Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 18, 1915, Page 2, Image 2
2 MT. UNION PLANT MAKING POWDER Searchlight in Use and Precau tions Against Explosions Are Taken Mt. Union, Pa., Nov. 18. Making ©I smokeless powder was begun at the Aetna Explosives Works on Tuesday and at that time the company put into operation a large searchlight which helps light up the works and t lie grounds surrounding for a radius of several miles. With the making of powder the company has put a force of men at work whose business it is to inspect the plant daily and demand t he employes to show their pockets so that no matches or cigarets will be inrried. and thus prevent explosion from that source, Says She Was Saved From Operating Table Brother and Sister Both Relieved \C\ by Simple Remedy Available In her gratitude for a remedy that j||^flEjjij|||||| saved her from the possible necessity L 1 Jst , I' j! |)| / for an operation, Mrs. Carrie Heflln, ... w" '/Vv of Coats, Ka'ns., writes: "Had It not jE '***'' ' h i been for Fruitota and Traxo I might have been on the operating table by j|j|| Ijj jj j \ now. It relieved me of at least one , jrifi-*', \ hundred and fifty gall stones. Tt «* > surely does work wonders. My j brother also had suffered for years «> and has been greatly benefited by E Frultola is a powerful lubricant for Hrr /' Trl I the intestinal organs, softening the -kS. \_,C> I lIC I Jc/ Hfy ® a congested masses, disintegrating the B" 1 ' w ITHf/? n hardened particles tliut cause so much y ~ 'fcsWj' suffering and expels the accumulation In an easy, natural way. Traxo is a splendid tonic, acting on the liver and stomacli with most beneficial results and is recommended for use in connection with Fruitola to build up and restore the weakened, run-down system. Frultola and Traxo are prepared in the Plnus laboratories at Monticello, 111., and arrangements have been made to supply them through representative druggists. In Harrisburg, they can be obtained at Gorgas, tho Druggist, 16 North Third St.; P. R. R. Station. j The greatest j of your teeth I IWhen scientists recently dis- the public in the convenient form 1 covered the cause of that dread of Senreco Tooth Paste, disease, pyorrhea, they discovered Senreco contains the best cor- § the greatest enemy of your teeth, rective and preventive for pyor- § a Why yours? Because the germ rhea known to dental science, g * that causes this disease inhabits Used daily it will successfully pro- 8 I every human mouth! -s tect your teeth from this disease. § Your dentist will tell you that Senreco also contains the best 0 half of all the permanent teeth harmless agent for keeping the g lost are lost from this disease, teeth clean and white. It has a I This is because people have not refreshing flavor and leaves a I realized before that eoert/one should wholesomely clean, cool and pleas- j | {take precautions against this ant taste in the mouth. o 1 enemy. You can start now to Start the Senreco treatment f ward off its constant attack and tonight—full details in the folder § escape the terrible results wrapped around every tube, g of this disease by using the Symptoms described. A proper corrective and pre- pn| 25c two oz. tube is sufficient 1 ventive treatment in your V* \ f°r six or eight weeks of the | daily toilet. \yjrffl pyorrhea treatment. Get | To meet the need for this W-A Senreco at your druggists | treatment and to enable \(\ today, or send 4c m stamps | . , , I or coin ror sample tube and i everyone to take precau- \ f o i der . Address The | turns against this disease, a V "ft tanel Remedies Co.. 502 1 prominent dentist has put Union Central Bldg., Cm- | his own prescription before S am P u ,t. e cinnati, Ohio. piiiiiKiuinniiiu.uHn..,.