Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 23, 1915, Image 9

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    |sl.oo Day Bargains at
i 32i KFNNFDY'S 321
Market Street It 1 1 X W M Market Street
» Opposite Bowman's Dept. Store Opposite Bowman's Dept. Store j
i , The Home of Cut Prices , |
5 10c Cake . . 10c Cake l i
i Munyon's Soap SI.OO Dfly* !s:ss CONDlTlONS a:M sl.oo Dfly Munyon's Soap
LS FREE Customers on this day can select any 6-25 c items advertised, or any 3-50 c items, or 2-75 c items, or 1-$1 item and FREE 13
ii7•.i m <♦,, /v/v a-50c item. Or any combination of advertised items equivalent to $1.50 —All for SI.OO. iir».i r>
ft With Lvery SI.OO , . , \ . With Every SI.OO jl
g Purchase Kennedy s Original Cut-Rate Medicine Store, 321 Market Store I Purchase a
1 [BIG SPECIAL—2-75C Bottle. Pinaud s Lilac Vegetal, .!i!! .• . ! ~ $l.OC)j D
1 SI.OO Buy Special Combinations for $l.OOl SI,OO VCfill Buy SI.OO "Will Buy i
Three 50c Bottles of Kilmer's Swamp-Root. Compound Syr. Hypophosphites SI.OO Six 25c Packages Kolynos Tooth Paste. Six 25c Munyon's Remedies. , . . A
nidQ t__ _ an j \i/: nA cn r I SI.OO Sloan s Liniment ••••••••••••• 7«>© I
M Three 50c Bottles of Doan's Kidney Pills. Beef > Iron and v *' ne 5 Six 25c Packages Sanitol Goods. Six 25c Sal Hepatica. 10Q gal Hepatica ,
Uj Three 50c Boxes Nulfey Tablets. . $ 1 .00 Six 25c Bottles White Pine and Tar. Ssx 25c Cakes Woodbury's Soap. $1 00
fe Three 50c Bottles California Fig Syrup. ° ne Safety Razor SI.OO Three 50c Bottles DeWitt's Kidney Pills. "
ii Two 75c Tars of Mellin's Food. ° nC Sh3V,ng BrUSh Six 25c Bottles Lithia Tablets - X *" $ Ma-no-la ~10 «
ftjl <lll Art Six 25c Tars Musterole Six 25c Boxes Allen's Foot Ease. SI.OO Peruna 670
| Three 50c Tubes Pebeco Tooth Paste. &ix zac jars Musterole. v
I T . .. R r T • ._ Six Sakes Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap, 90c Slx 25c J ars Mentholatum. Six 25c Boxes Tiz. SI.OO Glyco Thymohne 7.>0
Six Cakes Jergen's Toilet Soap 50c Six 25c Bottles Bromo Seltzer. Six 25c Tubes Kal-Pheno Tooth Paste. SI.OO Wampole's Cod Liver Extract .. 670
5| Three 50c Bottles of Glycothymoline. One Wash Rag 10c Six 25c Packages Kohler's Headache Pd. Six 25c Boxes Seidleitz Powders. SI.OO Scott's Emulsion 670 1
Eft Four 1-lb. Boxes Merck's Sugar Milk. <fc 1 AA Six 25c Bottles Listerine. SI.OO Bromo-Seltzer 670
IP , , _ . . «PI.UU I . _ _ Three Pint Cans Pompeian Olive Oil. „ _ „ .
