Ancona Survivor Declares Italian Liner HARRISBURG |f§llfßll TELEGRAPH LXXXIV— Xo. 265 GOVERNOR SOUNDS NOTE OF WARNING IN PROCLAMATION ThanksgivingDocumcnt Pleads For Return to Sound Econ omic Conditions DEPLORES THE GREAT WAR Pennsylvania Should (live Thanks For Peace, Plenty and Prosperity Now Governor Brumbaugh to-day issued his first Thanksgiving day proclama tion calling upon the people of Penn sylvania to observe a day of thanks for "a year of health, plenty and so cial advance" and declaring that at the same time people should take steps to reach "a sound economic condition." The proclamation says: "Let us reverently observe our day of Thanksgiving, not alone because it is a custom so to do but because it is a privilege annually to make public acknowledgment of gratitude to God for His manifold mercies and bless ings. We are a worthy people only as we are an humble and a devout peo ple. Not to see the guiding wisdom of God in the affairs of men is to be ig norant of the vital controlling force In the uplift of the race. "We have had vouchsafed to us a year of health, plenty and social ad vance. «lur Commonwealth has been signally free from calamities. Our crops have been abundant. Our indus tries at the beginning of the year were languishing. They are now increas ingly prosperous. The deplorable war in Europe may be the occasion of this prosperity. It Is regrettable that the misfortunes of our neighbors should be a cause of our prosperity. The sooner we reach a sound economic condition based upon a normal com petitive market the better it will be for us. The present situation is one that may well cause us to take heed. The law of love is the only abiding law of progress. "In the spirit of solemn gratitude thai we have been kept from the hor rors of war and that we have been blessed of God with material and spiritual good, let us gather in our several places of worship to take our reckoning, to give thanks for boun teous blessings, and to supplicate our [Heavenly Father for continuing guid ance and help. "To this end and that we may be a holler and happier people, I, Martin Grove Brumbaugh, Governor of this Commonwealth, do designate and set aside Thursday, November 25, 1915,! as Thanksgiving Day." Ah-a-Choo! and Man's Shoulder Is Dislocated A good healthy sneeze this morning sent E. L. Shireman, a machinist re siding at 1522 Regina street, to the Harrisburg hospital with a dislocated right, shoulder. Shireman Is employed at the Harrisburg Foundry and Ma chine Works. The accident happened about 10 o'clock. The machinist was working at a bench. When he raised his right arm to get a tool from the shelf, Mr. Shireman sneezed heartily. A fellow employe standing nearby heard bones crack and heard his comrade groan in pain. It was with difficulty and much suffering that the machinist's, arm was lowered. The ambulance was called and the Injured man was taken to the hospital where the dislocation was reduced. It was at first believed that a rib had also been fractured, but surgeons say the soreness in the chest was due to the injury in the man's shoulder. Mr. Shireman was able to go to his home this afternoon. APPKALS TO PRESIDENT By Associated Press Washington, D. C„ Nov. 11.—Presi dent Wilson was asked to-day by Mrs. J. Sergeant Cram and Elizabeth Gur ley Flynn, of New York, to appeal to Governor Spry, of Utah, to commute the sentence of Joseph Hiilstrom, an Industrial Workers of the World worker and a Swedish citizen, con victed of murder in Salt Lake City and sentenced to be shot a week from to morrow. The President promised to investigate and see if he can do any thing. M'ADOO'K SON -I X - LAW DIES By Associated Press Washington, D. C., Nov. 11.—Charles Taber Martin, of Los Angeles, a son in-law of Secretary McAdoo, died early to-day of pneumonia at the Secretary's home here. President Wilson went to the house to extend his sympathv be fore 9 o'clock. Mr. Martin was the husband of the former Miss Harriet McAdoo, who is now in Los Angeles. THE WEATHER For HarrlnbarK nnd vicinity t < loudy and wanner to-night and _ Friday, probably aliotvrr*. For ICnatrrn I'ennaylvaniai ( loudy nnd niirmpr t«»-nlifht and Friday, probably ■bovrt-ra; Inrrranlnf aoutlicaat minds. Hlver The SuM(|iirbannn river and all Ita tributaries will fall alowly or rt-mnln nenrty atatlnnury to '•■iclit and probably Friday. A ■ taur of about S.B feet la Indicat ed for Hnrrlnhtirg Friday inorn- Ing. ( _ tieneral Condition* The center of the western atorm liaa moved from Colorado to the l.nke Superior region daring the last twenty-four hour*. It hna Inerenard In energy and la eaua- Ing