Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 11, 1915, Image 9
en Your Astonishment Has Somewhat Abated, ow These Prices Were Made Possible IT TAKES AT LEAST THREE YEARS to perfect any new automobile model. Ask any manufacturer. Or call up your own past experience. Anyway it takes that long to get a car to the point of perfection where we are willing to offer it to Reo buyers and back it with the Reo guarantee. ANOTHER ITEM THAT HELPED tremendously was the fact that the tool cost on both these famous models had long since been absorbed — charged off —permanently disposed of. THAT IS A BIG ITEM. You'd be surprised—unless you also are a manu facturer —to know how big. BUT PERHAPS THE MOST IMPORTANT factor in the reduction of manufacturing cost and at the same time the making of a better product, was to be found in Reo itself. NEVER SINCE THE DAY REO WAS incorporated has there been a single change in the personnel of the executive organization. CONSIDER if you are a business man —and you are or you are not interested in the purchase of an automobile—what that means in economi cal production and in quality of a product. THE SAME PRESIDENT presides who occupied the chair at the first meeting of Reo. THE SAME GENERAL MANAGER DIRECTS; the same engineer designs; the same expert handles the funds; the same purchasing agent buys; the same factory superintendent oversees; and finally, the same men direct the sales, who have handled these important departments since the first Reo was designed and made and sold. ALL WE'VE LEARNED WE'VE KEPT right in the Reo organization. THIS IS MORE LIKE A FAMILY than a big business corporation. Per haps that is why they say Reo has a soul! Perhaps that is why those who sell to and those who buy from us continue year after year. AND IN THE FACTORY—do you know there are scores of men in the Reo factories today, working on these latest Reo models, who worked on the very first Reo? Hundreds who have been here six to ten years. SO THERE AGAIN WE CAN SAY "All we've learned we've kept." Every man has become a specialist—is an expert —at his particular task. CONTRAST THAT with the kaleidoscopic changes you've seen in this new industry—changes so frequent and so radical that today you can find no one to back up the guarantee of the car you bought yesterday. COMPARE THAT REO POLICY with the vacillating plans of some you've known. That Reo guarantee, that like the Reo standard on which it is based, never changes, never knows expediency, never repudiates a promise made by any Reo representative. AND IT'S A MATTER OF PRIDE with us to know that Reo workmen are an exceptionally intelligent class of citizens. Compare the work such men must turn out with that of the illiterate, unskilled types that populate most factories. WHY EVERY REO WORKMAN KNOWS that an error or piece of slip shod work will inevitably be brought back to him. And it isn't fear that actuates him in doing the best he can, it's pride—the pride that comes only from long association with the same house and the same product and makes the workman feel a kind of proprietary interest. WE WISH YOU COULD COME and visit us at the Reo factory. Wish you could talk with Reo workmen—the rank and file as well as the directing heads. You'd know then the reasons for the superior quality of Reos. IF YOU COULD COME AND SEE —if every prospective buyer could visit all factories and compare methods instead of prices and see the superior quality of materials and of workmanship that goes into Reos—well, we never would be able to make enough Reo cars to go 'round. BUT TO RETURN TO OUR TEXT which was, how prices of these great F cars could be reduced at the same time that quality was improved. REO DEALERS ARE RESPONSIBLE —the credit is theirs —for the biggest item. For, but for the unprecedented action and the hearty co-operation of hundreds of Reo Distributors we could not have placed these cars in your hands at these prices. iny, Lansing Michigan NY, HARRISBURG, PENNA. jetween New York and Detroit LIKE THE FACTORY ORGANIZATION the Reo Dealer Organization has been with us from the first. Many of the principal Reo dealers have sold Reos exclusively ever since the first Reo was made. You will understand therefore, that the bond between Distributors and factory is a very intimate and a very powerful one. WE TAKE THEM INTO OUR CONFIDENCE to a greater degree than is usual in this business. We have no secrets from them. THAT S WHY REO DEALERS are so loyal—they know —they do not guess, they know —that in Reo cars they give their customers more value than they can find elsewhere. WELL, THIS SEASON WE WERE CONFRONTED with a problem price competition to an extent greater than ever before. OUR DEALERS INSISTED that, even though fortified with Reo quality and prestige, still they could not wholly ignore price competition. WE CONTENDED that price did not matter; that it fooled no one—or at most only a small percentage of buyers and they