Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 19, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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25c Aromatic Spt. Ammonia, 60c Maybelle Chocolate Cher- M ■ ■ W J 1 YANKEE HOT WATER COMBINATION FOUN
-25c Sweet Spt. Nitre, 3 oib!, SoT'W' Evelyn" 1 I fl BOTTLES TAIN SYRINGE MOULD
15* Chocolates... 29 <• ■ M /H If HA No. 2 Red Bag. Moulded, 79? ED, RAPID FLOW
25c Ess. Peppermint, 3 ozs., 60c Chocolate Covered Brazil H| Ma t No. 3 Red Bag, Moulded, ® No. 2 $1,751
15* Nuts 89* «j . ■ ■ m ■ m L • •!.!» B.P. a, No. 3 *1.9.-,
25c Spt. Camphor, 3 ozs., 15? 50c Quintex Chocolate Cher- A H A M bA W WON PIECE HOT WATER t/, 00 iece * '
25c Soap Liniment, 3 ozs., 15? ries 29? Jlftb BOTTLES xr! iece ' No. 3 » SL49
25c Lime Water Ipt 15? 50c Special Assorted Choco- No 2 Red fi Moulded Yankee, Red, No. 2 ... $1.19
25c Camphorated Oil. 3 ozs lates . ... ..... 29? No 3 Red B Moulded> Yankee ' Red No. 3 ... $1.34
15? 80c Whole Brazil Nuts dipped "W __ 6 39 MOULDED FOUNTAIN
3 ozs 15? mels 29? If ■ J1 V v■ I k. J B VWI % i Anti-colic, black, white and B. F. G., Red, No. 2.. $1.50
25c Ess. Jamaica Ginger, 3 ozs., 60c Martinique Chocolate maroon 4? Alice Bulb Syringe 48?
15? Covered Almonds 29? Anti-colic, petite size 4? Red Rubber Gloves ... . . 19?
' v ' Hygeia Nipples 12? Crutch Tops, each 8?
Hudnut's Goods • _, T n-r
Hudnnt's Violet See. Talc Powder H»c O * I P 1 C i 1 1 %K 1 PAFENT T TXFF Q
Hudnut's Bubarry Toilet Powder 79c NHAPI2II NSila \SI til V"H Sfe 17 01111 IVE fttH fl Ql7 LL/lVjliMiO
Hudnut's Marvelous Cold Crenni Tubes ... 19c k*'l# wJICfcl UCllv 81/ CII Ul UUf M.1.1U iTlUilUCiy Low's Worm Syrup 17c 0
Hudnut's Marvelous Cold Cream Jars 38c ■ •/ J Lyon's Tooth Powder IGc
Hudnut's White Lilac Toilet Water 59c Li' Sol* Tooth ~as,° I 6° Q l ne <PowCl ' & Welght'n), oa.
Hudnut's Rose or Omar Toilet water 59c This announcement will be the means of saving many dollars to thousands of ° m ' 79t Quinine MII B •» crai.,
Hudnut's Lily of the Valley Toilet Water 59c , • TT _• L , ~ , ...... , . T _' _ _ ' ' ''
Hudnut's Royal nudnutlne Tale. Powder 19c people in rlarriSDUrg and surrounding tOWns. Will yOU be One of them. It con- Quinine Pills, 2 grains, |>er 100, 60c
Hudnut's Gardenia Toilet Water 59c tains the lowest cash prices for almost everything sold in a medicine store. It en- M " '
Hudnut's Extreme Violet Toilet Water ......... 59c , , . _ „ __ . . n/mlnr'a n,i„„
Hudnut's violet See. Toilet Water 5 0c ables y ou to save from 25 to 50 per cent. and always remember, our goods are Major" i««Ti.er cement' i v ,
Hudnut's Bath Salts 59,. f rP ch anH 0-#»niline Major's Rubber Cement ! . 12c R a "" a f s Ready Relief 37c
Hudnnt's sa.'hpt Gardenia » tresh and genuine. agSJ-J,. >£ **SB?SagS a *'..r*ni
Hudnut's Sachet White Wood Violet 39c - Malted JlHk Hwilck ; s K,,t B,sk,t I!..!!! lie
Hudnut's Sachet White Rose AIA ft 1 - Oa 3&c, 75e $2.90 IV 1 ' Blsk't Paste 19,.
