Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 30, 1915, Page 17, Image 17

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    L A Telegraph Want Ad Will Qnickly lent Hi Taeant loom ||
C LISTER Missouri Prowell Kelster,
widow of Clinton Kelster, on Fri
day. October 29. 1915, at her home
in New Cumberland.
Funeral Monday afternoon at J
I'clcuk from the residence, Fourth
itreet. Relatives and friends invited
o attend without further notice,
burial in Mt. Olivet Cemetery.
lAUFJRS Clara Hattie Sauers, died
October 28. 1915, at the lioine of hor
parent:*. Mr. and Mrs. Kearlght King,
«19 Cumberland street, in her 26th
Funeral services will be held Mop
lav afternoon at 2 o'clock from her
ate residence. Services and burial
1, 1,1 IVCi October 29, 1915. Wllhal
mina, wife of William 11. Filling,
Sr., aged 64 years.
Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend the services without runther
notice on Monday afternoon al I
o'clock from her late resident. 1408
North Sixth street, nurial In East
Harrisburg Cemetery.
r.OST —Bar pin with Fox head in
e.nter. between Eighteenth and Market
nd Fifteenth and Swatara. Initials
k. S. on back. Reward if rerturned to
FOUND The best results have
ound by the ladies who had their Suits
ind Coats remodeled to the latest style
>y the Ladles' TaLlor, H. L. Powell, 925
<orth Third street. Estimates free.
FOUND That Eggerfs Steam Dm.
ng & French Cleaning Works. 124G
Market St.. do tlwe very best. work in
he city. Call either phone for <roof.
iVe call and deliver.
Hl i.i' WANTED—MaIe
o get. My free booklet, BY.. 372, tells
low. Write to-day—NOW. Eacl Hop
iin«, Washington, D. C.
WANTED Few laborers. Apply,
",u0 North Second .itreet.
\\ .iNTED Energetic boy, aged 10
0 20 years. Apply, 321 Walnut street.
WANTED First-class bakers at
mce, also first-class drives' for bakery
vagon; New Cumberland Steam Bak
:ry. Fourth street, New Cumberland,
WANTED Boy IS or 19 years of
Icp to assist in Ice cream factory.
V'pply at McNeal's, 1015 North Third
itreet. •
WANTED An experienced butcher
o drive meat wagon; must furnish
food reference. Apply, 226 Chestnut
ANTED A talesman for one of
he best known products In the coun
rv. Territory in this and adjoining
minties. New selling plan offers ex
eptional opportunities for ambitious
nan with celling iiualifixations. Ad-
Iress, E 3194. care Telegraph.
WANTED Blacksmith for general
[uarr.v work. Apply to E. B. Cassady,
lershey, Pa.
WANTED —Men to learn to iMcome
iractical chauffeurs. We give you
>ur unlimited SSO practical course
low for S4O. We practice you from
he Vlrup you start on repairing and !
rlvm£ r automoblles until you graduate. :
'hirty cents per hour guaranteed as ]
uon as they are competent of repair- |
ng private cars. A.uto Transportation !
fchool, 5 North Cameron street. I
PERMANENT position with m&nu
acturing concern at llagerstown, Md.,
nd assured advancement for bright,
lean-cut. ambitious young man <2O
- with at least two years' experience
n cost «eeplng and similar record*,
lust be neat penman and quick and
ci urate at figures. No consideration
till be sl\en except applicant states
ully nationality, education, experi
nce, age and salary expected to start,
.'orrespondence confidential. Address
?ox 3178. care of Harrisburg Telegraph.
EVERYWHERE—Men willing to dls
rihute circulars, samples, tack signs,
oiled names, etc.; no canvassing,
"ontlnental Register. Chicago.
mhitious man or woman in fast grovv
ng mail order business; any locality;
3,000 yearly; spare time; no canvass
ng; no experience. We furnish every
hlng. Write for unique selling plan.
Syestone, 34 1 W. Seventh, Pittsburg,
ravel, distribute samples and take or
ers, or appoint agents. Permanent,
ap American Co., Chicago.
YOUNG MAN IS to 20 to travel; call
"eritral llotel. Room 8, between 6 and
p. m. Saturday. Neat and fair educa
ion required.
'ipe Binding Co. Apply at Tenth and
:tate streets.
I WILL PAY any honest man un to
n" monthly for part of spare time. No
nnvassing. No capital. \Vrlte to-«lay.
"oorhles. Desk 155. Omaha. Neb.
WANTED Man In your own terrl
ory. Salary of sloo.U'i per onontli,
raveling expenses and commission.
Experience unnecessary. Write quick.
:. D. M artel, 2909 Indiana avenue,
>cpt. 2035, Chicago.
ANYBODY can increase their income
10 to Jto weekly, spare time, raising
nushrooms in cellars, sheds, boxes.
Success guaranteed. Free illustrated
onklet. lllram Barton. 3,13 West 18th
treet. New York.
WANTED, AT ONCE First-class
llllwrights. Immediate employment
Address J. F. Creswell, P. O. Box 264,
Alice ster. Pa., or call at Hotel Plaza, I
'hursday afternoons or evenings.
Boring Mill and Lathe hands who can
ork from blue prints. Must be first
lass, experienced machinists. Apply
hnployment Department, Westlng
ouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pltts
urgli. Pa.
