Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 18, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Miss Margaret Stackpole En
tertains at the Country
Club This Evening
Incident to the marriage of Miss
Margaret Stackpole to John C. Her
man. which takes place to-morrow
evening in Market Square Presby
terian Church, a dinner will be given
for the bridal party at the Country
Club this evening, followed by a dance
to which about 65 guests have been
The bridal party includes Mrs. Wal
ter Bruce Caldwell, sister of the bride,
of Sharon, Pa., matron of honor; the
bridesmaids, Mtss Elizabeth Bailey,
Miss Sarah Fuilerton Hastings, Miss
Frances Bailey, Miss Emily Bailey,
Miss Ane Ker. of Sharon, and Miss
Almeda Herman; Edward Janvs
Stackpole, Jr.. best man, and T.
Plerrepont Hazard, Peacedale, R. 1.,
Richard E. Wheeler, New Haven,
Charles A. Merz, New York, Walter
Bruce Caldwell, Sharon, Henry M.
Gross, and Albert H. Stackpole. ushers
and Douglas S. Moore, a classmate of
the bridegroom, who will play the
wedding march for the ceremony. The
Updegrove orchestra will furnish the
music this evening.
Among those who will dance after
the dinner will be Miss Margarctta
Coe, Miss Eleanor Clark, Miss Virginia
Fleming, Miss Mary Meyers, Miss Dora
King, Miss Kate Dyer, of Curwen«-
ville; Miss Lyle Stackpole, Miss Kath
arine Etter. Miss Janet Sawyer, Miss
Louise Carney, Miss Frances Morrison,
1 | Spinet Desk J |
¥ Specially J l7 5Q $45.00 ft ®
© Priced at Regularly W
'"PHERE is refinement and grace in its every line, a
A distinction thoroughly in keeping with the atmos
phere of the finest home.
<1 This exquisite piece is of Solid Mahogany, superbly
made throughout, and with rich antique finish.
20 other styles of Desks, including the much sought
Spinet type, ranging in price S2O to s7.">
vv&lnut to Locust obov'e Second.
5 -—judge this car
J? by its utility
After all the utility of an auto- JB
mobile its day-in-and-day-out
usefulness to you is the only is
real measure of a motor car's value. The Detroit
Electric —an electric-powered enclosed automo
bile—is the most useful car because every member
of the family can use it in all weather all the year
"JH 'round. Its big batteries give you greater
mileage range—on one charge—than you will
ordinarily need for an entire day's motoring.
It has plenty of speed and power to pull
through heavy going and up steep hills. Further- 1L
more—it rides smoothly and comfortably over
interurban roads as well as over paved streets.
JH We will gladly arrange a demonstration at your
It Prices range from $1975 to $2275
IT Detroit Electric Service Station
" C. B. HOFFER, Mgr., IS
Residence, 9 X. Front St. Bell I'lionn 315-R Jm
An announcement that at
1424 N. 3rd St.
there has been opened
"7""pootoij Skoja
whereat there wil>*« for sale pastries of all descrip
tions; all of which will be home-made.
Miss Margaret McLaln, Miss Mary
Mitchell, Miss Margaret Williamson,
Miss Mary Williamson; Robert Mc-
Creath, William McCreath, George Jt.
Moffitt, Theodore E. Seelye, Boone
Abbott, Bert Reedus, Rasnelas Brown,
of Corry, Pa., John Magoun, Ehrman
B. Mitchell, Jack Minds, Reily Bucher,
of Lebanon, John Ericson, Henry
E\ans, Edward Bevan, Richard Glf
ford, Frank Masters, GeorKe Shotwell,
Mr. and Mrs. Lesley MoCreath, Mr.
and Mrs. Ross A. Hickok, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin S. Herman, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Taylor Neale, Mr. and Mrs. Far
ley Gannett. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sal
sich. and Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Saturday evening the Misses Frances
and Emily Bailey entertained Mie
bridal party at an informal supper
party at their home in North Third
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md., Oct. 18.—Mar
riage licenses were issued here Satur
day to the following couples from
Richard T. Coover anil Loretta. J.
