Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 06, 1915, Page 15, Image 15
I A Telegraph Want ki Will Quickly lent That_ Vacant Room J Deaths CA d?ed "{ A vember 4, 1915. aged 6- >ears. month and 12 days. from r Funeral services will be held fro ■ler late home. 601 *\T oVirtai Monday afternoon, at - o cloi k. Bur la in the P&xtaua Cemetery. \ r and relatives invited to attend with out further notice. ___ KMXBPKTBR—On I. 1915. Willi Ann ltlinepeter, agedl .» T«.»' k Funeral on Monday, at 1* o CIOCK noon, from the residence .?.L Ma daughter. Mrs. 1. N. Murra. , lav street Further services at 2.30 "i'he are invited to attend furtner notice. Burial Duncannon. November 5, A 9l "',. D Pearl, aged 38 years, wife of John Relative* and friends Inv'teji to at tend services >Io ml a yaf tei• nc > on. at 2 o'clock, from the late esWence -i Linden street. Burial will be made in Harrisburg Cemetery. BAKER—Ellwood Lee Hakor aged 20 vears. at the home of his parents ivlr. and Mrs. George T. Baker, 170® Green street, on ednesday, Novem FtJneral' services will, be day afternoon, at - o clock ? r 2"? '§ a above address. Relatives and friends Invited to attend without further notice. LOST, r,OPT Gold watch chain and fob between Sixth. Fifth. Woodbine and Fourth streets. Tuesday, Novembei Reward if returned to ».0< Nortn Fourth street. iTvlt in JP.ncy. yesterday after noon,' block handbag, with liocketbook inside with two SI.OO bills ar.d small change. Please return to 60~ Schuylkill street, and receive reward. LOST Red-covered notebook, with a lot of names. Reward if returned t. Wilson's Studio, 420 Market street. Cit. LOST Reward for boy's automo bile and express wagon talcen 1 Tack night. Return at once to lit' North Second street. . k\jijSU -Found At last a P lac f, whe,e >'° M ran exchange, buy or sell anyused Talking Machine Records. AV , ••all at 2515 Broad street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOUND That Eggert'B Steam Dye •ng & French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market St.. do the very bes. work In the city Call either phone for -root We call and deliver HELP WANTED —Male WANTED Barber; single pre ferred; boarding, lodging and half day off; must in agreeable. Address J. H. Frantz. 1914 State street, city. WANTED Tailor at 212 Locust street. C. Gaeta. WANTED Young man to work in grocery store; give reference and wages expected; small store. .. 32.4, care of Telegraph. WANTED Toll collector. Market street entrance; night duty. Apply by letter, giving age, present and past em ployment and references. Harrisburg Bridge Company, P. O. Box 20.->. W 4KTED A SUCCESSFUL MAN living in Harrisburg, with moderate ,-kmount of capital, to conduct a business ih this county. The goods are exceed ingly high grade and offers a splendid future. For interview write H. E. Ames, Metropolitan Hotel, giving phone number. WANTED —Stonemasons wanted. Apply at 536 North street, Thompson Bros.' WANTED—Forty able-bodied men, totween 21 and 40 years o£ age lor piecework. Apply in per son to agent, Harrisburg Trans fer, Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, Division street, city. WANTED. AT ONCE First-class millwrights. Immediate employment. Address J. F. Creswell, P. O. Box 264. Lancaster. Pa., or call at Hotel Plaza, Thursday afternoons or evenings. WANTED Reliable young men to learn soliciting and collecting. House to house work out of town; 110 expe rience required; permanent; salary $lO salary to start with advancements. Address. 15 2210, care Telegraph. WANTED Painters and glaziers, first-class; best wages. Hickok's new plant. Tenth and Cumberland streets. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring Mill and Lathe hands who can work from blue prints. Must be first class, experienced machinists. Apply Employment Department, Westing house Electric & Mfg. Co.. East Pitts burgh. Pa. WANTED First-class toolmakers. profilers, millers, drillers, riflers, barrel turners, blacksmiths and steam ham mer men to make drop forges. Also men for barrel rolling. Address P. O. Box ?64. Lancaster. Pa. MEN WANTED Every community, to solicit orders for fruit trees, shrub bery. etc. Experience unnecessary. No investment required. Special induce ments. Pay weekly. Permanent. Perry Nurseries. Rochester. N. Y. Establish ed 20 years. ANYBODY can increase their income $lO to (40 weekly, spare time, raising mushrooms in cellars, sheds, boxes. Success guaranteed. Free illustrated booklet. Hiram Barton, 33" West Forty-eighth street. New York. SALESMAN Salary and expenses. Experience unnecessary. Permanent. General Agency opening. Fairview Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS Thorough instruction $5. Returned if not appointed. Particulars free. American Civil Service School, Wash ington. D. <:. I WILL PAY any honest man up to JRO monthly for part of spare time. No • anvasslng. No capital. Write to day. Voorhies. Desk 155. Omaha, Neb. ! HOUSES FOR SALE log Itoax St. reception hall—S rooms—bath—steam heat modern and new—3-story brick and stucco— a most pleasing location. 1454 Berryhill St.—B rooms—bath —furnace—lot 21x105 ft 93000 Investment Apartment house— 71G N. Sixth St. three housekeep ing apartments—3-story brick bulld- WK —city steam heat. 21» Mnclay St. 9 rooms—bath— hot water heat—3-story brick—lot 21.8x108 ft 90100 1012 Penn St.