WANTED First-class toolmakers,
roflters, millers, drillers, rlflers, barrel
urners. blacksmiths and steam hare
ter men to make drop forges. Also
len for barrel rolling. Address P. O. ,
tox ?64, Lancaster. Pa.
SnaUrt St. Houses
No. 1 625—A 3-story frame house
witli 9 rooms, bath and steam.
No. 16 27—A 2-story frame house
with 6 rooms and bath.
Apartment House
718 X. Sixth St.
.1-story brick and stone building
■with three housekeeping apart
ments —Ras and electricity—city
steam heat. Look into this propo
sition as an investment.
PI lie and Second Sts.
l.o! 100x150 ft., improved with a
2'»-story t.'ame house—reception
hall- -9 rooms and bath—furnace—■
electricity. Stable and fruit trees.
Protupt possession.
Jim urn nee Surety Bonda
l.ortiat and Court Streets
EXPERT training by my n.athod. and
every student employed Is ray record
last year; no failures; attend here and
be successful. Harrlsburg Shorthand
School, 31 North Second street.
WAN'TL.- Young lady to answer
telephone calls and do clerical work in
office; one having former experience
preferred; state age, salary expected
and place where previously employed.
Address, A 3203, care Telegraph.
WANTED Experienced girls for
edge stitching, tip stitching and fox
ing. Apply Harrlsburg Shoe Manufac
turing Co., Vernon street.
WANTED—Experienced sew
ing machine operators on ladies'
and children's wear. Harrisburg
Apparel Co., over City Star Laun
dry .State street, rear entrance.
WANTED A few bright
learners. Apply Silk Mill, corner
North and Second streets. N
WANTED Girls over 16 to
strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bunchmakers Packers,
Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel
fare looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com
pany, 500 Race street.
LADIES' easy refined genteel work;
while or part time, $20 —$05 weekly
selling well advertised "KNITTOP"
formfltting petticoats and "CARLE
TON" made-to-measure silk petticoats
and waists. Experience unnecessary—
we show you how. Write to-day.
Spelman & Co., Manufacturers, 1183
Broadway, New York City.
WANTED Persons to color art
pictures at home, easy work; no expe
rience; good pay; sample free. Glea
son Wheeler. 337 Madison, Chicago.
LARGE knitting mill invites corre
spondence with women desirlous of
earning money, full time or spare
hours. Experience unnecessary. Good
pay. Address, International Mills, Inc.
Dept. 20. Norristown, Pa.
WANTED At once, live, energetic
lady canvassers on relined genteel
work; good pay and permanent; un
usual opportunity. Address. Perry. 250
North George street, York, Pa.
HELP WANTED— MaIe aud Fcmule
tion. Experience unnecessary. Send
us your verses or melodies to-day or
write for Instructive booklet —it's free.
Ma'rks-Goldsmlth Co.. Dept. 233, Wash
ington, D. C.
WANTED Men and women, new
household specialty, fast seller. big
profits, repeat orders. St. Uwrcnoe
Specialty Co., 124 Carolina street. Og
densburg, N. Y.
WANTED Janitor. middle-aged
white man and wife, without children,
for apartment huilding. Free rent of
three steam-heated rooms and bath and
good wages, with extra pay for woman
If she will help with housework and
do light washing. Good position for
holiest, sober, trustworthy couple. Ap
ply to John Smith, Engineer, Elliott-
Fisher Company.
MEN, WOMEN, common schooling,
desiring Government positions. S7O
monthly, write for list 15 Immediately.
Philadelphia Civil Service School, Phila.
away with extra tire on automobiles.
Write ouick for details. The Towns
"end" Specialty Home, Box 8, Station
F, Baltimore, Md.
AGENTS WANTED No experience
needed. Article In demand. Universal
Supplies Co., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
AGENTS for high grade specialty.
Demonstration in,variably results in
Sale. Booklet on salesmanship, free.
Write, P. & M. Supply Co., Fair Oaks
street, Little Valley, N. Y.
FREE SAMPLE—Nosplash water
strainers sell themselves; no talking;
experience unnecessary. Daily profits
$5 upwards; Send 2c (mailing cost).
Address, 2 X, Union Filter Co.. New
ness. Big Kansas company offers fast
selling mail order line; factory prices.
Utiloiie selling methods pull quick big
paying business. No canvassing spare
time. We furnish everything. Copy
righted prospectus free. Eyestone, 72
W. Seventh, Pittsburg, Kansas.
rubbing. Steam bubbles blow out ruin
ous Abre-eating grit. l<eads every
thing. Won Gold medal In actual teats.
Only washing preparation using steam
bubble principle. Bigger profits. More
value. Samnle and particulars free.
Washclean Co., 136 W. Seventh. Pitts
burg. Kansas.
best line of food flavors, perfumes,
.soaps and toilet preparations, etc., ever
offered. Over 250 lightweight, popular
priced, quick selling necessities—ln big
demand —well advertised—easy sellers,
big repeaters, 100 per cent profit. Com
plete outfits furnished free to workers.
Just a postal to-day. American Prod
ucts Co., 3643 American Building, Cin
cinnati. Ohio.
AGENTS Snappiest household line
on earth. Red hot sellers, steady re
peaters—loo per cent profit. 250 light
weight, fast selling, popular priocd nec
essities. Agents outfit free. Got busy.
Quick. Write to-day—postal will do.
American Products Co.. 3642 American
Building, Cincinnati, Ohio.
SSO to SIOO WEEK—OId reliable firm
wants local managers. "No soliciting.
