Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 18, 1915, Page 15, Image 15
BANK STATEMENTS REPORT OP THS CONDITION OF THE Mechanics Trust Company of Harrlsburg., No. 301 Market street. <>f Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business November 11, 1 91S: RESOURCES Reeerve Fund: Cash specie and notes,"... $92,889.95 Due from Ap proved Re serve Agents.. 182.&64.1S I. e gal secur ities at par, .. 55,000.00 Nickels and cents checks and cash items, 16.486.81 from Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve.. 6,859.03 Assets held free vl»: Commercial pa per purchas ed: Upon one name $48,726.67 Commercial pa per purchas ed: Upon two or more names 290,632.32 1-oans upon call with col lateral 294.882.78 Time loans with collateral, 61,382.67 l.oans secured by bonds and mortgages 15,700.00 Loans without collateral,.. 117.988.54 Bonds, stocks, etc 356,588.00 Mortgages and Judgments of record 155.866.26 Overdrafts 360.46 Other assets not included in above 207,70 Book value of reserve se curities above par 602.00 Total $1,694,762.68 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $300,000.00 Surplus funds, 300.000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, . 17,121.84 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings) 547,974.97 Demand Certificates of Deposit, (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings) 756.50 Time Certificates of De posit, (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings) 837,270.50 Deposits, saving fund. (Exclusive of Trust Funds) 72.297.29 Deposits, Commonweath of Pennsylvania, 20,000.00 Deposits, municipal 65,000.00 Due to banks, Trust Cos., etc., not reserve 12,722.82 Dividends unpaid 109.50 Treasurer's and certified checks outstanding 12,083.61 Other liabilities not in cluded in above 7,438.15 Book value of reserve se curities below par 1.987.50 Total $1,694,762.68 Amount of Trust Funds Invested $206,950.74 Amount of Truet Funds uninvested 18,295.11 Overdrafts 68.00 Total Trust funds $220,313.85 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (1. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustees to se cure Issues of corporate bonds, Including Equip ment Trusts $105,000.00 State of Pennsylvania. County of Dau phin, ss: I. J. C. Motter. Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear rbat the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) J. C. MOTTER. Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of November, 1915. (Signed) EMMA A. KEENNT. I Notarial Seal.] Notary* Public. Correct —Attest: ..Signed) JOHN H. TROUP. •.Signed) DAVID KAUFMAN. (Signed) PENROE O ROMBERGER. , Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the SIXTH STREET BANK, of Harrlsburg, No. 2100 North Sixth Street, of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business November 11. 1915: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Caeh. specie and notes, $29,318 85 Ifcie l'rom approv ed reserve agents 46,739 08 Nickels and cents. $35 56 •"hecks and cash Items, .... 6,738 27 Securities pledged for spec ial deposits .* 7,000 00 Assets held free, viz: Bills discounted: Upon one name, $5,130 00 Bills discounted: Upon two or more names, .. 16,703 39 Time loans with collateral,.. 4,590 00 Loans on call witli collateral, 20,148 00 ; l,oans on call upon one name, 350 00 Loans on call upon two or more names 51,666 00 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 201,186 00 Bonds, stocks, etc. 174,190 40 Mortgages and Judgments of record 56,742 50 Office building and 10t,.... 23,400 00 Kurnlture and fixtures 5,600 00 | Overdrafts 3 94 | Total $649,141 99 | LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in, $50,000 00 Surplus Fund 20,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, ... 10,479 35 Individual deposits subject tocheck.sl46,sß4 98 Time certificates of deposit 44,063 02 Savings Fund de posits 334,917 77 Deposits. Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, .. 6,000 00 Deposits. U. S. Postal Savings.. 344 01 Deposits, munici pal 26,499 99 Certified checks,.. 