night School 22d Tear Commercial and Stenographic Courses Bell Phone 1910-.I Harrisburg Business College Day and Night Schoo! Sept. 7, 1915 Business Shorthand ami Civil Service, 30th year. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL Kaufman Bldg. 4 S. Market Sq. Training That Secures Salary Increasing Positions In the Office Call or send to-day for Interesting l>ooklot. Bell phone 694-R. ' >, Christmas Cards Attractive Designs Beautifully Executed. For those seeking an individual greeting card for Christmas, there is on sale here a most handsome assortment which is most attractive, both in design and treatment. Call at this office or phone ns. A representa tive will call, at your convenience. % The Telegraph Printing Co. I It'll lioo United 20® TUESDAY EVENING, i Tech High Scores 1 in Twelve Contests 190."i—Central, 23: Tech, 0 1905—-Central, 12; Tech, 0 1 90'i—-Central, 11: Tech, 0 1907—Central, 10; Tech, 0 IDoß—Central, 11; Tech, 0 1909—Central, 11; Tech, 0 1909—Central, 20: Tech, 0 1910—Central, 6; Tecli, 0 1911—Central. 11; Tech, 0 1912—Central, 12; Tech, 0 1 91—Central, 0; Tech, 0 1914—Central. 12; Tech, 19 Totals 189 19 «- ' Sports of All Sorts In the P. R. R. T. M. C. A. Bowling League series, the Superbas last night i defeated the Colonials, scores 2115 to 190 G. Fagan made 217, and 544 for ' high scores. Gnhaut High basketball team is arranging a schedule. Games are wanted with amateur teams. The manager is Fred Koenig, Enliaut, Pa. The Penbrook All-Scholastics will play Royalton A. C., Thursday morn ing. The game will be played on the grounds at Thirty-First and Canhy streets. An interesting game is an ticipated. The Lemoyne A. C. would like 'o arrange a game for Thanksgiving morning. The average weight of the team Is 120 pounds. Write Harold H. Hoagland. The Orpheums won tbe Casino League series last night. "Pop" Mill er bowled 500 in three games; and 221 for high individual score. The score was, Orpheums 27G0; Alphas 2618. Palmyra A. A. is seeking a game for Thanksgiving morning. Address C. Manwiller. Good strong attraction is desired. • MEW LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS I The organization of the Enola Ras ketball League was completed yester day. C. B. Zimmerman was elected treasurer to succeed H. G. Hassler. The teams, captains and managers follow: Team No. 1-—Manager, E. G. Hass ler; captain, A. B. Knell; R. L. Mountz, C. B. Shelly, L. S. Blosser, E. R. Shopp. Team No. 2—Manager, J. E. Rloss er; captain, P. W. Bowman; F. T. Fisher, G. E. Spahr, E. F. E.vde, C. W. Campbell. Team No. 3 Manager, C. B. Zim merman; captain, H. L. Crist: G. W. Lutz, R. A. Shelly. W. G. Gibson, W. L. Roclcey. Team No. 4 —Manager, J. W. Mon-j ath: captain. L. Moore: C. R. Berry, B. Knaby, Win. Dunbar, J. P. Gib son. Tuesday and Thursday of each week was selected as regular days for prac tice for the first team. • CELEBRATION AT LAFTYETTE Special to The Telegraph Easton, Pa., Nov. 23.—A1l practice! on March Field was called off yes terday and tbe teams were permitted to join with the students in tbe general celebration over the victory over Le high. There is not a man on the squad who is injured as a result of the game. There is particular joy over the fact that in this one game on Saturday Lafayette scored more points than Le high did in the three straight victories which it recorded against Lafayette. The team was given a splendid ban quet at the training table last night. GETTYSBURG >1 AY CANCEL GAME Special to The Telegraph Lancaster. Pa., Nov. 23.—Football authorities at Franklin and Marshall are somewhat perturbed over the re port that Gettysburg may not be aide to play here on Thursday owing to the fever epidemic at the latter institution. The Gettysburg contest is the big game of the local schedule and there will he disappointment if the game is not played. News is anxiously awaited from the Gettysburg authorities. WILLIE RITCHIE WINNER Special to The Telegraph Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 23.—Willie Ritchie outboxed Eddie McAndrews in the wind-up at Ojympia, last night, before a big crowd, in one of the fast est bouts seen in that arena this sea son. Ritchie clearly demonstrated his superiority as a boxer over the Mana | yunk lad, and won by a safe margin, j although he did not seem to over i exert himself and there were times when he might have fought faster than | he did. ■ iu t \ BEAD4VAIITRRS KOtl SHIRTS SIDES & SIDES V_ „ V [garner SIGN AND ADV CO. SIGNS SHOW CARDS ADVERTISING NOA'ELTIES of every description 520 Market St. Bell I'lionc 729 LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE HAS YOUNG GREEK WRESTLER '; . •• Annvllle. I'a.. Nov. 23.