Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 29, 1915, Page 21, Image 21

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    A Telegraph Want Ad Will Qnickly lent That Vacant Room j
>OAN On Wednesday, Oct. 2T. 191 a.
Aaron Doan. at his home in Perdlx.
veteran of the Civil War; aged SO
Funerai'on Saturday morning at 11.40
"clock from Union Station. Funeral
private. , .
i Newport papers please cop>.)
L.OST Between Commonwealth
S2BO.' 6 *l™war'f cm return
o Orpheum Theater.
LOST Friendship .bracelet Monday
v#tiinr In Court street, from leie
;raph Office to 26c Store, or
own trolley leaving 3.40. Re
rard if returned to Telegraph Office.
"found The beat results have
ound by the ladies who had their Suitfc
nd Coats remodeled to the latest styje
y the Ladles' Tailor. H.L Powell, a-o
;orth Third street. Estimates fiee.
"FOUND That Eggerfs Steam Dye
nc & French Cleaning Works, 1Z45
Sarket St., do the very best work In
he city. Call either phone for ,«root
Vi call and deliver.
WANTED Two neat appearing
gen for new canvassing position. $.
aily guaranteed. »-> street,
iu u rveninffß. -U- Liocusi sue*.v.
pstairs. Abk for K. U.
WANTED Few laborers. Apply,
70W North Second street.
IvY»R l vY»R RENT l2*6 "North" Summit
treet; 2'» -story brick, open side, rem
17.00. inquire, 432 feouih Thirteenth
treet. or bell phone 178& H.
\\ iNTED Energetic boy, aged 16
o 20 years. Apply. Walnut street.
w \NTEI> A young man for one
reek; one that is lionesU A
iIOI. care Telegraph, oi call netween
16 and 7.30 this evening; phone 305J .
sk for Mr. Beane.
WANTED Young man as helper
n warehouse. Witman Bros., 40 North
*inth street. Apply at rear of ware
1 PAY 25c each for Lincoln pennies,
nd Buffalo nickels. several dates,
lend dime for list 613. J. Conrad,
lltoona. Pa.
WANTED First-class bakers at
nee! also rtrst-class driver for bakery
vason; New Cumberland Steam BaW
ry. Fourth street. New Cumberland.
WANTED Men (white) to distri
ct, circular.. Apply, Harrisburg Ad
ertising Co., rear of 3-0 Market street,
. a. m.
WANTED Boy 18 or 19 years of
ie to assist in Ice cream
ipply at McNeal's, 101 a North Thitd
WANTED An experienced butcher
0 drive meat wagon; must '""ilsh
;ood reference. Appl>, --6 Chestnut
-lEN WANTED Ablebodled, unmar
ied men between ages of 18 and 36,
itisens of United States, of good char
ct«r and temperate habits, who can
peak, read and write the English
language. For information apply to
Srfruiung Officer. Bergner Bu.lding.
d I Market Sts.. Harrisburg. Pa.
ANTED A salesman for one of
he best known products in the coun
rv Territory in this and adjoining
o'unties. New selling plan offers ex
eptlonal opportunities for ambitious
nan with selling qualifications. Ad- ,
Iress, E 3191, care Telegraph. i
WANTED Blacksmith for general 1
itiarry work. Apply to E. B. Cassady,
-tershey. Pa.
WANTED —Men to learn to htcome
jractical chauffeurs. We give you
iur unlimited SSO practical course
low for S4O. We practice you from
he time you start on repairing and
Iriving automobiles until you graduate. ;
Thirty cents per hour guaranteed as I
ioon as they are competent of repalr
ng private cars. Auto Transportation ]
School, 5 North Cameron street. I
$75.00 MONTH paid Railway Mall
;ierks. Examinations announced Janu
ary 15. Sample questions free. Write |
mmedlately. Franklin Institute Dept. j
60 H. Rochester, N. Y. |
WANTED Young man to assist in I
lath parlor. Must be honest, reliable
nd willing to learn. Reasonable pay j
chile learning. Address, with refer
nces, Box H, 3190, care of Telegraph, j
WANTED. AT ONCE Several ex-1
lerienced solicitors. Easy proposition,
alarv and commission. Address X. Y.
1., 20*. care of Telegraph.
PERMANENT position with manu- ;
acturing concern at Hagerstown. Md..
nd assured advancement for bright,
lean-cut. ambitious young man (20-
5) with at least two years experience
n cost Keeping and similar records,
.lust be neat penman and quick and
ccurate at figures. No consideration
rill be given except appllcaut states
ully nationality, education, experi
nce, age and salary expected to start,
'orrespondence confidential. Address i
!ox 3178, care of Harrisburg Telegraph.
