Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 09, 1915, Page 15, Image 15
Telegraph Want Ads.—lk Shortest Rinte Between Buyer and Seller jj| IDeatbs FlWKl—Thomas J. Finney died Oc tober 9. 1915. in his 74th \ear. Funeral Monday morning, at 11 ' tlock. from the residence of his son, 1 107 North Front stret. Burial pri vate. ! SPAIfGI EH David H. Spangler died 1 October ti. 1915. at his residence. Main *tr«et. Camp Hill.- ! Funeral Monday, October 11. 1910, 10:30 A. M. Relatives and friends invited. Burial private. FOUND FOUND The best results have found by the ladles who had their Suits i and Coats remodeled to the latest style by the I-adies' Tailor, H. L Powell, 925 I North Third street. Estimates free. \ FOUND That Egbert's Steam Dye ing & French Cleaning Works. 124S ' Market St.. do the very bes,. work in the oitv. Call either phone for -roof. We call and deliver. j HE LA* WANTED —Male WANTED Four paperhangers ! wanted at once Apply 11. A. Bodmer, 813 North Third street. WANTED—Men to learn to become practical chauffeurs. We give you our unlimited S3O practical course I now for 140. We practice you from j the time you start on repairing and | driving automobiles until you finish. Thirtv cents per hour guaranteed as soon as thev are competent of repair- : ins private cars. Auto Transportation J School, 5 South Cameron street. j WANTED. AT ONCE Two carpen- : ters. Apply to Superintendent. Bow man & Co. i WANTED Salesmen to sell a new low-priced gas lamp. Good opportunity. Lamps are easily sold. Liberal com mission allowed. Call at Gas Office, 14 South Market Square, A. M., 9 to 10, P. M.. 4 to 6. SBO MONTHLY and expenses, to travel, distribute samples and take orders, or appoint agents. Permanent. .lap-American Co., Chicago. I WILL PAY any honest man up to SSO monthly for part of spare time. No canvassing. No capital. Write to-day. i Yoorliies. Desk 165. Omaha. Neb. GOOD money made at home knitting hosiery. Machines furnished on time. We buy or sell your goods. Easy and constant work. Gleason Wheeler tine.), j 337 Madison, Chicago. -j BEAT THIS: Fortunes are being made Easy, simple, fascinating busi r.e.-s. Operate anywhere. All or spare time. No canvassing or experience necessary. I furnish everything that start- vou Forget about capital. Boyd H. Brown. Dept. A. 178. Omaha. Neb. $S A DAY easily made. Our propo- ' si lion will interest you. Big profits. Positive necessity- rite. W. E. Grop prnba ker & Co., Bethel, Ohio. $3 TO $lO A DAY easily made. Co- j opt rate with lis. Capital or experience nnnecessarv. Write to-day. Walter J. , Kruse Co.. 1406 Twenty-fourth street. ; Detroit, Mich. j WANTED Experienced Gisholt op- • erator. Steady employment. Xo strikes I or war material. Apply to Treadwell j Engineering Co., Easton, Pa. f ANYBODY can increase income $lO to j S4O weekly, spare lime raising mush rooms in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. Sue- j cus guaranteed Free illustrated book let. Hiram Barton, 333 West Forty- j eighth street. New York. ] WANTED Tinners and one helper : j Heady job to the right man. Apply W. W. Zeiders A Son, 1436 Derry street, HarrUburg, Pa. —— I GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet, BY., 372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop- : kins. Washington. D. C. ; WANTED First-class plumber. Ap-1 plv to K. J. Flowers, 113 South Thir- [ teenth street. COPY LETTERS Persons writing and < op> ins letters make $lO to $25 weekly following directions. Stamped 1 envelope for particulars. Brooks JCsJPy ! Co.. 9i 0, Pennsylvania Avenue, Wasli- j ington. D. C. WANTED Bright boy of 16 years, \ for office work. Apply No. 55 Union j Trust Building. WANTED Experienced electricians anil helpers. Apply Dauphin Electrical Supply Co. s;s.Oo MONTH paid Hallway Mail Clerks. Examinations announced Janu .irj 15. Sample questions free. Write immediately. I'rankliu Institute Dept. 360 11, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED An experienced leather cutter, at once; good wages. Anply Stcelton Glove Co.. 709-11 South Second street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY A man for general farm work; state age, number In family and experience. Ad dress Box su, care or Telegraph. WANTED Boy over 16 years, to make himself useful in shipping de partment. SI.OO to start. Chance of advancement. Give references of for mer employers in letter. Address 0., 3038, care of Telegraph. WANTED Paperhangers wanted. Apply A. M. Blake, 225 North Second street. WANTED First-class toolmakers, profilers, millers, drillers, rlflers. barrel turners, blacksmiths and steam ham mer men to make drop forges. Also men for barrel rolling. Address P. O. Box 264. Lancaster. Pa. iltl.l> WANTED—I eniale WANTED An experienced white woman for general housework. Wages, J.'i per week. Apply at 2115 North Third street. Private Lessens In Short Hand, Typewriting Dicta tion, Penmanship, Etc, At class instruction rates for students who want Direct Results. You want thai kind. Open periods now and then. Write, or call, to-day for information. Merle E Ktller. Kaufman Bidg., 4 South Market Square. Bell phone 694 R. FOR RENT ' l!