Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 15, 1915, Page 21, Image 21

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    A Telegraph Want id Will QicMy Meat Hat, Vacant Room
LOST Harrisburg Club certificate
of Indebtedness. No. 84. Reward. Ad
dress P. O. Box 295. City.
..LOST A gold watch. Sunday even
ing, between Second and State and
Taird and Market strets. Monogram
on watch, E. M. W. Reward if returned
to 1025 Swatara street.
FOUND The best results have
found by the ladles who had their Suits
and Coats remodeled to the latest style
bv the Indies' Tailor, H. L Powell. 9:5
North Third street. Estimates free.
FOUND That Eggert's Steam Dye
ing & French Cleaning Works. 12-15
Market St.. do the very besv work In
the city. Call either phone for Toot
Vi call and deliver. 1
WANTED—Men to learn to become
practical chauffeurs. We give you
our unlimited s.>o practical comae
now for Jlu. We practice you from
the time you start on repairing ana
driving automobiles until you graduate.
Thirty cents per hour guaranteed as
toon as they t-re competent ui repali
ing private chis. Auto '.transportation
School, i North Cameron street. ,
CIGAR SALESMAN to take charge
of this territory on Popular Little
I lgar. -Must l»c able to finance himself
anu be able to work salesmen, reference
as to ability, etc. Address 1-)., 31-a.
tare of Telegraph. ,
WANTED Plumbers, tlrst-class.
Applv K. J. Flowers, 113 south Thir
teenth street. ;
WANTED Men to cut oIT corn:
$2.50 per acre. Inquire Jednoia r arm, j
Nliddletown, Pa.
$75.00 MONTH paid Railway Mail
Clerks. Examinations announced Janu
ary 15. Sample questions free. Write
Immediately. Franklin Institute Dept.
360 H. Rochester, N. V. j
WANTED First-class paper
hanger. Apply R. E. Trimmer. 19Lv>
state street.
SALESMAN for every county In Cen-
Ira! Pennsylvania to sell FORD owners!
:he only ipechanical guarranteed lli
;ten dollar starter made. Men with
Ford cars preferred, but not neces
sary. John Kelley Co., 1123 Lincoln
Kuiidlng. Philadelphia. 1
WANTED —Two young men to travel
as salesmen; $5 to $6 per day; ex P e '"'"
>nce not necessary. \\ e teach you the |
susiness. Expenses advanced. Appi>
Mr. FarweD, Metropolitan Hotel.
WANTh A colored porter. Apply |
1913 Derry street.
WANTED Experienced bell hoy.
\ppl.v Superintendent Harrisburg club,
front and Market streets. t'it>.
MEN WANTED Ablebodled. unmar
ried men between ages of 18 and 35;
citizens of United Slates, of good char
acter and temperate habits, who can
»peak read and write the English
language. For information apply to
Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building,.
2d & Market Sts„ Harrisburg, Fa. j
WANTED lndustrial insurance
man thigh grade), as Manager for Com
uanv about to open Harrisburg. State
ige'and experience. Very liberal salary
,:?id commission. Address D., 3128, care
WANTED Young men for locomo
tive firemen. Experience unnecessary.
3ive agf. Address R. S.. care of Tele
graph. V I
WANTED Painters wanted. Ap
>l v 310 Strawberry avenue. Gohl &
WANTED. AT ONCE First-class
millwrights. Immediate employment.
Address J. F. Creswell. P. O. Box 264, ,
Lancaster. Pa. or call at Hotel Plaza,
Thursday afternoons or evenings.
WANTED Machinists Lathe,
planer, drill, miller and floor hands.
Jood pay and steady work for compe
tent. reliable men. No labor or other
[roubles. Excellent living conditions,
-hepherd Engineering Company, Wil
liamsport, Pa.
WANTED First-class toolmakers,
'liters, millers, drillers, rlflers, barrel
, tiers, blacksmiths and steam ham
mer men to make drop forges. Also
men for barrel rolling. Address P. O.
Box 264. Lancaster, Pa.
WANTED White woman for house
work in adult family of three; refer
ences required. Call 214 North second
street. third floor apartment.
WANTED Experienced dining
room girl; also cook. Apply 32S North
street. City.
WANTED White girl for general
housework, family of three; no wash
ing; reference required. Inquire 1908
North Second street.
WANTED Girls over 16 to;
strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bunchmakers Packers,
Filler and Binder Strippers. W'el
ta*e looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com
pany, 500 Race street.
WANTED Fifteen bright lady so- I
licitors. guaranteed salary. Apply Jewel i
Tea Co., 269 Broad street.
WASTES A brignt cirl for the
marking and sorting department. Ap
ply. Troy Laundry, 1520-26 Fulton |
WANTED Three good typewriter
operators immediately. Apply to W. H.