Hudnut's Sachet Sweet Orchid li/l A'VirAV' 17-. J Maltine Medicine, all kinds'... 74c
Hndnavacw.icieAcid JUU IflarKet 01 jUv DfOad ot. XX ■£
Hudnut s Extract, pai.kage 39c Marmola Tablets 50c Rcslnol Ointment 37e' 69c
Hudnut's Extract, package 75c Mason's Cream of Olives 17c R'X'uma '39,.
Hudnut's Extract Bulk Violet Sec. —————_____ Martell's I'll Is *1.34 Ri pan's Tabulcs sc, 17e, 18c
Hudnut's Extract Bulk Lily of the V-Iley P A rpp TXTp C >!a^ l manowTA>am n " ,T . V.W.MZ R Barley,' it', Itc
Hudnut s Extract Bulk Monatlon i XX. x i-J -L N X 1 xCjxJ 1. VJIII Maurer's Rat and Roach Paste, 19c Roche's Embrocation ... $1 ->o
Hudnut's Extract Bulk Gardenia , McUadc's Succus Alterans . . .SI.A3 RoseVel .*Bc
rp-i,.,™ 13rtMrr1#»rc Hair Prernratlnnc Cod Liver Oil (Norwegian) pint, 45c Hansford's Balsam Myrrh. McNeil's Cold Tablets 9c, 18c Rudy's Pile Suppositories 34c
lalcum j-'owaers nair a bhev'a Effervescent Salt 34c, 67c contl CasUle Soap, lb 18c 17c, 31c, 67c McNeil's Complexion Pills ...19c Ruppert's Face Bleach $1.35
Aruren Talcum Powder 17c «i .>-, \n„ n > s «iiir Tte*»r«ror u«n " "Si 00 size 68c <-»nicase 15c Hanson's Corn Salve .........8c McNeil's Cough Cure 18c. 38c Russet's Emulsion 79c
Bahcock Corvlopsis Talc Powd., 8c si oo \yerV Hnir ' ' 73c ; r 's New Discovery 67c Harlem 0i11,5c; per doz 40c McNeil's Dys|>cpsla Tablets . : ,34c Rivertls Tmlcum 17c
Talcum Powder .... 15c Bandruff 19c \corn SaVve ... 8c Peawon's. Bc. 17c, 34c, 67c llarlcm 01l Capsule* ...15c. 34c McNeils Liver and Blood Purify-
jSyaSS?SS.*!SSfc.:& as gsHa»~»>~ rn !S:: ™ SSSR^;». h. ;K BSSS• ?"«
Mermen's Talcuiii Powder 11c ' gl 00 |> an ,lerlne 59c Allcock's Corn Plasters B.r HlnwoS"^^^^^'^^! 11 ' T>b " Mellon- ,n / ant J!'^ 1 Mc » Sanmetto ' ' Inv, « :o, ' atol " "
■Piver's Talcum Powder 16« si.oo Dollard's llirbaniim ;ii,. Allen's Koot I']asc l«c D. Hjmrwls Asthma C ure 70c M,nnon s (.orn Cure 18c
Squlbb's Talcitm Powder 14c 50c Herpielde ,'.'l.'.'29c Alexander's Lung Healer 15c Hair Dye, 34c, 50c "off's Malt Ilmro.r 15 ° M < "!| l 'ol M 1 .' tXanC 5 2° Sanatog'eu Y 75c "$V ii." Wo'm
tSSSSS'&zrJSSS'.::: !£ its!l: ™: v.v:v: <-»"™ -jj-r-.. " ' & iSSRiSi «■ ??e c
Massata Talcum Powder 13c si 00 Hav's llntr llenltli r,, \ntluhlosristine, 25c 15c 7 • '' ®' c Hoffs Malt with Iron, 30c, doz.. Mereolizcd Wax 53c I s , s ,I nlon s >' ri, P ....67c
!, o2 linH s Hair
