Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 19, 1915, Page 5, Image 5
To-morrow—The Time to Prepare For the Thanksgiving Festivities The Great Sale of Makers Surplus Stocks Offer Big Money-Saving Opportunities Shop Now For Xmas We Trim Kaufmans Store Opens BA. M., 1 f Free picture^ f °you J Stocks now complete. prim HATS I 3J OflTl'^lufSCtlirClSSurplus I Closes Saturday I I >urrh«^M 0l of el ii'oo e I much more convenient and rrtvr I « fef y\ '■- - f * <l . i- OXOCI\S I _ . ___ enlarged and we guarantee to satisfactory to shop when you r KLt jy t Evening 9 P. M. return same_to you in perfect I J"" YOUR THANKSGIVING APPAREL I £" Whether It Be a Suit, Coat or Dress—Will Be Quickly Found at Kaufman's &at Exceptional Attractive Prices KSSKN Hundreds of New Suits, hundreds of New Coats. The surplus stocks of New York and Philadelphia's W? ■■ best makers, all here for you at prices that are less than makers'cost. Every Model a Bargain >Q V-" II Swagger New $15.00 Suits for Women / Women's and Misses' Coats; Worth || /\ juk\ jL J; and Misses. Manufac- d* Q 4m J&. SIO.OO. Manufacturers' T7 C!! S y \?*.\ ££ !! turers ' Sale Price / A SalC Price (PO« IO ;; , \ j iS/ / '• > t ' ie wante< * colors and sizes, in a wide / £w_. jAfaf s \ A good variety of fashionable colors; all ' J (nili) - j n&g'" \ sizes and the newest styles. || /■ lIV '• Stunning New $lB Suits For Women [ <|®BF?\k A. TV fIHBI Women's and Misses' Coats; Worth " rßPlpty fi/illl\ and Misses. Manufac- 1O AA 1M& ) |l .JV j&mHIU sl4 ' oo ' Manufacturers' d»Q fiA I! . . p • « 30 0 turers' Sale Price ... <P 1 Z.UU 1 | Sale Price V«/*uU ;; This Seasons Mann !! A " this season's smartest styles, colors ( «jk Striking new models, excellently tailored J J Blouses For Women Manu- « sizes. \ | a co * ors an( * ®^ zes - ■* / / in an almost endless variety and <• CleVer, Stylish $22.00 Suits For Women |™M Wll , j Mli Women's and Misses' Coats; Worth!! L-/J a riot of beautiful colors anil styles. J J and Misses. Manufac- "1 .PA Jk ''H ®/I VI I All the newest shadow laces, nets, \ \ tur „_, g.,. p- tb 1 4.3U MW WMMM&I / \ \ , P &IS.UU. Manufacturers fl» lOAA .. Cggf , W\feW E and crepe de chine silk; all colors turef S oale Hrice ... V * ••VV aJ, Ilv .Mt/ h i Sale Price V X MtUU JJ I^L and sizes. ' J All sixes and colors, In both fur trimmed fmSl'. j|;ji' -.tiVw"?. ifiUWi I \ \ I 1 Tll . ( )h .„, <> ■*• ' —'•" ■'*'■—■' Gorgeous New Blouses For ~«r plain tailored models. \ \ ! ■ how such a little price could buy such - Girls' Newest $3 Serge Dresses. Women Manufacturers MW \ I I UjU! //I values. All sizes and colors. !! Manufacturers' d» I AC Sale Price $3.95 - Beautiful $25.00 Suits For Women !! Tew'styles, made of wool SIB.OO r+ tf°A ors: all the most wanted materials ■> jWKnrSS'iEwMM !] Manutactui ers | Cfl " ! . _ _ included, rascinating use of nets, ■■ A host of the newest models produced O-Tn Sale Price X a <> Girls Newest Pure Wool $4.00 •««". Georgette a feature j j for (llis season s wear. All colors and sizes. TvaVT , , , . Serge Dresses. Manufacturers' of the showing. All sizes. ~ VO \ Splendid varieties of the handsomest <• " & . . _ A Handsome New Blouses For !! M W models, in all the latest effects; all sizes and !! Sale Price <j» \ Women Manufacturers' Women's and Misses' Extra Large V)) J colors