Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 13, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Carcass of Animal. Found on
Dr. Stover's Farm in Adams
County \
Boy Remains Silent When 22-
Caliber Bullet Passes
Through His Foot
By Special Correspondence
Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. IS. Mr. and
Mrs. Emanual Weikert, who live near
Round Top, along the Taneytown road,
celebrated their 63d wedding' anniver
sary at their home Tuesday. Their
children were in attendance at the af
fair, which was of informal nature
and quietly observed. Following a
visit of a representative of the Victor
Talking Machine company to Gettys
burg recently, a number of local men
took up positions in the plant of'the
company at Camden, N. J. Contracts
were offered men employed in the fur
niture factories and several left for
that place last week. Rabbit hunt
ers killed a fine doe on the farm of
Dr. James G. Stover, near Benderville,
last Monday morning. When the car
cass found it was still warm. Sheriff
Thompson was notified and the ani
mal brought to the County Home to
be disposed of. When a 22-caliber
rifle which he was handling acci
dentally discharged, the bullet passed
through the right foot of Charles
King, living near here. The boy re
turned home, did his usual work at
the barn and intended to keep his in
jury a secret from his parents, but
when his father returned home he was
informed of the accident and the boy
was taken to the office of a physician
who dressed the wound. I
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for m
cane of Catarrh that canuot be cured by Hall
Catarrh Cura.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolado. 0.
We. the undersigned, hare known P. J
Cheney ft»r the last 15 yeara. and ballave bit)
perfectly honorable In all business transaction?
and financially able to carry out any obligations
made by bla firm.
Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre fa taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous SUTtftCM <>t
the syatem. Testimonial* sent free. I*rlce 75
cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation.
\ The object of "Safety
First" la prevention.
lou can prevent your
advertising from meet
ing the fate of the waate
basket If you will make
it attractive with proper
Bring your next copy
to us for Illustrative
treatment One treat
ment will convince you
•hat our methods are a
The Telegraph
Art &Engraviiig
216 Locust Street
Never Mind Strong You Are—
What d'ye Know?
That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?"
To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win
Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to.
In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains
—not brawn—that win "What d'ye KNOW?" is the
one great question that draws the line between defeat
and victory between "wages" and "salary" between
you and the Boss.
What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some
line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman,
superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark
and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna
tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you
CAN "make good" on a big job? «
For 38 years the I. C. F have been showing men how to
do better work and earn Mpjer salaries. Every month over 400
students write of promo ions or salary Increases through I CL
8. training. What the I. C. 8. are doing for these men they can
do for TOU.
No matter where you live, how old you are, what hour*
jrou work, or how limited your education—if you can read and
, write and ar* ambitions to learn the L C. 8. can train you In
your own ly«ne. during your spare time, for a more Important
and better-paying position.
Mark and mall the attached coupon—it won't obligate
you in the least—and the I. C. 8. will show you how you can
acquire this salary-raising ability by their . imple and easy
It will cost you nothing to Investigate—it may oost a life
lime of remorse If you don't Mark and Mail the Coupon
NOW. t
J Box 1331, Scranton, Pa.
5 Please explain without any obligation te m* how I can qual- f
c ify for the position before which I mark X.
5 Electrical Engineer Mechanical Drafts Show Card wmi.. r
5 Refrigeration Engineer AdvartUlng <
C Electric Wlreman Civil Engineer Saleniiianahlß i'
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> Architect '.OCO. Fireman A Eng. English Branekn •'
5 Architectural Draftsman tlvll Service Agriculture r
V Engineer Railway Mall Clerk Poultry Farming •'
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< Concrete Construction "<*■«»• * Typewriting Chemistry
? Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile HsKtef
, J Name "i
Jj St. and No. . !'
< City ...A. . State |!
