Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 06, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Miilersburg Firm Gets Coutract
For Marker to Famous Penn
sylvania officer
Prisoner Runs Away With
Pcnna. Railroad Officer's
Good Handcuffs
MillcrHhurs, Pa., Nov. 6. J. S.
Heckert & Son. marble and granite
dealers of this place, have secured the
ronfract for a handsome monument to
be placed in the Arlington National
Cemetery in memory of Hear Admiral
James McQueen Forsythe. The ad
miral was a native of Shamokin, Pa. |
The monument will be placed early in !
December. —Joseph Gray, a Pennsyl
vania Railroad detective, placed under
arrest a suspicious-looking character
who was loaling around the depot on
Friday niffht and after placing hand
cuffs on htm gave him a bunk in his
office for the night, intending to take I
him to jail in the morning. However, j
during the night the prisoner escaped, j
taking with him a good pair of hand- j
cuffs. A Colt. automatic pistol was •
found on the prisoner when arrested. |
At a Hallowe'en party at the home j
of Mark Brubaker ten pumpkin pies j
fn an outkitchen were stolen by boys •
as a .ioke on the assembled guests. '
It is said that the boys returned sev- i
oral days later and apologized for their j
act. —That the Hallowe'en spirit is not
dead in this section was evidenced!
Monday night when upward of 400 .
iTiasqueraders turned out and paraded
tlie streets of the town headed by the
Citizens band.—William D. Stites, a'
veteran of the Civil War, was stricken !
with paralysis last week and is In a
serious condition with little hope for j
his recovery. i
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewanl for any
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, O.
We. the underpinned, have known F. J.
Cheney tor the last 15 years, and believe lilio
perfectly honorable In all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obligation?
made by bis Arm.
Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure \n taken Internally, acting
directly uj»on the blood aud mucous surfaces of
the system. Testimonial* sent free. Price 7.J
cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
y 1 j
\ The object of "Safety
First" Is prevenUon.
You can prevent your
advertising from meet
ing the fate of the.waste
basket If you will make
It attractive with proper
Bring your next copy
:o us for Illustrative
treatment One treat
ment will convince you
'hat our methods are s
The Telegraph
Art &Engraviiig
216 Locust Street
I 1
Never Mind Huw Strong You Are—
What d'ye Know?
That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?"
To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win
Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to.
In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains
—not brawn—that win "What d'ye KNOW?" is the
one great question that draws the line between defeat
and victory between "wages" and "salary" between
you and the Boss.
What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some
line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman,
superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark
and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna
tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you
CAN "make good" on a big job ?
For 28 years the I. C. S. have been showing men how to
do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every month over 400
students write of promotions or salary Increases through I C.
8. training. What the I. C. 8. are doing for these men they can
do for YOU.
No matter where you live, how old you are, what houra
you work, or how limited your education—if you can read and
write and ara ambitious to learn the I. C. 8. can train you In
your own during your spare time, for a more lmDortaAt
and better-paying position.
Mark and mall the attached coupon—lt won't obligate
you In the least—and the I. C. 8. will show you how you can
acquire this salary-raising abiUty by their Umple and easy
It will cost you nothing to Investigate—it may cost a life
time of remorse If you don't Mark and Mail the Counan
NOW. p
J Box 1331, Scranton, Pa. J
Please explain without any obligation to me how I can qual- J
j lfy for the position before which I mark X. }
C Electrical Euiiieer Mechanical Drafts Sliow Card Wrltln ''
( Elec. Lighting Supt. Refrigeration Engineer Advartlalng J
5 Electric Wlreman Civil Engineer Salesraaashln «
( Tel. * Tel. Knglnee* Surveyor Teacher ■'
i Architect Loco. Fireman A Eng. English Branches ■'
J Architectural Draftsman flvll Service Agriculture ■
> Structural Engineer llallway Mall Clerk Poultry Fai-mlna J
? Building Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. & Steam Pit. I «'
/ Concrete Construction Steno. A Type* siting Chemistry I ■'
/ Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Running ''
J Name 5
f St. and No 5
J City . State }
Present Occupation J>
I Lancaster Minister Will
Go to New Cumberland
Marietta. Nov. 6. • The Rev. J. W.
