22 Suits and Coats For Women and Misses in Styles Smart White Hats at $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95 . *j" i * i IT '*ll T~> * _1 The white hat for Winter is one of the leading styles be- Charmingly Modeled and Irresistibly Priced X" ,* Hundreds of new Suits and Coats enter this important "" showing new styles in black and colored [ WT \ November occasion to-morrow for the benefit of women who have not yet made selection ot ve i vets at $4.95, $5.95, and $6.50. \ \ \ liki their winter apparel. The values are exceptional and the modes are the most exclusive of the styles in white hats feature these ideas— \ A /SX We invite you to see these new styles to-morrow: H >, ite ™ and ~i gh crown . , rim . V A p / i\ », Whipcord suits, in full belted styles lin suits with inlaid velvet collar, in plain decided "^ng«W«. med with bands of narrow navy ribbon and small buckle .... $5.95 / / I V\/" 1 with front yoke: velvet buttons and tailored model; cut rovers; skirt wtth of wide Hercules braid, semi-beltea , J . , , , ,f\ J / \ \r/wifc > braid trimming with fur collar... 91C.50 side plaits *25.00 model; fur collar and trimming, $3«.00 VV lute plush sailor trimmed with ribbon and steel mushroom / / Toil JT a- Poplin suits, in navy, black and brown Fine chiffon broadcloth suits, in the Fine chiffon broadcloth suits in Hus- ornament . . . . S4 ')■» V* /. with fur collar; coat with flaring skirt. Russian blouse style; otter fur trimming, sian blouse style; finished with narrow c,„_ii „t„ r..- j " '.V " ~, i v I \ braid and button tri..iming $18.50 full circular skirl sar>.oo bands of Hudson seal; fancy plaid satin small close-fitting turban of white velvet trimmed with narrow folds of black velvet and tur, W'l I \\ Dark blue, black and brown fine pop- Chiffon broadcloth suits; jacket in a lining $37.00 Quite the Best Coat Values We Have Ever Shown ITJ.ZmI t vc,vet a " d s '"' on, * me " t * s: ® s I WS We invite comparison on these garments: r,arg* navy panne velvet sailor at $6.50 Medium size hat of black panne velvet with steel k ~ • , « i •• j x- i i l<arge brown velvet hat with shirred brim at .. $6.50 ornament and fur at ... $595 \jj / l\ Navy and black medium weight coats; box plaited Navy, green, brown and black Wide wale corduroy Small draped turban of black panne velvet at $5.95 ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor,' Won't. ' 7 / |\ back, in semibelted model, military $12.50 coats, fancv belted model; large patch $20.00! / / I Mixed coats in tweed, full box plaited backs; satin Three-quarter length Salt's plush, plain tailored <£ 1 Q Cf) f\t*c»ce in NnVPmViPr —-TT lined to waist; belted model with $16.50 model coats, convertible ... $22.50 . L,cus 111 anuvcillue r ,pio.»o ~ if }\ military collar collar There are only eight of these beds on the floor and we consider them as strong a value a* we /( JJ Heavy cloth coats with full plain skirts; collar and Salt's plush coats; belted models; l.„ed through- havc announced this season . Made with fifteen filling rods and 2-iuch posts, the item presents an cuffs trimmed w.th bands of fitch fur, 5 Q out: w.th satm with fur $25.00 appearance of fine attractiveness. . P V heavv cord and fur trimming | collar ' ' * Manostnnj llur.mia with 44-Inch ton anil full awell 5114.K.*, llrdroom Suite. In < hnrlo. n --i-.1. r __ front. In dull flnlxh f18.50 Special *47 4" . P\ A 4- L f Golden Oak Omarro, with 44-Inch top *1».B0 Martha Washington .Sewing Cniiinrt 'ln "nolld "maho'ic* Our Coat Department ror Otrls and - - Children Is the Largest in Harrisburg / _ values are honestlya<dvertise<d / jrAk lbs - Oranulated ougar ror q>l.z7 1 omorrow u Sjjlf -m, With Grocery Purchases Amounting to SI.OO Novelty cloth coats, in belted JJJ2.9B A , '! 7 soap spkciai.s are not includibd i>- this sai.b of svcAn. ctvlf tiTM ftn 6 vcars African brown, navv and green t£Q CA \ ' / _ . . St} 1C . _iu \j >tdis -■ » «J)17.0U \ \V\ / Porto Rico oranges, aor... 2S»c Uncoated rice, Pearl tapioca Tuxedo coffee, lb. bags, 35c 35c. and 40c Sunshine biscuit; Fur-trimmed corduroy coats. 111 navy and coats, at to \ \\\\ \\, \ / -Porto Rico grape fruit, each, and California lima beans, Early June Peas. Fancy in pound cartons. Speclnl, brown, with 4M QK Chinchilla coats in oxford and navy, with \ \\\x, \VsA / «Oc each item, 3 lba. .... -Me Cream Corn, Sourkraut With each pound of coffee , , rc( j fl anne ] lining and velvet collar and belt; \ a"' ";\ W \\\ / Ho, ! e u S Best • 5"' 1 ,b - r." c ?" d Carnation Milk. Each or half pound of tea we felt ] . 6 ' \ \ lij\ \\\\V) / sacks 4»c Record cofTee, lb. bags. V«c Item, 3 cans for ...... 25c will sell 5 lbs. of sugar Zibeline coats in navv, brown and green 5 sizes 6to 14 1 O flfl N. 'S uT /JV) S Corn Meal, 5-lb. bags....lSkT Banquet cofTee, lb. bags, 30c Mild cured hams, lb. ... 20c for 24c with velvet trimming on collar, (tC Cfl y««« to lUtUU V/ Ulv "' Pomeroy & stewart mffs and belt •*J\J Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. ~Z \ . ... " 01 New Shirts in Stripe Men's Winter Underwear Have You been the x New Misses and Children sbhoes Weaves and Hosiery 1 \ J 1 1 „ n Gun metal calf button shoes ill new high cut pattern, stitch- Eagle and Wachusett satin stripe madras and fine ICgyptian eotton ribbed shirts and drawers with JllfirißV V f\CAl\lll\ I • -I, , , , I, , pert-ale shirts in black and colored stripes; desirable flee<e lining. Kaeh »»<• i — y T UVUMiii ed 111 white Silk thread: full toe last With low flat heels— sleeve lengths SI.OO, 51.19 and 51.50 Heavy Jaeger fleeee lined shirts and drawers. /% f\r m 'i Slscs SV4 to 11, »1.W5. Slses. 11% to 2, Novelty color plaited shirts with laundered French Each 50.- n -f- Nw /I 11 *-\ / tj . . 1. 1 , .. 1 ~ 1 i.i , • t antl straight cuffs $1.50 Heavy natural wool union suits $2.50 to 53.50 d I *p • ' aten t colt button shoes With black cloth tops, high cut, v , WMWTS Cnooiai "lOc Heavy natural wool shirts and drawers. Each. , .75e Stitched in white silk thread full too last with Imv flat heels 7 c ' ' ' ' Boys' heavy cotton ribbed union suits: Egyptian This new Duntlev i* a revelation to everv housewife who s , . ' last witllow 11 at lice I h . Mlutary c „uar blouse waists, in tan. grey. and grey 50e I Ills lit\\ IJlintlC) is d ruudiiui . s|,!e " to "• • 1 - 8S - su< '"- lI V 4 «« a, W. 25. khßk j and navy . sln> s t o 16, at . 500 Boys' heavy natural wool ribbed union suits, sees it—and the instant VOll learn Of the strength it will sa\c to Gun metal calf and patent <;olt button shoes with black cloth Boys' fine wool military collar shirts, in khaki, tan, SI.OO to $1.50 von we are nrettv sure vou'll buv one. This same cleaner is sold tops or dull kid tops, full toe last with heavy stitched soles— n nd navy: ; V,e an r ! • wzes sto 8, $1.25. Si*es 8«4 to 11. $1.50. Sizes 11 Ji to 2, $2.00. Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Mens Store. Heavy black cotton seamless socks 12V4<: in many citie? at $7.00. Educator Shoes in tan, Russia calf, dull calf and patent colt, but- _ , , „ . p. • < aq ton style with oak leather Goodyear welted soles— _ _ Double Roasting Pans: Special, 98c Women's Kid Gloves of Super Quality v T«» BO», best quality real kid gloves with two-pearl clasp and full finished seamless steel, blue and white enamel covering that will o»irls Shoes in gun metal calf and patent colt, button and lace p. K. stitclllllg; 111 black With white embroider}' and white sewing; iff not chip. An opportunity, so come early. heels"' sizes* 1 * £\o V tern " short vamp last with stitched aoles and J" < ;r and white with black embroidery and black sewing #2.25 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Basement. ' c ™ !>J -'" Mhz.- y XH3KWBBbWIW i Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart. I* irst Floor jr rance re al kid gloves, with Women's cape and Mocha gloves: in '«\ |j£jj f "—— N pearl clasps; In P. K. and overseani black, grey and tan. Pair $1 to $1.75 IcTJA' V ■' v 1 O "„ 1 „ f ... . „ . black with white embroidery and Washable leatherette gloves in bis- • iMMgy-KS Candy bpecials for baturday Children's Embroidery Class feitL. . .WWR 50c Jordan almonds, made by one of America's best candy makers. _ , gloves: P. K. and overseam; In black Washable leatherette gloves, with "vftSTOf Special, lb »3i Saturday Afternoon from 2to 3.30. wi,h whlte embroidery and white sew- Strap wrists; in white, tan and grey V /// 40c de Haven chocolates. Special .....29c . ing J, r ' ' 12' '' t SI.OO / //\ Herßhey's 60c chocolate kisses. Special 39c Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Third Floor Women's kid gloves In two-clasp < ashmerette gloves; two-clasp; in / // 39c chocolate covered cherries 27c ' white, black and colors. Pair black, brown, grey and navy. Pair, Frantz 50c hand dipped bitter sweets. Special 33c 1 V j $1.50 to $2.00 25c and 50c ' - There Is More Than Price to the Attractiveness Hosiery and Underwear of These $15.00 Suits For Men and Young Men n ,„,,,_!l o l Women *—' Black cotton fashioned feet hose, ribbed or hemmed top .... 25c tTHE price is not the measure of the worth of these suits- »"■«* ne«-e uned hose; white BP nt soies 25c | -11 . i Illack fleece lined hose; ribbed top and seamless 25c x I hey are special values at that price, and are meant to mack cotton outsize hose; ribbed or hemmed top 25c I ca+ic-fxr man „ ■ ...l n „„ mAro Heavy cotton ribbed vests; fleece lined; drawers to match .... 25c satisfy men and young men who Usually pay more Heavy bleached cotton rlbl>ed vests; drawers to match 50c ClOtheS. White wool and cotton rll>l>ed *est«; tights to match 75c . We recommend these suits to men and young men whose J™* TT.$!5 COns i^ era ti° n is Quality without regard to price. Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Street Floor. Styles are in the latest two-button English sacks with r patch pockets and three-button models in these fashionable A demonstration of Bear Brand Yarns now in progress em- V\ \V%L , . braces a showing of knitted and crocheted garments that will bo of Vv! patterns! interest to women who make their own gifts for Christ mast giving. Brown with golden stripes. Carlton check worsteds and Divos ' Pom eroy and Stewart—Third Floor. 7 « Black with triple white stripes. cassimeres. * —— L Jy Single stripe blues and blacks. Herringbone stripe worsteds. Sweaters of Extra Quality & Blue and black overplaids. Black and white silk mixtures. \ r- ** \\r 1 >SI ff Blue serges. Blue unfinished worsteds. Blue and white chalk stripes. COr JVlen, W Omen and v^nilClren \\ Xx J A Ct 1 O CT i~\ J C* tC f\ f~\ Boys' and girls' sweaters with roll and Byron collar; rope and \\ Overcoats at and $15.00 . \ \ I (if - «T*» A IF f • Gfr,s ' Norfolk sweaters with roll collar; plain and fancy weaves; \ / hat Are as Uood Wearing as / hey Are uooa Looking rose. Copenhagen and tan SI.OO to $4.98 \ \ \ . Women's sweaters In Annette Kellerman and other new styles; Styles for the man who wants distinction combined with economy of cost. belted or plain —.............* 7 '®* v\ \ i" • r , , . i , ~ • i ' u .u Women's cardigan yacht and golf vests for street and house wear \ showing ot overcoats reveals the latest patterns in the popular warmth- wlth sleeves or B | e eveiess to $2.50 without weight" garments as well as heavier kinds for the extremely cold spells. Men's shaker, rope and plain weave sweaters in maron, navy, A . tan and oxford; roll or Byron collar and V neck $2.50 to sj.#H Some are full lined —others quarter lined. Lengths vary from 42 to 45 inches Men's sweater coats m plain weaves with roii collar, special 95c A —many fabrics are Cravenetted, making them proof against rain and sleet as well . Men ' s fancy weave sweaters with roii collar, maroon, A U aS co ' Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Men's Store % \ \\\ \ These favorite patterns in the stock. ~ I_ jV 1 N \ \ Tan and grey Scotch mixtures. Blue overplaid cassimeres. .MoVGItV jVIOSh 3.13.0 \\ I \ \ Grey diagonals. Grey overplaid cassimeres. \ \ \ HSk"r S eT hitePinhead<:heCkS ' Brown velours. ChHstmaS JeWel^ \ \ Black beaver cloth. Heavy brown cheviots. j j I \ \ JJ Blue flannel. Brown Scotch mixtures. SI.OO K ate top mesh bags; special 75c 1-A - \—Grey Scotch mixtures. Grey tweeds. »«> Mb« <»« »«" celluloid frame, and "> »"« Tan diagonal worsteds. SlaC bouc.„ Many Other styles of Overcoats at .SIB.OO to >T>35.00. Children's and Misses' guaranteed bracelets s»c lfl|||| uA Hat pins in small and neat designs of gold plated sterling silver. m Bovs' Reefers S3 95 and. $5 00 imuiKm ,/ J. VV--' A XO j V-r • vy C4-XXV_4. Rings In sterling silver with Wa idemar chain with engraved MM ' knife, complete $1.25 vQP Blue, brown and grey chinchillas, grey and tan Scotch mixtures, dark grey velours, brown and grey storm cloth and blue with imitation ruby, saphlre, topaz Gold filled bangle bracelets, fTi , ~. c . 01/ . If 4 or amethyst setting 50c guaranteed • "*® c if I beaver cloth. Sizes 2y 2 to 10 years. Peacock rings In green gold Sterling silver thimbles. I || f finish • • 50(' 25c* to 91 IH 1 Boys' Overcoats, sizes 10 to 18 years SJWS.OO to SIO.OO Peacock broochee In green gold California rose buada, all JWki J J finish 25c and 50c colors Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Clothing. Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Street Floor FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 5, 1915.
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