5 Present Occupation ....... . !'
York Minister Has Great
Record of 25 Years' Wo
I ;
> .. . \
Marietta, Pa., Nov. 18. —Yor|< Min
isterial Association notes the celebra
tion of the twenty-fifth anniversary
of the Rev. Dr. Adam Stump, one of
the oldest in point of service In that
district. The Rev. Stump's record
for work includes the following: In
fant baptisms, 2,929; adult baptisms,
203; funerals, 1,282; sermons, 1,842;
addresses, 1,890; marriages, 943; con
firmation, 1,413; by letter, 227; dis
missals, 901; by death. 595; he travel
ed to perform work in buggy, 65,3. r >6
miles; railroad, 9,969 miles: trolley,
5,241 miles, since 1902; made 15,810
visits. He is headmaster or the York
Cadets Military Academy at York and
is considered a disciplinarian of
ability. His health is good.
Lewistown to Have New
SIOO,OOO School Building
By Special Correspondence
Lrt'wistown, Pa., Nov. 13.—This bor
ough will improve its river front on
ground given by Samuel S. Woods.—
George Wentz has returned from a
trip to Philadelphia.—John Copelln,
who has been in the United States
navy for three years, will be home for
Thanksgiving, his term of enlistment
having expired. "Sunny Jim," an
evangelist, has been holding services
In the Evangelical Church and draw?
ing big crowds.—Lewistown is to have
a new SIOO,OOO school building.—Hor
ace Solicit has taken a position in the
drafting department of the Springfield
Arms Company at Springfield, Mass.—
The woman suffragists of Mifflin
county are pleased with the vote they
polled and they will now work harder
than ever for the cause. -- George
Staekpole, editor of the Lewistown Ga
zette. is improving from a threatened
attack of pneumonia.—Wm. Henkle,
employed in New Jersey, has been
calling on aid friends here. —The Ger
man Reformed Church will produce a
home talont play in the near future,
"The Little Minister."
At lam Aa Thii Fcliaw, Aml Had
I way"!
A quick, safo, healing, antiseptic relief
for Sore Throat, briefly describes TONSILINC. A
small bottle of Tonslline lasts longer than most
any case of Sore Throat. TOUSILIME relieves
Sore Mouth and Hoarseness and prevents Quinsy.
25c. and 50c. Hospital Sin SI.OO. All Dragglsti.
THE TOWSILim OOMPANV, ■ « * Ceirtcn, Ohio.
Busy Bee Club Will Open
Reading Roop at Church
By Special Correspondence
lliiniiiiHstown, Pa., Nov. 13.—Rob
ert J. Walton was at Pottstown on
Wednesday. Jacob Qaus spent a day
with his son, Brinton Gaus, In Harris
burg. Mrs. WillUyn Karmany and
Mrs. Charles Reed spent a day at
Harrisburg. The Busy Beo Club
held a party In the social.room of the
Reformed Church. During the winter
the club will use this hall as a read
ing and sewing: room. The union
Thanksgiving services will be held in
the Methodist church on Thursday
morning, November 26, the sermon to
be delivered by the Rev. Robert A.
Bausch, of the Reformed church.
Misses Annie B. Nye and Marjorle
Nissley visited friends In Elizabeth
town on Sunday. Mrs. Marv Grill
has returned from a visit at Sinking
Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Deim
ler spent Sunday at Philadelphia.
Mrs. feamuel Levan and children spent
the past week with relatives at Read
,n«- r * and Mrs. Jacob Hummel
and son, Robert, of Steelton, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wells
Buser. Mrs. Ward Hummel is vis
iting her parents at Dubois. Harry
Green spent Wednesday at Philadet-
Pu ~T Alrs - Thomas McCall spent
the past week in Philadelphia where
KueSt of her son, Thomas
Mc 11. " r • and Mrs. Jacob Men
gle and children were recent guests
of relatives at Philadelphia. John
i nomas, of Wormlcysburgr, spent Sun-
J,, home " f Mr. and Mrs.