Keller. Business Manager of Til.- Office
Training School. Kaufman Building, 4
South Market Square.
neat and accurate; work lieht; short
Hours; salary, six dollars: good oppor
tunity for extra work and advance- '
ment. Address W.. 3130, care of Tele
WANTED An experienced girl for
?eneral housework. Go home nights.
Three In family. No washing or iron
rig. Reference required. Good wages. ;
Address Box W. 3091, care of Telegraph.
Two experienced shoe sales
girls who possess the common
courtesies and carefulness that
make for successful salesman- I
ship. Bowman & Co.
• wftwvwtfwvwivwww •
Enola House
On Your Own
j Terms
1 Lot .10x140 ft. j!
, Two-story frame house withe !
iseven rooms—bath and furnace. i
1 Price. VI <IOO f
i Corner Howard and South Ave-C
■nues, south side of Howard Avenue.J
iloiirnnrc Snretv Bonds 1 !
■ Locust and Court Streets J
WANTED E*oerlenced sewing ma
chine operators on ladles' and chil
dren's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co..
over City Star Laundry. State street,
rear entrance.
WANTED. AT ONCE Experienced
operators to sew canvas gloves; good
I wages. Apply Stcelton Glove Co..
709-11 South Second street. Get off car
j Second and Hoffer streets.
HKLP WANTED—MaIe and Female
WANTED Janitor. middle-aged
white man and wife, without children,
for apartment building. Free rent ot
, three steam-heated rooms and bath and
good wages, with extra pay for woman
if she will help with housework and
i ijo light washing. Good position for
honest, soher. trustworthy couple. Ap
j ply to John Smith, Engineer, Elllott
1-isher Company.
SIT I ATI ON b \V A N TFI)—M ule
WANTED —■ A white man, age 30,
wants position as prirter, or can do
, pressing and repairing of < lothirv* for
club or hotel; willing to do any f.ind of
: work. Address 1634 Catherine street.
WANTED By young colored man,
work of any kind; can give reference,
j Address 1413 Marian street. City.
WANTED Position of any kind
by boy IT years of age. Address 1632
Fulton street. City.
WANTED By young, white man,
i position as chauffeur, prefer Ford, or
! driver of bakery wagon. Call, or ad
dress, 1911 Moltke street.
i WANTED Man wants position
| driving any kind of car. Call, or ad
dress, 123 Liberty.
WANTED Position by experienced
: man to run electrical or steam hoisting
engine. Address 0.. 3.20. care of Tele
| WANTED A woman would like to
I have washing and ironing by the week.
| 1633 Fulton street, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED White woman desires
work of any kind by the day. Apply
| '.'l4 Sarah avenue.
WANTED Position by middle-aged
woman as private chambermaid or gen
eral housework; can furnished refer
ence. Apply _'4lo Jefferson street, or
phone t.3161. City.
WANTED Position as housekeeper
for widower with small family. Ad
, dress H., 3131. care ot Telegraph.
; WANTED - By young, colored wo
! man, general housework or dav's work.
Apply, or address, 31s Mulberry street.
WANTED By colored girl, posi
tion at housecleuning or washing and
I ironing; can give good reference. Ad
dress 1605 Elm street. City.
I WANTED —An experienced white
I girl, IS years of age, would like posi
tion as child's nurse or chambermaid.
Call, or* address, 916 Cowden street,
; City. • I
WANTED' Colored woman and
daughter would like work In private
| family, in city; daughter can wait; good
J reference. Call, or address, 210 North
j Arch street, Mechanicsburg.
NEW HOUSES with steam heat—gas
and electric light— all other modern
improvements desirable location
brick construction. Prices, only $3,100
and $3.2u0. Bell Realty Co., Bergner
| FOR SALE —SO acres, situated
miles from Harrisburg. consisting of
bank barn. 10-room dwelling, all neces
sary outbuildings. Also 40 acres (no
buildings), suitable for general farming
or poultry. For further information
,apply Walter Klingler, 1808 North Sixth
street, Harrisburg.
FOR SALE A large, three-story
frame dwelling, No. 2332 North Sixth
street; 9 large rooms and bath. In
i quire 2334 North Sixth street.
$1,850 WILL BUY house with 7 rooms
and bath. Built two years and occu
| pled by owner. On Hill—new section
bargain. Edgar B. Lerew, 4 North
j Fifth street.
FOR SALE Mlddlo Paxton Town
ship Farm, 100 acres farm land. 6»
icres timber. Good stone house, large
tank barn, wagon shed, etc. Well and
two good springs near house. Fencing
! Tood. Adapted to grain and fruit rais
ing. J. H. Shoop, Attorney, Bergner
DON'T BUY before inspecting ISI 4
Reeina street. It is being offered away
below cost. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South
Thirteenth street.