and materials. season's'prettlMt Fa" styles. Sale Price O*J !! $30.00 Suits. Manufac- tf|l A 7 C /' \ " In all colors and sizes Bto 14 years. at r'..ssv ' willow' taffeta chine. Georgette crepe.' nets, taf- !! Mndc of handsome all wool materials, in Fully worth from $35.»0 to $50.00. T-, u _, DT r , r\AT'C '!! Serge Dresses; Worth up to fetas, flesh, white anil plain colors, .. black and navy blue; 37 to r>3. Manufacturer- 1 Sale Price rOr oest rLUon tUnlo ~ Mannfarfnr Ark r\ F< dainty stripes and pretty plaids. •• Nothing new.er created for this season's selling ~ i P O - manuiawiui- U'M yu All the newest stvles and sizes. " : than thene choice models we offer at $24.75. Made And they are priced lower than you can ers' Sale Price . . tP M•iJ U Gorgeous New Blouses For "Forstman & Hoffman $25.00 Suits ' anTboMom of r °coat° th All 'the begin to buy them anywhere else. See these ;; .Clever models, of fine cor- Women Manufacturers* •• For Women and Misses. Manufac- ant ' s!^r s i '' oatß are " necl 't' l the ljpst de X 25.00 New PI.XSH CIQ JK ~ other colors; sices Bto 14 years. oiri . ■» . , c . _ . _ cygne lining. COATS, for A ' u .. 3 e IKC va'st'r Tr ,:: e vU/.i)U 'note- 1 <"M..m.r i»„>in« H s u » « P i coats, for .i>z4.75 ;; Serge Dresses effects in'Geolgette crepe 6 shadow t It s a rarp ~lin K to receive one of this 4'oat nt Kaufman's to-morrow which 537.50 Now PI.CSIT <!OQ fffl •> a t vl la. es and the new UaJium Ue fl !! maker's garments below price. These come iJ",^pl^tvT,f COATS ' fOP .. Am „ inff valuM __ the newest of Blouses: plenty of lovely combina- ■■ In a good lot of desirable models: all sizes TISmUKD-lvine linv $45.00 New PIAISH <> the new. Splendidly made and tion effects. All sizes, all colors •• ~n n /.«!«.■= L J fnr . <PuO»UU <> trimmed: large variety from which und all this season's latest stvles. * ' ' to choose; all sizes. ■*+■*■*■*■*■*+++++++++++++++++++++++4,++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*++ r ftmttttttttntttKtnnminimtnnntrmfflffini * C% Another Great Saturday Sale of * For Saturday I Two Splendid Fur Specials F«r Saturday | I Warm Winter COATS For Girls * Only : abP/fow^J' 1 "" 1 ' Furs in ,he Utest style and remark " i I g ul" s . ) __ AII s,zos -to M Years * . | , . $35.00 Natural Opossum Scarf f » ttfit&SsZsL «S Smart, stylish, practical Coats, made Just as handsomely for girls ★ Special Sale Of Dollar J _ n j Muff t M F V: as the larger coats for women. All the newest styles, colors and sizes + . 2 u f * for jrtrls up to 14 years. * Watches | _ MAJiUFACTrnBnS' SALE' PRICE, S J >WmW 8:{ -' 0 <° * 4OO Glr l s ' WJ ntor COATS; $7.50 to SB.OO Winter COATS For * weH-known make-stem wind il . t9i 7^ * j j [A HjW,# Manufacturers' CO 75 '"'^ ls i, i ;. la,,u $5.95 1 and stem set; every _ 74-C ♦! * Sale Price * ' "choice C o f'new'mixtures, cordu- ★ w »tch guaranteed | » Colors, natural, black, Alaska,! * W!Z{ New corduroys, astrakhan, etc.; c'oulrs'aru? sizes niode ' eil lainb: J . if Scwfs «A MellonXffs! '* I * ( ,A V W M tTS«M Winter COVts'kot BW $8.50 Ph.rfi a.i«l Fur Trl.nme.l $ $1.50 tO $3.50 Values in ;| * V T-r''' A Y to *«.oo Winter MAT i . CO ATS; Manufacturers' ig QC ★ Lavalliere«; H Women's and Misses' SIO.OO £ % I Girls; Manufactruers tf?o 7C Sale Price «PU.*7«J ★ /fc (I iL~/\ \ I*' 4 ' l "® * * ur t J' mme I c ? 