Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 05, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
JSxxvmarii j a c ;"pZ. { J3xxvma<i& \ | &o>amt&n2 | F ::T | | Here Is Timely November News Abou *)ut of This Gathering of Blouses And Here's the NEW I t Your Particular Style Should Come j vfir T/\ It is hard to believe that a more pleasing assemblage will be XXI. IVlllllXlCrY 1 " '"""Excellent from a standpoint of completeness. Complete in announcement of a couple days previous, /Jklj > ! variety and style; and wide range of prices. MniTnrn" Harr.sburg fhree dec.dedly new .deas m J/KgL /MjA ' '' J Such range is well illustrated here by the models which we ' '"'i Ik v )'/Pw \ Wui v have selected as representative of the stock, but each price tells 1* ifth Avenue has spoken and yet before the echo has died Hi /A ft \ . 1/ jkq \ wfflr7 of only one or two styles—there are scores of others. away those new creations are shown here. J I •(/ \ $3.95 —Black lace over white chif- —Velvet turban with continuation crown of Maline, built ten in- jL Jfj ' y / / / 4 fon: also a smart tailored waist ches high. Other Maline effects. (< MTy / /\\\>V^J of Georgette crepe, simple but —Feather breasts forming a smart turban; odd colors will be Ij \\ jml/I // \ \ striki"-"?. found as well as white. yf\ r \ JI I / r // \\f $4.95- -tJrepe chine superb —Black lace hats for evening, street and cafe wear; velvet crowns. jf novelty collars. Bowman Millinery stands alone—but always it stands in ss.9s—Striking combination of advance of the line, ready to meet the first comers of style— Thf* C^ClZit A Hvn IT , nav y chiffon and w . hite ,ace \ ready with the latest ideas for those who depend upon this v -' wai - /lUVdlltCa, WUI Sh _ Coat Stock Enlarges ' r~ ; /r«|jyj|| \ and plum. ' or- Promising a larger than usual showing of coats for the com " y ww lx\ \ An( * u P warc * to ' n §> cr ' s P days, we especially invite your inspection of the various / QWflvA * ,o ;l^ ; Taisi' e b'dXd o 'wm! Favored Gloves Quality Fine styles to-morrow ' / IHb'[ I raaium waists oeaecKea \\ it 11 j \ou 11 see a host of clever creations and new ideas —you 11 sec lj '? r trimmed with imitation 2-clasp French Kid Gloves, P-K Chiffons models that, stylish as they may be, were designed for solid *">> / Coney. stitching, in white and black with . . . com 011. $12.75 Metallic embroidered contrasting embroidery. Pair, A splendid grade in the lead- A very recent express brought an assortment of Salt's genuine net. in black over white chiffon; $2.00,. $2.35 and $2.5*0. ing shades; comes 40 inches Kurltex coats, patterned over the latest models, and well lined. SI Daintv rrpne dr chine* in comb, " at, ° n ,Y r|th ncw lacc; . 2_clas P French Overseam Gloves, • j , jej Q() var( i Following is an illustration of the wide range of choice Jpl .ws—Dainty crepe dc chines 111 panne velvet collar. in black, white, seal and pongee. Wine ai «px.UV yard. ffarnuMit* a host of clever styles and ef- $15.00-African brown panne vel- with contrasting bandottc and em- Printed Chififons, 40 inches ,v , -n r- ■ c ,- fects. Mesh, pink and maize. vet with radium lace sleeves and broidery. Pair $2.00. wide, $1.50 to $2.50 vard. $12.50—A nobby plaid mixture in $42.»0 Genuine Salt s Kurltex s3.9s—Crepe de chines, including a new style vestee; novelty cuffs Bacmo gloves in black and tan. 'boWMAN-s-Main Floor brown tone with half belt of (granite weave) LJabv lamb late style with embroidered of the velvet; standing collar of with P-K stitching and wrist strap. brown velvet. adorns the collar, cuffs, pockets pleats. Taffetas in various lacc and velvet; buttons of Pair, $2.00. . » . otipsnn n,-u ♦ -4.. 1 ? bottom of coat; llares full shades. striking and of such a different Bacino washable capeskin cloves t f l " e ' ? ! « thc collar - BOWMAN-S-Third Floor newness Pair *1 2* anH *i 3a " iTICIIO UllUCd ly belted; large novelty pockets; s27.so—Black Baby lamb with full - " cwnes " Whi and mannish velvet collar. flare back; unbelted; fur col- - lar. There S a Rustle in ~Z~ZZ 77~T « an , d a ™ t Of|—q)o terials; unlined; collars of vel- $;t5.