A valuable North Second street re.si-
I dence. Most desirable residential lo
i cality in city. A bargain. I'ric- and
terms for the asking. Address "Home,"
'care of Harrisburg Telegraph.
FOR SALE Brick house in 1900
| block on Susquehanna street. Good in
' vestment. Only small amount of cash
I needed. For particulars, see Edward
W. Evans, Real Estate and Insurance,
711 Kunkel Building.
FOR SALE House No. 1312
Swatara street; 9 rooms and bath; all
improvements. Can name good price if
sold quickly. Edward W. Evans, Real
Estate and Insurance, 711 Kunkel
FOR SALE Bungalow. Bowman
'AVenue, Camp Hill; 7 rooms and bath;
I ail improvements; excellent location.
Edwaid W. Evans. Real Estate and In
surance, 711 Kunkel Building.
I HAVE thirty lots close to Derry
I street, some on Derry street, that are
| for sale at the l ight price. Will con
sider an exchange for city property. 11.
G. Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE To increase business
i capital will sell modern 7-room Stucco
j house, large porches, reception hall,
open stairway, hardwood floors; oak
linish on first floor, tiled bath, gas and
! electric lights., steam heat, cement
basement witli laundry and lavatorv;
! corner property; plenty of room for
: garage. Can mako interesting propo
' sition for $2,000* cash. Address W,
3115, care of Telegraph.
teen hundred block for sale all lm
' provements good business location.
Now is your time to buy this property.
| Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building.
SIOO CASH will give you possession to
a house now vacant balance can be i
paid as rent. This is an opportunity
to own your property. Bell Realty Co., i
, Bergner Building.
i NEW HOUSES with steam heat—gas
and electric light all other modern 1
improvements desirable location
; brick construction. Prices, only $3,100 i
and $3,200. Bell Realtv Co., Bergner 1
i FOR SALE 1216 Green street, two
i story six-room house; bath; furnace;
i corner property; just finished? grand'*
for small family. Rented at $25.00.
Price, $2,900.
Also. 236 Charles avenue, two-story,
six-room house; bath; furnace; side !
entrance; in good condition. Price,
*1.."00. Rented at sl4. M. A. Fought,
| 272 North street.
For Sale or will exchange su
burban real estate in growing see-'
tion on improved city real estate. I
Address Exchange No. 500. care |
of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Two-story brick house;
soven rooms and bath; all improve
ments; steam heat; electric taud gas;
i window shades; Derry street, Paxtang,
113.00. Call 100 Pax tang avenue.
• I FOR RENT 1316 North Front
' 4 rooms. sls. Inquire 15 South
• Seventeenth. or Bel! phone 2641.
FOIt RKNT-—Klne house nt PaxtHiitf;
. No. 445 South Thirteenth street; small
. no.' . on Prospect street and private
ffarnKe at Kitt »tinn\ and Fourteenth
• strec-Js. A. W. Swengel, 213 South Thlr-
I teenth street.
; FOR RENT 1340 Herr street; 2-
, story brick house; six rooms, pantry
ami bath: steam heat, fcas and electric
1 lights; front porcft; open stairway;
. , $16.50 per month. Call 1616 Green
j street.
I 1 FOR RENT No. 2200 Brook wood
| street. sl6 per month—cozy "home—2la
; story brick—corner—front and rear
j porches—all conveniences. Apply Clas
ter's Jewelery Store. 302 Market street.
j FOR RENT—Only one left of j
• the eij^ht storerooms, corner Ham
; ilton and Third streets. Rent sl2.
I Suitable for any business. Chas.
Adler, Real Estate and Insurance,
1002 North Third street.
| FOR RENT .llO Nectarine street;
' three-story brick house; all improve
| ments; possession at once; $13.50.. Ap
ply 320 Crescent street.
' FOR RENT November 1. la rue i
: ; nicely furnished house on North ;
I Second street. Address A., 30»0. care
| of Telegraph.
i FOR RENT Walnut street '— 8-
■ room house furnace range half
| acre of ground chlckenhouse
,'stable fruU trolley pastes door —
rent. $17.50 during winter, dur
ing summer. H G. Pedlow, 110 South
. Thirteenth street.
I«2S Regina St ' $2.1.00 |
| 161.1 Regina St $20.00 i
! 6.10 Oxford St $16.00 !