523 86 Cashier's checks outstanding. ... 1,411 49 Due to Banks and Trust Cos., etc.. not reserve 4,317 62 Reserve for saving account interest 5,000 00 Total $649,141 99 State of Pennsylvania. County of Dau rhin, ss: * , F. I>. Albert Froehllch. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is tru« to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) F. L. ALBERT FROEHLICH, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of November. 1915. (Signed) GEO. D. HERBERT, [Seal.] Alderman. Correct—Attest: (Signed) JOHN LAPPLEY. (Signed) W. SCOTT STROH. (Signed l J. K. BRICKER. ' Directors. \ Statement November 11, 1915 Dauphin Deposit Trust Co. Harrisburg, Pa. RESOURCES ' . LIABILITIES Cash and Cas-»i items.. $168,847.46 Capital .'.... $300,000.00 Due from Banks 434,416.47 Surplus 300,000.00 U. 8. Bonds 4% at par 150,000.00 Undivided Profits .... 14,119.88 Loans and Investments 2,639,963.90 Dividend 21,000.00 Building: 60,000.00 Deposits J. 681,206.71 Overdrafts 1.24 Due to Banks 26,403.48 $3,848,729.07 $8,342,729.07 Trust Funds $672,298.44 DIRECTORS DOXALD McCORMICK. President. JAMES McCORMICK, J. G. BRADLEY, HENRI McCORMICK. Jr. J. M. CAMERON. HENRI B. McCORMICK. VANCE C. McCORMICK. ROBERT McCORMICK, Treasurer-Secretary. J. A. ORIESUABER. Assistant Treasurer. THURSDAY EVENING, Repairs on Sylvan Heights Orphanage Under Way Repairs on the Sylvan Heights Or phaange have been started and accord ing to present plans fifty or sixty of the 119 children of the home -will be taken back again within the next few weeks. The orphanage wan partly destroyed by lire November 2 and since that 'lime the children have been taken in jby friends and relatives in the city. Temporarily forty were sent to the Children's Industrial Home. Nine teenth and Swatara streets, but tlies* have bene removed. All of the chil dren who are old enough are being sent to public nnd parochißl schools In the city at present. HEAVY WINDS DEI/AY AERO n.IGHTS | Fort Sill, Okla., Nov. 18.—A high north wind to-day caused a postpone ment until to-morrow of the flight of the military aeroplane squadron from Fort Sill to San Antonio which was to have started this morning. BANK STATEMENTS nr-POKI OF THE CONDITION OF HB CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY, of --iarrlaburg. No. 1230 North Third Street, of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business November 11, 1315: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash. specie and notes, $47,953 50 Due from ap proved reserve agent* 97.772 S5 Nickels and cents 752 80 Checks and cash items,.. 5,408 09 Securities pledget! for Special deposits. S,OOO 00 Assets held free, vie C o m m e r c 111 paper pur chased: Upon one name, . . $3,230 07 C o m m c r o lal paper pur chased: Upon two or more names 173,360 09 Loans upon call with col lateral 260,047 50 Time loans with collateral, 20,360 13 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 111,404 95 Loans without collateral,. 148,671 93 Bonds, stocks, etc 377,556 47 Mortgages and Judgments of record 122,766 92 Office building and lot, .. 47,500 00 Furniture and fixtures, .. 17,600 00 Overdrafts 51 93 Total $1,439,337 23 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $125,000 00 Surplus fund 250,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid,.. 26,756 44 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings) 275,943 36 Time Certificates of De ?oslt (Exclusive of Trust 'unds and Savings 210,036 03 Deposits, saving fundi (Exclusive or Trust Funds) 512,895 S3 Deposits, U. S. Pos'al Sav ings 1.515 35 Deposits, municipal 10,000 00 Due to Banks. Trust Cos, ctc.,not reserve 19,057 39 Dividends unpaid, 1,293 0» Treasurer's and Certified checks outstanding, ... 6.834 83 Total $1,439,337 23 Amount of Trust Funds invested $403,-405 70 Amount of Trust Funds uninvested 12.377 61 Overdrafts. 694 65 Total Trust Funds $416,477 96 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (I. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se cure Issues of corporate bonds, Including Equip ment Trusts $1,965,500 00 State of Pennsylvania, County or Dau phin. ss: I, H. O. Miller, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lle! (Signed) H. O. MILLER. Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ISth day of November, 1915. (Signed) M. G. POTTS, [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. Correct—A ttest: lSigned)" W. M. DONALDSON. (Signed) JOHN F. DAPP. (Signed > IX)UIS DELLONE, • Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Pennsylvania Surety Company Of Harrlsburg. No. 14 South Market Square, of Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, at the close of business. November 11th. 1915. RESOURCES Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not re serve $4,203.63 Loans upon call with collateral 22.000.00 Bonds, stocks, etc 397,866.00 Mortgages and .1 ud g - incnts of record. 43,500.00 Premiums being collect- • ed. 8,523.38 Total. $476,093.01 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in. ... $250,000.00 Surplus fund. 100.000.00 Undivided profits. less expenses and taxes paid, J00.040.75 Premiums reserve. 15.700.26 Loss reserve 10,332.00 Total $476,093.01 State of Pennsylvania. County of Dauphin, ss: I, R. Q. Cox. Treasurer of the above named Company do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed). R. <3. COX. Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of November, 1915. (Signed). CLINTON M. HERSHEY. (Notary Seal) Notary Public. lly commission expires January 25. 1919. Correct —Attest: (Signed), EDWARD BAILEY. G. W. REILY, A. FORT EN B AUG H. Directors. HANK STATEMENTS HANK STATEMENTS BANK STATEMENTS BANK STATEMENTS , BANK STATEMENTS ONE YEAR'S SUCCESS For Comparative Purposes, Condensed Statements From Reports to the Banking Commissioner of Pennsylvania, on the Respective Dates, Showing the Growth For the Year 1915 of the SECURITY TRUST COMPANY 36 and 38 North Third Street RESOURCES: Jan. 25 April 5 June 23 Sept. 7 - Nov. 11 Loans and Investments '5328,499.23 $329,0X).70 $333,150.05 $332,444.27 $337,400.19 Mortgages and Judgments 220,421.83 234,154.83 247,793.24 267,445.31 279,030.85 Bonds 71,465.22 72,291.60 71,526.66 64,510.08 65,422.02 Real Estate. Furniture, Fixtures . 82,887,38 82,880.89 82,687.38 81,972.38 81,957.38 Due from Banks and Reserve .... 72.536.72 79,166.85 . 89,622.63 84,613.72 92,487.98 $775,810.38 $797,584.87 $824,779.96 $830,985.76 $856,298.42 1 • LIABILITIES: Jan. 25 Aprils June 23 Sept. 7 Nov. 11 Capital Paid in $125,000.00 $125,000.00 $125,000.00 $125,000.00 $125,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits ... 46,400.99 50,630.53 50,684.31 41,445.11 46,593.55 Deposits 458,754.39 486,299.34 514,540.65 529,985.65 547,649.87 Mortgage Bonds Sold 145,655.00 135,655.00 134,555.00 134,555.00 137,055.00 $775,810.38 $797,584.87 $824,779.96 $830,985.76 $856,298.42 Trust Funds -1541.905.60 .$4:5,184.78 $93,585.64 $93,742.24 $93,702.40 4% Interest Paid on Savings ONE DOLLAR OPENS AN ACCOUNT SECURITY TRUST COMPANY iIKORGE A. GORGAS. President. EDW ARD F. DOKH.NE, Vice-President. J. Q. S. PQORMAN, Secretary and Jreasmer. DIRECTORS DIRECTORS GEORGE A. GORGAS INO. K. BOWMAN HENRY C. CLASTER W. F. REED EDWARD F. DOEHNE AUG. H. KREIDLER 1. E. GARNER A. IJ. GARDNER JOSEPH DAVIS HARVEY B. BAIR SAMUEL GARDNER J. O. S. POORMAN * ■ JOSKF STROUSK FIGI'RES I IN U. OF I'. CLASS FIGHT One of the luckless freshmen of the Wharton school of the University of Pennsylvania who valiantly resisted the sophomore attack on Oleeman House in the annual interclnss poster fight was Josef Strouse, a son of Wil liam Strouse, 2128 North Third street. Strouse. who had been besieged and held prisoner in the house, resisted with his fellow-freshmen until the doors had been battered in. How's This," Wo nff«r One Hundred Dollar* Reward for ui case of Catarrh that cannot be cured l»y Hal! Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY « CO.. Toledo. O. TTe. the undersigned. have Unonrn F. J Cherry for the last 15 years. and believe hln perfectly honorable !n all busioeas transaction and financially able to carry oat any obligatlm* made by bis Arm. NAT. BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo. Ohio. Flail's Catarrh Cure taken internally, acting directly upon the blor d aud mucous surfaces vt tbe system. Testimonials asnt free. Price 73 cents per bottle. Sold by all Drugglata. Take Hall's Family IMUs for constipation. BANK BTATKMEXTB REPORT Ob THE CONDITION OF THE COMMBHCIAI. BANK, of Harris burff. Pa., Nos. 1222 and 1224 North Third street, of Dauphin County. Penn sylvania. at the close of business, No vember 11, 1015: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes, . . $15,101 00 Due from approve''. reserve agents, . 33.099 44 Nickels and cents 643 13 Checks and cash items, .... 2.380 06 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve, 186 75 Assets held free, viz: Bills discounted: Upon one name,. $7,381 00 Bills discounted: Upon two or more names, ... 91,782 60 Time loans with collateral. . 1 4,148 00 Loans on call with collateral, 39,389 00 Loans on call upon one name, 6,155 55 Loans on call upon two or more names 69,092 50 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 66,551 00 Bonds, stocks, etc 30,990 00 Mortgages and Judgments of record 69,164 60 Office building and lot 106,978 45 Furniture and fixtures 8,181 55 Miscellaneous assets, ........ 732 00 Total $564,926 63 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $121,650 00 Surplus Fund 60,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 11,167 83 Individual depos its subject to check $121,908 30 Time lertlflcates of deposit 81,374 20 Savings Fund de posits 121,735 60 Deposits, munici pal 20,000 00 Cashier's checks outstanding, ... 1,156 99 Due to Banks and Trust Cos. etc.. not reserve 13,933 71 Bills payable on demand. ... 12,000 00 Total $564,926 63 State of Pennsylvania, County oI Dau phin. ss: I, C. Z Huffer, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to th« best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) C. Z. HUFFER. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of November, (Signed) WALTER R. SOMN, (Notarial Seal) Notary Public. My commission expires March 9, 1919, Correct —Attest: (Signed l, D. W. SOHN, H. A. ROBINSON, if. C. KOONS. Directors, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH "BACK TO PARTY" MOVE IS GROWING Causes That Led to Split Have Vanished, Former Am bassador Says By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Nov. 18.—Causes that led to a split within the ranks of the Republican party have, in a large part, vanished and the forces are to be reunited, Myron T. Ilerrick, former ambassador to France, told members of the Hamilton club'in an address to-day. The Republican parly has become progressive, Mr. Herrick said, and through the willingness of each party to go half way in effecting a com promise. many progressives have re turned to their former allegiance. "This is a two party country," he said. "It has never had, and I pre sume never will have those multiple divisions by which the citizenship of sotno other nations are split. Be tween the two wings of our party Cured His RUPTURE I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk several years ago. Doctors said my only hope of cure was ati opera tion. Trusses did me no good. Finally 1 got hold of something that quicklv and completely cured ine. Years have passed and the rupture has never re turned. although I am doing hard work as a carpenter. There was no opera tion. no lost time, lib trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will give full in formation about how you may tind a i-omplete cure without operation, if you write to me, Eugene M. Pullen, Carpen ter, 2548, Marcellus Avenue, Manas quan, N. J. Better cut out this notice and show it to any others who are rup tured —you may save a life or at least stop the misery of rupture and the worry and danger of an operation.—Ad vertisement. BANK STATEMENTS | : Statement, November 11, 1915 ii Harrisburg Trust Company ! «« 16 South Market Square ! ! ! RESOURCES LIABILITIES ! ' ' Cash and reserve.... $554,146.00 Capital $400,000.00 < ::U. S. Bonds 4% at par 65,000.00 " profltß ; 11; 4 ™; ; ; Loans & investments 2,258,127.37 Deposits 1,987,679.93 ' i> Overdrafts Dividend unpaid .... 