(K) —Beautiful plush; full back th* Qi-IL- Cile Uep3.rtment t- . utton lengths). lopp> English lasts and BOWMAN'S— Third Floor lining; collar of Coney. Neu) Taffetas —t' le t" 116 or t' le s golf gloves for children; others; made of super quality . ivew 1 arreias ri .| , » . T- I • J various shades and sizes. Pair, i .i j i . . j _, _ Have RustUd in lldren ® tmbroidering ao». leathers and can be depended The Wfiman Wllft AnnrPCl'atM Uinrii CIaSS - Lach week tllls Children's fleeced kid gloves and upon for service. 111 ~ WOindll VV 110 /ApprcClateS class » growing larger gauntlets. Pair, ".Of. The fit is a feature. TnHi\rirl II olitir in «„;#• Plaid Taffeta Silks ot a good an( | niore beneficial to the BOWMAN-s- Main Floor BOWMAN'S —Main Floor llj,C.lVlQU3llLy lfl quality; newest style combina- little memhprs -n ~ ... tions of shades arc beautiful. A nv iu«-i e !T ; r i , liav * n 4- . t will eventually come to realize that such is really a part of i-rd, $1.50. Any little gill may at- [h e Children S L epartment Is a store rather than the feature of an individual garment. 3-6 to 40-inch Self Colored !IL_ WifK * Indi v i d ua ll t y in the matter of suits comes through a most Plaid Taffetas, in green, navy, . ~ V-OmpiCte W 111 l careful selection of garments and the showing of styles that are black, white and Copenhagen; Choice All that might be desired for the comfort of little girls upward to fourteen 1 ea hy out of the common. regular size to the largest size 17 U. * years of age. a whole, bowman Suits possess a mark of distinction that plaids. Yard, fl .5(1, $2.00, r a DrICS Special attention has been given to securing garments that will give ex- '» found only in the most exclusive shops of larger cities, and $2.50. Dominant Weaves cellent service, and at the same time possess stylish lines that "grown-ups" an women will note with pleasure that few bear resemblance. 36-inch Chiffon Taffetas in enjoy. 1 his is true of the moderately-priced suits as well as the v o "j"M en: finC qual ' ity - «•£?. taSvyf !sricaubLk C 0... - ribeline, chinchHla, m ix- "tore expensive models, and front a,' £ ■ !"!! ,f sian, Copenhagen, Battle and prune; tures, plush and corduroy, in double /n 36-inch Self Colored Plaid, 40 inches wide; yard 85£ breasted, flare skirt, belted and fur- xKJI/\J satin overstripe in (jalt brown Crepe Poplins, :n prime, navy, , 7 trimmed styles. Sizes, 2to 6 and 6 —the collection is very large and well chosen, giving the pur- SL W Stripe. ard, 'inches wicfe • \'W£< V)\ to years. Prices, $2.50 to s2l. chaser an opportunity to cater to her own desires in the question 40 inrln frpn. Mi Broadcloths; fine quality;' satin ' 5Sk rrV> Hats and Tam O'Shanters of cor- of fancies, or novelties. . ncn . rc P c meteor a siik finish; sponged and shrunk; mid- \ velvet; at 75<- to $5.50. She may choose a fine broadcloth with the popular flare, or a fabric oi fine quality; street night; Russian, black and African; 50 / /l—mh Knit *ed Scarfs brush Angora simple tailored suit, and it is altogether her choice whether fur and evenmg shades. \ard inches wide; yard $1.50 11 /\ scarfs in blue, rose, white, green and constitutes the trimming. Plenty with fur—fully as many with •>l.