'f? *? 0 k ' • -7~ Mrs, Harry Nissley
Sclnn-Z L"' Beatrice Nissley, are at
Haven - John Rcigle shot
mi,! v^"¥ ound wll<i turkey in the
H»fH^, , ' Un , t , ains on Thursday. Miss
Hattle t arling visited at Lebanon over
XV T Alrs " Geor * e Fox the
nf nm > mother, Mrs. Eliza Lutz,
over Sunday. Miss
Catharine Conrad is spending the
n"v Ha - rriabui 'S. the guest of
ul™ 5 S, he Martin. Mrs. Wil
sw.F* Ear "* st sons, Joel and
hi Jtnn n 1 " 3 ," h > , paßt we,lk at Wash
h!f?» h'o ; Mi s -s Gertrude Rhine
wtth h»r rpt """ned home from a visit
Newark v ro , ther ' ucob A RWncliart. at
enlTn»\f'd ~7 Mrs - Ambrose Back
fall.?,?' i Enola - was the guest of
t here this week. Bina
and hil ?, eadlnK - Charles Lundy
ana 11 Is bride, of Harrisbursr snonr
and Mrs h l week . wl,h his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Mindy. Mrs W R
week 6 wRh "h' h,ren T' nt P"«of the
week with her mother, Mrs Lone
o? New YnrT""- ~ " a "T Fithlan.
friend* lirrp i WBS cntertf i'ned by
mends heie during the week
Wl?lifm » C . k u r 18 vlsi,in K his son,' Dr.
William Ricker. at Philadelphia.
Loyal Temperance Legion
Organized at Newville
rT a " Xo J- and
Mis. John Over, who have iust re
froru their wedding trip to
with thl f : R " p "< 'he week-end
Mrs w p ? 1 " S > ,arPn ' s . Mr. nn.l
"• T '- Over. Mrs. George P
A? "T S , pent Frida >- with relatives at
• lercersburg. AI. Householder anil
daurhter, Katherine, have returned to
tending 01 ) if Willlan 'sport, after at
tending the funeral of the former's
sister. Miss Ella Householder. Mrs
J Garber and son, Wilbur, of Car-
Jlslo, spent a day among friends here
Mii R«. v, L«ndis and daughter.
Miss Bess, have gone to Harrisbursr.
to spend some time with the former's
son, George B. Landis. —Mr and
Mrs. J. M Killian were married in
>ears on Monday, November 8. Mrs
1: n w As^ mo . re 13 her parents
at Washington. D. C. _ Mrs. Ira
w neeler of Waynesboro, is visiting
j her aunts, the Misses Randall. Mr
ifind Mrs J. S. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. J.
i M'nn Elliott and daughter, and Miss
Mary McCachnan have returned from
[an auto trip to Altoona, Bellefonte
> and State College. A Loval Temp
; erance Legion was organized at a
meeting held in the G. A. R. room on
i Sunday afternoon. Misses Lena Ivoser
and Edna Elliott will be in charge.
The installation of the Rev. Carl Ras
mussen has been postponed from
(November 14 to November 21.
Barney Goldberg of this place, re
| eeived his naturalization papers on
j Monday, and is now a full-fledged Am
! erican. Mrs. Charles McCov and
daughter, and Miss Stonesifer of Steel
fon. are visiting the formers sister,
Mrs. David Shopwell. sh-. and Mrs.
Ed. D. Glauser of Chester spent the
week-end among relatives here. Mr
and Mrs. Levi Watt of Belleville, Pa '
spent several days with Mr. and Mrs'
Ed. James. Thomas Derick spent
Sunday at Philadelphia. An inter
esting meeting of the Civic Club was
held at the home of Mrs. J. s. Gracev
on Monday evening. The president,
Mrs. Swope gave a splendid report of
the State Federation of Woman's
club meeting at Wilkes-Barre. Mrs
Margaret Keall entertained the club
on "The Poet Singer of the Negro
j What Our Neighbor* Say.
t'nion City, Pa. —"I got run down
and lacked tone. I read about what
h good medicine Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery ia, bo I made up
my mind to try some. I began taking
it and was surprised that it built me
up so fast. I did not need any atter
the first bottle. It is the finest medl
' cine of its kind on earth. When I use
; any pills for indigestion and constipa
! tion I always use the 'Pleasant Pel
| lets.' They relieve me and seem to
I tone up the slack in the stomach and
i other parts. I like Dr. Pierce's reme
j dies the best of any."— Mß. E. 0.
j •'iiowKES, Union Oity.
Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery cures diseases of the stomach
and organs of digestion and nutrition.
It increases the- assimilative powers,
aud > purifies and enriches the blood.
