Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 18, 1915, Page 18, Image 18

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Many an Attractive Saving Will Be Found inTo-day's Announcement of Friday Specials ■
/" i f ( \ / \ r r \ / \ j j i
1M F "rl S Men'* and Women's Silk Waists Grocery Specials Black Dress Goods Carving Sets Ribbon Special
INO 1 riQay P^ - Sweaters $3.95 crepe de chine waists 800 lbs. extra mild cured SI.OO black granite. Spc- $1.98 carving sets. Spe- Silk taffeta and moire rib
r ;j s Q pnf f O $1.50 heavy roll collar i" flesh, white, maise and ham regularly 30c; sliced cial Friday only, yard, 09? cial Friday only ... .$1.35 bon; 5K> inches; value to
ClfllS OGIII v^/. - sand; sizes 36 to 44. Special for frvmg. Special, lb., <m aa ui t _ n ?0r Snprial p r ;j a ,. rt „i, r
sweatee in tan. navy and Fridav nnlv «•> -n '-u j , - SI.OO black serge. Special $2.98 carving sets. Spe- . ec,al rndaj only,
D., or Mail or
'*#l.29 I
™»ron ly , y .rd «M »*♦' II
' in white and flesh; sizes 36 New earlv lune $2.00 black poplin. Spe- Dives- Stewart ' l str"et°Kioor Stowlirt '
Phone Orders D,ve '-», ro ß y to?e St,wart • to 48 - fecial Friday onlv. peas.:.: cial Friday only, yd., #1.69 ZZ. V
V j ■»- CcillS -
.. ~™"~—— ejno ..A-.,. . • Fa ncy cream corn X„ 0 $2.00 black melrose. Spe- . 1 c • i
Filled V , Special Friday only. #8.23 Golden pumpkin ... cial Friday only, yd., #1.69 Basement Specials V-1 P * ,
1 Colored Dress Goods
I $298 white China silk I •• . $2.00 black coating. Spe- I I $1.50 roll fast ball bearing I I and insertions 5 I
I r-T \. JSC ahepherd check,, 42 Sam"
Stationery inches. Special Fridav only, 3 ib<, f or "'"if' Dives, Pomeroy & stewurt, - only 98? Special Friday only, bolt of
Fifty sheets paper and 50 yard ...48? stewart. Fancy cleaned "Sultana 12 yards 39? .
j envelopes. Special Friday SI.OO French brocade suit- raisins. Friday only, 3 lbs., v cups and ramakins. Special 75c allover shadow lace;
° - ing. Special Friday only, 25? Toilet Goods Friday only, - for
PBl >" rd 38? I Men's Shoes I Jl« w , 2"* " ats ;. *!fij White ribbon toilet soaps. I I 39c steel scissors. Special I I r ' ( av on '-' 3 ar d 39? I
' . WOO plai,. coating, 54 $1.50 black aide Lather peari 'tapioca.' "I n- Special Friday only, 3 cak« Friday only »K> «...«•
f —— inches. Special shoes, heavy double soles, dav only, 4 lbs. . 25? f Little Wonder vest pocket '
Book Specials >' ard #1.69 standard fastened; sires 7to 25 cases new juicy Flor- Best Blue Ribbon Bay flashlights. Special Friday N
Cleaning up odd books; $2.00 navy poplin, 54 inch- 10 - s P ec,al Friday only, j ( j d oranges. Friday only, Rum, bring bottle. Special only . .25? Veilings
values to SI.OO. Special Fries. Special Fridaj' only, #1.25 doz Friday only, pint 40? $159 nest of aluminum Veilings in many patterns
only 15? yard #1.69 Div«, Pomeroy A Stew.rt. New extra large Florida Jergen's almond cocoa oil sauce pans, 3to nest. Spe- and colors; 25c and 50c
Books from our Reading $2.50 velour suiting, 54 V / or i ri a> on\, tQ .j et soap special Friday c,al Friday only 98? yard*' ' pccia ny only,
Club. Special Fiida\ inches. Special Friday only, Fancy new mixed nuts. o°lj • cake 6? $2.00 set asbestos sad .