Deshong, pastor of the Lancaster
Church of God, has accepted a call to
the Church of God at New Cumber
land, Pa. This congregation has a
SIO,OOO house of worship, and is a
nourishing congregation. He takes
I the place of the Rev. S. N. Good, who
I goes to Shlppensburg. The Rev. De
| shoug assumes charge next week. He
! was pastor of tlio Lancaster Church
I many years.
Newport People Take
Auto Trip to Falsington
Newport. Pa., Nov. 6.—Mrs. Harry
| Stites and daughter. Miss Mabel Stites,
lof Harrisburg, were guests of Mrs.
Joseph M. Eshleman.—Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Conrad visited their children at
Huntingdon on Sunday. Paul T.
' Gantt, a student at Franklin ana Mar
| shall College, came home to vote.—
Mrs. Frank Huss, of Harrisburg, vis
ited friends here on Monday.—Mrs.
j Jesse S. Butz is entertaining her old
school friend, Mrs. Emma Lessig, of
Allentown.—Misses Nelle MacKenzie
Kough and Jessie Kough and Harry
! M. Kough, Amos L. Gelnett and H. |
Ray Wertz composed an automobile •
party which visited in Falslngton over !
Sunday.—Clarence Stewart Smith has
gone to Wilmington, Del., for a visit,
where he will join Mrs. Smith, who
lias been spending some time with
Mrs. John La Carpentier.—Mrs. Ar
thur B. Conrad, of Huntingdon, is vis
iting her parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
J. 1). Conrad.—Miss Florence M. Butz,
a trained nurse of Bryan Mawr, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. William H.
Gantt.—Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Boob, of
i Harrisburg, visited Mrs. Bobb's grand
j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Saylor, on
| Sunday. Mrs. Frances Krauss has
been entertaining Miss Dorothy Jones,
of Philadelphia. The Misses Helen
Dean and Mabel Fliekinger, students
at. Pennsylvania State Normal School.
Millersville, visited their parents.
Mrs. John Howard Armstrong, who
has been visiting her father, J. Holmes
Irwin, has returned to her home at
Chicago.—Mrs. William Dorwart is en
tertaining her sister, Mrs. Joseph U.
Frltehey. of Lancaster, at the rectory.
—Mrs. Paul Sharp, of Harrisburg, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Gardner. —Mrs. J. Emory Fleisher
entertained Mrs. John Moorhead, of
Mount Jewett, this week. Mrs. J.
Harry McCulloch and her sister. Miss
Jennie Linn Milligan, were at Harris
burg on Thursday.—Miss Louise Bech
tel Beard is entertaining her cousin,
Miss Margaret Glanding, of Bellefonte.
To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism,
whether muscular or of the Joints, sciatica,
lumbago*, backache, pains in the kidneys or
neuralgia pains, to write to her for a home
treatment which has repeatedly cured all of
-hese tortures. She feels it her duty to send
*tt*> all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself
at home as thousands will testify—no change
of climate being necessary. This simpla 1
discovery banishes uric acid from the blood,
loosens the stiffened joints, purifies the blood
and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and
tone to the whole system. If the above
interests you, for proof address Mrs. M.
