Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 02, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Efforts Being Made to Get Out
Full Attendance at
Superintendent of Big Sunday School
The growth of the Sunday school
of Stevens Memorial Methodist Church,
which now has a membership of 1,700
persons, is regarded as remarkable by
churchmen of the city. Two years ago
the membership was far below a thou
This Sunday school Is now one of
the largest in the Methodist Church
and much of its growth Is due to the
efforts of Al. K. Thomas, superintend
ent. and his staff of workers.
What is probably the most deter
mined effort to get the entire mem
bership out to a single session will
reach its climax to-morrow afternoon.
Ali day to-day telephones were kept
busy. In addition letters were mailed
to each member. To-morrow will be
observed as "round-up day."
The Rev. Dr. R. R. Butterwlck, a
prominent United Brethren minister,
will preach to-morrow evening. James
AV. Barker will preside. The big male
chorus will sing.
Rally Day at Paxton
Presbyterian Church
Paxtang, Pa., Oct. 2.—To-morrow
will be observed as rally day in the
Paxton Presbyterian Church and
special services will be held through
out the day.
The Sunday school rally will be at
10 o'clock and efforts are being put
forth to have a record attendance at
the session of the James Boyd Men's
Bible Class, the president of the class,
H. W. Crouse, having extended per
sonal invitations to every man in Pax
tang. At 11 o clock the pastor, the
Re\. H. B. King, will conduct the com
munion service. In the evening at
7.30 o'clock there will be a praise
service and the new revised hymnal
will be used. Mrs. William H. Cardry
will sing a solo and the sermon will
be. preached by the Rev. I. W. Buck,
of Lancaster, who is attending the
Lnlted Brethren conference in Harris
burg. •
Commencing to-morrow, the even
ing service at Grace Methodist Epis
copal Church will be preceded by a
short organ recital, beginning promptly
at 7.20 o'clock. The musical numbers
to-morrow will include: Morning—
Organ, Barcarolle, Faulkes; quartet,
"Still, Still With Thee," Gerrish: or
gan, Elegy, Sehnecker; chorus, Sanc
tus, Gounod; organ, Canzonetta, Fry
singer. Evening Organ, Andante
Maestoso. Nason; Berceuse. Delbruck;
chorus (eight parts), "Soft Floating
On the Air," Root; quartet, "Some
Sweet Day," Page; organ, Nocturne,
Mendelssohn: chorus, "Hark! Hark!
My Soul," Shelley; organ, "Twilight
Song," Shackley.
Morning: Prelude. "Cavatina." Raff:
nffertory, "Berceuse." Rogers: anthem,
"Blessed Are They That Dwell in Thv
House," Tours: postlude, "Marche Ro
maine." Gounod.
Evening: Prelude, "Ave Maria,"
Eddy: offertory, "Hymn of Nuns,"
Wely: anthem, "A Song in the Night,"
Woodman; postlude. "Marche Relig
ieuse," Merkel. A. W. Hartman, direc
J Are You Going to the ;!
I Stevens Memorial i;
i Church Tomorrow? i;
£ Really You Cannot Af- !|
J ford to Miss the I;
£ Big Rally j;
} 10:30 A. M.—7:30 P. M. \
> Music by Big Male |!
5 Chorus ;!
£ in the Sundav School !'
J 2 P. M. I;
? 1200—Rally Goal—l2oo ;!
i A Unique Event ]!
5 Bright Hour Meeting !;
? For Young Folk !■
5 6:30 P. M. !;
I 13th and Vernon jj
I Streets ji
I will I
YOU i;
Wide 1 y-Known Theologians
Participate in Exercises at
Market Square Church
The Rev. Dr. Gjorge Edward Hawes
was. formally Installed last evening as
l>astor of Market Square Presbyterian
Church. Former pastors and other
city ministers were present, some of
them participating in the Impressive
The Rev. Dr. Thomas C. McCarrell,
former moderator of the Carlisle Pres
bytery, pronounced tthe invocation
Mid presided at the exercises last
evening. The Scripture lesson was
read by the Rev. Dr. Lewis Seymour
Mudge, pastor of Pine Street Presby
terian Church.
