Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 18, 1915, Page 13, Image 13
EVEN BET SAYS HARVARD COACH-BASKETBALL TEAM WORKS FOR SHAMOKIN LONG PRACTICE BY INDEPENDENTS Role May Not Be Able to Play in Game Against Shnniokin The Independents held a Ions; prac tice at Oh est mi t Street Auditorium yesterday afternoon in preparation for their opening frame with Shamokin Saturday night. No scrimmage was held, but. the new sinnals were tried out, the rest of tha time being used In becoming familiar with the baskets. The new men were given a thorough workout. It is probable one of them may get a chance in Saturday's game in Rote's place- That peppery for ward will j.lay football with Central in the afternoon and may not be in shape for basketball the same day. l"se Eastern T/easue Rules The Tndcj>et!dents will again use the TCastern League rules this season and a few changes- have been made by the league offVia's. The most important ohansre is that all players must be ten feet from the center man at the time the referee tosses the ball up -at center. Another new and very good rule is that time out may be called only when the referee has possession of the hall. Dancing this season will continue until 11.SO p. m. Many of last year's patrons felt that 11 o'clock was too early to stop dancing and for that rea son the time has been lengthened. | Froehllch's orchestra (formerly Txies er'sl will play for the dances. Mr. Froehlich. the new leader, recently returned to Harrisburg after two years In New Tork city. |B. Ask The crc ' lants alll for whom I j ||P We Work I to To Our I Jl Ability We will gladly furnish you with the list, but here's a good plan: Notice the clean est windows— WE "DID" THEM. Harrisburg Window Cleaning Co. I OFFICE—BOB EAST ST. Hell PUone 631-J ———— w 12 SET F° r Headaches 38 Lebanon, Pa., l-V-'IS. Yoo are at liberty to nae my name anil teatlmnny fur advertis ing; CafA'So tablets, and yon may refer any person t«> me and I will gladly tell theni the good tbey hare done for me. WlablnK JOB aacceaa, I am yours truly, MRS. LIZZIE FRITZ, 721 Spring Aye. v .1 Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect June 27, 1915. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martinsburg at 6:03, *7:52 a. in.. *3:40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chambersburg, Car- ; lisle. Mechank-sburg and intermediate ptationH at *5:03, *7:52, *11:53 a. m •3:4'>, 5:37. *7:45, *11:00 p. m. "l Additional trains for Carlisle and I Mechanlcsburg at 9:48 a. m„ 2:16. S-'R 6:3", 9:35 a. m. For Dillsburg at 5:03, *7.52 and I •11:53 a. m.. 2:16. *3:40, 5:37 and 6:30 I p. m. •r>ally. All other trains daily except i Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE. ! J. H. TONGE. G. P. A. 1 They Come Back Some cigars may attract a smoker by their shape, a fancy wrapper, an im posing name and label on the box—but after all it's quality that counts, and I that's what makes smok ers "come back" for more King Oscar 5c Cigars Regular Quality for 24 Years I THURSDAY EVENING, TELEGRAPH WINS DUCKPIN BATTLE J I Take Two Games From Pats; Mersinger and Dwyer Pull Down High Honors In the Interoffice bowling series the Telegraph team last night won two games and the match from the Pat»; scores. 1278 to 1219. It was one of the most exciting duekpin contests | seen this season. Mersinger won high individual honors and Dwyer had high total. The Telegraph team is fighting hard to get Into fourth place. The scores and standing follow: PATS Totals Sohmer So 85 85 255 Wagner 70 «<» 77 210 Losh «6 6 8 79 21 S M. Fry 86 8.5 So 255 Splckler 110 79 91 2SO j Totals 416 386 417 1219 TELEGRAPH P. Fry 87 88 S3 258 Thomas 71 73 70 214 Mersinger .... 77 120 70 267 Ewing 102 73 S3 258 Dwyer 110 89 82 281 Totals 447 443 38S 1278 standing of the Teams W. L. P. C. Riots 8 1 .BS9 Mount Pleasant Press .. 7 2 .778 Stars 6 3 .667 Printers 6 3 .667 Telegraph 6 « .500 State 8 « :44 4 Pats 3 9 .250 Independents 0 9 .000 Sports of All Sorts Enola car shop workers will have a basketball league. Games will be I played at noon and In the eveninßs. In the Elks Bowling league last night the Braves won from the Ath letics: Bcores, 2361 to 2283. Palmyra A. A. is anxious for a foot hall game for Thanksgiving morning. Address C. S. Manwiller, Palmyra, Pa., or call Bell phone 7S. The Globe Right Posture team woudl like to arrange games for future dates. Average age. 14 to 16 years. Address John G. Och, care The Globe. The Salem Lutheran Club of Oberlin has organized a basketball team. Tha manager Is Bayard Rryan, Oberlin. Oberlin A. C. eleven wants games. Address F. n. Derhart. Oberlin, or call F. and S. office. Steelton. Lancaster five last night defeated York; score, 28 to 12. The I. H. Doutrich five of Pottsville last night defeated the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart tossers; score. 34 to 5. In the P. R. R. T. M. C. A. bowling I league last night the Cardinals won from the Colonials; scores. 2638 to 2478. In the Holtzinan tournament last night Gault defeated Morehead; score 100 to 95. INDEPENDENT LEAGUE GAMES In the Casino Independent League last night the Recruits defeated the Majesties, scores 2242 to 2120. White. I of the winning team, had 507 for a lotal aijd 176 for single game score. Lancaster won from the Oresans. scores 2098 to 2082. Haines was'high man with 209 and 495. #I|SAFETr] Pv FIRST I The object of "Safety I First" Is prevention. Tou can prevent your advertising from meet ing the fate of the waste basket If you will make [ it attractive with proper illustration. Bring your next copy to us for Illustrative treatment One treat ment will convince you •hat our methods are • rucceas. The Telegraph Art &Engraviag Departments I 216 Locust Street / """" HBAD4CARTRII9 FOR SHIRTS SIDES & SIDES FAST MEN Wi : Clf' ■ • I fc ■ . ' ■' ' ■ : : ' .-. HALL Bight Halfback .Next to the annual game on Thanksgiving Day between Central and Tech High, the game on Saturday between Steelton and Central Is the most important. Tech broke even with Steelton. The Taggart bunch re cently has been playing a remarkable game, and on Saturday hope to show more speed than in the first game with the local eleven. Central is building hopes on players wno have been factors in most, victories but re cently have been coming to the front with special work. The above trio is included. Hall has been putting up a star game at right halfback, and Marcus as a tackle has proven a wonder. Moore at right end is said to be one of the fastest men Central has had in that position in several seasons. Mort Henderson Champion Wrestler ■ MORT HENDERSON Everybody can have a cliance at Henderson, champion wrestler of the Middle States, who conies to the Orpheum Theater Monday night. He will pay to any wrestler of this city one dollar for each minute that wrest ler can hold Henderson following the first Ave of the match. This to tako plaice immediately after the big match between Henderson and the Italian champion, Joe Roncone. DUDLEY inches NORMAN 2yi inches M 2 for 26 QmHt, PeaUdj A C*.. f»c. B.kf AI'RAND'S, »1S NORTH THIRD ST. 10,000 VfllumfM In Stock. | New, old, rare; all subjects. Prices low. Build Up Your I.lbrnry with good books at little cost. : WE BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE BOOKS. Labor Shortage In Coal Regions The labor shortage in some districts is becoming acute. Recent statements were to the effect that sailing of emigrants in recent months was very heavy. Reports from one coal producing district shows that it contains 3,000 Greeks who are subject to a call to arms and who may leave at any time. Recent sailing of Italians have been heavy. The result is a shortage of labor at the mines for which reason the productive capacity has been much decreased. There is no telling what kind of coal you ire apt to get when winter begins in earnest. We are advising all our customers to put in a full supply. Are your bins full ? United Ice & Coal Co. Former A Cowdrn Third ft Boils lfumniel & Mulberry lfith 4 Cheataut Also Steelton, Pa. H A RRISBURG I TELEGRAPH <LL BE IN CENTRAL L . ■ . s \ In the Pigskin < , j Dickinson. The Dickinson squad | was put through a long and severe i workout until darkness set in in prepa ! ration for the game with Susquehanna on Saturday. While the team expects : to gain a victory on Saturday, everyone j realizes it will be a hard fight, and I there is no overconfidence prevailing, j The varsity lined up against both fresh man and scrub elevens for about an | hour, after which a short signal prac ! tlce was held. In which Shelley ran the | team at quarterback. Much attention | was given to the forward pass, and as ) it was successful against the Indians it ! will more than likely be used again on ; Saturday. Penn State. Yesterday afternoon ] brought forth another secret practice i session for the Penn State football I team. For nearly two hours Coach Harlow sent his players through the various formations used thus far this year which have proved successful in all the previous games. It is probable that these plays will be relied upon to keep Coach Warner's aggregation guessing, as they have every other team which State has played. The entire first team, with the exception of Berryman, was out. The fast halfback was confined to his bed under the doc tor's care. What was at first looked upon merely as a cold was diagnosed to-day by a physician as the grippe. Lebanon Valley.—The ideal football weather yesterday put spirit into the practice of the Valley squad and resulted in thirty-eight players re porting to Coach Guyer. The crippled list has been cut down until only Rup'p and Swartz, ends, remain. Keatins was on the tield for signal practice I duty, but bis injured shoulder will not allow him to get into scrimmage. The ! coach changed his method of attack this afternoon in the scrimmage work j out. More plays were run through the j line, this causing the linemen to charge I more and therefore stiffen the defense, j The forward pass was also worked j successfully against the scrubs. Carlisle. Carlisle Indian Poaches * Kelley and Welch yesterday put the varsity eleven through the first scrim mage of the week and the aborigines . displayed improved form and speed as the result of their lay-off. Mays was | used at left halfback in place of Fred j Broker, who is not yet in condition to i play. Mays will probably start the game against Fordham on Saturday, as he displayed much skill in the Dick- Yale's Final Practice Shows Promising Team New Haven. Conn.. Nov. 18.—Tom Rlievlin put the Tale football team through the final practice of the sea son in the Bowl yesterday. Except for a signal drill in the stadium early- Friday afternoon, the Tale varsity is ready to meet Harvard on Satur day. Fortunately there have been no serious Injuries to contend with this week. The men played through the I Princeton game without mishap, ex cept Wiedmann, who is out of the I game definitely. ' There was some hard work this ■ week, but none jjf the men have suf- Ifered hurts as a result. Every man !s on his toes for the Harvard game, and MARCUS Right Tackle .• .dtlfki - *9' MOORE Right End t inson contest. Captain Oalac spent a considerable portion of the afternoon practicing drop-kicking and showed exceptional ability in lifting the pig skin over the bar inside the 40-yard line. , Villanova.—Another hard workout was in order on the college field yes terday afternoon, with the usual scrim mage being dispensed with in favor of more elementary work. The linemen were In charge of Captain Reagan and they were drilled the greater part of the afternoon in bucking the machine and tackling the dummy. The back field practiced signals, while all the plays were reviewed several times until they had them all in working order. "Charlie" Mt-Guckin, who is styled Villanova's Brickley..put in some time drop-kicking, booting tho ball at nearly every attempt inside of the 40-yard line. McGuc-kin's record to date is seven field goals. lie is one of the most dangerous kickers playing this season. Bucknell.—Bucknell's hospital list was almost cleaned up last evening, when White, Fellon. Bunks and Ynr. Nell appeared in uniform. These play ers have been out of the game for almost a month, and while they are not in the best of condition, with a couple more days'rest they will be ready to take their places in scrimmage work. Man- Kan and McDermott are now the only two on the disabled list. McDermott is out for the season, but Siangan will be ready to put forth his best efforts in the closing game of the season here with Lebanon Valley on Thanksgiving Day. Hendren practiced a lot of drop kicking and was generally successful. f.ehUrh—South Bethlehem. Nov. 1 S. —Excellent progress was made by the Lehigh team in practice this after noon on the new plays devised by CoacTT lveadv for Saturday's game with Lafayette in Taylor Stadium. Several formations that promise to be effective have been learned and sur prises will be in store, it is believed, when they are employed against tho Maroon and White. Captain Tate, Maginnes, Green and several other veterans who had little or no work in the Lebanon Valley fray last Saturday are now in fairly satisfactory physical condition. Their rest has done them good, especially mentally. They are eager for the great game upon which hangs the success of the Lehigh season. is anxious for the starting whistle to blow. Following the scrimmaging, Otis Gernsey lifted six out of eight goals from the 35 to the 45-yard line. Twenty coaches were present, includ ing the entire directorate, headed by Tom Shevlin, which was summoned to take charge of the squad three weeks ago. Bigelow. Kirkpatrick and How ard Jones were in uniform. No at tempt was made to score touchdowns during the practice. Central Plays Academy Long Scrimmage Contest In preparation for their hard battles on Saturday. Central High and Harris burg Academy yesterday held a long scrimmage practice on Academy field. The Academy eleven was a big sur prise to Central and Coach Tat em is sure his smiad will be victors on Sat urday in the game with Gettysburg I Academy. This contest takes place on Academy field and will start at 2.30 o'clock. It will be the first home game 1 In three weeks and the Academy stu- j dent body is preparing for a large 1 representation. letters will be award- ! ed members of the Academy varsity | team next week. Central will have a secret practice i to-day and to-morrow for the game' with Steelton on Saturday. Steelton I has been working hard. For this game ' there will be a large turnout of the' student body. The Commonwealth! band will furnish the music. The I cheer leaders will be in uniform and i several new features will be Intro- ' duced. ( Midshipmen Ready For Trip to New York City j Annapolis, Md., Nov. 18.—Final ar rangements for the trip of the football players and the regiment of midship men to New York for the annual Army-Navy football game to be play ed on the Polo Grounds, November 27, were announced yesterday. THe foot ball squad, about. 35 strong, under the charge of Lieutenant C. B. Smith, athletic director, coaches and other attendants, will leave Annapolis for New York on Thanksgiving Day. Cap tain Eberle. superintendent of the Academy, will accompany the party. The regiment ot midshipmen will fol low on the morning of the game and will remain in New York over Satur day night, the arrangements calling for the return to Annapolis by 6 p. m. Sunday. NOVEMBER 18, 1915. ENWRIGHT QUITS HARVARD RANKS Star Ineligible According to Ruling; Even Money That Crimson Team Wins Special to The Telegraph Cambridge. Mass.. Nov. 18.—A few hours after Coach Houghton, of the Harvard football team, had learned that Tom Enwright would not be avail able for the game with Yale because of scholastic difficulties he told a mass meeting of students lnsl night that next Saturday's game was an even money proposition. "These 2 to 1 bets are all bunk." he said. "I want, to tell you that the facts do not warrant such odds. It Is an I Everything From j A to Z | A UTO Tops. Auto and T AUNDRY— T| Wagon Painting " REMEMBER g Body building for trucks and The City Star Laundry 8 delivery wagons a specialty. it . They keep your clothes clean. g 5 C. A. Fair Wagon Works imv CLEANING AND PRESSING |f 8 East End Mulberry Street Bridge OP ALL KINDS. H « U ATMS AM) MASSAGE. Sulphur "IV /TUSIC lovin S people realize tj H f> vapor baths for rheumatism, |\/| ... H lumbago, sciatica, gout, neu- AtJL the importance of having j* H ritis, colds, obesity, blood poisoning their Pianos tuned and regu g and many chronic diseases. lated by thoso who know. H H Lady and Gentleman Attendants. £♦ 8 HEALTH STUDIO WM " F ' TROUP & SON g Miss X. P. Robinson PIANOS—PLAYER-PIANOS g | 207 Walnut St. Bell 2166-R. 908 X. Third St- City. H | /CALENDARS are Effective | Business Promoters. ,818 MODEI « •ions. jj Attractive designs in all grades and Best motorcar value Ef sizes. for the money. Immediate delivery, n « MYERS MANUFACTURING CO. _ , p n 1128 \orth Third street East End Auto Company g ff Bell Phone 1577-R. Bell Phone 815-R. g I¥\ ICTATE to J— TIASTF. 