WANTED. AT ONCE First-class
millwrights. Immediate employment
(ddress J. F. Creswell, P. O. Box 264.
.ancaster. Pa., or call at Hotel Plaza,
'hursday afternoons or evenings.
WANTED Flrst-class all-around
oilermakers. Permanent positions to
ober, reliable men. Apply to Horace
Cinsey, Foreman, R. S. Newbold & Son
!o . Norristown. Pa.
Boring Mill and Lathe hands who can
rork from blue prints. Must be first
lass. experienced machinists. Apply
Imployment Department, Westing- j
ouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pltts
urgh. Pa.
WANTED An apprentice boy. one
rith talent for sign painting. Apply to
os. S. Poulton, 307 Market street.
WANTED Flrst-class toolmakers.
rofiters, millers, drillers, rlfiers. barrel
urners, blacksmiths and steam hara
ler men to make drop forges. Also
nen for barrel rolling. Address P. O.
!ox ?S4. I.ancaster. Pa.
WANTED A German-speaking
ollector bv The Colonial Life Insur
nce Co. of America. Call any morn
ig after S o'clock. Geo. W. DeWitt,
lanarer, 219 Walnut street, Harrls
urg. Pa.
Swatara St. Houses
No. 16 25—A 3-story frame house
with 9 rooms, bath and steam.
No. 1617—A 2-story frame house
with 6 rooms and bath.
Apartment House
"16 X. Sixth St.
3-story brick and stone building
with three housekeeping apart
ments—gas and electricity—city
steam heat. Look into this propo
sition as an investment.
Pine and Second Sts.
Lot 100x150 ft., Improved with a
2'ji-story frame house—reception
hall —9 rooms and bath —furnace—•
electricity. Stable and fruit trees.
Prompt possession.
Immnrr Surety Bonds
I.ocust and Court Streets
WANTED Two chambermaids and
waitresses for the National Hotel,
Mechanicsburg; must be experienced.
Apply to John Robertson. Metropolitan
WANTbu Tounn lady to answer
telephone calls and do cleiical work In
ofnee: one having: former experience
preferred; slate age, salary expected
and place where previously employed.
Address, A 3203. care Telegrraph.
WANTED Saleslady to work In
shoe store. One who has experience In
shoes preferred. Address, O 3179, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED Experienced girls for
edge stitching, tip stitching and fox
ing. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Manufac
turing Co., Vernon street.
WANTED White girl to assist
with housework and care of children;
no washing; go home nirht; refer
ence required: wages, $2.60 per week.
Apply Bell phone 1275 R.
WANTED—Experienced sew
! ing machine operators on ladies'
and children's wear. Harrisburg
Apparel Co., over City Star Laun
dry State street, rear entrance.
j WANTED A few bright
i learners. Apply Silk Mill, corner
i North and Second streets.
I WANTED Girl to work In of flee;
'experience not necessary; give refer
j enee and asre. Address X., 3189, care
j of Telegraph.
I WANTED —By a large corporation,
i a lady canvasser. Steady work the
I year around. Good salary to right
party. Address W., 3186, care of Tele
! graph.
I WANTBD An experienced white
! girl for cooking and general house
work; reference required; three in fam
ily. Call Bell phone 948 J. j
WANTED Girls over 16 to
; strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bunchmakers Packers,
Filler axd Binder Strippers. Wel
fare looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Corn
pan v, 500 Race street.
HELP WANTED—MaIe ami Female
i WANTED Men and women, new
I household specialty, fast seller, big
profits, repeat orders. St. Lawrence
Specialty Co.. 124 Carolina street. Og
densburg, N. Y.
WANTED Janitor. middle-aged
white man and wife, without children,
for apartment building. Free rent of
three steam-heated rooms and bath and
I good wages, with extra pay for woman
! if she will help with housework and
do light washing. Good position for
honest, sober, trustworthy couple. Ap
! ply to John Smith, Engineer, Elliott-
Fisher Company.
MEN. WOMEN, common schooling,
desiring Government positions. S7O
monthly, write for list 15 immediately.
Philadelphia Civil Service School, Phlla.
away with extra tire on automobiles.
Write quick for details. The Towns
"er.d" Specialty House, Box 8, Station
F, Baltimore. Md.
AGENTS WANTED No experience
[ needed. Article Ira demand. Universal
( Supplies Co.. Mt. N. Y.
-1 ing proposition. High grade specialty
needed by every one. Experience not
essential. Strictly a commission prop
osition. Must be reliable and furnish
A 1 references. Full particulars with
rtrst letter. No money required to start.
Lock box 288, Marietta, Pa.
