Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 13, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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    A Telegraph Wait Ad Will Qnickly lent Hat Yacait Room
SHil.EK—Rev. George Slgler. aged 81
Funeral Friday afternoon. 2 o'clock,
('hurch of God. Mechanicsburg.
<#HiORY William H. Gregory
after a lingering Illness, aged 58
Funeral services will be held Fri
day morning, at 11 o clock, from his
late residence. 1421 North second
street. Services and burial pri\ate^
BOYER —On Monday, October 11.
1915, Edward Boyer.
Funeral on Tliursdav morning. at
10:30 o'clock, from his late residence.
213 Pine street. The relatl v e«
friends are invited to attend without
further notice.
LOST Saturday, on North Third
street, or Market street, . nea
gold hunting-case watch, Ruckn rd
movement. Jewelers name. c. J* .
Kohr, Lebanon. Pa., on face of waten.
Also black ribbon fob. Reward if re
turned to Telegraph Office.
LOST Harrisburg Club certificate
of indebtedness, No. 84. Reward. Ad
dress P. O. Box 295, City.
LOST A gold watch. Sunday even
ine between Second and State ann
Third and Market strets. Monograni
on watch, E. M. W. Reward If retuined
to 1625 Swatara street. _
LOST This morning, a 9*
glasses, in case marked Dr. J. W. Park.
Please return to 926 North Third
street and receive reward.
FOUND The best results have
found by the ladies who had their Suits
and Coats remodeled to the latest style
by the Ladies' Tailor. H. L. Powell, 9.5
North Third street. Estimates free.
FOUND That Eggerfs Steam Dye
ing & French Cleaning Wo!
Market St.. do the very beß. work In
the city. Call either phone for 'roof.
We call and deliver.
WANTED —Men to learn to become
practical chauffeurs. We K' ve ,
our unlimited SSO practical couise
now for S4O. We practice you from
the time you start on repairing and
driving automobiles until you graduate.
Thirty cents per hour guaranteed as
soon as they are competent of r cP al '-
ing private cars. Auto Transportation
School, 5 North Cameron street.
CIGAR SALESMAN to take charge
of this territory on Populai kfttle
i'icar. Must be able to llnance nimsiii
and be able to work salesmen, reference
as to ability, etc. Address D.. 31.5.
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Energetic, ambitious,
young man for delivery and store
work; only gilt-edge need apply. 8-1
Walnut street.
WANTED— Married man, sober, well
recommended, for janitor and hostler.
Apply Thursday evening, Gardner A:
Baptisti, Third and Chestnut streets.
WANTED Experienced driver for
wholesale cake wagon. Apply C.
Fembaugli, 1631 North Sixth street.
to get. My free booklet, BY., 372, tells
how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop
kins, Washington, D. C. .
Ajt EN WANTED Ablebodled, unmar
ried men between ages of 18 and 35;
citizens of United States, of good char
acter and temperate habits, who can
.4Peak. read and write the English
language. For information apply to
Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building,
2d & Market Sts.. Harrisburg, it.
$75.00 MONTH paid Railway Mail
Clerks. Examinations announced Janu
ary 15. Sample questions free. Write
Immediately. Franklin Institute Dept.
360 H, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED An experienced butcher
to drive meat wagon. Apply 226 Chest
nut street.
WANTED Young men for locomo
tive firemen. Experience unnecessary,
(jive age. Address 11. S., care of Tele
WANTED Painters wanted. Ap
ply 310 Strawberry avenue. Golil &
WANTED A first-class butcher,
one who can drive a wagon; must be
sober and honest. Address 8., 3135,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Paperhangers wanted.
Apply A. M. Blake. 225 North Second
WANTED. AT ONCE First-class
millwrights. Immediate employment.
Address J. F. Creswell, P. O. Box 204,
Lancaster, Pa., or call at Hotel Plaza,
Thursday evenings.
WANTED Machinists Lathe,
planer, drill, miller and floor hands.
Good pay and steady work for compe
tent, reliable men. No labor or other
troubles. Excellent living conditions.
Shepherd Engineering Company, Wll
liamsport, Pa.
WANTED First-class toolmakers,
profilers, millers, drillers, rlfiers, barrel
turners, blacksmiths and steam ham
mer men to make drop forges. Also
men for barrel rolling. Address P. O.
Box 264. Lancaster. Pa.
WANTED Experienced saleslady
and waitress; reference required. Ap
ply Tlioriey's Tea Room, 231 North Sec
ond street.
WANTED White girl for general
housework; family of three; no wash
ing; reference required. Inquire 1908
North Second street.
Private Lessons In Short
Hand, Typewriting: Dicta
tion, Penmanship, Etc.
At class instruction rates for students
who want Direct Results. You want
thai kind. Open periods now and then.
Write, or call, to-day for Information.
Merle E. Kfller, Kaufman Bldg., 4
South Market Square. Bell phone 694 R.
WANTED White girl for general
housework; small, new house; family
of three. 522 Spruce street, Steelton,
WANTED Eyoerlenoed sewing ma
chine operators on ladles' and chil
dren's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co.,
over City Star Laundry, State street
rear entrance.
17 Acres
4 miles southeast of Bowmans
dale. Sand-stone soli.