—B rooms—bath and furnace three-story brick . . 92400 1901 N. 7th St.—6 rooms and bath lot 14x140 2%-story brick and frame 91700 IH3T N. Third St.—9 rooms, bath— steam heat; lot 20x115 ft. ... 95500 COD DEAIT CAMERON rlln HEN I extension ■ Wis ■■tall ■ COTTAGES 2H-story bricks with 7 rooms, bath and furnace. 91.1, 914. 915 and 910 MILLER BROTHERS&CO. REAL ESTATK Ininmnrr Surety Ritnda l.oeiist nnd t'nort Street* SATURDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED —Malo GOOD MONEY made at home knitting hosiery. Machines furnished on time. We buy or sell your goods. Easy and constant work. Wheeler Co. (Inc.), 337 Madison, Chicago. BIG Kansas company will start am bitious man or woman in fast-grow ing mail order business; any locality; $3,000 yearly; spare time; no canvass ing; no experience. We furnish every thing. Write for unique selling plan. Eyestone, 344 West Seventh. Pittsburg, Kansas. SBO MONTHLY AND EXPENSES to travel, distribute samples and take orders, or appoint agents. Permanent. Jap-American Co., Chicago. WANTED Man who can sell small specialty; big money; everybody buys. 7 to 8 evenings, Sunday. 3 to 6, 26 South Third street. Mr. Weidman. IF SALARY of SIOO.OO per month and commissions, with liberal expenses in terest you, address Dept. 2327, 2907 In diana avenue, Chicago. ( WANTED, AT ONCE—Several young men. Inquire Blough Manufacturing Company, Reily and Fulton street. WANTED First-class boiler makers; out of town; no trouble. Call 1541 Berryhill street. HELP WANTED—FemaIe EXPERT training by my and every student employed Is my record last year; no failures; attend here and be successful. I-larrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second street. WA.NTED A white girl for cook ing- and general housework; two in family; need not apply unless compe tent and can furnish reference. 2119 North Second. WANTED Twenty sewing machine operators to report for work Monday morning. Jnqulrc Blougli Manufactur ing Company, Reily and Fulton streets. Rollers and bunchmakers want ed to make the old 641 shape. Ap ply Harrisburg Cigar Company. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED Lady wanted as house keeper in family with two children. Apply, 12 North Sixteenth street. WANTED Experienced girls for edge stitching, tip stitching and fox ing. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Manufac turing Co., Vernon street. LADIES Easy, refined genteel work; whole or part time, S2O-$65 weekly selling well advertised "KNIT TOP" formfitting petticoats and "CARLETON" made-to-measure silk petticoats and waists. Experience un necessary—we show you how. Write to-day. Spelman & Co., Manufacturers, 1183 Broadway, New York City. LARGE KNITTING MILL invites correspondence with women desirous of earning money, full time or spare hours. Experience unnecessary. Good pay. Address International Mills. Inc., Dept. 20. Norrlstown. Pa. WANTED—Experienced sew ing machine operators on ladies' ;md children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laun lrv State street, rear entrance. WANTED Young lady to assist In tea and colfee store; must furnish ref erence. Apply Tamsul Tea Co., 331 Market street, second floor. WANTED Ci&ar packers. Apply Central Cigar Co., 423 South Cameron street. DRESSMAKER WANTED First class, for private family. Address Box M, 3185, care of Telegraph. WANTED Girl as stenographer and for general office work; $35 per month; permanent position. Box 26, Maclay Street Post Office. REFINED, educated woman, 20 to 33 years of age, with sales ability, for attractive permanent position with good pay. requiring some traveling. Address. P. O. Box 432, Harrlsburg, Pa., for appointment. HELP WANTED—MuIe and Female SONG POEMS WANTED for publica tion. Experience unnecessary. Send us your verses or melodies to-day or write for instructive booklet—lt's free. Marks-Goldsmith Co.. Dept. 253, Wash ington, D. C. SHOES Stayers wanted on ladles' high-grade shoes. Smaltz Goodwin Co., 315 North Twelfth street. Philadelphia. SHOES Vampers wanted on ladies' high-grade shoes. Smaltz Goodwin Co., 315 North Twelfth street, Philadelphia. SHOES Closers wanted on ladies' high-grade shoes. Smaltz Goodwin Co., 315 North Twelfth street, Philadelphia. SHOES Skivers wanted on ladles' high-grade shoes. Smaltz Goodwin Co., 315 North Twelfth street, Philadelphia. MEN, WOMEN, common schooling, desiring Government positions. S7O monthly, write for list 15 Immediately. Philadelphia Civil Service School. Phtla. AGENTS WASTED NEW PROPOSITION just out. Does away with extra tire on automobiles. Write quick for details. The Towns "end" Specialty Houie, Box 8, Station F, Baltimore, Md. FREE SAMPLE—Nosplash water strainers sell themselves; no talking; experience unnecessary. Daily profits $5 upwards. Send 2c (mailing cost). Address. 2 X, Union Filter Co., New York. WANTED Men, women to sell brand new article, sure repeater. Don't let two-cent stamp keep vou from answering. Donel-Murphy, Box 824, New Haven, Conn. WE PAY SBO MONTHLY salary and furnish rig and expenses to Introduce guaranteed poultry and stock powders. Bigler Co.. X, 950, Springfield. Illinois. AGENTS Get particulars of one of the best paying propositions ever put on the market. Something no one else sells. Make $4,000 yearly. Address E. M. Feltman. Sales Manager, 3865 Third street, Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS Young or old make big money easy, selling our new Christmas specialties. Clear $5 to $lO daily. Write for free catalogs. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago. REPRESENT well rated factory, manufacturing exclusive patented, staple articles. No canvassing; experi ence unnecessary. By devoting all or spare time you should make big money. Pease Manufacturing Co., Desk 145, 38 Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. MEN sl2O monthly, special work, automobile specialties, great demand. Rayburn, Factories, E. 1444 North Clark street, Chicago. 111. LIVE ENERGETIC AGENTS WANT ED at once to sell high-grade specialty for offlre and factory. Particulars free. Write The Reading Importing Co., Reading, Pa. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS In every town. Best selling Household article. Start at once. Large demand for goods. $25 to SSO weekly. Investigate. Rayfleld Supply Co., Chesapeake. Va. ;NTS earh SIOO weekly selling our patented telephone device; bi', repeater; almost every phone used buys. AVrlte Conroy Co., 195 West Crosier street, Akron. Ohio. AGENTS Men or women wanted to sell high-grade household specialty. Big profits. Particulars and catalog Free. Write Peek Co., Box 262, Ithaca, New York. LIVE AGENTS WANTED for ••'-h --grade specialty. Demonstration easily made. Booklet on Salesmanship, free. Eckstrom Sales Co., 94 North Parkway, East Orange, N. J. SPECIALTY SALESMEN WANTED— Experienced men make SIOO a week. Free instruction in salesmanship to be ginners. Address, with experience and reference. Box 7000. Ampere. N. J. GET RICH PROFITS Own a busi ness. Big Kansas Company offers fast selling Mail Order Line; Factory prices. Unique selling methods pull quick, big paying business. No canvassing. Spare time. We furnish everything. Copy righted prospectus free. Eyestone, 72 West Seventh street, Pittsburg, Kan sas. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesman to call on grocers, general stores and confection ers in small country towns, 25 per cent, commission. $40.00 weekly drawing ac count. Crown Cider Co., £O7 S. Comi merclal street, St. Louis, Mo., Dept. 4. SALESMAN Vacancy November 16, experienced in any line, to sell general trade in Pennsylvania. Unexcelled specialty proposition. Commission con tract. $35.00 weekly for expenses. Con tinental Jewelry Co., 237-45 Continental Building, Cleveland, Ohio. SALEBMAN Splendid opening for producer. High-class stable line. Ati merchants are prospects. Old establish ed house. High commissions. $35 week ly advance. Sales Manager, Suite 47, 800 Woodward, Detroit, ifich. SALESMEN Acquainted with gro cery trade: large demand; liberal com mission; pocket sample. Wirth Sales book Co., Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary; easy work; big pay. Write for large list of openings offer ing opportunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest Office, Dept. 244, National Sales men's Training Association, Chicago, New York, San Francisco. SALESMEN WANTED—For Harris burg and Cumberland valley; perma nent position; best line advertising calendars, cloth and leather goods- com missions most liberal; Fall traue be gins now. Address, Sales Manager, United States Calendar Company, Cin cinnati. SITUATIONs VAN'TED —Male WANTED By colored man. posi tion as cook; ten years' experience; can furnish good reference. Address 433 South street, City. WANTED By young colored wo man, cooking and downstairs work in private family. Call, or address, M. B„ 1425 New Fourth street. WANTED Young white man de sires work of any kind. Inquire Wallace street. WANTED Young colored man de sires position as porter: can give best of reference. Address C., 3225, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored man wishes work around restaurant or hotel or private family. Address J. W. Willis, 1108 Julius avenue. City. WANTED By colored man, position in private family as butler. Address 329 Cherry avenue. City. SITUATIONS WANTED— FemaIe WANTED Middle-aged white wo man desires work by the day. Inquire 1114'/a Wallace street. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man wishes a position as chambermaid, dishwasher or day's work. Call, or ad dress. 432 Muench. WANTED White woman desires position as housekeeper in a widower's home; can furnish good references. Ad dress 158 East Main street, Middle town. WANTED White woman desires general housework three days a week. Apply 511 Walnut street. WANTED Young girl wants housework to do; has had some ex perience with cooking; can give ref erence. Address 28 Linden street. WANTED By trustworthy wo man. permanent position as house keeper; no children. Apply 1622 ParK street. WANTED Cletical work, collecting or position in doctor's office, by white girl; can furnish reference. S., 100, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SAlife FOR SALE 52,400 will buy 6-room corner brick house; all modern Im provements; both streets paved and rents for sl7 per month. Would be well located for small Tocery store. J. K. Glpple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE No. 308 Crescent street, 3-story brick, 8-room house; modern improvements; porch; side entrance and paved street; good investment and a desirable home. Price. $3,260. J. E. Oipple, 1251 Market street. •OR SALE— -126 N. Cameron St.; frame dwelling: with frame shop on rear- lot, 20x100. 