Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 15, 1915, Page 13, Image 13
Hundreds Want to Fill Your Want. A little Want Ad fill Hid Them) Deaths WILSON— On September 13. 1915, Mrs. Marv F. Wilson, on Monday eventng, at 916 o'clock at her home, 121 , South Thirteenth street, agd 67 yesrs. [ Funeral on Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m. from Christ Lutheran Church, The Rev. Thomas Rel&ch and the Rev. Mr. Hare officiating. Burial in Harrisburg Cemetery. The relative* and friends are invited to attend without further notice. EMERICK—On Sunday noon, Septem ber 12, 1915, Mrs Mary Emerick. at her home, 118 Dock street, aged 74 years. 2 months and 10 days. Funeral on Tuhrsday afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late residence. The relatives snd friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial at Panxtang Cemetery, the Rev. Dr. Cook of Market Square Presbyterian Church, officiating. LOST IX)ST A bunch of keys, between State and Second streets and Pennsyl vania Freight station Friday, Septem ber 10. Return to No. 108 North Sec ond street. LOST On Saturday afternoon a lady's pendant, set with sapphire and small pearls, and an odd-shaped ptnk 1 earl st the end. Reward, if returned to 1116 North Second street. LOST White ivory handled black silk lady's umbrella, left in Jitney Sun dav, August 29. on way to Pennsylvania Station, for 3.25' train; reward if re turned to 230 North Third street. LOST A gold cuff link with Initial R; finder please return to Morrell's Apartment and receive rewafd. FOUND FOUND That Eggert's Steam Dye ing & French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market St.. do the very besv work in the city. Call either phone for >roof. We call and deliver. ———————— — HELP WANTED —Male WANTED Paperhanger. Apply, Blake Shop, 225 North Second street. j WANTED Delivery boy with bicy cle; must have reference. Apply, Dau phin Electrical Supply Co., 434 Market street. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. By free booklet, B Y 372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop- j kins, Washington, D. C. WANTED Laborer for stone quar rv at Camp Hill; none but experienced need apply. Ott & Son, Camp Hill, Pa. WANTED —Experienced carpet layer, immediately. Apply to Superin tendent. Bowman & Co. WANTED Young man to work in a furniture store. Apply to Atlas Fur niture Co.. 1014 Market street. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES— MEN WANTED Ablebodied. unmar ried men between ages of IS and 35; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can ><peak. read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Bergner Building, Sd & Market Sts„ Harrisburg. Fa. WANTED Laborers wanted. Apply to Hoffman Bros. & Wilson. 23rd street and Philadelphia and Reading railroad, city. WANTED Some help to load and » unload scrap Iron. Come at once. Wil ■liams & Freedman. 10th street below- Mulberry Street Bridge. WANTED lO first-class sheet metal •workers. Also one foreman plasterer. Apply. Hotel Plaza. Mr. Rogers. WANTED Two Cement finishers. Applv, Havens Company, Hlekok's new building. Ninth and Cumberland street. WANTED Man to take orders from house to house canvassing for the At lantic and Pacific Tea Co., 1308 North | Third street, Harrisburg. Pa. Good proposition for the right kind of a man. j WANTED Single white man. who j understands farming, to work on farm. Apply 1700 North Second street. ] WANTED First-class toolmaker. profiler, miller, driller, rifler. barrel turners, blacksmiths and steam ham mer men to make drop forges. Also | men for barrel rolling. Address P. O. 1 Box 264. Lancaster, Pa. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED White woman for gen cral housework. Apply 1521 North Sec- ! ond street. WANTED—Lady solicitors on a good ! house to house proposition. Liberal j commission. Quick return. Apply 7 to 8 p, m., 1216 Walnut street. WANTED Girls over 16 years of j age to wash, fill and label bottles in laboratory. $3 a week to start with; 1 steady advancements. Address. H | 2996, care Telegraph. WANTED Seamstress; experienced i In alterations. Apply, Collins Co., 29 North Second street. WANTED White woman to cook. Apply, Crisfleld Cafe, 1342 North Sixth street. WANTED Woman to make altera- | tions on suits and dresses. Apply, Na- ; tional Supply Co., 8 South Fourth j street. WANTED Experienced saleslady, ' at once for lace and jewelry depart- I mcnt; good salary paid. Apply to Mr. j Greene, first floor Astrich's, Fourth and i Market street. | WANTED White girl for general housework; family of three; no wash ing; reference required. Inquire, 1908 North Second street. WANTED Tailors and seamstress, experienced, also apprentice girls. 