7 acres second-growth timber—
-10 acres cultivated.
19 bearing a pole trees.
150 young ai**!e trees.
850 two-year-old peach.
7 cherry—7 plum.
30 grape vines.
9,000 strawberry plants.
7.000 raspberry plants.
Six-room frame house.
Frame flat barn.
Insurance Surety Bonds
Locust and Court Streets
WANTED A bright girl for the
marking and sorting: department. Ap
ply. Troy Laundry, 1520-26 Fulton
WANTED An experienced girl for
general housework; two In family. good
wages; on Allison Hill. Address A.,
.'ill6, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Girls over 16 to
strip tobacco. Also experienced'
Rollers, Bunchmakcrs Packers,
Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel
fare looked after by trained nnrse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com
pany, 500 Race street.
WANTED White woman to wash
Saturday mornings; must be good
washer. Call Bell phone No. 36;!0R.
WANTED Young lady steno
grapher, neat appearance, to work in
busy office; salary to start. $5.00 per
week; state age and experience. Ad
dress J. H.. P. O. Box 702.
WANTED An experienced girl for
general housework. Go home nights.
Three in family. No washing or Iron
ing. Reference required. Good wages.
Address Box W. 3091, care of Telegraph.
ALTERATION hands wanted on
coats, skirts and dresses: steady po
sitions to experienced hands. Ap
ply at once to Robinson's Woman
Shop, 20 North Fourth street.
WANTED Extra salesladies for
Saturday and Mondays in Millinery De
partment. Apply to Astrich's, Fourth
and Market streets.
WANTED Stenographer and book
keeper. Must be efficient. Apply
Winter Piano Co., 23 Nurth Fourth
street, City, between 6 and 8 o'clock
Wednesday evening. October 13.
WANTED Several ladies over 25
years of age, to take orders; carfare
paid out of town; splendid proposition
with good commission. Apply between
6 and 8 Thursday evening to 23 South
Fourth street, second Hoor.
Two experienced shoe sales
girls who possess the common
courtesies and carefulness that
make for successful salesman
ship. Bowman & Co.
WANTED, AT ONCE Experienced
operators to sew canvas gloves; good
wages. Apply Steelton Glove Co.,
709-11 South Second street. Get oft car
Second and Hoffer streets.
HELP WANTED—MaIe an<l Female
WANTED Janitor, iniddle-aged
white man and wife, without children,
for apartment building. Free rent of
three steam-heated rooms and bath and
good wages, with extra pay for woman
if she will help with housework and
do light washing. Good position for
honest, sober, trustworthy couple. Ap
ply to John Smith, Engineer, Elliott-
Fisher Company.
Requires the services of a local repre
sentative in Harrisburg and vicinity.
Tli> man must be a good salesman with
a clean record, capable of presenting
an advertising and merchandising
proposition to businessmen and manu
facturers. Exclusive territory to the
right man. This is an excellent open
ing to an energetic worker. Write Mr.
S. P. Stearns, Columbus Hotel, stating
age, experience, etc.; also give phone
where you can be reached at once.
WANTED Young man, good edu
cation, desires position where Industri
ous work will lead to advancement;
three years' drafting experience; best
of reference. Address Q2. care of Tele
WANTED Man wants position
driving any kind of car. Call, or ad
dress, 123 Liberty.
WANTED Position by experienced
man to run electrical or steam hoisting
engine. Address O. 3120, care of Tele
WANTED By young colored boy,
17 years old, work around store or
house. Address 1201 Capital street, City.
WANTED Colored girl desires po
sition at general housework or day's
work, plain cooking. Call, or write,
318 Mulberry street.
WANTED White woman, with ex
perienced, would like position in pri
vate family as cook; best of reference.
Address X., 31177 care of Telegraph.
WANTED Woman, experienced,
wants position as first or second cook.
Address 1917 Moltke avenue. City.
WANTED Curtains to wash and
stretch. 25c a pair. 823 Susquehanna
WANTED A woman would like to
have washing and ironing by the week.
1633 Fulton street, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED By colored woman, day's
work to help In kitchen. Address 338
Cherry avenue, City.
WANTED Middle-aged American
woman wishes position of assisting
with housework or dishwashing; refer
ences exchanged. Call, or address.
Boiling Springs, Box 71, R. F. D., No. 1.
WANTED Honest, reliable house
keeper wants place with small adult
family or widower; I have little girl
7 years; can give best of city reference.
Address P. O. Box 101, Wagner, Mifflin
county, Pa.
WANTED Colored woman desires
general housework. Call, or address,
1207 Apple street.
WANTED Young lady, with ex
perience in office work, desires position;
l'air knowledge of stenography; refer
ences. Call Bell phone 2282 between 9
and 12 A. M. and 2 and 5 P. M.
WANTED Position as housekeeper
by middle-aged white woman for
widower or bachelor, in or out of city;
can give best of reference. Address
0., 3138, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Youny woman wishes
position as housekeeper for refined gen
tleman In refined location; references
exchanged. Address 8., 3113, care of
WANTED Position as cook by
white woman; can furnish reference.