Toilet Articles '-.oi l, , ,v\ m Smre VntlDhloKlstlne 75c 50c Bean's French Female Pills, Hokara Skin Food 17c, 34c Miles' Anti-Pain Pills 25c n »«n's Asthma Cure .35c, 70c
1 Ollet Articles ion iSrt t r "" K -t, \St nh Sine 81.25 ........ 83<* 75c. SI.OO Hood's Sarsaparilla 59,- Miles' Ncne and Liver Pills .. .25c f KmuUlon 34c, 59c
Cliamplln Llq. Pearls 39c od Cw^anu't'(iii"' m< Antiphloiistlne, $2.50 81.67 Bean's French Complexion Wafers H<x"l'* Ointment 17c Milkweed Cream 34c, 87c 18 '' (|o/ -
Hagaii Magnolia Balm 59c r o {Ll"s2? Anulol Suppositories SI.IO . 39c H°o<s l'lils 17c Morse's Indian Root Pills . . 17c £"® r 8 Antlwptlc Pastiles .... 18c
Ho jis Cologne est 18c, 35c * ( ,;!,. n V k " r Ha ir HnN.m '\H<- Angler's Emulsion 36c, 09c Beiin s French Antiseptic Vaginal Hood a Medicated Soap 18c Mother's Friend 71c
Lairds Bloom Youth »0«' -,o<. l'arMan sa-c '»»e Arnica Salve, Bucklin's 17c Suppositories 34c Hood's Medicated Tooth Powd.. 18c Murray's Charcoal Tablets ...17c Barks 37,.
Mum Itc 1 - • • •...... ••. 17«-, 34c, «7c H«>oi^r' S Female 1111s .... 15c, 65,- Mustang Liniment 18c. 37c n ™c
Mereolizcd Wax ,55c noc I'alinolive Shanrnoo 42c Alwood's Bitters 16c Bc lavau \\ hooping Cough Remedy, Hot Water Bags, 2qt 39c up Mustard Plasters, sc. 10 in box, 20c 75 «
Oriental Cream sl.lO ' •'•>nipoo 34c A ver - S cherry Pectoral, 18c, 27c, 73c 36c Hot Water Bags, 3qt 98c Munyon's Homeopathic Rem., 14c S, ' ake i' 8 Digestive Cordial ...17c
Odorono 17c, 34c ' p j". Ayer's Pills 17c Deutacura 17c Horsford's Acid Phosphate, 34c, 67c Munyon's Paw Paw 67c Shaker's Extract of Roots ... 53c
Parker Fray's Rosaline 17c ' ' •;■ ••• Ayer's Sarsaparilla 73c Dent's Toothache Gum 10c Hostcllcy's Syrup Hypophosph, 79c Muj-terole o 9c Shlloli's Cure 17c, 34c 67c
Parker Fray's Nail Enamel ... 17c ' f.n. sV.I hnr" A« BcWitt's Kidney & Bladder Pills. Hostetter's Bitters ...71c . Shoop's Restorative .... .":to
Splro Powder 15c ?';P We„nd ' 33c, 66c Humphrey's Hpedflc 17c - Simmon's Liver Regulator 111.79?
Sempre Grovalne 31c ' w ' DeWitt's Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, Humphrey's Vet. Specific 88c Sloan's Liniment ... 17c, 29c, 59c
Saxolite -53 c Auxllator. 25c „ 81c, 67c Hunyadl Water, Janos 25c N. Slocum's Coltsfoot Expectorant;
Tokalon Beauty Paste $1.35 sl-00 \\cstplial Auxilator ...,50c DeWitt's Little Early Risers ...17c Husband's Magnesia 25c ,17,.