621 North Second street. WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL— Become a pupil now. Make all your j Fall and winter dresses while learning j an art that will be of endless value as long as you live. Day and evening WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn the trade of J Cigar Making. Pay while learn-1 ing. Welfare looked after by a! trained nurse. Apply at Harris burg Cigar Co.. 500 Race street. WANTED Experienced saleslady; elegant chance for advancement. Ap ply. Berger Bargain Bazaar. 1007-09 North Third street. WANTED Experienced sewing ma ch:ne operator* on ladies' and chil dren's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry. State street, rear entrance. r- FOR SALE Edgewater Lots Located on the west shore of the Susquehanna River—Just north of Wormleysburg. Trolley every fifteen minutes to Harrisburg and a delightful walk in fair weather. These lots are 25x150 ft. and range In price from S3OO to SSOO. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL. ESTATE Insurance Surety Bond* Locust and Court Streets WEDNESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—FemaIe Private Lessons In Short Hand, Typewriting: Dicta tion, Penmanship, Etc. At class instruction rates for students ; who -want Direct Results. You want 1 that kind. Open periods now and then. Write, or call, to-day for information. Merle E. Keller, Kaufman Bldg., 4 South Market Square. Bell phone 694 R. WANTED Thoroughly experienced white woman. 25 to 40 years of age, for general housework In small family; $5 , per week. References required. Apply | at 2112 North Third street. I WANTED Sienograpner, also to : act as office assistant. Address, in own handwriting. stating experience. S I 2990, care Telegraph. I WANTED By middle aged woman I with child, as housekeeper or general | housework. S. C. Y„ 620 East King street. York, Pa. WANTED An efficient woman for housekeeper and matron; bring refer ence to Harrisburg Academy oflice, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday morning. FALL TERM commences August $0; Night School, Tuesday evening. Augusv 31. Thorough courses. Individual in struction and the greatest results. Har risburg Shorthand School. 31 North Sec ond street. SITUATIONS WAX TED—Male WANTED Young Colored man de sires position as houseman. Call or address, James Adams, ISO Dewberry avenue. WANTED Colored man desires position as first class cook or porter. Call or address, 7<>4 North Seventh street. MARRIED MAN wants work driving team or work of any kind. Address, R. Toomey, 2032 Kensington. WANTED Work of any kind: ex perienced in running automobile or driving a team. John Ralston, 1418 North street SI i L ATiO> S» \\ \.\TED—FEMALE WANTED Middle-aged woman to help in house and store In country town; honest and reliable; reference re quired. Mrs. C. A. 8., R. F. D., 2, Sld donsliurg, York county. WANTED By young colored wo man, cooking In private family, can give good reference. Inq/iire or ad dress, 1425 New Fourth street. WANTED By young white girl position as child's nurse. Call or write 364 Main street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Young colored girl de sires general housework or position as nurse girl. Call or address, 1231 North Seventh street. STENOGRAPHER desires position; can furnish references. Address S 2998, care Telegraph. WANTED Young white woman wants position as housekeeper. Call or address. 2011 Moltke street. WANTED Position by young lady with experience in office work, has fair knowledge of stenography and type writing. Bell phone 2282. WANTED Colored girl desires gen eral housework of any kind. Call or address. 306 Daisy avenue. WANTED By colored woman, cook ing or general housework. Call or ad dress. 33S Calder street. STENOGRAPHER and Bookkeeper, experienced, desires a position; can furnish reference. Address, B 2992, care Telegraph. WANTED By a colored man, posi tion as bellman or kitchen help; can give reference. 1111 Grape street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 23-ACRE TRUCK FARM For Sale— -10 miles from Harrisburg, six-roomed house, bank barn, modern chicken house, hog pen; all necessary out build ings, 100 fruit trees, berries, etc.; close to school, church and neighbors; mail and groceries delivered. Will include 1 horse, good condition; 1 Jersey cow, fourth calf; 3 tons hay, straw, etc.; 4 acres corn; implements; no agent. Price, $2,700. Address. F 2691, Tele graph. 98 ACRES—7 miles east of Harris burg—l% miles north of Beaver Sta tion—frame buildings—well and spring —variety of fruit Price, $7,000. Brin ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE On account of owner lea vine the city, I have for sale at a very attractive figure one of those de sirable semi-bungalow houses located on Green street near Woodbine. For price and information, see C. L. Long, office 701 Kunkel Building, City. Bell phone 1460 J. FOR SALE A substantial brick house at a bargain; steam heat, side entrance, front porch. Kough, Bright bill & Kline. 307 Kunkel Building. Both phones. AT A REDUCED PRICE, property No. 5 S. Sixteenth street occupied by owners inspect It soon brick house all improvements porch front. Bell Realt-- Co.. Bergner Build ing. FOR SALE No. 1635 Wallace st.; 3-story brick and frame house; eight rooms, bath. gas, furnace. porch. Rented at $lB per month. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Restaurant business on prominent street in Harrisburg; small amount of cash needed rent only $35 per month, including resi dence. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build ing. FOR SALE 2OOO Block Green St.— 3-story brick lO rooms, batji and steam heat—Lot, 20x85. Price, $4,100. SI,BOO will buy 611 Herr street—2%- story frame —6 rooms, bath and furnace —drive alley on rear. Possession at once. 600 Block Harris street 3-story brick. Lot, 15%x90. Price. $2,800. BRINTON-PACKEK CO.. Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE A beautiful suburban home at Lawnton, between Paxtang and Rutherford, large lawn, porch, steam heat, bath and electric lights. F. S. Fisler. Lawnton. Pa.. R. F. D. REAL ESTATE FOR REXT FOR RENT The large dwelling house, 701 Green street, corner of North. Improvements, steam heat; Im mediate possession. Inquire, 268 North street. . FOR RENT—I 242 State street. 3-story brick; all improvements; gas and elec tric lights. Apply, 12 South Seventeenth street. FOR RENT Partly furnished, a fourteen-room house, in Mechanicsburg, Pa. Address, Mrs. Comstock. Mechan icsburg, Pa. TOR RENT 420 Crescent street; 6 rooms and bath; all improvements; rent, sls. Apply, 309 North Second street. FOR RENT 1713 North Third street; three-story; all Improvements; recently papered and painted through out; Immediate possession. Apply 1100 North Front street St 2 Month and np; . New and modern. Corner Stores Ham.itori and Third Streets Suitable tor any business or office purposes. Chas. Adler 1002 K. Third Street REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR KENT FOR SALE OR RENT 25 bbl. Wolf roller mill In 3hi -story stone building, and two pairs of feed stones; also cider press, saw mill and several acres of ground, situated on big Conewago creek, 11 miles north of York, Pa. For further information call on or address Jas. F. Cline, Stealton, Pa. APARTMENTS FOR REXT FOR RENT—227 North Second street, third floor apartment, 5 rooms and bath; all modern improvements, steam heat, electric and gas, cemented storage room, use of cellar. Applv, Miss C. J. Opperman. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3 rooms and bath. 4 rooms and bath. 5 | rooms and bath. Centrallv located; j city steam. Call Bell phone SIR. 1 FOR RENT Furnished apartment, two large rooms, kitchen and bath, cen trally located. Call Hell phone 1655, be tween 6 and 7 any evening. APARTMENT . FOR RENT Five rooms and bath opposite Capitol, second floor, city steam, electricity and gas. Hubley Apartments, 508 North Third street. ROOMS FOR REXT FURNISHED. Light housekeeping rooms; select in family residence. 1811 Green street. FOR RENT Two communicating rooms to bath, second floor, front, fur nished for light housekeeping; all con veniences; use of phone, gas for cook ing. 925 North Sixth street. Bell phone. 610 W. FOR RENT Second floor room next to bath In refined private family;'home comfort for gentleman; centrally lo cated. Address. Box 2958, care Tele graph. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. ®'ng'e or en suite. Bell phone. Address 119 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, all convenience; use of bath. Apply. Grocery Store, 224 Kelker street. FOR RENT Two newly papered unfurnished, third-floor rooms; also large front room, furnished or unfur nished for light housekeeping. (las furnished for cooking, lighting. Heat furnished. Rent reasonable. 1419 Market. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec ond floor front room, (bay window); all modern conveniences; nice location; private family; permanent occupant de sired. Apply, 443 South Fifteenth street. FOR RENT Large furnished front room, steam heat, private residence, very desirable neighborhood, centrally located on North Second street. Refer ences required. Apply, 406 Kunkel Building, Third and Market streets. FOR RENT Two large, well-fur nished rooms; eno with private balcony; each room suitable for two or three gentlemen or married couple. Inquire 125 Pine street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, sec ond floor front, with board if desired; two minutes' walk from Capitol; refer ence exchanged. Apply 721 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Second floor front rocm, newly furnished, across from Capitol Park; all conveniences; city steam heat; large bath. including shower; use of phone. 406 North street. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms, with large bay window, front; each room convenient for one or two gentlemen. Hoffman Apartments. Fifth and Market streets. Second Apartment. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Two unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; must he reasonable. Address, R 299'J, care Telegraph. WANTED Two refined young men desire furnished rooms or rooms and board with private family within five squares of Capitol Building. Address, W 2989, care Telegraph. UNJ-'UKXISHED ROOMS 429 BROAD STREET Built especl aly for light housekeeping, single or with kitchenettes; arrangements strictly private; stoves furnished free; laundry, phone and bathroom privl leges; lockers for surplus furniture. 1 WANTED WANTED To buy a good milk route or small grocery store. Address, M 2997, care Telegraph. WANTED On first mortgage of Harrisburg real estate, 535,000 at 5 per cent, for 5 years. Interest payable quarterly. Address, Box J2990, care Telegraph. FOR SALE FOR SALE Bav horse. 6 years old, city broke. Will sell reasonable to quick buyer. Guaranteed to work any place. Apply Malman, 67 Conestoga street, Steelton, Pa. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS—Re buiIt and second-hand L. C. Smith, Un derwoods, Remington and others from SIO.OO up. Supplies and office equip ment of every description. Geo. P. Tillotson, 36 South Fourth street. FOR SALE WALLPAPER Many patterns at half of list price. Paper de livered anywhere free. Hanging rea sonable. A. U. Spotz, 1317-19 Market street. , FOR SALE Four well broken rab bit hounds. Apply William V. Lutz, 49 E. Emaus street, Middletown, Pa. FOR SALE Live minnies. Apply 2128 Atlas street or call Bell phone 2745 M. FOR SALE Cheap, 1 good horse and harness. Bell phone 3168 M, or 1223 W. FOR SALE House 1416 Market street, city, 10 rooms with steam heat and all improvements; everything in good condition;-a bargain to a quick buyer. Apply on premises. FOR SALE First come first served; 8 thousand feet lumber at SIO.OO per thousand; 3 doors; 96 square feet cashier's partition. 230 North Court street. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS lndian, 1914, 2-speed, lamp, preston, speedome ter, claxon, tandem. $150; Indian, 1914, with side car, fully equipped. $160; Ex celsior. 1914. equipped, fine shape, $125. Keyßtone Garage. 814 North Third St. BICYCLE FOR SALE $10.00; used part of last and this year; nearly new rear tire, i-ost $27.50 new; a bargain, see it. 1010 North Sixteenth street. A. P. Wileland. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at UM Telegraph Business office. SMOKE Cre-Malta 6c Cigars. Limited trial offer of 50 for 75c. postpaid. Pre serve this offer, it may not appear again. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence ot all kinds and gates to match. No. Ul-11l South Second. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113. 115 »nd 117 South Second street. 5,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. 1 FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c -while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department .The Tele, graph Printing Coaipany. GLASS window s!gna Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. KAHRI&BURG TELEGRAPH FOR KENT FOR RENT A large room or store on ground floors reasonable rent: lo cated in center of city. Address, S 2994. care Telegraph. FOR RENT Two-story warehouse, 3 and 5 Cowden street; 6.000 sq. ft. floor space; ele\%tor; railroad siding; posses sion October 1. Apply C. F. Gohl. 1003 North Second street. Bell phone 899 M. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEW and profitable business for live young man, one appointed in each town and city; must be able to invest sls to SSO, and willing to devote 5 hours per day. Address. H 2986, care Tele graph. FOR RENT Grocery store and dwelling in suburban village, 5c trolley from city; only one other store in place. SSO takes fixtures and stock ; rent $lO. Address, J 2991, Telegraph. FOR SALE Hard-ware, paint, glass and housefurnlshlngs at The Ryder Hardware Stores, 5 North Thirteenth street and 302 Broad street. I MADE $50,000 in Ave years in the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock port. N. Y. i BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. MR MOTORCYCLE OWNER lf you have a motorcycle you want to dispose of quickly, better try our service. Key stone Garage, 814 N. 3rd street. Bell phone 266-R. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable nnd National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. MONEY TO LOAN WE LEND MONEY in amounts from SS.HO to $300.00 in compliance with act of June 17. 1915. Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty. Up-to-date method. Positively lowest rates in citv. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower Address P. o. Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. STORAGE FIREPROOF STOR AOS* Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We invite inspection Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE In S-story brick building, rear 40S Market street. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply tm P. G. Dleaer. Jeweler. 408 Market St. STORAGE 4ls Broad street, far household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3 Wagons, 75 cents ger month. Apply D. Cooper & Co, «li _road street. Both afaonti. LEGAL XOTICES PENNSYLVANIA State Highway De partment, Harrisburg, Pa. Sealed proposals will be received at said office until 10 a. m., September 30. 1915, when bids will be publicly opened and sched uled and contract awarded as soon therafter as possible for the construc tion of the following bridges: County Township Route Butler Penn • 72 Elk Ridgway 97 Elk Ridgway 97 Elk Ridgway 97 Station Material "Span 1391 Steel 50 ft. 2<2 Concrete 12 ft. 326 Concrete 12 ft. 383 Concrete 24 ft Plans and specifications may be seen at office of State Highway Department, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut street, Phila delphia, and 903 Hartje Building. Pitts burgh. Full particulars and informa tion on application to Robert J. Cun ningham, State Highway Commissioner. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between between John Black. Thomas C. Black, James Atticks and J. M. Whlttock. trading as the Kevstone Stone and Lime Company of Paxtang Pennsylvania, expired on the third (3rd) day of September, A. D. 1915. All debts owing to said partnership are re ceivable by T. C. Black. 201 South Seventeenth street, Harrisburg, Penn sylvania, where also all claims and de mands against the same are to be pre sented for payment. Notice Is also given that the quarry ing and selling of stone will be con tinued at Paxtang, Pennsylvania, by J. M. Whittock for and bv himself. JAMES ATTICK. JOHN BLACK. T. C. BLACK, J. M. WHITTOCK. CHARTER NOTICE Notice is here by given that an application will be made to the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, on the 4th day of October, 1915, at 10 o'clock a. m., under the provisions of the Corporation Act of 1874 and its supplements, for a charter for an intended corporation to be called Pythian Hall Association, the charac ter and object of which are the erection of a hall for private purposes, in the city of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privi leges conferrerl by the said act and the supplements thereto. M. W. JACOBS. Solicitor. NOTICE Is hereby given that the Auditors appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county to audit the accounts of the School Dis trict of the Borough of Steelton have filed their report, which contains the following: J. P. Detweiler, collector. In account with Steelton School Board— Dr. to amount of 1914 du plicate 97 37 To 5 per cent, penalty... 97 37 Cr. By amount paid Treas urer $40,544 75 By .exonerations 2,946 64 Building Tax— Dr. To amount of 1914 du plicate $18,597 43 To 5 per cent, penalty.. 41 73 Cr. By exoneration 1,262 84 By amount paid Treas urer 17,376 32 W. A. Attlck. Treasurer, in account with Steelton School Board: School account— Receipts $50,134 91 From deficit 28.861 65 Expenditures $78,996.56 Building account— Receipts $69,685 83 Expenditures 37,430 47 Balance $32,255 16 Net indebtedness. 1915.... $93,224 64 Increase of indebtedness during year 19,411 41 Assets—Total ....$387,500 00 That the aforesaid Auditor's Report was presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County on September 11, 1915. and by the said Court ordered to be filed: that the said Auditor's Re port was filed on September 11, 1915, to No. 258 September Term. 1915: that the same will be confirmed absolutely un less an appeal is taken therefrom within thirty days after the filing thereof. HENRY F HOLLER. Prothonotary. LEGAL XOTICES TRUSTEE'S SAI E OF LYKENS A WILLIAMS VALLEY STREET HAIL WAY. "..The undersigned. Trustee under the Mortgage of the Lykens and Williams Valley Street Railway Company, re corded in Dauphin County in Mortgage P.ook Y. Vol. 5, page 333, and In Schuyl kill County in Mortgage Book 7 D. page 152, under and by virtue of the authority therein contained, at the written request of the holders of one third in amount of the outstanding bonds of the said company secured by the said mortgage,—the said Company hav ing for a period exceeding three months after demand made failed to pay the semi-annual Interest on the said bonds,—will on November 12, 10IR, nt 2 o'clock, P. M., In front of the Courthouse in the City of Harrisburg, Pa., sell to the highest and best bid der all the railways, estates, real and personal, corporate rights and fran chises of the said Lykens and Williams Valley street Railway Company, in cluding its line or system of Electric Railway, in the counties of Dauphin and Schuylkill aforesaid, together with all and singular its shops, depots, stakes, poles, grounds, power houses, engine houses, car houses, wires, build ings, improvements, rolling stock, tools, machinery. implements, ma terials, tenements and hereditaments owned by the said Railway and used or intended to be used for the purpose of operating the railways at the said Railway Company, and Its rights of way and rights, privileges and fran chises acquired in or from the Bor oughs of Lykens and Williainstown and the Townships of Wiconlsco and Williams in Dauphin County, and the Borough of Tower City and Township of Porter In Schuylkill County afore said; and all the corporate rights and franchises owned, possessed and en joyed by the said Railway Company under and by virtue of the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in cluding the franchise to be a corpor ation. The line or system of railway as now built and operated extends from the Borough of Lykens in Dauphin County to Bearmont In Schuylkill County, a distance of about eleven miles, and includes the following tracts or parcels of land, used as and form ing a part of the said system or line of railway; 1. In the Borough of Williamstown aforesaid, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of lands formerly of Charles Reidlnger and Daniel Bad dorf on the north side of Market street; thence westward along said street 55 feet; thence north 3 degrees 14 minutes west 128.25 feet to a point; thence north 76 degrees 46 minutes west 161.16 feet; thence north 8 degrees 27 min utes west. 132.83 feet; thence north 76 degrees 23 minutes east 223.83 feet to property now or formerly of Charles Reidinger; thence south 3 degrees 14 minutes east 328.08 feet to the place of beginning; on which are erected the Office. Power House. Carn Barn, Repair Shops, Supply Room and Oil House of the Company; 2. In Williams township, % mile west of Williainstown, bounded and described as follows. Beginning at a point on the main road leading from Williainstown to Lykens: thence N. 30 degrees E. 156 feet along the lot of Row to a post; thence N. 87 degrees W. 42% feet along land of same to a post; thence N. 3 degrees E. 151 feet along the lands of and Evangelical Association to a post; thence N 87 degrees W. 171 feet to the public road leading to Dayton; thence N. 3 degrees E. 295% feet to Dayton; thence S. 86% degrees E. 548 feet to a stone; thence S. 3 degrees 15 minutes W. 589 feet along the lands now or late of Albert Grace and John Sowers to the first mentioned public road; thence west along said public road 332% feet to the place of beginning; containing 6.13 acres, known as "Midway Park," on which are erected a Dancing Pavilion and Theater, an Amusement Building and a Cooking Shanty, and 3. In Wiconisco township, all that certain part of Lot No. 34 on the gen eral plan of the town of Wiconisco as recorded in the Recorder's Office at Harrisburg. Pa., in Deed Book T Vol 2, p. 414, bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning at the southern line of Pottsville street at the S. E. corner of Lot No. 33; thence eastward along the said southern line of Pottsville Street 44 feet to the line of property now or late of the Lykens Valley Coal Company; thence S. % degree W. 121 feet more or less to the line of prop erty now or late of the Summit Branch Railroad Company; thence westward along the line of said last mentioned property and along the northern line of an alley 84% feet more or less to the southeast corner of Lot No. 33 aforesaid; thence northward along the eastern line of said Lot No. 33, 114 feet to Pottsville street, the place of be ginning. The motive power contained in said Power House includes one Harrisburg Engine. one Skinner Engine, two Thresher Generators, one Switchboard one Water Heater, one Oil Heater, two Tubular Boilers, one Injection Pump and three Oil Tanks, with pumps and oil. The tools, machinery, implements and materials consist of one Turning Lathe (motor drive), one Work Bench Tools for car and track repairing, two Armatures, four Field Coils, four Rhe ostats, three Shunts, five Journal Boxes, three Trolley Bases, two Car Registers, four Armature Casings, as sorted Coil and Elliptic Springs, lot of Brake Shoes and miscellaneous ma terial for repairing cars. armatures track and overhead line; one Forge, one Anvil, one Drill Press, one Work Bench, one Vise, sundry Blacksmith Tools and complete set of Traps and Dies. The rolling stock consists of one Box Car. two Open Cars, one Freight Car. tvo extra Car Trucks, four pairs of extra Wheels and Axles and ten Car Jacks; all of which ar ticles are and will be sold as part of the said line or system of electric rail way. Terms: Ten per cent, when property is struck down and the balance on de livery of deed in 10 days thereafter. HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made by Josiah W. Kline, Harry D. Shoop and Joseph L>. Ferry, to the Governor of Pennsylvania on the 4th day of October, 1915, at 10 o'clock a. m., under the provisions of the Corporation act of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four and the supplements thereto, for a charier for an Intended corporation to be call ed the Auto Sales and Distributing Company, the character and object of which is the purchase and sale of au tomobiles and automobiles parts and supplies, and for these purposes to have, possesss and errjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges by said act of Assembly and the supplements thereto conferred. FRANK M. EASTMAN, Solicitor. THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open daily, except Sunday, at 3 P. M., at Its new location, front and Harris streets, for the free treatment of the worthy poor. || Harrisburg Taxi Cab Co. |j || Announces the Establishment of a New and Lower jj Rate-—The Lowest Metered Fare Known FARE: || Pay Fare As Shown on Meter. One, Two, Three or Four Passengers ij 25c For First % Mile 5c For Each Additional X Mile jl Hour Rate $2.00 SEPTEMBER 15, 1915. Win SHIRES FURNISH FEATURES OF lIfTEREST U. S. Steel Manifested Uncertain Tendencies, Opening at Slight Decline New York, Sept. 15. Early trading In stocks to-day was mainly a repeti tion of recent sessions. War shares furnished the only features of interest, Bethlehem Steel making a new high record at an advance of a point to 350 and Crucible Steel breaking Into new ground at 96an overnight ad vance of 1%. United States Steel again manifested uncertain tendencies, opening at a slight decline, soon re covering, but as suddenly reacting. In vestment Issues were more or less neg lected, with 110 marked change in that branch of the list. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by E. S. Goshorn, 208-209 Arcade Building. New York, Sept. 15. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 3 3 >.4 33% 3 3 33 AlUs-Chat 42% 43% 42% 43% Am Bt Sug 66 66 65% 60% Am Can .. 59% 61% 59% 61% Am C& M. 08 % 69% 68% 69 Am Cot Oil 49% 50% 49% 50% Am Ice Sec 24 25% 24 25% Am Loco . 54 57 % 54 56% Am Smelt.. 81 81 80% 80% Am Sugar. 108% 108% 108% 108% Am T & T. 123 123 123 123 Anaconda . 71% 71% 71% 71% Atchison .. 100% 100% 100% 100% Baldwin .. 80% 81% 80 80% E & O 83% 83% 83% 83% Beth Steel . 350 350 345 846 Bklyn RT. 84 84 84 84 Cal Petro. . 17% 17% 17% 17% Can Pacific 154 154 153 %J153% Cent Leath 44% 44% 44 44 C&O 47% 48% 47% 48 C.M&StP 84% 84% 84% 84% C Con Cop. 45 45 44% 44% Con. Gas ..126% 126% Cruc St .. 96% 96% 93% 94% Dist. Sec .. 26% 26% 26 26 1 Erie 30 V* 30% 30 30 [Erie, Ist Pd 51 51% 50% 51% [Gen Elec Co 172 172 171 171 1 Gen Mot . 266 266 264% 264%' IGood B F. 63 63% 62% 63' ! ,Gt N Pl'd. 118% 118% 118%M18% I Gt No. su 41 42% 40% 41%! Gugg Exp. 64% , 6414 Insp Cop . . 34% 35 34 %i 34% lnt-Met ... 20% 20 20% Kans Cy S 26% ,26% Eeh Val ..143% *143 y 4 Louis & N. 118% ÜB% Mex Pet . . S5 85% 84% 85% I Miami Cop 27 27% 27 27% 1 Mis Pac .. 3% 3% 3%. 3% I Nat Lead.. 63% : 63% IN Y C'en .92 92% 92 92% N Y. N H j % H ... 67 % 67 % 67 67 % |N YO & W 26% 26% 26 %i 26% Nor & Wn 109% ',109% North Pac. 107% 107% 107% '107% Pac Mail... 30% 30% 30%, 30% Pa Rail... 109% 109% 109%, 109% PeoGC... 115 116% 115 116% | Pitts C 33% 33% 33% 33% 1 Pitts C pd. 100% 100% 100 V* 100% ! Press SC.. 61% 62% 61% 61% Rail S S.. 37% 39 37% 39 .Ray C C.. 22% 22% 2214 32% J Reading .. 149% 149% Y49%| 149% ißep I S.. 43 43% 43 43 ; South Pac. 88 % 89 88 % 88% South R.v.. 15% 15% 15% 15% South Rpd 50% 51% 50% 51 I Studebaker. 118 118 116%' 116% Tenn Cop.. 5G 56% 54 55% Third Ave. 59% 59% 58% 58% Union Pac. 129 129% 129 *"129% U S Rub.. 50% 51 50 50%' U S Steel.. 75% 75% 74% 74% I Utah Cop.. 67 67% 66% 67 (Vir-Car C.. 57% 38 37% 38 West U Tel 76% 76% 76 76% West Mfg.. 116% 117% 116% H6%1 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, Sept. 15. Wheat lower; No. 2, red. new, spot, Septem ber, $1.09@51.11; No. 2 red. western, new, $1.14®1.16. Corn Market lower; Na. 2 vel low; local 86®87c; steamer, Niu. 2 yel low, local, 85® 86c, Oats Steady; No. 2 whUte, none here; No. 3 white, new, 39 % ® 4«0 %c. Bran The market is steady; city mills, per ton, $25.00; western do, none here; Spring, per ton, $22(5)22-50. Refined Sugp.is Market unchanged; powdered. 5.40 c; tine granulated, 5.30 c; confectioners' A, 5.20 c. : Butter Market Is steady; western, ! creamery, extra. 26c; nearby prints, | fancy, 29c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $7.50@7.80 per case; nearby current receipts, free cases. $6.»0@7.20; western extra firsts, free cases, $7.80® 8.10; western firsts, free cases, $7.20® 7.50. Live Poultry—Market steadyr, fowls, 15®16%c; old roosters, 12@13c; broil ing chickens, 15©17 c; spring ducks, 14 ®lsc; old ducks, 12@14c. Dressed Poultry Market steady; fresh killed fowls, fancy. iKit®ls< ; , du_ average. 