Van Auken. both of Harrisburg.
Norman J. Eshelman and Emma M.
Brlnkley, both of Mercersburg.
James J. O'Malia and Margaret E.
Straley, both of Midland.
Richard D. Miner and Ada Waarner,
both of Carlisle.
Mrs. J. H. Moore, of Toledo, Ohio,
grand president of the L. A. to O. R.
C., who has been in this city the past
several days, the guest of Mrs, Harry
Leonard, left this morni-iK for Mauch
Chunk, where she will preside at a
convention of the order.
Well-Known Couple Showered
With Congratulations and
Beautiful Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Peifer enter
tained a party of friends Saturday
evening at home, 1618 North Fifth
street, in celebration of their fiftieth
wedding anniversary, receiving beauti
ful sifts and many congratulations and
good wishes. Games, music and
reminiscences of the early days of
their married life were enjoyed and re
freshments were served.
In attendance were Mrs. Rebecca
Sollers, Mrs. Carolina Zollinger, Mr.
and Mrs. William Boyd, Miss Pauline
Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. George Nonn, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Walz, Mrs. Helena Och,
Miss Anna Och, Mrs. Margaret
Schaffer, Philadelphia, Mrs. Frances
Schaffer, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs.
G. H. Smiley, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and
Mrs. Elias Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. John
Glaser, Miss Cency Egenrieder, Mrs.
Julia Greenwalt, and family: Mr. and
Mrs. J. Rishel. Mr. and Mrs. John
Peifer, Mr. and Mrs. John Hallman
and family; Mrs. Mary Neumyer, the
Misses Mary, Ruth and Helen Neumyer
and Master George Neumyer, Mrs. Sue
Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Chae. Peifer,
and family, Mr. and Mrs. William
T.aufle, Mrs. William Houtz, Mrs. Mary
Herr, Mrs. Kate Walde, I,ee Kambetz,
Miss Baker. Miss lva Sollenberger,
Mr. and Mrs. William White, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Egonrieder, Mr. and Mrs.
James M. Kain, Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Peifer, Mr. and Airs. Dr. Sherger and
mother, and Tony Egemeider.
The Current Events Riven by Mrs.
Jones at the Y. W. C. A. will begin
to-morrow at 4:30 promptly. Those
who cannot attend regularly are
urged t > use this as a "drop In" class
as each talk Is complete in itself.
Teachers and others who cannot reach
the place at 4:30 can come late and
still be able to get the benefit of much
of the talk: they are especially asked
not to stay away '/-cause circum
stances force them to come late.
Mrs. Carson Coover of 223 Pine
street, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Parsons at Wilmington, Del.
Mrs. Fry and Miss Margaret Fry of
Philadephia are guests of Mrs. Frank
A. Gibson, at 1527 North Second street.
Dr. and Mrs. B. C. Wright, of 1710
Statu street, spent part of last week in
New York City.
Miss Edith Richardson has gone
home to Tyrone after a brief stay In
this city with her cousin, Miss Alma
Carr, of Penn street.
Mrs. Carl Brandes Ely and children,
of 307 North Front street, are home
after spending the summer at the
Hotchkiss camp, Spitfire Lake, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. William Y. Bennett,
of Canandaigna, N. Y., spent the week
end with relatives in suburban Har
risburg. leaving this morning for a
trip to Washington, D. C.
Little Miss Dorothy Plaek, the 7-
year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.
G. Plack, is confined to her home, 2fi3
Peffer street, with typhoid fever.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it. 25c at all druggists.
G| ■ JNM U| ■
BRING your children to
me after examining
their eyes I can with
glasses, give them perfect
sight; relieve any strain.
Prices reasonable.
Exclusive Optical Store
Opp. Orpheum
Eyes Examined (no drops).
All Work Guaranteed.
Camp Hill Music Club
Gives Concert Tomorrow
The Camp Hill Music Club will he
gin its season' to-morrow with a con
cert at 3:30 o'clock in the high school
building, preceded by a business ses
sion at 3 o'clock. Mrs. W. Kent Gil
bert is president of the club, and Mrs.