^.,,,^, « "■ ' MR. BUSINESS MAN! By Advertising with I CALENDARS We Can Supply You. Call at Our Office or Phone Bell 1577R MYERS MANUFACTURING CO. 1125 North Third Street ■"KSJfVJS,."' V / VBuy M The better the coal you buy—the less you have to buy—and the m % less you have to boy. the lower becomes your aggregate coal expendl- \ M tore. ) m Since all ooal —good, better and best—costs the same per ton, don't f you think It the part of wisdom to get the best for your money, and I m keep the total expenditure down? I M Buy Montgomery Coal —Its quality has been known for years— ' m there is none better. I ( J. B. MONTGOMERY l ' * CLIP THIS COUPON FOR ' \ The American Government ( > t » AND ' > The Panama Canal ( BY FREDERIC J. HASKI.Y ) < 1 The Booka That Show Uncle Sam at Work. 1 * The Harrisburg Telegraph 1 L HOW TO GET THESE TWO BOOKS FOR 9S CENTS—Cut out | > < " this coupon, present It at. our office with 98 cent*, to cover the i * cost of production and distribution, and the get in yours. Fif teen cents extra by mall. i ' SOME FACTS ABOUT THESE BOOKS—Both are the same i ilie and bound exactly alike In heavy cloth. Each has about k ' I 400 pages printed on flne book paper. Both are profusely lllus- I T < trated with official etchings, drawings and maps. 1 OUR GUARANTEE—This la not a money-making propo- ; sittori. We are distributing these patriotic books at cost solely because of their educational merit. it ' ' > ra-w THURSDAY EVENING, State Department to Hold Six Farmers' Institutes Special to The Telegraph Marietta, Nov. 18. To-morrow the Pennsylvania Department of Agricul ture will begin holding six two-day Farmers' Institutes In different sec tions of Lancaster county, as follows: Blue Ball. November 19 and 20; Lam peter, November 22 and 23; Paradise, November 26 and 27; Mechanicsvllle, November 29 and 30: Litttz, December 1 and 2; Maytown, December 3 and 4. Tho speakers will be Sheldon W. Funk, Boyertown; Prof. S. F. Putney. State College; C. M. Barnitz, Riverside. J. W. Bruckhart, of Lititz, is the county chairman and has charge of the meet ings. DIES FROM INJURIES Special to The Telegraph Paradise. Nov. 18. David Fisher, the son of Henry Fisher, living near here, was so badly injured by being run over with a wagon that he died last evening from concussion of the brain. | WEST SHORE NEWS LITERARY SOCIETY DERATE Leinoyne, Pa., Nov. 18.—To-morrow afternoon a meeting of the Lemoyne I A Grammar School Literary Society I will be held. The question for debate will be "Resolved. That moving pic i tures are beneficial to the school stu dent.'' TO ADOPT ALARM SYSTEM Lemoyne, Pa., Nov. 18.—A meeting of the Lemoyne Fire Company will be held to-morrow night, when a new tire alarm system will be adopted. LEMOYNE CHURCH NEWS Lemoyne, Pa., Nov. 18.—The Rev. G. G. Gabriel, pastor of the Bethany United Evangelical Church, York, will occupy tho pulpit of the United Evan gelical Church Sunday morning and evening. The Indies' Aid Society of the Lu theran Church will open its annual bazar and food sale at the Lemoyne flrehouse to-night. Plans for a Thanksgiving cantata are being outlined by the Lutheran Church choir tinder the direction of L. F. Baker. Miss Ethel Wagner entertained the Young People's Missionary Society of the United Evangelical Church at her home in Bosler avenue. The Rev. Mr. Koontz, newly ap pointed pastor of the United Brethren Church, will preach the Thanksgiving sermon at the Church of Christ Thurs day morning. TO ENTERTAIN SCHOLARS Lemoyne, Pa., Nov. 18.—Mrs. Melvin Menges, of this place, who is teaching Spanish to about thirty persons in this place and Harrisburg, will entertain her scholars at a Spanish-speaking en tertainment at the Young Women's Christian Association building, Harris burg, on Saturday, November 27. MRS. LECTITEX BERGER DIES New Cumberland, Pa., Nov. 18.