1853 Berryhill St.; corner 19th; frame dwelling:; 11 rooms and bath; furnace; lot, 24x115. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and > Walnut Sts. FOR SALE 153 Acres; 2 miles south of Dillsburg; 8-room frame dwelling; large frame bank barn in excellent condition; well and running water; level land. A good producer. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut Sts. FOR SALE No. 814 Capital street will be sold at sacrillce price; all Im provements; central location. Must be sold and price will be low. Now va cant. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build- Ins. SIOO CASH will give you possession to a house now vacant balance can be paid as rent. This is an opportunity to own your property. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SWATARA STREET PROPERTY in fourteen hundred block for sale at SI,BOO 3-story frame 8 rooms bath gas furnace. Rented at $15.00 per month. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SIXTH STREET PROPERTY in eighteen hundred block for sale ail improvements good business loca tion. Now is your time to buy this property. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NEW HOUSES with steam heat gas and electric light all other mod ern Improvements brick construction —location Riverside, uptown, and on Allison Hill. Prices only $3,100 to $3,300. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. FOR SALE Suitable for garages, Blot of ground corner Eighteenth and >erry streets, size 20*171 feet. The price is right. H. G. Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR IMMEDIATE: SALE A valuable North Second struct resi dence. Most desirable residential lo cality in city. A bargain. Price and terms for the askinK. Address "Home," care of Harrisburg Telegraph. , HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH HEAL ESTATE IVK SALE FOR SALE No. 1911 Park street, three-story, 9-room brick house; mod ern improvements; porch; side en trance; 20-ft. paved street In rear; good view and sunlight. An ideal moderate priced home. Price. $3,300. J. E. Gip ple. 1251 Market street. WHAT will you give ror 1728 North Seventh street? Brick, lot 20x212 feet. Rental, sl2. Any reasonable offer con sidered. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir teenth street. FOR SALE Suburban home In nearby town; all conveniences; electric lights; garage; two acres ground; good schools. Price reasonable. No agents. B. t 3223, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE For $l5O less than cost you can buy a two-story brick, 7- room house, all Improvements, In the 1600 block on Naudain street. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Market street. (WOKDERSEE) (135) acres ($2600) Fine (Mansion) Residence <l2) rooms painted white and greon, porches (75) feet long, hardwood finished, water In home, new wagon shed colored red and white and large bank barn. All kinds choice fruit, (35) acres fine growing timber, and fine view into market only (2) mile away. Team Horses, age (6) weight (2500) valueu < $550) and (3) cows (10) hogs (95) poultry (10) ton hay (12) ton straw (120) bushel oats (240) bushel corn (only) $3600. (HOMESTEAD) (28) acres ($900) fine horse, cow (3) hogs (24) chickens (10) bushel pota toes, (20) oats (60) corn (3) ton hay and straw (No mistake) only ($1200) cash or ($1300) part on time. Pos session at once. (10) acres for gardens (10) woodland will pay for farm. Flowing spring wa ter, (6) room good home and bank barn and choice fruit. Mile to Trolley, (3) to (3) railroads and large City Market paying ($200,000) monthly. Notice—no letters. Please telephone (7 to 8) Dan ville. (SOONENOON) (59) acres ($2400) with fine (painted) cozy home, front and back porches, bank barn and outbuildings. Bell Tele phone, Rural Route (3) mile to (3) mar kets. Homelike location. Dandy for small Dairy Farm, Poultry and Early v egetables. Water at Home and Barn. Half mile to school and church at Cross Roads. Team Horses (2) cows (4) hogs (o0) chickens (12) bushel potatoes, hay, straw, cornfodder (70) bushel corn (40) oats only ($3000) and ($2950) spot cash. (Owner's Loss). GEORGE R. OSTRAXDEH, Danville Telephones Sunburv Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings. FOR SALE 216 Pine street. Lot about 21 ft. front, back to South street. Room on South street for garage. Three-story brick house, two baths, city steam heat. 14 rooms. Call 559J Hell phone or at house for terms. REAL EBTATE FOR RENT FUR RENT No. 14IH Berryhlll St *20.00 £O. 1827 JiJirKer St 20.00 No. 36 N. Tenth St 18.00 No. .18 N. Tenth St 18.00 No. 1019 S. 21V4 St 10.00 No. 184. North St.. with stable.. 16.00 No. 2008 Forster St 12.00 J. E. GIPLE, FOR RENT Eight-room brick house, with improvements. 