Shope, leader of the chorus. To-mor
row's program will be of "German
Folk Songs," beginning with a paper
on the most interesting subject, by
Mrs. Arthur H. Lebo; (a) "Hymn of
Thanks" (Old Netherland Folk Song),
(b) "Freedom" (Karl Gross) (1818);
chorus; humorous variations on a
German Folk Song, in the styles of
various classics and modern masters
(Siegfried Ochs), Mrs. Shope; "The
Broken Ring" (P. Gluck) (1814), Miss
Ktirzenknabe; (a) "Lovely Night"
(F. X. Cluvatal) (1808), (b) "Now
Thank We All Our God" (John Cru
ger) (1644), Mrs. Gilbert; current
events, Mrs. Cook; (a) "Hobby Horse"
(Carl Herring) (1807), (b) "Follow
Me Full of Glee" (1807), Mrs.
Sweeney; Germany (piano), Miss
Steinhauer; (a) 'How Can I Leave
Thee ' (1840) (b) "Long, Long Ago,"
Mrs. Shope; (a) "Sleep, Baby Sleep"
(b) "Urallo" (1814), (c) "The Breeze
1< rom Home" (1780), Mrs. Whitney;
chorus, "Santa Lucia."
Dance at Country Club
For Out-of-Town Guests
t Miss Gertrude Williams and Miss
Theone Rrauer, former schoolmates of
Miss Katharine Hart at Orange, N. J.,
were guests of honor Saturday even
ing at a dance given at the Country
Club of Harrisburg and chaperoned
by Mr. and Mrs. Lane S. Hart, Jr. The
TJpdegrove orchestra played and the
dancers included Miss Eleanor Neal
Clark, Miss Almeda Herman, Miss Arta
Williams, Miss Sara Denehey, Miss
Katherine Etter, Miss Dora Coe, Miss
Sarah Vooper, Camp Hill; Miss Con
stance Ferriday. Miss Mary Wills, Dun
cannon; Miss Jean Duncan. Duncan
non; Miss Katherine Stamm, Miss
Alice Wallis. Miss Julia Stamm, Miss
Katherine Gorgas, Miss Gertrude Wil
liams, Greenwich. Conn.; Miss Theone
Brauer, Nutley, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs.
Neal Trout, of Duncannon; Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Phillips, of Kennett. Square,
and Mr. ana Airs. Boyd Harrington,
Arthur Kunkle. Edward Stackpole, Al
bert Stackpole, Richard Robinson,
William McCreath, H, Elmore Smith,
Lawrence Phlpps, James McCutcheon,
Spencer Roberts. Ehrman Mitchell,
Edward Jennings, Curzon Fager, J.
Motter Fletcher, Patrick Duncan, of
Duncannon: John Richter, William
Hart. Jack Hart, Scliolleld Hart, all of
Dr. Charles S. Lyter of Pottsville
spent the week-end with Mrs. Lyter
who is visiting her mother, Mrs. John
J. Hargest of Cottage Ridge.
The Rev. Dr., John D. Fox and Mrs.
Fox of State street, were recent guests
of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hoover at "Brae
side" Mount Gretna.
Miss Elizabeth Garner of 217 Fors
ter street, spent the week-end with
Millersburg friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Nelson and
small daughter. Vera Nelson of
Mauch Chunk were in town over
Sunday with their relatives, Mr. and
Mrs. William Beaver.
Mrs. Mary Horting of 13 South Fif
teeenth street, leaves to-morrow for
Lincoln, Neb., to remain for the win
ter with her daughter, Mrs. Eugene
Leonard, formerly Miss Annie Hort
ing of tills city.
Miss Kathleen Rupert and Miss
Maribelle Rupert are visiting their
aunt. Mrs. Charles Kingman, of State
Miss Georglanna Stewart and Miss
Alma Stewart, of Green Ridge, are
guests of their cousin. Miss Hester
Wright, of North Third street.
Mr. arid Mrs. David Findersmith
have prone to Troy, N. Y„ after a short
stay with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs.
Dwight Reeder, Qf this city.