— Mrs. Mary A. Lechtenbergcr, widow of John Lechtenberger. of York coun ty, died at the home of her son, John Leaf, in Geary avenue, Tuesday even ing. .She was 75 years old and was a resident of York county before coming tn New Cumberland. Funeral services will be held on Friday morning from the home of her son. The Rev. J. W. Deshong will have charge and burial will be made at Salem Cemetery, in York county. SUPPER FOR POST New Cumberland. Pa., Nov. 18.— General John W. Geary Camp, Sons of Veterans, will hold a supper in But.- torff's Hall Wednesday evening, No vember 24, LADIES' CIRCLE BAZAR New Cumberland, Pa., Nov. 18.—To morrow afternoon and evening the Ladies' Circle of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will hold a bazar at the hose house. MISSIONARY MEETING New Cumberland. Pa.. Nov. 18.—On Sunday morning the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will hold a meeting. FORESTRY STUDENT BURNED Special to Th* Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 18. How ard Bronneman of Hollidaysburg, a student at the State Forestry Academy at Mont Alto, was severely burned in the chemical laboratory yesterday af ternoon. FIREMEN GOING TO PARADE Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa.. Nov. 18. Tho Mechanics Fire Company, this place, will go to Cliambersburg on Thanks giving day and take part In the Fire men's parade. Since John Quit Drinking By John's Wife I'm the happiest little woman, In all this little town: And my merry laugh and flrginf, Takes tho place of nigh anofrown. For JOHN HAS QUIT HIS UHINKIN® And In like himself once more,J And the world la Just a paradise With Bucb bapplnesa In a tore! One day I read tone verses— "Mary's Miracle." the name, And I said, that's.lobn e«actly, And I'll send and get the same. Bo I scut for GOLDEN TREATMENT. (At aly aa sly could be) And I put It In John'" supper And 1 put It la hla tea. And It didn't, taste a little bit) Had no odor, ao, you see— It wan smoothest kind of sailing For little Doctor Me. And 1 watcbed and prayed and waltai, (Andcried some, too, I guess), . And I didn't bave the greatest faith, I'm oahamed now to confess. And Jobn nerer thought a minute. He was being cured of drink, And soon he'a as well as any one. It makes me cry to think! Just makes tue cry tor gladneaa, , I'm ao proud to be bla wife— Since he Is cured of drinking, And leads a nice, new life. "Since John he quit a-drlnktngl" I can't sny It ilmea enough! And hates and loathes a liquor As be would a poison stuff. And when 1 say my prayers at nlgbt As thankful as can be— I pray for Jobn the most of all— GOLDEN TREATMENT. Home Treatment For Drunkards Oilorlenn and Tnatelein*-—-Any iJdy Can (ilvf It Secretly fit Home In Tea, Col Tee or Food It Costs Nothing to Try. If you have a husband, son, brother, father or friend who is a victim of liquor, all you have to do is to send our name and address on the coupon below. You may be thankful as long as you live that you did It. Free Trial Package Coupon l>r. J. w. Halnr* Company. AMIS Glrnn Hld(.. Cincinnati, Ohio. Please send mo, absolutely free, by return mail, in plain wrapper, so that no one can know what It con tains, a trial package of Golden Treatment to prove that what you claim for it Is true In every respect. Name Street , City .. m .... State Harrisburg TELEGRAPH a „j riRI <; i Dainty, stylish Neckwear for women for everyday wear, ri,.r. heavy Hi.,boa B,«ok Cotton 1 Tbanksehnng and Christmas gifts; Fischus, Collars, Guimpw stockings: sizes « to io. wonderful JL m 9 Ruffs, Ostrich Feather Boas, etc. \f \ / 1 1 —One-day Specials Friday g®T The Sale You've —sale £IOVCS |\\ »s~« , u2arrvs;s s " ,u ss* B« n waiting For, F.mou. v f j J $2.00: to-morrow 5/OC YOU owe it to yourself to take nd- \J__ " Woinen'a Flannelette OQ- DUTSOtI J3? BR H vantage of this great money-saving Gowns, double