Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 28, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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It Ruins Hair to
Wash It With Soap
Soap should be used very sparingly,
if at all. if you want to keep your hair
looking its best. Most soaps and pre
pared shampoos contain too much al
kali. This dries the scalp, makes the
hair brittle, and ruins it.
The best thing for steady use is just
ordinary mulsiffed cocoanut oil (which
is pure and greaseless). and is better
than soap or anything else you can
One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse
the hair and scalp thoroughly. Sim
ply moisten the hair with water and
rub it in. It makes an abundance of
rich, creamy lather, which rinses out
easily, removing every particle of
dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil.
The hair dries quickly and evenly, and
it leaveß the scalp soft, and the hair
tine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy
and easy to manage.
You can get mulsified cocoanut oil
at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and
a few ounces will supply every mem
ber of the family for months.—Adver
j BULBsji
I Have Arrived
Hyacinths and Tulips;
from Holland
j. Narcissus from France
I Lilies from Japan
Magnificent Quality
Bulbs Are Here
We are unpacking them now
—just received—safe through
the war zone, great quantities
| of all varieties—a big stock also J I
J for the Capitol Grounds and i
t greenhouses which I have con- ;|
j tracted to supply. Plan your
t Fall plantings now and place
j your order for the bulbs.
1 Walter S. Schell {
t : : j
Quality Seeds
1307-1300 Market St.
|! Open Evenings Harrisburg j :|
The object of "Safety
First" la prevention.
You can prevent your
advertising from meet
ing the fate of the waste
basket If you will make
It attractive with proper
Bring your next copy
to us for Illustrative
treatment. One treat
ment will convince you
'hat our methods are a
The Telegraph
Art &Engraviiig
216 Locust Street
School of Commerce
Troup nitltdlnK, Phone. Bell 1 IMG J
10 So. Market Stiaarr. Hariiaburg, (>,.
Kali term begins i Day School, Septem
ber 1| NlKbt School. September •,
Office opea from 8 a. m. to 5 I. m.
Phone, write or call for eatalon M
farther Information.
Harrisburg Business College
Day and Night School
Sept. 7, 1915
iluslaess, Shorthand and Civil Scrv* '
j [Continued From First. Page.]
I mittees appointed before the close of
; the conference iast year. Sessions were
i held to-day to complete reports to be
i presented at the sessions, which will
| be held all this week,
j Bishop W. W. Weekley, of Parkers
] burg, W. Va., will make the opening
' address to-morrow. Routine business
| will follow, ending with the appoint
; ment of committees.
In the afternoon the chief item of
! business will be ihe report of the Rev.
| Dr. D. D. t,owery. this city, the con
j ference superintendent. T. G. Spang
ler will also crfve a report on the work
■ of the conference missions and church
extension society. The day will close
! with a sermon in the evening by the
I Rev. B. F. Paugherty.
Kxpcot Local Changes
_ Much interest is being shown by
United Brethren Church members in
the conference sessions, as some big
changes are expected locally. The re
ports on Sunday school and church
work during the last year are expected
to show big increases in the number
of new members added and the amount
This veteran, S.
■aSjSrj B. Lamphere. was
addicted to the ex
cesslve use of to
~*w bacco for many
years. He wanted
to quit but needed
something to help
He learned of a
free book that tells
about tobacco habit and how to con
quer it quickly, easily and safely. In
a recent letter he writes: "I have no
desire for tobacco any more. I feel
like a new.man."
Any one desiring a copy of this book
on -tobacco Uabit. smoking, and chew
ing. can get it free, postpaid, bv writ
ing to Edward J Woods. 92 G. Station
E. New York City. You will be sur
prised and pleased. Look for quieter
nerves, stronger heart, better diges
tion. Improved eyesight, increased vig
or, longer life and other advantages if
you quit poisoning yourself.
People who are confined within doors
and who are deprived of fresh, invig
orating air and exercise must take pre
caution to guard against over-stout
ness, as fat acquired by indoor life is :
unhealthy and a danger to the vital !
organs of the body. Lack of exercise 1
in the fresh air weakens the oxvgen- I
carrying power of the blood, so that it
i.s unable to produce strong muscles and '
vitality and the formation of unsightly j
and unhealthy fat is the result. !