jard #1.45 Flannelette Skirts Friday only, lb 15? 25c and 50c Cascara Sa- irons, 3to set. Special Fri- street Viooi\ tcwart '
*>'"•■ 'gSSMM*'" ) SIOO broadcloth. Special Short flannelette skirts. pSTJInb """" «£
' F "day only, yard „9f pink or bine stripes. Special Sunshine'V bars! "fresh - n .„ 1 p f 30c meal scrubbing buck- Embroideries
t ——* $1.50 navy whipcord. 50 Friday only 25? baked. Friday only, lb., 9? oOc and SI.OO Petro-Qui- cts. Special Friday only. Cambric corset cover om-
Bed Spreads inches. Special Friday only, Dive., Pomeroy * stewart, Sunshine ginger snaps; Fridav°onlv C 35* and "50* broidery, 17 inches wide;
75c bed spreads. Special , v ..
Friday only 55? 51.50 silk nonlin nlaids. 40 3 f. 1 aw 8 ° n 'i? Med-aseptic \ , only, yard 10?
i c •ic • j i f \ Dinner brand soaked peas. cold cream. Special tridav
D'vei. Pomeroy* stew.rt, inches. pecial I'ridav oidy. Boys' Sweaters Friday only, can 5? only, jar 9? Swiss embroidery edges 4
V * California yellow peaches. Wash Goods to - inches wide and inser
, , 75c and SI.OO suitings, odd sl «a«r« sLiaf Frida",- in syrup; regularly 15c. Fri- SKir™"' Remnants of percale tions. 2to 4 inches wide;
Special )==:
including S< p!que" and D '"" S """' ■
flaxon. Special Friday only. n lb., 19?; 3 lbs 55? SI.OO gold filled spectacles 50c poplin, 36 inches. Spe
yafd r \ Senate tea; regularly 63c. . nose S tlssCS - - cial Friday only, vard, 35? f u/ » m i
Dtv e , ( Pomeroy * Stewart. * —: Women s Handkerchiefs Special Friday only .. .49? I'ridaj onlj ? ' Women s Neckwear
st,v ' Drapery Section White cotton handker- 3 lbs granulated sugar 25c leather watch fobs. U res SnecS Fridavonlv" Kmbroidery Swiss batiste
- with each pound of coffee or Special Friday only 5? j ' collars; 25c value. Special
Ij j Snecials curtains in white and ecru der, blue pink and lavender.
Lining specials one pair of a kind Special Special Friday only, 12 for DP & S Nan'tha soan' Fri- pin sets. Special Fridav onlv, ri ;, sc ; r j " ' Jn.? . Sleeveless guimpes in lace
2?c black satine. 3b inch- Friday only, pair, <5? and 25? Jav
es. Special Friday only, vdL, #2.00 White hemstitched cotton ; " $2.00 silver plated bread 8c Lancaster gingham, ecru; values to SI.OO. Spc
,, , . „ .15c white and .ivory scrim handkerchiefs; 4c value. Spe- e ' 1 -| trays, plain and fancv. Spc- short lengths. Special Fri- cial Friday only 48?
« b>ack sattne. 36 inch- with hemmed edge and fancy cial Friday only, 4 for 10? ' P——• •• ciai Frjd on , day only, yard 5? Diveg . Pornero£ * stewart , '
es. Special Friday onlv, vd., border; 38 inches wide. Spc- c -n j i- , , of«. • y ' stieet Floor.