Tokalon Cremc 39c gad-Em Salz 1 * c , •»'»c DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve ...17c Hush 17c Mattire's Remedy ... 17c, 34c, 59c Slocum's Ozomulsion 34c 67c
Tokalon Grcaseless Creme ....39c Baking Soda or Bicarb Soda. Diamond Dyes 8c Hydrolene 70c Neodham's Red Clover Bios- Slocum's Ozojcll ...17c' 34c
Tokalon Fascination Face Powder Soaps 50 Dinpepuln Tablets 29c Hydrobromate Caffeine ..10c, 80<- soni Solid Ext 78c Slocum's Psycliine ..... " $2 45
890 . . Barker's N. and B. Liniment . . 17c Dill's Balm of Life 17c, 310 Hyomel, Complete Outfit 59c Nestle's Milk Food 38c, $1.90 Sulphur, per pound ....77 5c
Tokalon Poudre Fetalis 89c Arnica loom hoap loc n ar ker's Horse and Cattle Powder, Dioxogen 16c, 32c, 18c Hyomel Inhalant 29c Neuralglne Tablets 17c Sanl Flush "l9c
Mouthwashes I)an<lerineSoap 19c ii ai „i, Rrt rs French Capsules .. 38c Doan's Kidney Pills 33c No-to-bac 70c Sal Laxa, S. and B. . .17c, 34c, 67c
t, " a l > I»<' n Wnm ni>r nlnt 38c Doun's Ointment 38c T Nursing Bottles 5c Sargol 29c 59<-
Lavoris 17c, 34 c .l?" ap 7?'' Pecker's Eye-Salve **. 11111111 18c Doan's Regulates ...18c Nursing Outfit, complete 10c S. S. S. (Swift's Specific), '
Rubit'oam l<c Harfina Soap l,c pm* 7c 15c Drake's Croup Remedy 24c Indian Sagwa 79c Nulfy Tablets 2»i! 59c $1 10
Sanitol Liq. l.>c
Sozodont Liq l<c Mctskeil s hoap . 19c R Wa H7 sc: ner lb.. 70c Dclatone Indian Worm Wafer 20c St. Jacob's Oil 17c. 20c
Veraas Lotion 34c Ingram M. k„,,ed Soap 19c Sdonn/pUstcSs '
_ _ , Johnson's Soaii i Bell-Ans Tablets 17c, 49c E Ins« ct <'""s . 5c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. 34c, 59c
Face Powders Malcna soLn Benson's Capclne Plasters .... 15c roil( . Insect Guns Ailed 10c Stuart's Calcium Wafers 3le
houp 8c . n« a t iwip )c ( . IM)U nj . r ,i ny <*•> on E a " cs Gout & HluMiiii.ttoiii Pills liUMXrtinc .. . Stuart's (hanoiil 1,,,/cihms 17-.