—Lebanon Valley College will be represented on the mat for the tiret time in its history, Jack Ozar, Greek wrestler and middleweight champion wrestler of America volunteering to coach a team. A call was issued two weeks ago and twelve candidates have appeared in the gymnasium three times a wesa .or instruction. The first bout will be held after the Thanks giving vacation to determine the best material In the school. A manager will be elected to look after the sport and arrange a schedule. Ozar Is a Oreek and has never been thrown. Me is a member of Coach Guyer's fast varsity squad and is known for his strong work on the line. He has accepted the challenge issued by a Dickinson College man to wrestle for the championship of the Institutions. In the Pigskin Camps V ) Dickinson. —The Dickinson College football squad is now preparing for the final game of the season against Lafayette on Thanksgiving Day. This game has been the wind-up of the local team for the past, ten years and the Red and White eleven has always made the Eastonians hustle. Coach Dunn did not risk any scrimmage on Riddle Field this afternoon, but point ed out the mistakes made in the con test against Susquehanna Saturday, ; after which he put the Vanity through j a snappy signal drill, changing the' line-up frequently in order that the i substitutes, if they should be called on, I will not interfere with the teamwork, j Rueknell. Darkness stopped the I Bucknell practice this evening after j Coaches Johnson and Cockill had! given the team a long drill on drop- ! kicking and forward passing. Very ! little tackling was indulged in, but the j cold weather added lots of snap to the j playing of both regulars and sub stitutes. The result was one of the best drills of the year. Dent, Banks I and Lawrence worked out on the var- I sity ends with Yarnell. the former end, j working in the back field. Lebanon Valley.-—Coach Guyer cut j down his Lebanon Valley varsity foot- i ball squad this afternoon to twenty | members. As the scrub eleven closed ! its season's schedule on Saturday, the coach notified those players to report for practice who would be taken to Lewisburg on Thanksgiving Day, where Bucknell will be met. Preced ing the choice for the varsity team Guyer gave the players a limbering-up exercise, consisting of catching for ORCHARD WORK IS TO START MONDAY Dr. Surface Announces the Dates For the Annual Dem onstrations of the Stale Dr. H. A. Surface, Stale Zoologist, last night announced completion of arrangements for the orchard demon strations. which will be started next Monday. The locations are new and a general change has been made among inspectors. The dates for this district are: Adams County—E. C. Bowers, dem onstrator. Saturday, December 4, Dan iel Clarence Jacobs, Gettysburg R. R. No. 5. Columbia County J. S. Briggs, demonstrator. Friday, December 3. J. L. Dillon. Bloomsburi,. Dauflhin County J. S. Hochland er, demonstrator. Monday, November ! Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE Jn Effect June 27. 1915. t RAINS leave Harrlsburjj— For Winchester and Martlnsburg at B:03, *7:52 a. m., *3:40 p. m. For Hagerstown. Charnbershurg, Car | lisle. Mechaniesburg and intermediate ! stations at *5:03, *7:52, *11:53 a. m *3:40, 5:37. *7:45, *11:00 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and I Mechaniesburg at 9:48 a. m„ 2:16, 3:26 I 6:30, 9:35 a. m. | For Dillsburg at 5:03, *7.52 and *11:53 a. m., 2:16. *3:40, 5:37 and 6:30 p. in. •Daily. All other trains dally except Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE, .1. H. TONGE. G. P A. SAFETY mj FIRST I The object of 'SafPl' First" Is prevention. You can prevent your advertising from meet in*: the fate of the waste basket If yon will make It attractive with proper •liustration. Bring your ne*t cop* :o us for Illustrative I trenttnent One treat ment will convince you 'but our methods • purees* The Telegraph Art &Engraviiig Departments 216 Lccust Street i . • HAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH ward passes, line-charging and a jog around the field. No changes were made in the line-up, with the excep tion of Bechtel, whose