Address H., 3101, care of Telegraph. ,
I SIOO CASH will give you possession to
| a house now vacant balance can be
| paid as rent. This Is an opportunity
Ito own your property Bell Realty Co.,
| Bergner Building.
I FOR SALE 216 Pine stret. Lot
i about 24 ft. front, back to South street.
I Room on South street for garage. Three
; story brick house, two baths, city steam
I heat. 14 rooms. Call 559J Bell phone or
I at house for terms.
NEW HOUSES with steam heat—gas
and electric light— all other modern
improvements desirable location
brick construction. Prices, only $3,100
and $3,200. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner
FOR SALE BO acres, situated 7%
miles from Harrisburg. consisting of
bank barn, 10-room dwelling, all neces
sary outbuildings. Also 40 acres (no
i buildings), suitable for general farming
or poultry. For further Information
'apply Walter Kllngler, 1808 North Sixth
street. Harrisburg.
FOR SALE A large, three-story
frame dwelling, No. 2332 North Sixth
street; 9 large rooms and bath. In
quire 2334 North Sixth street.
teen hundred block for sale all im-
Rrovements good business location.
ow Is your time to buy this property.
Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building.
Completely Furnished
House For Sale at
Big Bargain
Owner Leaving City
New modern 8-room house on
Green street, near Mac lay. Includ
ing brand new furniture In par
lor, dlnlngroom, kitchen and bed
rooms. Owner must leave city
and will sell at big sacrifice to
quick buyer. Immediate posses
sion. For particulars apply to
C. L. LONG, Room 701
Kunkel Building
$1,850 WILL BUY house with 7 rooms
and bath. Built two years and occu
gied by owner. On Hill—new section—
argaln. Edgar B. Lerew, 4 North
Fifth street.
NOT far from the business section,
yet a most pleasant residence for sale
—brick all improvements porch
side entrance. Inspect it. No. 138
North Thirteenth street. Bell Really
Co., Bergner Building.
DON'T BUY before Inspecting 1814
Resrina street. It is being offered awav
below cost. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South
Thirteenth street.
I HAVE thirty lots close to Derry
street, some on Derry street, that are
for sale at the right price. Will con
sider an exchange for city property. H.
G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE To increase business
capital will sell modern 7-room Stucco
house, large porches, reception hall,
open stairway, hardwood floors; oak
finish on first floor, tiled bath, gas and
electric lights,, steam heat, cement I
basement with laundry and lavatory;
corner property; plenty of room for
garage. Can make interesting propo
sition for $2,000 cash. Address W„
FOR SALE 1216 Green street, two
story six-room house; bath; furnace:
corner property; just finished; grand
for small family. Rented at $25.00.
Price, $2,900.
Also. 236 Charles avenue, two-story,
six-room house; bath; furnace; side
entrance; In good condition. Price,
$1,500. Rented at sl4. M. A. Fought,
272 North street.
FOR SALE Middle Paxton Town
ship Farm, 100 acres farm land, 60
acres timber. Good stone house, large
bank barn, wagon shed, etc. Well and
two good springs near house. Fencing
good. Adapted to grain and fruit rais
ing. J. H. Shoop, Attorney, Bergner
(140) acres ($3,500) forty (woodland)
chestnut, oak /and locust, flowing
(spring) water near fine set palnteil
buildings. White and Drab double
homo with long porches, hardwood fin
ished, water on porch, new wagon house
and large bank barn. All kinds choice
fruit. Beautiful Location mile (and)
half to market. (Death) owned for (28)
years. With fine young team horses (5)
cows (10) hogs (80) chickens, hay,
straw, oats, potatoes and corn—Left
alone, only ($4,200).
(32) acres ($1,200) spot cash ($1,100)
terms ($600) cash, balance easy pay
ments. Nobby Home, bank barn, spring
water flowing past buildings between
two Public Roads handy to Good
Nei-iibors, school, church, (mile) to
Trolley Line and (2) large City Market.
Apples, pears, cherries, peaches, plums,
quinces, grapes. With (young) horse,
dandy (cow) and (3) hogs (40) chick
ens (50) bushel corn (20) oats (10) po
tatoes (3) ton hay and straw If pur
chased at once only ($1,300).
(84) acres ($3,300) terms ($1,800)
cash. On Main Road (3) mile to one
market and (6) to City Market busi
ness population (20,000) people. (At)
Cross Roads where school (and)
church. Telephone in (8) room home,
large bank barn (2) wagon houses (all
painted) In Good Order. With match
team horses age (6) weigh (2,400) ana
(.1) cows (8) hogs (70) chickens (10)
ton hay (14) ton straw, new mounted
harness and farm wagon—sacrificed
(want) money at once only ($3,900)
spot cash.
Danville Phonehours Sunbury
Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings.
NEW HOUSES generally look good
to a wise purchaser. Steam heat and
electric light are very desirable fea
tures. Also location, construction, ana
most of all—a reasonable price. Par
ticulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner
Near Harrisburg,
Are you interested in getting a home?
Where you have enough land for Gar
den, Fruit and Poultry? With both city
and country advantages? 5c car fare.
Call, write or phone.
Bell Phone 2894. S. M. Gingrich,
C. V. Phone 633 Y. 201 Bergner Bldgr.
FOR SALE Block of suburban lots,
located along Linglestown trolley line,
or will exchange on improved city real
estate. Apply 711 Kunke! Building, or
Bell phone 3624 J.
