Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 18, 1915, Page 13, Image 13
A Telegraph Wait Ad fill Hiiclly Meat Hat Vacant Room Deaths DESHO\(i Died Sunday. October 17. 1915. Mrs. Rebecca. wife of J. W. Ptihong, in her 78th year, tJTuneral services will b€ held from her i-om«. in Lancaster, on Wednes day at 12 o'clock noon Services at 2:45 from the Fourth Street Church of God. Harilsburg. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Burial East Harrisburg Cemetery. BOYD fled. Monday. October IS, 1915, Albert B. Boyd, aged 65 years, at his late residence. 1328 Green street. Funeral Thursday morning from the above address, at l n o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial pri vate, Paxtang Cemetery. DOHI. Marv Matilda, daughter of the late William H. and Catherine Boh). Sunday, the 17th Inst., at 4:15 o'clock P. Ni. at her late home. "J2l South Fourteenth street; a sister. Mrs. K. .1 Millhouse. of this city, and a brother. C. A Bohl. of Newberry town ship. York county. Pa., survive. Funeral arrangements will l<e an nounced later. FILING—Mrs. Rachael K. Kaling. at the Polyclinic Hospital. Saturday, Oc tober 16, 1915. in her 73d year. Funeral private. Tuesday afternoon. October 19, from the residence of her daughter. Mrs. R. A. Fulton. 1919 Green street. Kindly omit flowers. LOST LOST On Friday. October 15. 1915. l $5.00 note in neighborhood of slx :etnth and Naudain streets, by a col ecti»r. Finder will receive reward by ■eturning to Telegraph Oftlce. LOST A child's Fairy Tricycle luring last week: pneumatic tires. Lib ?ra! reward if returned to 1836 Regrina ! treet. IiOST Sable and white Scotch Col ic. Reward if returned to G. K. rater. No. 521 Spruce street, steelton, ?a. • __ LOST Gold cuff button. Monogram. "O. I'. 8." Reward. Lock Box li. Har ■isburg. Pa. __ LOST A child's black velvet notch hat. between Thtrd and Briggs >n Briggs to Green. Friday ;<ewflrd if returned to 251 Briggs itreet. found ~~FOUND The best results have 'ound by the ladies who had their Suits ind Coats remodeled to the latest style the Ladies' Tailor. H. L. Powell, 9-o <orth Thtrd street. Estimates free. FOUND That Eggert". Steam Dye- 1 ng & French Cleaning Works. 1„45 ilarket St.. do the very besi work in he city. Call either photie for 'roof. ,Ve call and deliver. HKl.l' WANTED —Male WANTED —Men to learn to become >racttcal chautfeurs. We give you >ur unlimited SSO practical course iow for $lO. We practice you from he time you start on repairing and Irivlng automobiles until you graduate. | t'hirty cents per hour guaranteed as loou as they are competent o£ repali- | ng private cars. Auto Transportation school. 5 North Cameron street. WANTED First-class paper- j laiuser. Apply R. E. Trimmer, 1930 ■ ta?* street. - WANTfc.— A colored porter. Apply 913 Derry street. V VNTED A plumber's apprentice, tpnlv Chas. M. Froelillch, 1121 Market treet. WINTED A porter and shoe- j hiner. None over 21 years need ap ,ly. Address 1253 Market street. City. . W \NTKD Helper for steam pipe' itter Applv 123 Pine street, after b • M WANTED Laborers and men who lork in lament. Apply 1700 North Sec nd street. ' WANTED Salesman to demon- ! trate Frantz Premier Electric Clean r- W» furnisr. all demonstrations, "all after 7 I'. M.. Arcade Building. 32 'ourt street. .- VLESMEN WANTED We need acre men wh•> can work Into executive iositions. only requirement natural t.i 1 it\ and willingness to put in time one week, to learn our sales methods, •all after 7 P. M.. Arcade Building, 32 'ourt street. ' SALESMAN WANTED —We are ooking for a salesman who can take barge of a territory in Harrisburg nd surrounding territory and open it ip fo: us. placing men to work and oaking them produce. This Is a per- , nancnt proposition and means a good ncome to the right man. ("all Monday nd Tuesday, Metropolitan Hotel. Ask oi Mr. Treadwag. i WANTED A collector, one who peaks several languages; steady posi- j ton: rapid advancement to right party, ne living in Steelton preferred; salar> nd commission. Call Geo. \\ . De\\ itt. 19 Walnut street. Harrlsburg. Room 06. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES— iEN WANTED AblebodlSd. unmir •ied men between agea of 18 and S5; iltUens of United States, of good char icter and temperate habits, who can peak, read and write the English anguage. For Information apply to tecruiting Officer, Bergner Building, d & Market Sts.. Harrlsburg. Pa. WANTED Wide-awake, temperate san. 25 to 35 years of age. of character nd ability, to deliver and collect from own and "country customers. Personal ond of $350 required. Address R. B. tout, care of General Delivery. Har isburg. WANTED Voung men for locomo ive firemen. Experience unnecessary, rive age. Address R. S., care of Tele :raph. WANTED. AT ONCE First-class lillwrights. Immediate employment, address J. F. Creswell, P. O. Box ?64, Lancaster. Pa., or call at Hotel Plaza, 'hursday afternoons or evenings. WANTED First-class toolmakers. roftlers, millers, drillers, riders, barrel urners, blacksmiths and steam hajn ter men to make drop forges. Also len for barrel rolling- Address P. O. lox 261. Lancaster. Pa. -» FOR SALE ms BOAS ST. Three-story brick and stucco travelling reception hall eight rooms hath cemented cellar— front porch steam heat. This house is strictly modern, ana In a most delightful location. Price upon Inquiry; 210 MAC LAV ST. A three-story brick dwelling with nine rooms bath and hot water heat. Here Is an up-town property that deserves much more than ordinary consideration Lot 21.8x108 ft. Price u*>on in quiry. 2STH AND GREENWOOD STS. One square north of Derrv street a 2H -story frame tsinglet' dwelling with eight room bath and fur nace. l/it 60x90 ft. An attractive house 'n a splendid neighborhood. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. BEtL ESTATE iMursnct Surety Flonrti l.oeant and Court Streets ..r MONDAY EVENING, HFXP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED White girl, general housework; no washing. Apply 1937 North Second street. WANTED—MiddIe-aged woman to go to Atlantic Cltj for general housework in private family. Applv Thorley's Tea Room. 231 North Second street, or 222 t Pine street, after 7 P. M. WANTED - White girl for general housework: family of three: no wash ing; reference required. Inquire 190S North Second street. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework. Go home nights. Three in family. No washing or Iron ing. Reference, required. Good wages. Address Box W. 3091, care of Telegraph. WANTED A few hriu'ht f learners. Apply Cor. North and : ' Second streets. . ! WANTED Girls over 16 to ' strip tobacco. Also experienced! Rollers, Bunchmakers Packers,; Filler and Binder Strippers. Wcl-1 fare looked after by trained nurse, j Apply Harrisburg Cigar Coin- j pany, 500 Race street. WANTED Laundress. Apply to ! housekeeper. Bolton House. Market , Square. WANTED Girl for general house- ! w, in family of two: plain cooking; Ino washing. Apply 1531 Green street. WANTED A bngnt girl for the ! . marking and sorting department. Ap- . ply. Troy Laundry. 1520-26 Fulton I street. WANTED A good, strong, reliable ! ; woman for day's work: come with ref erence. Call 1504 State street. 1 | WANTED Five nrst-class lady j demonstrators for Pure Food Show i Apply Mr. Morrison, at Chestnut Street i Auditorium this evening between 7 and ' 9 P. M„ or Monday morning. WANTED November 1, experienced white woman accustomed to living at service, to do the housework for fam ; ity of two. Bring references, and »p --j ply io 1234 Sixth street. WANTED Experienced sewing ma chine operators on ladles' and chil dren's wear. Harrlsburg Apparel Co.. over City Star Laundry. State street ' rear entrance. ■ ——— HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female ! SONG POEMS WANTED for publica- | tion. Experience unnecessary. Send ; us your verses or melodies to-day or j , write for instructive booklet—it's free. | i Marks-Goldsmith Co., Dept. 233. Wash- ' | lngton, D. C. WANTED Salesmen and sales- j ladies, all or spare time. Apply H. P. j Motter, 1925 Derry street. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED By young colored man, ! i work of any kind; can give reference.! • Address 1413 Marian street. City. • WANTED Position of anytskind i Iby boy 17 years of age. Address 1532 ] 1 Fulton street. City. WANTED By white boy 16 years j old, work between school hours and all day Saturdays. 171S Miller street. Phone 713 F. WANTED By young, white man, position as chauffeur, prefer Ford, or driver of bakery wagon. Call, or ad dress. 1911 Moltke street. SITU AT ION S WAN T E l>—lenia le WANTED Position as housekeeper for widower with small family. Ad- j dress H., 3131, care of Telegraph. WANTED By young, colored wo- | man. general housework or day's work. , Apply, or address, 318 Mulberry street. I WANTED White woman desires j I position as companion to elderly peo- 1 pie or housekeeping. Address 8., 3133, i care of Telegraph. WANTED Washing of small fam- j ily to do at home by experienced and ! reliable white woman. 