Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 18, 1915, Page 6, Image 6
6 Manufacturers' Pure Food Exhibit ALL THIS WEEK, CHESTNUT STREET AUDITORIUM | , WWVIMI WVtMMyiWWWWWWI WWWMW WVlim* WWIIIOTTW, i I' Grand Opening I Daily Prizes I _ i; m • 1 . m 4/v i\/v ij Every right there will be a dis- ii ■ MVSIC t ?S^IB^! tOVBS i In nirrht 7 fn iitribuiion of six large baskets of [ ORCHESTRA 1 Q™OlffilX ® 10 lUtOU j groceries worth $5.00 each & other j! Afternoon 2 to 5 j valuable prizes. A D SnsTsYo n 3 °i o c | Handsome Displays by World's Largest jj FR R F "1% ft* ® Gtetgy 4&t*£!W Samples For Everybody MAKE YOUR HOME A SUNKIST HOME SUNKIST fruits do not simply happen—they are the result of long experience and intelligent study. SUNKIST fruits are so carefully and thoroughly prepared that they differ from the fruits most people know. SUNKIST fruits are prepared by specialists who know how to pack good fruit— Sunkist fruit. SUNKIST fruits are for those who want the better kind. LOOK FOR THE SUNKIST LABLE WITMAN-SCHWARZ Wholesale Distributors Hunt Products Canned California Fruits: Hawaiian Pineapple Winters & Propket Products iLiiy of the Valley and Reserve Canned Vegetables EVAN S—BURTNETT Wholesale Distributors For Central Pennsylvania t Commerce Chamber Asks That Hallowe'en Be Celebrated November 1 Mayor J'ohn K. Royal this after noon was requested by E. L. McCol gln, secretary of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, to issue an appeal to Hallowe'en celphrators to postpone their festivities until Mon day, November I.' Secretary McCol- Rin made the request in behalf of Harrisburg businessmen. The official Hallowe'en night falls on Sunday, October 31. Early an nouncements Indicate that Saturday, October 30, has been selected by many for the celebration. Local merchants claim that this will greatly interfere with Saturday night shoppers. They t'uggest that Monday night would r>e more desirable aa all stores are closed, and many clerks would be able to participate in the festivities. WOMEN' SHOULD TAKE MEN'S PLACES By Associated Press New York, Oct. IS.—Mrs. Harriot Stanton Ltlatch, president of the Wo-i MONDAY EVENING, man's Political Union, who has Just: returned from a two months' stay ini Europe during which she studied war conditions in France and England, | said to-day that women should he trained to take th places of men in lindustrial pursuits in time of war. Rotary Luncheon With L. M. Bricker Chairman and Several Guests h. M. Bricker, proprietor of the West Shore Bakery, was chairman to-day at the Harrlsburg Rotary Club luncheon at the Senate Hotel, anfl the table deco rations were in kooplng with Mr. Bricker's line of business. N'earlv fifty Rotarians were in attend ance and heard speeches by Owen IV Underwood, of Pottsvllle, and G. W.j Williams, recently of Scranton, but now of Harrisburg. one-time secretary of the Scranton club. Both spoke of the excellent Rotary spirit manifest at the luncheon, and Mr. Underwood, who Is president of the Pottsvllle club as well an advertising manager of the Dout rlch store of that place, informed the members that his club proposes very shortly to extend an Invitation to the Harrlsburgers to attend a meeting In the hard coal town. Mr. Bricker delivered a brief talk on! hr**'* mrhlncr, on which he is an au-j ithurlty, bavins one vt the finest and. most modern bakeries in all Central Pennsylvania. President Bacon called the attention of the club to the meeting at the Har rlsburg Public I-ibrary to-morrow, to which Kotarians are invited to bring their wives and friends. East End Republican Club Plans Reception The East End Republican Club will tender a reception to the Republican candidates Wednesday evening, at S o'clock. The club rooms at Thirteenth and Derry streets will be decorated for the occasion, and luncheon will be serv ed. The candidates will be given op portunity to address the members. Will Tell Chamber of Commerce "How to Get On" in World Roger W. Babson, noted contributor to the Saturday Evening Post on busi ness and finance, and