1 oats . sizes 6to 14 Pretty gold-filled kinds, set with t|HM « «iviptrTiKt'Rv' «»i f n mrp £ * / X f l /o/ V \ years: fur collar styles, 2to 6-yr. + various enlnred stones- d>l An ♦♦ vm il* ./ *& 4m 3P MAMFACTORERS' SAI.E PniCE, t J //\ \ A I \ V Sizes 2to 14 years; all wanted gizes: come in black, navy and ★ s.i pl ' $ 1.00 ;1 iff A - - * / 4 colors and new materials. brown. * Manufacturers Sale Price «" * ;i jKgg? M» (f/J At t * 4 WAL \V\ $0.50 Winter COATS For Girls; S^ S xrlmmed"co 'dJo' A'fi * 0T" VO.VD $ \1 \\ Manufacturers' $4.95 ManuWctu.crs' Saic PHce $8.95 ★ Odd Ivory Pieces 1 T ' arße Pi,low Muffs, natural | * ** V» \ - ale Price Made of the best materials and ★ „ u ~ . n g f, K rabbit, tiger stripes, scarf trimmed f * 2\ \ Vast collection of new styles and linings. Plush coats, in sizes 6to * Choice of Puff Hoxes, I-lair lte- * r VBH with heads and tails and satin J * fabrics; all sizes 2to 14 years. S years only. P'ur trimmed coats. ★ ceivers, Files, Hooks ?4f» It ii lined. f ™ ★ and Cuticle Knives " 1V j % 'MQK3S »||l% Coney Fur Scarfs £ WOMFN'S LEATHER Coney Muffs to match | Another Big Surplus Stock Sale of BLANKETS c j k_Wsr , P „. | T, r—r-1 a ,» sn■ „ ,1 J 1 ""™ 0 "" 69c New Goods r //7 fflf JyOrflflJll Jin/SPftlPflf* Unparalleled v"" w^w,- —v^.—^ww^v^wv Just Arrived l " Low Prices r— 7- ; ; —p i Continuing the Sale of 2,000 Pairs of Ladies' Kid andj v / v. J Makers Surplus Stock of i „ r ,?, , T , n , J ~.2 3„ K A vvc,nTON o 7c ?5e DOUBLE BKD SUEGTS Plain Woo' Finish Women's and Children's i Washable Glovcs ' at Less Than Maker s Cost j m.ANKFTs VtC . __ riain wooi rinibn Women s ana s ? Xo tclUng whcn we -|j cver ah | P to duplicate this offer. Buy] All colors, tan, gray and white, • ' - SS/C BLANKETS \n arm V'riit- syour winter supply now, before the stock is exhausted. good big size and beautiful borders, quality. Special, each Warm Jvmt V lr ' • Colors—Tan. Gray and White «j lilies' I.a<lies' Kid Gloves,J $1.50 COTTON CI OA , , _ jo 00 value Soeclal oair . $1.38 ¥ T ' 1 % Chamoisette New $1.25 Values; J Bl H\avy fc Totton A, Blanke'ts. ln\an, WO<W<PBLANKETS. SI «97 $2.25 value! Special! pair:... $1.48 I A A|> lA7AQ 1* J worth'sl.oo° gray, colored borders; size 72x80. Full double bed sjze woo i nal) $2.50 value. Special, pair... .$1.68 WIIU VI "T vttl Manufacturers' [ i ( > blankets that wilt give you good th . anf i <,i Z e<, ? So,e * >rice / \ 89c ■! 75c ECLIPSE COFFEE MI 1.1. wear, in a large range of colorings. «, no PI 4fn wnol All the wanted weights and sizes . f?Q / f A \ ! Desirable household size; S2.fi7 in good warm winter grades, priced J, Q&7C | j JfiZ* | In all the les.dlng^ grinds coffee either coarse, me- " BLANKETS, PAIR • exceptionally low. ? Good washablci J* |J iiiades and black.jj dium or fine; special OQ r $3.50 PLAID WOOLNAP ®0 1Q These Blankets are made by one Fi.FFrr LINEI) ?grades: very ser-I A, ./7\ jltwo-button clasp;J Saturday BLANKETS, PAIR $2.19 of the host mills in Pennsylvania b&AC«ED PAnS This blanket is a verv heavv and come in tan, gray, pink and long sleeves, all sizos; worth 35c. /and gray. Two \ J / rows of neat silk J HUCK TOWKIJS quality, made of oxtra fine cotton bl ue plaids; double bed size. Manufacturers' Surplus 23c ? ] U\^izes llo " c,asps ' \y / stitching:. JL'* a soft fleece surface. Stock Sale OC { A » Vi.. I o ' . 