When diseases of organs remote frorc
the stomach are caused by the stom
ach, the cure of the stomach results
in the cure of the other diseases, in
heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc.
Sold in either tablet or liquid form.
If your dealer does not keep the
sugar-coated tablets, send 50 cents fin
stamps) for a box. It is the world's
proved blood purifier. It's not a secret
remedy for its ingredients are printed
on the wrapper. Start to take it to-day
and before another day has passed, the
impurities of the blood will begin to
leave your body through the liver,
kidneys, bowels and skin, and in a
few (lays you will know by your
steadier nerves, firmer stop, keener
mind, brighter eyes and clearer akin
that the bad blood is passing out, and
new, rich, pure blooa is filling your
The same good blood will cause
pimples, acne, eczema and all skin
eruptions to dry up and disappear. .
Forester and Constable Head
Squads of Fire Fighters in
Hard Battle
Turkeys and Babbits Killed in
\\ ilds of Toboyne Town
Now Germantowii. Pa., Nov. 13.
These hunters shot wild turkeya during
the past week: George A. Collins,
Charles F. Bowman, John Hopple.
I Robert Swartz, Smllev Collins and J.
E. Q'Dell. The Rev. John T. Bell of
Watsontown, a former minister of
the Biain Methodist Epiacopal
Church, is here recruiting his health
among the hills and vales of Toboyne
township. Mrs. Marshall Smith and
Miss Minnie Smith of Horse valley,
visited friends here. Mrs. Llllie M.
Flnkenbinder has typhoid fever and
James O'Donel is reported as having
diphtheria. Ed. F. Middleton and
Cloyd Adams visited Mr. and Mrs.
John S. Briner at New Bloomfleld.
J. T. McConnell shot ten rabbits, the
Biain, medical examiner, inspected the
pupils or the Toboyne • township
schools. Fire broke out at three dif
ferent. places on Cehter ridge on Tues
day evening. Forester H. E. Bryner
and Constable F. M. Swartz each took
out a squad of men, who got It under
control after fighting the flames near
ly all night. Mrs. Charles F. Fess
ler visited her father, Cyrus Jacobs
of Honey Grove. Juniata county, who
is seriously ill. Mrs. Edward Hock
enberry raised a head of cabbage 36
inches in circumference, which weigh
ed 11 pounds; a turnip 21x23% inches
that weighed four pounds and a beet
that weighed five pounds. George M.
Smith has a 16-row ear of corn 14
inches long. Mr. and Mrs. D. B.
Stambaugli, son Franklin and daugh
ter Inez, of Jackson township. Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Tressler. Mrs. Jacob
Clouser was the guest of her daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Berkheimer of Spring
Grove, York county, were the guests
of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Abner Watt. H. E. Keim and son
Howard and Mi's. J. A. Noel and
daughter Mabel visited Harrisburg.—
Mrs. Wilson W. Morrison visited her
sister, Mrs. Mary B. Kern, of Biain. —
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bistline, of Pitts
burgh, are visiting sfrlends here.
Jacob Hopple and brother Ralph,
caught two large coons on Thursday
night. Deane Stephens, a gunner
on the New Hampshire battleship,
stationed at Portsmouth, Va„ Is home
on a ten-days' furlough. The
Knight brothers of Lancaster are oc
cupying their house on the Barnhart
farm on their annual two weeks' hunt.
They are accompanied by Dan Rice,
D. R. Kane and Frank Rice, of El
Reception For New Pastor
of Newport Reformed Church
Newport, Pu., Nov. 13. —Mrs. Anson
R. Wright and daughter. Miss Lena
May Wright., are visiting their son and
brother, Norman R. Wright, at Belle
fonte. —Mrs. Hanson A. Pennell is en
tertaining her sister, Mrs. Katharine
Wrlglit, of Braddock. Newport's
"grand old woman," Miss Margaretta
Bell, celebrated her ninety-seventh
birthday anniversary yesterday.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Agnew
Moore over Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
James P. Brown and children, Misses
Ruth, Mary and Julia Brown an<V Au
brey Davis, of Monrovia. Md.—Mrs.
Joseph R. Raker, Jr., and her house
guest, Miss Lucetta Orr, of Indian
apolis, were recent visitors to East.
