Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 02, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Mrs. Charles Klinger, Wayne,
Pa., Comes Back to Call
on Annville Relatives
President Gossard, of Lebanon,
Valley College, Attends Con
ference at Harrisburg
By Special C orrcipcr rien ft
Annville, Pa., Oct. 2.—The Rev. O.
Edgar Wolfe, pastor of the Mllford,
N. H,, Congregational Church, has re
turned to his charge after spending
several weeks at the home of his par
ents In Manhelm street. Prof. A. E.
Shroyer, of the faculty of Lebanon,
Valley College, spoke on "Teacher
Training" at the convention of the I
Palmyra Sunday School district. —Miss
Jessie Marshall has returned from Al
lentown. Annville had a welcome
guest this past week when Mrs. Chas.
Klinger, of Wayne, Pa., visited her
old town. Mrs. Klinger left Annville
over twenty-flve years ago. While a
resident of this place she was largely
Identified with the Reformed church.
G. D. Gossard, of Lebanon
Valley College, with a number of the
faculty members of the college, at
tended the conference of the United
Brethren church at Harrisburg.
Adam C. Yingst, of Washington, D. C„
left for his home after spending sev
eral days visiting friends In this town.
\ Very Desirable j;
Modern Residence
{ 1410 N. Second St. j:
j 'pHRF. E-S TO R Y J
2 brick and brown- i
5 stone. Lot 18x113. 5
> Nine rooms and bath; S
? electricity and gas. j
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5 All conveniences. In f
>' best condition. j!
■: H. E. vanHaagen '•
J Insurance and Real Estate '[
J 406 Kunkel Building
12 ? 0 T" For Headaches 38
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Lebanon, Pn„ l-O-'IB.
You are at liberty «o use my
ntimr and tmtlvmny for advertis
ing CarVSo tablets, and you may
refer any person, to me and I will
Kindly tell them Jhe good tliey have
.done for me. I
Wishing you success, |
I am yours truly,
lilts. JU7.7.1E FRIT/,,
7Si Spring Ave.
Never Mind How Strong You Are—
What d'ye Know?
ThatV; the point—"What d'ye KNOW?"
To-day it's a battle of wits— and brains win
Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to.
In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains
—not brawn —that win. "What d'ye KNOW?" is the
one great question that draws the line between defeat
and victory • between "wages" and "salary" between
• you and the Boss.
What do YOU'know? Are YOU so expert in some
line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman,
superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark
and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna
tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you
CAN "make good" on a big job?
For 28 yesre the I. C. 8. have been showing men how to
do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every month over 400
students write of promotions or salary Increases through I. C.
8. training. What the I. C. 8. are doing for these men they can
do for YOU.
No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours
you work, or how limited your education—if you can read and
write and ara ambitions to learn the I. C. 8. can train you in
your own l>me, during your spare time, for a more Important
and better-paying position.
Stark and mall the attached coupon—it won't obligate
you In the least—and the I. C. S. will show you how you can
acquire this salary-raising ability by their simple and easy
It will cost you nothing to Investigate—it may cost a life
time of remorse if you don't Mark and Mail the Coupon
Box 1331, Scranton, Pa.
Please explain without any obligation to ms how I can qual
ify for the position before which I mark X
Electrical Engineer Mechanical Drafts Show' Card Wrltlaa
Elec. Lighting: Supt. Refrigeration Engineer Advertising
Electric Wire man Civil Engineer Salesmanship
Tel. A Tel. Kaglneer Surveyor Tencher
Architect Loco. Fireman Jt Eng. English Branches
Architectural Draftsman Hvtl Service Agriculture
Structural Engineer Railway Mall Clerk Poultry Farm Inn
Building Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. A Steam Pit.
Concret* X'onatructlon gteno. * Typewriting Chemistry
Mecknnleal Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Running
and No.
City Btate
Present Occupation m
Lewistown Young Girl Is
. Highly Talented Violinist
i"• ~ yj" * 1
By Special Correspondence
Lewistown, Pa., Oct. 2.—Miss Sarah
Garver, a young girl In her teens. Is
making a great reputation by her tal
ent for music on the violin. She is a
daughter of A. C. Garver, of Lewis
town, and she can master the most
difficult selections.