Azurea Face Powder 79c Pear s Glycerine Soap 15c ' Bestjonic, 18 rents, per dw., E. . s|( . Tnjecturc Brou .111 I I 111 I 111 !BSo O ttk ' a, VL s Hydrogen. s„„imN
Charles' Face Powder _9c lears Lnscented Soap 10c Bhd Bitters 17e Eckman's Alterative ...59c, $1.29 Imperial Granum, 60c. 90c, $2.25 ~* }}>• I7c Swamp Root " " 84" 59c
tar men lace Powder J4c Palinollve Soap 7c jr Seed (ask for Bird Book) 8c Ka«'c Brand Condensed Milk, 12 %c Oakland's Peroxide Hyd'n, % lb., swavne's Ointment '^s7!:
Djer Kiss Face Powder 43c Physician and Surgeon Soap .. 7c <> n vr l refl nn,l xVhlte 5c Electric Bittern 34c . 34c Suavi.e s l'ana, .'.. V« a-
Freeman's Face Powder 17c Parker's Tar Soap 15c r£h Mnnna Blnl Foml Co i.'.'lOc Electro sill<>on 8c J ' Oakland's Peroxide Hyd'n, 1 lb.. svru'n lles California
Flora>Tic Face Powder 79c* Palmer's Skin Success Soap ~l7e iiiHckimni's' Roval" Pi Us Kly's Cream lialni 34c Tames' Headache Powders.... 18c 50c svruo Fl«-s* Florida oL
Java Rice Powder 34c Poslam Soap ,9c Bla<kburn s casca.a tto>ai rills Ely's Cream Balm Liquid ... !soc J Jadway's Elixir 17c Omega Oil . .Bc. 17e, Sic sjrup figs, Florida _sc
Lcrsliiier's Face Powder 2.» c Sirjnnon Soap 6<- hi„,.l i| nl , insect Powder Bc' 18c l' n <>s Fruit Salt 79c Japanese Oil 37c Orange Blossoms. M«<;ill's 67c
La Blache Powder 34c Reslnol Soap 18c Blair's Rheumatic & Gout Pills Ennrco Oil (Japanese Oil) ...37c Jayne's Alternative 69c One Night Corn (lure 8c T
Alary Garclen lace_Po\\,ler ...,<9c Sanitol Soap 17e 37 C 73c Eutona tJluten Suppositories ..38c Jayne's Carminative Balsam ..Ilk; Ovofcrrln 75c
5' ?S' S! 0 " s°" j Woodbury Soap 17c Bouchard's French Cap 30c Eskay's Albumcnized Food. Jayne's Expectorant, 17e, 34c, 67c Orangclnc. 2 powders 8<- 'T'aft's Asthmalene 24c. $1.25
B' ?. ,*'r aro ,, , ' 1,11 Glycerine Soap 12c Blaud'n Iron Pills, per too ....17c 17c, 84c, 55c, $2.00 Jayne's Hair Tonic 78c Orangclnc, 0 powders 17c Tanglefoot Fly Paper, 2 sheets,
\-Z Booth's Hyomel Balm 17c F. Jayne's Sanative Pills 15c Oinngcinc, 35 powders 67c Tanglefoot Fly Paper, box of 25.
•TeMw's S\v aji 11 o\v nla \v der Shaving Soap, Powder Booth's Hyomel Inhaler Outfit, 66c pa I her John's Medicine Jayne's Vermifuge, small 27c
rctlows suan Down l-ace lowder ui.av .. 5 uuap, ruwuci Booth's Hyomel Liquid 34c r 14,. -,0,. «7,. •»«yne's Vermifuge, large 37c Oxlne Tablets 25c, 78c Theater Rouse 17c
w,uulli..rv F»,« Pmrriiv ,anrl frp3m Booth's Hyomel Skin Soap 19c Fahrncy's Teethinir Svrtin 18c •'•'"Hon's Crystal Pepsin Tablets. O/oJell 17c, Sic Thomas' Electric Oil lit.