1729 Park street, city. Rental, $lB per month. P» R D M Bricker, New Cumberland, FOR RENT Three-story brick house at G6O Calder street; 8 rooms, with improvements. Will rent to good colored people. Rent, *ls. Applv Mor ris Baturin, 639 Boas street. FOR RENT—Two-story brick house; seven rooms and bath; all improve ments; steam heat; electric and gas; «i « n »n w S . e J ; Dcrry street, Paxtang, $1.1.00. Call 100 Paxtang avenue. FOR RENT 607 Maelay street,"! rooms, all improvements; rent S2O uer month. Inquire, J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street. FOR RENT Stone house with six rooms, in Coxcstown; large yard; prop erty in good repair; possession imme diately Apply 1100 North Front street, Harrisburg, Pa. Six-room nouses, with stables, half mne north of Penbrook at Edgemont. Rent, $6.00. Inquire of 3S S orth Twelfth street' City, or William Brenneman. Penbrook! REAL ESTATE WANTED ? J E?hiT7» House for small fam~ ItrTn' 1 1 children; all improvements; will, take possession immediately; northern part of city preferred. Ca'll Neiman, 1.68 or 316J, Bell phone, APARTMENTS FOR RENT I' OR RENT—An elegant apartment and furnished suite of rooms for a refined couple or single party. For particulars apply s. Friendman, Real Estate and Insurance, Kunkel Build ing, or 217 Peffer street. FOR RENT Furnished apartment, three rooms and batli; central location lirst floor; side yard; rooms laree and light. Phone 1655 In the evenlnls APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor at the Walzdorf, facing Capitol (J rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hard wood floors, electric light and city steam. Inquire 400 North street. F 9 R —. The Sunset Apart ments, 1 .09 North Front street ready for inspection; 7 looms and bath. In quire. E. Flowers, 1822 State street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT One second floor front room, furnished, in private family for four months; near two car lines; use of bath; heated. Inquire at 216 North Fifteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished suite of three rooms, private bath and complete kitchen; hot water free; steam heated second floor front; central. Apply Penna. Realty Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Rooms, furnished or unfurnished, on second and third floors, light and heat furnished, rent very reasonable, with private tamilv 1628 North Fifth street' ' ramll3 '- FOR RENT Large. attractive rooms, second floor: private family; bath and phone privileges. 121 State street. FOR — Third floor, two rooms and hall, with bath, heat and light furnished, light housekeeping i-'ik Berryhlll street. , FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms in fine location; use of bath and tele phone Apply at 203 State street. | UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT , FOR. RENT Unfurnished rooms. 1820 North Third street, City. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Large front room, suit able for one or two persons, or a pair of communicating rooms; all conveni ences; rent reasonable. Apply 258 Nortn street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 1221-23 Wallace and 429 Broad Sts Rooms, built especially for light house keeping. single, or with kitchenettes; also suite of three. Lockers for sur plus furniture; Laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Stoves furnished free. Economical and desirable. In quire, Janltress on premises. ROOMS AND BOARDING ROOMS AND BOARDING. Apply 1602 North Fifth street. J WANTED 1 WANTED To exchange, buy or sell any used Talking Machine Records that you have. Write us. or call at 315 Broad street, Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED French teacher to give private lessons, conversational method. Native Frenchman preferred. Address L.. 3228. car a of Telegraph. POSITIVELY highest cash prices j paid for Ladles' and Men's cast-off good I Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and I Carpets. Send postal to 636 Herr street. City. FOR SALE FOR SALE Lot of scrap Iron in S. A. L. No. 31528. transferred Into D. L. & W. No. 66653. from the Queen City Iron & Steel Company. Rockingham, N. C.. consigned SUberman Brothers, Harrisburg. Refused lading stored for account ot' owner in P. R. It. Com- ! pany's Tie Yard, midway opposite F. I. and G. I. Towers. Entrance to prop erty on Old Canal Bed Road, West of Maclay Street, will be sold to highest bidder at 2:00 P. M., Saturday, Novem ber 6. J. H. Nixon, Freight Agent. FOR SALE, CHEAP to quick buyer, 1915 Harley-Davldson motorcycle, elec tric equipped with side car. Address S., 3230. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Exceptional opportu nity to buy a master's violin (by the great Hopf). Apply 1814 Green street. Phone 1851 R. FOR SALE A Flanders in good condition. Will sell cheap. Apply Ford Garage, Middletown, Pa. FOR SALE Valuable general merchandise and produce, residence, storeroom, stock, fixtures; established 12 years. Present owner desires to dis continue on account of ill health. Ad dress S., 3208, care of Telegraph. ALL MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES overhauled by us, or repaired in any way will be stored and oiled up free of charge over the winter; best repairing at lowest prices. Bicycle tires, SI.OO and up. Excelsior Cycle Co.. 10 South Market Square, Harrisburg. Phone, call or write; estimates cheerfully given. FOR SALE Three-piece mahogany 1 parlor set. Cost when new, $ 15.00. Will I sell same for sls. Inquire 330 South I Fifteenth street. FOR SALE Modern, up-to-date grocery store. Good corner in thickly settled Allison Hill residence section. Good reasons for selling, and doing a profitable business. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Tom Barrons White Leghorns and White Wyandottes. | Husky farm raised, free range cock erels at sensible prices; bred from 200- egg strain. J. L. Spence, Progress, Pa. FOR SALE Two electric coffee mills,, 1 large coffee and peanut roaster, 2 scales, 1 lot shelving, 1 cash register. John C. Orr, 222 Market street. Phone 934. FOR SALE Assortment of | mattresses, slightly damaged by ! water, 30 per cent, of original lvalues. Call or phone Royal Bed iling Company, 22 North Cameron I street. i . FOR SALE White Satin Evening | gown with Jacket of Black Panne Vel ! vet; Black Chiffon Broadcloth Street suit; tan raincoat; one-piece Brown dress; White Slip-on Sweater. Phone 1380 J. FOR SALE Buick Roadster For Sale, cheap. J. M. uridges, Carlisle, Pa. Motn phones. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department. The Tele | graph Printing Company. I GLASS window signs. Furnished | Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and ' Board and Table Board at 25c each. One j of these signs will be given with each | six-time order for a classified ad. it paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. | FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the | Telegraph Business Office. I ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS—S. C. Smiths. Underwoods, Densmore, etc., SIO.OO up. Typewriter Office, 211 Lo cust street. Opposite Orpheum Thea ter. FOR SALE Restaurant located on Market street, doing good business. A bargain If sold at once. Good reasons 1 for selling. Address D.. 3015. care ot Telegraph. FOR RENT FOR RENT Store room. Apply No. 1319 North Third street. FOR RENT Private garage, new, brick; water and light. 1424 Derry street. FOR RENT Two single fireproof garaares, situated in rear of 1435 and 1437 Shoop street. Rent, $5.00 each. Im mediate possession. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES oi.n ESTABLISHED BUSINESS FOB SALE THE Ice Business, including 75-acre farm, ice dam and ice houses, belonging to John S. Engle at Hummelstown. In cluding ice equipments and wagons for salo owing to the death of the owner. The Ice dams are built In Kellig Run, which Is pure spring water and ice houses sufficient to store at least 1,000 tons of ice. Mr. Engle has conducted this business in Hummelstown for at least twenty years, and owing to his death it is offered for sale. For further information call on CLINTON M. HERSHEY. 14 South Second St.. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SAI..E Rare business oppor tunity. General Merchandise Store In suburbs, close to Harrlsburg. Good reasons for selling. Cash only consid ered for stock. Property for lease or sale. L„ 3143, care of Teelgraph. ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. U»clr. port. N. Y. I MADE $50,000 In Ave years in the mall order business, began with $6. Send for trc-> booklet. Tells how. Hea-' cock, 356 Lockport. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Qross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market itreet. Harrlsburg. Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention, bail 19(0. HAULING R. A. HARTMAK, Hoarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of f ilanos, safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bel) phono No 2SO3R. TO HIRE TO HlßE—Masquerade costumes and full dress suits; also full lot of hair goods, Including wigs, beards, etc. Ap ply Brenner's. 424-426 Walnut, or Bel] ohone 1251 J. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, |2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low Insurance. 487-448 South Second »treat. Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise, pri vate rooms, fl to $3 Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply L>. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. NOVEMBER 6, 1915. RETIRED FARMER KILLED BY FALL Sanford B. Robinson Meets With Fatal Accident at Mechanicsburg Home Special to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., Nov. 6. A fatal accident occurred here last night when Sanford B. Robinson fell down a flight of stairs at his home at 402 "'ast Main street, and was almost in stantly killed. Mr. Robinson, after supper last evening, took his usual smoke and then said he was going to the attic for some article. Members of the family soon after heard a noise and hurrying to the second floor found him at the foot of the stairs. He was cut and bruised and died about one hour later without regaining con sciousness. Mr. Robinson was a retired farmer and lived for many years in Monroe township, but moved into Mechanics burg when he retired from farming about live years ago. He was 75 years old and was born In Lebanon county. He is survived by his wife and daugh ter, Mary Jeannette, at home. Funeral services will be held at the home on Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock by the Rev. H. Hall Sharp of Trinity Lutheran church. Burial will be made at Mt. Zion church cemo tery near Ohurchtown. ORDERS RELEASE OF FOUR Douglas, Ariz., Nov. 6.—General Villa has ordered the release of Drs. R. H. Thigpen and James Miller and ; the two American chauffeurs, J. D. i Pylant and A. L. Wilson, whom he re | ported dead Thursday, according to a I message received yesterday afternoon. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS ; Philadelphia, Nov. 6. Stocks closed steady. 'Cambria Steel 63 <4 j General Asphalt 37 I General Asphalt. Pfd 74 I 1-ake Superior Corporation 9V, I Lehigh Valley 80% i Pennsylvania Railroad 60 V. j Philadelphia Electric 27H I Philadelphia Company 44V | Philadelphia Company. Pfd 36 ; Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... 