'i , IOC i Ladli;s' Kid Gloves n. " "f Ladies' Kid Gloves,, Special, each $4.50 WHITE LAMBS' <tO QC WOMEN'S FLEECE-LINED, S New $1 75 Vahles-' & Vow $2.25 Grades;" 15c TURKISH BATH TOW'ELS BLANKETS, $2 69 White , Lamb's Wool Blankets. PANTS, drawing string and pearl . Sale ITiee JjJ. £** " J Large white towels. 101 /_ _ PAIR ' . , buttons, worth 7Gc, all sizes up to ? A J! J._T Special IZV2C „ , with a slight cotton mixture; pink 44 Manufacturers' AC n $1.23 JC \ II 1 leecedown Blankets, and blue borders; size 70x80; Surplus Stock Sale **OC ? "Or TI-RKISII R4TH TOWFIS ! B '. 8 " k F° u !?,f : sli ehtly imperfect. i All sizes, In black and colors; I Perfect fitting and wearing. In, _»c TIKKISH BATH TOWK LS colors pink, blue and tan; size 72x nrrtvirv*fi vi vktf IT vim 5.r * ~ , , . I a lot of new colors and coloredi Extra heavy towels, large 1Q C .8 inches. itm, n fVIOV sriTS n Hi/Ji' 5 perfect fitting kid gloves, in I stitc hlng combinations; all sizes," sizes. Special / N $5.00 PLAID WOOL BLANKETS. worth Manufacti7re'rs' yl C ? black, white and colors. * black and white. J 25c AND 35c YARD-WIDE An Extraordinary tfQ QC «,i P ntii« fltnok 'S.IB 4DC 50«- TURKISH BATH TOWELS SATEEN—in blacks and colors! Value; I'air ... JbO.»o Surplus Stock Sale Fine colored border, extra large excellent grade; short lengths- . * '"'"' kll 39c 12 ' /2C j TWO GREAT TRIMMED HAT ! K^E~- A £9= giilp™ EFsf;""79= : SPECIALS, FOR SATURDAY ] V slightly soiled; special 53.17 CHILDREN'S FLEECE-LINED ♦ This Season's NeW- ' 12«ic HEMMED PILLOW CASES 50c TABLE DAMASK—Mercer- * 9 RIBBED VESTS AND PANTS, all \ • Jd* PA ! 42x36 and 45x36, in. >zed. full 64 inches QQ 85c CROCHET BED SPREADS sizes, worth 35c. Manufacturers' ? eStSS.UU 1 rimmed \ \ Kll 1 each •: 10c w,de " Spe !!!L_i^n-'" 39C i3i. 7 S ! nches 59c sa,T ,us , stoek 23c : H ats, Special Sat V 3. 3U ! <2x9o; each " inches wide, dice Jift r 1 ! , , 1. patterns, yard .... 49c 97c "'xf 1 2 P , t016 . ♦ « tt: - A lot of the best styles from which /X// / ! •Mi<- MIIBMV KHKRTS Special, each ,G „ C - Manufacturers 4 to make a satisfactory selection. is St 1 sail < Size 81x90 inches, good QQ„ Surplus Stock Sale I _ >• ■■■ I ! quality. Special, each ... C || SI.OO Turkish I I Oi > » 4 : 50 ,,.. in J i~3 size Satin Mar- /i //» K% \ mft KS pTll IBirlfkHrilWrn I HRVn■■ Ml K1 W 'II ; vets and hatter's plush Hats. Entirely new and ' "lesisn.- i°n 1 ' III"' K "°\ sl*9s ||j 1 [|ij| |h! | Qiii MlflStil! lli a| 111 HK! I Bill' r® IIIIMi ill fm jjr Jj J desirable shapes, variously trimmed with pretty ( 1 iM.jOllllili.i.iliiilllMß i.T. FRIDAY EVENING, ' n - HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 19, 1915 AoouseMeflTs OHPHECM To-morrow. matinee and night—"Me, Him and I." Monday night, November 22—Interna tional Wrestling Matches. Tuesday, night only, November 2S Jacob P. Adler in ••War Victims." (Yiddish). Wednesday, matinee and night, Novem ber 24—Jefferson De Angelis in "Some Baby." Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) and Fri day, with dally mutinees, November 2H-26 —"The Big Craze." Saturday, matinee and night, Novem ber 21 —"Have You Seen Stella?" "ME. HIM AND I" "Ale, Him and I" is the title of tlx* clever musical comedy concootion pre sented by Hurtig and Seamon. who in the past, through giving the public tl<« beat that money could procure, hav* has gained for themselves a reputation equalled by none and this season they have secured a better show than ever before, headed by Ollie Mack, assisted by Meyer Harris and Frank lie Mack, a trio of funmakers equalled by none. "Me, Him and X" Is a musical comcoy out of the ordinary, and written upon new lines and new business, and hav ing a plot that Is away from anything ever presented to the oations of the Orpheum, where this company will be seen to-morrow, matinee and nlglu; and all who enjoy a first-class atti-au tlon should not miss seeing "Me, Him and L"—Advertisement. INTERNATIONAL WRESTLING MATCHES Sensational is the offer made by Mort Henderson, who meets Joe Ron cone, the Italian champion, at the Or pheum Theater next Mondav night in i a wrestling match, the best out <>C three falls. This offer has all sportdom talking. It !s none other than an offer of $1 for each and every minute over five that any local u lvstser can hold him. Prospective candidal*-* for initiation Into '.he iron grai'p of Mort Henderson's clutches should a.- dress themselves t.o Mr. Buxlingame at the theater.—Advertisement. JACOB V. ADLER On the 23d day or November the famous tragedian and world renownel celebrated actor, Jacob P. Adler, to gether with his all-.star coinuany will invade the Orpheum for one perform ance in the now raging success in t'm city of New York, "War Victims,' i.,y |M. Riehter. author of "Her Awaken - ing.' This play is a dramatic vision ot the dreaded war situations now pre dominating the eastern hemisphere and the climaxes of which have reach ed the United States financially, ma terially and socially.—Advertisement. "SOME BABY!" AT THE ORPHEUM At the Orpheum, Wednesday, mati nee and night, the Estate of Henry B. Harris will present "Some Baby! a new three-act farce, revised and staged by Percival Knight and with the same brilliant company of funmakers that will be s£en in it at tile llollis Theater, Boston, immediately after this engage ment. "Some Baby!" deals with the remarkable events that follow the sup posed discovery of an Elixir of Youth by an old scientist, who, in view of the ingenious complications that follow his applications of the liquid to two per sons, is warranted in believing that this liquid does indeed work wonders. The cast includes many of the best known comedians on the stage.—Ad vertisement. MAJESTIC VAUDEVILLE Human comedians are plentiful, but an animal comedian like King is as rare as it Is genuine. King does every thing but talk, he does everything that human beings do, too. only lie' does them funnier. He is remarkably na tural, and humanlike in the perform ance of his various stunts, and then he injects an irresistible vein of humor jail through the act. Children of all ages owe it to themselves to see King I during his brief engagement at the Ma- I iestic, for he is easily the most cele brated monk now appearing in vaude ville. Another attraction of the bill of much merit &nd good fun Is the variety sketch called "Charley's Visit," which is admirably presented by Eadie and Ramsdell. The three supporting th hits include Uawrence and Ed wards, splendid comedians in a comedy called "The Pension Office." a Civil War'sketeh; the Sllverton Sisters, Eu ropean thrillers, and Segal and Math thews, the pleading banjo artiste.