20,120.00 ! <> $2,877,273.87 $2,877,273.37' :: DIRECTORS : ' ' EDWARD BAIIjEY H. L. HERSHEY ! II ' J. WILLIAM BOWMAN A. S. MATHESON J < > A. EORTENBAUGH E. J. STACKPOLE < I ' I R. G. GOLDSBOROUGH HARVEY F. SMITH | J E. S. HERMAN K 2. WALLOWER ! '< I I GEORGE W. REILY J | ir********************** ************************* >>•»♦++ there is no difference as to the route, or direction, but only as to the speed limit. . "There is no advantage in a three sided contest, which opens the way for tricks and trades. Any man can make his influences felt in any party, but he cannot translate it Into an ac tive force for good laws and good gov ernment unless that party Is powerful enough to put its policies into effect. "Republicans and progressives have been patriotically inspired to forget the past and to join their energies for the better service of their coun try." Davenport & Treacy Piano, slightly tiSed. Big bargain to quick buyer. Spangler, 2112 N. Sixth St.—Adv. Pa. Forester Association Hold Banquet and Smoker Last night in the banquet room of the Engineers' Society of Pennsyl vania, the Pennsylvania Foresters' As sociation held a banquet and smoker. Methods of bettering departmental work and making plans for the better co-operation of the field force of the Department of Forestry were discuss ed. Sixty-five foresters were present nnd more than ninety-five per cent, of ithe graduates of the department's school at Mont Alto were present. The address of the evening was made by Prof. E. A. Zlegler, formerly Associate Forester with the Federal Forest Service, and now director of the Pennsylvania State Forest Aca demy at Mont Alto. Other addresses were made by Prof. Joseph S. lllick, author of "Pennsyl vania. Trees." and .Tames E. McNeal, district forester for Berks county. The remainder of the evening was devoted to a discussion of plans for the open ing of a bureau of education and in formation by the department to be in charge of N. R. McNaughton of this city. DOMINICAN PRESIDENT DYING By Associated Press Washington, D. C„ Nov. 18. —Presi- dent Jiminez, of the Dominican re public, is dying at Monte ("risti. Rear Admiral Caperton. cabling from the Haitien station reported he had been so informed by the American customs collector at Monte Cristi. BANK STATEMENTS NOVEMBER 18, 1915. \ HORSE LAUGHS FOR AUTOS, EH? Motorists Who Take Up Foun tain Space to Be Tabooed by Lynch The thirsty horse 111 or dog who has r-ML often waited pa -1 $ tiently and In vain water at the eourt house fountain Ije grafo cause some HB thoughtless autoist jRI space in front of the watering place, ■WwmJ will have City Commissioner William H. Lynch, sup erintendent of streets and public im provements to thank for a better ment of conditions. Beginning to morrow Mr. Lynch says he will put up a "no parking here" standard in front of the fountain. Half a dozen other points may be selected in the business section to prevent parking of autos. Incidentally the ropes of the "isle of safety" at the car terminal in Market Square are to be substituted with "safety zone" standards of a modern type. At tlir Register's Office. T.etters jon the estate of Frank H. Monatli | were issued to-day to John W. Monath. To llold Final Revision Hearing.-. j Appeals will be heard to-morrow uy | City Council sitting as a board of tax revision for the Thirteenth ward. This j will complete the list of appeal days. I RIGHT TO LET CHILD DIE SAY DOCTORS [Continued from First Page] "Poor humans rely only upon chance, and defectives are as welcome as any to enlarge families. THink of it! "And only the mother will look after the idiot child. If the mother is taken the father and brothers and sisters vyill not care for It. It is pitched into an institution forthwith and there the burden of the poor un fortunate is weighted down even more. "Institutions are an abomination. To herd the insane or the lesser de fectives like cattle, as is done, is ia crime and a sin. And to make mat ters worse, this unfortunate