>:;t York Ave., 2% s. f., 5 r $« 35-' Vork St., Uemoync >7 966 S. 21st St., 2 s. f., » r *K 18"2 Boas St., 2 s. b„ S r StO 26:; Sassafras Ave sll 2146 N. Seventh St., .1 s. b., 8 r.. Hi:< 2156 x. 7th St., ;; s. b., S r sl3 S. Cameron St., s. b.. 8 r.. sl3 1500 Allison St.. 2V. g. l>., ~ r . ...•14 627 Briggs St.. s. f.. 8 r <l4 Bella Vista. Ross Ave •14.M 330 Boyd Ave.. 2 s. f„ 5 r Jin Near Duncannon. 2*<. s. f., 10 r...513 638 Peffer St.. 3 s. b„ 8 r. & b. ...sls 1531 S. 13th St.. 3 s. b.. 8 r„ b. ...$!« 1000 S. 12th St.. 214 s. b.. 8 r. b...slb" (10 Cowden St., 6 r sitt 66f' Emerald St., 3 s. b.. 9 r *l7 1726 N. Third St., 3 s. f„ 9 r. ...sl* 228 Hummel St., 3 s. f Sin 611 Walnut St.. 3s, b.. 8 r ...$23 133 N. 13th St.. 3 s. b„ 8 r. A- b.. «2S lr°t? • N ; , 1 1 th St -' new - s. b. . SI'S Bella Vista. 2 s. f. cottage $25 2220N 3 rd st 3g b J0 ~ J.TJ..V) "Hill Crest, Bella Vista S»« Hainlyn (Aldinger Cottage) .. . $»lo 23 S. I ront St., furnished. 4 sb 209 S. Front St., 3 s. I»., 10 r * b York Springs, Main St. .... .fir, MILLER BROTHERS & CO. HEAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bond* l.oroot and Court Street* '' SATURDAY EVENING, IIK 1.1- WANTED—FemaIe WANTED A woman for general housework in a family of two; must be a good cook and sleep at home. Ad dress M. E. R, care of Telegraph. WANTED Girls on Lace machines and Seamers. Steady work. Inquire of Jackson ITnderwear Company, New I Cumberland. Pa. WANTED An experienced girl for genera! housework. Go home nights. Three in family. No washing or iron ing. Reference required. Good wages, i Address Box W. 3091, care of Telegraph. WANTED Girls over 16 to I strip tobacco. Also experienced : Rollers, Bunchmakers Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers. W'el- I fare looked alter by trained nurse, j Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED Experienced sewing ma chine operators on ladles' and chil dren's wear. Hairis'ourg Apparel Co, over City Star Laundry. State street, rear entrance. EXPERT training by my n.Mhod. and every student employed is my record last year; no failures: attend here and be successful. Harrisburg Shorthand School. 31 North Second street. LARGE knitting mill invites cor respondence with women desirous of 1 earning money, full time or spare hours. Experience unnecessary. Good j pay. Address International Mills. Inc., j Dept. 20. Norristown. Pa. LADIES Easy, refined genteel work: whole or part lime. S2O-st!s week |ly selling well advertised "Knittop" ' formfitting petticoats and "Carleton" 1 made-to-measure silk petticoats and waists. Experience unnecessary we j show you how. Write to-day. Spel man & Co., Manufacturers, 1183 Broad way, New York City. MADAM Make money during spare time at home. Startling business. No canvassing. Everything furnished ! starts you. Boyd H. Brown. Dept. B, 178, Omaha, Neb. REFINED, trustworthy woman paid liberal spare time income to introduce i Priseilla Fabrics among friends. Write Fitzcharles Co., Trenton. X. J. WANTED American-born white woman, between 22 and 38, as house keeper in good home on farm near Ross ville, Pa. Experience and references necessary. No objection to widow with one or two small children. Address, stating wages desired. J. H. M.. Box 145. Route 1, Rossville, Pa. I.ADIES make shields at home. SIO.OO per 100. Send stamp. Work sent pre paid. King Mfg. Co., 1431 Boradway. New York Cltv. WANTED. AT ONCE Experienced operators to sew canvas gloves: good wages. Apply Steelton Glove Co.. 709-11 South Second street. Get off car Second and Hoffer streets. WANTED Competent woman to cook and do work for small family; must bring city reference. Apply Front and Herr streets—Herr street entrance. second floor apartment. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female ' SONG POEMS WANTED for publica tion. Experience unnecessary. Send us your verses or melodies to-day or write for instructive booklet—it's free. Marks-Goldsmith Co., Dept. 233, Wash ington, D. C. WANTED Janitor. middle-aged white man and wife, without children, for apartment building. Free rent of three steam-heated rooms and bath and good wages, with extra pay for woman if she will help with housework and do light washing. Good position for honest, sober, trustworthy couple. Ap ply to John Smith, Engineer, Elliott- Fisher Company. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS make $5 to $25 daily. No experience. Free catalog and samples. New Quick sales. Big profits. World s beaters. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago. 111. AGENTS make big money. The best line of food flavors, perfumes, soaps and toilet preparations, etc.. ever of fered. Over 250 lightweight, popular priced. quick-selling necessities—in big demand—-well advertised easy sell ers—big repeater lOO per cent, profit. Complete outfits furnished free to workers. Just a postal to-day. Ameri can Products Co.. 3637 American Build ing. Cincinnati. Ohio. ATTENTION We will pay *SOO re ward if our home Butter Merger falls to merge one pint of milk into one pound of butter in two minutes, sweeter than creamery butter, demonstrators, and general agents wanted. Salary or commission. Write for illustrated cir culars and sworn testimonials. Won derful Invention. Family Butter Merger Company, Washington, D. C. AGENTS Earn big money selling ■wonderful household specialty; 100 per cent, profit: success assured: free par ticulars. King Specialty Company, Dept. 6. Jamestown, N. Y. SALESMEN WANTED for high-class office and factory specialu-. Sells for $3. Commission $1.50. Easy to sell one dozen daily. Send for particulars and complete Instructions In Salesman ship. free. Arco Mercantile Co., Dept. 1. Cuba. N. Y. ACTIVE, live agents to sell practical, useful device, approved and endorsed by highest authorities. Quick Sales. Large prots. Jungdahl Co., 30 Church street. New York. AGENTS WANTED Best selling household article. Start at once, demand. $25 to S3O weekly. Success assured. Investigate to-Jay. Domestic Specialties Co.. Lewlstown. Pa. SALESMEN WANTED for Help-a phone: almost every telephone user buys one to three. Sells for $3. Earn SIOB weekly. Send for complete set of instructions In Salesmanship; free. White Specialty Co., Towanda, Pa. SALESMEN AND SALESWOMEN WANTED at once to sell article that's a winner. Salary or commission. Write for particulars. John S. Campbell Co.. Pitman. N. J. AGENTS ssO weekly. Selling our automobile specialties. New, live, quick i 3elers. Every car owner buys one or more. Write now. Progressive Mfg. Co.. Reading. Pa. SALESMEN' WANTED SALESMAN Excellent permanent position now open for capable salesman in Pennsylvania. Staple line for gen t eral retail trade. Liberal commissions. $35.00 weekly advance. Ralph 11. Ide, 4741 Williams Building. Detroit. SALESMEN WANTED—For Ilarris burg and Cumberland valley; perma nent position: best line advertising calendars, cloth and leather goods: com missions most liberal: Fall trade be gins now. Address, Sales Manager, united States Calendar Company, Cin i clnnati. i SALESMEN Acquainted with gro cery trade: large demand, liberal com mission. Pocket sample. Wirth Sales book Co.. Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offering op portunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest office. Dept. 244. National Sales men's Training Association. Chicago. New York. San Francisco. SALESMAN, traveling, to sell on commission direct to retailers, desir able side line iow priced dress goods. Schuylkill Mills, Box 1192, Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED Salesman to call on Gro cers, Confectioners and General Stores. S1&0.00 monthly and expensep. Sales Manager. 204 Soutb Main street. St. 1 Lout*. Ma. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN For the exclusive agency of the only guaranteed sls Ford Starter. Every Ford owner a prospect—an opportunity to make big money. Man with Ford Car preferred. John Relley Co., Lincoln Building, Philadelphia. REPRESENTATIVE desiring quality line, ir.suring repeat business, meriting praise from all. Qualifications, intelli gence and uprightness. A future sel dom equalled. Box 2, Station E. Cleve land. SALESMEN WANTED For choice territories, under liberal yearly com mission contract. We offer complete and reliable manufacturer's line of Cal endars. Fans. Signs, Advertising Spec ialties. Leather Goods, Pencils, etc. We furnish full sales co-operation, assign exclusive territory. Want men of real selling- ability. over thirty. Give ex perience and references In first letter. Terre Haute Advertising Co., Terre Haute, Ind. SITl" VTIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Position by middle-aged man. attending to furnaces or inside work: can give best of reference. Ap ply 914 Cowden street. WANTED Married man, with fam ily. want* work as elevatorman, watch man or any kind of light work. Ad dress E. w. C., 1321 Wallace street. City. WANTED Capable young man, with spare time evenings, desires work of any kind, clerical preferred; good penman. Address 8., 3141, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man wishes po sition as clerk in store; has worked in several departments; can furnish ref erence. Address Box 313. Penbrook, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Middle-aged colored wo man desires general housework. Call, or address, 51" Shaffer avenue. WANTED Young colored girl de sires general housework. Call, or ad dress. 