Dr. Newpher Reappointed
Medical Inspector of Schools
Mount Joy, Pa.. Oct. 2. D'aniel
Gantz, of Waslilngtonboro, was tlie
guest of J. R. Missemer. The Rev.
Daniel Wolgemutli and the Rev. Levi
O. Musser spent Sunday at MoVe-ytojvn,
where they conducted lovefeast services
of the Brethren 111 Christ denomination.
—Dr. j. ,1. Newpher has been reap
pointed medical instructor of the pub
lic schools of East Donegal and Mount
Joy townships. —r The Mount Joy trol
ley waiting room'will be moved across
the street from its present location
after the owner has made the necessary
improvements to the property. Miss
Catharine Brenneman left on Tuesday
for Luthervllle, Md„ to resume her
studies at the Ladies' Seminary. —■
Frank Roland and son. Charles, of Phil
adelphia, after spending some time In
town have returned to their home.
C. Fred Zebnder, of Philadelphia, was
the guest of J. R. Missemer, on Wed
nesday. Mrs. Harry Sheaffer, of Phil
adelphia, is spending a week in town,
the guest of Mrs. Benjamin Hiestand.—
The Rev. J. Howard Kern. A. W.
.Swenker, Melvin Grove and William
Delllnger attended the Lutheran League
Convention at New Holland, —The Rev.
G. M. Owen and wife, of Elmer, N. .1.,
and Mr. Whitticer, of Mlllersville, N .1
spent Monday with Dr. W. W. Chandler
and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Roland and Mrs. Sarah Roland, of
Philadelphia, have been guests of J. R.
Missemer and family. Tobias Stauf
fer. of Bradford, 111., was the guest of
■I. R. Missetnor, on Tuesday.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
aa mercury will surely destroy the aense of smell
and completely derange the whole system when
entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such
nrllcleii should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the damage
they will do Is ten fold to the good you can pos
sibly derire from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, 0.,
contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the Wood and mucous sur
faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the genuine, it Is taken
Internally and made In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
S"ld by Druggists. Price, 75c. per hottle.
Take Hall's Family rills for coustlpatlon.
Hummelstown Boy Returns to
His Home After Treatment
at Harrisburg Hospital
Philadelphia Minister Will
Preach at Hummelstown Re
formed Church Tomorrow
By Special C orrespondence
Hummelstown, Pa., Oct. 2.—Bert
ram Hummel spent the. week at Se
wickley and Pittsburgh. Mrs. Harry
Gresh spent a day In Harrisburg.—
Miss Mary Groye entertained the
Ayuda Club of young women at her
home. The Rev. Robert A. Bausch
was elected president of the Harris
burg Ministerial Association at its last
meeting. Harry Bomberger was
brought home from the Harrisburg
Hospital on Saturday evening on a
fair road to recovery from tetanus in
fection from which he has suffered
for the past month.—Francis Hamp
ton has gone to Huntingdon, Pa.,
where he enrolled as a student at
Juniata College. The Chemical Fire
Company helil a smoker in the lire
houSe on Tuesday, levelling. Miss
Florence Gresh accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. William A. Lunilis to Reading
last Sunday. Mrs. Edwin Blessing
and sons are visiting relatives in New
Bloomfleld. Mr. and Mrs. George
Blackburn spent several days at At
lantic City. Mrs. Mary Bolton en
tertained her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Jacobs, of Mechan
icsburg. On Sunday evening, tlie
10th, the Lutheran choir will render
a muslcale under the direction of Mrs.
J. R. Alartz, the chorister.—Mr. and
Mrs. Walter A. Geesey spent Saturday
at Philadelphia. Misses Annie B.
Nye, Minnie Haehnlen and Myrtle
Garrett spent Saturday at Harrisburg.
—The national lecturer of the Modern
Woodmen delivered the lecture, "The
Man Who Came Back," in the Star
theater on Thursday evening. Mrs.