If you are 15 or 20 pounds above nor- I
ma! weight you are daily drawing on !
your reserve strength and are constant- :
ly lowering your vitality by carrying
this excess burden. Any person who is '
satisfied in their own nnnd that they I
are too stout should go to a good drug- i
gist and get a box of oil of koreTn ;
capsules, and take one after each meal I
and one just before retiring at night
Even a few days' treatment should !
show a noticeable reduction in weight
digestion should improve, energy re
turn, footsteps become lighter and the
skin less flabby in appearance.
Oil of korein is Inexpensive, cannot in
jure, helps me digestion and is design
ed to Increase the oxygen-carrying
power of the blood. . Any person "who
wants to reduce their weight 15 or 20
pounds should give this treatment "a
trial. There Is nothing better. Ad
will be best supplied where the facili
ties for such work are the best.
When you constder that the printed
material you use represents a cash in- !
vestment which you calculate should
bring 10 you many times its coat—
If clients are to see the printed mate
rial you use; your thought should be
the quality, rather than the price.
Which doesn't mean that the price
need, or should be. exorbitant.
The Telegraph Printing Co. p-oduces
the highest grades of work lc >U re
spective lines.
All of It is based upon quality at prices
which are most fair for the work.
We are printing specialists, as well as
being leaders in the associate lines;
binding, designing and photo-engrav
To employ our services means no
greater effort than to phors ua.
Either phona.
v -
Office Training School
Kaufman Bid*.. 4 S. Market Sq.
Day School and Mgkt School
Call or send for 32-page booklet—
Dr. Wm. Tyler Douglas
1634 Derry Street,
Corner of 17th
of work done by the congregations.
At least 150 delegates are expected
to be present and will be the guests
of the Rev. P .H. Halsbaugh and mem
bers of the Sixth Street church. Sun
day morning at 10 o'clock the report
of the stationing committee will be
Statistics given last year during the
conferehce sessions showed there were
14 9 churches, with a membership of
21,765. a net gain of almost 1,000 over
the number for 1913.
One hundred and six young people's
societies, with more than 6.000 mem-
Sunday schools and almost
3,000 teachers and officers, together
with an enrollment of 28,748 mem-
The church property of 152 YP
bers. were included in the report. The
church property of 142 churches,
valued at SI.SoO-.000, and 55 parson
ages with a valuation of $17 7 ,700 were
I additional proofs of the strength of
i the East Pennsylvania Conference dis
| The delegates as they arrived in the
| city were sent to the following homes:
Those Entertaining Ministers
A list of homes where minister and
delegates may be found as announced
in the conference directory is as fol
I Allentown Linden Street, The
j Rev. J. A. Keiper. G. F. Breinig. to
Mrs. Rebecca McAlicer. 1920 Fifth
| street. Sixth Street The Rev. C. G.
White, R. A. Parks, to Andrew Bucks,
65 North Eighteenth street.
Annville The Rev. S. F. Daugher
;ty. A. S. Krelder, to T. G. Smith, 2411
Sixth street.
Avon The Rev. D. S. Longeneck
er. J. H. Bomberger, to Mrs. Ida Stew
ard, 512 Emerald street.
Bellgrove The Rev. C. R. Longe
| necker, S. F. Gelbach, to John B.
Blosser. 535 Violet avenue.
Berne (Minister not coming), V.
K. Fisher, to Lawrence Fisher, 1502
North street.
| Birdsboro The Rev. C. Y. Ulrich
jto C. W. Fisher, 2515 Front street; W.
| H. Wilson, to Mrs. Emma Berger, 553
Mahantongo street.
Catawissa The Rev. B. F. Good
iman; C. F. Gable to Augustus Peiffer,
2325 Logan street.
Centerville—The Rev. O. R. Brooks
to Mrs. Taylor, 2245 Jefferson street;
S. F. Little to J. M. Platts, 519 Ma
clay street.
Chamber Hill The Rev. M. A.
Wagner. B. F. Balsbaugh, to E. B.
Miller, 21 South Seventeenth street.
Coatesville The Rev. G. M. Rlch
ter. P. H. Hecklar to David Deflbaugh,
617 Geary street.
Columbia The Rev. Joseph
Daugherty to H. J. Shenk, 2124 Green
street; M. D. Kendig. to P. Zarger,
2347 Jefferson street.
Cressona The Rev. C. Mease. W.