The Rev. Dr. J. Ritchie Smith, pas
tor of Market Square Church from
1900 to 1914, now professor of homi
ietics in Princeton .Seminary, then
preached the sermon, speaking on
"The Great Love of Christ."
l>r. Moffat Delivers Charge
The prayer of installation was of
fered by the Rev. Harry B. King, pas
tor of Paxton Presbyterian Church
and assistant pastor of Market Square
Church from 1595 to 1906. This was
followed by the charge to the pastor,
given by the Rev.'James D. Moffat,
D. D., LI„. D., ex-president of Wash
ington and Jefferson College and mod
erator of the general assembly In 1905.
The charge to the people was given
by the Rev. Dr. George B. Stewart,
LL. D., president of Auburn Theo
logical Seminary and pastor of the
Market Square Church from 1885 to
1 b99.
The music of the service was given
fcy the choir, directed by Mrs. Wilbur
F. Harris, and at the close of the in
stallation David Edgar Crozier, former
organist of Market Square and Pine
Street Churches, and present organist
of Calvary Presbyterian Church of
Philadelphia, gave an organ recital.
The auditorium was filled and after
the service all present greeted the new
pastor and the former pastors.
Dr. Smith's sermon was a remark
able analysis of the autobiography of
Paul and his great change from Paul
the persecutor to Paul the apostle
t' lough the love of Christ. He sug
gested that there was too much ma
chinery in the church to-day with too
little power to run it; too many or
ganizations with too little life in them.
Dr. Moffat's charge to the pastor
included some very forceful observa
tions upon the changes which have
taken place in the preaching of the
«ord. He particularly referred to
the outward sanctity, the long-faced
ncss and the fictitious solemnity which
characterized in some cases the earlier
preachers and deplored the tendency
of modern preachers to assume lead
ership in other channels than those
having to do with the promotion of
the kingdom of God. He said that
the Bible offered sufficient themes for
all preaching and especially compli
mented the fine exposition of the Word
b-' Dr. Smith in his sermon last night.
He made it clear that he had little
confidence in that .sort of preaching
which assumed to settle all the prob
lems of life.
Dr. Stewart in his practical address
supplemented what was said by Dr.
Moffat and emphasized the obligations
or the people to the pastor. He suk
gested that the Church must work for
the welfare of the community.
All of the elders and trustees were
seated on the altar platform. It is a
remarkable fact that the Market
Square Presbyterian Church has had
'•ut six pastors since 1793 and two of
them were present last night to par
ticipate in the installation of Dr
Hawes, who pronounced the bene
l-ollowing the installation the Rev.
Mr. Hawes and a number of visiting
clergymen, with their wives, were en
ter ained informally by Mr. and Mrs.
uilliam E. Bailey at their home, 410
North 1-ront street. Those present
were the Rev. and Mrs. George FS
Stewart, th Rev. Dr. Janies D. Moffat
HaJlV' o a 2 d M T' ° eorKO Edward
Hawes, the Rev. Dr. and Mis T
W tC Flem?n lith T' a nA Mra - Sa'"iuci
W. Fleming, Judge S. J. M. McCarrell
and Mr. and Mrs. David Edgar Crozier.
Pine Street Teachers
Training Class to Open
At Pine Street Presbyterian church
to-morrow evening the pastor. ihe
Re\. Dr. L. S. Mudge, will present the
second sermon in the current series on
"Obvious Lessons from Obscure Lives "
The topic will be "Rebekah— A Study
in Failure." This service will be pre
ceeded by an organ recital beginning
at <:3O o'clock. Mr. McCarrell will
play the following numbers:
Fugue in C Minor." Mendelssohn:
"Communion in G," Batiste The
choir will sing "Our Day of Praise is
Done," Demarest, at this service and
Mrs. Hertzler will sing as a solo, "O
Rest In the Lord, Elijah," Men
At the morning service the Sacra
ment of the Lord's Supper will be ad
ministered. The pastor will preach.
A class for the training of Sunday
school teachers will be begun on Sun
day to meet at twelve o'clock to be In
charge fo the assistant pastor. A class
in methods of Sunday school work
will meet on Monday evenings in his
charge. The Woman's Missionarv So
ciety meets on Monday evening and
the Woman's Missionary Guild meets
on Tuesday. The subject for discus
sion at the midweek service on Wed
nesday will be "The Arbitrator."