Hummel returne dto her home in Port
Carbon after spending several days
with her daughter, Mrs. Emory Fet
terman. Mrs. Albert Hummel spent
Tuesday at Harrisburg. Miss Emma
Landis is spending several weeks at
Mt. Gretna. Miss Margaret Mullin,
of Shippensburg Normal, spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William H. Mullin. Mrs. Mary
Grove is visiting relatives at Newport
and New Bloomlield. Mr. and Mrs.
Aldus Hoffer visited relatives in Buf
falo this week. A regular monthly
meeting of the school board was held
on Monday evening. The Ladies'
Mite Society of the Reformed Church
met at the home of Airs. Walter Baker
on Tuesday evening. The Rev. Ru
fus W. Miller, secretary of the Re
formed Publication Board, of Phila
delphia, will be present at the Rally-
Day services in the Reformed
Church next Sunday morning and wlli
preach at the evening services. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Hummel entertained
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hummel, of Had
don Heights. The Rev. A, S. Leh
man and Clinton M. Hershey attended
the sessions of the East Pennsylvania
Conference in the Sixth Street United
Brethren Church, Harrisburg, on
Wednesday. Brinton Gaus, of Har
risburg, visited his father, Jacob Gaus,
on Sunday. Emory Fetterman has
been laid up with a severe cold.
Elizabethtown Postmaster
Entertains Physicians
By Special Correspondence '
Klizabetlivllle. Pa., Oct. 2. —J. K.
Bertslield and George W. Lenker
ser\*d as jurors at Harrisburg this
week.—Prof. Mack E. Stine left on
Monday for Port Carbon, where he is
principal of the public schools.—Miss
Stella Weaver spent some time at the
Capital City. Dr. E. L. Bertram, of
St. Louis, Mo., spent several days with
Postmaster Enders. Mrs. Clara
Harper is visiting her daughter at Ly
kens. Charles W. Cook arrived on
Tuesday evening with a carload of
western horses and mules. Joseph
Sh6esley spent Wednesday at Harris
burg. Rural Carrier P. E. Stine
moved into the Swab home in Spruce
street on Thursday. Mrs. Milton O.
Miller and children spent several days
at Lykens. Mrs. Merrill B. John
son, of Monta'ndon, is the guest of
her father, L. H. Zeigler. Scott
Weaver and Lester Harner spent sev
erai days at Hershey/ William J.
Witmer spent severaf days at Phila
delphia. ,
\ Pennsylvania Woman Telle
Her Story.
Lewisburg. Ta. —"I had been bad fc
two years with stomach and live
§ trouble ant
spent a good deal
of money on the
doctors but did
not get over my
trouble. Two
years ago I began
lining Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical
better as soon as
I began to take it.
I I have had more appetite and kept
more comfortable and enjoyed better
health since using it than I had be
fore in years. I consider it the best
niedicine for the stomach and liver.
I wish every one could use it and get
the benefit I have." — MRS. JANE WEAV
ER, 615 St. Catharine St
"When the food reaches the stomach
it is subjected to a peculiar churning
movement- by the muscular walls of
the stomach"—(See Dr. Tierce's Medi
cal Adviser, page 45). Tn the liver,
kidneys and skin, the blood Is purified
of its waste materials—these organs
act as human filters, leaving the blood
pure and clear —unless liver, digestive
tract.and kidneys are clogged. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is
a stomach, liver and kidney tonic —by
assisting the stomach to assimilate, the
liver to filter, the kidneys to act—the
poisons are -emoved. the red blood
corpuscles are increased and one feels
light, fresh and active insteady of logy,
dull and heavy.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, cloth-bound, sent free to you
on receipt of three dimes ( or stamps),
to pav expense of mailing only. Address
Dr. Pierce. Invalids' Hotel. ot>3 Main
Street. Buffalo, N. Yi„
Dillsburg, Pa., Oct 2.—This group contains five generations of the Kinter family of Dillsburg, York county,
the oldest being. 84 years old. From left to right, those in the picture are: Mrs. Henry Kinter, aged 84, of Dills
burg; Mrs. George W. Kinter, 65, of Dillsburg; Mrs. J. W. Smith, 45. of 650 Woodbine street, Harrisburg; Mrs.