A. Griek to J. W. Jenkins, 1835 Regina
street, lodging and breakfast; dinner
and supper at H. Aucker's, 2728 Jef
ferson street.
Denver The Rev. M. H. Miller,
O. I. Kline to David Marks, 68 North
Seventeenth street.
Elizabethtown The Rev. I. N.
Seldomridge, to George Runkle, East
State street; J. H. Stern to P. Zarger,
23 47 Jefferson street.
Ephrata The Rev. J. M. Walters.
C. Yeager to S. K. Bell, 527 Camp
Florin The Rev. Thomas Gar
land, G. A. Geyer to James Wolfgang,
622 Woodbine street.
Grasitville The Rev. N. I. Fake
L. S. Winters, to D. Fisher, 619 Schuyl
kill street, . meals at Mrs. Rambo's,
541 Seneca street.
Halifax The Rev. C. A. Funk. C.
F. Still to F. C. McDonald, 1629 Re
gina street, for lodging and breakfast,
to Ross Fulton's, 1919 Green street, for
dinner and supper.
Harrisburg Churches All pastors
and delegates provide for themselves
(conference officers excepted.)
Hershey The Rev. N. L. Llne
baugh. S. D. Clark, to Ed. Weaver's.
534 Peffer street; dinner and supper
at Ross Fulton's. 1919 Green street.
Highspire The Rev. H. F. Rhoad
Simple Home Treatment Destroys
fterma of Thla Dangeruua Disease
The reason why so many people who
suffer from Catarrh never seem able to
get cured Is that they are continually
seeking the momentary relief of sprays
douching:, greasy creams, ointments!
etc. Such things do open up the swol
len nostrils and clear the head tempor
arily. besides stopping for a while the
disgusting blowing, hawking, spitting
and choking, but they never cure. To
drive out Catarrh for good you have
got to get down to its real cause.
Catarrh Is a germ disease. The air is
always full of catarrh germs thrown
off by one person and absorbed by an
other and when the system does fail to
throw off such germs they find perma
nent lodgement in the nose, throat and
head and multiply rapidly.
The germs of catarrh can be best de
stroyed by inhaling the pure medicat
ed air of Hyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o
me). This splendid and powerful com
bination of oil of Eucalyptus with other
healing agents has a wonderful germi
cidal action. You bneathe Its air into
your nose, throat and lungs bv means
of a small hard rubber Inhaler which
H. C. Kennedy and other leading drug
gists here in Harrlsburg and vicinity
supply with every treatment. This
medicated air is certain death to the
germs of Catarrh and drives them com
pletely out of your system and when
the germs are destroyed the catarrh
with all Its disagreeable symptoms will
stop. Even two or three minutes - use
will give refreshing relief, while, if vou
will use it two or three times a day
for a few weeks It will completely ban
ish catarrh and every symptom "of ca
tarrh. As Hyomel la pleasant to
breathe and la always sold bv drug
gists everywhere With a positive guar
antee of snrcessful results or money
back, surely no Catarrhal sufferer
should g6 long before trying.this simple
home remedy.—Advertisement.
H. J. Roop, for dinner and supper to
Mrs. Coble, 547 Seneca street.
Hillsdale The Rev. William
Beach, to Mrs. Steward, 512 Emerald
street; S. R. Geyer, to Ida Reinhold,
2139 Moltke avenue.
Hopeland The Rev. W. E. Shoop,
B. G. Bingeman, to E. E. "Patrick,
2460 Sixth street.
Hummelstown The Rev. A. S.
Lehman to S. E. Rupp, 343 Reily
street; C. M. Hershey,( wishes to care
for himself.)
Intercourse The Rev. I. W.
Fun, J. M. Beam, to E.
C. Finklestine, 518 North Six
teenth street, lodging and breakfast;
for dinner and supper to Mrs. Ida
Steward, 512 Emerald street.
lona The Rev. R. E. Morgan, P.
J. Glick to Charles Rupp, 309 Crescent
street, lodging and breakfast; to Mrs.
Cora McCurdy, 614 Schuylkill street
for dinner and supper.
Jacksonville The Rev. J. C. Pease,
to Ross Derrick, 517 Seneca street; L.