Mrs. M. Ross Kishburn and Hum
mel Fishburn, of Washington, D. C\,
and Miss Margaret Kishburn, of State
College, will he guests of Dr. and Mrs.
George A. Gorgas, 210 Maclav street,
for the Herman-Stackpole wedding.
Miss N'elle Blrsning, of 108 South
street, is taking a pleasure trip to
Johnstown and Voungatown, Ohio, re
mnining away for three weeks.
Mrs. Harry Myers, 1830 North Sixth
stret, entertained at dinner yesterday
in honor of Mrs. J. H. Moore, who is
visiting here.
Miss Lyle Stackpole, of the Ossln
ning School, New York, is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Frank R. Oyster at River
Mr. and Mrs. E, S. Nissley and
daughter Genevieve, of 1714 State
street, spent the past week at Mount
Miss Katharine Warden, of North
Sixth street, is home after a several
days' shopping trip to Philadelphia.
Miss Hannah Williams, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert S. Rtchey, of Rrooklyn,
and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Caldwell of
New York, are in the city for the Her
man-Stackpole wedding to-morrow
Daniel Kunkel. a Franklin and Mar
shall student, spent the week-end with
his parents. Judge and Mrs. Kunkel,
Front and Liberty streets.
rotlier Personals on Page 3]
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
•Bny here not alone bnni«« prlrra are lower. hut because qualities are bett<
Read Carefully This List of
Just the Things You Want
and Realize What Big Savings You May Effect by
Purchasing Here. Qualities Are Strictly "First"
John J. Clark's 200-yard Spool
cotton 2c
King 500-yard Basting Cotton,
Aunt Lydia Linen Basting
Cotton 4c
Cotton Tape lc and 2c
Snap Fasteners, card,
4c, 7c and 8c
Snap Fasteners on tape,
N 10c and 12^aC
Machine Oil 4c
4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Shoe Strings,'
lc and 2c
Children's Garters, 10c to 25c
Ladies' Pad Garters 25c
New Garter Webbing 25c
Hair Nets 5c and 10c
Side Combs and Barrettes,
10c to 25c
Inside Belting, black and white,
yard 5c and 10c
Girdle Forms 10c and 25c
New Pearl Buttons, card.
5c and 10c
Fall Buttons in the new shapes
and colors, card .... 10c up
All silk Taffeta Ribbon, all
colors, special value, 10c,
Satin Face Ribbon, all colors,
special value, 15c, 19c and 25c
New Fancy Ribbons, for fancy
work, etc., special,
19c and 25c
Wash Ribbons, white, pink,
light blue and lavender, 3c,
4c 6c, Bc, 10c and 20c.
Velvet Ribbon, black and col
ors 5c to 25c
Cotton and Linen Torchon
Laces 3c and 5c
Venise Edges 6c to 25c
Oriental Laces .... 10c to 25c
All-over Laces at Special
Plain Nets 25c
Chiffon and Georgette Crepe;
black white and colors at
Special Prices.
Silk Nets, at Special Prices.
Silk Bands, black and colors,
5c to 25c
Braid Frogs and Loops,
5c to 25c
Tassels, black and colors,
10c and 25c
Rose Bead and Pearl Trim
mings ...... 25c
Ladies' Fabric Gloves, black
and colors, special value 25c
Ladies' Muslin Drawers, full
size, best material,
15c, 19c and 25c
Ladies' Corset Covers, full size,
best material and trimmings,
Ladies' Brassieres, special,
19c and 25c
Ladies' Gowns and Skirts, 25c
Combination Suits and Prin
cess Slips at Special Prices.
New Style Ladies' Corsets
with garters attached 25c
Complete line of Ladies' Ruffs,
Bust Forms, Sanitary Sup
plies, etc. . 5c to 25c
Ladies' Flannelette Skirts,
Ladies' Flannelette Gowns at
Special Prices.