Edgar Hoffsmith, 21. of 650 Woodbine street, Harrisburg, and Evelyn Gertrude Hoffsmith, 6 weeks. Mrs. Hoffsmith
was Miss Agnes Smith prior to her marriage.
Personal News Items
•From Nearby Towns in
Central Pennsylvania
By Special Correspondence
Hershey.—The Rev. N. L Llnebaugh
and S. D. Clark are at Harrisburg at
tending the sessions of the United
Brethren Conference. Lynn W.
Meekins returned from his vacation In
the Blue Kldge Mountains. Miss
Sarah L Steck, of the Young Women's
Christian Association, spent several
days at her home, at Welch Run.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Snavely have
returned trom their honeymoon trip to
the Bermuda Islands. Mrs. Clara
Kearns, of Wllkinsburg, was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Allison Oarman. U.
W. Sneath visited relatives at Dun
cannon. -r- Miss Clara Moyer left for
Brooklyn, N. Y„ where she lias entered
Pratt Institute for a course in domes
tic science.—John C. Moyer visited his
brother, O. W. Moyer, at Newport. ■ —
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lehman are recei
ing the congratulations of their many
friends on the birth of a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Snavely spent sev
eral days at Lancaster. Bertram
Hummel made a motorcycle trip tu
Sewickley, where he visited friends.
Mrs. 11. M. Burch, of Wllliamsport. was
the guest of her daughter. Miss Mary
Burch, at the Young Women's Chris
tian Association.
llerrysliurK. Miss Naomi Derr and
Mrs. Charles Schoffstall attended the
celebration at Harrisburg. Mrs. Kate
Keboch and Mr. and Airs. Charles Dan
iel attended the Allentown fair.
Airs. Norman Engle and' two children,
of Penbrook, are visiting her parents.
Air. and Mrs. Charles Ketioch.—Charles
r Keboch and daughter, Pauline, and
Mrs. Harry Andress and child autoed to
Penbrook last week.'— Airs. Charles
Straub is visiting at Harrisburg.
Communion services will bo held In
the Lutheran Church by Ihe Rev. Mr.
Derr to-morrow morning. Aliss Alary
Straub, of Harrisourg, spent several
days at the home of Mrs. Kate Hart
I nluu llepoKit. Miss Alargaret
Dunn, of Quincy, is spending some time
i with Aliss Elizabeth Parthemore. —Mrs.
Joseph Ktter spent Sunday at Lebanon.
—Air. and Airs. Paul Stauffer moved to
Harrisburg. Airs. Alyrtle Newcwmer,
of Steelton, is spending some time with
her mother. Mrs. Alaggie Hartman.
Aliss Blanche Long spent a day at Har
risburg. Claude Long spent Sunday
at Heading. Air. and Airs. Harry
Hartman. of Steelton. and Air. and Mrs.
Joseph Albright, of Hummelstown,
were entertained by Airs. Alaggie Hart
man on Sunday. Aliss Edna Kauf
man, after spending some time at
Hornerstown with her aunt. Airs. John
Facklef, returned home on Sunday.
Atrs. John A. Ivellar, accompanied by
her two daughters, Edith and Emma,
and grandson, Arthur Rhlnehart. of
near Alanada Hill, visited- Mrs. Henry
Miller on Sunday. Air. and Airs. Harry
Keiffer and daughter, Kathryn.
spent Wednesday at Harrisburg. Mrs.
> Samuel Brown, of Liliglestown. is
spending some time with her daughter,
Mrs. C. Straw. Aliss Annie Mlller
spent Wednesday at Hummelstown
visiting Aliss Annie Martin. Air. and
Mrs. William Yohe and son. of Colum
bia. visited Air. and Mrs. William
Phfeils, on Sunday. Airs . Joseph
Snavely, of' Palmyra, is spending the
j week with her daughter, Mrs. Annie
Fausnacht. —Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Brown,
of Liliglestown, were entertained by
| Mr. and Airs. C. Straw, on Sunday.