Spare time or steady work. Men or
women. Write to-day. Jubilee Mfg.
Co., Omaha, Neb.
TOHV, manufacturing exclusive patent
ed. staple articles. No canvassing; ex
perience unnecessary; by devoting all
or spare time you should make big
money. Pease Manufacturing Co., Desk
145, 68 Broadway, Buffalo. N. Y.
AGENTS make $5 to $25 daily. No
experience. Free catalog and samples.
New goods. Quick sales. Big profits
World's beaters. Cruver Co., Jackson
& Campbell, Chicago, 111.
AGENTS—If you want to earn more
money send for our catalog of repeat
order articles. Particulars free. J p;
Mundell, 75 W. 30th street, Bavonne'
N. J.
WE WILL PAy YOU $120.00 to rep
resent us and distribute religious liter
ature In your community. tiO days'
work; man or woman. Experience not
required. Spare time may be used.
International Bible Press. Philadelphia.
; ing proposition. High grade specialty
needed by every one. Experience not
essential. Strictly a commission prop
osition. Must be reliable and furnish
A 1 references. Full particulars with
first letter. No money required to start
Lock box 28S, Marietta, Pa.
i, SALESMAN Vacancy Nov. 15
Want live, aggressive traveler, hiirh
specialty work general trade,
135.00 advanced weekly against com
missions. Est. 1C years. Salies Mana
ger, Suite 47. 800 Woodward, Detroit.
ence unnecessary, easy work, bitr n'av
Write for large list of openings offer
ing onnortuntles to earn frotnllOO to
sson a month while you learn, \ridre™
nearest office Dept. 244. National Sales
men s Training Association, Chicago
New York, San Francisco. '
SALESMEN—S2OO to SSOO per month
salary or commission selling' our oils,
creases, paints and other specialties.
Do not be satisfied; get our proposition.
Inland Oil Works Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
WANTED Salesman to call oil
grocers, general stores and confection
ers in small country towns, 25 per cent,
commission. $40.00 weekly drawing ac
count. Crown Cider Co., 207 S. Com
mercial street, St. Louis, Mo., Dept. 4.
Salesman with Ford car for Harris
burg, also one for each surrounding
county to sell Ford owners the only
mechanically guaranteed foot starter
made. Exclusive territory and big re
turns. John Kelley Co., Lincoln Bldg.,
burg and Cumberland valley; perma
nent position; best line advertising
calendars, cloth and leather goods; com
missions most liberal; Fall trade be
gins now. Address. Sales Manager,
United States Calendar Company, Cin
WANTED Position as collector by
married man; experienced; can fur
nish reference. Address, H 3204, care
FOR RENT—Elegant 10-room house;
all improvements; corner, awnings,
first-class neighborhood, immediate
possession. Apply, Al. K. Thomas, East
End Bank, or phone 188911.
YOUNG MAN 28, Normal school grad
uate, wants position having a future;
moderate salary to start; knowledge of
bookkeeping typewriting and stenog
raphy. Address, A 3200, care Tele
WANT 1.. Position of any kind
by young married man: can furnish
reference; sober and industrious. Ad
dress, 1625 Chestnut street.
WANTED A young man desires a
clerical position, or as salesman in
side or on the street. Have had ten
years' experience in the commercial
fields, can furnish best of reference.
Address, S 319T, care Telegraph.
WANTED By young single man,
position as chauffeur; private family
preferred; experienced; best of refer
ence furnished. Address, A 3195, care
WANTED Young man desires po
sition as painter. Call or address, 658
Calder street.
WANTED By respectable, reliable
working woman, situation with small
adult family or respectable widower,
near city. Have little girl 7 years old.
Can give best of references. Address,
Box 101, Wagner, Mlffiin county, Pa.
WANTED By middle-aged white
woman, small washes and Ironing. Ad
dress, 31S Brlggs street, City.
WANTED By colored girl, general
housework. Address, C 3193, care Tele
WANTED Colored woman wishes
washing and ironing or day's work of
any kind. 1412 Williams street City.
FOR SALE At a sacrifice. Single
0-room house In 30th street, Penhrook.
One-fifth acre of ground. A real bar
gain for quick buyer. Inquire of U. C.
Drawbaugh, Bell phone, or F. B.
Wlekersliam, both phones.
Rungalow at a sacrifice price, well
built, electric lights, furnace heat,
large porches. You can buy this prop
erty now S3OO cheaper than next
Spring. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg.
No. 814 Capital Street will be sold at
sacrifice price. All Improvements, cen
tral location. Must be sold and price
will he low. Now vacant. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE Bargain. New bunga
low on half acre plot. Mile from Pen
brook, in Union Deposit road. Will sell
cheap. Terms easy. C. M. Pannell,
Secretary, Steelton, Pa.
FOR SALE One up-to-date groc
ery store, with first-class stock. Cen
tral location. Address. M 3198, care
j FARM of 97 acres In Dauphin coun-
I ty, 11 miles from Harrisburg; good
buildings, on the main road, running
water. Price SI,OOO. H. G. Pedlow,
J 110 S. Thirteenth street.
1814 REGINA STREET must be sold.
Inspect It and make me an offer. H. G.
Pedlww, 110 South Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE 225 South Thirteenth
street; 3-story brick; 10 rooms, bath
and hot water heat; lot, 15',4x129; can
arrange easy terms. Brinton-Packer
Co., Second and Walnut streets.