517 Shaffer avenue. WANTED Colored woman wishes washing or Ironing, or day's work. Call, or write, 1412 William street. WANTED White girl desires posi tion of assisting with housework, dish washing or child's nurse. Address 502 North street. WANTED—Office work by a refined, trustworthy young lady, knowledge of twpewriting. willing worker, moderate salary. A 3109, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young, white woman desires housecleaning by the day and washings to take home: best of refer ence. Call, or address, Mary Cook, 1323 Fulton street. WANTED A very reliable colored woman wants a position as cook or gen eral housework; can furnish references. Call at No. 1424 Reese street. WANTED Respectable woman with 12-year-old girl, wants position as housekeeper: can furnish reference. Address 442 North street. WANTED Competent and bookkeeper, with valuable experi ence and good reference, desires office work of any kind. Address H. R„ care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman wants Job as cook. Apply 333 Calder street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 53 Acres: 6 miles south of New Cumberland; frame dwelling; bank barn; spring and well; stock and farming implements. Brln ton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 2134 Green St.; 3-story brick dwelling; 10 rooms, bath and steam heat; front and rear porch; lot. 21xS6: hardwood floors; side entrance. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. IF 1814 Regina street is purchased this week It can be bought at a reduced figure. Apply 11. U. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Basement room, suit able for tailor, cobbler or plumber, at 1266 Market street; rent, $lO, including heat and water. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar ket street. (SO) ACRES <S7SO» The Price (next) to nothing. 5 room cozyhome, bank barn for <4> stock, grapes, peaches, apples, cherries, pears, quinces and plums. Flowing spring water. (8) acres truck land balance woodland will pay for the farm. Be tween (2) roads (400) feet to good neighbors, handy to school, church and City Market. Include fine horse age (8) weigh (I.2rto> fresh cow (2) hogs (20) chickens, if sold at once an even (sl.- 000) for everything. Part on time i $lOOl more. Telephone (7 to 8). <1241 ACRES I 52.500) (Giveaway i valued ($4,000) with tim ber valued ($1,400) will take only ($3,- 000). Reason (Widow) alone. Market less than (2) miles. <2) railroads (1,00) trains daily. Fine set buildings. Large white home with (2) long porches. Ap ples. cherries, plums, quinces, pears, grapes and peaches. Within view of Sunbury and Milton. With match team horses valued ($500) and (4) cows (8) hogs (50) chickens (200) bushel oats (300) corn, hay. straw and (cornfod der) giveaway ($3,900). 124) AC HES <«t.4r.O) (On) Main Road (to) large Cltv Mar ket. Buildings (alone) valued ($2,500). i Telephone in Double Porch Home, large Bank Barn, straw shed, wagon, hog. poultry and storage houses. All kinds of Choice Fruit, fine meadows and creek. With (fine) black horse (2) large good -ows (2) hogs C 100) chick ens (170) bushel corn (35) oats (10) wheat (8) rye (10) potatoes (3) ton straw and hay and Farming Machinery ready to go to work ® ($1,900). Old People. Possession (at) once. (Bar gain). GEORfiE B. OSTRANOER, Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings. FOR SALE Three-story brick residence: nine rooms and hath; porch front: all improvements; steam heat; Property In splendid condition. Applv [. L. Berkley, 1610 Derrv street. Bell phone 3970. FOR SALE One up-to-date gro cery store, with all modern improve ments. Address H., 3094, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE New brick houses In 2000 block, Swatara street; steam heat, side entrance, all improvements, $2,300 to $3,300. Easy terms. House on Sec ond street, Wormleysburg, large lot, $2,150. Irvin Johnson. 2052 Swatara. GARDEN HOME SITES Near Harrlsburg. FOR QUICK SALE. Are you Interested in getting a home? Where you have enough land for Gar den, Fruit and Poultry? With both city and country advantages? 5c car fare. Call, write or phone. Bell Phone 2894. S. if. Gingrich, C. V. Phone 633 Y. 201 Bergner Bldg. NEW houses generally look good to a wise purchaser. Steam heat and elec tric light are very desirable features— also location construction and most of all a reasonable price. Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SIOO CASH "WILL give you possession to a house now vacant balance can be paid as rent. This is an oppor tunity to own your property. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BY BUYING 1814 Reglna street this week, money can be saved. Owner anxious to sell, will cut price. H. G. Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth street. NEW HOUSES with steam heat—gas and eiei-tric light— all other modern improvements desirable location brick co'istruction. Prices, only $3,100 and $3,200. Bell Realty Co., Bergner .Building, HARRISBURG ttSfj&fi. TELEGRAPH REAL ESTATE l-'OR SALE NEW BRICK HOUSE at 1173 Mar ket street for sale, now ready; steam, electric, gas, porches; all modern im provements. Inquire Luther Minter. 1167 Market street. Both phones, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 1523 Thompson street, six-room house with improvements; tin mediate possession. Rent, $14.00. Key next door. Call 1221 North Seoond street. FOR REN'T—Only one left of the eight storerooms, corner Ham ilton and Third streets. Rent sl2. Suitable for any business. Chas. Adler, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street. NEW BRICK HOUSE FOR RENT, now ready; steam. electric. gas, porches; all modern Improvements; $35. 