Aliss Sarah Etter spent Wednesday at
I Harrisburg.
l.eulstovttt. Herman Alkey and
familv will remove to Akron, Ohio.
George Wian has entered the dental
department of the University of Penn
sylvania. Horace Scht-11 went to
Nlrwlch, Conn., to work in the draft
ing department of the Hopkins and
Alen Arms Company plant. Frank
Wertz has taken up the practice of
dentistry in this place. Aliss Alildred
Went 7. is making quite a reputation as
a pianist in Philadelphia. G. S. Mil
ler and wife have returned home from
a trip to Denver, Col. Airs. Thomas
Reed and daughter are at the exposition
at San Francisco.
Mtfflintonn. Wash North anil
daughter, Mary, spent a (lay .at Har
rlsburg. Mr. and Mrs. D. Stoner, of
Fairfield, Adams county, are quests at
the home of S. A. Kills. Mrs. North
b'tenett returned home Monday from
a visit with her son. Edgar Sterrett. at
Philadelphia. Southard Parker, of
Mifflin, is attending school at the Har
risburg Academy. Miss Florence
Vincent left Monday for Comb's Musical
Conservatory, at Philadelphia. Dr.
and Mrs. Main Nipple, of Turbottvllle,
are visiting his Mr. and Mrs.
J C Nipple. Mrs. George Clark, of
New York, visited her aunt, Mrs. Henri
etta Baldwin, r- Mr. and Mrs. Elger
and son, Ned Elger, and his wife and
daughter, of Mount Vernon, Ohio, and
Mrs Nelle Tompkins, of Am bridge. Pa.,
are guests at the home of Wash North.
—Miss Euphemta Strouse has gone to
the Drexel Institute, at Philadelphia,
where she ts taking a course in domes
tic science. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Rodg
ers and Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson are
attending the Grand Army of the Re
public reunion at Washington, D. C.
Miss Anna Hibbs left Monday for
Lynchburg. Va., where she will be a
student at the Randolph Macon, Col
lege Ralph Hills and son, Robert,
left Frldav for Pittsburgh, where they
will visit Mrs. Hills sister. Mrs. Clair V.
Br eh m. and then go on to their home
In Madison, Wis. Mrs. Stubbs and
son, of Harrlsburg. are visiting the
former's slater, Mrs. J. C. Miller, at
Big Lot of Black Walnut
Logs Sold at Thompsontown
Thompsontown. Pa.. Oct. 2. Holy
Communion will be administered In the
Lutheran Church to-morrow morning
at 10.30 o'clock by the Rev. D. B. Trelb
ley, pastor. Mr. and Mrs. .T. E. Flelsh
or, of Newport, were guests of Mrs. D.
H' Spotts. on Monday. Miss Almyra
Graham, a .graduate nurse of the Epis
copal Hospital, Philadelphia. Is spend
ing several weeks with Mrs. Almyra
Logan. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Schlegel
are visiting at New Holland and at
tended the York fair. Miss Flo
Trelbley spent a week with Miss
Mary McCauley, at Harrtsburg. Mrs.
N. F. Rlpnian is visiting friends at
Harrlsburg. On Monday evening.
October 4 a temperance entertainment
will be given by Mrs. Azula Jones and
daughter in the Lutheran Church.
Messrs E. B. and .lames A. Cameron
visited Mr. and Mrs. John Wallet at
Irkesburg. Sunday. E. H. Harman
sold a lot of black walnut lumber to
J. E. Flelsher. A. P. Dlium and
family, of Kurtz Valley, were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cameron,'
.on Sunday.
Newport Party Touring
State by Automobile
fty Special Correspondence
Newport, Pa., Oct. 2.—Mrs. Charles
McHenry Eby and her sister, Miss
Mary Harris Irwin spent several days
at Philadelphia this week. Mrs.
Joseph B. Baker, Jr., entertained Mr.
and Mrs. Edward E. Marshall of
Rydal, over the week-end. Mrs.
Frank V. Templar of Harrisburg, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Julia Keim.