Bummers, Boi B, Notre Dame. Inch
'V * r •« - --
Waynesboro Young Women
Give Enjoyable Entertain
ment For Friends
Miss Maybelle Griswell Is Hos
tess For Big Party of Jolly
Young People
By Special Correspondence
Waynesboro, Nov. 6.—Misses Mary
llenedict, Margaret Anders, Mildred
< offman and Helen Keezer gave a mas
querade party in a vacant house at
23 West Third street on Saturday
evening. The rooms were decorated
with pumpkins, cornl'odder and au
tumn leaves. Those present were:
Misses Elizabeth Criswell, Elizabeth
Brown, Mildred Beck, Janet Miller,
Thelma Lesher, Hosanna Ainberson,
Hoilie Urey, Minerva Alilier, Marie
f owier, Wild a Wallower, Gertrude
Mary Benedict, Margaret Anders, Hel
en Sto utter, Mllureu Coftman, Helen
Keezer. Ralph Miller, Ezra Oiler, Ko
| Tressler, Benner Kelly, Edward
Miller, Russeil Bonzager, Lester Beck,
l Laurence Mathias. Robert Kesslering,
Chester Adams, Harry Feeser, Robert
| Boerner, Robert Beard, Lynn Welsh,
Bradford Urey, George Coffinan, Ed
win Ervin. On the arrival of the guest
they were met by Misses Mable Coft
man and Enola Mentzer who acted as
ghosts. During the evening their for
tunes were told by Misses Edna Ment
zer and Eva Nicodemus, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Emmert, Mr. and Mrs. D. R.
Deardorff and Mr. and Mrs. Zacharias
chaperoned the jolly crowd. At the
close of the evening refreshments
appropriate to the occasion
were served. Miss Mayhelle
Criswell gave a Hallowe'en party on
t Monday evening and delightfully en
tertained a number of friends. Those
| present were Misses Isabel Todd, Fred
erica Good, Margaret Disert. Helen
Shu man, Katheryn Kisecker, Dorothy
Brindle, Margaret Nicodemus, Helen
Middleton, Elizabeth Unger, Elizabeth
Swartz, Kathryn Criswell and May
belle Criswell. Albert Wentworth,
i Richard Smith, Clarence Neal, James
1 McKnown, Mark Frantz, John Shank,
William Eppley, George Good, Hjol
mar Oderman, Blain Bishop, Barr
Snavely, Jr., and William Minniek.
All the guests were masked and wore
costumes representing clowns, coons,
pumpkins,queen of night, shepherdess,
colonial lady, Turkish lady, grand
mother, milk maid and Spanish danc
er. Refreshments were served. Mr.
and Mrs. Ray M. Breining, who were
recently married, have returned from
their honeymoon spent in Philadel
phia, Camden, Asbury Park and Cran
bury, N. J. The Misses Mary, Ruth
and Louise Friedly entertained a num
ber of friends at cards on Tuesday
evening. There were twenty guests
present. Mr. and Mrs. Elman G.
r rantz celebrated their golden wed
ding anniversary Saturday at their
home. Many relatives and friends
were present. Mr. and Mrs. Frantz re
ceived many handsome presents in
cluding a purse of gold. Mr. and
Mrs. Fred S. Gilbert entertained at a
Hallowe'en party on Monday evening.
There were eighteen guests present.
Miss Thelman I-larbaugh entertained
at a Hallowe'en party. Games were
played and refreshments served. There
were forty guests. Messrs. Syney
Sprio, Harvey Routson, Arnold Spahr
and Aaron Bloon left this afternoon
for Martinsburg where they will at
tend a formal dance at Thornwood
Prof. H. W. Bollinger
Resigns as School Teacher
By Special Correspondence
Newton Hamilton. Pa.. Nov. 6.
Miss Ada Harvey is at Johnstown.
Clarence Taylor, of Altoona, was a vls-
I i ill 1 IT, home °f bis parents,' Mr.
l and Mrs. W. 8. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Anders .spent several Java at
Altoona and Pittsburgh. Clifford B.
; Norton, of Altoona. was a recent visitor
at the home of Ills parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Busscl lowing, of Hunt-
I ingdon, spent several days with rela
tives here." H. \V. Bollinger has re-
I signed as teacner ot No. J school and
has accepted a position with the Aetna
Explosives Company. He will he suc
ceeded by his sister. Miss Anna Bol
linger, of Mlllerstown. Stanton Wil
son of Harrisburg. spent last week
with relatives here. Mrs. Don Price
Tnii daughter, of Mt. Union, spent the
wek-end with her mother. Mrs. Amanda
j Temple.