p Three 50c Bottles Sloans Liniment. _ . . (. Six 25c Boxes Lyons Tooth Powder. SI.OO Caldwell Syrup Pepsin 670
Three 50c Bottles Wyeth's Sage & Sulphur. One Unbreakable HardTubber Comb, 50c Six 25c Bottles Frostilla. ($1.50 a ue.) SI.OO Listerine 670 j
Ten 25c Allcock's Porous Plasters. a<■ |-|A| Six 25c Bottles Danderine. Three 50c Suspensories. SI.OO Pierce's Favorite Presc 670 j
|jj Three 50c Boxes Canthrox. «J> 1 •UU Six 25c Boxes Spiro Powder. $1.50 2-quart Hot Water Bottle, Red or SI.OO Pingham's Veg. Comp 640 I
y Three 50c Boxes Pape's Diapepsin Tablets. Six Bottles Malt Extract $1.50 six 25c Bottles Creolin (Pearson.) j Chocolate Colors. SI.OO Father John's Remedy 670 T
|p Three 50c Bottles Danderine. j ° nc Q uart Grape 50c Six 25c Boxes Carters K. &B. Tea. 75 2-quart Fountain Syringe, Red or S I,OO Hood ' s Sarsaparilla 670
B®jjl Three 50c Bottles Omega Oil. $1 .00 Six 25c Edward's Olive Tablet Pills. p, ol t C lors SIOO Paine's Celery Comp 670 |
&■ Three 50c Boxes Nature Remedy. One Safety Razor SI.OO Six 25c Hinkle's Cascara Pills. ° C ° a e ° * SI.OO Herpicide 670 J
|| Three 50c Sal Hepatica. Shav * ng j* ticks 25c Six 25c Boxes Beecham's Pills. Six 25c Tubes Benzolyptus Tooth Paste. $1 0Q Danderine j
£9 Three 50c Hind's Honey & Almond Cream. " e havln S Bru ® h 25c Six 25c Bottles Omega Oil. Six 25c Cans Benzolyptus Tooth Powder. S IO O Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur ... 670 j
||&l Three 50c Pompeian Massage Cream. $1 .00 Six 25c Boxes Nature Remedy. 13 Cakes Palm Olive Soap, value $1.95. SI.OO S. S. S 670 j
Anxiety Over Mission Conditions
Now Centers in Turkey
\mericans Personally Safe, but in Perilous Condition,
as Their People Perish; an American Woman's
(By tile Religious Rambler)
e LQWLY the Christians of America
are waking up to a realization
that a crisis without precedent is
■> pon the historic work of the Ameri
can Board and Presbyterian Mission.-)
In Turkey. Interest in all other mis
sion fields is for the moment eclipsed
l.y the amazing news from the most
romantic of all mission lands, that on
which the drama of Revelation was
en acted.
!•'cars for the safety of American
Peaches and Cream!
Doesn't the thought of them
make your mouth water?
Why not get strength as well
as palate-pleasure by eating
them with
The filmy, porous shreds of
baked whole wheat give pal
ate-joy as well as stomach
satisfaction. In Shredded
Wheat Biscuit you get the
strength-giving, body-build
ing elements of the whole
wheat grain in a digestible
A perfect meal without kitchen
worry or work. Heat one or more
biscuits in the oven to restore crisp
ness; cover with sliced peaches and
serve with milk or cream.
Delicious Wholesome Satisfying
missionaries are subordinated by the
news, first given to the world in this
column and later corroborated by the
American ambassador, that the worst
anti-Christian atrocities since the Mid
dle Ages have been perpetrated by the
Turkish government upon the Ar
menian Christians. Jews and Chris
tians are scheduled to share a like
fate. The heroic ;>art that American
government officials and, American
missionaries are bearing in Turkey at
the present time is beginning to leak
out, by way of the Boston offices of
the American Board and otherwise.
Wiping Out a Nation
Even the official statement of Am
bassador Morganthau that since last
May 350,000 Armenians have been
slaughtered or starved has failed to
penetrate the iiorror-calloused and
war-paralyzed consciousness of Chris
tendom. A year ago the plight of
Belgium aroused the world to un
paralleled acts of mercy; but, if the
worst that was ever feared for Bel
gium had come true, conditions would
not be at all comparable with the
atrocities that have befallen the Ar
menians. And the end is not yet: un
less some agency intervenes, the whole
nation is to be wiped out—and the
Jews in Turkey are to follow!
Clear light upon the present mental
condition of the world is shed by this
news from Turkey. Midille-aged per
sons remember the spasm of horror
that convulsed civilization in 1895-6
over the news of the Armenian mas
sacres. Then it was that. Gladstone,
Hinging official etiquette to the winds,
branded the sultan as "Abdul the
Damned"—which showed a poor
knowledge of Arabic, but a clear un
derstanding of the heart of Christen
dom. Yet the total deaths of Ar
menians during that massacre amount
ed to not more than fifty thousand
persons; already, with the climax of
the present holocaust of blood seem
ingly nol reached, the number of Ar
menian victims of Turkish ferocity is
seven times as great. Relatively little
impression has been made as yet upon
civilization, because the war has seem
ingly already exhausted humanity's
capacity for extreme emotions.
America to the Rescue
The time has not yet come to tell
in full the thrilling story of what the
American missionaries and American
officials have done during recent
months for the succor of persecuted
peoples In Turkey. The American am
bassador has set a new mark for diplo
matic efficiency in altruistic service.
To say that he has Incarnated in him
self the best traditions and ideals of
Americanism is to state the case con
Some of the consuls have likewise
done heroically, notably Consul Les
lie. in the new American consulate at
Urfa, where the British, French, Rus
sian and Italian civilians are Interned
in an Armenian monastery. The rigors
of their lot in this remote city (which,
by the way, is just a few miles from
Haran, where Abraham lived, and
where he found Rebekah, a wife for
his son Isaac) have been greatly
abated by Mr. Leslie. The consul at
Aleppo has been in the thick of the
While some American missionaries
—notably Mr. and Mrs. Floyd O.