president of Bab son's Statistical Organization at Wellesely Hills, Mass., will address the Harrlsburg .Chamber of Commerce fol lowing a noonday luncheon, Wednes day, at the Harrlsburg Club. Mr. Bab son's subject Is announced as "How to Get On—Personally. Nationally and In ternationally." HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH CD CC One Cake Package * * Dromedary Cocoanut To each of the first 500 women calling at our booth at the Food Show on Tuesday we will present a "one cake" package of Dromedary Cocoanut. Dromedary Cocoanut Is a new product—entirely different from any prepared cocoanut you ever know. Fresh and moist as the kitchen-grated kind. The Hills Brothers Company NEW YORK Manufacturers of the Famous Dromedary Dates Visitors to the Manufacturers' Pure Food Exhibit Will Be Made Welcome at the Booth of Many of Its Sixty Uses Are Demonstrated Free--A Copy of Cook's Tours Through Wilburland H. 0. WILBUR SONS, Pig Philadelphia COCOA List of Exhibitors AMERICAN KITCHEN PROD UCTS CO.—Steero Cubes. C. F. BONSOR & CO. —Coffee. BERRYHILL NURSERY Floral Decorations. CAPITAL CITY DAIRY CO.— Columbus Butterine. CAVANNA & CO.—Valca Dried Fruits. CORN PRODUCTS CO.—Argo Starch and Karo Syrup. F. H. DOW & CO.—Utopian Chocolates. \ ECKENBERG CO. Pancake ► Flours. ► EVANB-BURTNETT CO.—Mls £ celianeous Pure Foods. ► FLEISCHMANN CO.—Yeast. J FRANKLIN SUGAR REFIN , ING CO. —Package Sugars. « FOULD'S MILLING CO.—Maca roni and Spaghetti. GROFF CEREAL CO.—Break fast Cereals. HILLS BROS. CO.—Dromedary Dates. Figs, etc. LIBBY, McNEIL and LIBBY— Canned Fruits, Vegetables and Condiments. NATIONAL GASH REGISTER CO.—Cash Registers. PENNA. MILK PRODUCTS CO. —Milk and Cream. POSTUM CEREAL CO. —Pos- tum Cereal. RUSS BROTHERS—Ice Cream. C. F. SAUER CO.—Flavoring Extracts. RUSSELL-MILLER MILLING CO.' —Occident Flour. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES —(Munictpal) Weights and Measures. P. C. TOMSON CO.—Red Seal Products. TOLEDO SCALE CO.—Scales. MARTIN WAGNER CO.—Can ned Goods. WELCH GRAPE JUICE CO. — Grape Juice. H. O. WILBUR & SONS Chocolate and Cocoa. WM. WRIGLEY & CO.—Spear mint Chtfwins Gum. WITMAN SCHWARZ CO. Miscellaneous Pure Foods. "Dellcloim" —that's —the jy —word Jyr Delicious! No other word so clearly de scribes the rare charm of— WAGNER'S "BLUE BAM)" SPAGHETTI —with —tomato naure —and cheese. f? —for the !*o. 1 Midget »l«. containing- 7 01. V» "t the moat wholr aome food. Splendid for the Individual luncheon. *f\ —for the No. 2 Pic-Mo 111/* size, containing 14 AV/ V* o*. An extremely low price for a food prodnct of unuaual excellence. 4f* —for the No. 2 Han- I /"» nuet aire, 22 oa. J. XV v Much leaa than a cent an ounce yV for a imperii- yV ly fine ar- /V article. { AU yV —fhnt'a Grocer* Xr —the v y>r —word X' "Dcllcloua" OCTORER 18, 1915. \ See « p,ay y Sm' j At the Pure Food exhibit we will give ample assurance as to the superiority of all "P. M. P. Co." products, and ex plain the care taken to secure the best possible milk and cream, and the sanitary process under which they are pre- i pared. Certified Milk, Buttermilk j I And Purest Bottled Milk "Nissley-Reist'' and "P-M-P" BUTTER These "brands" are a household word, and to be sure you have the best milk obtainable, see that this label is on every bottle. Pennsylvania W Milk Products Co. j Harrisburg, Pa. ? i I WOF At the First Booth to the Right | t $ * as you come in to the Manufacturers' Pure Food exhibit, ★ * be sure and ask for the excellent receipt book for baking * J raised breads. x + * i * ★ i Fleischmann I + ★ * i * ★ + is used the world over by the largest bakers as well as in the ★ * most humble of homes. Made by the largest makers of ★ * yeast in the world. ★ * ★ * i The Fleischmann Yeast Co. * ★ * * * WWWWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWH'HWWHtMWm J 1 Samore Coffee | |! The Drink Delicious. Try a cup free at our demonstration ! j booth and you will surely want a can for your home. Spe- ] I j; cially blended to suit the most exacting taste. 1 and 5 lb. Cans C. F. Bonsor & Co. C. W. MORRISON, Manager.