A valuable North Second street resi
dence. Most desirable residential lo
cality in city. A bargain. Price and
terms for the asking. Address "Home,"
care of Harrisburg Telegraph.
FOR SALE 2O acres farm, 2%
I miles east of Middletown; 20 acres
tillable, 0 acres good timber; good
buildings, well and cistern and running
t water on place; variety of fruit; adapt
ied for truck and poultry. For particu
lars address H. E. Albert, R. D No. 2,
| Middletown, Pa. Price reasonable.
FOR SALE 2lO Pine stroet. Lot
i about 24 ft. front, back to South street.
I Room on South street foi garage.
I Three-story brick house, two baths,
' city steam heat, 14 rooms. Call 559J
Bell phone or at house for terms.
WHAT will you offer for 273 Briggs
street, city? Lot, 20x107; seven-room
frame house. Rents for $22. Part cash
and mortgage. Must have your offer by
November 1. Address O. F.. No. 3147,
care of Telegraph.
EASY payment houses; why are you
paying rent month after month when
you can buy a house on very easy
payments? Consider this carefully.
Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building.
Edge (of) City Borough by the Sus
quehanna. (12) Iron and Steel Mills
120) Factories (3) railroads. Fine Loca
tion for roultry and Early Vegetables.
Spring water, loam soil, choice fruit,
painted home, barn, out buildings.
Joins (80u) acres State property where
large sums of money invested in Fine
Buildings. Only (Quarter) mile to trol
ley and State Road. Quick Sale (40)
acres low price ($1,200) half cash.
Young horse (cow) five hogs (50)
chickens only ($1,400).
(2) Horses age (6) weigh (2,600)
valued ($550) and (3) cows (10) hogs
(95) poultry (10) ton hay (12) ton
straw (120) bushel oats (240) bushel
corn <$800). Fine hardwood finished
Mansion (12) rooms painted white and
green, water on porches (75) feet long,
new wagon house red and white, and
large Bank Barn. All kinds choice
Fruit. (100) acres giveaway ($2,000)
and (36) acres line woodland Joining
($1,000). Only (2) mile to market (2)
railroads (100) trains daily,
(Mile) to (Trolley) and (Half) to
school, church and stone throw to
neighbors. Adapted for Poultry, truck
ing and cozy home only small sum of
money invested. Facing (2) Public
Roads and Rural Route. ' Apples
plums, quinces, peaches, cherries, pears
and grapes. Fine Crystal Spring
Water passing by (6) rooms good roof
plastered home and Bank Barn. (34)
acres @ ($975) spot cash or ($100)
more part on time. For ($200) more
good (cow) fine horse and (4) hogs
Danville Phonehours Sunbur>
Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings.
No. 807 N. Eighteenth Street ....$4 100
No. 192* Park Street $3,300
No. 75 Dlsbrow Street $2,400
No. 1911 Chestnut Street $3,700
Grocery Store and Fixtures at
Inventory price.
1251 Market Street.
FOR SALE Bargain, now bunga
low on half-acre plot; mile from Pen
brook in UnTon Deposit road. Will sell
cheap. Terms easy. C. M. Pannell.
.Secretary Steelton, Pa.
Ecst Built
Popular Priced
Houses ii iarrisfcurg
Two-story solid brick houses.
Just finished, all improvements,
including steam heat; papered
throughout; front and rsar
porches; built In pairs. Located
on Susquehanna Street between
Maclay and Woodbine. Price,
$2,800. Small cash payment, bal
ance on easy terms. For further
particulars apply to C. L. Long,
Room 701, Kunkel Building.
* A modern home built ex
pressly by and for the owner's
own use.
Must be seen to be appreciated.
Hollow tile, stucco and pressed
brick. All finest hardwood; finest
electric fixtures and steam heat.
Livingroom 17x30 feet. Six bed
rooms and bath. Apply on prem
2214 N. Second Street
FOR RENT—2I33 Green street, semi
bungalow home of brick and stucco,
front and rear porches, all conve
niences, including steam heat and open
fire place. Immediate possession. Ap
ply to C. L. Long, Room 701, Kunkel
Housekeeping Apartment
Second floor 604 North Third
street 6 rooms bath city
steam heat. Miller Brothers &
Co., Locust and Court streets.
FOR RENT Basement room, suit
able for tailor, cobbler or plumber, at
1200 Market street; rent. $lO, Including
heat and water. J. E. Gtpple, 1251 Mar
ket street.
FOR RENT 402 Crescent street,
brick house, 8 rooms and bath, front
porch, all improvements, front and side
entrance; rent $18.50. Inquire at 322
Crescent street.
FOR RENT l2O North Summit
street; 3V6-story brick, open side, reni
$17.00. Inquire, 432 South Thirteenth
street, or Bell phone 1788 R.
FOR RENT—22IB Atlas avenue, three
story brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath and
furnace. Rent, $12.50. Inquire, Charles
Adler Real -..state and Insurance, 1002
North Third street.
30 N. 10th street SIB.OO
1827 Barker street $20.00
ox N. Tenth street SIB.OO
1847 North street $15.00
536 S. Sixteenth street $16.00
1019 21 li street SIO.OO
1251 Market Street.
FOR RENT House. 1406 Vernon
street, all improvements, rent cheap.
Inquire, 200 South Thirteenth street.
FOR RENT Eight-room brick
dwcllln"" ba window front and rear;
No. ioB Crescent street; rent $18.50.