Woodbi.n Fate Powder 17c and L,ream Booths Mlona Dyspepsia Tab., 29c FairwfildV. law.^lAm,sl.. 38c 75c 19.-, 37c O/.onmlslon 34c, 67c Thompson's Eye Water 17c
rrt .1 -p, 1 Colgate's Sha\intr Soan cake *><» Bovlnlne 49c, .9«* l''airchlld's Pauopcpton 75,* Johnson s Blooil S>rup 38<* Tl/. 15*;
Tooth Powders CoK Shltns Slef Me Buckingham's Whisker Dye...3Bc Fellow's Hypophospdtes 67 c Johnson's Digestive Tablets .. .37c Tongaline 79c
„ Cod e's Shav nr ! " on. Brandrctli Pills 15c jVld's Worm V'owders Johnson's Dyspepsia Tab., 9c. 19c Tonsillne 17c. 29c
fnhrmp's Tnoih Pnn'dpr 1 Colgate's Sliavlnir Stick 20e Brazilian Balm 19c, 38c, 75c Foley's Honey and Tar " 17c 'l4c Johnson's Foot Soap 17c p * Trask's Ointment 17c
fabler's Tooth Powder 17c Cutlcura Shaving Soap .'.!!!!! 18c -' , ' ol< ' v ' H Kidney Remedy ..34c,' 07c J ohmon'B Hcd Cross Kidney Blast- p no | ior - s flair Restorer 70c kl*'
Calox Tooth Powder 17e Mcnnen's Sliavintr Cream 17c « V Bronchial Troches ... 17c I'olcv's Kidnev Pills Stc . f ;; ,7c * 1 " 'lli pep tine 1 ablets 38c
Eutli>'mol Tooth Powder"l7c Palmollve Shaving Stick .! 111! 17c ,{r "«n's Camphorated Dentifrice ramst Juniper Tar ,17c ,T " S,on, "S«» TnWe's »c. l»c Packer's Syrup White Pine. 18c Malt, all kin.ls ....79c
Graves' Tooth Powder 17c Reslnol Shaving Stick 18c Bmwh's llorlml Ol..i.n»nt <» -ti'" Frcllght Tonic 70c t,,,,!,,,.,. Liniment . ,84c paine's Celery Compound 67c 15c
Kalphcno Tooth Powder 17c J. &J. Shaving Cream 17c n,,.,,",!,. " o,,,t " KU '' ,8< ' •.'«<' lYese Hamburg Tea 18r Ml L,7? r iI 1 ' Palmer's Skin Success 16c rusoll " e 29c
Lyons' Tooth Powder 16e William's Shaving Stick 17c Bro o Caffeine K &\f " il- » ro « «n Throat Tablets. Bc-, 3 for halts 49c 01|vp Soun
Pyorrlioclde Tooth Powder ... 7.3 c William's Shaving Cream 17c Br m 1,1.1 li *7- i v I?" 20c l aini omcsoap 8c *
Sanitol Tooth Powder 15c William's Shaving Powder 17c Bromo Quinine Tablets CrotcV ?7e I,uid IOr K a " 79c 1 armint .....59c U? 011 - ,u '
Sozodont Tooth Powder 17c William's Shaving Soap, cake . .5c it" "" s, /er ii n ' ¥<£ ~<H,tls K ' Panopepton 38«-. 71c
Eos ,in kin',l,l ™; f L Bovlnlne, 601 49c Clover Root Tea.. .17e, 34c Bapes Cold Tablets 15c v
T» 1 <-> n _ , e all kinds at tut prices Bovlnlne, 12 07. 79e Keller's Catarrh Itemclv 75n Pap»''s Diuretics 37c
Roger and Gallet Goods Burkhardrs VcXe'table C^innounrt 0 Horllck, Maltetl Milk, Keller Jell !l»c Bapold Tablets, Johnson's ...37c V*" 0 Cresoll,,c " "c, 34c, sl.lO
Roirer and Gallet Rice Powder ~n „ cgetal.lC | <o.l,pound 37c, 75c, $2.85 Kemp's Balsa... 17c, 31c !, aito . Ointment 34c v Va,H> Crcsoline and Lamps,
Roger and Gauet Tai,.m Powder::::::::::::;;:;::::::::::::::; r.-,,. gs»rßSsrs.^ p, - ; Mak ' Bordo s&, vero n .c„ w.,. V&
Roger and Gallet Face Powder 45c Butler Color We t't,. Nestles 38<', $1.90 Kendall's S|tavin Cure (human Pcptenzymc_ Powder and Tab., 79<- A'llane Powder 38c
Roger and Gallet Sachet Powder 59c Bliss Nature Herb ^ r ,W J''* 0 Vernas Lotion 13c, 29c
Roirer and Gallet Violet de Pnrme r tl Foodlgwits 18c Kennedy's Favorite Remedy . ,36c Bcroxldc Hydrogen, «4 lb 15c
—<7 — sasssysss -Dhc ° vcr '- "4? ssa as ;
Azurea Goods « -j",»»««... «.
