Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 08, 1915, Page 19, Image 19

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    Keeping the Wells of Thought Pure
(Copyright, 19IS. Star Company)
Whsn women of secretly question
able lives, who yet retain public re
spect, meet in friendly converse they
are exceedingly careful to steer away
I'from any discussion of vice. They
prefer to talk of the new minister,
and their private charities, and the
opera, and the latest fashion.
Herein they are more wise than
their ntbral and pure-hearted sisters
sometimes are.
To the really innocent possessed of
ony temperament or Imagination there
Is a certain fascination In learning a
little aout the doings of vice. It is
♦he same sort of quality of mind which
makes the timid child want to hear
about Jack the Giant Killer, little
Red Riding Hood, and Bluebeard.
The child is all affection and tender
ness, yet he is stirred with a creepy
sensation of delight and, horror inter
mingled when he hears these tales of
slaughter (stories, by the way, which
no child should ever be permitted to
hear during his nursery days).
It is quite in the same way that
good girls and pure-hearted women
are led through their curiosity to listen
to stories of human depravity and
vice, and to repeat to one another the
tales of wickedness which they have
read or heard.
* Had they taken part in any of these
phases of life they would not want to
talk about them unless they had be
come utterly depraved and indifferent
to public opinion; yet even with the
excuse of the curiosity which often
accompanies virtue and Inexperience,
it Is a step in the wrong direction
when a good woman with noble and
worthy aims allows herself to talk
about unwholesome subjects.
It is impossible for a woman of In
telligence to live in the world a score
of years and not know that vice and
depravity exist. It is necessary that
she should know it If she intends to
be a factor for good, and not a mere
(jet Rid of Scrofula
How? TakeS.S.S.
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You have noticed the little fester
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minded woman need to assume an
lay figure. Innocence does not need
to be Ignorant, nor does the moral
offended or Insulted air If Immorality
Is mentioned in her presence.
We can increase and intensify any
thing we think about persistently.
If we permit our minds to dwell upon
the evil In the world, even to regret
and bemoan It, we Increase the power
of evil, besides coming closer in touch
with it ourselves. Let evil alone
do not. think of It or talk of it, and
It will die of neglect. If no one
thought or talked of sin, it would
soon cease to exist.
As our country grows older we
hear much of the "abnormal" and the
"degenerate." Almost every day one
may hear those words used carelessly
by sweet women.
Stop talking about them; stop
thinking or wondering about them.
If you chance to know such types,
steer clear of them, giving them
thoughts of healing and Illumination
as you pass, commanding them to be
clean and then go upon yoiir way
and forget them."
Do not defile your mind or that of
another by conversation about them.
If a subject of this kind is introduced
in your presence you do not need to
appear shocked or assume an "I-am
holler-than-tliou" air, for, remember,
it is not the worst people who speak
of such things to one another! But
you can get away from the unpleas
ant topic as quickly as possible, and
let the fresh air of some wholesome
thought blow through your mind.
Don't be a prude; don't affect false
modesty; don't claim an ignorance of
evil, but rise up and over It to purer
realms of thought, and help yourself
and humanity by thinking and talk
ing of the good things which exist
all about us—beautiful loves, pure
friendship, noble charities, lovely un
selfishness, sincere motives.
Look for them, and you will find
taint of Scrofula infection. But in
either case it is a dangerous condition.
Your blood is infected, impure, and
you can never hope to gain perfect
health until the impurities are washed
from the system. If you feel badly
all the time, you must crave health. If
you want to feel renewed spirits, the
glow of perfect health, bright eyes,
clear skin, the knowledge that you are
well, you can do so. Cleanse your
ttood by taking S. S. S. For fifty
years it has been the standard blood
purifier. It relieves the trouble by
renourishing the blood, renewing its
strength, and stimulating the flow so
that the blood regains its lost vitality,
and throws ofT the poison. Even long
standing cases respond. But you must
use S. S. S. Take it for all blood infec
tions. Get It at your druggist's to-day.
If you need special advice, write the
S. S. S. Co., Atlanta, Ga.—Advertise-
State Boards New Rules Indi
cate the Extent to Which
the Officials Will Act
Stringent rules "to keep motion
pictures attuned to public opinion"
have been laid down by the State
Board of Motion Picture Censors In
the new book of rules and regulations
just issued from the offices of the
board. All the experience of the last
year or so in controlling pictures and
the observation and thought of the
censors seems to have been concen
trated in the new code. 11 is far
more comprehensive than the origlnat
rules and the statements made as to
policy are very plainly worded. The
board consists of J. L. Breitlnger,
Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer and Mrs. E.