tackle position was filled by Guard lx>omis. Penn State. Former Penn State stars are rallying to the support of the Blue and White eleven for the Pitts burgh game on Thanksgiving Day. Pete Mauthe, captain of State's unde-' feated 1912 team, to-day joined the coaching staff. For the next three I days he will assist Bud Whitney with | the back field development. "Bull" ' McCleary has been here for a week, j giving special instruction to tbe backs jin the art of eluding tacklers. Head j Coach Dick Harlow again gave the I regulars only a light workout, per • fecting the formations to be used i against the Warnerites. Until the ! squad leaves here Wednesday morning j there will be only sufficient work to I smooth out. the offense and to keep the | men limbered up. I Villanova.—Villanova began its last j five days of practice yesterday by in- I dulging in one of the hardest drills of j the season. "Gus" Ziegler, the former j Penn star, was out this afternoon, as l sisting Coach Sommer with the eleven, land gave them*many valuable point j ers. A hard scrimmage for nearly ; three-quarters of an hour featured the ; afternoon's practice. The scrub eleven using Fordham formations was lined up against the varsity and Coach Som mer instructed his men in the proper method of defense against each play. The scrubs managed to gain a little ground by line plunging, but on open plays the first team's defense was flaw less. 29. O. S. Row. Williamstown; Tues day, November 30, Middletown Or phanage, Middletown. Franklin County Cyrus T. Fox, demonstrator. Saturday, December 4, Harry B. Krebs, Mercerburg. Huntingdon County E. L. Loux, demonstrator. Friday, December 3, Rufus E. Miller, Dublin Mills: Satur- ! day, December 4, O. M. Wright, Cal vin. Juniata County E. L. Loux, demonstrator. Monday, November 29, Ira J. Shirk, Mifflintown: Tuesday. November 30, Harvey W. Memminger, Spruce Hill. Lancaster County Cyrus T. Fox, demonstrator. Monday, November 29, Adam B. Vogel, Lititz, R. R. No. 3; Tuesday, November 30, C. B. Snyder, Ephrata, R. R. No. 1; Wednesday, De cember 1, Charles I. Landis, Para dise; Thursday, December 2, 'J. E. Hostetter, M. D., Gap, R. R. No. 3 ; Friday, November 3, L. K. Stubbs, Peach Bottom. Lebanon County J. S. Hochlan der, demonstrator. Wednesday, De cember 1, Levi Hostetter, Richland; Thursday, December 2, S. H. Bom berger, Lebanon, R. R. No. 6; Friday, December 3, David Risser, Midway: Saturday, December 4, Buclier Ging rich, Fontana. Lycoming County M. L. Benn, demonstrator. Monday, November 29, Edward E. Fronts:, Hughesville; Tues day, November 30, G. G. Bigger, Unityville; Wednesday, December 1, ! W. 11. Banzhaf, Muncy; Thursday, De j cember 2. William H. Field, Bodlne; Friday, December 3, John Taylor, Cogan House: Saturday, December 4, . W. H. Loscli, Jersey Shore. Mifflin County K. L. Loux, dem- | i onstrator, Wednesday, December 1. [Thurston Liddick, Lewistown. Montour County J. S. Bring.--, : demonstrator. Saturday, December 4, Prof. F. W. Robbins. Pottsgrove, R. j R. No. 1. j Northumberland County J. S. ■ Briggs, demonstrator. Monday, No vember 29, <>. G. Ramer. Pitman, R. IR. No. 2; Tuesday, November 30, John H. Scott. Shamokin R. R. No. 2: Wednesday, December 1. R. Sco't ! Ammerman. Danville, R. R. No. 6: | Thursday, December 2, Guy Rodney li. D., Sunbury. Schuylkill County S. W. Kerr, j demonstrator. Monday, November 29, |C. H. Weldy, Tamaqua: Tuesday, No ! vember 30. Adolph Berner. Tamaqua. ; R. R. No. 1; Wednesday, December 1. ! Leon Tckert, Mahanoy City: Thurs- I day. December 2. Dr. W. S. Long-acre, | Sillier: Friday. December .1. Robert A. | Brelsch. Ringtown: Saturday, Decem- I her 4, Edwin P. Berkheiser, Summit | Station. Snyder County —J. C. Wilson, I demonstrator, Saturday. December 4, j Dr. Percival Herman, Kratssvllle. York Count y. E. C. Bowers, : demonstrator. Monday, November 29, I Jacob G. HoMmaster, Woodbine. R. R. j No. 3; Tuesflay, November 30, Yoe Orchard Company, Yoe: Wednesday, | December 1, O. C. Eberhart, Dallas- I town. R. R. No. 1: Thursday, Decem | ber 2. H. B. Goodling. Glen Rock; Fri < day, December 3, Albert Shorb, Han over. R. R. No. 2. Union County J. C. Wilson, demon ■ strator. Wednesday. December T, Buffalo Valley Fruit Farms. Mill mont R. R.; Thursday, December 2. Greene Shivel.v, Mifflinburg. R. R. No. 4; Friday. December 3, I.J. L. Retz, Lewisburg. i PICK CENTRAL TO WIN CLASSIC GAME New Arraiigt'ineßls