1650 North Fourth street. WANTED Two young colored girls . desire work between school hours. Call, 1 or address, 514 South street. — | WANTED Colored woman desires work of any kind by the day. Call, or address, 514 South street. WANTED By colored girl, posi tion at housecleanlng or washing and ironing, can give good re'erence. Ad- I dress 1605 Elm street. City. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ■ —— ; FOR SALE A large, three-story I irame dwelling, No. 2332 North Sixth ; street; 9 large rooms and bath. In- | quire 2334 North Sixth street. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE A valuable North Second street resi dence. Most desirable residential 10-l callt.v in city. A bargain. Price and terms for the asking. Address "Home," I care of Harrisburg Telegraph. FOR SALE Brick house in 1900 j block on Susquehanna street. Good in- , vestment. Only small amount of cash needed. For particulars, see Edward ' W. Evans. Real Estate and Insurance, | i 711 Kunkel Building. FOR SALE House No. 1312 Swatara street; 9 rooms and bath; all improvements. Can name good price if sold quickly. Edward W. Evans, Real Estate and Insurance, 711 Kunkel Building. FOR SALE Bungalow, Bowman Avenue. Camp Hill; 7 rooms and bath; all improvements: excellent location. Edward W. Evans. Real Estate and In surance, 711 Kunkel Building. FOR SALE Three-story dwelling, 312& Main street; large side yard; all conveniences. Call, or address, 312S ■ Main street. Penbrook. 51,000.00 WILL BUY 98 acres in Fish ing Creek Valley: 6 miles east of River: frame buildings: running water; 10 acres cultivated; 8S acres second 1 growth timber. Brlnton-Packer Co., ; Second and Walnut streets. i j VACANT house on Second street for I sale desirable location propertv ij in good condition all modern Im provements. Price and particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 232 HARRIS ST.: 3-story brick dwell ing. 9 rooms, bath and furnace: lot, 20x92; side entrance; price attractive. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Wal : nut streets. 1 SIOO CASH will give you possession i to a house now vacant balance can ibe paid as re it. This is an opportu -1 nity to own your property. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. i SWATARA STREET PROPERTY 7n fourteen hundred block for sale at , SI,BOO 3-story frame S rooms bath gas furnace. Rented at $15.00 per month. Bell Realty Co., Bergner : Building. IN Camp Hill; new bungalow; never been occupied: located on Hamilton St.. 2 square from car line: 7 rooms, bath and steam heat; all-gas kitchen; open fireplace: hardwood floors: lot. 40x110. Brlnton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE <>R V EXCH.WfiK For Sale or will exchange su burban real estate in growing sec tion on improved city real estate. Address Exchange No. 500, care 'of Telegraph ; REAL ESTATE FOR It KM FOR RENT—Only one left of the eight storerooms, corner Ham ilton and Third streets. Rent sl2. Suitable for any business. Chas. Adler, Real Estate and Insurance. 1002 North Third street. FOR RENT Three-Story brick, 612 ■North Second street; 9 rooms and bath: every modern convenience; in tlrst-class repair. Inquire 21S Pine street. FOR RENT No. 2200 Brookwood street. sl6 per month—cui.v ljome—2tj story brick—corner—front and rear pore lies—all conveniences. Apply Clas ler s e. 302 Market street. FOR RENT Two-story brick house; s«»\en rooms and bath; nil improve ments; steam heat; electric nnd gas; window shades; Derry street, l'nslang, $19.00. Call 100 Paxtang avenue. FOR RENT—Fine house at Paxtang: No. 445 South Thirteenth street; small house on Prospect street and private garage at Kittatlnny and Fourteenth streets. A. \V. Swengel, 219 South Thir teenth street. FOR RENT Eight-room brick dwelling house: all conveniences; on Crescent street: fifteen minutes' walk from Fourth and Chestnut street; rent, $15.,"0 Apply Penna. Realty Co., 132 Locust street. Bell 1260 M. £ FOR RENT 1316 North Front street. 7 rooms. sls. Inquire 15 South Seventeenth, or Bell phone 2611. FOR RENT Sta-story frame dwell ing for coloied people only: suitable for two siuatl families. 