Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 18, 1915, Page 7, Image 7
j§g HERMAN L. TAUSIG JACOB TAUSIG ' ■ M«mb»r of Firm ■j>r Member of Firm ' ~ . . .. _ , ;g* Founder of the Business , s§j J ■ AT THE 48TH MILESTONE '' s " e " arr ' I £ Member Jacob Taiisig's Sons Unrestricted VX/A 8 i& ~ 23% Jewelers' Co-Operative Money-Back (\ \ /ArSS. M jg " Syndicate Diamond Merchant, and Jeweler. Guarantee /1 I The Last Word in JESSES? "STSSS 420 M " k "*" Harrisbur^'Pa " some months .fe. this store \S Jk>n\ I K' c ., TI / Jewelers of the country, one • . inaugurated a distinct innova- flf/p$ ollver rlollowware from each elty—is one of the tlon in Jewelry merchandising— JMii vJSSjox// i SSS SfTRXS.'"* *"*•""•" ""«<«««'> Money-Back J/ ji{ gj F. B. Rogers Stiver Hollow- Membership is secured by in- # Uuaran ee. Si g ware has earned for itself a rep- vltation—and when the organl- ffl |ust after tile close of tile Civil War, this business Was founded bv TaCob A written guarantee is given- *\ £*( I "ZrjSX"*™* SHEwHr K T ""* father ° f Edwin and Herman Tansig, ,he present proprietors. ' SUV?SZX2 TZZ «J"i, "£ ™, 1 *2 At the Tausig store there will 1U advantages to us and our _ r „. , ~ any artl<, ' e bought here, and best days and you have about t&J fx always be found a wide variety patrons were so apparent that t| I lie Stock was small, the quarters Were limited. l)Ut tile merchandising pol- which proves unsatisfactory in tSu wre v / _f ntflnoo snUnKu 4 _ jout acceptance hh* ?i wedding lowed. ICV Was big and broad honest values, low prices and absolute satlstactioil. price paid therefor Kn'f*. f, "' k and spoon carries the jsj £3 or holiday gift purposes, includ- . o , j price paiu inereior. fuU tra(]e mark " 184y ROGERS gU tjsi ing V J y BROS. >gj 2S Tea Sets—Smoking Sets— : *5 AllllOSt half a century has elapsed, and time has wrought many changes. our' gr a nd'^ s"an ** a the only i>> T_... . * "Rogers" silverware which has an na>s— /■ >, been in use since the year 1547. 33J sharing stands and sets—etc. AMFRICAvf 'he limited quarters have doubled and trebled in size—the founder has died kiWie'ii s' 'irßosT^pon^e'-ery For * ft of refinement, ((( llf inCAPIt/Klv/ to — anc j f| le business has ero\vn so extensively that the store is recognized as one Refers" quality. Kt the old <@J choose a piece of Hollowware I I'll ScSa .we can show you some very fcgß made by | I}'lN R. WALLACE Ot the leading institutions of Its kind in the State. jg~ branU Style'fnS nnUh ar r e e " a q b uai m g- F R R OWM C ilwr I STERLING SILVER [o reSit^ l^' cS'st one - foUrth 8j g r . 15. Kogers Oliver Uo. | |j fj Ihe honest merchandising policy is the only old-fashioned feature about the a//\ 12 International bilver Co. TArxTox. MASS. j |J jwlj&s business. It hasn't changed a bit —nor will it. m" 10 *** I L ' j I t| 9 s i jy! finds its motif j policy—because we know that they will help us to sustain it in the future—we ar • lVte j take no little pleasure in conveying to you on this page, messages from some of You will find the J ! | U 1 The ' fidelity At this time of year when you are contemplating the purchase of gifts of S with which unimpeachable quality and refinement, these messages are of particular impor- § V parent in this new dc- sq unlversa „ USPd that V £X) \ .21 sien. ' __ \ • .