-n ~ t ~*, .* ** tM FrWay ° n ' y '*«♦ kerchiefs. C \vhfte a p'!!!!!! "AT * <£%! FridS oX" . —>
IS.I'"! c ol° red border, pink blue. Red Seal Soap ... P P • f Nainsook Gowns
mcnes. special rriuay omj. v lavender, maise and nile; 2oc Babbitts Soap ... . , \
- vard t9 * value. Special Friday only. Best creamery butter. w.ijpri Party Boxes & Novelties I-ow neck na'BSQok gowns
Dires, Pomeroy a stewart. / N 15? Fridav onlv bead necklaces. Special Iri- with kimono sleeves, lace
street Floor. n »qi . \? , '"j '' dav only 2o? to s—7? party boxes. edge trims neck and sleeves.
' K °y s hoes Dlr0 "- 3 gJSCT,S w BUwart - New packed sardines, m " s ., wart Special Friday only ... :«9? Special Friday only ...25?
, $1.50 dull calf button oil or mustard; regularly 7c D, v«. 25c hat pin. holders. Spc- 1 p Kf
Linen Scarfs shoes, full toe last with Friday only, ? cans v ■' * cial Friday only 15? nrs ' second Vioo'r. enar '
;0,. i;„„„ c/ ., r f c 1-2,-*. heavy stitched soles; sizes ' ~ ~ Ocean white fish, —to a 25c hair pin boxes. Spe- V
edJe 15x49 inches Soechd to s>a. Special Fridav Silk Special Pa. - Friday only ... 49? Cut Glass cial Friday only .15? / ;
Fruiay only -ly »«•*» SI.OO crepe de chine in fif. Spec"i%ridiy onl™?"cans! $1.98 seven-piece flora. & Bungalow Aprons
Dive», Pomeroy tc stewart, $1.25 gun metal calf but- teen shades. Special Friday - - cut glass water sets. Special Wo!le?s hJnd ' baes of Percale bungalow aprons
st,Cft nof "' ton shoes with heavy stitch- onl> 69 * Best boiled sliced ham. Friday only $1.39 leather. Special Fridav only, onlv pip '" g -
tjgrjJT 9 , 10 D,v#e - street °ifiMrf tewart ' Friday only lb 33? $3.00 dozen floral cut glass ' 42? 7 7 ''''
Tahle linPn Special Friday only .. .98? Lebanon bologna regular- tumblers. Special Fridav Dive.. Pomeroy * Stewart. White aprons without bib.
1 able Linen D)veg Pomerov & stewart( 'y 25c. Friday only, lb., 20? Qnl each 19 ? ' tlP "' """• round or square. Special
25c turkey red damask. street Floor. „ , , „ \ Fancv uncoated rice. Fri- J ~ Fridav only 15?
Special Friday only, yard. Towels and Toweling dav, 5 lbs 33* »"* SSf""' ' M ,
'•«' tie white twilled toweling. Franco An,cr,can soup... ■> ' Men S Shirts j
33c mercerized table dam- Women's Shnp* I Special Friday onlv, vard. can, »?, doz K $1.50 negligee shirts;
ask specia. Friday „n£ s £s* S Voile and Batiste Waists sUc, Special.Friday Sheets and Mnslins -
- arn colt shoes nnndvMr LhpH 4c white toweling. Special r Trimmed with allover em- onl - v M ... ,
D,v "' SS'.n-.J.r"*"- «les. broken siies. Special Friday only, yard ... KEKS,,* . broidery fronts with self, Dlvo. P = .y^
V 9 Friday only $1.65 10c huck towels, red bor- r \ trimmed 9 25f
* I nnorlnth s2o ° ?un meta] calf but * for ?PCC,aI Children's Sweaters CO a ' m __ ,. w r . 36-inch bleached muslin;
Longclotn -ton shoes, full toe last with " SI.OO coat sweaters, sizes SIOO values. Special Hi- Men S Work Gloves value. Friday only, yd.,
7rc longcloth, 10 yards to stitched soles and high Cu- 17c white hue towels, 22 and 24,- in navy and car- ' 0n y ' SI.OO reindeer gauntlet sj^?
piece. Special Friday only. ban heels. Special r 'dav 18x38 inches. r ial Fri- > dinal. Special F'riday only, $1.95 to $2.95 values. Spc- work gloves. Special Friday 36-inch light outing. Spe
r"ece only $1.05 day only c j a l Friday only 95? only 09? cial for Friday, yd 8? j
Dlv "' I Street°Floor' teWart ' Dives. .* Q stcwart - Direg, Pomeroy * Stewart, Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
street r loor. street * loor. Street Pi' jr. Men's Store. Second Floor. Men s Store. Street Floor.