C. Nlver.
The first rule states that the board
will "aim to eliminate everything
which shall tend to debase morals or
Inflame the mind to improper ad
ventures or to establish false stand
ards of conduct. Sacrilege, death
and depressing scenes "unduly em
phasized" and grewsome subjects are
put under objection and barroom and
"passionate love" scenes must be
used with discretion and not so as to
lose significance.
"Frank exposure of the person may
be less objectionable than partial ex
posure," is one of the hints and dis
robing and intimate home scenes are
to be avoided as much as possible.
The board gives notice that it will
lean to the conservative side in deal
ing with comedy costuming. Plays
showing infidelity are not considered a
legitimate subject and the .board says
it will "insist that problems of sex
shall be treated with seriousness and
Slap stick stunts must be whole
some, no plays holding up to ridicule
any sect or which tend to show loose
morals are to be attempted. Pictures
showing women drinking and
will be carefully judged. In regard to
underworld, opium den and similar
scenes are to be truthful when they
have to be used, but are to be em
ployed with restraint and will be sub
ject to rigid consideration. It is
frankly stated that they may be con
demned, while pictures showing habit
forming from use of drugs are not
considered in the movie field at
A Street Dress in New and Interesting
8751 Coat DrcM 34 to 44 bust
Street dresses unquestionably make a
feature of the autumn fashions. This
one is exceedingly smart and so cut and
planned that it will be becoming to almost
every figure. There are long unbroken
lines at the front to give an effect of
height, yet the severity is mitigated by
the curved seams at the back and sides.
The closing may be made at the center
front with the edges meeting or slightly
to the left of the front witn the edges
lapped, but, in either case, it is finished
with a high collar. In the picture, one
of the new crtpe suitings is trimmed with
satin and the effect is a very good one,
but this is a dress that will be much
liked for serge, for gabardine, for broad
cloth and for all materials of a similar
weight. Later, it will be handsome for
velvet. There is an inverted plait at
each seam which extends to a little above
knee depth and which provides graceful
freedom and flare, while the body portion
and the upper part of the skirt are plain.
For the medium size will be needed 8
yds. of material 27 in. wide, 6 yds. 36,
yds. 44, with 13 yds. of braid. Tne
skirt is 4 yd 3. wide at the lower edge.
The pattern No. 8751 is cut in sizes from
34 to 44 inches bust measure. It will be
mailed to any address by the Fashion
Department of this paper, on receipt of
tea cents.
Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns.
Edward A. Skinner. aged 44, of
Chambersburg, a machinist, fractured
both arms and probably his right leg,
last night when he fell forty feet Into
the stone quarries at Brownstone. He
was brought to the Harrlsburg Hos
Mrs. Hazel Nesbit, 414 Herr street,
was admitted to the Harrlsburg Hos-
Fever yeßterday » uff erlng from typhoid
Vfr'fr *frfr 4 > 4 , 4*4"i"1» 4"fr 4*4' 4*4* 4 , 4 > >f,
i Women's and Misses' Suits and Coats J
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$ the Purchase of Your New Fall Suit or Coat f
J Fall you have learned that materials are scarce, \ jj> T
X that manufacturers are having trouble in procuring / JHB/I \ 0 * J
i raw material (that is good material) for garments. J 1
4 The answer is, huy your Fall Suit or Coat early. sr !t
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We have the enviable reputation of being able, owing to our inexpensive location and many connections, of *f*
saving our patrons money. Give us a call.
4» To-morrow we will specialize on Suits at sls to $25 Coats at sls to S3O. Their equal or near it will *£*
cost you from $5 to $8 more in the high rent, high price district. Our stock is complete.
Suits at $9.98, $12.00, $15.00, SIB.OO, $20.00 to $45.00 J
$ Coats at $7.00, $9,98, $15.00 to $60.00 $
$ Special in Girls' Goats in Sizes 6to 14 School Coats $1.98 to sls £
X Buy Y° ur Suit or Coat Now-Pay Later If It Suits You Better j|
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4 Furnishers 29-31-33 and 35 S. 2nd St Clothiers %
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If LQM i \X7ILL positively stop bleeding of the gums. Correct acid mouth.
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jflkU* M I pyorrhea, swollen, sensitive, bleeding gums and like ailments known
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' M liSai Senreco has a delicious, lasting flavor. Leaves a wholesomely clean,
■ W js3wßl cgol and pleasant taste in the mouth. Makes the teeth glisten. Has
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OENT IST* Pffi not enou sh to injure the enamel of the teeth. j
IfSSgH -|p * ' gjljßS In cases where tartar has accumulated, gums receded, decay set in /
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Begin this pleasant, effective treatment at once. Delay may cause you inconvenience
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The Sentanel Remedies Co. Inc, Cincinnati, O. Covington, Ky. Pittsburg; Pis;
Address all mall to the Cincinnati Office.