strong winds and galea In the I pper Mississippi river nnd over the western part of thr l.nke Region. l.lght to moderately heavy ralna have fallen in the I'lnlna States. Temperature ehangea have been unimportant. Tempetature: S a. m., 38. Sunt Klaea, «i 46 a. m.) aeta, 5i»2 p. m. Moon i First quarter, November 13, •IKIJ p. m. niver Stage: 3JI feet above low water mark. Veaterday'a Weather Hlgheat lempernlnrr, fi3. lioweat temperature, 40. Mean temperature, M. .Vornml temperature, M. LINER NOT SUNK WITHOUT BEING GIVEN WARNING Information Obtained From Survivors Tells of Panic on Roard MANY FELL INTO SEA Passenger Declares Conduct of Submarine Crew Was In comprehensible Naples. Nov. 11, via Paris. 12.20 A. M.—Parnate La urine. an Ameri can citizen, is among llie missing pas sengers of the steamship Ancona, ac cording to information obtained hero to-day. London. Nov. 11.—A Central News (lis|>atch from Rome says there Is no news of 110 iiersons who were on lxutrd the Ancona and that it is pre sumed they were killed by the gunfire of the submarine. The only American in the lirst cabin, the dis|>atcli says, was Mrs. Gireil. London. Nov. 11.—Prince Cassano was among those saved from the An cona and it is presumed all first class passengers aboard tiie steamer em barked in the same boat with him, says a Naples dispatch to the Express. It is believed, therefore, that Mrs. Oecile Grcil. an American citizen, also is safe. By Associated Press London, Nov. 11.—The Italian steamer Ancona was not sunk without warning, according to information ob tained from survivors landed at Malta by the Reuter correspondent and cabled here. The Austrian sub marine which overhauled her after a long, stern chase gave the com mander a brief respite to permit the removal of passengers but the inde scribable panic- which began among the immigrants on board as soon as the underwater craft was sighted was responsible for the loss of many lives. In a mad rush for safety, men, women and children overwhelmed the boats, several of which were overturned be fore they could be lowered. Many (Continued on Page 16.) Alleged "Nonresident" Held For Court Under S3OO Bail For Court Charged with illegally voting at the Fall primaries because he is not a regu lar resident of the city. W. R. Scott was held under S3OO ball for court this afternoon, following a hearing before Alderman A. M. Landis. Sixth ward. Scott was another of the dozen or more, men who had been arrested following investigations by John P. Guyer, of the Dauphin Countyv Law and Order 1 League. Scott lives in Lewistown and owns a restaurant here. He voted. It was charged, in the Second Precinct of the Twelfth Ward. His defense was that he roomed in this city. I Where the two missing primary elec ! tion return envelopes and their con sents are, or how they disappeared, clerks in the County Commissioners office could not discover and it Is gen erall' - believed that they art- either lost or perhaps, had been left in the ballot boxes by the election boards. The Commissioners yesterday, in response to a letter from John P. Guyer, of the Law and Order League, directed that the remaining returns be locked up hereafter. Guyer reported that two re turn envelopes cannot be found. The election boards are required by law to return the sheets, ballot stubs, etc., in the envelopes, but frequently the ma terials are left In the boxes. To In spect these boxes will require an order from the Court. Guyer warned the Commissioners that they will be held strictly account j able for the safety of the primary re i turns. It is understood that other warrants are soon to be issued and I that the primary returns are vital as I evidence. State College Student Loses Life in Fall By Associated Press Alientown, Pa., Nov. 11.—John C. I Merlon. Jr., aged 20, son of John C. I Merion. of Ward. Pa., was so severely i injured in an 80-foot fall here early this morning that he died In the local hospital several hours later as the re sutl of a crushed skull. Morion was one of a party of twenty seven State College students, in charge of Dr. J. B. Churchill, on a trip of inspection of the various industries in the Lehigh Valley. At 4 o'clock this morning employes of the hotel heard a noise and upon investigating found Merion lying on the concrete pavement to the rear of the hotel. The top of his skull had been crushed and his leg fractured. Tt is believed that he got up while asleep and walked out of the window. 