1169 Market street. Call next door. FOR BEST 162S Regina St $25.00 1829 Barker St }lß.oo 630 Oxford St $16.00 1547 North St. $15.00 1019 S. 21 V 4 St SIO.OO J. E. GIPPLE 1251 Market Street FOR RENT Three-story brick, with front fcorch, 25 ft. side yard, steam heat, bath and gas. Apply 2414 North Second street. FOR RuNT l3OB Front street. 2V4-story frame, 7 rooms. SIO.OO month ly. Inquire J. H. Tripner, 312 Broad street. FOR RENT ll5l Derry street two-story brick all Improvements— front porch gas and electricity—lm mediate possession—rent. $20.00. In quire 259 Horr street. FOR RENT November 1. large nicely furnished house on North Second street. Address A., 3090, care of Telegraph. 723 N. 19th St $ll.OO 1852 Swatara St., (all Improve ments) 18.00 Walnut St., beyond Reservoir Park 18.50 111 Evergreen St 37.50 H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. 13th St. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT TO BUY a brick dwelling, situated between State and Berryhlll streets. Answer by letter, stating di mensions of lot and house and price. Address C., 3039, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT MacDANIELS' FAMILY APART MENTS Furnished complete for housekeeping; two cheerful, large rooms; bath, gas range, private meter, bell, letter box, laundry convenience. Phone 897 J. 1417 Market street. FOR RENT—227 North Second street, second floor apartment, 5 rooms and hath; all modern improvements, steam heat, electric and gas. cemented stor age room, use of cellar. Apply Miss C. J. Opperman. FOR RENT Second and North streets, five cheerful roomS . steam heat, bath, all other improvements; top floor. Also garage at 111 Liberty street; capacity six automobiles. Ap ply 618 North Second street, second floor. « FOR RENT Furnished front suite, consisting of large llvlngroom, with bay window, bedroom and private bath, city steam, electric lighting, hardwood floors; reference required. 218 Pine street. FOR RENT Apartment, with five rooms. Including bath and kitchen. Private —different from others —light and cheerful; city vapor steam. Rent reduced to permanent tenant. 33 North Second street. v APARTMENTS FOR RENT Sec ond floor at Walzdorf, facing Capi tol. six rooms, tiled bath and pantry, hardwood floors, electric light and city steain; also six-room apartment, 28 eouth Third street. Inquire 400 North street. APARTMENTS. WANTED WANTED Furnished apartment, two or three rooms, with kitchen and bath. Address Box U, 3103, care ot Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Three furnished rooms with use of kitchen in private family of one (no children). 514 North Third street. FOR RENT Pleasant, well heat ed rooms on West State street. Address E., 3101, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT for light house keeping; steam heat and ,all improve ments. Apply Derry Apartments, Four teenth and Derry streets. FOR RENT Two connecting rooms for light housekeeping, furnish ed; also a bed and sittingroom; use of phone and bath. Apply 1814 Green street. FOR RENT Furnished front suite, consisting of large llvlngroom, with bav window, bedroom and private bath, city steam, electric lighting, hardwood floors; reference required. 218 Pine street. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms, with large bay window, front; each room convenient for one or two gentlemen. Hoffman Apartments, Fifth and Market streets. Second Apartment. FOR RENT Three rooms and bath; steam heat; suitable for light housekeeping. Apply 1117 North Third. FOR RENT lf you are looking for a city steam-heated, centrally lo cated first floor front room, exception ally wide and deep, with electric wir ing and gas, look at 202 Locust street. FOR RENT Well furnished, sec ond floor front room; privileges of phone and bath; gentlemen preferred. Apply 402 Briggs street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with private bath, private fam ily. within two blocks from Capitol. Apply 819 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms on second floor, next to bath; one front, all conveniences, Including phone; central location. Inquire 1232 Market street. FOR RENT Large front room, nicely furnished, all conveniences, sl2 month. Several smaller rooms, $lO. Also several unfurnished rooms, rent reasonable. 1109 North Second street. FOR RENT Pleasant furnished, second floor front rooms, singly or en sulte; all conveniences; use of phone. Apply 409 Briggs street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with board, if desired. 721 North Sixth street. UNFURNISHED ROOKS 429 BROAD STREET Built espect aly for light housekeeping, single or with kitchenettes; arrangements strictly private; stoves furnished free; laundry, phone and bathroom privi leges; lockers for surplus furniture. 