Anirt-a Talouni Powder ~c Qavtlno IVIIot. :i«c ™1j 0 " »£' kISSS! - .'.sol- W«mpol?» P fi™alWt SS sSS
Azurea Face Ponder 79c Calders Saponaceous Dentine GamSSS's%urtte Baiwrn "tIM Kilmer's ParUla Pills .iilic Discovery .....Bc, Cones 50c
Azurea Toilet Water, small ral#i%vnll»« c XT ,, n p onc i n - !J° Glenn Sulphur Soan 19<» Kilmer's Swamp Hoot ...,34c. 50c S lf!I? lft S' 8 Food ...Bc, 18c Warners Safe Kidney Cure,
r~£2£*"i- •••"". EE?
Azurea Extract, package $1.20 Campbell s Complexion Wafers > r KUne's Vervc lU-storer 7k- Bhenol Sodlque Bc, 25c Warner's Pills 15c
Azurea Sachet Powder ..53c Calox Tooth Powder 38e ' Glyeo Thynmlfne 8 . * 1 ' Waterbury's Cod Liver Oil Comp.,
Plver's Floramyne Toilet Water 79,. Curhona ' i-»o' Y«i '\a GolT's Herb Bitters ' ' " '.. Kltclicll's Liniment 38c, 65c !>! , !i!!'\ S Maßnesla . . 19<', 37«; 67c
Plvcr*. Le Trefle In«rn*te Toilet WAter T»o lU-m.d, Kofcl Uwpjjrt» «;■ •• • t!'SS21 n6 .S gg# oSLm'-'-iS
Marv Garden Goods I'yrodenta Tooth Paste 19c Croxm.e 11 =s*' <Welchs), Kopp's Babv Friend' .'.'Bc, 17c', 34c Blnaud's Quinine Hair Tonic ..74c Wills* English l'lils 17,.
mdry Udracn UOOUS S. S. White Tooth Paste . .18c is' • v V., 53c , , . . „ J ?°' i ,9c ' k.i! Li'l uwslrnn 88c Flerce's
Mary Garden Extract, pkg., 1 ox., Sanitol Tooth Paste 15c carter's Li'ttte Yf
at fl7 Tti/kiit i>«»i -^aiicr s liitnc Pills .... - 12 c "ra*o looiii rouoer ...... . 1(m Pierce s Ijotion TahlotA 17<*
Mary Garden Extract, pkg., % oz., Sozodom Tooth Paste !!!!!!!. 17c rlSnriA e # , h Hs » *\ 18l> riwlip'a A v Flower ..17c, 48c Pierce's Purgative Pellets ....17c Witch Hazel. % pt., 10c; pt,. 20<'-
88c < astoria, (Fletcher's) 21c Neryura . 66c Tactopeptine '....71 c Pierce's S.nartwecd 17c qt., 35c; gal . ...... ...tl oo
Mary Garden Extract, bulk, 07.., (£,'!!. rivu.' 79c Tonic 75c Lactopeptine Elixir $1.25 Pierce's Suppositories 17c Woodbury's Clear Skin Lotion. 75,.