16-Year-01d Boy Wants License to Wed Girl 13 Efforts to obtain a marriage license this afternoon by the youngest appli cants on Dauphin county's marriage tureau records led to an investigation of the youth by the district attorney's office upon alleged charges of a statu tory character. Allen Brown, aged 16, and Ellen Fanny Brown, aged 13, were the prospective licensees. To obtain the license the appoint ment of a guardian was necessary, and when President Judge Kunkel learned the circumstances he refused to ap-- point a sponsor. The question which the district attorney was directed to Investigate was the age of Brown when the alleged crime was committed. DEPUTY SHERIFF CATCHES 94-POUND SALMON One of the largest salmon ever taken from the Susquehanna river in this vicinity was caught yesterday after noon after a vicious fight by Deputy Sheriff Virgil B. Kennedy. Kennedy proudly exhibited his catch about th« courthouse to-day. He took the flsl) a hundred feet or so below the city dam at Dock street. It weighs nine pounds and a half, measures twenty nine inches from mouth to tip of tail and eighteen inches around the girth. I HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 11, 1915. I ITALIAN LINER TORPEDOED BY SUBMARINE )\ V J v ; r "T J I' * * '' 1 1,-f * • | 1 | k ■ i * v | ; j i' ' . <- •; if< § xm <"< . -- -Ju tTAUAA! StAtCOASA. - ■ -1 ■*•-«*«ws.Ja-T*a» ©AWSBMWOMt AOr f&BkVIA, The picture shows the Ancona as she sailed out of New York harbor on her last voyage to Italy. On her return trip from Naples to New York she was torpedoed, shelled and sunk by a large submarine flying the Aus trian flag. Between twenty and thirty Americans are believed to h&ye been aboard. One report says that 271 perished when the ship went down and that 371 were saved. Officials at Washington are fearing a recurrence of the "Lusltanla complication" resulting from the attack on the steamer and its sinking with loss of life. $1,000,000 BLAZE IN ROPE FACTORY Company Was Engaged in Making Materials For War Purposes By Associated Press Trenton, N. J., Nov. 11.—Fire that started shortly before 2 o'clock this morning and burned fiercely for more than two hours completely destroyed one of the rope shoos of the John A. Roebling's Sons Con.pany. entailing a loss estimated at a million dollars. During the progress of the tire a row of frame buildings located on Clark street and running back to the burned structure caught fire a number of times and were In danger of dstruc tlon. The occupants of these houses were compelled to move out. many of them wearing only their night cloth ing. The rope mill, which had a frontage on Elmer street of about 100 feet, ran back a distance of 700 feet parallel with Clark street in the rear of the dwellings. The fire originated in the Elmer street end of the building and because of its inflammable construc tion the entire structure soon was in fiames. The interior of the mill was open from one end to the other and the upper floors were of wood and were saturated with oil from the ma chinery. There were rumors here that the fire was of incendiary origin, due to the belief that the company was en gaged in making material for war purposes. Officials of the concern, however, do not believe this. In recent years the Roebling com pany has sustained heavy fire losses, the largest of which occurred last January when its Buckthorn plant, was completely destroyed with a loss of $1,500,000. The building In which it was ru mored the Roeblings are planning to make gun barrels for war purposes is located some three or four blocks from the scene of this morning's fire. NEW SCHOOLS WILL AID BUSINESSMEN Mrs. Prince Tells Commerce Chamber They Will Be Big Source of Profit "Businessmen will find in the con tinuation schools about to be started ®nder the new child labor law in Pennsylvania a boon and a source of prAfit to themselves, instead of a stumbling block and a hardship," Mrs. Lucinda W. Prince of Boston and New York, told members of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce at a noon luncheon in the Harrisburg club to-day. "No new movement has been in- (Continued on Page 16.) Secretary Woods to Take Detweiler Home Secretary of the Commonwealth Cy rus E. Woods has leased the residence of Mrs. Meade D. Detweiler for the winter and will make It his Harrisburg residence. Secretary and Mrs. Woods will remove to Harrlsburx from Oreensburg next week. Mr. Woods occupied the Chamberlin residence last winter. WESTERN STORM CAUSES DEATHS Property Damage Will Amount to Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars By Associated Press Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 11.