YOUNG MAN 28, Normal school grad
! uate, wants position having a future:
| moderate salary to start; knowledge of
bookkeeping typewriting and stenog
raphy. Address, A 3200, care Tele
WANTi Position of any kind
by young married man: can furnish
reference: sober and industrious. Ad
! dress, 1625 Chestnut street.
i WANTED A young man desires a
I clerical position, or as salesman In
side or on the street: Have had ten
I years' experience In the commercial
fields, can furnish best of reference.
Address, S 3197, care Telegraph.
WANTED By young single man,
position as chauffeur; private family
preferred; experienced; best of refer
ence furnished. Address, A 3195, care
WANTED Young man desires po
sition as painter. Call or address, 658
Calder street.
WANTED Young, married man
desires position driving car, one who
has good ability as salesman. Acquaint
ed with majority of business people in
Harrisburg and suburbs. Address D.
H., 31S8, care of Telegraph.
WANTED First-class chef look
ing for position, hotel or restaurant;
best of reference. Address 8., 3184,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED By respectable, reliable
working woman, situation with small
adult family or respectable widower,
near city. Have little girl 7 years old.
Can give best of references. Address.
Box 101, Wagner, Mifflin county. Pa.
i WANTED By middle-aged white
woman, small washes and ironing. Ad
dress, 313 Briggs street. City.
WANTED By colored girl, general
housework. Address, C 3193, care Tele
WANTED Colored woman wishes
washing and Ironing or day's work of
any kind. 1412 Williams street City.
WANTED Woman, experienced,
would like position as assistant cook,
second girl, or light housework; small
family: sleep home. Address 343
Muench street, second floor.
WANTED By middle-aged colored
woman, posltton as cook or for general
housework, in or out of city. Address
27 Factory street, Mechanlcsburg, Pa.
FOR SALE —At a sacrifice. Single
6-rooiri house in 30th street. Penbrook.
One-nrth acre of ground. A real bar
gain for quick buyer. Inquire of E C
Drawbaugh, Bell phone, or F B
Wlekersham, both phones.
j FOR SALE Bargain. New bunga
low on half acre plot. Mile from Pub -
brook, in Union Deposit road. Will sell
cheap Terms easy. C. M. Pannell,
Secretary, Steelton, Pa.
FOR SALE One up-to-date groc
ery store, with flrst-class stock. Cen
tral location. Address, M 3198. care
FARM of 97 acres in Dauphtn coun
ty. 11 miles from Harrisburg; good
buildings, on the main road, running
water. Price 11,000. H. G. Pedlow"
110 S. Thirteenth street.
ISI4 REGINA STREET must be sold.
Inspect It and make me an ofTer. H. G.
Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth street.
v, F< 2£„ $, U I CK SAT - K ~ No - "0 *nd
No. t>32 Peffer street will be sold at a
bargain. Corner property large lot
alley - Be " Realty Co.. Bergner
|2.300 WILL BUY a brick house on
Jefiorson street all improvements
porch front also property In all sec
l! 0 . 1 ! B —'" le a * moderate prices.
Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building.
FOR SALE l9ll N. Fourth Street;
3-story brick: 8 rooms, bath and fur
nace; front and rear porches. Lot,
13-9-12 and extends to Rlioads Avenue.
Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal
nut streets.
Best Built.
Popular Priced
looses ii Harrisburg
Two-story solid brick houses,
.iust finished, all improvements,
including steam heat; papered
throughout; front and rear
porches; built in pairs. Located
on Susquehanna Street between
Maclay and Woodbine. Price,
J2.800. Small cash payment, bal
ance on easy terms. For further
particulars apply to C. L Long.
Room 701, Kunkel Building.
FOR SALE 146 acres, 2 miles south
of Dnlsburg; brick and frame bank
barn; frame dwelling; well and run
ning water. If you want a good pro
ducer, let us show you this. Brlnton-
Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets.
A valuable North Second street resi
dence. Moat desirable residential lo
cality in city. A bargain. Price and
terms for the asking. Address "Home,"
care of Harrisburg Telegraph.
FOR SALE 26 acres farm,
miles east of Middletown; 20 acres
tillable, 6 acres good timber; gocd
buildings, well and cistern and running
water on place; variety of fruit; adapt
ed for truck and poultry. For particu
lars address H. E. Albe'rt, R. D No. 2,
Middletown, Pa. Price reasonable.
THREE new houses at Penbrook
all Improvements porch front. Price,
$2,100. Only small amount of money
needed. Inspect them soon. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
$2,000 WILL BUY a three-story brick
house 8 rooms bath gas fur
nace porch front. Inspect it No.
1910 Susquehanna street. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE 216 Pine street. L«t
about 24 ft. front, back to South street.
Room on South street for garage.