Will prevent it in most cases by re
moving dandruff, itching and irri
tation, the usual cause of dry, thin
and falling hair. Nothing better.
Samples Free by Mail
Cutlcura Boap and Ointment sold overrwhere.
IJberal "ampin of each milled froe with 3L'-p. book.
Addresi poet-card "Cutlcura." Dept. 11G, Bex ton.
Blood and Nerve Tablets
! Fill the shriveled arteries with pure, rich
Mood. increase the weight in aolid flesh and
muscle that rive you strength, the brain and
fiervea with fresh vital fluid that force new
life and vigor into every part of the body.
Price 60 centa: Special Strength 75 eenta.
| Dr. ChsMCo.. 224 N. 10th St., I kUadelphla, Pa.
The Rev. Carl Rasmussen Be
comes Pastor of Newville
Lutheran Church
I The Rev. H. W. A. Hansen Will
Deliver Charge to the
By Special Correspondence
XcwvJlJe, Pa.. Nov. 6.—Mrs. Wilson
Ahl, who spent a week with Mrs. Mary
Ahl. has returned to her home in New
ork city.—Mrs. George Bert has re
turned home from a visit to Plymouth,
Ohio. Mrs. Will Shaner, of Harris
burp, spent the week-end with her
mother, Mrs. M. E. Landls.—Mrs. P.
X. McLuughlin and Miss Henrietta
oharpe are at Morrislown, N. J.—Wil
mcr Maxwell spent Tuesday evening
with Ills mother, who is ill. Mrs.
Mary Shulenberger has returned to
her home atter spending several
months at Chambersburg. Willis
koons, a student at. State College,
spent several days with his parents.
Air. and Mrs. Stewart Koons. —Miss
Isabel Shulenberßer spent Sunday at
Chairibersbiirif. —Mr. and Mrs. Bryce
Elliott and son. of Hagerstown, spent
the week-end with the former's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Elliott.—
Ktissell McCachran. of Bloomsburg,
spent several days with his sister. Miss
Mary McCachran. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Brown and children, of Read
ing-, spent several days with the for
mcJli. mother - Mrs - Mary Goeby.—Mr.
and Mrs. Spang ler, who spent several
weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Hew
lett. have returned to their home in
Patton, Cambria county. Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Lyter announce the birth
of a son, Wednesday, October 27. Mrs.
Lyter was formerly Miss Helen Kil
lian. A meeting will be held in
St. Paul's Lutheran Church on Thurs
day evening in the interest of the
Men's Missionary Movement. The
Hev. Carl Rasmussen, pastor of Zion
Lutheran Church, will be installed on
Sunday, November 14. In the morn
ing the Rev. H. W. A. Hanson, of
Harrisburg, will deliver the charge to
the congregation, while the Rev. A. S.
Hain, of New Freedom, will deliver the
charge to the pastor in the evening.
Special music will be a feature of the
services.—The regular monthly meet
ing of the Civic Club will be held at
the home of Mrs. J. S. Gracey, in Big
Spring avenue, Monday evening. Mrs.
Margaret Krall, of Shippensburg. will
entertain the club on the theme "The
Poel Singer of the Negro Race."—A
needlework guild was organized at a
meeting in St. Paul's Lutheran Church
and the following officers elected-
President. Mrs. S. S. Glauser; first
vice-president, Mrs. Belle Swope: sec
ond vice-president. Mrs. Ralph Espen
sbade: secretary. Mrs. C. D. Ashmore
treasurer. Miss Belle Dunfee.