—Prop erty damage, amounting into hun dreds of thousands of dbllars, several persons killed and scores injured, was the result of the violent storm which swept Central Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and lowa last night, ac cording to reports received here to day. i South Bend, Kansas, was the ' heaviest sufferer. A tornado struck the town, killed two persons, injured more than 30 and wrecked many buildings. The town was plunged into darkness and a drenching rain fol lowed. Property damage there was estimated at $500,000. At Derby, Kansas, 100 miles south east of Great Bend, one man was kill ed and seven persons were injured by the tornado that struck there a few hours after sweeping Great Bend. A number of persons were injured at Hartford, S. D., and high winds that visited other localities in that State as well as sections of Western and Central Nebraska, destroyed farm (Continued on Page 16.) TWO HI HT W HFA AUTO CRASHES INTO POLE AFTER HITTING HOG After running over a dog near Camp Hill, at noon to-day, IJ. E. Bollinger, proprietor of the Riverside Inn. at Coxestown, lost control of the automo bile which he was driving and crashed into a telegraph pole. Bollinger and Samuel Davis, 252 Liberty street, were hurled from the machine, Bollinger receiving a com pound fracture of the right arm and bruises of the body. Davis fractured his left shoulder, and sustained bruises and lacerations of the bodv. Both were treated at the Harrisburg Hospital. TWO MORE DAYS OF TRAVELOGUES Series by Frank R. Roberson Are Closing Successful Run; Matinee For Children Just two more days remain in the engagement of Frank R. Roberson, the famous traveler and traveloguer, who I has been appearing at the Chestnut I Street Auditorium under the auspices lof the Telegraph Owing to the fact jlhat the auditorium is engaged for to-night, there will be no travelogue. Two travelogues to-morrow, one the last of the special series of school [Continued on Page B.] I Southern Democrats Want Bryan as Leader Atlanta, Ga.. Nov. 11. lf reports from many sections of the South are to 1 be believed, the Anti-Saloon League is organizing in the effort to obtain dele gates to the various Stite conventions who will not only oppose instructions for President Wilson, but will name delegates inimical to the President as the next party leader. According to these reports, the Anti-Saloon league Is working quietly to pick State con vention delegates favorable to prohibi tion. and this nature lly leads to the conclusion that they v-11l light to have William J. Bryan as t.\e next Demo cratic leader. DOES U. S. FLAG ON SPITE FENCE INCREASE VALUE? Melrose Property Assessment .SSOO Higher Than It Would Re Ordinarily "WORK OF ART" EXTRA Attorney Will Ask City Couneil to Reduce Valuation Figures Does the painted presence of Old Glory on the face of a "s»ilte fence" enhance or decrease the value of a property SSOO worth? | City Council, sitting as a board of tax revision and appeals, may be called j upon to consider that problem Fri , day, November 19. when it hears ob jections to 1916 triennial assessments. Scott S. L<etby, counsel for Levi O. I Balsbaugh. of Melrose, raised the ques- I tion informally at to-day's session of [the board's sitting. The Third ward complaints were heard to-day and Mr. Lelby said he will investigate the prob lem with a view to appearing for his client at hearing of the Thirteenth ward appeals. Long Has It Waved The "Old Glory spite fence" ques tion has agitated both county and city legal circles for some years; it all I grows out of the erection by Mr. Hals baugli of a twenty-foot-liigli fence on the western side of his property at Twenty-sixth and Derry streets. On the western front of it he painted a gorgeous waving Hag of the United States. In the center he painted a great cross. The flag-painted fence faced upon the property of A. L. Groff at Old Orchard. Balsbaugh proudly called the structure a lovely work of art. Groff and other neighbors angrily called It a "spite fence." That was some years ago, and the question was threshed out legally on several occasions, but because the commonwealth boasts of no anti spite fence law on Its statute books the fence remained. Finally a certain board of assessors placed an increased value of SSOO on the Balsbaugh prop erty. Balsbaugh protested that he. had not been regularly served with the notice and took his appeal on that question. The inference at the time was that the additional SSOO was placed on the property as a gentle persuader to the owner to raze the fence Worth a 8500 Increase The present board of assessors let the SSOO remain. Mr. lyeiby declares that the "fence" might well be considered a work of art, but