1130 North Front street. Applv 226 Chestnut street, City. FOR RENT Ten-room house; hard wood doors; every modern convenience; Al neighborhood; ready for occupancy; 723 North Seventeenth itreet. Apply on premises or AI. K. Thomas. East End Bank. FOR RENT House; al! modern im provements; hardwood floors through out Rent, SSO per month. Apply 2226 North Second street. FOR RENT November 1. large nicely furnished house on Nortti Second street. Address A., 3090, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT New brick house; 8 rooms and bath, 2711 North Sixth street; hardwood iloors; up-to-date fixtures; steam heat; stationary laundry; front porch and nice hack yard. Rent. $25.00 per month. Inquire W. H. Moody. 2331 North Third street. HOUSE FOR RENT 59.00 a month —1404 Penn street. No children. Geo. W. Updegrove. 1200 Penn street. FOR RENT 1340 Herr street; 2- story brick house: six rooms, pantry and bath; steam heat, gas and electric lights; front porch; open stairway; $16.50 per month. Call 1616 Green street. FOR RENT 2 V4-story frame house, 15 North Thirteenth street; also two storv brick 1251 Walnut street. Apply A. E. Enders. Penbrook. Pa. Bell phone 2800J1. NEW brick house for rent 8 rooms and bath bay window porches all modern improvem ents possession Immediately rent. $lB No 1836 Logan street. Apply 217 Forster street. FOR RENT Six-room houses, with stahles, half mile north of Penbrook. at Edgemont. Rent, $6.00. Inquire of O. Hartman. 38 North Twelfth street. City, or William Brenneman. Penbrook. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Private apartment. 3 rooms and bath: also private brick star age Mrs. L A. Dandridge. 33 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT A first floor Bach elor's unfurnished apartment, eon talng four rooms and bath, and if desired a gas range in a kitchenette. Modern in every respect. Will accommodate two or four e-entle men. Apply Penna. Realtv & Improve ment Co.. 132 Locust street. APARTMENT FOl! RENT Second floor at Walzdorf. facing Capitol: 6 rooms, tiled bath and pantry, hard wood floors, electric, light and city steam. Inquire 400 North street. FOR RENT Housekeeping apart ment. five rooms and bath; separate hallway entrance; porch front and rear, on Thirteenth street. Rent. $16.00. Ap ply Penna. Realtv Co.. 132 Locust street. Bell 1260 M. ACCOUNT removal from city, wish to sublet 6-room unfurnished apartment. Apply "Rodermal" apartments. <io4 N. Third street. Ring Friedman Bell. FOR RENT Third story apartment, well adapted for light housekeeping; steam heat, light and use of bathroom; rent reasonable. 1506 State street. APA RT.M ENTS W A XTKI» WANTED Four or Ave-room apart ment, bath, heat, kitchenette, etc., for light housekeeping within five minutes' walk of State and Second streets. Ad dress A., 3145. care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT DENTIST or professional man. Ideal location. Waiting- and operating rooms. Furnished. No. 1814 Green street. FOR RENT Second-story front room; newly furnished; city steam heat; electric lights and phone service. Apply 125 Pine street. FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished rooms: use of bath and phone; reference required. Apply 615 fcelker street. WANTED Several gentlemen boarders or lodgers; good 10-allty; all conveniences; use of phone. Inouire 214 Relly street. FOR RENT One furnished suite of three rooms: use of bath: kitchenette included, with gas range: city steam heated; fronting on Locust street. Ap ply Penna. Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Nice, large front room ond second floor, with heat and hath. In private family, one-half block from Market street. Inquire 20 Evergreen street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; use of bath; suitable for gentlemen. Ap ply 403 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Large room on second floor front; a real home for man and wife; hot water system; convenient to bath; use of phone; also smaller room. No. 117 Pine street. FOR RENT — ; Nicely furnished rooms in fine location; use of bath and tele phone. Apply at 203 State street. FOR RENT Vacancy for one or two genetlemen, board if desired, in private family. E„ 3127, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT Delightful room for rent; single woman or married couple preferred. Apply 209 State street. FOR RENT Furnished bedroom, second floor, next to bath. Apply 142 Sylvan Terrace. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms, with large bay window, front; each room convenient for one or two gentlemen. Hoffman Apartments. Fifth and Market streets. Second Apartment. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms on second floor, next to bath; one front, all conveniences, including phone; central location. Inquire 123S Market street. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ROOMS WANTED WANTBD—'Throe unfurnished rooms with use of !>nth, in refined, private family: can, furnish beat of reference. Call Bell phono 501.13. WANTEH Nicely furnished room, with u respectable Swiss family, by gentleman; permanent. Addresa M., .! 1 42, care of Telegraph. UNFURNISHED KOOMS -«?9 BROAD STREET Built cspeci alv for liKht housekeeping, single or i wi'th Kitchenettes; arrangement* i strictly private; stoves furnished free; laundry, phone and bathroom privi leges: lockers for surplus furniture. 1321-23 Wallace street; remodeled and newly papered throughout: ar rangements, two rooms and a kitchen with running water, range and cabinet. Pallv inspection invited. Inquire on premises, or 107 Boas street. Phone 779 M. OFFICES FOR HENT FOB RENT A desirable first floor I office in the Telegraph Building. ln | quire Superintendent. Business Office j Telegraph. WANTED I PARTY leaving town would like to ! store their upright piano with some nood family, or would sell cheap for 1 cash. Address Mr. Herbert, care of | Telegraph. POSITIVELY highest cash prices paid | for Ladies' anil Men's east-oIT good Clothing and Shoes: also Furniture and i Carpets. Send postol to C 36 Herr j street. City. I ___ FOK SAFE i FOR SALE -- Jitney Quick Lunch, ion North Seventh street, near subway. I Between two bis: factories. Good loea ! ilon. Apply 1025 North Seventh street. I FOR SALE Two motorcycles; .4- t H.-P.: one M. & M. and one Ermac; both in good running order and Rood tires. Price. $30.00 each. Call between 5 and 7 P. M. .1. H. Hawkins, 17 Altoona ave ■ nue, Enola, Pa. GLASS window scorns. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and i Board and Table Board at 25c each. One I of these signs will be given with each j six-time order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of I i elegraph. for SALE lce "box, suitable for | restaurant or grocery store. Apply ! Superintendent "Harrisburg Club, Front j and Market. | FOR SALE S6OO buys Moving Pic- ) ! ture Theater; good patronage. Do not answer unless you mean buslnesss. Ad | dress No. 3H4, care of Telegraph. I FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Five | passenger Maxwell automobile A 1 | condition. Address No. 560 Race street. FOR SALE CAItOS on sale at tH« ; Telegraph Business orrica. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business i I Office. | FOR S \LE Onk sideboard for sale. I Cheap. Call 1426 Derry street. i FOR SALE A strictly liigh- player piano at half price. Inquire at 30 North Second street. | FOR SALE - 1914 Cadillac Road- j ster; fully equipped; excellent condi tion. Demonstration by appointment. } Address D.. 3116, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— One 3> 3 - ton Reliance motor truck in good] condition. Reason for selling, we are i : cuing out ot wholesale business. Ad- ! I ilress. or apply, Manheim Ice Co., Man-! helm. Pa. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap- i ply Job Printing Department .The Tele graph Printing Company. LARGE LINE of Automobile Robes, Horse Blankets, Trunks, Traveling ; Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Special lies; repaired and made to order. liar- , I rlsburg Harness and Supply Company, ; Second and Chestnut. FOR SALE Restaurant located on | j Market street, doing good business. A , bargain If sold at once. Good reasons : j for selling. Address D„ 3015, care of ! i Telegraph. FOR RENT FOR RENT Second floor brick ; Ifuildlng, suitable for factory or auto • mobile storage; rent for short or long : I term: thirty-nve hundred feet. Inquire i 905. Kunkel Building. FOR RENT Private garages—light and water —$1 and $5 a month. Geo. | I W. I'pdegrove, 1200 Penn street. | FOR RENT ljtrge. well-lighted ! I suite of offices, second floor on main ! i street this city. Write for appoint- j inent. Address M.. 3132, care of Tele j graph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I FOR SALE Men's Clothing, Fur- ' j nishlngs and Hat business in fastest i growing town in Central Pennsylvania. I ! Reason for selling other business. ' 1 Don't answer this Ad. you have i $7,000 cash. Address Box 191, Mount: ! Union, Pa. I MADE sso,ouu in five years In the ! mail order business, began with $5. i I 1 Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. ANY Intelligent person can earn good ! i income corresponding for newspapers: I : experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 79g. Loek- I oort. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine | Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross. the .Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street, Harrlsburg. Pa. Telephone ; orders given prompt attention. Bell | j 1960. ' THERE'S A DIFFERENCE In our i ! work when compared to other firms, the j i reason is that we are interested in you j I personally and want you to look well i dressed, the way to do this, is to send • ycjr clothes to us for renoveting. our j methods are the best and give perfect i satisfaction. West End Cleaning and 1 Dying. 1527 North Third street; Bell | phone 717 W. HAULING R. A. HAHTMAX. Boarding Stable nil 1 \ationsi! Transfer Co. Movers of: pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. 11. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and I Woodbine streets. Bell phone No i ?-,n*R. 'I TO HIRE TO HIRE —Masquerade costumes and full dress suits: also full lot of hair goods. Including wigs. beards, etc. Ap ply Brennei's, 424-426 Walnut, or Bell phone 1251 J. MONEY TO LOAN WE LEND MONEY In amounts from $5.00 to $300.00 in compliance with act of. June 17. 1915. Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty. Un-to-date method. Positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrlsburg, Pa STORAGE i "FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per • month and up. We Invite Inspection. ' low insurance. 437-445 South .Second! meet. Harrigburg Storage Company. ! TRADING FIRM MARKS OPENING Baldwin Locomotive and Cru cible Steel Materially' Higher Today New York, Oct. 18. Firmness mark ed the resumption of trading to-day with some very substantial gains, par ticularly in specialties. Foundation was given to the movement by the strength of United States Steel, which opened with an exchange of 5,000 snares at 53%, an ndv&now of three-quarters Westinghouse made an initial offering of 3,u00 shares at 70% to 71, a maxi mum advance of 1%. American Smelt ing, American Oar, Baldwin Locomotive anil Crucible Steel were materially higher. Canadian Pacific and Harri mar.fi led the rails. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by Chandler Bros. & Co., 3 North Market Square. New York. Oct. 18. Open. High. Ix>w. Clos. ! Alaska G M 33* 33* 33* 33* Allis-Chal . 43% 43% 43 43 H Am Bt Sug 66% 67* 66% 67* Am Can .. 64* 65* 14* 64% AmOftF. SB 88% 84 88»» Am t'ot oil 55% 587* 58% 69% Am Loco . 67 % 68% 67* 68 Am Smelt . 94% 95 % 94 * 94 * Am Sugar . 113 113% 113 113% Ami'* F. 124% 124% 124 124* Anaconda . 75* 76 75 * 75* Atchison .. 106 % 107 106% 107 Baldwin .. 134 * 134 * 129* 132* Belli Steel . 4S 4 * 495 484 492 B & O 91* 92% 91% 92* Cal Petro. . 18* 18% 18% 18% Can Pacific 166* 169 166* 168* Cent Leath 54 * 55* 54* 54% 0«■ 0f.6% 58* 56% 58V* C, M&St P 90* 93% 90* 93* RU-P, 20 21 19% 20% C Con Cop. 49% 50* 49% 50 Col F* I. 56* 58 56 57% Con aGs .. 145 145 % 14 4 * 145 % CrilC St .. 94% 95 % 94 94 Dist Sec .. 36* 37* 36* 36% Erie 34* 35 34% 34% Erie Ist pfd 53* 54 % 53* 54* Cen ECo.. 178% 181 178% 180* Goodrh BF 71* 71* 76% 77* Gt Nor pfd 121 * 122 * 121 122 % Gt N Ore s 48% 49 * 48% 49* Insp Cop .. 43* 44* 43 % 43* In-eMt 23* 23* 23 23 In-Met pfd 79 79 KC So ... 28* 25% 28* 28* Lehigh Val 756 76* 75 75% Max Motor. 62* 63 * 62 * 63 Mex Petro. 92* 93* 91 * 92 Miami Cop. 33% 34* 33% 34* Mo Pae . . 5 * 5 * 4 % 4 % Nat Lead.. 68 70* 68 69% N Y Cent.. 300 101 100 101 NY.NH& H S3 85% 83 84% NY.O W 30 30* 30 30* Nor W.. 115% 116% 115 115* ! North Pac. 11l 113* 111 112* ! Pa Rail... 58 58 57 % 57%: Pitts C.... 40% 41 40% 40% Press SC.. 71 * 73* 70% 73% Rail S S.. . 48 49 48 48% 1 Ray C C.. 25% 25% 25* 25%! i Reading .. 78% 80 78% 79 I Rep 15... 52% 54% 52% 54% 'South Pac. 97* 98% 97* 98* , South Rv. . 20* 20* 20* 20* IStudebaker. 163 * 167% 163 167 1 Tenn Cop.. 68* 69 66% 66% Third Ave. 62* 62* 61 % 62* Union Pac. 135* 136 % 135* 136* U S Rill).. 53* 54 % 53* 54% US Steel.. 83% 85% 83* 85% jUSStlpd. 114% 115 114% 114% Utah Cop.. 70* 70% 70 70 Yir-Car C.. 45* 45* 45 45* West Md.. 33% 33% 33* 33* West U Tel 78% 79 78% 79 West Mfg.. 70% 72* 70* 71 * PHiLAr»Ei,p;iiA nioDrrß Philadelphia. Oct. 18.. Wheat Steady; No. 2. red, spot, and October, $1.15 * ® 1.17 * : No. 2, Southern, red, $1.13* # 1.15 *. Corn —I'nchanged; No. 2, yellow, local 75 1 ,-.ft 76% c; steamer. No. 2, yellow, 74* ®75%c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 4o@ 46c; No. 3. white, 41®42c. Bran The market Is firm; city mills, per ton, $24.00; western do., none here: Spring, per ton, $22.75®23.25. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 5.00 c; fine granulated, 4.90 c; confectioners' A, 4.80 c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extra, 29c; nearby prints, and fancy, 32c. j Eggs The market is steady; Pennsylvania and otiier nearby tlrsis. free cases. $9.00 per case; do., current receipts, free cases. $8.40 per case; western, extras, $9.00 per case; do., | firsts, free cases, $8.40 per case. Live Poultry—Market steady; fowls, 14®J15c; old roosters, ll@12c; broil ing chickens, 16917 c: Spring chickens 14@15c; Spring ducks, 13®15c; old ducks. 13frl5c. Dressed Poultry Market steady; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 19*@20c; average, 17®18*c; do., unattractive, average, 15® 16c; do., roosters, 13* c; do. broiling chickens. nearby. 22@i2«c; | broiling chickens, western, 14@20c; 'Spring chickens. western, 14@20c; Spring ducks, nearby, 16 <!j> 17c; do., western, 10@12c; lea packed fowls, lb i <a i9c. Potatoes Market easier; Penn sylvania, fancy, per bushel, 73@75c; I Pennsylvania, fair to good, per bushel ;fi05765c; Jersey. No. 1, per basket. 40® ! 50c: Jersey, No. 2, per basket, 20@25c. Flour—The market is quiet; winter, clear, new. $J.60@4.»0; do straight, new. $5.00@5.20; do patent, new, $5.25® 5.50; Kansas clear, new. Jute sacks, $4.90®5.10; do straight. $55.20a05.50; do patent. $5.50@5.75. Spring, first, clear, new. $1.6504.90; do straight, new. $5.005.25; do., patent, new, $5.40®5.60; do., patent, old. $6.35®7.10; do., favorite brands, $6.00®6.50. i Hay Market quiet; No. 1, large i bales. $20.50®21.00; medium bales, i $20.00920.50; No. 2. do , $19.00® 19.50; I No. 3. do.. $17.00® 18.00. Light mixed, $19.00@19.50; No. 1, do., ! $17.50918.00: No. 2. do., $14.50® 15.50. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Asscciated Press ■ Philadelphia. Oct. 18. Stocks closed | higher. Cambria Steel 68% General Asphalt 32 ' Oenera! Asphalt,, Pfd 69(4 (Uike Superior Corporation 9* 1 Lehigh Navigation 77% I Lehigh Valley, 75% Pennsylvania Railroad 57% Pennsylvania Steel 85 I Philadelphia Electric 26% Philadelphia Company 47* Philadeinhia Company, Pfd 36 STORAGE STORAGES Is s-itoir brick bnlldlna, rear MM Market itreet Household goods In clean, private 1 rooms- Reasonable rates. Apply ta p. G. Dlener. Jenreler. 408 Market St STORAGE 4l» Broad street, (or household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, |1 to $8 Wagons, <5 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper A Co, 411 Broad street Both ohon«.a • LEGAL M'»TICEB EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Mary Ayres, late of Harrls burg. Pa., deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary upon the estate of said decedent have been granted to the un dersigned All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, I and those having claims or demands I against the same will make them known without delay to REV. ALEXANDER AYRES, New Cumberland, Pa. OCTOBER 18, 1915. Napt.ha is only one of the important parts of it contains other harmless cleansers, too. These go after every imaginable kind of dirt. The weekly wash is child's play with Fels-Naptha. Best of all —it does away with hard rubbing. 30 minutes' soaking saves you hours of labor. Not only for washing clothes—just as wonderful for cUJ household cleaning. Philadelphia Rapid Transit 13% Reading . 7S Storage Batterv 72 Union Traction 41 % United Gas Improvement 86 United States Steel 85*4 Warwick Iron and Steel 10!4 , CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE 1 By Associated Press j Chicago, 111., Oct. 18.—Board of Trade i closing: Wheat December, 1.06%; May, I 1.07%. * < Corn—December. 59%; May, 60%. Oats—December. 39t4; May, 4QH- I Pork December, 10.10; January, I 17.30. I Lard November. 9.40; January, 9.37. Ribs December, 9.65; January", 9.45; CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. 111.. Oct. 18. Hogs Re ceipts. 22.000; strong. Bulk of sales. »BSO#B.SS: light. $8.00®8.95; mixed, $5.15(ii)9.00; heavy. $8.05w8.95; rough, »5.05®5.20; pigs, 55.25®7.75. Cattle Receipts. 