William R. Bosserman in his auto
mobile., accompanied by Harry Wagner
and Kenneth Kepner is making a tour
of the western part of the State, re
turning by way of Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Flood Conrad and Flood
Conrad, Jr., of Huntingdon, are visit
ing Mrs. Conrad's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Conrad. Harold Pcnder
gast of Wiljiamsport, visited his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Mingle
over Sunday. Mrs. Harry Burns of
Aitoona, visited her grandmother,
Mrs. Mary E. Sheibley this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Leiby attended
the Lancaster fair on Thursday.
The Rev. R. M. Ramsey, pastor of the
Presbyterian church attended the
meeting of the Carlisle Presbytery at
Newville. Miss Mary Catherine
Blatzer visited relatives in Harris
burg on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. H.
S. Thompson of Cleveland, 0., are
visiting Mrs. Thompson's father, Levi
Smith., — Dr. and Mrs. J. Harry Mc-
Culloch, Miss Jennie Linn Milligan and
Mrs. Paul R. Homhach. traveling by
auto, are spending the week at Phila
delphia. F. P. Geary of Center Hall,
is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
D. P. Geary. Miss Elizabeth Dor
wart is visiting her brother, Albert
Leonhard Dorwart. a senior at Penn
State. Mrs. A. Keese Bortel. is visit
ing her daughter. Mrs. Charles Feiser
at Lemoyne. Jacob Super and his
daughter. Miss Emma Super are at the
fcrtv-ninth annual reunion of the
Grand Army of the Republic a* Wash
ington, D. C. Miss Claire P. Dc
maree who lias been visiting her
brother} Harry Stambaugh Demaree,
the past three weeks, has returned
Blain R. T. A. Club Elects
Officers For Coming Year
By Special Correspondence
Blnln, Pa.. Oct. 2.—The R. T. A. Club
elected officers as follows: President.
Miss Hazel G. Hencli; vice-president,
Miss S. Grace Stambaugh; secretary.
Miss Golda Pimm; treasurer. Mrs. S. M.
Woods. A cakewaik was held at
Stum's 011 Saturday evening. Seven
cakes of the old-fashioned kind were
walked off and each cake brought from
seventv-flve cents to SI.OO. Mrs. Ray
mond Ball and baby Frances Louise, of
Indianapolis, Tnd., are the guests of
Mrs. Ball's parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. \\.
Johnston. Miss Nellie Pryor. a train
ed nurse, has returned to New \ ork
City Mrs. W. M. Gutshall and two
daughters, of Lancaster county, are
visiting friends. Dr. and Mrs. F. A.
Gutshall. J. C. Gutshall and Harry
Kline attended the celebration at Har
risburg. Miss Blanche Rohm visited
at Harrisburg. James Snyder, of
Sliiloh, 0., visited his cousin, J. M. Sny
der. A new frame building lias been
erected in which to store the new
chemical engine. Miss Alice Peck, of
Maryland, visited Miss Mary Gutshall.
—Born to Mr. and Mrs. David Stam
baugh, Jr.. a son. Miss Mary Ab
bott. of Dudley, Pa., and Miss Mabel
Noel, of New Germantown, visited Mrs.
M. D. Garber. O. 1,. Hench is at the
Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia,
with an ailment which puzzles the phy
sicians of the institution. The Sew
ing Circle was entertained by Mrs.
Annie Woods on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Crumpton, of Seattle, Wash., visit
| ed Mrs. D. P. Stokes.
Combined Meetings
Held at Millerstown
Mlllerntown. Pa., Oct. 2.—Miss Olive
Dimin spent the week-end at Harris
burg. .lolin Brinton, of Harrlsburg
Is visiting at the home of J. C. Kipp.
—William Gregg, of New York City,
spent the week-end with his family at
the home of James Brandt. Mrs.
Samuel Rounsley is at Philadelphia.—
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ward and daugh
ter. Alice, were Harrisburg visitors re
centlv. Mrs. J. B. Parson, of Port
Royal, visited her father, William
Ktpp, tills week. Miss Ada Myers, of
Thompsontown. wes the guest of her
sister, Mrs. C. F. Hlmes, over Sunday.