that the assessors had no legal right to assess it for more than its actual value. He said it might be worth $75. Mr. Balsbaugh has long since re moved to Philadelphia. Mr. Groff lias gone to China. Tenth Ward's Increase To-day's hearings were of a more or less desultory character. The total assessments of the city have been com piled up to the Eleventh ward and already figures show an increase in valuation of more than a million dol lars. In nine wards the increase was something over $500,000; in the Tenth ward alone the increase will aggregate $600,000 and $700,000. Among the owners of properties affected, it is understood, are the McCormick estate, Joseph L. Shearer, Jr., Harry Reyn ders and Commissioner-elect E.. Z. Gross. Some of the appeals, it is understood, may be taken up following next Tues day's meeting of Council. After the appeals have all been settled, Council figuring on the basis of the city's chief source of income from taxation, will begin the preparation of the 191 C bud get. Work on the budget, however may not be started before the middle of December. Forger Passes Check For $lO Dated 1895 According to Harry White, city de tective, a slick check forger, Is work ing in Harrisburg. Last night he passed a check for $lO on Hyman Cohen, 407 Walnut street, and ob tained $3.80 in merchandise and the balance in cash. The check was an old form used by thf First National Bank, in 1 895. | The old figures we re crossed out and 1915 Inserted. The cheek was made out to Erik Forsberg. and was signed "Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Company. William T. Hildrup." The amount was specified in regular check stamp style, so that It could not be j raised or altered. This, the police say lls an indication that the forger is | carrying with him a check stamp out- I fit. using red and blue inks. I The man who passed the check is described as being six feet in height slim in build, and wearing good clothes. He had a cap on his head. Hunter Who Killed Game Warden Held For Court Special to The Telegraph Mauch Chunk, Pa.. Nov. «ll —Francis Thomas, of Drifton, who lcilled Game Warden James McHugh, of Weatherly | ner Hazel Creek Junction, last Sunday while hunting illegally, had a hearing yeßterday afternoon before Justice of the Peace James J. Boyle here on the charge of murder and was held for court without bail. Joseph Kalbfus secretary of the State Game Commis sion. was present. He says the Attor ney General will give every possible assistance to District Attorney Setzer to convict the slayer of McHugh Henry Brown, who accompanied McHugh on Sunday and who is the principal wit ness, testified that after McHugh told Thomas he was under arrest for shoot ing rabbits, Thomas lifted Ills gun and killed McHugh. who was standing be side Brown: that Thomas then told Brown to hold up his hands, aimed the gun at him and pulled the trigger The gun failed to go off. Thomas In his confession savs ho killed Game Warden McHugh accident ally. and that the reaßon he tried to shoot Brown wt»s because he was afraid he would kill him because he had kill ed McHugh. Throughout the hearing Thomas seemed unconcerned. SUGAR GOBS UP AGAIN By Associated Press New York. Nov. 11.—All grade? of refined sugar were advanced 10 cents per hundred pounds to-day. PANIC ON VESSEL INCREASED DEATHS Liner's Commander Says Ship Was Shelled From Dis tance of Five Miles SUBMARINES ARE ACTIVE Inactivity Along'the Western Fighting Front Indicated by Dispatches , The Italian liner Ancona. sunk by a submarine in the Mediterranean with the loss of a number of American lives reported, was ! not sent to the bottom without warning, acording to accounts of some survivors. The Austrian submarine which had been pursuing the liner gave a brief time for the removal of passengers, Malta advices through London state. The loss of many lives on the An cona is declared to have been due to panic among the passengers caused by the sight of the submarine and to and fact alleged that the under sea boat fired repeated shots both fore and aft at the liner as the pas sengers were taking to the boats, ac centuating the panic. A news agency dispatch from Tunis on the other hand, declared the com mander of the Ancona asserts that the submarine gave the liner no signal to stop. He insists the vessel was shelled first from a distance of five miles and that she stopped. Subsequently, he declared, shells hit the boats into which passengers were being loaded, many passengers being killed or wounded on deck anil in the boats. Other accounts from Tunis declare (Continued on Page 10.) Mothers in Poland Are Slowly Putting Their Littles Babes to Death Special to J lie Telegraph Philadelphia, Nov. 11.