Immediate possession. Apply, Penna.
Realty and Improvement Company, 132
Locust street.
FOR RENT 2%-story frame house,
all modern improvements, front, side
and rear porches. Main street, Cainp
Hill. Possession at onoe. Inquire, W.
H. Stouffer, Cumberland street, Camp
Hill, Pa.
FOR RENT Dwelling house. 3013
North Fourth street, Riverside. Apply,
M. R. Metzger, Room 410, Bergner
Building, City.
FOR RENT Three-story brick. 012
North Second street, 9 rooms and bath,
every modern convenience. In first
class repair. Inquire, 213 Pine street.
FOR RENT Stone house with six
i rooms, in Coxestown; large yard; prop
i erty in good repair; possession imme
diately. Apply 1100 North Front street,
Ilarrisburg, Pa.
FOR RENT Two-story brick house;
seven rooms and bath; all improve
ments; steam heat; electric and gas;
window shades; Derry street, Paxtang,
$19.00. Call 100 Paxtang avenue.
FOR RENT Six-room houses, with
stables, half miie north of Penbrook.
at Edgemont. Rent, $6.00. Inquire or
G. Ilartman. 38 North Twelfth street.
City, or William Brenneman. Penbrook,
FOR RENT The Sunset Apart
ments, l-109 North Front street, ready
fur inspection; T rooms and bath. In
quire, E. Mowers, 1822 State street.
WANTED December Ist, house
keeping apartment, second floor, four
rooms and bath, on Hill; Market street
above Fifteenth, or one square North or
South of Market. Address D. 3202. care
of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Large well furnished
second floor front rooms, all conve
niences, use of phone. 813 North Sec
ond street.
FOR RENT Desirable rooms. Ap
ply, 222 Pine street.
FOR RENT Large store room
1301% North Sixth street; goud stand
for drug store or other business; pos-
November 1, 1015. Apply, 1129
North Sixth street.
FOR RENT Three or four fu'rnlsh
ed rooms; bath; steam heat; third
lloor front, near Capitol. Suitable for
gentlemen. Reference required. Ad
dress N., 3175, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Large, attractive
room; electric lights, bath and plinno
privileges; private family. 121 State
FOR RENT —• Second storv room
newly furnished, steam heat, electric
lights and phone service. Apply, 125
Pine street, City. %
FOR RENT Attractive rooms, all
conveniences. Apply. 209 State street.
ROOMS FOR RENT—In small private
family in deslxablc neighborhood on
ivllison Hill, pleasant, attractively fur
nished front room, for one or two gen
tlemen; nil conveniences. Break
fast served. Address, H 3206, care
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms
In fine location; use of bath and tele
phone Apply at 293 State street.
Married couple desires pleasant room
and board, private family preferred.
Accommodations must bo first class,
none others need answer. Please state
terms. Reference required and giveu.
Address 1,. 3205, care of Telegraph.
PERMANENT MAN wants lodging in
private family; pay in advance not over
11.2 a week; no others need reply;
persons permanently located please
answer. Address, It 3196, care Tele
preferred. Apply at No. 121 Kins-
Street, city.
FOR RENT A desirable first floor
office Jn the Telegraph Building. In
quire Superintendent, Business Office
WANTED —* A good second-hand
Vlctrola. state make, new price, pres
ent price, how long used and number oi
records. Address, H 3192, care Tele
FOR SALE Lot of scrap iron in
S. A. L. No. 31528, transferred into D.
L. & W. No. 00853, from the Queen City
Iron & Steel Company, Rockingham,
N. C„ consigned Sllberman Brothers,
Harrlsburg. Refused lading stored for
account of owner In P. R. R. Com
pany's Tie Yard, midway opposite F. I.
and G. I. Towers. Entrance to prop
erty on Old Canal Bed Road, West of
Maclay Street, will be sold to highest
bidder at 2:00 P. M.. Saturday, Novem
ber 0. J. H. Nixon, Freight Agent.
HUNTERS Notice Three well
bred and trained Beagle Hounds, also
eight 12-week old puppies for sale.
•Apply, John C. Youtz, East Main street.
Hummelstown, Pa.
FOR SALE l9ll Cadillac touring
car, excellent running condition, will
demonstrate. Price $450.00. Call Bell
phone 383 J.
FOR SALE l9lO 5-passenger Chev
rolet tourning car, equipped with elec
tric lights ana starter, only $580.00,
delivered. Goo ge B. Zeck. Buick,
Chevrolet and Allen Agent, City Auto
Also shelving, counters and cases. Ap
ply, Information Desk, Bowman & Co.
AI,I, MOTORCYCLES overhauled
by us, or repaired in any way will be
stored and oiled up free of charge
[over the winter; best repairing at
lowest prices Motorcycle tires (28x3)
15.00. Excelsior Cycle Co., 10 S. Mar
ket Square, Harrisburg. Phone, call
or write. Estimates cheerfully given.
FOR SALE Three $1,000.00 and
four SIOO.OO bonds of Harrisburg Mfg.
and Boiler Co. Also certificate for
$2,000.00 bonds of Cumberland Valley
Telephone Co. Harry A. Honker, At
torney, Ninth and Willow streets, Leb
anon. Pa.
FOR SALE 1915 Model 20, six
cylinder Chalmers, 5-passenger. Bell
phone 100.