Smith, of YViarbelier —have been de
ported by the Turks, for reasons un
known, although efforts on behalf of
the Armenians is suspected, most of
the missionaries have remained at
their posts. Those who have been
forced to leave their fields, for one
leason or another, have been refused
permission to return. Thus Dr.
Thomas Christie, of Tarsus, a veteran
of several massacres, went to Con
stantinople to intercede for the Ar
menians, but the Turks would not let
Vim go home again. Having abolished
the capitulations, the Ottoman govern
ment has become severer and severer
in its dealings with Americans and
other neutral foreigners. Only the
vtgorous attitude of Ambassador Mor
ganthau has prevented greater em
The migration of the narty of
American missionaries from Van to
Tiflis is a story yet to be hold in ils
fullness. They endured great priva
tions. Mrs. Ussher died before start
ing and her husband arrived critically
HI; Mrs. Raynolds broke her leg en
route. Apparently all the American
Board property at Van has been de
stroyed by the Turks.
An American Woman's Way
It is difficult for people in this coun
try to realize how remote and in
accessible are some of the Turkish
stations of the American Board, es-
T ecially in Armenia. With a strict
ensorsliip on, oniy the vaguest news
can percolate out. Thus a message
has come of the death of Miss Char
lotte Ely, in July, at Bitlis, which is
in the mountains of Armenia.
A heroic story is hidden behind the
brief message that an American mis
sionary, Miss Graffam. of Sivas, se
cured permission from the Turkish
governor-general to accompany a
party of Armenian women and chil
dren into exile. Their destination is
unknown. Somewhere in the fast
nesses of Armenia, or possibly in the
farther wastes of Arabia, this fearless,
devoted American woman has gone
with the defenseless, hunted women
.ind children, not only to minister to
the dying and the living, but also, by
her presence, as an American, to save
them, if possible, from the worst hor
rors of this exile. This, in a dramatic
embodiment, is the sort of sacrificial
service that hundreds of Christian
American women are doing on the
mission field.
A peculiarly revolting aspect of the
method followed by the Turks in ex-
for Wa«ori7~~* 1
Ruhl's Bread
MUJA 10c Cigars
But all alike in quality.
An aroma that is wonderfully fragrant—
the all Havana quality that positively satis
Made by John C. Herman & Co.
terminating their victims Is their skill
In eliminating the men first, and then
in driving oft such of the women and
children as are not selected for Turk
ish harems into remote and desert
places, by forced marches, with no
supplies provided. Thus a large pro
portion of the women and children
and aged men die from starvation and
hardship rather than from the more
merciful sword. Prior to the order
for extermination all the able-bodied
men had been carried off into the
Turkish army, where they were put
into the positions of greatest danger.
This, of course, is in addition to the
men slain outright.
Even Zeitun has succumbed to this
massacre. That news means much to
those persons familiar with the his
tory of Armenian massacres. This
town of ten thousand Armenians, near
Aleppo, has never been conquered in
these periodic outbreaks against the
Christians. Even during 1895-6, and
again in 130 S. it maintained Its tra
ditions of three hundred years by driv
ing off the Moslem assailants. The
present year .however, found Zeitun
depleted of men. and the Turks easily
overcame it, and carried off its women
and children—with what peccliar
vengefulness can easily be imagined.
Is it any wonder that Christians of
all names, sensible of the ties which
all disciples of Christ hold in common,
are eagerly watching the news from
Why is it that one photographer can take a better sj
picture than another—that one painter cat- execute -%
S3 a better landscape than another—that one cook can
bake a better cake than another—that one musician
|p can produce better music than another—why?
You'll find the answer in the superior quality of ££
| King Oscar 5c Cigars
|p Knowledge gained by years of experience and deter-
jgrj mination to achieve efficiency in order to produce a fe:
smoke that is a little bit better than the average ;C;
nickel cigar. ||
I Regularly Good For 24 Years 1
To indicate you are a regular reader you must
present ONE Coupon like this one, with
68 cents.
anteed to be the beat collection and biggest bargain in pattern* ever
otfaed. It consists of more than 450 of the very latest designs, for
any one of which you would gladly pay 10 cents, bed hardwood em
broidery hoop*, set of highest grade needles (assorted sizes), gold-tipped
bodkin, highly polished bone stiletto and fascinating booUet of instruc
tion* «rring all the fancy stitches so clearly illustrated and *rpl»m>j
that any school girl can readily become expert
All old-fashioned methods using benzine or injurious fluids are
crude and out-of-date. This is the only safe method. Others often'
injure expensive materials.
N. B. Out of Town Readers wfll add 7 cents extra far
"postage and expense of mailing.