15,000; strong. Native beef steers, western steers, $fi.65©8.75; cows and heifers, $2.85®5.30; calves, $7.75@11.75. Sheep Receipts, 17,000: easv. Wethers. $6.00®7.00; lambs, $6.75fff8.90 Martha Washington Will in Old Resting Place By Associated Press Fairfax Courthouse, Va., Oct. 18. — Martha Washington's will which was taken from the courthouse here by a Union trooper during one of the bat tles of Bull Run and later found its way Into the collection of the late J. Pierpont Morgan, was returned to the county archives to-day with elaborate ceremonies. $15,000 in Emergency War Stamps Stolen By Associated Press Evansville, Ind., Oct. 18. —Robbers, who evidently were familiar with the local federal buildings, forced open the safe in the office of the United 1 States Internal Revenue Collector early to-daj* and took $15,000 in 1 emergency war stamps. BUSIEST MILLING COT FILES STATEMENT In accordance with the recent de cision of the L>auphin county court j th« Brinser Milling and Feed Com pany to-day filed its statement of re ceipts and expenditures for the periods during which, it was alleged the com pany had made corn meal by follow ing the old-fa shioned process of S. C. Brinser. Harry Brinser, a son, was one of the officers of the new com pany. The statement shows that the receipts were $13,439.77 and the ex penditures were $13,937.76, a loss of $497.99. OPEN CASE AGAINST DIRECTORS By Associated Press New York, Oct. 18. The jurors chosen to try William Rockefeller, I ewis Cass Ledyard, Edward D. Rob bwis and eight other directors or for mer directors of the New York, New i Haven and Hartford railroad, charged with conspiracy to monopolize inter state commerce under the Sherman law took their seats In the Federal Court to-day to hear the opening ad dress of R. L. Bs.tts, attorney for the government. CHARITON CASE CALLED By Associated Press Como, Itaiy, Oct. 18 r via Paris. 11.20 a m.—When the case of Porter Charlton, the American charged with i murdering his wife, was called to-day I Signor Cataneo asked for a further j postponement to give Micell Plcardl, ! Charlton's chief counsel who !s indls -1 posed, further time to study the case. : Baron Sciacca, the presiding judge, j reserved decision on the motion and i began trial in parts of the case where | in a defense is not necessary. 70 VIOLATIONS IN CHICAGO By Associated Press Chicago. Oct. 18. Seventy-four ! violations of the Sunday saloon closing i law were recorded in revised police reports to-day an increase of forty-six ! over the number reported a week ago j when Mayor Thompson's order went i into effect. Arrests for intoxication kept pace with the increase on the Hat of closing violations. FOR SALE 3 Acre Truck Farm en Long St., Camp Hill 18,000 celery in fine condition. % acre white Chinese radishes. acre turnips. 2 1 /S-story new brick house with all modern improvements, never been occupied. Farm situated % mile from car service. 5-foot concrete walk from house to car line. Phone or write R. W. BENTZ, Lemoyn«, Pa. Bell phone, 3089. HOLD AW.EGED SNEAK THIEF James R. Rowland, arrested Satur day as a suspicious character, at the Garfield apartments, 21 North Fifth street, this afternoon was given a hearing by Mayor John K. Royal and held for court. The police believe Rowland Is a professional sneak thief and will seek his police records In other cities. WEE PERSON IS ADOPTED The wee person with big: blue eyes whom Pearl Conrad offered nearly three years ago to give away in the •treet "to anybody that wanted a baby" to-day was legally recognised by the Dauphin county court as a prospective citizen—John Reber, by name. The youngster was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. John E. Reber, 355 South Fourteenth street. MONEY 1 Ak To Housekeepers, Work ffAi tngmen and Salaried Km. i I ' ployea. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY B N. MARKET SQUARE Room 21 4th Floor Spooner Bntldiu* < iii win i mi in mamswmmJ [FRANK R. LEIB & SON Real Estate and Insurance Of-« fice, No. 18 North Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Elegant Suburban Home on West Third St., New Cumber land. Detached dwelling on lot 50x140; has all improve-, ments. FOR RENT 10,000 sq. ft. floor space in building northwest corner Court and Cranberry streets. Use of elevator. Possession at once. 1006 North Second St., third floor apartment. 4 rooms and bath. All improvements. Rent, $30.00. ' 1531 N. 4th St., 3-story frame dwelling, 8 rooms and bath. All imp. Possession at once. Rent, $16.00. NIK I I Closing Out Sale On account of vacating prop erty, will sell our stock of slightly used furniture, carpets and stoves, consisting of 50 ranges and heaters; 10 bedroom suites; 28 brass and Iron beds; 10 sideboards; 20 extension ta bles: S new counters, and about | 100 chairs and rockers. Also, lot of furniture too numerous to mention. 10 pieces 6x6 V 4 inches thick, 'lB ft. long Engle iron; must be sold. No reason able offer will he refused. Will pay freight within 50 miles. FRANK COHEN «07 STATE ST. 13