$1.65 rp llab', I l ab ', 10 <'. !sc, 20c
Mary Garden Face Powder, small. 1 Ollet Cliases Blood & Nerve Remedy, Gouraud s Oriental Cream ..sl.lO Lajwctic Pills (100 in bot.) ..27c Plnkha.n's Sanative Wash ....15c Wyeth's Menthol Pencils ...'.3oc
79c A . mW „ r. ln . AM , - r , u , iriJ „ 3ic, 59c /,;.*?"? * i^ c Laxative Bromo Quinine 17c Plnkliam'a Vegetable Comp. ..68c Wyeth's Beef, Wine and Iroii Af»r*
Mary Garden Face Powder, large. rh«£J a fSS?iS ri!n^' S ?i Ilemedy 34c a ? r A'' \o ' 'H C Family Medicine ..17c, 84c Pink Pills, Williams' 29c Wyeth's Elixir Iron, Quinine* and
.$167 T •• • •:;■ vy- Chase s Liver Remedy 17c ««« Rhcu. Med .. 18c, 67c Lft VO ris 19c, 29c Piso'sCurc 15c Strychnine
Mary Garden Talcum Powder .39c i-H ~ irV « « o? e Chamberlains Cough Itemed y t Goldman s Hair Color 79c lieibig's Extract Beef ....49c, 89<; Piver's Azurea Sachet, oz 53c Wyeth's Eft. Kistengcn, V A lb 40«-
y* 1 ¥ , . , 17c, 34c liicorice Best Sticks 5c Planten's Black Capsules. lb T!.?. If i-i
Vrfi ' 1 ' Chamberlain s Biarrhoea Remedy. H ' Licorice Lozenges, % lb 10<- 15c, 34c, 40c Wyeth's FIT. Phos. Soda 35',.
Hair Dves !,'.7; r '''f! •' ; 'A, * :!'J C r . . . „ , 17c, Sic Ragan's Alagnolia Balm 58c Licorice Powder Comp., % lb., 10c Piatt's Chloride Blsinfecta.it, Wyeth's 10 IT. Vichy, y. ib,"' ga,,.
nair L»yes Hokam 81dn BVwd 17c & 34c
50<' Buckingham Wlilsker Bye, 38c I!, *!, rcam - c Chichester Pennyroyal Mils, 67c Msterinc 9c, 17c, 34c Pluto Water 23c Wyeth's Ext. Malt ' of.
50c Bamschlnsky Hair Bye ...29c !'llll® 1, , .. , <l"c, $1.34 Hale's Ointment 17c, 34c Llthlatcd Hydrangea 78<- Pond's Extract 17c, 34c, 59c Wyeth's Glycerine Suppositories
75c Bamschlnsky Hair Bye ...49c Ingram Milkweed Cream ...,34c titrate Magnesia, fresli dally ..18c Hall's Catarrh Remedy 49c Llquicide 34c, 67c Poor Hlcliard's Eye Water ...18c '
50cHambleton Hair Stain 38c Knowlton Masti Cream 39c t lark s Johnson's Indian Blood Hamburg Drop 34c Llq. Pcptonold with Cresote, sl.lO Porter's Healing Oil 17c Wyeth's 3 grain Llthla Tablet, in..
SI.OO Potter Hair Stain 67c ' f' n ; 0 '' v( ; 1,1°"", ' •.,•••' '^ c 380 Hamburg Tea 17c Liquid Peptonolds 75c Poslam 38c. $1.67 Wyeth's 5 grain Mthla Tablets "9 .
00c W alnutta 33c Pon.pelan Massage C ream —,_9c Cocoa Butter, per oz 5c llambleton's Hair Stain 34c Liquojtone Suppos 19c Power's Asthma 34. 67c Wendell's Ambition Mils . ' -in,.
Cream J9c Calebi-Bal Capsules Hamlin's Wizard Oil 34c Lochcr's Hlieumatlc Remedy ..25c Proto-Nuclien Powder and Tab..
_ _ I onds Cold Cream, Jar 17c < olgatea Aasclinc Camphoricc, 10c Hand's Medicines 17c Ix>w's Liniment 85c 79c
Toothpastes SE&KMUSST. KClKr™,. '
a'ra c =::;::::;!; Don't Forget the Number MS v"™"**"*
Euthymol TooUt Paste 15c Satin Skin Greeseless Cream . . 17c AAA mm « o«Vn* 70'.
H2& T Ch piste nc Qf p\nTx cum Ll,luld I*c z -
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