FOR RENT—Only one left of
the eight storerooms, corner Ham
ilton and Third streets. Rent sl2.
Suitable for any business. Chas.
Adler, Real Estate and Insurance,
1002 North Third street.
FOR RENT Furnished or unfur
nished rooms; use of bath and phone;
reference required. Apply 615 Kelker
FOR RENT 1316 North Front
street, 7 rooms, sls. Inquire 15 South
Seventeenth, or Bell phone 2641.
FOR RENT 3lO Nectarine street;
three-story brick house; all Improve
ments; possession at once; $13.50.. Ap
ply 320 Crescent street.
FOlt RENT Walnut street -
room house furnace range half
acre of ground chickenhouse
stable fruit trolley passes door—
rent, $17.50 during winter, $18.50 dur
ing summer. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South
Thirteenth street.
FOR RENT Six-room houses, with
stables, half mile north of Penbrook,
at Edgemont. Rent, $6.00. Inquire of
G. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth street.
City, or William Brentieman, Penbrook.
FOR RENT Eight-room, brick
' dwelling. Bay windows front and rear.
No. 406 Crescent street. Rent, $18.50.
■ Immediate possession. Apply Penna.
' Realty & Imp. Co., 132 Locust street.
FOR RENT House No. 2215 Atlas
1 street; practically new; all modern Im
' provements; elegantly papered; rent
reasonable. Apply John S. Dapp. 271
Broad street, for Frank B. Wlcker
, sliam.
i FOR RENT Private apartment. 3
i rooms and bath: nlso private brick gar
age. Mrs. L. A. Dandrldge.
FOR RENT—227 North Second street,
second floor apartment, 5 rooms and
bath; all modern Improvements, steam
heat, electric and gas, cemented stor
uge room, use of cellar. Apply Miss
C. J. Opperman.
FOR RENT A Housekeeping
Apartment, four rooms and bath, also
s-torage locker, steam heated. Imme
diate possession. Rent, $30.00. Apply
I'eiuia. Realty & Imp. Co., 132 Loucust
FOR RENT —• Large, second floor
front room, with two brass beds, close
to bath; also back room; with private
family; centrally located; all ronveni
enees; city steam. Address F., 2696,
care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Mother and daughter
have two unfurnished rooms for rent.
261 Peffer street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec
ond floor front room; good location;
city steam: suitable for two gentlemen.
715 North Third street.
ROOMS FOR RENT for light house
keeping; steam heat and all improve
ments. Apply Derry Apartments, Four
teenth and Derry streets.
FOR RENT Large, nicely furnish
ed front bedroom; private family; all
conveniences. Bell phone. Call 812
Green street.
FOR RENT Furnished front suite,
consisting of large llvlngroom, with
bay window, bedroom and private bath,
city steam, electric lighting, hardwood
floors; reference required. 218 Pine
FOR RENT Two large, unfurnish
ed front rooms; city steam; electric
light; use of phone. 211 Forster street.
Call after 4:30 P. M.
FOR RENT Attractive room, sec
ond floor; electric lights; bath privil
eges; young man or lady employed pre
ferred. 121 State street.
FOR RENT Two neatly furnished
rooms, with large bay window, front;
each room convenient for one or two
gentlemen. Hoffman Apartments, Fifth
and Market streets. Second Apartment.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
rooms on second floor, next to bath;
one front, all conveniences, Including
phone; central location. Inquire 1232
Market street.
FOR RENT • A desirable first floor
office in the 'telegraph Building. In
quire Superintendent, Business Office
WANTED Two or three furnished
rooms, for light housekeeping, for
couple with infant. Address, stating
particulars, M., 3121, care of Telegraph.
<29 BROAD STREET Built especl
aly for light housekeeping, single or
with kitchenettes; arrangements
strictly private; stoves furnished free;
laundry, phone and bathroom privi
leges; lockers for surplus furniture.
1321-23 Wallace street; remodeled
and newly papered throughout; ar
rangements, two rooms and a kitchen
with running water, range and cabinet.
Daily Inspection invited. Inquire on
premises, or 107 Boas street. Phone
779 M.
WANTED Board and room in pri
vate family for one or three gentle
men. Answer, stating price, etc. Ad
dress C., 3137, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Board by young couple
with infant, private family; husband
travels; state full particulars. Box H,
3136, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Ford Roadster, late
model; chasses must be in first-class
condition; lowest cash price. Address
2003 North Sixth street. Bell phone
3537 M.
WANTED. AT ONCE A trunk, in
good condition, from a clean, private
family. Apply, or address, H. K.. 18
North Third street. City, third floor
WANTED By young couple, fur
nished bedroom, livingroom and bath;
central location; moderate price; state
price and phone number. Address Box
H, 3124, care of Telegraph.
POSITIVELY highest cash prices paid
for Ladies' and Men's cast-off good
Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and
Carpets. Send postol to 636 Herr
street, City.
FOR SAI E A good Chickerlng
piano. Will sell cheap. Call, or ad
dress, 112 South Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE One 1915 Ford touring
car, In first-class condition: price rea
sonable. Call 1616J1 Bell phone. C. D.