1321-23 Wallace street; remodeled and newly papered throughout: ar rangements, two rooms and a kitchen with running water, range and cabinet. Daily Inspection Invited. Inquire on premises, or 107 Boas street. Phone 779 M. OFFICES FOR RENT FOR RENT A desirable flrst floor office in th<» Telegraph Building. In quire Superintendent, Business Office .Telegraph. i ROOMS WANTED ii WANTED Two rooms for . \5 ho « s ckeeping. bedroom furnished. with private family, by man and wife, (no children). No attention paid un less price per month and full particu lars are given. Advertiser wants per manent location. Address. Box M-SllO, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED Permanent room in cen tral part of city, with private family Jf largrer house if quiet. Address Box R 2693. Telegraph. WANTED Unfurnished room, with in two or three squares of Market Square. Including light, heat and bath ?ele raph Ad,lress D - 31 a - car ® of WANTED WANTED By young lady, unfur nished second floor front room, in the vicinity of Thirteenth and Derry; state terms and location. Address R. E. 8,, -4»8 North Sixth street. WANTED Three 1914 City Direc tories in good condition; will pay fifty cents apiece. Address No. 3111, care of Telegraph. WANTED To buy upright piano. Must be cheap for cash. No dealers. Answer J. W. M., care of Telegraph. WANTED 54,000 to borrow on first mortgage at 5H per cent. Address P. O. Box 496. Steelton, Pa. BACHELOR APARTMENTS WANT ED At least two rooms and a bath. Must be conveniently l<?<A.ted to train or trolley. Furnished 6* unfurnished. Address D, 3039. WANTED Room in central part of city with bath if possible, Front street preferred. Please state price per month. Address M-3097. care of Telegraph. ' WANTED POSITIVELY highest cash prices paid for Ladles' and Men's cast-off good Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Send pOßtol to 636 Herr street. City. FOR SALE FOR SALE Hupmobile Twenty. 1912 Model, fine condition, fully equip ped, $175.00; will demonstrate. Electric roadster, overhauled, good running order. SIIO.OO. Keystone Auto Delivery, 226 Briggs street. FOR SALE 1914 Ford touring car in good running order. Apply 1530 Regina street. Automobile owners, the Ooey Flyer wins again, outclassing many high priced cars such as the Packard, Peer less and Mercer In a recent reliability run. Every owner of a Coe> Flyer can share In our open profit-sharing selling plan and make a handsome Income. A five-passenger touring car, price $650. Write for catalog and Inducements to owners. A. D. Bell, Suffern, N. V., Box 111. FOR SALE Several 1915 Maxwell cars in A 1 condition. Will be sold at bargain prices. Electric lights and starter. Apply E. W. Shank, Distribu tor. 120 Market street. FOR SALE Large horse; can be used in single or double team. Apply 143 Hunter street. FOR SALE One flve-passenger touring car, first-class condition; will demonstrate. Bentz-Landls Garage, 1810 Logan street. FOR SALE Cash register, from lc to $20.00; used about two months. Also coffee mill. Reasonable price. Apply 312 Cherry street. City. FOR SALE Several Electric Player Pianos, 44 and 65 note, cheap; suitable for Picture Show or Hotels. Yohn Bros., 8 North Market Square. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 118. 11» tnd 117 South Second street, 5.000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE One 1914 Ford rond ster; one 1910 Overland touring car, good condition, $150.00 cash; one Inter national truck, new, top over full length of car, $350.00; one 1911 Overland, price, $250.00, good condition. West Fairview Garage. Phone 3069 M. FOR SALE A good-paying Park, located In central Lancaster county, with cheap rent for grounds. Merry go-rounds, bowling alleys, baby racks, large pavilion, etc. From 45 to 60 large picnics vearly. Reason for disposition, going West. Scenery beautiful. Trolley cars pass through center of park. Ad dress Manager, Box 754, Columbia, Pa. THANK GOODNESS ECZEMA, Itching skin trouble cured by only proper method, old doctor's prescrip tion. Trial free. State if for adult or child. If latter give age. Write R. W. Chambers, 427 Lake Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. ' FOP. SALE Elegant mahogany up right piano like new. Cost $375. Will sacrifice for cash. Owner moving away. Address Inquiries to Piano, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on at tMm Tela graph Business ogle*. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can M secured at the Telegraph Buslnea* Office. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms ana Board and Table Board at 25c each. Ona of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. LARGE LINE of Automobile Robes, Horse Blankets, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Special ties; repaired and made to order. Har rlsburg Harness and Supply Company, Second and Chestnut. FOR SALE Jackson Roadsters; good condition; new tires; bargain; two pool tables, good condition; lunch counter. National Cash Register. Lock Drawer F, Duncannon, Pa. FOR SALE Good, black pony, age 5 years; sound; weight, 800 lbs.; will sell cheap. Apply F. S. Coulter's Coal Office, Millersburg, Pa. FOR SALE Restaurant located on Market street, doing good business. A bargain if sold at once. Good reasons for selling. Address D„ 3015, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One-horse platform wagon. Inquire 1617 North street. FOR SALE One 1915 Ford touring car, in first-class condition; price rea sonable. Call 1616J1 Bell phone. C. D. Hauqk, 1418 Swatara street. FOR SALE) Scratch Pads new ■upply—so for 26c while they last Ap ply Job Printing Department .The Tele, graph Printing Company. FOR RENT FOR RENT Good business loca tion; 3-story building; larfge store room and 4 flats; will rent or sell at a bargain; possession given Immediately. Apply S. W. Fitzgerald Real Estate Agency. 