yoke. each.. Ci L; opportunity. Children's Knit Wool ie_ ZtOCklTlgS JHI FRENCH KID GLOVES a " nd MlMe# * | / A The Famous Princess two-clasp White, fringed ends OUC ■ a ■ Black, Tan, Brown, also Russian Tan Cape uwVrinmi™ Br "- S9,cres ' 50c Gloves: sizes 5y 2 to 8.. (Guaranteed Perfect.) IJABV. i»e an<i 25c Oriental irj xllp only Kood To-morrow, pair Laces, yard lUC stocking niade with V . Men s or Women s taped edge no seams; line black American Taffeta QQ silk lisle: always c . |. . „ . , , V Umbrellas 25c; 8 pairs, 50c Stylish Mannish one-clasp Genuine French Glace 1 V P. K. Tan Gloves, wide two-clasp Kid Gloves, black, N _ crochet stitched backs: also wide white stitch backs, all- ' nnnnrT —Bargain No. 2 . . , ... .... . , over white stitched; also I'IIULL I lis h i'i r io % ~ CORSET E—ioip REAL MOCHA GLOVES a, \T[m • v S'lr^ , rr vety qUR " tV ' S,nart dr,>SSy: $1.25 VlMI\ « *\taXmedi\?m \»£ V K * ' XTlnay 1' j sizes 18 to 30; always $1.50; Friday, pair «D 1 .UU , r l • J ,n, Dn » N II WARXKR'S NEW CORSETS _ Medium 4H-inch Nove ty tmbroidered Gloves BOY SCOUT GLOVES I fljiHgy.'U bust, Swiss lUet, trimmed double skirt (no slay over White P. K. large pearl with d gaimtlets; black or \if % "T. $2.00 clasp, very wide colored tan . WOQ i fi eece( i lin-H *ll \ crocheted stitched backs; . Fffl,§s»yV BYI/VIA CORSETS—Made from new small crossbar ,1„„ ._U_Ul_ slzes ' A A _. French coutllie, graduated spoon front stay, patent in aiso oarritz (new) washable p ajr (j, il| n 1} tcrlocking clasp at bottom, wide elastic rubber-tipped Fawn Cape Gloves; pair, J J { hose supporters; deep silk trimmed, medium bust; long $1.50 a " d $1.65 /// aa/ai'A 1 $1.25 V (Fitted Free) 12 years: pair {/ FRIDAY ONLY—FAMOUS MARVET; 7Q r The FAMOUS MARGARETTA FRENCH I /) I CORSETS; always $1.00; to-morrow ' «*C KID GIiACE GIvOVES, 2-clasp, black, allover &1* H •» p? 1 I ) \ Elastic Insert over Idps, graduated rront stays, patent while stitched: while, allover black stitched: I A aTm t 1 / J lock at bottom, medium bust, Swiss embroidery trim- Tans and Browns; allover white stitched; very TT ■ • // l>k nied long skirt; wide supporters: sizes 18 to SO. stylish; sizes 5\< t to 7!J. Value $2.00. Special, Friday (I'ittod Free) «■ t'Nt v f \ Reai Quasi Fin Seal Hand Bags -nainsook underwear — Friday special Dainty Lace and Embroidery WARM UNDERWEAR Worth 52.00 I rimmed Women's Snow WlUte Veats or") PhnirA 4»1 •> (> 50c DRAWERS, CORSET COVERS I'ants; fleeced: high neck, long | a,,< ' SKIRTS; Ot. sleeves; low neck, short sleeves; j Worth 52.50 to-moriow medium or heavy weight . fmf .$1.87 73c ami OHc Gowns, Skirts, Corset Boys* Gray Shirts or Drawers: |•W £* I Worth $:1.50 Sorrow' 50c • . 7\A If I Rich silk or leather lined Coin Purse and ' Baby's Comforts, Infants' I M Mirror. Many novel shapes. *1.30 and 51.75 Combinations, Prin- Bands. Infants' Wrappers, Itne I 1 SEE DISPT/AV IV FOURTH STREET WINDOW cess Slips. Gowns. Chemises QO. soft cashmere: all sizes; special, r l A grand opportunity to buy your Xmas gifts. and Skirts: to-morrow, each... each I Hi SCO 1 *■ v v Friday . , , _ ■ - _ _ , John J. Clark's 200- 50e BRASSIERES C ▼ r ■ * W ■ £ ▼ ■ H T yard Spool Sewing 25< i /X I I—# I I j I I Thread. black or /AO I txlVl 1 O "oof* a " numbt s? ; trimmed; sizes »4 to 16. spool •"fuT 1 TU-ga«j&wri £SSs?» Social and Personal News of Towns Along West Shore Mrs. J. H. Sweeny and two chil dren, of Connellsvllle, are visiting Mrs. Sweeny's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sweger, at Marysville. S. A. Shope and daughter Myrtle, of Mai vsvllle. have returned home after spending somo time at Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Anspach and son Paul returned to their home In Marysville after spending some time at Indianapolis and other western cities. , Mrs. Morrison and son Edward, of Columbus, Ohio, are guests of Charles Leiuy's family at New Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs; Frank McCord have moved into Mrs. Porigo's bungalow at Elkwood. , Charles Leiby's family, Harry Eber .sole, of New Cumberland, and Miss Mabel .Tones, of Harrisburg, have re turned from an auto trip to Pittsburgh. Miss Sudio Lytle, of New Cumber land, was taken to the Harrisburg j Hospital yesterday, suffering with ap i pendieltis. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes Miley and Mrs. i C'atherlne Miley attended the funeral of Mrs. T_.aura Miley at. Trindle Springs on Monday. MARRIED 42 YEARS Special to The Telegraph Marietta, Nov. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Stafford, life-long residents here, to-day celebrated their forty second wedding anniversary in a quiet manner. Mr. Stafford for 32 years was the State Secretary of the Odd Fellows, and is a prominent business man. FUXEBAL OF FORREST BISTLINE Special to The Telegraph New Oermantown, Pa., Nov. 18. Funeral services for Forrest Bistline, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Blstline, who died in the Harrisburg hospital on Monday will be held from the home to-morrow afternoon. RETURN'S FROM HOSPITAL Special to The Telegraph Dllisburg, Pa., Nov. 18. lrvin Oitmyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oitmyer, of Washington township, who was taken to the Harrisburg has pltal several weeks ago for an oper ation for appendicitis, returned to his home on Wednesday, his condition be ing very good. BECKER-HERSIIEY WEDDING Special to The Telegraph Rapho, Pa., Nov. 18. Miss Sadie IJ. Hershey, of this place, was mar ried yesterday to Landis G. Becker, of Penryn, by the Rev. H. K. Ober, of Elizabethtown. The best man was Milton Hershey, a brother of the bride, and the bridesmaid was Miss Lillian G. Becker, a sister of the groom. FARM LAND SOLD Special to The Telegraph Flagerstown, Pa., Nov. 18. Sale of valuable farm land in this section of the Cumberland Valley was made yes terday. when a number of parcels owned by the late John L. Nleodemus, who left an estate of $500,000. were sold aggregating a total of $101,832.25, SAVKRKHAUT DINNER Special to The Telegraph Halifax, Pa., Nov. 18. Yesterday the Mothers' Association was enter tained at a sauerkraut dinner by Mrs. Daniel Corsnltz at Bressler's bungalow near Matamoras. MUSICAL FOR CIVIC CLUB 1 fly Special Correspondence Northumberland, Nov. 18.—Some of the best talent in Sunbury and North umberland lias been secured for a musical to be given by Misses Helen Van Alen and Kathryn Rutter in high j school hall to-morrow evening for the 1 benefit of the Civic Club. Aifiong those who will give solos are: Mrs. Wash- ; ington Righter of Sunbury, Mrs. Frank , H. Wheaton of Millville, N. T.;; Mrs. ; William Van Alen, Miss Geraldine Shuman, Reese Hughes, and Murheid Howell of this place, and Walter Evans of Sunbury. A male quartet from Sunbury, consisting of Messrs. Evans, Ripple, Stroh and Hollenbach will sing. Miss Goldie Gubin will be the reader. KATjOZETEAN OFFICERS Special to The Telegraph - Annvtlle, Pa., Nov. 18. —Officers were elected for the winter term of the Kalozetean Society at Lebanon Valley College as follows: President, J. Hollinger; vice-president, A. E. Shonk; secretary, R. Kleim; corre sponding secretary, L. Walters; critic, I. Ernst; chaplain, W. Daniels; pian ist, William Greer; scrgeant-at-arms, A. Hilbert; assistant, H. Witmer. FARM DWELLING BURNED Special to The Telegraph DaJmatia, Pa., Nov. 18.