->i \ sy J they need no recommendation. MA. Come to tile I ausig Jj •* "* 1 ' I,v ' At the Tausig store they will be ca " desien and "get a |! CJ m „„ men ' copy of the new and ex- * men and children. GILBERT U. RUPP §j ELMER POWELT. elusive song, ODen Everv Evening Until Xmas R ' K " ar *' enl on 1S callefl t0 of the M upen avery evening Until Amas. the large line of the faddish Tausig organization M iVC Of the "Amcrira I fcQ tK' . ... America, bracelet watches with Elgin fig) IK7 lausig Organiaation \\ The Beautiful" Ji %. ocautuui /// movements now being shown at | thiß store ' >i B S Waltham Riverside Watches UMBRELLA %J# ■ MANUFACTURERS fiffljH BIGNEY S 1 1 = " lift HI The Riverside is the most famous and popmai Hihlrß I lg grade, gold gg poses of life, one or another of the Riverside j f ! / 111 111 wKijjmif HH ;■+> = S movements is the best choice from the whole I H' I '• BH I r* ' L)) ■KBf g world of watches. At the /; i Mirror rinisn f H -a—v < . Sy k-5' § There are Riversides of various sizes and shapes / j.'j'jfMl I PQQ ( ,11T <Py HQ S and at prices to suit the needs and purses of «• r //, • /VN \i 1 Chains, l.ockcts, Fobs, X vVA AV/ww V/ UL> A) = S everyone. JMgllOi ! j / W|H H „ , ri _ , tS MS Jacob Tausig's Sons are familiar with the re- / / \^l(r'/'/// 4 9 Bracelets, Kni\os, |yl 000 S& = S markable accuracy of these watches and will be j.L„ P rn _ / «//////#. XnvoltlM <>«/• • vJlftOO S 3 glad to tell you about them. / / IX ! 'f ft i>o\enies, eit. vl | WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY lector ■'gyMM S. O. BIONBY CO. . 1 - m WALTHAM, MASS. aAttleboro, Mass. Shapes and Designs that I gj - S j , 1T • i o " please the true connoisseur and Bjj man cares a S Lincoln oquare prove an acceptable gift at any TNH r> = /-\ whit about the im- _ _ Guaranteed for two years. tim#> = pression his appear- aa f "> _ ( ——————————————n S ance make 3, will recognize S C.._ _ *_„ Cmklamc "Rainy Maid" __ _ _. _ We carry a full line of Jj m in "The Dickens" an able M jUpeHOr tmblemS Guaranteed umbrella at mod- 117 _. I Z J. T PEERLESS CUT GLASS, in a £§) M aU y- bears the name ot g ~Tj eratc cost. W 6StlllinSt6r ViliUlC variety of designs to please the M g g SIM MO MS 1 14 K ~ ^ t eMctlns ' •<2- = which means that it's low- HI KMBLEMS FOR EVERY brella inside out: turn It,back soft ' mellow, beautiful chimes consistent with a good article. >& = priced, beautiful ai solid || fIm&WML ORGANIZATION ARE TO BE again. Presto' good as ever. which ring out every quarter hour. %lInPDV £ jgg cold and wears for years. W, M KOVNI) IN OUR LARGE that goes straight to the heart of MADE BY ftg Let us show you some =i Hrn Protector every home lover. Wn' |i il^' i \ll VCI IV B CTCIMM'AM '-■ i' '& m Simmons chains. g| SmaU umbre »« c .^ lth thP glant peHor They"are tS seen at the A KELLY & STEINMAN, g BR. F. SIMMONS CO. i dj ,J 1 D R d r | mantle styles, mahogany _j{4 j I Incorporated Lg> »,.i a L_u &g \ V DOgen, Dernian & rox and oak casus, and at vai'i g s \ 1? Manufacturers of I'lilhrellas mm nrtepn .tenpnding urnni DEPOSIT, X. Y. | mmmmmm Xk C«. m?*!"' 3 s™sl s an' Kienzle Clock Company | \I E CAHRY THE COMPLETE "FOX" I,I\F. NEW YORK CITY .^1 8 LIGNK IO 18 SIZE Good for all metals, glassware, mar- J ' ® NEW YORK OFFICE FACTORY CHICAGO OFFICE J. A. WRIGHT CO. V y W' Silversmith's Bldg. Dayton, Ky. Colunihus Bldg. HARRY C. SUTTON KEENE, N. H. / '<3) FRED PATTERSON Tausig Organisation <ffl of t^e — OI the , ; Tausig Organization PhotOS By Wilson Studio, Tausig Bldg. Tausig Organization lisagagasaKMaasgaiasagagagag^^ THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 18, 1915. 7