Three-story brick house, two baths,
city steam heat, 14 rooms. Call 659J
Bell phone or at house for terms.
WHAT will you offer for 273 Briggs
street, city? Lot. 20x107; seven-room
frame house. Rents for $22. Part cash
and mortgage. Must have your offer by-
November 1. Address O. F., No. 3147,
care of Telegraph.
No. 801 N. Eighteenth Street... .$4,100
No. 1926 Park Street $3,300
I No. 75 Dlsbrow Street $2,400
No. 1911 Chestnut Street $3,700
Grocery Store and Fixtures at
inventory price.
• 1251 Market Street.
A modern home built ex
pressly by and for the owner's
own use.
Must be seen to be appreciated.
Hollow tile, stucco and pressed
brick. All finest hardwood : finest
electric fixtures and steam heat.
Livingrooin 17x30 feet. Six bed
rooms and bath. Apply on prem
2214 N. Second Street
FOR RENT House, 1406 Vernon
street, all improvements, runt cheap.
Inquire, 206 South Thirteenth street.
FOR RENT Eight-room brick
dwellin"" ba window, front and rear;
•No. 406 Crescent street; rent $18.50.
Immediate possession. Apply, Penna.
Realty and Improvement Company, 132
Locust street.
FOR RENT 2 V4-story frame house,
all modern improvements, front, side
and rear porches. Main street, Camp
Hill. Possession at once. Inquire, W.
H. StoufTer, Cumberland street. Camp
Hill, Pa.
FOR RENT Dwelling house. 3013
North Fourth street. Riverside. Apply,
M. R. Metzger, Room 410, Bergner
Building, City.
FOR RENT Three-story brick, 612
North Second street, 9 rooms and bath,
every modern convenience. In first
class repair. Inquire, 213 Pine street.
FOR RENT Stone house with six
rooms, in Coxestown; large yard; prop
erty in good repair; possession imme
diately. Apply 1100 North Front street,
Harrisburg. Pa.
FOR RENT Two-story brick house;
seven rooms and bath; all Improve
ments; steam heat; electric and gas;
window shades; Derry street, Paxtang,
$19.00. Call 100 Paxtang avenue.
FOR RENT Six-room houses, with
stables, half tniie north of Penbrook,
at Edgemont. Rent, $6 00. Inquire of
G. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth street.
City, or William Brenneman. Penbrook.
FOR RENT The Sunset Apart
ments, 1409 North Front street, ready
for Inspection; 7 rooms and bath. In
quire, E. Flowers, 1822 State street.
FOR RENT Large well furnished
second floor front rooms, all conve
niences, use of phone. 813 North Sec
ond street.
FOR RENT Desirable rooms. Ap
ply, 222 Pine street.
FOR RENT Large store room
1301 % North Sixth street; good stand
for drug store or other business; pos
aranlon November 1, 1915. Apply, 1129
North Sixth street.
FOR RENT Three or four furnish
ed rooms; bath; steam heat; third
floor front, near Capitol. Suitable for
gentlemen. Reference required. Ad
dress N.. 3175, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Large, attractive
room; electric lights, bath and phone
privileges; private family. 121 State
FOR RENT One or two furnished
rooms for light housekeeping on II1I1;
rent cheap; prefer lady or young mar
ried couple; want to rent more for
company. Call at 117 Royal Terrace.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec
ond floor front room also back room
on second floor all Improvements: good
location. Apply 1109 North Second
FOR RENT Nicely furnished
rooms; steam heat; use of phone and
bnth; rent reasonable. 1422 North Third
FOR RENT ln private family,
nicely furnished second floor front
room; home comforts: all conveni
ences. Apply 413 South Fifteenth
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms
In flne location; use of bath and tele
phone. Apply at 303 State street.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
rooms on second floor, next to bath;
one front, all conveniences. Including
phone; central location. Inquire 1232
Market street.
FOR RENT Homelike room in pri
vate family, with or without board;
use of phone; all conveniences. Phone
3600 M. or call 1325 Derry street.
PERMANENT MAN wants lodging |n
private family; pay in advance not over
$1.25 week; no others heed replv;
persons permanently located please
answer. Address, R 3196. care Tele
WANTED Business woman desires
one or two unfurnished rooms; no
cooking. Address E. S. 3182, care of
FOR RENT A desirable first floor
office In the Telegraph Building. In
quire Superintendent, Business Office
part of city give price and where lo
cated. Address. E. P. 11, care Tele
WANTED A good second-hand
Victrola, state make, new price, pres
ent price, how long used and number oi
records. Address, H 3192, care Tele
HUNTERS Notice Three well
bred and trained Beagle Hounds, also
eight 12-week old puppies for sale.