Miss Emma Patterson Is
Hostess For D. D. P. Club
Llngleatown. Pa., Nov. 6.—Mr. and
Mrs. S. D. Walker, of Harrisburg 1 , were
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
Lutz. Mrs. Sarah Urich, of Harris
burg, spent Sunday here. Miss Vera
Care entertained the following guests
at a Hallo we en party Saturday even
ing: Miss Edith Flowers, Miss Mabel
I<eescr. Professor King. Roy Sheetz and
Andrew Hetzel. Dr. E. R. Rhein and
mothe.r motored to Schuylkill Hoven,
Saturday. Ephralm Smith, of Colo
rado Springs, spent Sunday as the
gust of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Smith. Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Baker, of
L> kens, and Mrs. John Geyer, of Mid
dletown, spent Monday with their
mother, Mrs. Rebecca Baker Miss
Esther Mcllhenny and Miss Mabel
Bai kenstoss on Mondav were the
guests of Miss Marion Smith Mr
T J r° hn , , Buck ni,d rtHUgl.te?
Ruth, of Harrlsburg, were the week
end guests of Mrs. Annie Buck 1-
Holland < ' l ? V , tl Ho,l "nd and Miss
Holland, of Harrisburg, were clients nf
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hloks.
Higlinbauffh, of Altoona; Miss Kath
ryn Mlckfy and John of
Harrisburg, w_re guests of M r. and Mrs
Shpet/. and Miss I,"KeviV^M^ncHster!
( H f M Ke lS F°s f hi? r of 'ituth
w. Heights, visited friends hero
Wednesday. Mrs. Helen Fisher nf
Rutherford Heights, visited friends
here Wednesday. Mrs. Helen Frantz
and daughter, Emma, will leave in the
near future for Hampton Roads, Va
where they will make their future
home. Mrs. John Delmler and Mrs
Daniel .Ylngst. of Hummelstown. on
Wednesday visited Mrs. Reuben (Coons.
—Mr. and Mrs. Atticks, of Harrisburg;
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wright, of Worrn
leysbuig; H. C. Wright and two daugh
ters, of Steelton; Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Troup, son and daughter, of Harris
burg, were recent guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Shepler. A Hallowe'en
part was held at the home of Miss
Kmma Patterson in honor of the D. D.
P. Club. Woman's Day will be ob
served at the United Brethren Church
to-morrow evening.
Runaway Horse Injures
Driver in Perry County
New Gcrmantown, Pa., Nov. 0.
Hunters who shot turkeys during the
past week were W. R. Mumper, Jo
seph Neidigh, Cloyd Adams, Earl Ad
ams, William C. Wilson, Dale McCon
nell. Oliver S. Bistline and a hunter by
the name of Johnson stopping at the
hotel. Charles Watt and E. H.
Kercher and brother, of Mount Joy,
were through here buying apples from
farmers. —Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shu
itian, of Blain, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George A. Anderson at Mount
Pleasant. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.
Tressler were guests of their daughter,
Mrs. D. B. Stambaugh, of Jackson
township.—Fire has been raging on
the Bower mountain. The high wind
hindered the work of the tire wardens.
—The Rev. T. R. Gibson, of Blain, is
still continuing the revival at Fair
view. While Jacob Hopple and
brother Ralph were driving home
from here their horse ran away,
throwing both men out of the buggy,
considerably bruising the former.—Mr.
and Mrs. George W. Anderson were
guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Stlnson Baltozer, at Manassa.—
Miss Caroline Shelble.v is visiting her
niece, Mrs. A. R. Johnston, at New
Bloomfleld.—Harvey Noss, of Juniata
county, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Tressler.—Hlaine Bower and
three friends of Shiremanstown visited
Squire John A. Rhea.—Oliver S. Bist
line received a dispatch from lowa an
nouncing the serious illness of his
daughter. Mrs. Mark Gutshall.—C. B.
Trostle and brother Orlando were In
Horse Valley on Sunday.—A. C. Barn
hart. of Oregon, a former resident, is
visiting friends here. —Mr. and Mrs.
Hoscoe Morrow and son Gerald were
the guests of Mrs. Morrow's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kesler. of Mount
Pleasant.—The Rev. John T. Bell, of
W'atsontown. a former minister of th<!
ISlain Methodist Episcopal charge, is
recuperating Ills health among the hills
of Toboine LDwnsiiiu.