'or paper hangers and U II the Dictaphone £ _uV U* Arrange for j¥ X commercial purposes where tj a demonstration on large quantities are used, your own work—APPLY NOTV " Harrisburg Paste Works :! ( Sales Agency. Cameron and Walnut Sts. [j GOLDSMITH'S 1 - 06 w ""' t at - ,m * r pOOL ROOM— I 1-iYERS AND CLEANERS .??h. po «SinS°a I g Market and Fourteenth streets g FOOTERS where I will be glad to see my g k friends || i THE GREATEST IN THE U. S. W. STUART FOX g 1323 MARKET STREET I' 34 N. Third St. TT Tr. K SHOE rpLECTRICAL— \J, REPAIRING! & Yingst Electrical Co. BEST WORK t BEST MATERIAL H 1423 N. Third St. _. H City Shoe Repairing Company 2 l\ CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIES. ai7 STRAWBERRY ST. |i WIRING AND REPAIRING. OOFING AND REPAIRS I I i F IRE DURANCE K BuiMing of new roofs of Blate . I :: A Kough. Brightblll asbestos shingleß and composition H .jji iri„ m materials, 3 ana IVine Spouting and Tinning « 307 So£ K pfcones I ' DG ' WILLIAM H. SNOOK | : BEST LIFE INSURANCE 883 KFIKir ' R ST ' | : OBTAINABLE QIGNS, Show Cards and FLOWERS — w Advertising Novelties tf STATE CAPITAL ok «™ RV DESCRIPTION | FLOWER SHOP Gamer Sign and Advertising § N. F. BLACK Company 520 MARKET STREET Floral Expert Bell Phone 72» PMone 2WC4R. 10. N. SECOND ST. YpKWU , TKRS GROCERIES— 1 ££ uh £\ v j I NEW STORE. NEW STOCK *'at"'are "worthy •; NEW PRICES 0 f your inspec- H Most Sanitary Store In City. tlon. Apply GIVE IS A TRIAL 211 LOCUST ST. D. O. HURSH ° P %eaier? Um | 133-1 N. Sixth Street ——— | GUNS. Ammunition, Hunt- T TPHOLSTERING ing Goods. U AND REPAIRING j| Lowest Prices. CHAIR CANING, FURNITURE AND i| ' ' _ „ CHINA PACKING A SPECIALTY, if COHEN & SON R.J.ROYSTER | 431 Market Street Capital and Rriggs sta. HAULING— t TULCANIZING— HEAVT AND LIGHT V DEALER IN EXTRA MILES f HAULING West End Vulcanizing Co. 1717 SU<h St * i JOHN BLACK & SON Guaranteed automobile, motorcycle i and bicycle tire and tube repairing * 201 S. Seventeenth St. Pr ° n 1 , P t * rv,ce - Moderate Prices! I Bell phone. Harrisburg', Pa. :J TCE CREAM— TTTORDEN Paint and | E. Wallace Case V* Roofing Company | Slag, Slate and Tllo Rooflng, Damp f The most sanitary mafle Ice Cream f In the city. ucts. Jobbers of Roofers' Supplies. 1932 North Third St. TBNTH Zub™ 1 ' 1 ' Sm f JEWELRY . J. C. GITT XT-CEL IN PLATING 1 1303 Market Street Silver plating, nickel plating : I or polishing of silverware Largest and most select assortment , tove , rlmralnKß> j lght flxtureg | | on the Mill. Prices surpassed by any s r | c . a _b r ac. : | : Jeweler in city. NUSS MANUPACTURINO CO. J : NEXT TO ALLISON TRUST CO. s . Cameron and Molberry St.. | KITZMILLER— V°UR space in this | Piano and Furniture Cleaner JL ] | and Polisher sent to any ad- Classification Will ! I : flress on receipt of 2oC. Try it Out ! of town postage extra. bri Kitzmiller Pharmacy 132(1 Perry St., Harrisburg. BUSINESS KEYSTONE RUG CO. yiMMERMAN NEW PROCESS CARPET CLEANING METHOD. Allison Hill Tailor Rugs Cleaned by the I CLEANING AND REPAIRING $ 1115 Montgomery St. f BOTH PHONES 7 North Thirteenth St. itttiiiniiiiinimililiiiiiiiiiiiittmmtnmtmmtii Hl|||||||m^ even-money proposition. Tale has hail a poor team this season, but the Bull dog has conie back with a rush, and they are all right now. be sure. I ha\ a a wholesome respect for Tom Bhevlln. and his works." Captain Malian told the undergrad uates that credit for Harvard's foot ball success during the past clglit years was due to Coach Houghton alone. "Tale gels most of the preparatory school siars. but Houghton has de veloped nearly all of Harvard's by his system." said Mahan. TKCII AT NEW BLOOMFIGLD Tech eleven yesterday Journeyed to New Bloomfleld for a scrimmage prac tice with the Academy eleven of that place. For two hours both teams worked hard. The local eleven was given live new formations in prepa ration for the Allentown game on Sat urday. New Rloomfleld Academy of fered strong opposition. It is probabl** that Poach Whitney will have to use several substitutes in Saturday's game. Harris Is out with an injured eye. 13