(-»!!. Granate Cloths, in green, black, SiN a 1 I ' «t r Jr,nc Pei,« „« ra* ♦ uti o-s nut J TafF#>tac P /»L- J « navy and brown; 56 inches wide: - st i, es rices arc to $1 out. BOWMAN'S Third Floor i . , var( j ... . s ripe anc set figures, in navy, - Black Broadcloths, fine "texture; (I \ J \\vV J ( W) Is various colors, SI.OO to $3.75. TTTT -| II I 1 J , **AZZZ *MM& - >1 v J ' Wml TOD-dMtS Here Are Wanted Grades ([IL Sr„%: d "t blu Si a h rc? Let the Winds Blow-Get Under a In Heavier Underwear * yams. Priced at #i.as to SO.OO. i-ci iiic yrinos Diow---uei unaer a (For ah The Family) " Twelve - Fifty' and Ignore Men's Union Suits, 8!)0 ecru Women's Underwear—heavy cot- A NcW VeStce r The Bleak and BlUStering and silver colors; cotton ribbed; ton, fleece lined; medium and heavy O- Pn mnr C|JCIiUdUIC iVlclKcS NoVClTlbpr M^Pafl^rr fleece lined. weight. Vests and pants, and Ur i,U mpe U VCIIIUCr VY Camd Mens Union Suits—medium and 500; union suits, - Ol Kll S advance posts of old King Winter are just over the heavyweight. Cotton, SI.OO and $1.25. riety to the suit. . hill, and his chilly scouts are blowing all about us wool mixed, $2.00 to Complete Lines of Athena Under- Mere arc shown late creations and Rugs from reliable makers, and $3.00; silk and wool, $5.00. wear for women and children; just as dainty as they are stylish. in patterns that arc right up to thc Yesterday's warning I 1 . Natural Underwear, SI.OO vests, pants and union suits; in na- Madc " ct ai ? < L < o iS, and,c ' and minute in design and coloring should be a sufficient one to — N .» *1 ,'*• tura l cotton, wool and cotton and come at and SI.OO. Mens Scarlet Underwear, SI.OO silk and wool. Vests and nants Van Raalte is the well-known Will note tnat thc price.s ai;e . Y \^w/ and $1.50. 50<- to $1.50; union suits SI.OO name of a well-known veil and will reasonably low. purchase of a warm top coat d\\, Men's Underwear, 3J)<! and 50<; to $1{.50. ' he found here in the wanted styles— Mere are listed, under sizes, thc an y lt> n gcr. heavy cotton; fleece lined. Children's Union Suits, 50? to names and prices. Bowman top coats are Jml r^VJ Children's Union Suits, sl.oo heavy cotton; fleece lined; white and Auto Caps ncw styles of vel- 6x9 ft weather-man-proof built \ \ ?B !'/ f \ natural wool, ribbed. peeler color. vet; practical and smart looking— ' for service flpsirrnerl -ilonn- /.<*n»sA/VzA. \ W \ BOWMAN'S Main Floor SI.OO each. BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor Seamless Tapestry $5.98 BfvlUh linpc /tlX\ \ Seamless Velvet SIO.OO siynsn lines. Au\\ir//A \\ ILk \ j**—**. ■«">- Kcst Axminster $12.50 Fine models at \-A \\ / \ V\ y* wuton .., 18 ,s $1250 Ww -Jwl ' * MIII IP I LI !iJ II \b ' 3' M - A i - * m Seamless Tapestry $10.98 I \\\ Jf / fevi i M "Utl O tel "JSv«,«::r $9.90-$i3. 5 0-sis- 11 i l !SV^rns"e s if.::::::::S»5 sistos2s liVi\\ II AV^O , Slf ! V l ' * ' VxJJj' (f 9 J«raqnality Wilton... $35.00 Special at sls. >\U\ lIT \\*f -m "Wat 1 _ - Seamless Tapestry $10.98 —Black and oxford Ches- \ \\' \ \1 lij To-morrow Baby Week Ends g-aratias i\\l Mi W I But the Memory of Such a 1 leasant Week With the Little Smith's Axminster $21.00 j MAX s floor j Tots Will Remain With Us For a Long Time Body Brussels $25.95 Notes On Introducing Latest Ideas Aside from the Christmas season and our possible and new faces, too. Soecial°Wilton USSeIS '''' $35 00 Ur Trimmings in Women's Shoes annual picnic, we don't know of any time more Remember to have him weighed—handsome Extra quality Wilton"" $41*50 Assortments are plentiful. It is generally accepted that the enjoyable than Baby Week. garments will be given to the six heaviest up 10.6x12 ft— ' Coney / 3-inch to 3 inches wide: newest in Shoes is usually introduc- Every day brings new delights in seeing to two years of age. Seamless Tapestry $20.00 brown and white; yard, ed by this wide-awake section. th To ?v V T S ° man \ ar °M? And his picture will be taken free when a "leamlesTTanestrv $lB -50 'skJnk Opossum, Ito 3 inches Black" brow?'blue, lavender and | To-morrow this happy week will end, and purchase of Infants' Wear is made. Social Velvet 2iu'-!o wide; yard, $1.75 to $5.75. bronze leathers, in both button and therefore we d like to see as many babies as A balloon for every baby up to six years. Best Axminster $22i50 Beaver, * BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor SOWMAN'B-Main Floor 1 ' BOWMAN'S—Main Floor FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG ifSfjSjl TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 5, 1915. 3