Downingtown.—Mr. and Mrs. William
C. Fickes entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Taylor, of Milroy, on Sunday.—
Jesse E. Butz is visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse S. Butz.—The
Misses Vergne Kipp and Alma Bonsall,
teachers in the grades, and Miss Eliz
abeth Dorwart., teacher in the high
school, visited the Harrisburg schools
this week.—Mrs. William M. B. Gland
ing, of Bellefonte, is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Horace Beard, having been
summoned here because of the illness
of her aged mother. Mr at Margaret L.
Howe. —T. Leslie Smith and Frank
Demaree have returned from an auto
mobile trip which included a visit to
Princeton, where Mr. Demaree's
brother, D. Ralph Demaree, is a
senior. Frank W. Seltzinger and
family, of Hershey. have been the
guests of relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Wes
ley W. Potter.—Albert H. White will
make addresses here to-morrow as fol
lows: At 1U.30 in Calvary United
Evangelical Church: at 2.30 in
St. Paul's Lutheran Church for men
only: at 7.30 in the Methodist Church.
On Tuesday evening in the Presby
terian Church he will give un address
to women only.—The consistory of the
Reformed Church of the Incarnation
has issued invitations to a reception to
be held in the chapel next Thursday
evening at 7.30 o'clock to meet the
pastor elect, tl/e Rev. U. O. H. Kersch
ner, and Mrs. Kerschner. Mr. Kersch
ner has resigned his charge at Punx
sutawney to accept Newport's call.—
Mrs. CJeorge McClintic, of Lewistown,
visited her relatives. Miss Jean Kerr
and Mrs. Mary Kerr Johnston, this
week.—Mrs. C. L Bair and daughter,
Mrs. Mae Arabella Bair, visited in
Harrisburg this week.—Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Adams Sharon have gone to
New York and South Norwalk, Conn.,
for a visit. —Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank
Van Newkirk and daughter, Helen
Van Newkirk, of Kingwood, W. Va„
visited relatives here this week.—Miss
Eleanor Shutter and brother. Harold
Shutter, of Steelton. are visiting their
grandfather, George Fleislier.—Ralph
Elickinger is visiting his parents at
Akron, Ohio.—Miss Claire R. Demaree
was in Harrisburg on Thursday to
hear the Damrosch orchestra. Mr.
and Mrs. •William Davis, of Altoona,
are visiting Mr. Davis' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Davis.—"Who Is My
Neighbor?" the home missionary serv
ice, will be used to-morrow morning
at the session of the Sunday school of
the Reformed Church of the Incar
nation.—Richard ("Dick") Marshall,
the famous football player at the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania a few years
ago. will be the new manager at the
furnace when operations are resumed.
Shlpponsburg, Pa., Nov. 13.—Misses
Ruth and Esther Long spent Sunday
at home. —Miss Ella Lupp has return
ed frflm Harrisburg.—Philip Hoch is
sufferinf from neuralgia of the heart.
—The Methodist church celebrated its
anniversary this week.—A. A. Burk
holder is suffering from a swollen
hand caused by innoculation of ty
phoid vaccine.—William Snoke, Jr..
spent Saturday afternoon at Miners
ville.—Dr. G. D. Gross, of Lebanon
Valley College, will preach at the
Messiah United Brethren Church to
morrow mornlrut.
Dillsburg, Pa., Nov. 13.—Four generations of a Dillsburg family are
given above. They are descendants of Mrs. J. E. Eiehelberger, seated in
the front of the picture, who is eighty years old. Standing in the Tear
to the left Is her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Arnold, aged 00 years; to the right,
her granddaughter, Mrs. John H. Powell, agAl 22, and the two children
are her great grandchildren, Dorothy Powell, 3 years and Winifred
Powell, 6 months.
Mrs. J. F. Hicks Entertains
Linglestown Embroidery Club
By Special Correspondence
liiiigle.«lowii. Pa., Nov. 13. The
Rev. George Whitaker has been ap
pointed pastor of the Church of God,
succeeding the late Rev. Dr. George
Sigler. Mr. Whitaker has taken pos
session of the parsonage.—Mr. and
Mrs. John Bernhardt and daughter.