I 1847 North St $15.00 I
| 1019 S. 21 H St SIO.OO
Also 3-room apartment 1 512.00
1251 Market St.
15.17 N. Second St $.15.00
I 2414 N. Second St 30.00
I 1614 N. Fifth St IS.OO
Camp Hill, Market St 35.00
! Camp Hill, N. Bowman Ave., fur
nished 35.00 ]
; Camp Hill. N. Bowman Ave 30.00
i Camp Hill, N. Bowman Ave 25.00 j
; Camp Hill, N. E. Cor. Bowman and
Chestnut 22.50 |
Camp Hill, Page St 20.n0
ICamn > i. Cumberland St IS.:>O ,
I Lemoyne, Bosler Ave IS.OO
j Second and Walnut Sts. j
; FOR RENT 2H-story frame house,
I 15 North Thirteenth street; also uyo
storv brick 1251 Walnut street. Apply
A. E. Enders, Penbrook, Pa. Bell phone
I NEW brick house for rent S rooms
land bath bay window porches
! all modern improvem ents possession I
immediately rent. $lB No. 1836
| Logan street. Apply 217 Forster street, j
FOR RENT To reliable, married I
'couple only, desirable house. No. 2138 ,
North Sixth street; newly decorated;
| all conveniences; large yard; two
rooms resq'rved; rent reasonable; ref
erences required.
j FOR RENT 1923 Boas street, 2H
story frame; front and back porches;
improvements; large yard; $13.00 per
per month. Inquire I). B. Hess, 1853
I Park street.
| FOR RENT Six-room houses, with
stables, half mile north of Penbrook.
|at Edgemont. Kent. $6.00. Inquire of
iO. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth street,
j City, or William Brenr.eman, Penbrook. j
i FOR RENT Private apartment. 3 |
1 rooms and bath; also private brick gar- |
i age. Mrs. L. A. Danilridge.
1 FOR RENT Third story apartment, j
well adapted for light housekeeping; I
' steam heat, light and use of bathroom; |
j r.ent reasonable. 1506 State street. I
I FOR RENT Furnished or unfur
nished rooms: use of bath and phone;
reference required. Apply 615 Kelker
j street. „
I ROOMS FOR RENT for light house- I
keeping; steam heat and all improve
ments. Apply Derry Apartments, Four- I
i teenth and Derry streets.
i FOR RENT Furnished front suite, ]
consisting of large livlngroom, witli
bay window, bedroom and private batli,||
j city steam, electric lighting, hardwood)i
iloors; reference required. 218 Pind!
I street.
| WANTED Several gentlemen j
boarders or lodgers; good locality; all I
I conveniences; use of phone. Inquire ]
j 214 Reily street.
j FOR RENT One furnished suite of |
I three rooms; use of bath; kitchenette
j Included, with gas range; city steam
i heated; fronting on Locust street. Ap-j
; ply Penna. Realty & Improvement Co.,
132 Locust street. i
j FOR RENT Large room on second I
I Iloor front; a real home for man and
j wife; hot water system; convenient to
bath; use of phone; also smaller room.
| No. 117 Pine street.
' FOR RENT Attractive room, sec
| ond tloor; electric lights; bath prlvil
-1 eges; young man or lady employed pre
ferred. 121 State street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms
ill tine location; use of bath anil tele
| pnone. Apply at 203 State street.
! FOR RENT Vacancy for one or
I two genetlemen, board if desired, in !
private family. E., 3127, care of Tele
j graph.
j FOR RENT Furnished bedroom,
second floor, next to bath. Apply 142
j Sylvan Terrace.
FOR RENT Two neatly furnished
rooms, with large bay window, front;
each room convenient for one or two
gentlemen. Hoffman Apartments, Fifth
and Market streets. Second Apartment.
I FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
I rooms on second floor, next to bath; !
one front, all Convenicncea, including
I phone; central location. Inquire 1232
I Market street.
FOR RENT A desirable first floor
I office In the Telegraph Building. In-
I quire Superintendent. Business Office
i Telegraph.
WANTED Two or three furnished
rooms, for light housekeeping, for
couple with Infant. Address, stating
particulars, M„ 3121, care of Telegraph.
I __
WANTED—By young couple, steam
heated furnished housekeeping apart
i merit— 'nice location moderate rent.
; State prh e and phone number. Address
i Box S.. 3122, care of Telegraph.
j PRESSING CLI'B outfit wanted. Ap
ply 112 Short street.
[ WANTED Will pay 15 for a small
: or medium sized second-hand, roll-top
j desk. "Desk," care of Telegraph. j
WANTED By young couple, fur- I
nished bedroom, livlngroom and hath; I
central location; moderate price- slate
price and phone number. Address Box
1 H, 3124, care of .Telegraph.
| POSITIVELY highest cash prices paid
1 for Ladles' and Men's < ast-olt good
Clothing and Shoes, also Furniture and
Carpets. Send postul to (36 Herr
1 street. City.
-1—1912, foredoor Crawford Touring.
I—l !> 1 . Little Four Roadster.
1—1913. Regal Touring Car.
I—Michigan Roadster.
All In good condition. Make offer.
Call at Comstock Garage, Mechanlcs
burg, Pa.