On Sunday evening at «:30 o'clock
the Senior C. E. Society will hold their
Fall rally. A splendid program has
been prepared and all young people
interested are invited to be present.
The rally of the Sunday school will be
held on Sunday, October 10.
After a lengthy vacation, the Rev.
Dr. Floyd Appleton, rector of St. Paul's
Episcopal Church, will- conduct serv
ices to-morrow. Rally day services
will be held at the morning, afternoon
and evening meetings.
An ordination service will be held
by the Brethren in Christ at the Mes
siah Home chapel, 1185 Bailey street,
Sunday morning at 10.45. John H.
Garman, of this city, will be ordained
r. minister. Bishop H. H. Krelder, of
Campbellstown, Pa., officiating.
First Church of Christ Board of
Trade hall, Sunday 11 a. m. and 7.30
p. m. Testimonial meeting, Wednes
day, 8 p. m. Free reading rooms,
Kunkel building, 12.30 to 4.30 p. m.
dally, also Monday and Saturday even
P. R. R. Y. St C. A. SERVICE
M. H. Bishop will lead the service
at the P. R. R. V. M. C. A. to-morrow
afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The topic
will be "Life From the Dead."
Fouth Street—The Rev. J. G. Smith.
Bible school rally day exercises, 10.30;
the Rev. J. R. McDonald will speak
at 7.45; C. E„ 6.30.
Hummel Street —The Rev. A. K.
Holllnger, 11 and 7.30; Sunday school,
I 10; Christian Workers, 6.4 G.
Impressive Ceremonies Will
Mark Exercises at New
Church, Tomorrow
Impressive ceremonies to-morrow, at
3 o'clock in the afternoon will rrVark
the laying of the cornerstone at Camp
Curtin Memorial Methodist Episcopal
Church. Sixth street, near Camp.
The principal speaker will be the
Rev. Dr. A. S. Faslck, superintendent
of the Harrisburg district of the
Methodist conference. Following sim
ple exercises and the singing of the
doxology the Rev. Hiles C. Pardoe will
give the invocation.
A short speech along introductory
lines will be made by the pastor, the
Rev. A. S. Williams, after which the
audience will sing, "Thou Whose Un
measured Temple Stands'." The Rev.
Dr. E. A. Pyles, pastor of the Fifth
Street church, will then lead in
G. A. R. Address
An anthem by the choir will be fol
lowed by a responsive reading, led by
the Rev. Dr. C. A. Smucker, pastor of
Stevens Memorial -Church. The Rev.
Dr. John D. Fox, pastor of Grace
Methodist Church, will lead the lesson
discussion, which will be based on
1 Cor. 3:9-23. The audience will then
sing "America."
One of the feature addresses will be
delivered by Col. H. C. Demming who
will represent the G. A. R. His speech
will be followed by the address of the
Rev. A. S. Fasick. The offering will
then be lifted and the cqrnerstone laid
in place. The Rev. R. W. Runyan,
pastor of St. Paul's Methodist Church,
will deliver the benediction.
Derry Street U. B. Men
Organize Orchestra
and Octett Chorus
The big men's class of Derry Street
United Brethren Chu h will observe
"Conference ' Sunda. " to-morrow
when visiting United Brethren minis
ters in attendance o:i th<; llfith'Eaot
Pennsylvania Conference will speak.
A special musical program will be
the big feature of the service which
changes from 9.50 in the morning to
2 In the afternoon. Under the direc
tion of Earle E. Renn, a 12-piece or
chestra has been organized and It will
make its first appearance to-morrow.
A nuwly organized male octet will
also make its initial appearance. The
members of the orchestra are: A. W.
Bushman, J. N. Reese, L. H. Zimmer
man, violins; H. A. Sherk, H. H.
Sherk, clarionets; W. L. Frick, flute;
W. G. Bowers, W. M. Runkle, cornets;
W. R. Manley, horn; George Kipner.
trombone; E. E. Renn, baritone; Rich
ard Paul, bass viol; Miss Mable Bright,
piano. The octet includes; Simon
Fink, David Mohn, C. P. Benson, C.
L. Shepley, Ralph B. Manley, George
W. Stotts, J. P. Zellers, W. H. Hef
Augsburg. The Rev. A. Maxwell
Stamets; 10:30, the Rev. M. H. Jones
of the Memorial U. church of Leb
anon will preach; 7:30, the Rev. 1.
