Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but experiments, and endanger the Health of Children—Experience against Experiment* r What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It de stroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic,all Teething Trou bles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and fJowel3, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THC CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. ERB'S CONDITION FAVORABLE New York, Sept. 21.—The condition of Newman Ert>, wealthy railroad man, who swallowed two poison tab lets by mistake a week ago, was to- A REAL FLESH BUILDER FOR THIN PEOPLE Who Would Increase Weight And Put On Healthy Stay-There Flesh Thin men and women who would like to increase their weight with 10 or 15 pounds of healthy "stay-there' fat should try eating a little Sargol with their meals for a while and note results. Here is a good test worth try ing. First weigh yourself and measure yourself. Then take Sargol—one tab let with every meal—for two weeks. Then weigh and measure yourself again. It isn't a question of how you look or feel or what your friends say and think. The scales and tape meas ure will tell their own story. Many people, having followed these simple directions, report weight increases of from five to eight pounds with con- gains under further treatment. Absolutely Wo Pain / j M 7 lateM Improved op 's/ pltaaces. Including an / Vy . y siTgenlud air nppar- S t . aN> ntua, makes extract- / / Ins and all dental / aN / work positively / A* / ',j • fciw pulnleak und la jf * ryif / ?e e . r :"Vi s « h -:r/ VW EXAMINATION * / rnrr / A iCI / T «> alloy, ce rKCC X , / S meat, 50c. Gold / \ V X Crowns and Bridge X V\ T▼ X Work. »3, IM, W. 22-K Bectatered X ▼ X „~° ld Cro "M. »S.OO. / / Office open dally 8.30 a. Graduate X A. X "V 2°- 8 S,". ™*« Mon - Wtd ' X ▼ X * nd s ■ , •• Tm 9 »• send It free to try. After you have usei tt and It has proven lttclf to t»e that long-lot id-for means f curing your Rheumatism, y»A may send the price or it, one dollar, but, under stand, I do not want your money unless yon J r . P e &£ tly to send It. Isn't that flirt hy suffer any longer when poslth > relief .s thus offend yen free? Don't delay. ■ Wrtffl today 9 Mark H. Jackaon, \o, 1438 Uurney j 5 Bldg., Syracuse, IS. V. TOUR PRINTING NEEDS will be best supplied where the facili ties for such work are the best. When you consider that the printed material you use represents a cash in vestment which you calculate should bring to you many times Its cost— THE PRICE OF QUALITY SHOULD BE THE CONSIDERATION If clients are to see the printed mate rial you use; your thought should be the quality, rather than the price. Which doesn't mean that the price need, or should be, exorbitant. The Telegraph Printing Co. p-oduces the highest grades of work ic Ms re spective lines. All of It Is based upon quality at prices which are most fair for the work. We arc printing specialists, as well as being leaders in the associate lines binding, designing and photo-engraV ing. To employ our services means no greater effort than to phone us. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO Either phon9 °» c b ' e , ? lot . h /. J®**? 1 " Five 53.75 white satin crochet spreads f 2 ?* a .° cc 0 ! ls < ► c< Light 72x72 table cloths $2.03 4 ► Three $1.98 crochct spreads SIJ4B £ ne §7* le Jf< ► One $2 00 crochet spread $1.50 72 *' 2 tabl ? cl ° h • y. . *l'*" < y Three $3.25 crochet spreads $2.44 T"' ' Vat 1 ' ► One $2 75 crochet spread $2.09 Red Star longclo h; 10 yds. ....(>9? Ten $2.10 dimity spreads $1 ..",8 8c hlte Lawn ' < lO >' ds " to customer); yd. < Four $2.69 dimity spreads $2.02 17 ♦lO j 1 u*«. t a * y Two $3.50 dimity quilts $2.62 J?^° n 19c f v :' h,tc -°? ds; - vd ® J < ► Five $1.69 dimity quilts $1.27 f?™ I ? ress f a f ter " s; ' V •'y ■* * < ► ac Longcloth, s to 9-yd. lengths: yd., 96 ► I our $1.98 dimity quilts $1.49 x BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. < I? 1 £ ±1- r- 1 1 * Domestics Also Feature i " r lags tor the Celebration _ 1 _ < : state-National Special Prices ; ► ' , , .... Fruit-of-the-Loom Muslin, yd.— 4 , Fa st color flags, mounted on sticks with regularly gilt speai ends. _ useful lengths: every piece branded. Hags '>(• Fruit-of-the-Loom Sheeting, 260 yd.— -4-mch nags 100 regularly 35c; 300 yards; 81 inches wide; * 1' r in « 2JO Bleached Shaker Flannel yd.—regu- 4 ► Soft Cotton Flags, colors absolutely fast; i arly 10c; 32 inches wide; cut from full < printed stars. pieces. ► Unbleached Sheeting, 150 yd.—regularly 4 rxß ft. $1.2.> 22c; cut from full pieces; 72 inches wide. Heavy Flags, with sewed stripes and Flannelette, 70 yd.— regularly 10c and sewed stars. 12^