Miss Anna, of Harrisburg; Mr. and
Mrs. John Rhoads and Mrs. Sherman,
of Enola, spent Sunday as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Care.—Mr. and
Mrs. David Hept'ord entertained a
number of friends on Monday, the
occasion being the latter's birthday.—
Miss Emma Patterson returned to her
home at Roxbury after spending the
summer with her sister, Mrs. J. J.
Lehman.—Samuel Balthaser, of New
ark, N. J., was the week-end guest of
his mother, Mrs. ElizabetH Balthaser.
—Miss Myrtle Moyer, ol' Lucknow,
spent several days with Mr. and Mrs.
John Shepler. Mr. and Mrs. John
Geyer and daughter, Miss Ruth, of
Middletown, spent Sunday with the
family of Mrs. Rebecca Baker. —Jo-
seph Ball, of Baltimore, was a recent,
guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.
G. Ball.—Miss Salome Feeser, of Har
risburg. spent Tuesday with friends
here.—Dr. p.. Brown has moved to
Witmer, Lancaster county, where he
will make his future home. —The Rev.
Lewis Relter, of Hainton, spent.
Wednesday here.—Mrs. John Koons
and sons spent Tuesday at Harrisburg.
—The Embroidery Club was enter
tained at the home of Mrs. J. F. Hicks.
—Mrs. Gertrude Nissley and daughter
Kathryn, of Pleasant View, spent Mon
day evening with Miss Eliza Buck.—
The Rev. W. J. Sclianer, of Columbia,
was the guest of his sister, Miss Ada
line Schaner.—Miss Mary Hench and
Miss Georgia Snyder spent Thursday
at Harrisburg. Mrs. John Bergner
was at Harrisburg on Thursday.—Mrs.
O. B. Leesc and son Walter were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Walmer
at Steelstown. Miss Vesta Koons
spent several days with friends at Car
lisle. —Edward Buck and Frank Hoke,
of Gettysburg College, spent several
days the guests of their parents.
Souvenir Books of Penn's
Creek Celebration in Demand
SeUnsgrovc, Pa., Nov. 13.—Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Mull and child of Win
field, visited O. O. Mull on Sunday.
Misses Katie and Ada Herrold and
Jennie Shelly of Produce, and Arthur
Shaffep of Chapman, spent the week
end with their parents here. Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Bailey and daughter,
Phoebe, of Sundore, spent Sunday with
W. 11. Luck. Mrs. John Focht and
daughter Elizabeth. of Plainfield,
Tenn., are guests of Dr. E. P. Manhart.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gray visited
relatives at Muncy recently. Mrs.
GraVit Bolig visited friends at Wash
ington, D. C., on Sunday. Such a
continued demand has been made for
the Souvenir Books printed by the
Harrlsbi rg Telegraph for the Penns
Creek Massacre Celebration here on
October 13, 16, 17, just passed, thtvt
the committee is seriously considering
running off a second edition of five
hundred copies. The number printed
was one thousand copies which were
sold before the three-day celebration
was over.
Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition
San Francisco, 1915 San Diego, 1915
tFor Flavor and Quality
is just right
It has the delicious taste and natural color of high-grade cocoa beans;
it is skilfully prepared by a perfect mechanical process; without
the use of chemicals, flavoring or artificial coloring matter. It is pure
and wholesome, conforming to all the National and State Pure
Food Laws.
mo. u, ». pat orr. CAUTION: Get the genuine with our trade-mark on the package.
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
' Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS.
NOVEMBER 13, 1915.
Mifflintown Hunter
Shoots 19-Pound Turkey
By Special Correspondence
Mifflintown, Pa., Nov. 13.—Mr. and
Mrs. Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mayer motored to Philadelphia where
they will spend several days.—John
Bergy left for the Exposition in Cali
fornia and will visit his brother,
Samuel Bergy, who lives in Los An
geles, California. After a visit of
several weeks at the home of her par
ents in Brooklyn, Mrs. Elmer Schott
and little son returned to their home
here on Sunday. Mrs. Jonathan
Ryner and daughter, Mrs. Max Nest
ler and children spent Sunday at the
home of her brother at Cocolamus.—
Cashier James T. Alter, of New
Bloomfleld National Bank, was a Mif
flintown visitor Monday. Mr. and
Mrs. Kulp, of Shamokin, have re
turned to their home after a week's
visit with her sister, Mrs. Thad. Vin
cent.—Miss Alice Grubb is spending
the week in Lewistown. Miss Kath
erine Mathers Is visiting friends in
Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. W. I.