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
;'oard and Table Board at 25c each. On#
, these signs will be given with each
elx-tinie order for a classified ad. II
; paid in advance. Inquire at Office of
| Telegraph.
i FOR SALE One National cash reg
ister, two outdoor show cases. French
! plate, marble base; one double set sil
ver-mounted harness, .one Germantown
cut-under carriage, rubber-tired. All
above in good condition. Apply Clas
ter's Jewelry Store, Market street.
i FOR SALE <— Two motorcycles; 4-
H.-P.; one M. & M. and one Ermac; both
in good running order and good tires.
Price. $30.00 each. Call between 5 and
7 P. M. J. 11. Hawkins, 17 Altoona ave
nue, Enola, Pa.
I "
FOR SALE Will sell four Silver
town cord tires, 3-lxl inches for $25.00.
Regular price. $82.15. Bell phone 100.
| FOR SALE A nice store front, with
• large glass windows, shelves, counter
and show case. Prices reasonable. Ap
j ply 508 Molin street, Steelton, Pa.
FOR PALE One 1915 Ford touring
car, in lirst-class condition; price rea
sonable. Call 1616J1 Bell phone. C. D.
Ha.ick, 1418 Swatara street.
passenger Maxwell automobile AI
condition. Address No. 560 Race street.
! FOR SALE One boiler and engine,
two horizontal Ice cream freezers, cans
and tubs, and fancy moulds. 319 Wal
nut street, Harrlsburg, Pa.
FOR SALE CARDS on sal* at tfee
Telegraph Business office.
secured at the Telegraph Business
FOR SALE Scratch Pads new
| eupply —SO for 25c while they last. Ap
ply Job Printing Department .The Tele,
graph Printing Company.
| FOR SALE Fifty sheep. Inquire
jJednota Farm, Middletown, Pa.
LARGE LINE of Automobile Robes,
I Horse Blankets, Trunks, Traveling
! Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Special
| ties; repaired and made to order. Har
j risburg Harness and Supply Company,
j Second and Chestnut.
FOR SALE Restaurant located on
I Market street, doing good business. A
| bargain if sold at once. Good reasons
i for selling. Address D., 3015, care of
! Telegraph.
FOR SALE 1916 Chevrolet
| touring cars and roadsters, one
11914. Model 37 Buiek touring
! car good as nc\V. One new Buick
■ton truck with open express
j body. George I>. Zecli, City Auto
j Garage.
tn<l 117 South Second street. 5,000 gal*
! lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme j
I junllty. All the full line of the Acme i
| make.
FOR RENT Second floor brick
building, suitable for factory or auto
mobile storage; rent for short or long
term; thirty-live hundred feet. Inquire
906 Kunkel Building.
' FOR RENT Large, well-lighted
| suite of offices, second floor on main
| street this city. Write for appoint-
I ment. Address M„ 3132, care of Tele-
I graph.
| FOR RENT Good business loca
tion; 3-story building; larfge store room
l and 4 flats; wi!l rent or sell at a
j bargain: possession given immediately.
Apply S. W. Fitzgerald Real Estate
I Agency. 31" Walnut street.
j I MADE $50.000 in tlve years in the ]
I mall order business, began with $5. :
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea- i
cock. 355 Lockport. N. T.
ANY intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par-
I tlculars. Press Syndicate, 798. Lock.
| nort. N. Y.
work when compared to other firms, the
| reason is that we are Interested In you
| personally and want you to look well
j dressed, the way to do this. Is to send
your clothes to us for renovating, our
i methods are the best and give perfect
I satisfaction. West End Cleaning and
Dying, 1527 North Third street; Bell
j phone 717 W.
I FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
, street. Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
| 1960.
have a motorcycle you want to dispose
of quickly, better try our service. Key
stone Garage, 814 N. 3rd street. Bell
phone 266-R.
R. A. HAIITMAN, Hoarding Stable and
I National Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul*
Ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Eell phone Nt
2503 R.
WE LEND MONEY In amounts from
I $5.00 to $300.00 in compliance with act
of June 17, 1915.
j Payments to suit borrower.
Small loans a specialty.
Up-to-date method.
| Positively lowest rates In city.
| 132 Walnut Street
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
security in any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower Address P. O
I Rnv TTarrloburg. Pa.
rooms for household goods, $2 per
month and up. We Invite inspection. I
Low insurance. 437-445 South Second
street. Harrlsburg Storage Company.
la S-story brick building, rear 44H
Market utreet.