Hauck, 1418 Swatara street.
One electric vacuum cleaner, one three
burner gas plate, one white enameled
Iron bed, good as new. 1847 Reglna
FOR SALE Double heater in good
condition. Will sell cheap. Address
1910 Penn street, City.
FOR SALE One heater; also one
Singer sewing machine, with motor at
tached, or without; also one motor,
special for running sewing machine.
Call No. 2 or 24 North Fifteenth street.
FOR SALE USed safe. Inside
measurement. 18 Inches by 20 inches by
10 Inches. Harrlsburg Rendering and
Hide Co., Eleventh and Walnut streets.
WE have on hand 3 shopworn, high
grade Bicycles—must be sold this
week. A rare chance. Excelsior Mo
torcycle Works, No. 8 South Market
FOR SALE 5325 Bauer & Sons up
right piano, mahogany, will be sold for
$l3O cash, if sold this week. Address
J. W. R., care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Six-cylinder Winton
touring car, in first-class running con
dition. Good tires. Will sell at a sac
rifice to quick buyer. Mechanlcsburg
Auto Shop, Mechanlcsburg, Pa.
FOR RALE CARDS on »ale at the
Telegraph Business office.
secured at the Telegraph Business
Bicycle tires, SI.OO up.
Motorcycle tires, $5.00.
No. 8 South Market Square.
-1—1912, foredoor Crawford Touring.
1—1913, Little Four Roadster.
1 —1913, Itegal Touring Car.
I—Michigan Roadster.
All in good condition. Make offer.
Call at Comstock Garage, Mechanics
burg, Pa.
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 25c each. Ona
of these signs will be given with each
six-time order for a classified ad. if
paid In advance. Inquire at Office of
LARGE LINE of Automobile Robes,
Horso Blankets. Trunks. Traveling
Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Special
ties; repaired and muds to order. Har
rlsburg Harness and Supply Company,
Second and Chestnut.
United States Steel Made New
Record For Recent Years
on Its Advance
Ry Associated Press
New York, Oct. fi.—Accumulation of
buying orders over the holiday was
denoted by the higher range of prices
on the resumption of trading to-day.
The most, noteworthy exception was
Reading, which opened at the new
"dollar basis" of 80, decline of % to
% from Monday's close. Baldwin
FOR SALE One boiler and engine,
two horizontal ice cream freezers, cans
and tubs, and fancy moulds. 319 Wal
nut street, Harrlsburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Mahogany library
table and davenport, gas range, water
heater, parlor cabinet, etc. 235 Boas
FOR SALE Max motor, -four-cyl
inder, 75-H.-P., originally estimated
cost, $1,900; slightly used. Will sacri
fice to quick purchaser for S3OO. Suit
able for racing car, commercial truck
or motorboat. Can be seen and demon
strated at 6 North Cameron street.
FOR SALE Four draft horseß,
weighing 1,400 to 1,600 pounds, five and
six years old. Good workers. Bowman
& Bomberger, Palmyra, Pa.
FOR SALE Fine range, little used,
at half price; large oven, pipe, shelf,
splendid water heater, Russian iron
smokepipe; also small gas heater. Ap
ply 3201 Riverside Drive. Bell phone
FOR SALE Restaurant located on
Market street, doing good business. A
bargain If sold at once. Good reasons
for selling. Address D., 3015, care of
FOR SALE Scratch Pads new
■upply—so tr.r iSc while they last. Ap
ply Job Printing Department .The Tele
graph Printing Company.
«nd 117 South Second street, 5,000 gal
lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme
quality. All the full line of the Acme
FOR SALE Three months' old Rab
bit Hounds, Fox Terriers and Boston
Bull Puppies. Box 907, Annville, Pa N
FOR RENT Good business loca
tion; 3-story building; larfge store room
and 4 flats; will rent or sell at a
bargain: possession given immediately.
Apply S. W. Fitzgerald Real Estate
Agency, 317 Walnut street.
I MADE s6o,ouu in five years In the
mall order business, began with ss.
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
cock, 865 Lockport, N. T.
ANT Intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate. 788, Lock
port, N. Y.
WILL EXCHANGE suburban real es
tate in growing sections on Improved
city real estate. Address Exchange,
care of Telegraph.
successfully by new method. Those
unable to pay for treatment write X.,
3114, care of Telegraph.
work when compared to other Arms, the
reason is that we are Interested in you
personally and want you to look well
dressed, the way to do this, is to send
your clothes to us for renovating, our
methods are the best and give perfect
satisfaction. West End Cleaning and
Dying, 1527 North Third street; Bell
phone 717 W.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market
•treet, Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
LET US overhaul your Motorcvcle or
Bicycle; we do all kinds of repairing at
most reasonable prices.
If you have no place to store It over
winter, leave it with us—at no charge
to you. Take It out any time you need
it. Excelsior Motorcycle Co., ' 8 South
Market Square.
have a motorcycle you want to dispose
of quickly, bettor try our service. Key
stone Garage, 814 N. 3rd street Bell
phone 266-R. .