Fplirata, Pa.. Nov. 6. —At a recent session of Cocalico Lodge, No. 400,
Knights of Pythias, of Ephrata, presentation of a tine solid gold veterans'
jewel of the order was made to Levi B. Young, who has since lie became
a member of the lodge in 1886, been possibly its most active worker, lie
has tilled a number of the ofilces of the lodge with much credit. During
the time he has been a member of the lodge he has been Instrumental in
bringing seventy-nine new members into the order. S. Y. Wlssler, keeper
of records end seal of the lodge, made the presentation address. Mr.
Young, though taken by complete surprise, responded.
Dauphin People on Motor
Trip to Mt. Holly Springs;
Dauphin. Pa., Nov. 6. —Mrs. J. W.
Hawthorne spent the week-end at Wil
cox, Pa.—Harry B. Greenawalt, who
lias been ill a his home in Juniata
street, is slowly improving.—Harvey C.
Forney has returned from York, where
he spent several days.—Mr. and Mrs.
Frank J. Wallis and family are spend
ing several days at their Harrisburg
home.—Mrs. William J. Rodenhaver,
of Harrisburg. spent Tuesday . with
Mrs. Charles Shaffer.—Mr. and Mrs.
Charles McNeely, of Marysville, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde S.
McNeely.—Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Coble,
Miss Annie Hlnkle, Miss (*)live Douden,
Miss May Douden and Seth Douden
motored to Mount Holly Springs on
Sunday.—Miss Marian Landis spent
Tuesday with her grandfather, M. G.
Potts.—Mrs. Charles Shaffer is spend
ing some time at Philadelphia with
Mrs. Samuel Kochenour. —Miss Annie
M. Webncr is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Aaron Webner, at Elizabeth
ville.—Mrs. Mary Shaffner, of Detroit,
Mich., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
William Sheets.—Mrs. Sarah Lyter, of
Harrisburg, 3pent several days with
her brother. Aaron Shaffner. —Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Warner and son Douglass,
Miss Etta Kobenslaugh, S. S. Ruther
fprd and William Anderson, all of Har
risburg, were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Warner. Houston
Weaver and Richard Madison, stu
dents at the Franklin and Marshall
Academy, Lancaster, were the week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
Heck. Mrs. Bertha Tredwell and
daughter. Miss Martha Tredwell, of
Harrisburg, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William F. Reed on Tuesday.
Mrs. Howard Bayley left to-day for
her home in New York city.—The
Rev. and Mrs. Robert. Fulton Stirling
returned to-day from a visit at Phila
delphia.—Mrs. Nettle Liebengood, of
Philadelphia, is visiting friends at
Heekton and Dauphin..— Mrs. Jessie
Taylor, of W T illiamsport. is the guest of
her cousin, Mrs. F. M. Baker.—Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Mone, of San Fran
cisco, Cal., spent several days with
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Lyter.—Mrs. Ed
ward Shaulter and children, Robert
and Ethel, of Harrisburg. spent Thurs
da> with Mrs. Etta Kennedy.—Julyann
Wierman, of Harrisburg, spent the
week-end with her aunt, Miss Julia
Kinter.—T. G. Sweitzer is visiting his
daughter, Mrs. Harry H. Young, at
Atlantic City.—Mrs. George Gilday and
son Paul were week-end guests of
Mrs. Gilday's daughter, Mrs. Frank
McDonald, at Harrisburg. Eugene
Snyder, of Harrisburg, spent Thursday
at his cottage, Oriole, at Speeceville.
Miss Nora McQueeny Hostess
to Sunday School Class
Mmtlirini, Pa., Nov. 6.—Mrs. Har
vey Gray bill anil nephew, John Plas
terer, Jr., spent Sunday al Safe Har
bor as guests of Levi Hackman.—Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Brosey, of Mount Joy,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hiram
Richards. —Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tobias
and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sponge spent
Sunday at the home of John Pickle at
Penryn.—Mrs. Lucinda Telper, of
caster, spent Sunday among relatives
here.—Miss Lizzie Way, of Columbia,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry M. Way.—A. R. iteiff
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hllliker, of
York, spent Sunday at the home of the
former's son, W. F. Reiff. —Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Pinkerton, of
spent Sunday In the home of his
brother, Neilson Pinkerton. Mrs.