For Annual Coßtest at Island Park; j Tickets Now on Sale Throughout Harrisburg, and in many towns within a radius of 50 miles, the Central-Tech game sched uled for Thanksgiving is being dis cussed. With favorable weather a crowd of 7,000 is expected at Island Park. This year there will lie many new features and the patrons will bo given every advantage possible. Cen tral is a favorite to win. The game will start at 2:30 sharp. Every player including the substi tutes will be numbered Officials and players along the side lines will be seated. The Central student body will march to the Island and occupy the north end of the left field bleachers. The balance of these seats will be for tbe spectators. There will be no re served seats. The grandstand and right field bleachers are open to all spectators free of charge. Tech on West Side Tech students will also march to the Island. They will occupy the tem porary bleachers along the west side lof the gridiron. Two lines of ropes will be run aroung the Held. Fifteen feet will be allowed for spectators be tween the first and second ropes. Automobiles may be parked back of the second rope. No jitneys will be admitted to the grounds. They must deliver their pas sengers at the approach to the Wal nut street bridge. A one-way thor oughfare has been arranged for auto mobiles entering the grounds. They will proceed to the coal plant and turn, parking along the road facing the bridge approach. All patrolmen will be mounted and there will be no less than 25 officers on hand to see that the rules are car ried out. Owners of cars are espe cially requested to give close attention to the parking of their cars. Ample room will be provided for the jitneys to turn after delivering their pas sengers. The sale of tickets started to-day at the store of J. Harry Messersmitli, 212 Market street. No extra charge will be made for tickets purchased in advance and those desiring 1o avoi-l the rush at the gates on Thanksgiv ing Day will find this a big accom modation. «i I2..V)—WASHINGTON AMI HETURX— S2.SO. NEXT SUNDAY An ideal Sunday outing under ideal conditions. Pennsylvania Railroad. Special train leaves Harrisburg 7:03 a. m. —Advertisement. ELIZABETH A'TLIjE WINS The big game in the upper end was played Saturday between Elizabeth ville ex-hlgh and the Susquehanna A. C. eleven of Millersburg. The Eliza bethville team won, score 20 to 0. This game attracted a large crowd. Millersburg was outplayed. The vic tors also pulled down the champion ship for that section of the county. "When Good Fellows Get Together" You will find fresh-rolled cigarettes of deliciously mellow "Bull" Durham in evidence at banquets, club smokers and other social featherings of men of wealth, prominence and experienced tastes, n the fragrant smoke of this mild, delightful tobacco formality gives way to congenial good-fellowship. Ir you would be fashionable, expert in the company of connoisseurs, you "roll your own" —and your tobacco is "Bull" Durham. GENUINE "BULL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO To millions of experienced smokers there is no other tobacco fragrance comparable to the wonderful, unique, mellow-sweet flavor of "Bull" Durham —no other cigarettes so fresh, tasty and satisfying as those they roll for themselves with this tl r golden-brown, bright Virginia-North Carolina • w™" Roll a "Bull" Durham cigarette today— /jp| vou will experience a distinctive form of to- //ill (fi bacco enjoyment. If ||j|| I I™* | An Illustrated Booklet, show r|\ r.r. ' n ß correct way to "Roll Your I Own " Cigarettes, and a pack- I B age of cigarette papers, will both be mailed, free, • i to any address in U. S. on request. Address "Bull" Durham, Durham, N. C. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY ViL ■■BBSSeaeBiBw»SPeH«SeaBBmBSSSHSHHaSBBSSHB*SeeHB*eu NOVEMBER 23, 1915. wellysMcorner A fiery littlfi southerner won the intercollegiate cross-country run held at Roston last Saturday, covering the six-mile, course in 32 minutes 21 1-5 seconds. "Johnny" Overton, the Yale captain, was the winner. Overton is a man who has done 51 seconds in the quarter, 2 minutes in the half and well under 4 minutes 30 seconds in the mile, while he holds the Yale epeord for the two-mile in 9.33 or thereabouts. Top bad he hasn't the inclination to enter the sprints in his spare time. Penn-Cornell and Army-Navy are the two hyphenated words that are heard most this week. Tech and High arc two more that are of a whole lot more interest to a few people here abouts, and then some. The annual scholastic game on Thursday between Central and Tech will be the thirteenth battle. It is go ing to be a hoodop game for one of the teams. These yearly contests started in 1905. Two games were played in the first year and two in 1909. Last season Tech eleven won its first victory. Central was a bear cat, scoring 139 points to Tech's 19. Reports that a suit will be entered Woman Says She Dug Pit j to Bury Husband Alive Ratavia. N. Y„ Nov. 23.