Apply, John C. Youtz, East Main street,
Hummelstown, Pa.
FOR SALE 1916 5-passenger Chev
rolet tournlng car, equipoed with elec
tric lights ana starter, only 1580.00,
delivered. George B. Zeck, Buick,
Chevrolet and Allen Agent. Cltv Auto
Also shelving, counters and cases. Ap
ply. Information Desk. Bowman & Co.
FOR SALE 1916 Model 26, six
cylinder Chalmers. 5-passenger. Bell
phone 100.
ANY PART of a two-cylinder Max
well touring car or equipment, chean;
gears nearly new; also tires and tubes,
30x3 H. but slightly used. Write quick
ly to P. O. Box J92. Harrisburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Cheap to quick buyer,
one large and one medium size fire
proof safe good condition; cash or easy
terms. Address, Safe, care Telegraph.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
secured at the Telegraph Business
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 25c each. One
of these signs will be given with each
six-time order for a classified ad. if
paid in advance. Inquire at Offlcs of
FOR SAL.E 1 1914 Buick touring
car; good as new; 1 Maxwell touring
car can be bought very cheap. George,
B. Zeck. Btikk. Allen and Chevrolet
Agent, City Auto Garage.
FOR SALE Suit, two coats and
Spauldlng sweater—for young lady.
Apply 140 Sylvan Terrace.
FOR SALE Scratch Pads new
supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap
ply Job Printing Department, The Tele
graph Printing Company.
FOR SALE Ford touring car, in
good condition; nickle trimmings; latest
equipment; bumper; master vibrator;
two extra tires and cover. Inquire J.
K. Kipp. 2203 North Fourth street.
FOR SALE Stanley Steamer car,
roadster, 1912 model; flrst-class condi
tion; cheap to quick buyer. Can be
seen at 1116 James street. Messner's
Garage. Make an offer to E. M. Den
ton. 304% North Broad street, Phila
delphia, Pa.
OFI'iCE and larire show room, 821
Market street for rent after November
Ist, Market street east of subway,
opposite Philadelphia and Reading
railway. Apply Bottling Works, 820
Market street.
FOR SALE—Cheap. 1912 Overland,
6-passenger, overhauled and repainted.
Guy E. Booda, 204 Market street,
room 6. 3d floor.
FOR SALE One Michigan 40 5-
passenger touring car; electrically
equipped; can be at Conover &
Mehrlng's Garage, 1717 North Fourth
FOR SALE One castlron range in
A 1 condition has been used but one i
month. Apply to H. W. Shoemaker,
1932 Park street.
C. Smiths, Underwoods. Densmore, etc.,
SIO.OO up. Typewriter Office. 211 Lo
cust street. Opposite Orpheum Thea
FOR SALE Restaurant located on
Market street, doing good business. A
bargain If sold at once. Good reasons
for selling. Address £).. 3015, car* of
FOR RENT Steel garage
9xlß feet, vicinity of Fourteenth j
and Market streets. Call Bell j
phone 1873.
ANY Intelligent person can earn food i
Income corresponding for newspapers: •
experience unnecessary. Send for par- '
ticulars. Press Syndic ate 7i»fi elf- i
port. N. Y.
DO you want a business that Is posi
tively on a paying basis with a prom
ising future.' If so, buy thin auto lire :
repair business. Bel! Realty Co., Berg- ;
ner Building.
I MADE $50,000 In flve years In the j
mnil order business, began with $5.
Send for tre« booklet. Telle how. Hea- '
cock. 355 Lockport, N. Y. I
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
flair Tonlo. prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, lit Market
itreet, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attwstlon. Bail
R. A. HARTMAN. Boarding Stable
and National Transfer Co. Nfovers of
F ilanos. safes, boilers and general haili
ng H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
TO HlßE —Masquerade costumes and
full dress suits; also full lot of hair
goods, including wigs, beards, etc. Ap
ply Brenner's, 424-42$ Walnut, or Ball
phono 1261 J.
'Canadian Pacific Strong With
Further Activity in South
ern Railway
New York, Oct. 29.—Specialties made
further recovery from yesterday's low
quotations In to-day's early trading,
Studebaker, Baldwin Locomotive, Amer
ican Locomotive, General Electric, Cru
cible Steel, Westlnghouse and Ameri
can Car scoring overnight gains of
1 to 5 points. Central Leather, Nation
al Lead. United States Industrial, Alco
hol and Distillers' securities also were
higher. Anaconda Copper, on an open
ing sale of 5,300 shnres, rose half a
point to the new record of SO. U. S.
Steel's initial offering was a block of
12,000 shares at 85H to SSS. a maxi
mum gain of half a point. Bethlehem
Steel lost 10 points at 549. Canadian
Pacific was strong with further activi
ty In Southern Railway and Wabash
| Issues.