Children's Drawers, full sizes,
material and trimmings the
best, 10c,
Children's Gowns and Skirts,
Children's Drawer Bodies,
10c, 15c and 25c
Children's Flannelette Gowns,
Ladies' Neckwear in all latest
novelties 25c
Windsor Ties, all colors and
plaids and checks 25c
Handkerchiefs lc to 25c
Children's School Supplies of
all descriptions at lowest
All the latest novelties in
Jewelry 5c to 25c
New Pocketbooks special, 25c
Ladies' Handbags, special, 25c
Ladies' Belts 25c
lc to 25c Department Store
- Courthouse
Bible Class Guests
at Washington Heights
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Rapp, of Wash
ington Heights, entertained the Biblo
( lass of Calvary United Brethren Sun
day School, complimentary to the Rev.
Mr. Green, who is leaving for a new
charge in Baltimore.
Vocal and instrumental music and a
supper were enjoyed by the guests.
Hallowe'en decorations were used. 1
In attendance were the Rev. Mr.
Green, Mrs. Green, Miss Maggie Green,
Miss Leona Herman, Mrs.vHarro. Miss
Thelma Harro, Mrs. Shuft,/Mrs. Spang
ler, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Davis, Mrs.
OCTOBER 18, 1915
Men's Dress Shirts in Percale,
with cuffs attached 25c
Men's Work Shirts, blue and
chambray and black ... 25c
Men's Neckwear 25c
Men's Mixed Hose, 5c and 9c
Men's Colored Hose, 5c and 9c
Men's Lisle Hose, all colors,
12/ ac
Men's Silk Hose, all colors, 25c
Men's Suspenders, 19c and 25c
Men's and Boys' Wool Caps,
Boys' Percale Shirts 25c
Boys' Silk Neckwear .... 10c
Boys' Suspenders, 12*/£ c to 25c
Men's and Boys' Belts ... 25c
Men's and Boys' Gloves, 25c
Ladies' Hosiery, black and col
ors, special values,
10c and 12V 2 C
Ladies' Silk Lisle and Silk
Boot Hose, black and colors,
special 25c
Children's Hosiery, black and
colors, special value,
10c and I2 l / 2 c
Children's Black Lisle Thread
Hose, special, 10c and \2V 2 c
Children's Lisle Hose all colors,
Infants' Hose .. 10c and I 2y 2 c
Ladies' Ribbed Underwear,
long and short sleeves,
10c to 25c
Ladies' Fleeced Lined Under
wear, bleached and un
bleached 25c
Ladies' fleeced Lined Union
Suits, special prices.
Children's Fleeced Lined Un
derwear, white, gray and un
bleached 17c to 25c
Children's Fleeced Lined Union
Suits 25c
Children's Black Drawers, 25c
Ladies' Gingham Aprons, spe
Ladies' Bungalow Aprons, 25c
Ladies' Percale Waists .. 25c
Children's Dresses 19c and 25c
Middy Blouses 25c
Children's Rompers 25c
1 lot Children's Dresses, spe
cial 12i4c
Bloomers, Sateen and Cham
bray 25c
Ladies' Wash Skirts,
12% c and 25c
Boys' Wool Pants 25c
Boys' Blouse Waists .... 25c
Infants' White Dress Slips,
Infants' Sacques 25c
Infants' Shoes 25c
Infants' and Children's Toques,
Aluminum Wear Tea Balls,
Pie Plates, Saucepans, Fry
ing Pans, Teaspoons, etc.,
5c to 25c
Plates, Silver Spoons Knives,
Forks etc 5c to 25c
Lunch Boxes, 10c, 15c, 20c and
Sheet Iron Frying Pans,
5c 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c
Jardinieres, sc, 10c, 15c 20c, 25c
Chair Seats 10c
Corn Poppers 25c
Tinware all wanted articles,
5c to 25c
Fashionable Millinery at
Sensible Prices
Our Unusually Low Prices For
has set a new record for value giving.
New shapes are arriving daily and you will always find here
the very latest ideas in Millinery.
Hats of the very best qualities in Lyon's Silk Velvets, Hat
ter's Plush, Velour, etc.
Trimmed Hats from our own workrooms and Children's
Trimmed Hats in a wide variety of styles and colors.
Trimmings of all kinds all this season's newest novelties.