Moyer Hers hey of the First U. 13.
church of Shamokin will speak; Sun
day school, 2; C. E., 6:30; Men's
League, 9:30.
Trinity. Camp Hill, the Rev. Dr.
E. D. Weigle, pastor; 10:30, "Advant
ages of the Christian Life"; 7:30
"Christianity's Challenge to Inspec
tion"; Sunday school, 9:15.
St. Matthew's. The Rev. E. E.
Snyder, pastor, 10, Rally day service
for Sunday school; 7:30, sermon by
the Rev. Mr. Price: C. E., 6:30.
Redeemer. The Rev. E. Victor
Roland, pastor, 10:30; in the evening
the Rev. O. G. Romlg of the U. B.
conference will preach; the Holy com
munion will be observed morning and
evening; baptism of children at 3;
Sunday school, 9:30; the Men's Biblo
class will observe Old Home Day at
9:30; Jr. C. E„ 2; Sr. C. E.. 6:30.
Zion. The Rev. S. Winfleld Her
man, 10:30, Holy sacraments; 7:30,
'God's Method With Us"; Sunday
school, 1:45; Men's class, 1:50.
St. Mark's. West Falrview: the
Rev. A. G. Wolf; Sunday school, 1:30;
C. E., 6:30; preaching, 7:15.
St. Paul's. New Cumberland, the
Rev. A. G. Wolf; preaching 10:30; S.
S.. 9:30; C. E. 0:30.
Messiah. - The Rev. Henry W. A.
Hanson, 10:30, Rally Day sermon; 2,
Sunday school, Rally Day: 6:30, Inter
mediate C. E.; 7:30, "The Life and
Times of Augustine" in a series on
"Beacon Lights of Sacred History."
Christ. The Rev. Thomas Relsch,
D. D., Holy communion 6:30 a. m.;
Holy communion, 10:30; holy com
munion, 7:30. The Rev. Prof. Shroyer
of Lebanon Valley College will preach;
Sundav school, 2; Men's Bible class In
Faekler's Hall, 2.
Bethlehem. The Rev. J. Bradley
Markward. D. D.; 10:30 "Veils of the
Soul": 7:30, "Critical People"; Sun
day school. 1:45; C. E., 6:30.
Zion. Enola; the Rev. M. S.
Sharp, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school,
9:30: C. E. at 6:45.
Trinity The Rev. R. L. Meisen
helder. 10.30, "Obedience and Re
sults:" 7.30 ,"Ahab;" Sunday school, 2.
Holy Communion —The Rev. John
Henry Miller. 10.45, "Lessons from
the Epistles;" 7.30, "A Study In Gene
sis;" Sunday school, 9.30; Luther
League, 6.30.
Memorial —The Rev. L. C. Manges.
D. D. Men's prayer meeting. 10; holy
communion, 10.30; 7.30, "Communion
With Christ," holy communion; Sun
day school. 2; junior Luther League,
E. 30; senior Luther League, 6.30.
First Church of Christ, Scientist —
Board of Trade Hall. Sunrfay, 11 a. m.
and 7.30 p. m. Teslmonial meeting.
Wednesday, 8 p. m. Free Reading
Rooms. Kunkel Building, 12.30 to 4.30
p. m. daily, also Monday and Saturday
A. M. E.
Wesley Union —The Rev. W. A. Ray.
10.45, "Jesus and His Friends"; J2.30,
Sunday school; 7.30, special flermon
Ito the Good Samaritan Council, No. 1,
I. O. D. T.
Rethel—The Rev. Thomas H. Smith
I will preach at 7.30; Sunday school, 1.
p- zOi—j | . . I
This little quotation contains two thoughts. First, the
world is going ahead, and second, the logical conclusion
of the first; there are men and women who are making it
r S go ahead. These men and women, statistics show, to the
** extent of eighty-five per cent, are active members of the ii
Christian Church. They are those who are devoting
their entire time to the work.
This wor 1 d of Xhe fact that you cannot devote all of your time to such
ours is not grow- a work is no excuse that you should not contribute your
share. And your share will be contributed by regular
g worse to the church attendance in the right spirit.
men and women p r i nc £pi es Q f the Christian Church if they are a part
who are doing of you, will cause you to lead the kind of life by which the
... . . . , world will profit—will be a bit better because you have
their best to make lived the right kind of Hfe
it better. Regular church attendance in the right spirit will make
those principles a part of you.