T. Lebo, to Mrs. Ida Steward, 512 Em
erald street.
! Jonestown—The Rev. W. W. Freld
inger, E. E. Arnold, to H. E. Poet,
2326 Jefferson street,
j Lancaster Covenant Dr. G. D.
[Batdorf. C. L. Graybill to Mrs. D. A.
Fry, 313 South Front street. North
Queen. The Rev. J. E. Kenee. to H. J.
Shenk, 2124 Green street: F. B. Writll
ers, to Joseph Motter, 1714 North Sixth
street for lodging and breakfast, to
John Whisler, 630 Woodbine street for
dinner and supper. Laurel street, The
Rev. J. R. Bowermaster. J. A. Brown
to Ed. Weaver. 534 Peffer street, meals
to Mrs. Ida Steward, 512 Emerald
Lebanon, Salem The Rev. H. E.
Miller, A. L. Lessey to Mrs. W. P.
Bender, 2148 Sixth street. Trinity,
Dr. B. F. Daugherty to L. R. Fisher,
2412 Jefferson street: A. L. Light, to
Joseph Motter. 1714 North Sixth street
for lodging and breakfast; to John
Whisler, 630 Woodbine street for din
ner and supper. Memorial, The Rev.
M. H. Jones. C. E. Muenich to E. E.
Patrick. 24 60 Sixth street Bethany.
The Rev. S. B. Wengert, M. K. Light,
to E. Shoop, 3020 North Sixth street.
West. The Rev. C. H. Holsinger, L. W.
Daubert. to John McNeeley, 626 Em
erald street. Hebron, The Rev. O. T.
Ehrhart, J. L. Fitz, to D. Fisher. 619
Schuylkill street, for lodging, meals
at Mrs. Rambo's, 541 Seneca street.
Pleasant Hill, The Rev. P. B. Gibble.
W. H. Bover to Mrs. Broomall, 2519
Sixth street. Circuit, The Rev. H. E.
Shaeffer, H. D. Myers to Mrs. Broom
all, 2519 North Sixth street.
Linglestown The Rev. Clyde
Lynch, M. Akens, (both desire to care
for themselves).
Lititz The Rev. S. G. Hass, M. D.
Sturgess; to J. Reed, 525 Peffer street,
for lodging and breakfast; to William
Grant Haney, 2538 Agate street for
dinner and supper.
Lykens The Rev. H. S. Kieffer to
William Spotts, 2106 Fourth street; W.
M. Bomberger to Ed. Weaver. 534 Pef
fer street, for lodging, to John C.
Whisler, 530 Woodbine street for all
meals. Circuit The Rev. S. L.
Rhoads, 1. T. Buffington to William
Shepler. 442 Hamilton street.
Manheim The Rev. H. J. Behney,
C. L. Witmyer to Harry Derrick, 614
Oxford street.
Manor The Rev. Groff, I. T. Hess,
to Mrs. Mehaltle, 2323 Jefferson street,
for lodging; to Mrs. McCurdy, 614
Schuylkill street, for all meals.
Middletown The Rev. Dr. I. H.
Albright to Samuel Albright, 132" Kit
tatinny street; Charles Orth, to Wil
liam Wagner, 530 Emerald street.
Millersburg The Rev. A. L. Haes-'
ler. William S. Miller, to H. L. Foyer, j
623 Geary street, lodging and break
fast: for dinner and supper lo Amos,
Funk, 2407 Sixth street.
Mont Clare The Rev. J. O. Jones. 1
J. T. Readman to Mrs. Huggins, 1810
: North Seventh street, lodging and
breakfast, for dinner and supper to
John C. Whisler, 630 Woodbine street.
Mt. Carmel Tho Rev. C. S. Miller,
to Sherman Shepler. 2146 Fourth
street: C. J. Sclioffstall. to Samuel T.
Kinsinger, Fourth and Woodbine
streets. 1
Mt. Joy The Rev. D. E. Long, H. I
F. Nissley to Mrs. Spongier, Lucknow.
Mountvllle The Rev. Dr. R. R.
Butterwick, D. E. Copeland. lodge at l
Mrs. Zeigler, 2403 Sixth street, all
meals at Coble, 547 Seneca street.