Charles Mohn spent Saturday and Sun
day with Mlllway relatives. Miss
Helen Pinkerton, of Lancaster, spent
Sunday with the Misses Elsie and
t.illian Hummer.—Miss Edna Carpen
ter, of Lltitz, spnt Saturday and Sun
day with Miss Elsie Graybill.—Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Rice, of Reading, spent
Sunday with her sisters, Mrs. Frances
Way and Mrs. Harry Augstadt.—Har
vey Graybill spent Sunday with his
father, Henry H. Graybill, at Lltitz. —
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oeehsle enter
tained the following guests on Sunday:
Mrs. Jacob Walter and grandson, John
Roy Yerger, of Lltitz; Miss Kathryn
Oei'hle, of Boston, Mass., and Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Dietrich ,of Heading.—
Miss Nora McQueeny entertained the.
scholars of her Sunday school class at
her home in South Charlotte street.
The following were present: Misses
Minnie and Sallie Wenricli, Jean Ens
minger, Mary Kready, Edna Miller,
Anna Mae Miller, Anna Oeclisle, Lil
lian Nauman, Pauline Apple, Hazel
Zeabold, Helen Zartman, Helen Keller,
Eurla Hitter. On Monday while
Pierce Mrandt was cranking his
father's automobile at Wrlghtsvllle
preparatory to returning to their home
her^Jie i JiadJhlß_righ^^ i ristjiißlo«ite^
*i Una As TMa Fell**, An* Had
A quick, esfe, toothing, heallnff, antiseptic relief
for Sore Throat, briefly describee TONSIL INK. A 1
email bottle of Tonslllne lasts longer than most ,
any case of Throat, TOW siting relleres j
Sore Mouth 3*d Hoarseness and prevent! Quinsy. .
25c. and S#c. Hospital Size SI.M. All Dngfls*.
"NOVEMBER 6, 1915.
,Wyomh?2 Rifleman Visits
Parents at Hummelstown
Humnielstowii, Pa., Nov. 6. Miss
Ruth Heller entertained a number of
lier schoolmates at her home on Satur
day evening-. Games were played and
refreshments served. Mrs. Mae
Holland of Duncansville is visiting hor
daughter, Mrs. George A. Larsen.
Cliauncey Yingst, of Wyoming, who
was sent east last week to attend the
National rifle matches in Florida, is
visiting his parents here for the first
time in seven years. Miss Myr.i
Ebersole entertained a number of
friends at her home on Saturday eve
ning. Dainty refreshments were
served. Edward Balsbaugh enter
tained the members of the Grammar
j school and the teacher, Miss Nye, at a
party at his home on Saturday eve
ning. Refreshments were served.
Miss Jessie Killough has resigned her
position with the Deaf and Dumb In
stitute at New York and returned <o
her home. Paul Ricker of Me
chaniesburg, spent the week-end at
the home of his grandfather, George
Ricker. Miss Hilda Ettele has re
turned from New York where she
has been employed for several years.
John J. Nissley celebrated his 83J
birthday last week. Mr. Nissley has
been in poor health for the past year.
Miss Mary Fox is able to be about
again after the severe shock she un
| derwent in the automobile accident
I two weeks ago. The Ladies' Aid of
the \utheran church will hold its an
nual bazar and supper on Friday and
Saturday, November 19 and 20.
Miss Rena Knauby, of Harrisburg,
spent the week-end with her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kautz.
Mrs. Albert Hummel spent Monday
at Harrisburg. Clarence Webner of
Gettysburg spent Sunday with his
| parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Webner.