This advertisement has been authorized and is being paid for by the Associated Churches of Harrisburg.
Rally Day and Harvest Home
Observances; Visiting
Pastors to Preach
With elaborate
I\\ \ \V services, rally day
I and harvest home
will be observed in
mtjL The sacrament of
baptism, adminis
yPycSSßei** tration of holy com
-1 «.V munion. reception
of new members
and special music are some of the
other features.
More than a score of visiting clergy
men attending the United Brethren
conference will preach from the pul
pits of churche3 of the city and sur
rounding towns.
Rally day or harvest home services
will be held in the following churches:
Paxton Presbyterian, morning: St. Pau's
Episcopal, morning and evening; Cal
vary Presbyterian, morning; Fourth
Reformed, morning; St. Paul's Meth
odist, morning and evening; St. Mat
thew's Lutheran, morning and evening;
Tourth Street Church of God, morn
ing and evening; Pleasant View
Church of God, morning; St. John's
Reformed, morning; Fourth Street
Church of Christ, morning, and Mar
ket Street Baptist, morning.
Communion will be administered
by the pastors of the following
churches: Redeemer Lutheran, morn
ing and evening; St. Paul's Methodist,
evening; Memorial Lutheran, morn
ing; Calvary Presbyterian, evening;
Zion Lutheran, morning; Olivet Pres
byterian, morning, and Westminster
Presbyterian, morning.
Evangelistic Chorus
Will Hold Fall Rally
Final arrangements for the excur
sion of Harrisburg church people to
Lebanon. Tuesday evening to hear Dr.
Henry W. Stougii, the evangelist, will
bf announced Monday evening at a
"Fall Rally" of the Harrisburg Evange
listic Chorus to be held in the Techni
cal high school auditorium.
At this rally plans for excursions of
lesser importance and the Fall and
winter work of the chorus will come
up for consideration. C. F. Clippinger,
director of the chorus announces that
all interested in the excursion to Leb
anon will be welcome at the rally.
Fully 1,000 people are expected to
go 011 the Lebanon trip. The train
will leave the Reading station at 6.20
and returning will leave Lebanon at
10.30. Popular revival airs will be sung
in the streets of Lebanon by the Har
risburg chorus members and these
songs will be rehearsed at the meeting
Monday night.
Pleasant View. The Rev. George
W. Ilarper; Sunday school. 9:45; 10:45
Rally Day; Sr. C. E., 6:45; 7:SO eve
ning service?. .
Fourth Street. The Rev. Dr. W.
O. Fries; 1:40, annual Sunday school
rally; 6:30, C. E. rally with address by
the Rev. B. L. C. Bear of Highspire;
7:30 communion services.
Ntgle Street —The Rev. J. A. Staub.
10.30, the Rev. J. W. Miller; 7.30, the
Rev. H. S. Bickel; Sunday school. 1.30.
Green Street—The Rev. C. H. Grove.
10.30, "Divine Estimate;" communion
service at 7.30: Sunday school *-ally
day, 2; address by the Rev. I. N. _.er
shey, a member of the United Breth
ren Conference, now in session at Sixth
Street United Brethren Church; Chris
tian Endeavor service at 6.30.
St. Augustine's. Archdeacon L. E.
Henderson, 11, Holy communion;
12:30, Sunday school; 7:30, evening
St. Paul's. The Rev. Floyd Apple
ton; Rally Sunday services at 8; 11 and
3 and 7:30; Sunday school at 2:30.
St. Stephen's. - The Rev. Rollin A.
Sawyer; 8, Holy communion; 10 Sun
day school; 11, Holy communion; 4:30
evening prayer.
Mount Calvary, Camp Hill The
Rev. O. H. Bridgman. Evening serv
ice. 7.30; Sunday school. 2.30.
St. Andrew's—The Rev. James F.
Bullitt. Morning prayer. 10; holy
communion. 10.30; Sunday school and
Bible classes, 12; evening prayer, 7.30.
Theer will be no preaching service
at Otterbein United Brethren Church
on Sunday morning, in accordance
with the plan of the United Brethren
churches of the city to worship at
Sixth Street United Brethren Church.