Myerstown The Rev. O. S. Mease,
Isaac B. Haak, lodging at C. Deerling,
528 Emerald street, all meals at Mor
ris Sollenberger, Fourth and Seneca
Neffsville The Rev. S. G. Kauff
man. W. A. Fulmer, to Mrs. Boone,
2415 Reel street, lodging and break
; fast, for dinner and supper at Mrs.
Coble, 547 Seneca street.
New Holland The Rev. J. R. Mc
; Donald. Hiram Overly, to Mr. Wasson,
; 513 Seneca street, lodging and break
! fast, dinner and supper at Mt. McCas
| l.n, 529 Seneca street.
Northampton The Rev. George
Hess. J. W. Kleppinger, to Calvin
i Heckert, 2188 Moore street.
! Oberlin The Rev. C. E. Boughter.
G. W. Smeltzer, dinner and supper at
Mrs. Coble, 547 Seneca street.
Palmyra First, The Rev. E. O.
Burtner. to Mrs. Sweiler, 202 3 Fulton
| street; S. F. Engle, to Mrs. Coble, 547
Seneca street. Second, The Rev. A.
Lehman, to E. Shoop, 3020 Fifth
street. Mr. H. R. Bomberger, to P.
H. Balsbaugh. 634 Camp street.
Penbrook The Rev. H. M. Miller.
J. L. Rooser, dinner and cupper at
John Whisler, 630 Woodbine street.
Pequea The Rev. H. H. Fertlg
to Edwin Shoop, 3020 Fifth street; C.
G. Rhoads, to Mrs. Coble, 3209 fourth
Philadelphia First, The Rev. C.
A.\Sna%'ely to C. W. Fisher, 2515 Front
street; S. C. Snoke, lodging at Charles
Jacobs, 637 Woodbine street, all meals
at J. C. Whisler, 630 Woodbine street.
Second, The Rev. Dr. 8. C. Enck, H.
S. Friday to NJrs. Mary Cless. 2350
' Sixth street, for lodging, meals at Mrs.
Abraham Coble, 547 Seneca street.
Pine Grove The Rev. L. R. Kra
mer to Mrs. Garman, 622 Curtin
street; A. H. Boughter to W. E. Koons.
4 3 South Thirteenth street for lodg
ing and breakfast, for dinner and sup
per to Mrs. Ramho, 541 Seneca street.
Pottstown The Rev. H. F. Boe
shore, Lewis Murray to Mrs. 'Walter
Rltter, 626 Kelker street for lodging
and breakfast, for dinner and supper
to John C. Whisler, 630 Woodbine
Reading Zion. The Rev. D. D.
Brandt, Theodore Dysher, to Mrs.
Charles Benson, 443 South Ninteenth
street, lodging and breakfast, for din
ner and supper to John C. Whisler,
630 Woodbine street. Trinity, The Rev.
W. E. Daugherty, E. C. Smith to Mrs.
Lydic, 620 Schuylkill street, lodging
and breakfast, for all meals to Mrs.
Cora McCurdy, 614 Schuylkill street.
Salem. The Rev. D. D. Buddinger, to
Mrs. Agnes Wright. 2408 Reed street ;
Miss Katie Colden. to Mrs. George
Berkheimer. 2119 Moltke street, din
ner and supper at Mrs. Rambo, 541
Seneca street.
Refton The Rev. B. M. Brenne
man to Anson Stine's, at Lucknow;
William Dull, to Ed. Weaver, 53 4 Pef
fer street for lodging: all meals at 630
Woodbine street, at John C. Whisler's.
Royalton The Rev. H. A. Smith,
J. H. Kinsey to Maurice Kemmerer,
2542 Agate street, lodging and break
fast. dinner and supper at Mrs. Ram
bo. 541 Seneca street.
Schuylkill Haven The Rev. C. A.
Mutch. T. E. Lukens to B. B. Drum,
1801 North Sixth street.
Shamokin The Rev. I. Moyer
Hershey, M. S. Hendricks to Mrs. P.
A. Bowman. 536 Maclay street. Cir
cuit, the Rev. J. F. Brown to J. M.
Platts, 519 Maclay street;; G. W. Fred
erick, Mr. Reubendale, 613 Oxford
Bteelton The Rev. A. K. Wler, G.