Kulp are spending several days with
their daughter, Mrs. Paul M. Heimach,
Rt Philadelphia. Arthur Rohison
shot a 19-pound wild turkey on Shade
Mountain. Miss Ellen Robison
spent Sunday at State College the
guest of her brother, John Robison. —
Miss Jane Banks spent Thursday at
a house party at State College.—Wil
liam Ritter. of McCoysville, a mem
ber of the New York Giants basel/all
team, who is taking a rest at his home,
t Saturday in town. Teachers'
Institute for Juniata county will be
held the week of November 15. Prof.
C. E. Kauffman has provided a good
program and the public may-look for
very Interesting and instructive enter
tainments. On ""lursdov, the Rev.
Henry R. Rose will deliver an illus
trated lecture, Mrs. J. Howard
Neely and Mrs. Ezra Parker left Wed
nesday for a week's stay at Philadel
phia. Miss Bessie Warner, of Wash
ington, D. C., is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Robert MiMeen. Miss Rebecca
Okeson, of Lewistown, spent the week
end with the Misses Seiber. Miss
Jane Banks is visiting relatives and |
friends at Philadelphia. Miss Mary j
Kulp, an employe at the State Capital
at Harrisburg, has spent several days
with her parents. Miss Grace Evans,
of Lancaster, is the guest of Miss
Hazel Anker.
Berrysburg, Pa., Nov. 13.—Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Kebach and Mrs. Robert
Deibler and daughter, motored to
Pottsvllle on Saturday. Besides the
teacher, those tijat. are spending the
week at Harrisburg are Mrs. Harry
Klinger, two daughters, Grace and
Arlene, Miss Annie Bowman. Dis
trict Attorney M. E. Stroup and son
were hunting in this section this week.
M. S. Daniel and Daniel Behney
spent Suniniy at Harrisburg. Mrs.
Emanuel Smink and little son, of
Lykens, visited her parents. The
Rev. and Mrs. Derr returned from a
visit t.o Middletown, Md. 2 Jerry Mc-
Coy spent a day at Lykens. Levi
Shoop, of Shamokin, was in town on
Sunday. Mrs. Etta Deiner and chil
dren of Elizabethville, visited her sis
ter, Mrs. Harvey Deibler. Mrs.
Lewis Barrett and son, Gordon, of
Lykens, is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Bender.
Nuptial Ceremonies Celebrated
During Week in Lancaster
Student at Stevens Trade
School Breaks Leg While
Playing Football
B.y Sptcial Correspondtnct
Mount Joj-, Pa., Nov. tS. Bishop
Peter R. Nlssley united in marriage at
his residence, near Mount Joy, Harvey
Rettew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Rettew, and Miss Mary Brubaker,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. IC. Bru
baker, of Rapho township. They were
attended by John K. Earhart, and Miss
Mabel B. Stauffer. On Tuesday morn
ing, at the home of the bride's par
ents. near Milton Grove, Miss Fannie
Ginder was united in marriage with
Norman llilstand, of Raplio township,
by Bishop Henry B. HofTer. The
couple were attended by Peter Hennev
as groomsman, and Miss Rebecca Ilie
stand. as bridesmaid. John IC. Ear
hort, iion of Mr. and Mrs. Amman S.