It. A. HARTMAN, Ilonrdlnc stable nnri
National Tnniler Co. Movers of
F llanos, safes, boilers and general haul,
ng. H. W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth end
Woodbine streets. Bell phone Ni
2503 R.
WE LEND MONEY In amounts from
$5.00 to $300.00 In compliance with act
of June 17. 1915.
Payments to suit borrower.
Small loans a specialty.
Up-to-date method.
Positively lowest rates In citv.
132 Walnut Street
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
security In any amounts and uoon any
terms to suit borrower Address P. o.
Box 174, Harrlsburg. Pa.
good 7 per cent, investment carrying
Bonus of Common stock. Write Ouray
Smelting Co., 232 Endlcott Building, St
Paul, Minn.
rooms for household goods, $2 per
month and up. We invite inspection.
Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second
street. Harrlsburg Storage Company.
la S-atory brick building, rear 4M
Market street.
Household goods In clean, private
rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply <•
P. U. Dlener. Jeweler, 4«s Market St.
STORAGE 4l» Broad street, tor
household goods and merchandise. Prf.
vat# rooms. 11 to $8 Wagons, 76 cents
per month Apply D. Cooper * Ce.. «tt
Broad street. Both ahoti**.
IN loving memory of Andrew Frank
lin Thompson, who departed this life
October 13, 1899.
"Gone, but not forgotten."
IN loving remembrance of a dear wife
land mother, Sarah B. Winters, who de-
I parted this life October 13. 1914.
OCTOBER 13, 1915.
Locomotive opened at 131 to 132, soon
touching 13 4. an eight point gain and
Studebaker at 147 to 147 %, rose 2%.
Westinghouse, another "dollar basis"
stock rose a fraction while the Maxwell
group was materially higher. U. S.
Steel made a new record for recent
years on its three-eighths advance to
88%. Railways were irregular.
Furnished t>y E. S. Gosliorn,
208-209 Arcade Building.
New York, Oct. 13.
Open. High. Low. Clos.
Alaska GM 34% 34% 34 34
Allis-Chal . 44% 45% 44 % 44%
Am Bt Sug 68 68% 67% 67%
Am Can .. 64% 64% 63 63%
Am C& F. 85 87% 84% 84%
Am Cot Oil 58% 59% 58% 59%
Am Ice Sec 23% 23% 23% 23%
Am Loco . 08% 69% 67% 68%
Am Smelt . 92% 92% 90 90
Am Sugar. 114% 114% 112 112
Am T ft T. 125 125 124% 124%
Anaconda . 77% 77% 76% 76%
Atchison .. 107% 107% 106% 106%
Baldwin .. 131 134% 130% 131%
V. & O 93 93 92 % 92
Beth Steel . 449 465 449 465
Bklyn RT. 87% 87% 87% 87%
CalPetro.. 20 20 . 19% 19%
Can Pacific 167% 167% 165% 165%
Cent Loath 5.1% 54 53 53%
c& 0 59 59% 58 58 %
C. M&St P 93% 93% 92% 92%
C. RI&P. 23% 23% 22% 22%
O Con Cop. .".0% 52 50% 50%
Col F & 1. 59 59% 58 58%
Con Gas .. 142% 144% 142% 142%
Cruc St .. 94% 97 94% 95%
Dlst Sec .. 36 37% 36 36%
Erie 35% 351,;
Erie Ist pfd 54% 54% 53% 53%
Gen E Co.. 180 181 179 179
Gen Motors 344 %344 % 340 341
S?°x„ rh B „ F 77 * 77 7fi, 'i 77 %
Gt Nor pfd 123% 123% 122% 122%
Gt N Ore s 49% 50% 49% 49%
GugExp.. 68% 69% 68% 68%
Insp Cop .. 45% 46% 45 15%
In-Met 22% 24 22 % 23%
KC So ... 29 29 28% 28%
Lehigh Val 77% 77% 76% 77
Mex. Petro. 95 95 91 % 92%
Miami Cop. 35% 35% 34% 34%
P R c .. 5% 5% 4% 4%
Nat Lead... 67 67 % 66% 66%
N Y Cent.. 101% 101% 100 100
NY.NH& H 87 87% 83% 84%
NY.O & W 31% 31% 30% 31
Nor &W. . 116% 117 116 116
North Pac. 113% 113% 112% 113
Pac Ma 11... 32% 32% 32% 32%
Pa Rail... 58% 58% 57% 58
PG C 120 120% 120 120%
Pitts C 39% 41% 39 41 %
Pitts C pd. 11l 112 110% 110%
Press SC.. 72 72% 71% 72
Rail SS. . . 48% 49 48 48
Ray C C. . 27 27 26% 26%
Reading .. 80 80% 79 79%
.Rep 15... 53% 55% 53% 54%
Rep I S pd 104 104 % 104% 104%
South Pac. 97% 98 97 97%
South Ry.. 21% 21% 20% 20%
South Rpd 61% 61% 60 60
Studebaker. 147 164 147 163%
Tenn Cop.. 64% 65 64 % 64%
Third Ave.. 62% 63 62 62%
Union Pac.. 136% 186% 135% 135%
US Rub... 54 55 53% 53%
U S Stl 83% 84% 82% 83%
U S Stl pd. 114% 115 114% 115
Utah Cop.. 72 72% 71% 71%
Vir-Car C.. 42% 42% 41% 42
West U Tel 78% 79 78% 78%
West Mfg.. 69% 70% 68% 68%
Philadelphia, Oct. 13. Wheat
Higher; No. 2, red, spot and October,
51.13% @1.15% ; No. 2, Southern, red,
$1.11% @1.13%.