W. Parks, dinner and supper at Mrs.
Rambo, 541 Seneca street.
St Johns The Rey. A. G. Nye. B.
Weaver to Charles Myers, 2438 Reel
Sunbury The Rev. Mark E. West.
Henry Suffel to Robert Ward. 517 Pef
fer street for lodging and breakfast;
to Mrs. Margaret Bender, 2148 North
Sixth street for dinner and supper.
Tower City The Rev. O. G. Ro
mig, Chanson D. Warfield, to H. H.
Hoover. 2229 Jefferson street, lodg
ing, breakfast and supper; dinner at
Mrs. Rambo, 541 Seneca street.
Tremont The Rev. P. M. Halde
man, C. H. Kessler to H. H Hoover,
2229 Jefferson street, lodging, break
fast and supper; dinner at Mrs. Ram
bo, 541 Seneca street.
Union The Rev. W. Hallman, H.
L. Hocker to Perry Urich, 418 Muen
ich street, for lodging and breakfast,
dinner and supper at John C. Whisler,
630 Woodbine street.
Valley View The Rev. H. M.
Mentzer, F. H. Schwalm, to Mrs. Liz
zie Shellenbarger, 648 Woodbine street.
Williamstown The Rev. E. E.
Bender. H. J. Witman to Mrs. Shellen
barger. 648 Woodbine street.
The Rev. John Binkley to Mrs. Tay
lor, 2245 Jefferson street. The Rev.
James Shoop to A. X. Kope. 633 Pef
fer street. T. G. Spangler to lodge
at Mrs. Jacobs, 637 Woodbine street,
all meals at J. Whisler, 630 Woodbine
street. The Rev. O. T. Devernt to W.
H. Wagner, 530 Emerald street. E. F.
Cosletter to A. N. Kope. 633 Peffer
street. Lewis D. Gotschall to Sherman
Shepler. 2146 Fourth street. Mertis
V. Freidinger to Mrs. Oscar Holsman.
2541 Sixth street, for lodging, meals
at Mrs. Rambo. 541 Seneca street. Dr.
Brewbaker to Dr. Spangler, 258 Herr
street. Dr. W. M. Weekley to P. H.
Balsbaugli, 634 Camp street. Dr. D.
D. Lowery, meals at Mrs. Coble. 54 7
Seneca street. Dr. Whitney, to Warren
Schue, 2 412 North Sixth street. Dr.
Fries, to John Ream, 2414 North
Sixth street. Dr. W. E. Schell. to War
ren Schue, 2412 North Sixth street.
Dr. G. D. Gossard, to Warren Schue,
In many severe nervous disorders i
the best remedy is often a tonic. The
most active tonic treatment is recom
mended by the highest medical au
thority to arrest the progress of such
It is impossible to reach the nerves
directly with medicine. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills are a nervine tonic but they
act on the nerves through the blood,
enabling the blood to carry to the
nerves the elements needed to build
them up.
Neuralgia, sciatica, sick headache
and a number of more severe nervous
troubles are properly treated by build
ing up the blood with Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and are often entirely cor
rected in this way.
If you are nervous you can help
yourself by refusing to worry, by tak
ing proper rest, sleep and vacations,
by avoiding excesses and by taking
out-of-door exercise. For medicine
take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, the non
alcoholic tonic.
Sufferers from nervous disorders
who have been taking treatment with
out benefit should investigate the
tonic mefhod. Write to-day to the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Schenec
tady. N. Y., for the booklet, "Diseases
of the Nervous System." It will bo
sent free on request.
Your own druggist sells Dr. Will
iams' Pink Pills or they will be sent
by mail on receipt qf price, fifty cents
per box, six boxes for $2.50 —Adver-
r \
SEPTEMBER 28,1915.
2412 North Sixth street. Dr. C. W.
Stinespring, to Oscar llolaman, 2541
Sixth street, meals at John Whisler,
630 Woodbine street. The Rev. C. C.
Witman, to Mrs. R. Coble, 3209 North
Fourth street. The Rev. Dr. Howard,
to John eßam, 2414 North Sixth
street. John E. Morrison, to lodge
at Ed. Weaver, 53 4 Peffer street, all
meals at John C. Whisier, 630 Wood
bine street. The Rev. C. E. Rettew to
Mrs. C. B. Rettew, 266 Briggs street.