ANY PART of a two-cylindor Max
well touring ear or equipment, cheap;
gears nearly new; also tires and tubes,
30x3 ',4. but slightly used. Write qulck
ly to P. O. Box 392, Harrisburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Cheap to quick buyer,
one large and one medium size fire
proof safe good condition; cash or easy
terms. Address, Safe, care Telegraph.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
secured at the Telegraph Business
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Un furn lulled Rooms, Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 25e. each. One
of these signs will be given with each
six-time order for a classified ad. If
paid in advance. Inquire at Office of
FOR SALE 1 191-l Buick touring:
car; good as new; J Maxwell touring
car can be bought very cheap. George
B. Zeck, Bulck, Allen and Chevrolet
Agent, City Auto Garage.
FOR SALE Scratch Pads new
supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap
ply Job Printing Department, The Tele
graph Printing Company.
FOR SALE—Chean. 1012 Overland,
5-passenger, overhauled and repainted.
Guy E. Booda, 204 Market street,
room 6. :id lloor.
C. Smiths, Underwoods, Densmore, etc..
SIO.OO up. Typewriter Office, 211 Lo
cust street. Opposite Orpheum Thea
FOR SALE Restaurant located on
Market rtreet, doing good business. A
bargain If sold at once. Good reasons
for Helling. Address D.. 8016, care of
FOR RENT Office and large store
room. 82-1 Market street for rent after
ovember Ist. Market street eat of
subway, opposite Philadelphia and
Reading railway. Apply Bottling
Works, 820 Market street.
FOR SALE Rare business oppor
tunity, General Merchandise Store in
suburbs, close to Ilarrisburg. Good
reasons for selling. Cash only consid
ered for stock. Property for lease or
sale. L., 3143, care of Teelgraph.
"INVESTING for Profit-Free-For Six
Months. It Is worth $lO a copy to
anyone Intending to invest money; who
has! Invested unprofitably. or who can
save $5 or more per month, but who
hasn't learned the art of Investing for
profit. It explains how large fortunes
are made; how SI,OOO grows to $22,000.
To Introduce my magazine. I'll send
It six months absolutely free. Write
ine now. H. L Barger. Pub. 624, 22 W.
Jackson Bouleyard, Chicago.
BUY a new house. It will become
old soon enough. We are offering
about twenty new houses in city and
suburbs. Prices $2,100 to $3,300. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Bulldjng.
NEW YORK COMPANY wants local
responsible business manager; open
office, manage salesmen, for Phono
graph equalling In tone any costing
S2OO. Wonder of century, guaranteed.
Retails sls. Plays any size record.
Should clear $5,000 upward annually.
SIOO to S3OO will finance. Marquise
Phonograph Co., 108 Worth street, New
York, Dept. 34.
FOR SALE Coal yard, including
the real estate located in a good sub
urban town; no competition. Brlnton-
Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets.
THE Ice Business, including 75-acre
farm. Ice dam and ice houses, belonging
to John 9. Engle at Hummelstown, In
cluding Ice equipments and wagons for
sale owing to the death of the owner.
The Ice dams are built In Kelllg Itun,
which Is pure spring water and Ice
houses sufficient to store at least 1,000
lons of Ice. Mr. Engle has conducted
this business In Hummelstown for at
lrast twenty years, and owing to his
death It Is offered for sale. For further
Information call on
14 South Second St.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
ANY intelligent person can earn foot
Income corresponding for newspaper*;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate. 7»S. Lock
port. N. Y.
I MADE $60,000 In Ave years In the
mall order business, began with $5
Send for tree booklet. Tells how. Hea
cock, 355 Lockport. N. Y.
OCTOBER 30, 1915.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Htlr Tonic, prepared by Qrosa, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
itreet. Harrlsburg, Pa Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
n. A. HART MAN, Boarding Stable
and National Transfer Co. Movers of
f ilanos. safes, boilers and general haul
?.*• -.Jf' W ' Manager, Fifth and
\Voodblne streets. Bell phone No.
* TO HlßE—Masquerade costumes and
full dress suits; also full lot of hair
goods, including wigs, beards, etc. Ap
?!, y on B eT2S!j 8 ' m " 4:!6 WlInUt '
rooms for household goods, S3 per
month and up. We Invite inspection. I
Low insurance. 437-445 South Second
itreet. Harrlsburg Storage Company.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for I
household goods and merchandise Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents
Ser month. Applfc D. Cooper & Co., 411
iroad street. Both phones.
In the Estate of Henry A. Kelker, late
of Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., Pa., de
NOTICE Letters Testamentary in
the above Estate having been granted
to the undersignod, all persons indebt
ed to said Estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and thosu
having claims will present \them for
settlement to i
HENRY A. KELKER, JR.. Executors,
Harrlsburg, Pa.
Election Proclamation
NOTICE of an election to be held
November 2, 1916, to decide whether or
not the indebtedness of the City of
Harrlsburg shall be Increased.
Notice Is hereby given that an elec
tion will be hold, at the time and
places for holding the General Elec
tion in the City of Harrlsburg, on Tues
day, the second day of November, 1915,
between the hours of seven
o'clock a. m. and seven o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of obtaining the assent
of the electors to a proposed increase
of indebtedness of the City of Harris
The amount of the last assessed valu
ation of taxable property'in the City
of Harrisburg Is fifty million, three
hundred and thirty-six thousand, seven
hundred and fifty-four dollars ($50,-
The amount of the existing debt of
the City of Harrisburg is one million,
nine hundred and thirty-one thousand,
seven hundred and nineteen dollars and
fifty-seven cents ($1,931,719.57).