Household goods In rlean. private |
rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply te ;
r. G. Ulenvr, Jeweler. 4<IS Market St I
6TORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms. $1 to $3 Wagons. 76 cents 1
per month. Apply D. Cooper * Co.. j
Broad street P.oth uhoiioa
1 wish to extend their thanks to their
j friends and neighbors for the kindness
I shown them during the illness and
death of their dear, beloved wife and
I NOTICE Letters of administration
lon the Estate of Mary F. Wilson, late
of Harrlsburg. Dauphin county. Pa., de
ceased, having beer, granted to the un
dersigned residing In Harrlsburg, all
persons Indebted to said Estate are re
queste' to make immediate payment,
and I one having claims will present!
them lor settlement to
j Specialties in War Group Re
[i cede From One to Almost
Three Points
By Associated Press
New York. Oct. 15.—Declines far I
outnumbered advances in to-day's
early dealings, the list manifesting a
continuance of yesterday's reactionary
trend. Rails, like St. Paul, New Ha
ven. Chesapeake and Ohio and North
ern Pacific, were lower by material
fractions to 1% points, while special
ties in the war group, such as Baldwin
Locomotive. Continental Can and Re
public Steel, receded 1 to almost 3
points. These losses were partly off
set by moderate gains in Westing
house, Lackawanna Steel, American
Woolen and American Can, while
South Porto Rico Sugar rose 19 points
to the new high record of 150. Sec
ondary prices showed general im
New York, Oct, 15.
Open. High. Low. Clos.
Alaska G M 33 33 32% 32%
AUls-Chal . 43% 43% 42% 42%
Am Bt Sug 67% 68 67 67
Am Can .. 65% 65% 64 64
| Air. CH F. 83% 86% 83 84
Am Cot Oil 58% 60 58% 58%
Am Loco . 66% 67 66% 66%
•Am Smelt. 91% 95% 91%, 93%
l Am Sugar. 112% 113% 112 112%
Am T& T. 121% 125 124% 124%
, Anaconda . 75% 76% 74% 75
i Atchison .. 106 106% 105% 106
Baldwin .. 125% 125% 122% 123%
B & O 91% 92 91% 91%
Beth Steel . 474 477 473 4'?7
Bklyn RT. 87% 88% 87% 87%
Cal Petro. . 19% 19% 19% 19%
Can Pacific li>4% 165% 164 164 %
Cent Leath 53 54% 53 53
t 1 & 0 56'/« 57 56% 56%
C, M&St P 90% 911/4 90% 90%
C, R1& P. 23 23 19% 20%
C Con Cop. 49% 50 49 49%
ColF&l.. 57 57% 55% 55 %
Dist Sec .. 36 36 35% 35%
B"e 33% 34% 33% 34%
Erie Ist pfd 53% 54 53% 53%
Gen E Co.. 177 180 % 177 179
' | Goodrh BF 78% 78% 76 76%
iGt Nor pfd 121% 121% 121% 121%
Gt N Ore s 48 48% 48 48%
, Insp Cop . . 43% 44% 43 43
In-Met 23% 23% 23% 23%
iC, Gt W pfd 34% 34%
In-Met pfd 80 % 80% 79% 79%
,K CSo ... 27% 27% 27% 27%
(Lehigh Valy 75 76 75 75
Max Mot.. 61% 62 61 61 %
Mex Petro. 91% 93% 91% 91 %
> Miami Cop. 34% 34% 33% 33%
Mo Pac .. 4%' 5 3% 5
Nat eLad.. 66% 67 66% 66%
N Y Cent.. 99 100 99 99%
NY.NH& H 81% 83% 81% 82%
NY.O & W 30 30% 29 29
Nor & W. . 45% 45% 45% 45%
North Pac. 11l 111% 110% 110%
1 Penn Rail. 57% 57% 57% 57%
•Pitts C... 41 41% 40% 40%
Pitts C pd. 113% 113% 113% 113%
Press SC.. 70% 71% 70% 71
Rail S 5... 48% 48% 47% 47%
Ray CC... 26% 26% 25% 25%
Reading .. 77% 78% 77% 77%
• Rep 15... 53 53% 53 53 %
1 South Pac. 96% 97% 96% 96%
1 South Ry.. 20 20% 20 20%
South Rpd 60% 60% 59 59
Studebaker. 161 161 159 160
Tenn Cop.. 67% 68% 66 66%
Third Ave. 66% 66% 62% 62%
Union Pac. 134% 135% 134% 134%
U S Rub.. 54% 54% 53% 53%
IT S Steel.. 82% 83% 82% 82%
U S Stl pd. 114% 114% 114% 114%
1 Utah Cop.. 70% 70% 69% 70
Vir-Car C.. 42% 44% 42% 43%
West Md.. 32% 33 32% 33
West U Tel 78% 78% 78 78
I West Mfg.. 67% 71% 67% 69%
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Oct. 15. Wheat
Higher; No. 2, red, September, $1.15%
®1.16%; No. 2, Southern, red, sl.ll%Ci
Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow,
local, 74 075 c; steamer, No. 2. yellow,
local, 74®75c; steamer. No. 2. yellow,
73 ft# 74c.