Mrs. Elmer McCormick of Harrls
[burg spent several days at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
McCall. Mrs. Mary Richert of Pen-
I brook spent several days at the home
of O rover Buser. Mrs. Herman
Burchneld and baby, of Camp Hill,
spent the week with her parents. Mr.
land Mrs. Earnest Sliope, Sr. Brin
j ton Gaus of Harrisburg visited his
.father, Jacob Gaus. Mrs. Charles
Reed and Mrs. Emory Fetterman
spent Wednesday in Stoelton the
j guests of Mrs. George A. Hicks. At
I *l eKU,ar school board meeting on
Montiiiv night permission was given
for a Senior Class Day to be held dur
ing commencement week. Rauff's
Symphony Orchestra held a banquet
on Friday night in Ruff's hall.
Montandon, Pa., Nov. G.—At the
chicken and noodle, supper at the
home of Howard Swengle on Satur
day evening the Ladies' Aid Society
cleared about sl7. The hunters
were out in full force on Monday.
Babbits were quite plentiful. Harry
and Arthur Snyder and Andy Fullmer
succeeded in bagging twelve. Mrs.
Frank Fries and Mrs. Wilson Gaskin
spent Wednesday at Danville. Ed
gar Pfleegor and bride of Muncy were
visitors on Sunday at the home of
Joseph Ptieegor. Lee Wenzel spent
Sunday at Berwick w'tli John Mackert
and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hauck and son Scott and Mr. and
Mrs. D. S. Cope and Aaron Troxel at
tended a chicken and waffle dinner at
the home of Don Cope in Northumber
land. The Rev. F. 1,. Artlev was
I the guest of friends at Ruckliorn on
I Saturday.
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Call or send to-day for Interesting
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Employes of Aetna Explosives
Company at Mf. Union Con
sidering Matter
Burgess of Town Puts Slop to
Wrestling at Picture
Special Correspondence
' Mt. Union, i J a., Nov. 6.—Members
of the Presbyterian Church held a
Hallowe'en social at the church. The
fortune tellers offered the principal
amusement. Refreshments were serv
ed. Dave Saxe has purchased the lot
adjourning the Beers Hotel, 40 by 50
fet for SB,OOO and to-day put a large
force of men at work digging for a
foundation. He will erect a three
story building, the tlrst floor of which
will be used by himself for a mod
ern clothing and ladies' furnishing
store.—-Hugh Hamilton has been re
ported ill with diphtheria. This is the
M! 1 case reported this week, and
the authorities now believe they have
| the disease under control.—The mo
j t'on picture theaters added wrestling
to their program and as a result were
having crowded houses, but Burgess
Landis lias notified the police force
to stop all wrestling hereafter.—The
large steam roller was put to work
in Shirley street this week in pre
paration for the paving. It is planned
to push the work rapidly as nearly
all the main streets of the town are
closed to traffic because of the new
sewage work.—A number of voting
men working at the Aetna Explosives
works are considering a proposition
of going to China. They have report
ed the Aetna people are making ar
rangements to build a plant in China
and have offered flattering wages to
experienced men here to pro to tho
foreign country.—Miss Helen Ewing
and Miss Elanor McClelland, teachers
of English and German, respectively,
in the high school, will leave on
Thursday for State College to attend
the anniversary of one of the frater
nities and also so the State-Lehigh
game on Pennsylvania Day.— Profes
sor W. P. Ilarley attended the prin
pals' conference at Williamsport yes
terday and to-day.
' , i J . rs
Arc troubled with the "blues," anxiety,
sleeplessness, and warnings of pain
and distress are sent by the nerves like
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limbs. Such feelings may or may not
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Lotion Tablets. Then the nervous sys
tem and the entire womanly make-up
feels the tonic effect of Dr. Pierce's
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Carlisle, Ta.—"VThen T needed to
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Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I
was iu a nervous and run-down condi
tion. I took It for a period of sir
months and at the end of the treatment
was much stronger and better."—Mis3
Anna P. Cbomlich, CO E. North St.
Many mothers of families in Penn
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remedy and does not contain a single
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It banishes pain, headache, back
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Why should any woman continue to
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What Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre
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The sluggish liver can be cured by
the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
Biliousness, coated tongue, bad breath,
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