317 Walnut street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Company requires DISTRICT MAN AGER to handle agents your terri tory; must be honest and Invest $600.00. Income $3,000.00 annually. United Com pany, 116 West 32 street. New York. I MADE $30,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with SS. Send for free booklet. Tells how Hea cock. 355 Lockport, N. Y. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; i experience unnecessary. Send for par -1 ilculars. Press Syndicate. 7»i, Lock pert, N. Y. OCTOBER 9, 1915. RAILWAYS AGAIN IN FIRST PLACE Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Open With "Spreads" of 1,200 Shares Each By Associated Press New fork, Oct. 9. • Railways again took first place at the outset of to-day's operations, with gains of a point or better for the Karrimans, Baltimore and Ohio. Atchison, Pennsylvania and New Haven. Union Pacific and Southern Pacific opened with "spreads" of 1,200 shares each, but initial transactions elsewhere were on a moderate scale. Anions the specialties, Bethlehem Steei rose 5 to 545 and Baldwin Locomotive 1H to 116 V 4. American Steel Foundries, Crucible Steel and American Can pro ducts advanced 1 to 3, but some of theso Issues soon reacted. South Porto Rico Sugar added ten points to yesterday's rise at 120. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by E. S. Goshorn, 208-209 Arcade Building. New York. Oct. 9. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 84% 34% 34% 34% Allis-Chal . 42 43% 40% 43 Am Bt Sug 66% 66% 66% 66% Am Can .. 62% 62% 62% 62% Am C& F. 82 82 81 81% Am Cot Oil 60 60 60 60 Am Loco . 66% 66% 65% 65% Am Smelt . 88% 89% 87% 89% Air. Sugar. 112% 112% 112 112% Am T & T. 123% 123% 123% 123% Anaconda . 76% 77 76 76 Atchison .. 106% 107% 106% 107% Baldwin .. 116% 116% 114% 115 B& O 92 93% 91% 82 % Beth Steel . 445 445 445 445 Bklyn RT. 87 87 86% 86% Cal Petro. . 20 20% 20 20% Can Pacific 164 % 164% 163% 163% Cent Leath 63% 54 53% 53% C&O 5' 59% 57 59% C. M&St P 90% 93% 90% 931,4 C. RI& P. 22% 22% 22% 22% C Con Cop. 48% 48% 48% 48% Col F& I. . 58 .58% 56% 58 Con Gas .. 138 141% 138 141% Cruc St .. 92 92 89% 91 Blst Sec .. 85 35% 34% 34% g re 84% 35 34% 33 Lrie Ist pfd 54 54% 54 54 % Gen Motors 342 .... 342 Goodrh BF 75% 75% 7r>" 75 ?T°^ pfd 123 123 *■* 122 % 123% Gt N Rre s 50 50% 49% 49% GugExp.. 67% 67% 67% 67% Insp Cop .. 45% 46 45% 46 In-Met .... 22% 22% 22% 22% KC So ... 28% 29% 28% 29% Lehigh Val 153 % 154 152% 154 Louis &N. 123 125 123 125 Mex Petro. 92% 93% 91% 93% Miami Cop. 35 35% 34% 34% Mo Pac .. 4% 4% 4% 4% Nat Lead.. 67% 67% 66% 66% N Y Cent.. 100% 102 100% 101% NY.NH& H 79% 83% 79 83 NY.O & W 30% 31% 30% 31% Nor & W.. 117% 118 117% 118 North Pac. 114% 115% 114 115 Pa Rail.... 117 117 116% 116% P G C 119 120 119 120 Rail S S. .. 47 47 47 47 Pitts C.... 39 39 37% 37% Press SC.. 71 71 70% 70% Ray C C... 26% 26% 26% 26% Reading: .. 162% 163% 161% 162% Rep 15... 52% 52% 51% 52% ReplSpd. 103% 103% 103% 103% South Pac. 96% 97% 96% 97% South Ry.. 20 20% 19% 20% South Rpd 59% 60 59% 60 Studebaker. 143% 143% 142% 143 Tenn Cop.. 65 65 64% 64% Third Ave. 61% 61% 60% 61 Union Pac. 136% 137% 136% 137% US Rub... 54% 54% 53% 54 U S Stl ... 81% 81% 80% 81% Utah Cop.. 70% 70% 69% 70 Vir-Car C.. 41% 42 41% 41% West U Tel 77% 77% '77% 77% West Mfg.. 134 % 134% 132% 133% BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE In our work when compared to other Arms, the reason Is that we are Interested In you personally and want you to look well dressed, the way to do this, is to send your clothes to us for renovating, our methods are the best and give perfect satisfaction. West End Cleaning and Dying, 1527 North Third street; Bell phone 717 W. MR. MOTORCYCLE OWNER lf you have a motorcycle you want to dispose of quickly, better try our service. Key stone Garage, 814 N. 3rd street. Bell phone 266-R. HAITI,INO R. A. HABTMAU, Hoarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. FINANCIAL GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY For a good 7 per cent. Investment carrying Bonus of Common stock. Write Ouray Bmeltlne Co., 232 Endlcott Building, St. Paul, Minn. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low Insurance. 487-445 South Second street. Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE 4l» Broad street, far household goods am) merchandise. Pri vate rooms, fl to $1 Wagons. 