Furnished by Chandler Bros. & Co.,
3 North Market Square.
New York. Oct. 29.
Open. High. Low. Clos.
Am Bt Sug 65% S6',i 65»i 65%
Am Can I. 61% 63 61 63
Am C& F. 86 87%
Am Loco . 68 T* 70 >i 68 70
Am Smelt . 93 94 93 93%
Am Sugar .112 112 112 112
Am T & T. 124 Vi 124%
Anaconda . 80 83 79% 83
Atchison .. 107% 108 M 107% 108%
Baldwin .. 130% 137 128% 136Vb
B«■ O ... 93% 94% 93% 94 Vi
Beth Steel . 549 549 540 540
Bklyn RT. 86% 86Vi S6 % 86V»
Cal Petro. . 18 18 18 18
Can Pacific 178 185% 177% 183%
Centl Leath 58% 59 58 59
Chesa & O 586% 59% 58% 59%
CM& St P 93% 94% 93% 94%
C R I& Pc 19% 19% 18% 18%
Chin C Cop 51% 52% 51% 52%
Col F &I. 57 58% 56% 58%
Con s Gas . 140% 141%
Cruc Steel . 86% 87% 84% 86%
Dist Sec .. 46% 47 45 % 47
Erie 43 44% 42% 43%
Erie, Ist Pf 58% 59% 57% 57%
Genl El Co 178 180 177 177
Good BF. 75% 77 75% 77
Gt Nor, Pfd 123 % 124% 123% 124
Gt Nor O, s 50% 52% 50 51%
Insp Cop . 45% 45% 45% 45%
Inter-Met . 22 22% 22 22%
KasCS... 33 33% 32% 32%
Leh Val... 80 81% 79% 80%
Max Mot.. 79 82 77% 82
Mex Pet.., 90% 91 90% 90%
Mi Cop 35 35% 34% 34%
Mo Pac... 4% 5% 4% 5%
Natl Lead. 66% 67 66% 67
NYC 101% 103% 101% 102%
NYN HIT 82% 82% 82% 82%
NY OW.. 31% 31% 31% 31%
N and W.. 117 117% 116% 117%
North Pac. 114 114% 113% 114%
Pa Rail... 59% 60% 59% 59%
Pitts C ... 37% 39 37 39
Pitts C pd. 105 107 105 107
Press SC.. 72% 73% 71% 73
Rail S S.. 49 50 49 50
Ray C C... 25% 26% 25% 26%
Reading .. 82% 84% 82% 8314
Rep 15... 53% 54% 53 54
Rep I S pd 103% 103% 103% 103%
South Pac. 99% 100 99% 99%
South Ry . 25 25% 25 25 1 /.
South Rpd 63% 63% 63% 63%
Studebaker. 166 172% 158% 171
Tenn Cop.. 63% 64 ~ 61% 63
'Third Ave. 61% 61% 61% 61%
Union Pac. 136 137% 136 137%
US Rub... 56 56% 55% 56
U S Steel .. 85% 87% 85% 87%
U S Stl pd. 116% 116% 116% 116%
THE undersigned, by virtue of the
authority contained in the last will and
testament of James A. Towsen, deceas
ed, will offer at public sale, In front of
the Court House, at Harrisburg. Pa on
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1915. at 2
P. M. the following real estate, situate
in said city, to wit:
No. 1. Property No. 123 North street.
No. 2. Property No. 126 North street
No. 3. Property No. 613 Cedar
No. 4. Property No. 264 North street
No. 5. Property No. 266 North street
No. 6. Property No. 263 Oliver allev'
No. 7. Property No. 265 Oliver alley
No. 8. Property No. 509 Walnut
See Deed Books "A." Vol. 4. page 736-
"F," Vol. 6, page 308, and "U," Vol. 5
page 266: also Will Book "O," page 20.'
Sales to be made free of all encum
brances and titles to be good and mar
CONDITIONS—2S per cent, cash on
dayt of sale, and balance in 30 days,
when deed and possession will be
| NOTICE Is hereby given that appli-
I cation will be made to the Governor
iof Pennsylvania, on Monday. November
;15. 1915. under the provisions of an
Art of Assembly, entitled, "An Act-to
provide for the incorporation and regu
lation of certain corporations," approv
ed April 29, 1874, and its Supplements,
for a charter ot an Intended corporation
I COMPANY, the character and object of
which is the maintenance and opera
tion of a pool, billiard, and bowling es
! tablishment, and in connection there
with and Incident thereto the cleaning
lof hats and shoes, and the selling at
retail of cigars, tobacco and such
merchandise and novelties as are com
monly sold in such establishments, and
for these purposes to have, possess and
enjoy all the rights, benefits and
privileges by said Act of Assembly and
its Supplements conferred.