class has no attraction that is going to draw the keeper, the guard, the nurse or whoever takes caro of it. to greater kindliness. Those who take care of the Insane, many of them, grow un feeling, unkind, neglectful and indif ferent. "And yet I am asked to allow this child to live, knowing what I know. I feel toward some of my critics as t would toward one who would wlll in«ly allow a hydrophobic dog to run In a flock of sheep and do as impulse directed, because this one shrank from hurling or crossing the dog. If children of some of my critics were killed or Injured by a defective they would see a good reason for checking the supply of the latter in the world. "I have talked to too many mothers of defectives to be swayed in my judgment in this case. Many of the tales are pitiable. "One woman I know has a son who j* s nuite subnormal. He is an excellent | swimmer and delights in the exercise, i Once 1 sSid to her: 'But suppose somc >jt!me he should drown?' and the j mother, with promptness, answered: 'Wouldn't that l*e a blessing!' j "The mother, I know, did not prav or ask for the boy's drowning, but :it j least she did not hope against it. "So let us be sensible. Let us ap prove the sterilization of the insane and the defective and of the children of habitual drunkards when botii father and mother are so. ; "Let us reproduce ourselves in 100 | per cent, fashion, so that by the weeil- I ins out of our undesirables we de | crease their burden and onrs and lay j the foundation for a normal race, | which would result four generation* from now. Let us venerate a stand ard with soul and sense, instead of ;! desecrating it with crumbling trndl | tion and mindless sentimentality." • NO QUININE IN THIS COLD CURE. I "Pape's Cold Compound" ends colds and grippe in a few hours. ! Take "Pape's Cold Compound" ev il ery two hours until you have taken I three doses, then all grippe misery goes and your col'd will be broken. It I promptly opens your clogged-up nos •ltrils and the air passages of the head; i stops nasty discharge or nose running; 'relieves the headache, dullness, fever « ishness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness . and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow ing and snuffling. Kaae your throb bin* head—nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape'n Cold Compound," which costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts with out assistance, tastes nice, and causes ■no Inconvenience. Accept no substi i tute.—Adv. How To Make Your Hair Soft, Fluffy, Beautiful An old-fashioned home recipe, con sisting of plain bay rum, lavona do composee, and menthol orystals, is one of the best things in the world for the hair and scalp. Get from any druggist six ounces of bay rum, two ounces of lavona de composee, and one-half drachm of menthol crystals. DISSOIVH the menthol crystals in the bay rum and then add the lavona de composee. If you prefer your druggist will mix these tngredlents for you. A teaepoon ful of your favorite perfume may b« added if you like. Apply by puiting a little of the mixture on a soft cloth. Draw this cloth slowly through the hair, taking Just one small strand at a time. This cleanses the hair and scalp of dirt, dust and excessive oil and makes the hair delightfully fluffy, soft and lustrous. To stop the hair from falling and make It grow again rub the lotion briskly into the scalp with the linger tips or a medium stiff brush. Ap ply night and morning. Try this simple remedy for a week or two and see if it does not do away with the dandruff and loose hairs. If your hair is nor mally thick this recipe should keei> it so. If your hair is thin keep up this treatment regularly for a number of weeks. If your hair papillae and fol licles are merely dormant this treat ment should revive them and thus make new hair grow and gradimlH thicken the hair over your whole scalp. Various ready-made hair preparations contain lesd acetate. This is poison - nu.i and dangerous and should he avoided. The simple recipe given above Is absolutely harmless.—Adv. 15