Onts Steady; No. 2, white, 44045 c;
No. 3, white, 39@40c.
Bran—The market is steady; city
mills, per ton, $24.00; western do., none
here; Spring, per ton, $22.50®23.00.
Refined Sugars Market steady;
powdered, 5.00 c; fine granulated, 4.90 c;
confectioners' A, 4.80 c.
Butter Market quiet; western,
creamery, extra, 29c; nearby prints,
and fancy, 32c.
Eggs Market quiet, but steady;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases, $9.00 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $8.40 per case;
western, extras, $9.00 per case; do.,
firsts, free cases, $8.40 per case.
Live Poultry—Market lower; fowls.
14015 c; old roosters. ll@12c; broil
ing chickens, 16017 c; Spring chickens.
14ij® 15c; Spring ducks, 14®15c; old
ducks, 13® 15c.
Dressed Poultry Market steady;
fresh killed fowls, fancy, 19>,4@20c;
average, 17%018%c; do., unattractive,
average, 15017 c; do., roosters, 13% c; do.
broiling chickens, nearby. 22®26c;
broiling chickens, western, 15®21c;
Spring chickens, western, 14@20c;
Spring ducks, nearby, 16®17o; do.,
western, 10012 c; ice packed fowls, lb
® 19c.
Potatoes Market firm; Penn
sylvania. fancy, per bushel. 75@78c;
Pennsylvania, fair to good, per bushel.
6a® 70c; ersey. No. 1, per basket, 40®
50c; Jersey, No. 2, per basket, 20®25c.
Flour—The market is firm; winter,
clear, new, $4.6004.90; do straight, new,
$5.00@5.20; do., patent, new, $5.25®
5.50; Kansas clear, new. jute sacks,
$4.90®5.10; do straight, $55.2005.60; do
patent, $5.50®5.75. Spring, first, clear,
new, $4.6504.90; do straight, new,
$5.00®5.25; do., patent, new, $5.4005.60;
do., patent, old. $6.35 <&> 7.10; do., favorite
brands, $6.00®6.50.
Hav—Quiet, hut firm; No. 1, large,
bales, $20.00(3)20.50; medium bales.
$19.50®20.00; No. 2. do., $18.50®519.00;
No. 3 do.. $16.00® 17.00; light mixed,
, slß.oo® 18.50; No. 1. do.. $17.00017.60;
No. 2. do.. $14.00015.00.
TO HIRE —Masquerade costumes and
I full ifress suits; also full lot of hair
goods, including wigs, beards, etc. Ap
ply Brenner's, 424-426 Wqlnut, or Bell
| phone 1251 J. •
NOTICE Is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to the Governor
■of the State of Pennsylvania on No
vember 1. 1915. by Ernest Williams.
Margaret Williams. Roland C. Wal
lower and Nora G. Wallower, under the
Act of Assembly of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An
Act to provide for the Incorporation
and Regulation of Certain' Corpor
ations," approved April 29, 1S <4, and the
supplements thereto, for the charter of
an Intended corporation to be called
"Wiliams and Wallower, Incorporated."
the character and object of which is de
signing, drawing, engraving, electro
typing. writing, placing and printing
advertisements, buying and selling ad
vertising literature, and services of all
kinds pertaining to Illustrative and
constructive cataloging, and for these
purposes to have, possess and enjov
I all the rights, benefits and privileges
of the said Act of Assembly and its
I supplements.
By Associated Hrtm
Philadelphia. Oct. 16. Stocks closed
Cambria Steel #7%
General Asphalt 32 '
General Asphalt, Pfd 70
Lake Superior Corporation 9
Lehigh Navigation 77
Valley 74 5 «
Pennsylvania Railroad 57
Pennsylvania Steel 90
Pennsylvania Steel, Pfd 92V4
Philadelphia Electric 25
Philadelphia Company 47
Philadelphia Company. Pfd 36
Philadelphia Rapid transit 13\
Reading 77\
Storage Battery 71
Fnlon Traction 41 Va
I nniteil Gas Improvement 86%
U. S. Steel 82H
Warwick Iron and Steel 10V?
By Associated Press
Chicago. 111.. Oct. 15 Hogs Re
ceipts. 13,000; tlrin. Hulk of sales. $8.25
<18.85: IlKht, SB.OOCq 8.85; mixed, iS.OS<&»
8.90: heavy, $7.95 & 8.90; rough. $7.95®
8.15; pigs, $5.00@7.60.
Cattle Receipts, 2,000; weak. Na
tive beef steers. western
steers, $6.60ffi8.65; cows and heifers,
12.80w8.26; calves. $7.75«11.50.
Sheep Receipts, 6,000; steady.
Wethers, $6.00@7.00; lambs, $6.75.