The hour of Sunday school has been
changed from the morning to 2 p. m.,
beginning the Fall schedule cf ser
vices. The Rev. Dr. J. H. Kendall,
secretary of christian stewardship, will
address the school.
Communion services will be held to
morrow in Kinnard's Hall, 303 Ver
beke street, by the Reformed Men
i.onites. Jacob S. Lehman, of Cham
bersburg, will officiate.
Plan Greatest Rally
in History of Church
Rally day services will be held in
the Harris Street United Evangelical
church on Sunday. Elaborate pre
parations have been made with the
purpose of having the greatest rally
in the history of the church.
The pastor, the Rev. George F.
Schaum, will be !n charge of the
morning and evening services. F. E.
Musser will conduct the Sunday school
rally and the lookout committee will
have charge of the young people's
rally. The Rev. M. T. Mazel, of Lin
coln, Nebraska, a presiding elder of
the Platte River conference of the
United Evangelical Church, will
preach morning and evening and ad
dress the Sunday school. The Rev.
A. E. Hangen, pastor of Park Street
Church, will bring greetings at the
Sunday school rally in the afternoon.
Special music will be rendered at
all services by the male quartet from
Elizabethtown College and by the
choir of the church under the direc
tion of W. L. High. The evening
iVlil be largely a musical service when
revival hymns will be sung by the
congregation from the Stough book.
Ridge Avenue the Rev. William
W. Hartman. 10.30, "The Sympathy
of Christ"; 7.30, by the Rev. H. F.
Kieffer of the United Brethren con
ference; Sunday school, 2; Epworth
League, 6.30.
Fifth Street the Rev Edwin A.
Pyles. 10.30, by the Rev. J. S. Ken
dall. D. D.; 7.30, "Quenching the Spir
it"; class meeting. 9.30; Sunday
school, 2; Epworth League, 6.30.
Epworth the Rev. J. D. W. Dea
vor. 11 and 7.30, the Rev. C. A. Funk,
of the United Brethren conference will
preach; Sunday school, 10; class meet
ing, 9; Epworth League, 6.30.
Summerdale the Rev. H. C. Hoff
man. Sunday school, 10; 11, "What
Ailest Thee"; 7.30, by William Ellis.
Camp Curtin Memorial the Rev.
A. S. Williams. Cornerstone laying, 3;
10.30, the Rev. A. S. Lahrnian of
United Brethren conference; 7.30,
preaching by the Rev. A. S. Fasick,
D. D., district superintendent; 9.30,
class meeting: 6.30, Epworth service;
2, Sunday school.
Grace the Rev. John D. Fox,
D. D. 9.30, class meeting; 10.30, re
ception of members: 1.45, Sunday
school and Men's Bible Class; 6.45, Ep
worth League; 7.30, the Rev. B. F.
Daugherty, D. D., will speak.
Asbury the Rev. W. H. Grimes.
11. "The Christion Joy"; 8, "The Perils
of Young Men," continued; Sunday
school, 2; other services, 7.
St. Paul's the Rev. Robert W.
Runyan. 10.30, "The White Rose":
7.30. class exercises: Sunday school
changed from 10 to 1.45.
Stevens Memorial —The Rev. Clay
lon Albert Smucker, D. D. Class meet
ing, 9.30; morning prayer and com
munion, 10.30; bright hour service,
6.30; Sunday school rally, 2; 7.30,
Men's Club night. Dr. R. R. Butter
wick will preach.
St. Andrew's, Penbrook—The Rev.
W. R. Hartzell. Preaching, 7:30; Sun
day School, 9:30.
St. Matthew's, Enola—The Rev. W.
R. Hartzell. Preaching, 10:45; Sunday
School. 9:45; C. E., 6:45.
Fourth—The Rev. Homer Skyles
May. "A Message For Rally Day,"
7:30; Sunday School, 9:30; C. E., 6:30.
Second —The Rev,_ Harry Nelson
Bassler. Preaching, 10:30 and 7:30;
Sunday School, 1:45; C. E., 6:30.
Salem—The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer.
The Rev. Theo. F. Herman, D. D., of
Lancaster, will preach at 10:30; the
Rev. J. H. Albright, D. D., of Middle
town, will preach at 7:30; Sunday
School, 1:30.