The amount of the proposed increase
of Indebtedness of the City of Harris
burg is three hundred and "sixty thous
and dollars ($.100,000).
The percentage of the proposed In
crease of Indebtedness of the City of
Harrisburg Is .0071319 (plus) per cent.
The purposes for which the indebted
ness aforesaid is to be increased are
as follows, viz:
"For the construction of a bridge,
with the necessary approaches there
to, on the line of Walnut street, from
a point at or about the western line
of the right of way of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company to a point at or
about the Intersection of Twelfth and
Walnut streets, and the consequential
damages resulting therefrom," three
hundred thousand dollars ($300,000).
, "For the purpose of equipping {lie
fire department with motor driven ap
paratils and remodeling fire houses to
accommodate the same," sixty thous
and dollars ($00,000),
Mayor of the City of Harrlsburg.
, Corporate Seal)
CHAS. A. MILLER, City Clerk.
Harrisburg, Pa.. October 1, 1915.
In the assigned estate of Phares R.
Pursuant to an order of the Court of
Common Pleas of Dauphin county on
October 25, 1i»l5, the undersigned, as
signee for the benefit of creditors of
P. R. Hallman. will offer at public sale
at the farm of P. R. Hallman, one mile
east of HlHippire, in Ijower Swarata
township. Dauphin County, Pennsylva
nia, at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon,
November 20th, 1915, the following
real estate:
All that certain messuage, tenement
and tract of land situate in bower
Swatara Township, Uauphin County,
Pennsylvania, containing forty-eight
geres and one hundred and Iwentv-onn
perches, strict measure. For title see
Deed Hook "T," Vol. 11, page 598. Hav
ing thereon erected a two and one-iialf
story frame house, bank barn, wagon
shed and otner outbuildings: well of
water and land in high state of cultiva
Said property will.be sold subject to
a mortgage of People's Bank of Steel
ton. Pa., of three thousand dollars.
Terms:—lo per cent, cash on day of
sale: 15 per cent, cash on confirmation
of sale; balance on April 1. 1916.
Assignee for the benefit of creditors
of P. R. Hallman.
MARK T. MIL.NOR, Attorney.
NOTICE is hereby given that John
Eekert will apply for a pardon before
the Board of Pardons, Harrisburg, Pa..
November 17. 1915. W. S. HARRIS.
Uy Associated Press
New York. Oct. 30. The statement
of the actual condition of • Clearing
House, banks and trust companies for
the week shows that they hold $196,-
215,170 reserve in excess of legal re
quirements. This is an increase of
$3,415,120 over last week. The state
ment follows:
Eoans, etc., $3,044,229,000: Increase,
Reserve in own vaults (B). $526 -
287,000: increase. $4,635,000.
Reserve in Federal Reserve Bank.
$164,621,000; increase, $3,541,000.
Reserve in other depositories, $46,-
554.000; increase, $.161,000.
Net demand deposits, $.1,126,560,000;
increase, $27,048,000.
Net time deposits, $144,251,000; in
crease. $2,601,000. •
Circulation, $35,601,000; decrease.
(B) of which $465,503,000 .is specie.
Aggregate reserve. $737,462,000.
Excess reserve, $196,216,170; Increase.
i ~120.
By Associated Press
Chicago, Oct. 30. Hogs Receipts,
7,000; clow. , Bulk, $6.65@7.20; light,
$6.60#i;7.50; mixed, $6.50®7.70; heavy,
$6.35ffi7.60; rough, $6.35(0)6.55; pigs,
Cattle Receipts. 500; weak. Na
tive beef steers, $5.90® 10.50; western
steers. $6.50 @t'B.6o; cows and heifers,
s2.Bo(fi 8.25; calves. $7.25 11.00.
Sheep Receipt?, 2,000;; firm: weth
ers, • $6.00 Cpi 6.65; ewes, $3.90@5,85;
lambs, $6.75®)8.90,
3 N. Market Square. Harrisburg, Pa.
Offer unsurpassed facilities for trading in all markets.
(New York Stock Exchange
New York Cotton Eielianxr
Chicago Board of Trade
Chicago Stock Exchange
Philadelphia Stock Exchange
Offk-es Phones
I3iM Client nut St.. Phil*. . Cumberland Valley 287
H4 Pine Street, Now York Bell 70#
*=• ■ ,
Copper Active and Moderately
Higher Anaconda Making
New Record
New York, Oct. 30. Yesterday's
general advanue was resumed at the
opening of today's market, the rise
taking in rails as well as specialties,
although the latter were prominent.
Sttidebaker General Electric, Baldwin
Locomotive, Lackawanna Steel and
Maxwell Motors were higher by 1 to 2
points. Coppers also were active and
moderately higher, Anaconda rising
to the new record of 83%. U. S.
Steel opened with 7,500 shares at 88.
an overnight gain of %, soon advanc
ing another %. Reading, New York
Central and Canadian Pacific wefe the
strong features of the railway group.
[General motors rose 22% to 377.
Furnished by Chandler Bros. & Co.,
3 North Market Square.
New York, Oct. 30.
Open. High. Low. Clos.