—On Tues day forenoon fire supposed to have been caused by a defective flue, broke out on the third story of a farm house near here, belonging to Frank Phil lips and occupied by his son Cloyd. The house was entirely destroyed with nearly all the furniture. The loss is about $2,000. OPERA HOUSE OPENING Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa., Nov. 18. To-mor rom evening the newly remodeled opera house. Just completed by the borough at a cost of $25,000, will be formally opened by the lessees, Lich tenthaeler & Naegley, of Lebanon. This firm has leased the building for five years and will have attractions every night. MARRIED AT ELKTON, MD. Special to The Telegraph Northumberland. Pa., Nov. 18. William Shaffer, well-known in North umberland county as an expert base ball pitcher, and Miss Cora Feaster were married at Elkton, Md., re cently. WANT COMMUNITY TBEE Special to The' Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 18. Cham bersburg Is beginning to agitate an other community tree which was so popular a feature of last year's Christ mastlde. Sore Throat or Mouth. Ton must keep the throat and mouth clean and healthy. Any disease that attacks the canal through which must pais the food we eat, the beverages we drink and the very air we breathe is a serious matter. Why neglect Sore Throat or Sore Mouth when TONSILINB makes it so ess? for you to get relief? ; TON SI LINE it toe remedy speci ally prepared for that purpose, nt* i TONSILINE doe* its full duty— you can depend .mon it. Keep a 111 nettle in the houso where you can rl get it quick when needed. 25c. ,1 and 50c. Hospital Size SI.OO. £1 AH Druggists. NOVEMBER 18, 1915. I Tower City Physician Dies From Pneumonia Tower City, Pa. Nov. 18. Dr. E. B\ Phillips died yesterday at his home in Grand avenue from pneumonia. <>n Thursday last Dr. Phillips and his wife returned from a trip to Califor nia and the next day while answering a call at Wllliamstown he became ill and was brought home. Ho was TO years old and has been practicing medicine here and in surrounding towns for 4 5 years. lie is survived by his wife, three children and one grand child. MARRIED 50 YEARS AGO Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 1 B.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ebersole, of Stouffers town, who were married fifty years ago yesterday, celebrated the event by giving a dinner to a large number of friends at their home where they have spent nearly 4 8 years of their married life. Mr. Ebersole is a veteran of the Civil War, having served in Company F, 100 th Pennsylvania regiment. For Pile Sufferers ®F i ni o u a i ]N'orr Offered I Free to Prove [ Do for You. I n er, bleeding or protruding piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal troubles, in the privacy of your own home. 50c a box at all druggists. A single box often cures. sample fop trial with booklet mailed free in plain wrapper, if you send us coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, 528 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mlcb, Kindly send ma n Free sample of PyramidPiUTraatment, In plain wrapper. Name Street State ' JBPI TELEGRAPH WANT AD WjU. SELL THAT AUTO DELIVERY TRUCK DAMAGED Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 18. Clyd« Boone, of the grocer*' store of Tra D. Cruxn, narrowly escaped serious in- Jury yesterday while delivering goods with an automobile delivery wagon when the machine came In contact with a guy rope stretched across thii street by the Belmont Construction Company of Philadelphia for hoisting steel girders for the new addition to the Imndls Tool Company's shop. The winshleld was broken and lialf of the top torn off before the auto Vas stop ped. BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. I WATCHL] [ WAIT! | j;■ For that bored feeling ;! j j read the ;! ; Adpage Family I; Anthology ii | j \ A really, truly, honest- \ .J to-goodness, cross-my- -J f heart, new feature. \ On page 12 you'll find $ $ the story of the ■j Adpage Chauffear i j A little cross section out ;! j i of ordinary life. i l? 5