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., Oct. 15. Board of
Trade closing:
Wheat—December, 1.08; May. 1.08%.
Corn—December, 69V4; May, 60%.
Oats—December, 39■ A; May, 39%.
Pork—December, 15.00; January,
Lard—November, 9.45; January, 9.42.
Ribs—January, 9.42.
Four persons arretted last night oil
a charge of raising a disturbance at the
Pennsylvania Railroad Station were
heard by Mayor John K. Royal this af
ternoon. They gaves their names as
George Churchill, Tim Callahan, Alva
Clark and Ruth Hall.
To-day I would say without hesita
tion that the submarine has not re
|piaced the battleship as the principal
factor in war at sea. Taking it In its
existing stage of development, a sub
mersible vessel is useful for certain
purposes only. It cannot yet be called
sea-going or sea-keeping, it is not fast;
I and it is extremelyi vulnerable. Al
ready devices for its destruction are
multiplying; the aeroplane or dirigible
can see it well below the surface; the
net, the mine field, the destroyer are
all being used to oppose it, and a new
"type of armed patrolboat is being
built for the purpose of watching the
sea's surface for signs of the me
chanical whale that must come up.
Submarine signals, also, although now
in the infancy of development will
doubtless soon be able to detect the
presence of moving submarines and
give accurately their direction and dis
It would be, of course, not unreason
able to suppose that, while the weap
ons for the destruction of underwater
craft are being perfected, the !m-|
provement of the submarine itself will j
Fourth and Emerald Streets
The most desirable section in Harrlßburg for residential purposes.
Clean and healthful. New ideas in Home Building;. Ideal Surroundings.
Small prices and accommodations furnished to well meaning, business
like people, that will SHKL<F forever the PAY RENT question.
Now in Course of Construction
Make appointment for interview about this extraordinary oppor
tunity with
Rettew & Bushnell
1000 North Third St.
Sales Agents, or P. VANDERLOO, Sales Manager
| INSURANCE—No risk too large or too small.
at legal rates for individuals pressed by
lack of funds to meet immediate necessi
ties. Repayable in small weekly or
monthly instalments.
Loan & Investment Co.
204 Chestnut Street
Licensed by and under the supervision
of the State Banking Department
Office Hours: 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Daily. Wednesday
and Saturday evenings until 3 o'clock
/ "
Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate Thursday, October 21, 1915
A very desirable Three-story Brick House, West Main street. Mechan-
Icsburg. Pa. The ground plot of the building and the side lawns have a
frontage of 118 feet and a depth of 280 feet. The house
feet from building line, this space being occupied by a porch, lawnf terrace
and pavement. A driveway, leading to the brick stable in the rear,
borders the western lawn. The house contains 14 rooms, bathroom ap
pliances, hardwood finish, ash and cherry, gas lighting and steam heating.
I It Is one of the most desirable locations In the burg- A visit of Inspec
tion Is most cordlully extended. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M.
I ADAM ORKIS, Mechanicrsburg, Pa.
' v '
= '«!
continue. Without doubt Its size will
Increase, Its engines, both surface and
subsurface, Rain In horse power and
resulting speed. Its radius action
grow and its seaworthiness improve.
I have said nothing of the dlacomfort
of the officers and men on the present
day vessels, nor of the well known fact
that the propelling and operating me
chanism is in such an experimental
stage that frequent accidents occur;
these arc the evils of any new ap
paratus—witness the automobile of
fifteen years ago. But the time is not
far distant when the "habltabillty"
and safety from mishaps will make
submarines as dependable as any
other highpowered, complicated vessel
of war. Two deterring factors will
probably always be present In its de
velopment; the inability to see under
water, and the necessity of coming to
surface at short intervals.
The submarine has come to stay. It
has taken Its place, not as the sole
weapon in naval offense and defense,
but as an adjunct to other weapons.
That it is useful for coast defense, for
commerce destroying, for scouting
purposes, and as a part of the protec
tion and attacking power of a battle
ship fleet Is established. Assistant
Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, in the North American Re
One of the fundamental blunders of
modern religious work and teaching is
the failure to recognize the fact that ,
human beings, young or old, do not
naturally like God and God's ways. To
plan out a religious program on the
assumption that they do is to make a
bee-line for failure. If it were true
that people naturally loved God and
his ways, Jesus, would never have
said: "Ye must be bom again." The
fundamental and primary need for all
Christian work is a new heart, a heart
that loves Good, that loves the thought
of God, that delights in the ways of
We are bound to fail when we un
dertake to do heavenly things in
earthly strength.
There is no need to try to reach the
goal of success unless we start here.
Every other start is a false start on a
mistaken path.—Christian Herald.
To Ronsekeeperm. Work
tngmen and Salaried Em.
Room 21 4th Floor
Spoonrr BnOdlng
■l — J