Earhart, of Mount Joy township, nnd
Miss Louisa Stauffer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Stauffer. of near
Mount Joy. were married on Tuesday
morning at the residence of Bishop
i Peter R. Nlssley. They were attend
|ed by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rettew
On Tuesday morning Reuben S. Nlssley,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Israel G. Nlsslev,
and Miss Ella Peters, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Peters, all of
Rapho township, were married bv
Bishop Peter R. Nlssley, at his resf
dence, near Mount Joy. Herbert
Frank, a student of the Stevens Trade
School, sustained a broken leg in a
game of football at Lancaster, on Sat
urday. The King's Daughters of the
Church of God Sunday School will
give an entertainment in the church
to-morrow evening. A chicken and
waffle supper will be given In Mount
Joy Hall on Saturday evening. De
cember 4. by the Willing Workers-
Sewing Circle, of the Church of God.—
.Samuel Root left on Tuesday for Cal
ifornia where he will look after his
extensive oil Interests. Walter Frev
has returned from Freeport, 111., where
he spent the summer. Miss Marv
Bckhart. of Philadelphia, spent Tues
day among friends here. Howard
Boyd, of Baltimore, spent Sundav with
his mother, Mrs. Mary Bovd. —' Trwin
Starr, of Allentown, was the guest of
Miss Viola. Baker, on Sundav. After
spending three weeks with' relatives
and friends at West Chester, Mrs W l>
Chandler returned home.
Asbestos Company Enlarges
Its Plant at Manheim
By Special Correspondence
Manlielni, Nov 13. The VnitML'
f-tates Asbestos Company, of this placM
employing over 300 people, which re
cently started the erection of an ad
dition of 60x100 feet, has staked off
another addition 64x100 feet. Both
buildings will be of brick and two
stories high. Professor W. II Her
shey a. musician of note, with his fam
ily has moved to York where he U
conductor of tlie Y. M. C. A. main
chorus of thirty-five volros, a woman ' 4
i °f the Schubert choir"
JJ? ] 6O voices, as well as organist and
° f , S V rau,s Lutheran
win position Professor
Hershey has filled for ten years. He
will continue his work here as super
visor of music in the public schools.—
Miss Leona M. Metzler is upending tile
week with her mother, Mw Stella
Harrlsb,,, -K- - On Sunday
in a befitting manner Zlon Lutheran
w'n ~ /?/' a rioul),f ' anniversary,
fnrtJjiiV.'l, Mar t' n Luther and the
fortj-e ghth anniversary of its Sun
day School. The Hav. Dr. T. C Bill
heimer. of Gettysburg, was the orator
Intr rahhw ~/V hei ' 11 comes to shoot
-I™* Joh " Graybill, a farmer
living half a mile east of this place
bag all gunners beaten to a fraz7le
He started out the other morning with
a short Hme ,, v °, sh ell*. within
?n 1? *i 1. Hp had four rabbits with
husk corn T? one ; He V ,en stai "ted to
v. 5- orn - In a few minutes his don
a rabl) 't Into a nearby wood?
He followed and in short order bagged
three more bunnies. _ Miss Kdtrn
and Pearl A. Shifter uro
a?fve<! W T ek amo "* Reading re!-
Katfe' Tj,|p ftta Kngle and Miss
i £» En f® spent Sunday -with Mr
and Mrs. John AlJonback. Miss Cnri
spending the week with
J arv Hhor » at Lancaster. n [•*
Pritz is seriously ill with tuberculosis'
His son, Gerald Pritz, of York, lias been
summoned to his bedside.
By Special Correspondence •
Mlllcr»bui R , Pa.. Nov. 13.—James
'THnu' Civ" war veteran, brother of
Mrs. G. M. Brubaker, who went to the
National Soldiers' Home at Hampton
\ a., early in the Fall, died at that
.nstitution and was "buried in thoi
cemetery at that place.—l. E. t'lsh i«
placing the foundation for new scales
for the weighing of wagons and other
large matter at the Millersburg Flour
ing Mill. Charles W. Noll is enjoying
his annual hunting trip in the north
ern part of the State.— Mrs. J. .T
MUler. of Harrisburg, and Sophia
rackler, of Norton, Kansas, were re
cent guests of Mrs. Catharine Wilver.
at Lenkerville.—Miss Alice Kitzmil
ler, of Bradford, attended the funeral
of her Mrs. H. A. Carmany on
Sunday.—Edward Shott, of Harris
burg, a former Miilersburger, was th«
guest of his son, William, on Tuesday.
—Allen Gilbert is hunting in Center
and Clinton counties this week.