76 cents ger month. Apply D. Cooper * C«, 411 ;road street. Both sboii« f mT U STOP—lnspect them. N6W nOIISBS LOOK—Construction and Location. LISTEN—Price and Terms. CHOOSE YOUR HOME NOW! HAVE IT FINISHED TO SUIT YOU. INSPECT THEM SOON. Nos. 1836, 1838, 1840, 1842 Chestnut Street Bell Realty Co..Bergner Building I Vii 91 l\Tf/iT|l AB H ■iTll ■ 111 ki Via ill 111H ■ I ■ 111 al Lumber guaranteed to be perfectly kiln dried. Floors laid and finished complete ready for use. Ask for free estimate. C. A. SLOUGH. 232 Yale St. Bell Phone. philadki.piua r»K>ntTfrpi_ ir - By Associated Press Philadelphia, Oct. 9. Wheat. Higher; No. 2, rod, spot and October. §1.10% ® 1.12%; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.0891.10%. Corn steady; No. 2, yellow, local, 74©75 c; steamer. No. 2. yellow. 73 ©74 c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white. 44Q>45c; No. 8, white, 39®40c. Bran Market steady; city mills, per ton, $24.00; western do., here; Spring, per ton, 122.25@22.75. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 5.00 c; fine granulated, 4.90 c; confectioners' A. 4.80 c. Butter Market Arm; western, creamery, extra, 29c; nearby prints, and fancy, 32c. Eggs The markot Is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, per case; nearbv current receipts, free cases, $8.704#5. 00 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, J9.30@9.60 per case; western firsts, free cases, 18.70#9.00 per case. Live Poultry Quiet, steady; fowls, l|@l7c; old roosters, ll©12c; broil ing- chickens, 16@17o; Spring chickens. 15 <s|> 16c; Spring ducks, 14@16c; old ducks. 14® 16c. Dressed Poultry Market firm; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 19%#20c; average, 17%<0i18%c: do., unattractive, average, 15® 17c; old roosters, 13c: do., broiling chickens, nearby, 22®28c; broiling chickens, western, 15® 21c; Spring chickens, western, 16® 21c; Spring ducks, nearby, 16@17c; do., western, 10®12c; ice packed fowls, lb ©lß%c. Potatoes Market Arm; Penn sylvania, fancy, per bushel, 70®75c; Pennsylvania, fair to good, per bushel. 60®65c; Jersey. No. 1, per basket. 40® 45c; Jersey. Nfo. 2, per basket, 16@20c. Flour Market nominal; winter, clear, new. $4.60®4.90; do straight, new. $4.90@5.26; do., patent, new, $5.20® 5.50; Kansas clear, new. Jute sacks, $4.90®5.10- do Straight, $55.20®6.60; do patent. $5.5005.75. Spring, first, clear, new, $4.65®4.90; do straight. new. $4.90®5.20; do., patent, new, $5.20@6.35. do., patent. old. )3.35®7.10. Hay Market firm; No. 1, large bales. $20.00(920.50; medium bales. $19.60@20.00; No. 2. do.. $18.50® 519.00; No. 3 do., $16.00®17.00; light mixed, slß.oo® 18.50; No. 1, do., $17.00@17.60; No. 2 do., $16.00® 16.60. | CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Oct. 9. Board of Trade clostng: Wheat—December, 1.02; May, 1.02%. Corn—December, 56%; May, 58%. Oats—December, 36%; May, 38%. Pork—December, 14.1)5; January, 17.47. Lard—November, 9.27; January. 9.52. Ribs—October, 9.35; January, 9.47. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia. Oct. 9. Stocks closed steady. Cambria Steel 69% General Asphalt 32% General Asphalt. Pfd 69% Lake Superior Corporation 9 ' Lehigh valley 76»* Pennsylvania Railroad 58 Philadelphia Electric 25% Philadelphia Company 47' j Philadelphia Company, Pfd "R Philadelphia Rapid Transit 13% Reading gt u Storage Battery 73 Union Traction 41% United Gas Improvement S6 United States Steel 81% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Oct. 9. Hogs R«- ceipts, 7,000; strong. Bulk of sales, $8.05®8.60; light, $7.90©5,70; mixed, s7.7s(ji' 8.70; heavy. $7.63(??5.60; rough, $7.65®7.85; pigs, $5.25®7'.50. Cattle Receipts, 900; steady. Na tive beef cattle, $6.25® 10.50; western steers, $6.70®8.90; cows and heifers, $3.20®8.65; calves. sß.oo(ft 12.00. Sheep Receipts, 2,000; weak. Wethers. $5.60®6.65; lambs, $7.00®9.25. PATENTS WANTED Write for List of Patent Buvcrs and Tfiventlons Wanted. $1,000,000 In prizes offered for inventions. Send sketch for free search. Write for our four books sent free upon request. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. Main Offices. Washington, D. C. Philadelphia Offices: 1429 Chestnut St. Bell Phone, Spruce 6535. Hours, 9 to 5. Mondays until 9 P. M. RUBBER STAMnn l>fU SEALS & STENCILS Uk Efl V MFG.BYHBG.STENCIL WORKS ■ |1 II 130 LOCUST ST. HBG, PA. II —LOANS —^ ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT LEGAL RATES. Small Monthly Payments. Profit Sharing I.onn Society 9 No. Market Square (Spooner Bldg.) Conducted Under State Banking Dept. License No. 24. «■ THE Harrlßburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. M.. at its new location, front and Harris streets, for the free treatment of the worthy poor. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! We loan money on listed, unlisted and ourb securities. Reasonable rates —long or short time. Emerson & Co., 16 Beaver St., New York, N. Y. FOR SALE A VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE CENTRALLY LOCATED Southeast corner Green and Forstor streets; ten cheerful, light rooms; three having bay windows; two porches, large balcony; all conven iences; city steam. This house is tn first class repair and is an Ideal down town home, snrrounded by beautiful shade trees. Inquire of A. M. FERGUSON 281 FORSTER ST. BELL PHONE 15