NOTICE Letters of administration
on the Estate of Mary F. Wilson, late
of Hairlsburg. Dauphin county, Pa., de
ceased. having been granted to the un
dersigned residing in Harrisburg, all
persons Indebted to said Estate are re
quested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims will present
them for settlement to
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
security in any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borjuwer. Address P. O
fjox 174. Harrlsburg, Pa.
WB LEND HONE* In amounts from
15.00 to $300.00 in compliance with act
of .Tune 17. 1915.
Payments to suit borrower;
Small loans a specialty.
Up-to-date method.
Positively low est rates In city.
182 Walnut Street
six) rage
room* for household goods, |2 per
month and up. We invite intyeciitto
Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second
■ treet. Harrlsburg Storage Company.
IN S-nfory brick bulldlag, rear IOS
Market street.
Household goods In clean, private
noma. Reasonable rates. Apply to
P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 406 Market St.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate jooms, $1 to |3. Wagons. 75 cents
6er month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411
iwuJ street. Both phones.
Utah Cop.. 71% 72% 71% 72%
Vir-Car C. 48% 50 48% 50
West Md.. 34% 34% 34 34
West U Tel 80 81 80 80%
West Mfg. 72 73 % 71% 72%
By AtJociaifd Proas
Philadelphia, Oct. 29. Whecrt
Steady; No. 2, red, spot, and October,
; No, 2 southern red.
$1.09% Iffi 1.11 %,
_.9°rn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local,
i0%@76%c; steamer, No. 2, yellow,
local, 74%@7R%c.
Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 45@
46c; No. 3, white. 41@42c.
Bran The market Is quiet; city
mills, per ton, $24.00; western do., none
here; Sprtng, per ton, $22.50.
Refined Sugars Market steady;
powdered. 5.3& c; fine granulated. 5.26 c;
confectioners' A, 5.15 c.
Butter Market firmer; western,
creamery, extra, 29c; nearbv prints,
fancy, 31c.
Eggs The market is higher;
Pennsylvania a_nd other nearby firsts,
free cases, $10.50 per case; do., current
receipts, free eases, $9.90 per case;
■western, extras, firsts, free cases, $10.50
per case; do., firsts, free cases, $9.90
per case.
Live Poultry Market steady; fowls.
14@16c; old roosters, ll®12c; broll
ing chickens. 16017 c: Spring chickens.
14®lbc; ducks, 13®16c.
Dressed Poultry Market Is quiet;
fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18%®j>19c;
average, 17®18c; do., unattractive,
average, do., roosters, 13c;
broiling chickens, nearby. 21® 25c;
broiling chickens, western, 14®18c;
Spring chickens. western. 14(ai2»c;
Spring ducks, nearby. 16«J17c: do
western, 10®12c; Ice packed fowls, 14
® 1 Sc.
Potatoes Market higher; Penn
sylvania, fancy. per bushel, 75@78c; I
Pennsylvania, fair to good, per bushel
65@70c; Jersey, No. 1, per bushel, 40®
60c: Jersey. No. 2. per basket. 20®25c.
Flour The market is quiet; winter,
straights. $5.10®6.26; do., pat
ent, $5.40@5.65; Spring firsts, clear.
$5.00®5.20; do., straights, $5.00®5.25;
do., patents. $5.25®5.50; do., favorite
brands. $5.75®6.00.
' Hay Market firm; No. 1. large
bales. $21.00® 21.50; medium bales,
$21.00®21.50: No. 2, do., $19.50®20.00'
No. 3. do.. $16.00® 17.00.
Light mixed. $19.00® 19.50: No. 1, do..
slß.oo® 18.50; No. 2. do.. $15.00® 11.00.
By Associated Press
Chicago. Oct. 29.—The Chicago grain
market closed as follows:
Wheat—December. $1.02 % ; SJay.
Corn—December, 5Sc; May. 59% c,
Oats—December 3S7*c: May, 39% c.
Pork—December, $14.60; January,
9l'o ard November, $8.87: January,
Ribs October, $9.92; January, $9.12. j
Chicago. Oct. 29. Hogs Receipts,
12,000 slow: bulk, $6.55® 7.25; light.
$6.50® 7.45; mixed, $6.45®7.65; heavy,
$6.25%7.55; rough, $6.25 @ 6.45: pig's,
Cattle Receipts, 2.000; weak. Na
tive beef steers, $5.90® 10.50; western
steers, $6.50®8.60; cows and heifers,
$2.80®58.25; calves, $7.25®11.00.