Conwell Bemesderfer to David Evans
2503 Agato street, for lodging, all
meals at Mrs. Rambo, 541 Seneca
Maltas to Meet Tonight
at S. of A. Commandery
Knights of Malta from Steelton,
Middletown and Harrisburg, whose
Mecca last evening was the hall of
Baldwin commandery, 108, in the
Steelton Trust building, will gather
to-night in the hall of Star of Amer
ica commandery, 26 North Third
street, this city.
This will be the second of the series
1915~October 4, 5, 6, 7, 8—1915
Greatest Racing Event by the Best Horses in the Country, Including
Running Races
A Precedent and an Epoch
of Pair Week there will he exhibitions to delight everybody, including
Phenomenal lire-Works
Every day and Wednesday and Thursday nights, Wallace's Famous
Sinking Orelicstra of Cleveland. Ohio; Balloon Ascensions Daily by
Carwile Bros., America's most successful Aeronauts; Corradinis Me
nagerie, introducing a wonderful (iroup of Trained zebras, elephants,
horses and dogs. This act may he set down as one of the finest exhibi
tions of unusual animal training ever shown in this Country: Marco
Twins, Vaudeville's Greatest Fun Creators. They are known and
recognized through the entire world as Kings of Comedy; Angelo Ar
nicnto Trio Acrobatic Act, the three Mexican Gentlemen known as the
World's Fastest Tumblers: The Dayton Family, twelve people in their
latest creation, entitled U' Rcndcz-Vous, shoulder to shoulder somer
saults and dare devil lofty tumbling that commences where all others
stop: The Jordan Sisters (Wire Act), three l>eautlful girls who display
wonderful forms in a hcautirul act: The Duttons, America's Greatest
Equestrian Act, four beautiful Arabinn horses, performing dog and
pony, the handsomest costume act in the world, complete change every
performance, truly the act beautiful; The Three Alex, unequalled
equilibrists, novel, daring, skillful Teats, and act different and more
sturtling than others; Marnitz Manilo Troupe, this marvelous troupe
performs hair raising feats of head and hand balancing.
H. C. HECKERT, Sec'y York, Pa.
Absolutely No Pain /
Mr lotnl tmpr.v.d ip
>fe?4 x ,*yy" i e*y*enlaed air appar- / # #
etna, makea extract- / -y kV /
Hk, jiff perfectly harm- / V 7 / Foil Set
W leaa. (Ace no / / teeth.
objection). a »5.00. Gold
FREE / •. O /™; ST' oX
X V V / Crowna and Brldae
/ ▼▼ / Work. «3, M. •». 22-K
. ._ r _. / ® / Gold Crowna. «8.00.
Recfatered / / Office open dally 8.30 a.
/ . .X" / to ap. M.i Hon., Wed.
Graduate / X and Bat., Till Bp. ra-i Sun.
Aaalatanta / /%\> / 10 »• ««!»•■»-
/0)y 3120 Market St.
T' (Over the Hub)
X Harrisburg, Pa. it Didn't Hurt ■ mt
P AIITinN ! whGn Coming "To My Office B
U All IIU n • Sure You Are In the Right Place
of entertainments and socials arranged
as a part of Malta Week for the com
manderies in this district. The prin
cipal speakers will be: Grand prelate,
Sir Clinton S. Miller, of Mt. Carmel;
grand senior warden, Sir Warren J.
Raffensberger. of York, and Sir John
A. Flnley, past commander of Baldwin
commandery, Steelton. Other grand
lodge officers will be present.
The hall of Baldwin commandery
was packed with the members and
their friends last evening. Large
delegations were present from Harris
burg and Middletown. The lower-end
knights came to the meeting in ten
touring cars. The speakers were
Charles H. Bingaman, of Reading;
Harry M. Aslcin, of Camp Hill, and
Wilmer Crow, of Harrisburg. Refresh
ments were served.
Beginning to-morrow evening a
series of special services will be held
in the Green Street Church of God. The
Rev. F. I. M. Thomas, pastor of the
Maclay Street Church of God. will
preach. Services Thursday evening will
be in charge of the Rev. X. N. Parson,
of Marvgvllle. Dr. Kevour. of Middle
town. will preach Friday evening.