Corn - Steady; No. 2. yellow,
local, 74@75c; steamer. No. 2. yellow,
local, 74®75c; steamer, No. 2. yellow,
Oats Steady: No. 2, white, 44@46c;
No. 3, white, 39®40c.
Bran Market quiet; city
mills, per ton, $24.00; western do., none
here; Spring, per ton, $22.50@23.00.
Refined Sugars Market steady;
powdered, 5.00@5.10c; fine granulated,
4.90®5.00c; confectioners' A, 4.SO@
4.90 c.
Butter Market firm; western,
;creamery, extra, 29c; nearby prints,
1 and fancy, 32c.
; Eggs The market is lower;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases, $9.00 per case: do., current
receipts, free cases, $8.40' per case;
i western, extras, $9.00 per case; do.,
'firsts, free cases, $8.40 per case.
Live Poultry Market steady; fowls,
15@16c; old roosters, ll@12c; broil
ing chickens, 16®/17c; Spring chickens,
15®16c; Spring ducks, 14@16c; old
ducks, 14® 16c.
Dressed Poultry Market quiet;
fresh killed fowls, fancy, 19>,4@20c;
average, 17%®18%c; do., unattractive,
average, 15@17c; do., roosters, 13% c; do.
broiling chickens, nearby, 22@2#c;
broiling chickens, western, 15@21c;
Spring chickens. western, 14@20c;
Spring ducks, nearby, 16@17c; do.,
western, 10® 12c; ice packed fowls, lb
Potatoes Market higher; Penn
sylvania, fancy, per bushel, 72@75c;
Pennsylvania, fair to good, per bushel,
65®70c; Jersey, No. 1, per basket. 35®
45c; Jersey, No. 2, per basket, 15®20c.
Flour Market quiet; winter,
clear, new, $4.(>0@4.90; tlo straight, new.
$5.00@5.20; do., patent, new, $5.25®
5.50; Kansas clear, new, Jute sacks,
$4.90®5.10; do straight, $55.20@5.50; do
patent. $5.50@5.76. Spring, first, clear,
new, $4.65<3)4.90; do straight, new.
$5.00@5.25; do., patent, new, $5.40@5.60;
do., patent, old. $6.35@7.10; do., favorite
brands, $6.00®6.50.
Hay—Quiet, but firm; No. 1, large,
bales. $20.00@20.50; medium bales,
$19.50@20.00; No. 2. do.. $18.50@$18.00;
No. 3 do., $16.00® 17.00; light mixed,
S18.00@18.50: No. 1. do.. $17.00017.60:
No. 2, do., $14.00® 15.00.
Chicago, 111., Oct. 13. Hogs Re
ceipts, 19,000; slow. Bulk of Bales, SB.IO
®8.70; light, $7.90®8.75; mixed, $7.85®
8.90; heavy, $7.80®8.75; rough, $7.80®
8.00; pigs, $5.00® 7.40.
Cattle Receipts, 16,000; weak. Na
tive beef steers, $6.00@10.40; western
steers, $6.60@8.75; cows and heifers,
$".00(98.25; calves, $7.75011.75.
Sheep Receipts. 18,000; steadv.
Wethers, $6.00@7.00; lambs. $7.00@8.95.
To fTociKekcepera, Work
jj \ tubmen and Salaried Km.
I ploye*.
I Room 21 4 ti| Floor
I Kpboncr Building
Fourth and Emerald Streets
The most desirable section In Harrlsburg for residential purposes.
Clean and healthful. New Ideas In Home Building. Ideal Surroundings.
Small prices and accommodations furnished to well meaning, business
like people, that will SHEIiF forever the PAY RE.VT question.
Now in Course of Construction
Make appointment for interview about this extraordinary oppor
tunity with
Rettew & Bushnell
1000 North Third St.
Sties Agents, or P. VANDERIXJO, Sales Manager
INSURANCE}—Wo risk too large or too small.
The undersigned. Trustee under the
Mortgage of the i_,vkens and Williams
Valley Street Railway Company, re
corded In DaupUn county in Mortgage
Book Y, Vol. 5. page 338, and in Schuyl
kill County in Mortgage Book 7 D,
Page 152, under and by virtue of the
authority therein contained, at the
written request of the holders of one
third in amount of the outstanding bonds
of the said company secured by the
said mortgage,—the said Company hav
ing for a period exceeding three
months after demand made failed to
pay the semi-annual Interest on the
spld bonds, —will on November 12.