—Ad vertisement. > r "A BUTTERFLY ON THE WHEEL" AT THE COLONIAL Of Importance to theatergoers is the splendid picture version of "A Butter fly On the Wheel." that will hold forth at the Colonial to-day and to-morrow. In conjunction with this remarkable achievement In fildom, the sidesplitting comedy called "A Night at the Show," featuring the world's greatest comedi an, Charley Chaplin, will be presented as an added attraction Of special Im portance regarding "The Butterfly On the Wheel" picture Is the fact that Mr. Holbrook Blinn and Vivian Martin are cast for the leading parts. Mr. Blinn Is known as the most virile and decisive actor in motion pictures and Vivian Martin as the daintiest star in film dom. The Charley Chaplin comedy deals with numerous very funny Inci dents that happen when Charley takes a night off and goes to see a raving beauty shqw. It's one of the funniest pictures Mr. Chaplin has appeared in and is good for one long, continuous laugh.—Advertisement. Seeks Divorce From Man Who Wed Her on "Dare" Special to The Telegraph Reading, Pa.. Nov. 19.—The story of a young wife's realization that her husband had married her on a "dare" and never intended to live with her or acknowledge her as his wife, was told before a divorce master here yes terday by Mrs. Tda Michaelis, of this city, who is seeking a legal separa tion from Albert Michaelis, of Phila delphia. According to the wife the wedding took place in Elkton, Md., December 12, 1914, but they never lived to gether. Her husband returned to his parents' home in Philadelphia, she said, and sent her back to Reading, promising to provide a home for her within a month. When she called on him to keep his promise the hus band wrote that he never intended to live with her, that he had mar ried her on a dare and that she would not be welcome should she come to Philadelphia. The master recom mended a divorce. CLASS ELECTS OFFICERS Specia! to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., Nov. 19. —-Airs. D. L. Snavely's class in the Methodlsit Episcopal Sunday school, conuistlng of twelve young women, met at. the homo of their teacher ar.d organized by th» election of the following officers: President, Miss Mildred Garrison; sec retary, Mi9s Janet Garrison; treasurer. Miss Isabel Huminelbaugh. BRETHREN SERVICES Speciql to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa.. Nov. 19,—0n Sunday eevning the Brethren ir. Christ will begin evangelistic services in their church to be continued for two weeks. Services on Sunday and during the week at. 7.30 conducted by the Rev. J. H. Climenhaga, of Grantham, Pa. PIiAY AT IRVING COLLEGE Mechanicsburg, Pa., Nov. 19.—0n Thursday evening,' November 2fi, Thanksgiving day. The Dramatic club of Irving College will present the play entitled. "Tbe Adventures of Lady Ursula" in Columbia hall. PICKLED WHALE MEAT Berlin, Nov. 19. Pickled whale meat is being sold In a butcher shop In Burg, near Magdeburg. The meat can be stewed or roasted, and is be oomlng pnpular for its cheapness, costing but 65 pfennings a pound, about half the price of the cheapest and poorest meat of any other sort. Let us prove to you that we can furnish the best player for the least money. Spangicr. 2112 Sixth St.— Advertisement. 5