Sheep Receipts, 10,000; weak.
Wethers. $6.00® 6.65; ewes, $:!.90®5.85-
lambs, *6.75®8.90.
Dauphin County
Republican League
Holds Big Meeting
The meeting of the Dauphin Countv
Republican League, scheduled for the
auditorium of the Republican head
quarters in the Wyeth building, was
so large that it had to be adjourned
to the coyrthouse, the room being too
Email for the number who tried to
crowd Into |t.
City Chairman Harry F. bves pre
sided and made an address In which
he said that a big Republican victory
i? in sight if only the voters go out
ana cast their ballots.
Speeches were made by Deputy At
torney General Horace W. Davis, of
Sharon, and Charles E. Pass. Mr.
Davis spoke mainly on the nonparti
san law, which he said had proved a
failure and placed the possibility of
olliee within the hands of the judicial
candidates who are best able to pay
for advertising and who were willing
to lower their dignity by getting out
and making personal campaigns.
Another large meeting was held by
the First Ward Republican club at
which Representative Augustus W.
Wildman, Mayor Meals and Mr. Pass
To-night the Capital City Republi
can club will give a reception to the
Caught under a heavy stone which
fell after a blast in the Paxtang stone
quarry this morning, George Davi,
416 Mohn street, a laborer at the
quarry, had all of the toes on his right
foot crushed. Davi was taken to the
Harrisburg Hospital, where ail of the
toss were amputated. His condition
is not serious.
Fourth and Emerald Streets
The most desirable section in Harrisburg for residential purposes.
Clean and healthful. New Ideas in Home Building. Ideal Surroundings.
Small prices and accommodations furnished to well meaning, business
like people, that will SHELF forever fhe PAY RENT question.
Now in Course of Construction
Make appointment for interview about this extraordinary oppor
tunity with
Rettew & Bushnell
1000 North Third St.
Sales Agents, or P. VANDERLOO, Sales Manager
INSURANCE—No risk too large or too email.
at legal rates for individuals pressed by
lack of funds to meet immediate necessi
ties. Repayable in small weekly or
monthly instalments.
Loan & Investment Co.
204 Chestnut Street
Licensed by and under the supervision
of the State Banking Department
Office Hours: 8A.M.t06 P. M. Daily. Wednesday
and Saturday evenings until 9 o'clock
To Arrest Those Who
Destroy Light Globes
Along River Wall
Captain Joseph P. Thompson, act
ing chief of police, has taken note of
the outrageous destruction along the
"Front Steps of Harrisburg" in the
matter of throwing stones upon the
concrete work and the breaking of
the standard light globes. He has al
ready started an Investigation and
those responsible for this destruction
will bV promptly arrested.
It is said that the breaking of the
globet is up to some malicious boys,
hut. that the damage to the steps is
not only due to the destroying ten
dencies of the boys, but also to the in
difference of boatmen and others, who
seem to have no regard for the river
front improvement.
Captain Thompson is bound to stop
the damage and will conduct a vigor
ous investigation looking to the appre
hension of those responsible for it.
Alter Discusses Work
of New Code Commission
George E. Alter, of Allegheny, for
mer Speaker of the House, was here
to-day to discuss with State officials
the work of the new commission to
codify the laws relative to decedents'
estates, which organized in Philadel
phia yesterday. The commission in
headed by Judge John Marshall Gest
and will prosecute its work vigorously,
reporting in time for the next legis
lature to receive a proposed code.
The former speaker, who is excep
tionally qualified for the work, is tak
ing a great interest and while here
arranged for a number of details. He
was warmly greeted by friends at the
Heptasophs to Vote on
Rates Change Tomorrow
Reports from a score of delegates
were heard to-day at the special ses
sion of the Supreme Conclave of the
Improved Order of Heptasophs who
are considering the advisability of
raising the present rates of the order.
It is believed by the supreme officers
that the special jneeting will close to
morrow with a vote on the proposition
to increase the rates. It was pointed
out to-day that should the increase he
made, the order would become per
manent if the rates were raised.
An additional parcel post delivery
wagon will be put in service to-mor
row at the Post Office. Two collec
tions and deliveries will he made daily
except Sunday.
Market Stalls
4. FL, N nnd 10-foot BIKICN on hand.
M 11)1)1. ETO W \ Fl! HiMTURE CO.
Mlddletown, Pa.
I To Honnckeepers, Work
! I ;\i tnffinen and Salaried Em.
II ploy em.
Rooui 21 4th Floor
Spooncr Building
for individuals pressed by lack
of funds to meet immediate
necessities, at legal rates, pay
able in weekly or monthly in
stalments. No publicity.
Loan & Investment Co.
Under supervision
State Banking Department.