—James Rounsley was at Newport,
Wednesday.—Mrs. O. D. Wingert spent
Sunday in Harrisburg with her hus
band, who is receiving treatment at
the Harrlsburg Hospital. Mr. and
Mrs. William Rounsley left on Monday
for Cardiff. Md.. to visit their daugh
ter. Mrs. Eidward Rumple. Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Snyder, of Harrlsburg, spent
Sunday with W. D, Bollinger. Mrs.
Harry Rlnehart and nephew, Harry
Heisey, and Mrs. George Heisey were
at Harrlsburg. Tuesday. W F.
Rounsley and family, of Penbrook,
spent Sunday with Ills parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Rounsley. Mr. and Mrs.
Spangler returned home Wednesday
evening after spending the summer on
the road with their vaudeville show.—
Miss Lillian Nankivel. of Steelton,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nankivel. The
second and third quarterly conferences,
combined, were held In the Methodist-
Episcopal Church Friday afternoon,
Dr. E. M. Stevens, district superin
tendent, presiding. *— Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Page and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Beacham automoblled to Harrlsburg on
Friday. Miss Marguerita Boning, of
Haddonfleld, N. J., who had spent sev
eral weeks at the Ward House return
ed home Monday. Mrs. Robert
Thompson, of Huntingdon, caljed on
her mother, Mrs. Maria Cochran, on
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it. 25oat all druggists.
OCTOBER 2, 1915.
Ephrata U; B. Congregation
Has Given $15,751 in Five
Years For Various Purposes
By Special Correspondence
Kphrnta. Pa,, Oct. 2. —The Rev.
J. W. Smith, M. L. Weidman, John M.
and the Misses Ruth M. Specher, Ab
bie Gehman and Mabel Gehman as
delegates and Dr. Jacob B. Balthaser
and others as visitors, representing
Trinity Luther League of Ehprata
spent Saturday at New Holland, where
they attended the annual convention
of the Lancaster District Luther
League. John M. Fry, of Ephrata,
presided at the gathering, being presi
dent of the District League. The
holy communion will be administered
in Trinity Lutheran and Bethany
Reformed churches to-morrow morn
ing by the Rev. J. W. Smith and Al
lan S. Meek, the respective pastors.—
Rally Day was observed last Sunday
In the United Brethren Sunday School.
—Ephrata with an attendance of 323,
and an offering of $59.22 for missions,
the pastor of the congregation, the
Rev. J. AT. Walters and Charles S.
Yeager, the lay delegate of the con
gregation. are in attendance at the
Easl Pennsylvania Conference at Har
risburg. The Rev. Mr. Walters has
been pastor of the congregation for
the past five years and in this time
the contributions for all purposes have
aggregated $15,751.45. Of this
amount, $3,666.99 were contributed for
benevolences. During the five years,
175 new members have been added to
the congregation; members lost
through death, transfers or for other
reasons, ninety-four; net gain for five
years, eighty-one.—Mrs. Henry West
erhoff and Miss Kate Hoffman spent
a day at Lebanon and Hershey.
The Rev. C. E. Boughter, of Oberlin,
was a visitor here.—Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Kessler arid Mrs. Miller, of At
lantic City, who are touring Lancaster
county by automobile, spent Wednes
day in Ephrata, the guests of I. R.
Irritated Scalp By Scratching.
Kept Awake At Night.
Hair Game Out.
"I noticed an itching all over my head and {
my wife said I had a half dozen white spot*
on my head about as large as a penny. I
1 -ssefev was given some ointment which
/ff\ seemed to loosen some hard j
■ VI —j- J white scales and after they were
i fif T off my head would be full of j
» ji&l red blotches which finally
1 J covered the whole top of my
head. The Itching was so
Lj \r severe that I irritated my scalp
C. V/ by scratching, and it kept me
' awake at night. My hair
came out.
"I read of a case which had been cured by
the Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I tried
them. Now I am completely healed after
suffering with it for over four years."
fSlgned) George Metts, 306"! N. Bousall St.,
"Philadelphia, Pa., April 9, 1915.