Campbell, Mrs. Broughter, Leslie
Broughter, Miss Marian Davis, Miss
Sara Davis, Mrs. Snyder, Miss Pauline
Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Kasson, Jack
Kasson. Mr. and Mrs. Bard, Albert
Bard, Mr. and Mrs. Sierer, Mrs. Wash
inger, Mrs. Klshcr, Gladys Fisher, Mr.
and Mrs. Fortney, Mrs. Mum ma, Mrs.
Knsminger, Roseanna Ensminger, Mrs.
Coulson. Mr. and Mrs. Klester, Mrs.
McMulUn, Mrs. Hoffman, Miss Erb,
Mrs. Sutton. Mrs. Firestone, Clair
Firestone. Mrs. Waggoner, Donald
Waggoner and Mr. and Mrs. Rapp.
Mrs. J. H. Keasberry of 2521 North
Sixth street 1s visiting friends at Wil
Galvanized Buckets,
15c, 20c, 25c
Coal Hods 10c to 25c
Gray Enamel Berlin Kettles,
Dish Pans Buckets, Coffee
Pots, etc 25c
White Enamel Buckets, Pre
serving Kettles, Mixing
Bowls, spoons, etc., Special
Chinaware, Cups, Saucers.
Dishes, Platters, Bowls, Sal
ads, Pitchers, etc.. ,5c to 10c
New Woolen Dress Goods,
plain and fancy. Special
New Plaid and Stripe Silk.
Special Prices.
Black Taffeta and Messaline.
Special Prices.
Silk Mull, all colors 18c
Black Veveteen and Silk Vel
vets. Special Prices.
Dress and Kimono Flannel
ettes 10c and 12Vic
Robe Flannel 25».
Outing Flannel, light and dark.
6c, Bc, 10c
New Dress Gingham,
7c, 10c, I2 l / Z c
New Percales, light and dark,
best goods 12V£c
New White Goods,
12y a c to 25c
Bleached and unbleached Mus
lin, 4-4 sc, 6c, 7c, 8c
Toweling, Bc, 10c, 12]/2C and 15 c
Cotton Crashes 5c
Table Damask . . 19c and 25c
Napkins .... 3c, sc, 7c and 9c
White Swiss Curtain Goods,
10c and
Curtain Scrim, plain and fancy,
all new Fall designs, large
assortment, 10c,
17c, 19c and 25c.
Flowered Sateens,
10c and
Figured Cretonnes, latest nov
Lace Curtains. Special Prices.
Window Shades, complete
best goods 250<
Brass Curtain Rods,
3c, sc, 10c, 12J/jC, 25c
Stamped Turkish Towels..2sc
Stamped Ready-made Chil
dren's Gowns 25c
Stamped Children's Dresses,
Stamped Luncheon Sets, 25c
Drawnwork Scarfs, special, 25c
36-inch Stamped Centerpieces,
18-inch Crochet Doilies .. 25c
Cretonne Laundry Bags .. 25c
Large assortment Japanese
Baskets ,all sizes and kinds,
10c to 25c
Pillow Cases, Bc, 10c, 12j4c,
16c, 18c.
Bolster Cases 25c
Bleached and unbleached
Sheets. Special Prices.
Huck Towels, sc, 9c, 10c, 12^c
Cotton Towels 3c
Turkish Towels, 10c, 12^c,
17c and 25c.
Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas,
Children's Umbrellas 25c
Mr. and Mrs. William Latta Kevin
and little Miss trances Nevin, of Phila
delphia, are spending several day«
with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jordan
Hull at their countrf place, Bowmans
Mrs. William Werta, of Juniata, was
a recent guest of Mrs. Scott Cornelius
at 529 Maclav street.
The Rev. llr. Marion J. Kline and
Mrs. Kline, of Altoona, are. visitlnK
the Misses Gorga* at 90 4 North Thi: i
Miss Florence Sadtler, of Baltimore
is a guest of Mrs. S. Hart al
Duncannon for the Herman-StackpoW
wedding to-morrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Sigler have
removed from 1416 Market street to
#l7 North Sixteenth street.