IIHS, at 2 o'clock, I*. )1., In front of tbe
Courtliotme In the City of Harrlabnrg,
F«., sell to the highest and best bid
der all the railways, estates, real and
personal, corporate rights and fran
chises of the suid Lykens and Williams
Valley Street Railway Company, in
cluding its line or system of Electric
Railway, in the counties of Dauphin
and Schuylkill aforesaid, together with
all and singular Its shops, depots,
stakes, poles, grounds, power jses,
engine houses, car houses, wires jiitid
■ ngs, improvements, rolling stock,
tools, machinery, implements, ma
terials, tenements and hereditaments
owned by the said Railway and used
or intended to be used for the purpose
of oporatlng the railways of the said
Railway Company, and its rights of
way and rights, privileges and fran
chises acquired In or from the Bor
oughs of Lykens and Wllllamßtown
and the Townships of Wiconlsco and
Williams in Dauphin County, and the
Borough of Tower City and Township
of Porter In Schuylkill County afore
said; and all the corporate rights and
franchises I owned, possessed and en
joyed by the said Railway Company
under and by virtue of the laws of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, In
cluding the franchise to be a corpor
ation. The line or system of railway
as now built and operated extends from
Uie Borough of Lykens in Dauphin
County to Bearmont In Schuylkill
County, a distance of about eleven
miles, and includes the following tracts
or parcels of land, used as ana form
ing a part of the said system or line
of railway:
1. In the Borough of Willlamstown
aforesaid, bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at a point formed
by the Intersection of lands formerly
of Charles Reidinger and Daniel Bad
dorf on the north side of Market street:
thence westward along said street 55
feet; thence north 3 degrees 14 minutes
west 128.25 feet to a point; thence
north 76 degrees 46 minutes west 161.16
feet; thence north 8 degrees 27 min
utes west 132.83 feet; thence north 76
degrees 23 minutes east 223.83 feet to
property now or formerly of Charles
Reidinger; thence south 3 degrees 14
minutes east 328.08 feet to the place of
beginning; on which are erected the
Office, Power House, Carn Barn, Repair
Shops, Supply Room and Oil House of
the Company;
2. In Williams township, % mile
west of Willlamstown, bounded and
described as follows. Beginning at a
point on the main road leading from
Willlamstown to Lykens; thence N. 30
degrees E. 156 feet along the lot of
Row to a post; thence N. 87 degrees W.
42H feet along land of same to a post:
thence N. 3 degrees E. 151 feet along
the lands of and Evangelical
Association to a post: thence N. 87
degrees W. 171 feet to the public road
leading to Dayton; thence N. 3 degrees
E. 298H feet to Dayton; tlience S. 8«H
degrees E. 548 feet to a stone; thence
S. 3 degrees 16 minutes W. 58D feet
along the lands now or late of Alber*
Grace and John Sowers to the first
mentioned public road; thence west
along said public road 332 V 4 feet to the
place of beginning; containing 6.13
acres, known as "Midway Parlt," on
which are erected a Dancing Pavilion
and Theater, an Amusement Building
and a Cooking Shanty, and
3. In Wiconlsco township, all that
certain part of Lot No. 34 on the gen
eral plan of the town of Wiconisco as
recordod In the Recorder's Office at
Harrisburg. Pa.. In Deed Book T, Vol
2, p. 414, bounded and described as fol
lows: Beginning at the southern line
of Pottsville street at the S. E. corner
of Lot No. 33; thence eastward along
the said southern line of Pottsville
street 44 feet to the line of property
now or late of the Lykens Valley Coal
i Company; thence S. >/4 degree W. 121
leet more or less to the line of prop
erty now or late of the Summit Branch
Railroad Company; thence westward
along the line of said last mentioned
property and along the northern line
of an alley 84 , /& feet more or less to
the southeast corner of Lot No. 33
aforesaid; thence northward along the
eastern line of said Lot No. 33, 114 feet
to Pottsville street, the place of be
The motive power contained In said
Power House Includes one Harrisburg
Engine, one Skinner Engine, two
Thresher Generators, one Switchboard
one Water Heater, one Oil Heater, two
Tubular Boilers, one Injection Pump
and three Oil Tanks, with pumps and
oil. The tools, machinery, implements
and materials consist of one Turning
I-athe (motor drive), one Work Bench.
Tools for car and track repairing, two
Armatures, four Field Coils, four Rhe
ostats, three Shunts. Ave Journal
Boxes, three Trolley Bases, two Car
Registers, four Armature Casings, as
sorted Coil and Elliptic Springs, lot of
Brake Shoes and miscellaneous ma
terial for repairing cars, armatures,
track and overhead line; one Forge
one Anvil, one Drill Press, one Work
Bench, one Vise, sundry Blacksmith
Tools and complete set of Traps and
Dies. The rolling stock consists of
one Box Car, two Open Cars, one
Freight Car. two extra Car Trucks,
four pairs of extra Wheels and Axles
and ten Car Jacks; all of which ar
ticles are and will be sold as part of
the said line or system of electric rail
Terms: Ten per cent, when property
is struck down and the balance on de
livery of deed in 10 days thereafter.
We loan money on listed, unlisted
and curb securities. Reasonable rates
—long or short time. Emerson & Co.,
16 Beaver St., New York, N. Y.
IF you have not paid your elec
tric light bill for September,
send In your check to-night sure
and save the discount. Positively
the last day for discount.
Harrisburg Light & Power
V— ~J
Small Monthly Payments.
Profit Shnrlng Loan Society
9 No. Market Square (Spooner Bldg.)
Conducted Under State Banking
Dept. License No. 24.