—That moth ers in Poland have been feeding their babies a mixture of chalk and water to insure a slow death with, but little suffering since the start of the Euro- Ipean war, was the statement made yesterday by Madame Ignace Pade rewski, who is here to sell her Polish dolls to aid Polish artists and to pur chase milk for some of the hundreds of babies that are starving to death irf her native country. _ I chairman of the Bo; J of Directors of the Bethlehem Su E % Company, returned home to-day an dheld a conference with . M £ the head officials of the steel company relative to the re- m \ construction of Number 4 machine shop which was de- K ■ stioyed by fire yesterday. ~ \ Sunbury, Pa., Nov. 11.—Simon P. Wolverton, son of the j » late Simon P. W | V nently identified in the law department §f the Reading Rail- \ ■ way, died here last night alter a brief illness. He was forty E ■ yean; of age and ore of the heirs of the million dollar estate « j of his father which is held in trust by the Guard Trust Com- i ■ pany, Philadelphia ' g - The State Workmen's Insurance Board ' to-day".announced that the board will make a reduction from ! I the Approved rates of the insurance rate manuual of ten per ! cent, and that the minimum premiiyn is fixed at $5.00. Chicago, Nov. 11, Storm signals were displayed all m I over the Great Lakes to day and a drop in temperature to ft I the freezing point was predicted for Chicago to-night 1 I New York. Nov. 11.—The resignation of Cornelius N. M ' Bliss as a director in the Southern Pacific Company and the m I election of Frederick B\ Underwood, president of ihe Eric m Railroad to succeed him were announced to-day at the con- m elusion of a meeting of the Southern Pacific's Board of « I Directors. K ' New York, Nov. 11.— H. C. Rupper said to be a wealthy «• ' resident of Richmond, Va., to-day shot and killed hus wife w I and then committed suicide in their room at a prominent m. J uptown hotel here. % ■ Peking Nov. 11.—The assassination of Admiral Tseng % 9 Ju Cheng, governor of Shanghai yesterday was not a politi- » f cal act, according to a semiofficial statement issued here £- P to-day, but the work of assassins hired by the family of a W man ordered executed by the governor. J New York, Nov 11; George W. Eberhp; it of the New g York Stock Exchange and head of the Eberhardt and Com-, f I pany, stock brokers of Pittsburgh, was suspended from the M I New York Stock Exchange to-day for one year for alleged M connections with bucket shops. J MARRIAGE LICENSES I Millard MrakN, lllihllftown. and Kvb Jobo, Bit. Alio. | Harry Klluure WIUou and Matilda Hluncli Krlti-n, Altoiina. E t'liarlea C. Muniiuert, MenKea .>llll*, and Mary Virginia Sterner, 2 Portera. [ POSTSCRIPT— FINAL 18 PAGES SAYS SCHOOL IN EACH TEN SQUARE MILES IS ENOUGH Institute Speaker Asserts Dau phin County Should Have 60 Instead ol' 250 Buildings URGES CONSOLIDATION Dr. Claxton Claims Many Teaehers Do Not Know Oats From Barley "Pennsylvania is the greatest sinner of any State in this country for not consolidating all of its one-room rural schools," Dr. P. P. Claxton, United States Commissioner of Education de clared in an address before a joint meeting: of teachers and directors of public schools in Dauphin county, in session in the Technical High school this morning. Dr. Claxton stated that in Dauphin county alone, instead ot' having 250 ! schools, there should be only 60, one ito teach ten square miles, lie also j cited other instances throughout the j State where schools could be con ! sojidated to much greater advantage. • | "The only reason why teachers I leave country schools and come to the ■ city; the only reason why young men i and women leave the farms in the | country, is because they do not know 1 enough to stay there. A farmer ' must lie better educated than any [Continued on Pane 14] To Put Extra Braces Under Table For Newsies' Thanksgiving Dinner By an unanimous vote members of the Harrisburg Newsboys' Association last evening decided to have a regular old-time Thanksgiving dinner at their home. It was decided to put extra braces under the table to hold the monster turkeys and lixin's. The fol lowing committee is making the ar rangements: Mike Klawansky, Ar thur Koplovitz and Wagner Hoffman. All the newspapermen of the city and the honorary members will be in vited. Charles M. Hoffert, a represen tative of the Philadelphia Bulletin spoke last evening. Afterward the ' boys held an old-fashioned spelling bee. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers