Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 18, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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    180 CASES ON TIL
46 Nonsupport Hearings; Shuman
May Be Tried; Derry Super
visors Scheduled Too
Just 180 criminal cases, forty-six
nonsupport and surety hearings are
listed for September quarter sessions
court which begins September 27. The
trial list issued to-day by District At
torney Michael E. Stroup contains 150
new causes and thirty continued hear
ings. The calendar may be larger as
a suplemental trial list will probably
be announced late next week. The
trial of William H. Shuman, the ex
police motor ambulance and patrol
« Dear Sir:—
4 No one realizes more than you ]>
J as a citizen of Harrisburg. the < j
f importance of the office of Al- ,i
| derman. An upright, conscten- jj
J tious man in that position be- <>
i comes a power for good in his ] t
i community, while an improper <j
« person elected as Alderman can Ji
5 embroil the whole community in
« which he lives.
5 lam a candidate for Alder- J|
5 man in the Tenth Ward at the <[
* coming primary on September J i
S 21 next. I have been a resident <|
J of Harrisburg all my life, being 'i
* born here in October 1890. I J,
i have lived in the Tenth Ward <[
5 for 10 years, and refer you to ji
% my neighbors as to my fitness < \
!for the office I seek. <;
If nominated and elected, I j!
pledge myself to a just, honor
able and conscientious perform- |i
ance of the duties of the office. J|
After due consideration of my c >
fitness I hereby ask your vote J!
and support both at the primary < [
and general election for the of- J i
fioe of Alderman of the Tenth 1 !
5 Ward.
Very sincerely, I >
| Geo. L. Kiinepeter jj
For County
John E. Shupp
I come before the voters at
the earnest solicitation of my
many friends—not as the rep
resentative of any clique or fac
tion. If nominated and elected,
I will be the servant of the peo
ple of Dauphin county.
1 \
A former Councilman, a school
teacher, a business college gradu
ate and a business man. He is
well qualified to fill the position as
City Controller. Tour support and
influence will be greatly appre
Look for No. 4 on the ballot;
put an X after No. 4 on the ballot.
Sam T. Kinsinger
On the Republican Ticket
Your Support Solicited at the
September Primaries
driver, who kicked his daughter Mar
garet so seriously that she died, it is
alleged, of the injuries, may be placed
on the supplemental list as Shuman
will not get his hearing until Wednes
day of next week.
One of the important cases listed
will be that of the Derry township
road supervisors who are charged with
violating the supervisors' act which
requires the repairing of roads. This
is listed for Friday, October 1.
Following is the complete list:
Monday, Sept. 27.—Elijah Brown,
a. and b.; John Bolden alias Kallmar,
c. c. d. w.; Paul Briggman, lar.; Joe
Caleta, entering in the night time;
Frederick Denis, a. and b.; Ora Da
vis alias Wellington, fel. entry and
lar.; Wilby Ferree, et. al., burg.; Mar
garet Farber, lar.; Harry C. Farber,
a. and b.; Ode Johnson, assault with
intent to rape; Winfleld S. Fisk, lar.
as bailee; William Jackson, c. c. d. w.;
Mike Novosel, lar.; Albert Penning
ton, a. with intent to rape; Joseph
Powley, et. al., fel. entry and lar.;
John Rollman, a. and b.; J. J. Relgle,
embezzlement; James J. Reigel, false
pretenses; Semore Reed, a. and b.;
Henry C. Marley, agg. a. and b.;
Nicholas Hager, fel. assault; Nicholas
Hager, fel. assault; Joseph S. Shaw,
obstructing legal process; Fred
Shickley, burg.; James Smith, et al.,
agg. a. and b.; Earnest Terris, lar.;
Frank E. Wilvert, lar.; Frank E. Wil
vert, lar.; Edward Weathers, a. and
b.; Henry Webster, wilful taking and
carrying away of vegetables; Marko
Vucetic, lar. and person; Clarence
Toyer, forn.; Anna Worden, forn.;
Margaret Williams, a. and b.; Karoly
Ballaski, fel. assault; Samuel Quatties,
et al., wilful taking and carrying
away vegetables; Samuel Quartles, et.
al., wilful taking and carrying away
vegetables; Harvey S. Bombcrger, et.
al., violation of quarantine act; Lloyd
Marcus, a. and b.; C. O. Irvine, false
pretenses; C. O. Irvine, false pre
tenses; C. O. Irvine, false pretenses;
John Carnathan, receiving stolen
goods; Edwin Shaffer, et. al., burg.;
Babe Sefus alias Hezekiah Warren,
felonious assault; Karoly Ballaski,
surety of peace; Augustine Wiest, em
Tuesday—Alfred Robinson alias
Sharkey, et. al., fel. entry and lar
ceny; Streso Dimitroff, receiving
stolen goods; Harry Cassner alias
Cook, fel. entry and larceny; Harper
S. Miller, bigamy; Mattie Dieffenbach,
perjury; Charles Geesey, forn.; Mattie
Dieffenbach, forn.; Stevo Mendic,
adult.; Julika Mrksic, adult.; Wil
liam D. O'Maro, et. al., fel. entry and
lar.; William D. O'Maro, et. al., fel.
entry and lar.; William D. O'Maro, et.
al., fel. entry and lar.; William D.
O'Maro, et. al., fel. entry and lar.;
William D. O'Maro, et. al., fel. entry
and lar.; William D. O'Maro, et. al.,
fel. entry and lar.; William D. O'Maro,
et. al., fel. entry and lar.; Charles
Crensey alias Craig, sodemy; Charles
Crensey alias Craig, solicitation to
sodomy, three charges; Zar Walter,
rape; Zar Walter, rape; Stojka Va
scili, forn.; Marca Grbican, adult.;
Edward Pierce, adult.; Katie Adley,
adult.; Clark B. Mixell, forn.; Laura
Murray, adult.; Jacob Shank, et. al.,
bawdy house; William Koch, Jr., et.
al., wilful taking and carrying away
fruit; Larry Sipe, fel. entry and lar.;
Eathen Kryder, fel. entry and lar.;
Emanuel Ramsey, lar.; Harry A.
Shaffer, perjury; Stif Ergovic, a. and
b.; William Conklin, lar. as bailee;
John S. Herr, a. and b.; John S. Herr,
a. and b.; H. B. Hess, a. and b.; Max
Levitz, receiving stolen goods; Charles
Sambs, lar.; Charles, Sambs, lar.;
Morris Isecowi'.z, false pretenses:
Henry Brandt, a. and b.; W. K. Span
genberg. lar.
Wednesday—John Albright, et. al.,
lar.; John Albright, et. al., lar.;
James Metrovic, lar.; Wert Jones,
rape and bastardy; Augustus Rodgers,
lar. from per.; William Ruder, a. and
b.; Harvey Bowers, et. al., lar.; Rus
sel Mader, et. al., lar.; William Pot
teiger, et. al., lar.; William Potteiger,
et. al., lar.; George Pantic, fraud
against boardinghouse keeper; George
Pantic, fel. entry; Milton Kemmerer,
fol. assault; Milton Kemmerer, want
only pointing firearms; A. L. Sherk,
burg.; Amos Rumbaugh, c. c. d. w.;
Mrs. Ida Still, a. and b.; C. F. Mes
singer, a. and b.; John Gasper, a. and
b.; Anna Takaics, a. and b.; Joseph
Bucar, et. a!., a. and b.; George W.
Mitchell, a. and b.; Milka Grijber,
lar. as bailee; U. U. Bollinger, a. and
b.; Isaac Hassinger, a. and b.; Wil
liam Koons, a. and b.; John D. Byers,
a. and b.; Vladimer Knoff, a. and b.;
Mrs. Benjamin F. Kelsey, a. and b.;
Rav Stonesifer, fel. entry and lar.;
John Simpson, et. al., fel. entry and
lar.; A. F. Rudy, lar.;- Katie Sherer,
lar.; Frank Branyan, fel. entry and
lar.; William Smith, lar.; Irwin W.
Dill, lar. as bailee; Oscar Wfcaver,
lar.; Joseph Chiara, Jr., et. al., false
pretenses; Joseph Lebo, agg. a. and b.;
Clara Farelich, a. and b.
Thursday—lsaac N. Deibler, f.
and b.; Paul Byers, f. and b.; Rob
ert Moss. f. and b.; Clayton Wen
rich, f. and b.; Earl Koltrider, f. and
b.; Walter Carpenter, f. and b.;
Mason Fitting, adul.; Hattie Weaver,
adult.; Harry Fulmer, indecent as
sault; George J. Bracken, fortune
telling; Frank C. Hoffman, libel;
James Crummel, et. al., larceny;
Paul Grunden, impersonating an offi
cer; Russel Jones, lar.; Russel
Jones, lar.; John W. Look, lar. as
bailee; Williafn Kingporty, false pro
tenses; Carrie Anderson, disorderly
house; Lena Sobel, a. and b.; Ar
thur Dubbs, agg. a. & b.; Jas. Sensari,
resisting officer; Joseph Hinnen
kamp, a. and b.; Cyrus Shoop, lar.;
Stella Collier, bawdy house; Maggie
Seibert, et. al., frequenting bawdy
house; Mike Barettuci, forn.; Helen
Grier, forn.; Joseph Delasondo,
forn.; Helen Grier, forn.; Solomon
Bowerman. a. and b.; Benjamin So
bel, a. and b.; Samuel Lipshitz, a.
and b.; Jane Craig, lar.; Charles
Madison, fraud; F. G. Kauffman, nui
sance; John Spriggs, forn. and b.;
Charles Henderson, f. and b.; Joel
E. Enders, f. and b.; Daniel Adams,
f." and b.; Chester Myers, f. and b.;
Daniel Grissinger, f. and b.
Friday, October I—M. L. Byerley,
et. al., violation of Supervisors' Act;
Joseph Albnitz, et. al., selling liq.
without license; Alma Keane, invol
untary manslaughter; Steven Cup
pies, a. and b.; Harvey Brlcker, a.
and b.; Henry Green, agg. a. and b.;
George R. Jones, cruelty to animals.
Desertion and Nonsupport, Mon
day, October 11—Simon J. Aumen,
non support; John Ankacsu, surety
of the peace; Harry Evans, Harry C.
Farber, John H. Geistwhite, William
E. Gantt, nonsupport; John Hess,
surety of the peace: Herbert K.
Kauffman, nonsupport; Daisy Mil
ler. surety of the peace; Russel L.
Ney. Ralph Price, Salvadore Russ, J.
J Relgle, nonsupport; Harry Shiley,
et. al., nonsupport of parent: Mar
garet. Williams, surety of the peace;
Benjamin Wolf, nonsupport of par
ent.; Fred H. Young, nonsupport:
Ceco Stanoff, et. al., appeal; Harry
Bechtel, Samuel M. Lehn, Harold
E. Shade, attachments; Clarence
Stipe, Frederick J. Sw&rtz, Charles
Robbretts, John L. Drake, nonsup
port; Chester A. Myers, attach
ment; Calvin Harner, George Mc-
Cann, Earl Beebe, Charles Jackson,
John G. Flora. Robert P. Miller,
George W. Mitchell, Josiah Bollinger,
Lewis A. Becker, David Baker, Earl
F. Davis, Splridon Evanoff, Solomon
F. Leltzel, Thomas E. Shilloum,
Fred W. Smith. Edward C. Weaver,
John A. Hill. Edward Rouser, Frank
Simmon and John Vohn, all nonsup
Friday, October 15, 10 A. M.—.
Suspended sentences and juvenile
The fact that we extend the privilege
of time payments on the instrument
enables you to have a Victrola in
y° ur home at once. It is but one
Y phase of the remarkable Victor Ser-
S V $1 \ I v * ce we ave built up for you.
SO N. 2St.
By Associated Press
Fayettevllle, Tenn., Sept. 18.—Mrs.
Selina Moore Holman. for fifteen years
president of the Tennessee W. C. T. U.,
died to-day at her home here of ap
L A Strong Combination N-
The large capital and surplus of this institution
h $600,000.00 its efficient organization and complete,
up-to-date facilities form a combination of strength
and service which is unexcelled.
I Whenever you have any financial matters to trans-
II j act, large or small, we will be pleased to have you con-
El . suit our officers. Our entire equipment is at your
| service. I
I i^l—■
I A Aspires For the Democratic-Washington
/ W&k Wt J/k Nomination of County Commissioner *
%j| HH <J I have entered this campaign for the sole purpose of
placing the County Commissioner's office into the hands of/"
<| I stand pledged for a just and equitable assessed valuation*
<1 As the assessed valuation of the County increases the tax-
W CI The County Commissioners' office is the business office
of the County, whose annual revenues approximate one-half
million dollars, collected from the people primarily through
taxation and expended directly or indirectly by the County
Commissioners. These men should be EXPERIENCED,
/ CAPABLE AND EFFICIENT and whose selection is up to
9 If you agree with my views and feel that I should con
tinue to represent you on the Board of County Commis
sioners, I respectfully solicit your influence and support.
Mr. Bryan may soon have to ponder
over the fact that nothing succeeds
like a successor.—Philadelphia North 1
' ' V
Respectfully Solicits the Support
of the
Citizens of Harrisburg
For County Commissioner
Alfred B. Gardner
On the Democratic and Washington Tickets
If nominated and elected I pledge myself to vote for a re- WJ■'
duction of county tax and devote my entire time to the office.
I have been a resident of Harrisburg ever since I was seven /
(7) years of age. Made a success in business for thirty (30)
years and promise the same efforts to make a success as a County v
Should I be a stranger to you I trust you will inquire as to r^Tfi'i}^
my business ability, also my character as a citizen, and if after lyilSfeiaffi
due consideration you find me worthy of your vote and influence
It would be my pleasure to meet every voter personally and
am making every effort to do so. However, should I fail to ac
complish this desire, I hope you will not feel offended and that
you will give me the same consideration as-you would otherwise.
Your vote and influence will be greatly appreciated.
Primary election, General election, fc—m—H—"'rwi—J
Tuesday, Sept. 21, 1915. Tuesday, Nov. 2, 1915.
( " V
oFor Judge of the Courts of
(Ninth Judicial District of Pennsylvania)
Edw. M. Biddle, Jr.
Subject to the nonpartisan primary, Sept. 21, 1915.
Stands pledged to an honorable campaign, and, if
elected, to a clean and economical administration,
with courtesy and consideration to all parties and
attorneys, without favoritism to any.
SEPTEMBER 18, 1915.
Apr wßi
I appeal to the rank and file
; of the Republican Party, who
I should be the Real Bosses, to
! support me for the office of
I Sheriff.
Clarence F. Snyder!
| -I||»
Your Vote and Influence will
be appreciated.