Cathedral Mgr. M. M. Hassett,
Low mass, 7; children's mass, 8; high
mass, 10.30; Sunday school, 2.30; ves
pers and benediction, 7.30.
St. I,awrence the Rev. P. D.
Huegal. High mass, 10; low mass, 8;
Sunday school, 2.30; vespers and ben
ediction, 3.
St. Francis the Rev. D. J. Carey.
Low masses, 8 and 10; Sunday school,
2.30; vespers and benediction, 7.30.
Sacred Heart the Rev. George
Rice. Low mass. 8; high mass, 10;
Sunday school, 2; vespers and bene
diction, ?.30.
St. Mary the Rev. William V.
Dailey. Low mass,, 8; high mass,
10.30; Sunday school, 2; vespers and
benediction, 7.30.
Sylvan Heights Home for Orphan
Girls —Low mass and benediction, 7.
Park Street. The Rev. A. E.
Hanger, Sunday school, 9:30; at 10:45,
"The Revival Atmosphere"; Jr. C. E.,
5:45; Sr. C, E., 6:30; 7:30, the Rev. S.
L. Rhoades of Elizabethvllle.
Harris Street. The Rev. G. F.
Schaum; 10:30, morning worship; 2,
Sunday school; 6:40, K. L. C. E., 7:30
evening worship.
Sunday—St. Gerard.
Monday—St. Francis Assl.
Tuesday—St. Placid and Com.
Wednesday—St. Bruno.
Thursday—Feast of Rosary.
Friday—St. Bridget Sw'dn.
' Saturday—SS. Denys and Com.
OCTOBER 2, 1915
Special Children's Day
Services Will Be Held
A special Children's Day Service
will take place Sunday at the Second
Reformed church, Green and Broad
streets with appropriate sermons by
the pastor and the following program
of music prepared by the director.
Morning. Prelude, Nocturne, No.
11. Chopin; anthem. The Lord is
Mindful of His Own, Lohr; postlude,
Fanfare, Dubois.
Evening.—Prelude, Salute D'Amour,
Elgar; duet, Tho Lord is My Shepherd,
Decevee: soprano, Mrs. Bowman and
Miss Henry contralto; anthem, He
Shall Feed His Flock, Reynolds; post
lude, Andante Maestoso, Sullivan.
Tabernacle. The Rev. Calvin A.
Hare. D. D., 10:30, Communion; 7:30,
"The Day of Atonement"; Bible school
11:30; B. Y. P. U. 6:45; At the Herr
street branch preaching in both Ro
manian and Hungarian at 10:30 and
West End. The Rev. W. W. Clip
pinger pastor; the Rev. C. Y. Ulrich
will preach in the evening at 7:30;
Sunday school 10:30; Young People's
Meeting 6:45.
First. The Rev. W. S. Booth, pas
tor, 10:30, "The Great Divide"; 7:30,
"Offended at Jesus"; Sunday school,
St. Paul's. The Rev. E. Luther
Cunningham. 10:30. Covenant meeting
and at 7:30, "The Duty of the Wife to
the Husband"; Sundav school, 4 2:30;
B. Y. P. U.. 6:30.
Second—The Rev. Albert J. Greene,
B. A. Morning, 10; 7.30, "Why Do We
Come to the Lord's Supper;" Sunday
s-chool. 12; B. Y. P. IT., 6.30.
Market Street The Rev. W. H.
Dallman. 10.30, communion service:
7.30, the Rev. M. H. Wert will preach;
11.30, Bible school rally day.
Associated Bible Students The
regular Sunday school services will be
held at 3 at Cameron's Hall, 105 North
Second street: "Ahab's Sin —Covetous-
ness, Murder." Berean study, 2.
Reformed Mennonites —Communion
services in Kinnard's Hall, 303 Ver
beke street at 10; Jacob S. Lehman,
of Chambersburg, will have charge.
The Christian and Missionary Alli
ance—Tho Rev. W. H. Worrall. Sun
day school, 9.30; preaching, 10.30 and
The Society of Friends will meet at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. 131-
wyn Strode, Camp Hill, at 3 o'clock.
Rally service's will be held through
out the day at the Fourth Street
Church of God to-morrow.
In the mornine the Rev. W. O.