—District] Attorney Coon went to Darien yester day and searched for the body of Luigi Matroni, 40 years old, who, it Is al leged, was buried alive there last May. The district attorney was accompanied by Matroni's widow and son and An tonio Boliva, who is serving a short term in the Monroe county peniten tiary. Mrs. Matroni came here from Syra cuse to tell the story of the alleged murder after she learned of Boliva's arrest. She declared that on the night of May 9 Boliva went to her former home in Darien and asked for food. She alleges that he attacked her hus band with an axe handle. Boliva, according to the woman's story, then made her and her son dig a pit in the cellar, in which the semi conscious man was buried. Fear of Boliva, she said, kept her silent until now. CROSS-COUNTRY RUN l/>-R VY The second annual cross-country run at the Harrisburg Academy took place this afternoon. The competing teams were the Greeks and the Ro mans. The race started at 3:30 I o'clock. Three medals will be award ed runners finishing one, two, three. Points will decide the award of the cup to the winning team. HENDERSON IS WINNER Last night's wrestling match at the Orpheum attracted a large crowd and furnished much Interest. Only one fall was recorded. Mort Henderson after working one hour and thirty minutes secured a toe hold on Joe Roncone, the Italian compelling him to give up. It was announced later that Roncone's toe had been broken. by the Harrisburg Hospital against Ed ward G. Barrow, president of the In ternational League, has stirred up baseball circles. The hospital authori ties have a claim against the league for treatment accorded baseball players. In the opinion of many local busi nessmen who subscribed for coupon books, -President Harrow has treated Harrisburg very shabbily. He quit the city without thanking the fans and those who helped him out of a big hole. He left unpaid bills amounting to $450, and it is said carried out of the city at the close of the season no less th;ui $750 in cash. When the official scorer filed his claim for serv ices he was informed that the league was bankrupt. One week later Presi dent Barrow went to San Francisco as the representative of the alleged bank rupt league, incurring a large expense. One local clafm against the Inter national League, it is said, was paid promptly. The Western Union Tele graph Company, according to reports, was paid promptly. It was explained that this company pays a bonus to the league for running wires to the various baseball fields on the circuit; that in order to get this cash Presidenl Har row was obliged to pay the local bill. I ACADEMY HAS CHAMPION TEAM | Coach Tatem Turns Out Shir Eleven From Green Material; Lost One Game Coach Tatem, who this year piloted the Harrisburg Academy football team through an unusually success ful season, has for the second time vindicated the selection of those who chose him as the man to put the Academy back upon the football map. It is possible to trace the workings of the "invisible hand" which, when materialized, clearly spells out. i T-a-t-e-m, In view of the fact that he j last year trained green material to the point where they broke oven on the season's game. This year turned out an eleven that won every game but one, losing to Wenonah Academy . by a 13 to 0 score. Academy's 177 points to their op -1 ponent's 13 is a comparative total that, no matter how you look at it, | refffects credit upon the team and coach. The team and substitutes will celebrate with a turkey dinner at the Academy this evening, having the I faculty as their guests, and this event i j closes the football season. II At least three of the linemen and • two backfield men will return next • year as a nucleus for the building up 11 of what all the members of the squad •i believe will be another championship I team.