16% ft 11 do., unattractive, LEGAL NOTICES | NOTICE Letters Testamentary on i the Estate of Catharine E. Etter, late of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin county. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing at Reservoir Park, Harrisburg, Pa., all persons Indebted to said Estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. ELIAS M. HASSLER, Executor. J. H. SHOPP, Attorney. Bergner Building, Harrisburg, Pa. ESTATE OF FRANK A. SALES, ceased. Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to I ANNE E. BRADY Administratrix. 1618 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg, Pa. 'Or to her attorney, JOHN T. BRADY, 18 N. 3rd St. Harrisburg, Pa. 14%®15\ic; do., old roosters, 13c; do., broiling chickens, nearby, 22(jJ>26c; 40., western, 16g)21c; do., spring ducks. 14 ®l7c; do., western. 10@12c; Ice packed fowls, 15 4? 18c. Potatoes —Market steady; Maine, per bushel, 15#20c; New York, pe* bushel, 15@20e; Southern, per barrel. 50c© $1.25; Jersey No. 1, per basket. 26 @3sc; Jersey No. 2, per basket, 10®18o. Flour—Quiet, firm; winter straights, new, $5.00@>5.25; Spring. straights, now, 15.15Q15.25; do., patents, new, $5.35© 5.80; do., patent, old. $6.60®57.35, Hay—Steady; new hay, $16.00®21.00; per ton as to quality; No. 1, large bales, ?24tiu®2500; No. 1, medium bales, 125.00; No. i. do.. $14.00; No. do., $20.00@21.00. Light mixed, $24.00; No. 1. do.. $22.«« 023.00; No. 2, do.. 120.00@21.00. " PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, Sept. 15. Stocks closed steady. American Railways 24 Cambria Steel 62">* Genera! Asphalt 32 General Asphalt pfd 69^4 bake Superior Corporation ... 104s Navigation 75',4 Lehigh Valley 71^» Pennsylvania Railroad 54 ** Pennsylvania Steel, pfd 84 Philadelphia Electric 24 % Philadelphia Company 43** Philadelphia Company, pfd 38 Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... lOWi Reading 74* a Storage Battery 7H4 Union Traction United Gas Improvement United States Steel 74% Warwick Iron and Steel 10 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET | Chicago. Sept. 15. The grain mar ket closed as follows: Wheat September, Decem bre, 94c; May. 97 %c. Corn December, .=>8 7 s c; May. 5Sc. Oats December, 36c; May, 38Hc. Pork October, $12.72; 'January, $15.27. Lard October, $8.17; January, , $8.75. Kibs October, $8.22; Januany, $8.55. CHICAGO CATTLE MARK7ST Chicago, Sept. 15. Hogs Ebeceipts, 19,009; strong. Bulk, $6.90(9)7.9 0; light. $7.45®8.35; mixed, $6.65@8.3(V; heavy, rough, 16.00® 7.50. Cattle Receipts, 1S.000; jfirm. Na tive beef cattle, $6.10(g)10.3<j; western steers, $6.70@8.90; cows arul heifers, $2.»0®8.40; calves. ?7.512.00. Sheep Receipts, 12.000; firm. Sheep, $5.25®5.90; lamNs, $6.4008.85. HIP FRACrURED BJf BEAM While unloading lumber for a new | house in Herr street n»:ar his home late this afternoon Augustus Oshlnisky, i aged 63, was struck by "a heavy beam, j His hip was fractured. BERXRTORFF IS WAITING By Associated! Press Washington, D. C., 'Sept. 15.—•Count \on Bernstorff prepared to-day to leave Washington for the summer em bassy at Oedarhurst. tong Island, to pwait further word frmm the German foreign office on Its attitude, toward the sinking of the Arafrlc in the light of proof that the liner -was proceeding peacefully when without warning. ADDRESSED MEDICAL STAFF Dr. Frank F. D. Iteckord. deputy medical Inspector of tuberculosis dis pensaries, State Department of Health, addressed the Medical Staff of the Har risburg Tubereulosis Dispensary, this afternoon on the sutviect of "Blood Pressure." RUPTURED If you are Ruptured, call at our fitting room, we will apply Our Sper j matic Shield Truss on trial, to con- I vince you that it Is the only truss that | will actually curie Rupture. Send for our booklet, which will explain to you Lwhy so many people are Ruptured ' and are not cured. j Mr. J. S. Shanaman. Dear slrr. I All I can say is this: My experience is the Sha.'naman's Spermatic Shield Truss and Electric Treatment is the only method that will actually cure Rupture. If any person that is ruptur ed doubts this, let him try one as I did and be oonvinced. I wore all kinds of trusses fr>r seven years and was shame fully tortured. Your Shield Truss cured me In six.months' time. Yours truly, MARTIN BARON. J 417 Main St., Steelton, Pa, . j; REMEMBER THE PLACE SHANANIAN'S Rupture Specialists 408 MARKET ST. J Over Dlener's Jewelery Store | f ly 3(arnj Sfcicitja Insurance Agent 1617 N. Second Street MONEY k To Housekeepers, Work- logmen and Salaried Km. ployea. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY ■ N. MARKET SQUARE Room 21 4th Floor Spooner Buildlux 13