Sample Each Free by Mail
With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad
dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Bos
ton." Sold throughout the world.
"Sterling Washer"
LATING TUB, no pegs to tear the
clothes, will wash anything to be
WRINGER. Steel frame, full length
folding extension, rack.
Largest cedar tub made, detachable.
Come look it over.
Hbg. Electric Supply Co.
24-26 South Second St.
JfArrisburg, Pa. ,
Members of Mechanicsburfl
Post and Women's
Corps in Review
Mrs. D. L. Snavely Hostess For
Standard Rearers of Metho
dist Episcopal Church
By Special Correspondence
Meehaiilcsbure, Pa., Oct. 2 —Among
the members of the Col. H. T. Zinn
Post and the Woman's Relief Corps
who were in attendance at the Grand
Army encampment and Review in
Washington. D. C., this week are:
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Mohler, Mr. and
Mrs. S. S. "Diehl, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Bricker, F. K. Ployer, W. E. Strock,
I. J. Weaver, Mrs. Alice S. Hauok.
Mrs. Margaret Eberly, J. C. Reeser,
George Baish, W. H. Mohler, Philip
Strawsbaugh and John Tate.—Mrs. 15.
A. DeFrehn left to-day for a visit at
Pottsville.—The Wontan's Missionary
Society of the First United Brethren
Church held a meeting last evening
at the home of Mrs. Alex Wise.—
Holy communion service will be held
to-morrow in Trinity Lutheran
Church.—Miss Maria Wagoner i«
visiting at Renovo.—Professor W. C.
Rice and family have moved to Car
lisle. The former was appointed as
sistant county superintendent recent
ly. Mrs. D. h. Snavely was hostess for
the Standard Bearers, a missionary so
ciety in the Methodist Episcopal
Church at her home on Thursday
evening. After a business session the
evening was spent socially and re
freshments were served.—Mrs. James
Guy and small son, of Wilkensburg,
are spending some time at the home
of Miss Laura Westhafer. - Samuel
Strong, of Tlagerstown, Md„ was the
guest of his brother, W. H. Strong.—
Mrs. R. E. Rakestraw and two chil
dren were visitors at Waynesboro this
week.—Miss Mary Lenker and Miss
Elsie Lenker are at home after a
visit to Mt. Gretna.—The Rev. Dr. A.
R. Steck, of Carlisle, was a visitor
here on Tuesday.
Asthma Sufferer
Write to-day I will tell you free of
charge how I was cured of asthma
after 28 years of terrible suffering, by
a simple inexpensive home treatment
which never fails. I am so grateful
for my present good health I want
every one to know of this wonderful
treatment. Mrs. Fred E. Moraine, Box
555 Des Moines, lowa.
Office Training School
Kaufman Blrijr.. 4 9. Market 3«.
Day School and Night School
Call or send for 32-page booklet—
Bell phone 694-R.
The Largest Shipment
Ever Brought to This City
A lady very prominent In Har
rlsburg social circles, whose
taste In matters floral Is conced
ed to be that of an expert. In.
speaking of our bulbs last sea
son said:
"I always bought my bulbs in
Philadelphia, until last year,
when I was Influenced by their
appearance to buy my supply
irom you. I am happy to say that
the result was highly satisfac
tory and I had the finest flow
ers this year from your bulbs
that I liavp ever seen. I shall
take pleasure in turning all ot
my patronage in this line -In the
future to you and shall recom
mend your bulbs to all of my
We say to you unhesitatingly,'
that the bulbs this year, consist
ing of Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus,
Narcissus and all other varieties,
excel even those which last year
so pleased the customer to whom
we refer.
Come in an<l look at them. We
will tell you how to plant or we
will at small expense, plant them
for you. We will be open Satur
day evenings.
Both Phone*.
t Cleans
Your Wi
ndows and
We Want To
for the most excellent reasons,
because we're In the business
and need the money and be
cause our rates are so low and
our work so superior you can't
afford to do It yourself; we use
no chemicals.
Harrisburg Window
Cleaning Co.
Bell Phone 631-J
. ' 313 Walnut St.