' > ' s v ' 1 *
Former Penn-Statc Star Re
turns From Spitzbergen;
Wants Daylight
Ch&rlerol, Pa., Nov. the
finest grade of coal obtainable any
where is to be had In Spitzbergen,
To Get Rid of Wrinkles
and Bad Complexions
It 1* more Important now than dur
ing the period of profuse perspiration,
to keep the pores clean. All cosmetics
• log the pores. In cool weather this
interferes greatly with elimination of
waste material. Injuring instead of
aiding the complexion. Ordinary mer
•ollzed wax serves all the purposes of
■ reams, powders and rouges, glvlnu
far better results. It actually peels off
itn offensive skin, at the same time un
clogglng the pores. Minute particles of
scarf skin come off day by day. causing
not the least pain or discomfort. c;rad
i;ally the healthy, younger skin beneath
peeps out, and in lees than a fortniKht
you have a lovelier complexion than
"ou ever dreamed of acquiring. Mer
• olised wax, obtainable at anv druc
store. is spread on nightly like cokl !
i ream and washed oft mornings. One 1
ounce usually suffices.
For removing wrinkles, without I
stopping the pores with pasty stuff,
here s a r.ever-fa!lliic formula: 1 r>z.
powdered saxolite. dissolved in '<•
witch haiel. Bathe the face in this
daily for awhile; every line win van
ish completely Even the. first appll- j
■ ation arlvea surprising results.—Adver
tisement. 1
1,000 miles north of Norway, but Ed
ward "Bull" McCleary, the famous
State College athlete of a few years
back, Is mighty glad to get back to
wheer there is law .order, civilisation,
real living, and daylight when you
want it. Spitsbergen Is so far north
that three-fourths of the year Is night
time, and that's altogether too lons
j for auy man to sleep In McCleary's
] opinion.
McCleary left the States in May,
1914, and so isolated was he from the
time of his arrival in "No-Man's
Land" somewhere near the North Pole
until this year that he didn't even
know the results of the 1914 world's
series until July 25, 1915. Then the
suspense was ended by the arrival of
McCleary was employed in Spitz
bergen by the Arctic Coal Company
of Boston, Mass., as assistant superin
tendent in extensive mining opera
McCleary does not intend to go back
, to Spitzbergen. On his way home he
stopped at. State College, where he
closely followed the work of the State
College football squad. "They have
a mighty fast bunch there," he said.
"I do not Know a thing about Pitt's
team, but 1 do know State Is good."
| Continued from first Page]
and announced, "He is dying."
The child's mother and father were
in an outer room. The condition in
which the child was horn, it is be
lieved. was due to Mrs. Bollinger hav
ing suffered from typhoid fever not
long before the birth. She had never
seen the unfortunate babe and decided
that she could not bear to look upon
Not Cruel, Says Mother
"No one need think of rne as a cruel
or unnatural mother," she said. "My
heart is full of mother love for all my
children. But this poor little one, if
allowed to live, would be for years
only a burden to himself. His life
would be dark, barren, useless. There
could be no happiness to himself or
pleasure or service to others. *lt is
just as the doctor says—-one of na
ture's blunders —and I am willing that
nature should correct its error by my
baby's death."
It was noted that even although all
those who looked at the dying child;
■were stirred to deep pity, the face)
and the form were so wretchedly queer
that none put out a hand in gentleness
as he lay, sometimes faintly crying—
none save Dr. Haiselden, who thought
the child should die. He petted the
helpless infant every little while.