15Ti Reading- 82 V 4 Storage Battery 70 Union Traction 43 United Gas Improvement 8614 United States Steel 85 7 i LEGAL NOTICES In the Estate of Henry A. Kelker, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., Pa., de ceased. NOTICE Letters Testamentary in the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebt ed to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and thosi. having claims will present them for settlement to MAIfKiMHURG TRUST COMPANY or HENRY A. KELKER. JR., Executors Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE is hereby given that John Eckert will apply for a pardon before the Board ot Pardons, Harrisburg, Pa., November 17, 1915. W. S. HARRIS. PROPOSAL Office of the Superintendent of Pub lic' Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa., November Ist. 1915. Sealed proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings for furnishing all labor and materials necessary to Install . a new sewer outlet from the Pennsylva nia State Capitol and Library Build ings to connect with the present brick sewer at Third and State streets, as shown on drawings and called for In the specifications, as prepared undet the direction of the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings. For plans and apeclficatlona apply to Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. Proposals will be received until 2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, November 23rd, 1915, addressed to Samuel B. Rambo. Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Ruilding, Harris burg, Pa. The Board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids if deemed best for the interests of the Commonwealth. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Supt. Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania, on Monday, November 29. 1915, under the provisions of an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to pro vide for the incorporation and regula tion of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874, and its supplements, for a charter of nn Intended corporation to be called CHARLES E. BARD AND COMPANY, the character and object of which Is the manufacture and sale of pianos, piano-players. player-pianos and parts thereof, and for these pur poses to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges by said Act of Assembly and its supplements conferred. CHARLES C. STROH, Solicitor. OPENING AND GRADING OF SEVEN TEENTH STREET, FROM HERR STREET TO A POINT 220 FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH SIDE OF YEKHEKE STREET. IIARRISBCRU, I'KXNA, NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned Viewers, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, to ascertain damages and as sess benefits which have accrued or may accrue by reason of the Improve ment aforesaid, will meet upon the line of the improvement and view the same and the premises affected there by on Friday, the 19th day of Novem ber, 1915. at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all parties In interest may at tend personally or by Counsel if they see fit. And the urtdersigned Viewers will hold adjourned meeting In the Council Chamber in the Court House, at Harrlsburg on the next succeeding day (Legal Holidays and Sunday s ex cepted). at 10 o'clock A. M., and con tinue the hearing." until all parties in interest and their witnesses who may attend shall have had an opportunity to be fully henrd. E. CLARK CO WD EN". HABRY FAHNESTOCK. PAUL G. SMITH, Viewers. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTIONS of Condolence and Bespect Passed by the Employes of Ma clay Street Shon upon the death of Ell wood Lee Baker. WHEREAS, It has pleased God In His nrovldence to call home to Hlm sel, Ellwood Ijce Baker, oniv son of our beloved Foreman, George T. Baker; be it resolved, FIRST: That we hereby testify to the Christian character and sterling manhood of Ellwood Lee Baker. Though young In years, his life bad al ready commended the faith which he confessed and the Master whom he loved and served. SECOND: That we extend to you, hla father and mother, our deepest sym pathies and assure you that at this time we sorrow with vou and pray for you at the Throne of Grace. God's ways are past finding out, but we know that He who gave His only Son for us. can understand the grief of a father and mother who gave up to Htm their only son. and to that Heavenly Father we pray that He may give you consola tion and peace. THIRD: That these Resolutions be sent to the parents and a copy furnish ed to the dally napers. D. A. KAUFFMAN. H. r. MILLER. H. G. KOONP. " r. BOWMAN. <•. K. WHITMAN. Commit***. 15 DECLINES ARE FOUND IN MARKET Yesterday's Tendency in Wall Street Continued; Irregu larity Shown fly Associated Press New York, Nov. 6. Yesterday's de clining tendency was continued at to day's opening though In more moder ate degree. Canadian Pacific fell al most two points to 183%, Erie, first Pfd., was a point lower at 56% and other railway shares, Heading except .li Were disposed to recede. Coppers, which were the strongest features of recent sessions, were irregular, and specialties like Studebaker. Baldwin Locomotive, Goodrich, American Can and American Woolen were one to two points down. United States Steel was ottered In round amounts as low as 86%, one-quarter under. Pacific Mail was 114 higher at 33 Vi. Secondary prices showed greater Irregularity. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by Chandler Bros. & Co., 3 North Market Square. New York, Nov. 6. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 32% 32% 32% 32% Am Bt Sug 66% 66% 66% 66% Am Can .. 58% 59% 58% 68% Am C& F. 84% 85 83% 83% Am Cot Oil 61 61 60% 60% Am Loco . 66% 66% 65% 66 Am Smelt . 94 94% 93 93% Am Sugar . 117% 117% 117% 117% Am T & H. 127% 128% 127% 128% Anaconda . 86 86 85% 85% Atchison .. 108% 108% 107% 108% Baldwin .. 126% 127% 123% 124 B & 0.... 95 95% 94 " 94% Bklyn UT. 89% 90 89% 89% Cal Petro. . 20% 20% 20 20% Can Pacific 184% 184% 183 183 Cent LeatJh 59 59 58% 58% 61% 62 61% 82 C, M&St P 95 95 94 % 94% C.RI&P. 19 % 20 19% 19% C Con Cop. 53% 53% 53 53% £ 1 • ■ 54 % 54 % 54 64% Cruc St . . 75 75% 73 74 % Dist Sec .. 44% 44% 44 44 Erie . 43 43% 42% 43%' Erie Ist pfd 57% 58% 57% 58% Gen E Co.. 177% 177% 177% 177% Goodrh BF 72 73 71% 72 Gt Nor pfd 127 127 Gt N Ore s 50% 50% 50 ' 50%' InspCop.. 45% 45% 44% 44% In-Met .... 24 24 23% 23% In-Met pfd 80% 80% KC So ... 32% 52% 32% 32% Lehigh Val 81 81 80% 81 Max Motor. 72 72 «8% 68% Mex Petro. 88% 89% 88% 88% Miami Cop. 34% 34% 34% 34% Mo Pac .. 6% 7% 6% 7% Na.t Lead.. 66% 66% 66 66 ' N \C"en t . . 103% 103% 102% 102% 80 Vl 80 % 80, « so *» NY.O & W 32 32 North Pac. 115% 115% 115% 115%' Pac Mail . 3 4 34 33% 33% Pa Rail . . 60% 60% 60 60%' Pitts C ... 35% 35% 35% 35% Press SC.. 68% 68% 67 67% Ray CC . . 26% 26% 26 26% Reading .. 83% 83% 82% 82% Rep 15... 51% 52 51 51 South Pac. 101% 101% 101% 101%' South Ry .24 24 % 23% 23% South Rpd 61% 61% 61% 61% Studebaker. 163 164 162% 163 ' Tenn Cop . 62 62 59% 59% Third Ave . 63% 63% 63% 63", Union Pac. 137% 138 137 137% U S Rub .. 57% 57% 55% 56% U S Steel . 86 86% 85% 88 U S Stl pd. 116% 115% 115% 115% Utah Cop . 74% 74% 73% 7374 Vir-Car C.. 48% 48% 48% 48% West U Tel 87% 87% 86% 87 West Mfg.. 70 70 69 69H' PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, Nov. S. Wheal Steady; No. 2. red, spot, and November, Ji:ioßSi:i»s. ! 2 - south " n ' Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local, 75#76c; steamer. No. 2, yellow. 74® 7Bc. Oats Steady, No. 2, white. 46® 46c; No. 3, white, 41*3/420. Bran The market is steady; cily mills, per ton, $24.u0; western do.. non« here; Spring:, per ton. $22.60. . Refined Sugars—The market is firm: powdered. 5.60 c; fine granulated, 5.50 c; confectioners' A. 5. .40c. Butter Market firm; western creamery, extra, 30c; nearby prints, fancy. 33c. Eggs The market is firm: Pennsylvania and other nearby free cases, 911.40 per case; do., current resclpts, free cases, SIO.BO per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, 111.40 per case; do., firsts, free cases, SIO.BO per case. Live Poultry Market steady; fowl*. 14® 16c; old roosters. 11® 12c; broil ing: chickens. 16® 17c; Spring: chickens. 14®16c; ducks. 13®16c. Dressed Poultry Market is steadv; fresh killed fowls, fancy. 18%®19c; do., average, 17® 18c; do., unattractive, 15® 16c; Ice packed fowls, 13@17Vjc: old roosters, 13c; broiling- chickens, nearby, 22®28c; do., western. 14®115c; Spring ducks, nearby, 16® 17c! do., western, 10®12c; turkeys, choice. 25c; do., fair to good, 20® 23c. Potatoes Market steady; Penn sylvania, fancy, per bushel, 76®78c: Pennsylvania, fair to good, per bushel. 65® 70c; Jersey. No. 1, per bushel, 40A 50c: Jersey. No 2. per basket. 20®25c Flour—The market is firmer; winter, straights. $ri.20@5.35; do., patent, $5.50 W $5.75; Spring Htraight, $5.10®6.35; do., patent. $5.35®5.60; do., favorite brands, $5.85®6.10. Hay Market firm; No. 1, large bales. $21.00® 21.50; medium bales. $21.00®21.50; No. 2. do.. $19.50020.00: No. 3, do.. $16.00(3)17.00. Light mixed. $19.00® 19.50: No. 1. do *lß.oo® 18.50; No. 2. do.. $15.00® 11.00, CHICAGO CATTLIB By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Nov. 6. Hogs Re ceipts, 10,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $6.55 <317.15; light, $6.25®7.30; mixed, $6.3K ®7.55; heavy $6.25®7.45; rough, $6.25 ®6.40; pigs, $3.75®6.50. Cattle Receipts, 500; weak. Na tive beef cattle. $6.00(3110.35: western steers, $6.40®8.60; cows and heifers, $2.75®8.20; calves, $6.75(910.50. Sheep Receipts, 2,000; steadr. Wethers, $5.85@6.35; lambs. $6.70®8.90. DRW YORK RANK STATEMENT New York, Nov. 6. The statement of actual conditions of Clearing House Banks and Trust Companies for the week shows that they hold $189,100,500 reserve In excess of legal requirements. This Is a decrease of $7,114,(70 from last week. The statement follows: Actual Condition Loans, etc., $3,096,674,000; Increase* $52,445,000. / Reserve In own vaults (B). $525.3659,- 000; decrease, $938,000. Reserve In Federal Reserve Bank, Bank, $164,930,000; increase, $309,000. Reserve in other depositories. s4s,- 175.000; increase. $1,982,000. Net demand deposits, $3,176,830,009; Increase. $51,270,000. Net time deposits, $144,615,000; In crease. $634,000. Circulation, $35,182,000; decrease $419,000. <R> Of which $468,397,000 is specie. Aggregate reserve, $738,474,000. Excess reserve. $189,100,500; de crease, $7,114,670. QIIBBER STAMQA Mil SEALS & STENCILS IIV !/l" MFG. BY HBG.STENCI L WORKS ■ 11 U 130 LQCUSTSL HBQ.PA. II