Am Bt Sug 66% 66 %
Am Can .. 63% 63% 62% 62 a*
Am C& F. 87% 88% 87% 88%
Am COt Oil 62% 62% 62% 62%
Am Ice Sec 25 25 2 5 25
Am Loco . 71 71 70% 70%
Am Smelt, 93% 94% 93% 93 %
Am Sugar . 112 113 112 113
Anaconda . 83% 83% 83% 83*4
Atchison .. 108% 108% lUB 108'!s
Baldwin .. 138 129% 134% 134%
B&O 94% 94% 94% 94%
Bklyn RT. 87% 87% 87 % 87%
Can Pacific' 184% 184% 183 183 %
Central Lea 59% 59% 59 59%
Chesu &O. 60 61% 59% 61%
CM& St P 94% 95 94 95
Ch RI & P 18% 18%
Ch Con Cp 52% 53 52% 52%
Col F & Ir 58% 58% 58 58
Cruo Steel . 87 87 86% 87
Dist Sec .. 47% 48% 47% 45%
Erie 43 43% 42% 43 %
Erie, Ist Pf 57% 57% 57% 57%
Genl El Co 180% 182% 180% 182
Good B F. 77% 77% 76% 76%
Gt Nrn, Pfd 124% 125% 124% 124%
G Nro O, s 52 52% 51% 52
Insp Cop . 45% 46% 45% 45%
Inter-Met . 22% 22% 22% 22%
Int-Met Pd 79 79 79 7'J
Kas C 5... 33% 33% 33% 33%
Leh Val... 81 81 80% 80%
Max Mot .. 85 85 82 83%
Mex Pet... 91% 91% 89% 89%
Mi Cop ... 35% 35% 35% 35%
Mo Pae... 5 % 5 % 5 % 3 %
Natl Lead. 67% 67% 67 67
NYC... 103% 103% 102% 103 Vi
NYN H H 82%.. 83% 82% 82%
NYO W. . 37% 37% 37% 37%
N and W.. 117% 117% 117% 117%
North Pac. 114% 115% 114% 115%
Pa Rail .. 60% 60% 60 60
Pitts C 39% 39% 39 39
Press SC.. 73 % 73 % 72 7 2 •'«
RayOC.... 26% 26% 26% 26%
Reading .. 84 84% 83 Vi 83%
Rep 15... 54% 54% 54% 54%
South Pac. 100% 102 100% 101%
South Ry.. 25% 25% 25% 25%
Studebaker. 172 % 173 171 173
Tenn Cop. . 64% 64% 63% 63%
Union Pac. 135% 139% 137% 139 %
US Steel.. 88 88% 87% 87%
u. s sti pd in „aij.. .in,
Utah Cap.. 72%
Vir-CarC.. 50% 51 50% 51
West Md.. 34% 34% 34% 34%
West U Tel 81 81 81 81
West Mfg.. 73% 73% 72% 72%
By Associated Press
Philadelphia. Oct. 30. Wheat
Steady; No. 2, red, spot, and October,
sl.ll % (<i) 1.i3 %; No. 2 southern red,
Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local,
75%4j)76%c; steamer, No. 2. yellow,
local. 74 % @75 % c.
Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 454J
46c; No. 3, white, ll({i)42c.
Bran Market quiet and easy; city,
mills, per ton, $24. 00; western do., non-j
here; Spring, per ton, $22.60.
Refined Sugars Market is firm;
powdered, 5.45 c; line granulated, 5.35 c;
confectioners' A, 5.25 c.
Uutter Market firmer; western,
creamery, extra, 29c; nearby prints,
fancy, 32c.
Eggs The market Is higher;
Pennsylvania and other nearby ursts
free cases, $10.60 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $9.90 per case;
western, extras, firsts, free cases, $10.50
per case; do., firsts, free cases, $9.90
per ease.
Live Poultry Market steady; fowls,
14®16c;' old roosters, tl4j/12c; broil
ing chickens, t6@l7c; Spring chickens,
14tfol6c; ducks, 13@16c.
Dressed Poultry Market is steady;
fresh killed fowls. fancy. 18(gil8%c;
do., average. 17%17%e; do.,unattractive,
average, 15©>18c; do,, roosters. 13c;
broiling chickens, nearby. 21fd<25c;
broiling chickens, western, 14® 19c;
Spring chickens, western, I4g)i2oc;
Spring ducks, nearby. lS«i>l7c; do.
western, 10@12c; ice packed fowls, 14
Potatoes Market higher; Penn
sylvania, fancy, per bushel, 75#78c;
Pennsylvania., fair to good, per buslie.
65@70c; Jersey, No. 1, per bushel, 40®
60c; Jersey, No. 2. per basket, 20ifl>26c.
Chicago, Oct. 30. The grain mar
ket closed as follows;
Wheat December, $1.01%; May.
Corn—December, 57% c; May, 59-c.
Oats—December, 38% c; May, 39Vic.
Pork December, $14.12; January,
Lard November, $8.97; January.
Ribs November, $10.10; January,
by Associated Press
Philadelphia. Oct. 30. Stocks closed
Cambria 6 fir '»
General Asphalt 35
do pfd 71%
Lake Suberior Corporation .... 10
l*?high Navigation 79%
Lehigh Valley 80%
Pennsylvania Railroad •iOVjt
Philadelphia Electric 27
Philadelphia Company 46
do pfd 36
Philadelphia Rapid Transit 1«%
Reading 83%
Storage Battery 72
Union Traction 4.1%
United Gas Improvement S6
U. S. Steel 88