Coroner to Take Action
When the word came finally to Mrs.
Bollinger that the child was dead, she
wept, but said she had not changed
her mind that death had been for the
The health and legal authorities
now must decide what action will be
I taken In the case that has become so
widely known and discussed. Health
Commissioner Kobertson said to-night
that his course is plain. It will be to
■withhold a burial permit and request
the Coroner to hold an inquest.
But the officials themselves feel
sympathy with Dr. Haiselden's views.
Dr. McCarter. who examined the in
fant on behalf of the Health Depart
ment, said: 1
"Personally, I agree with Dr. Ha, ( «»i,
den in this matter. But 1 cannot say
that in my report, which must neces
sarily be merely a statement of facts
concerning the infant's condition,
without recommendation."
"As far as I know," State's Attorney
Hoyne said, "Dr Halselden is right in
saying there is but one law to which
he might be amenable. That is the
law relating to criminal neglect. If
death results from criminal neglect
the charge becomes manslaughter.
Personally, I think the doctor has done
right. Officially, I shall withhold
Deeds of Two Defectives
"We have just sent up for life two
defectives guilty of horrible crimes.
Russel Pethlck killed Ella Copper
smith and her child with no motive
apparent. Another kiileda four-year
old girl. New York has experienced
the same thing in child 'ripper' mur
After the little one had passed away,
Dr. Haiselden said to newspaper men:
"I have no doubt I shall be called
a murderer, but the infant's death is
a question between me and my con
Dr. George U. Lipscliurch, a Chicago
member of the legislature, said he
would seek a revocation of Dr. Haisel
den's license. He said he intends to
appear before the State Board of
Health for that purpose. This state
ment was read to Dr. Haiselden. He
"Dr. I.,ipschurch wouldn't say those
things to my face," he said. "He'd
tell them to you, then back down in
my presence. I invite him to come
over and repeat the statement to me.
"if he is so Interested in the baby,
why didn't he come to the hospital
and do a little operating himself?"
Dr. Murphy in Opposition
Dr. John B. Murphy, former Presi
■ dent of the American Medical Society,
• said to-night:
i "I think nature handles such cases
, very well. I wouldn't feel justified in
contributing to a death. We have no
• right to form a judgment on the right
t of an infant to live or die. Life in
that respect is in the hands of a power
'| superior to ours."
For Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble
, 50 Cent Bottle (32 Dotes)
Just because you start the day wor
ried and tired, stiff legs and arms and
muscles, an aching head, burning anil
bearing down pains In the back—worn
out before ihe day begins, do not think
you have to stay In that condition.
Those sufferers who are in and out of
bed half a dozen times at night will ap
preciate the rest, comfort and strength
i our treatment gives. For every form of
bladder trouble, scalding pains, or
weakness, its action is really wonder
Be strong, well and vigorous, with no
more pains from stiff joints, sore
muscles, rheumatic suffering, aching
back, or kidney or bladder troubles.
The Williams Treatment conquers
kidney and bladder diseases, rheuma
tism and all uric acid troubles,
no matter how chronic or stubborn, ir
you have never used The Williams
Treatment, we will give one 60c bottle
(82 doses) for your own use free. Con
tains no alcohol or habit-forming drug.
Does not affect the heart.
Send this notice with your name and
address, with 10c, to help pay distri
bution expenses, to The Dr. D.
A. Williams Compajiy, Dept. 2280 D,
New Post Office Block. ICast Hampton,
Conn. You will receive bv parcel post
a regular fiOc bottle (32 doses), without
charge, and without incurring any ob
ligations. One botthe only to a family
or ajtldraas.—Adver"««'»®"f.
NOVEMBER 18. 1015.
OAII Havana quality of
incomparable fragrance and
guaranteed to satisfy any
J taste, especially smokers who
thought they had to have
heavy tobacco.
Made by John C. Herman & Co.
The Telegraph Bindery
Will Rebind Your Bible Satisfactorily