Fries, of the United Brethren confer
ence, will preach. The Sunday school
rally will be held in the afternoon. At
the Christian Endeavor rally the Rev.
B. L. C. Bear, of Highspire, will de
liver an address. I
' Sunday, October 3 *
Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor.
10:30 A. M. .
: |' "We Have Found Jesus"
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. g £
;; r Reception of New Members.
k ' All Member* of Evangelical Churches not regularly £
& communing elsewhere are most cordially Invited to '■ j i„-
i participate hi this Sacramental Service. /, s
1:30 P.M. 1:40 P.M. |j|
* I'•"* Graded Sunday School Adult Bible Classes
7:30 P. M.
"Rebekah —A Study in Failure" i |
? Gen. 27:46. "Rebekah said to Isaac, lam weary of my life." £f.
2 ' Organ Recital before this Service
y ' Uplifting Choir of Music ;!
Familiar Congregational Hymns
•m Sunday Evening, October 10"
"Asaph—A Study in Praise" | 1
The Third in the Current Series of Evening Sormona. j §
Rally Day and Harvest
Home at St. John's
Rally day services will be held in
St. John's Reformed Church on Sun
day morning at 10 o'clock. The Rev.
Dr. C. E. Schaeffer, of Philadelphia,
secretary of the Home Mission Board
of the Reformed Church, will deliver
the address. Special music will be
rendered and an orchestra will accom
pany the congregational singing.
The feast of ingathering will be ob
served in the evening at 7.30 o'clock.
The harvest home sermon will bo
preached by the Rev. Dr. Theo. F.
Herman, professor of systematic theo
logy in the seminary at Lancaster. A
solo and special music by the choir
will be a feature of the evening ser
vice. <
Westminster—The Rev. E. E. Cur
tis. Sunday School, 5:45; communion
service, 11; C. E., 6:30; "Who Is My
Enemy," 7:30.
Bethany—The Rev. John Martin
Warden. "The Good Shepherd," 7:30;
Sunday School, 9; C. E., 6:30.
Market Square—The Rev, George
Edward Hawes, D. D. Communion
service, 11; Sunday School, 9:45; Rnllv
Day in the C. E., 6:30; "The Anchor
of the Soul," 7:30.
Olivet—The Rev. William O.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, ill:-. »
"The Triune Love," 7:30; Sundav
School, 11:15; C. E., 6:45.
Capital Street —The Rev. B. M.
Ward. Preaching at 10:45; Sunday
School, 12; 15; C. E., 7; communion '
service, 7:30.
Calvary—The Rev. Frank P. Mack
enzie. 10, Rally Day exercises, union;
7:30, Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
Covenant—The Rev. Harvey Klaer.
"The Great Temptation," 10:30; the
Rev. D. D. Brandt will preach at 7:30;
Sunday School, 2; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30;
men's prayermeeting 7,.
Pine Street—The Rev. Lewis Sey
mour Mudge, D. D.; the Rev. J. S. Ar
mentrout, Assistant. "We Have Found
Jesus," 10:30; "Rebekah —A Study in
Failure," 7:30; Sunday School, 1:30;
Sunday School, 1:40; C .E., 6:30.
Immanuel—The Rev. H. Everett
Hallman. The Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper, 10; Sunday School, 11:15; the *
Rev. E. E. Bender will preach at 7:30;
C. E. Rally Day, 6:30.
St. Paul's, Wormleysburg—The Rev.
G. B. Renshaw. Preaching, 10.45 and
1.50; Sunday school, 9.30; Sr. C. E.,
6.30; Jr. C. E., 5.45.
State Street—The Rev. E. A. G.
Bossier. Preaching at 7.30 by the
Rev. C. A. Snavely, of Philadelphia;
Sunday school, 9.30; Jr. C. E., 6; Y. I'.
S. C. E., 6.30.
Otterbein —The Rev. S. Edwin
Rupp, D. D. Sunday school, 2, address
by the Rev. J. S. Kendall, of Dayton: ,
preaching by the Rev. C. A. Mutch at
7.30; C. E.. 6.30.
Derry Street—Sunday school, 2; no
services morning or eveninst on ac
count of U. B. conference. Bishop A. '
T. Howard and Dr. O. T Deever will
make special addresses to the Sun
day school.