not the most desirable. WE SHOWED THEM that the cost of making Reos could not be materially lessened without reducing the quality—and that our plan was to improve the quality wherever possible. WHY, WE REO FOLK wouldn't want to be in business if we couldn't feel we could make better cars this year than last; next year than this! WE SET OUR OWN STANDARDS and will always ignore those of others —at least when they trend downward! BUT THEY PROTESTED that the average buyer saw only the price tag. That while he saw the reduction in price he did not notice the reduction in quality—in value. So they wanted a competitive price on Reos as well as Reo quality in the product. « THERE WAS ONLY ONE WAY it could be done —that was if the dealers would agree to handle Reo cars on a smaller margin of profit than is the rule with other cars. We told them that if they would agree to that, we could set a price on Reo cars that would create a genuine sensation. AND THEY AGREED! It is an unprecedented action we believe. And that the hundreds of Reo Distributors assented to the plan was due to another unique condition —namely, the extremely low cost of selling and of giving service on Reo cars. A CANVASS SHOWED this remarkable fact: That the average cost of the dealer's guarantee on a Reo car —the cost of keeping it in perfect running order and its buyer thoroughly satisfied —was less than six dollars per car per year! JUST COMPARE THAT with the cost of maintaining some makes of cars. WHY, ONE OF OUR DEALERS who handled two other lines last season but who declares, most emphatically, he will handle Reos exclusively hereafter—tells us that the average cost to him per car on one of those lines was S6O and on the other $49 —while Reo averaged in his case $4.75 per car per year! AND THAT WASN'T ALL. The factor that Reo Distributors consider most important is the customer —satisfied or the reverse? For you must know that though that dealer spent S6O to keep a certain car running he still could not keep the man to whom he had sold that car satisfied —not even by tak ing it back and standing the full loss himself. HE COULD NOT REIMBURSE him in dollars for the delays, the disappoint ments and the aggravations he had suffered from that car. SO REOS WILL BE SOLD in the future on a lesser margin from dealer to user (and factory margin has always been as close as was safe) than any other automobile in the same class or of higher price. AND YOU AS A REO BUYER GET THE FULL BENEFIT. AND YOU GET MORE THAN THAT. You get more than a Reo at the sensational price. YOU RECEIVE AN ASSURANCE, a guarantee that cannot be over-esti mated —in the fact that Reo cars have proven so good—so absolutely dependable—so economical in upkeep and operation—so wonderfully satis fying to their owners that those dealers feel they can handle them on that small discount basis. WE THINK WE HAVE PROVEN TO YOU how and why, and therefore, that you Jo receive a higher percentage of value for your money when you buy a Reo than is possible in most, or perhaps any other automobile. ORDER NOW —Don't delay if you'd have your Reo when you'll want it, for nothing can be more certain than this —the shortage of Reos in the coming months will be greater even than in the past. AND YOU KNOW that, never since the first Reo was made has it been possible to make enough cars to supply all who wanted Reos. Improvements and Refinements, in the New Reo Six —51250 WHEELBASE: Increased to 126". The advantages of this change are greater than appear on the surface. For wheelbase necessitating as it did, a re-designing of the springs, and addition of more leaves, greatly enhances the previous wonderful riding qualities of this car. TIRES: Increased from 4" to diameter. BODY: Is of the internationally popular "Sheerline" type. Seven-passenger—formerly five —with auxiliary folding seats. A real seven-passenger car; ample width and leg room for all passengers. FRONT SEATS: Divided. A feature heretofore found only in cars listing at very high prices, and one that adds greatly to the convenience and comfort of the occupants. SWITCHES AND CARBURETOR CONTROL located on steering post —formerly on cowl board. COWL BOARD: Covered with metal instead of leather, and greatly improved in appearance. SPEEDOMETER AND AMMETER: Now located in center of cowl board. Easily read by any passenger in the car. HOOD FASTENING AND FITTINGS: New design pull out and up. Obviates scraping of knuckles and swear words. FENDERS AND RUNNING BOARD: New design, mod ified "Crown" fenders. More beautiful and absolutely rigid. GASOLINE TANKs Located at rear. Result, greater facility in filling—no extra fitting or gooseneck required— just pour it in from a can. Also lends to superior riding qualities as a result of transferring this 150 pounds of weight from front to rear of chassis. ,4 \' * VACUUM TANK GASOLINE SUPPLY: The famous Stewart vacuum tank that guarantees a full carburetor on the steepest hills. Gasoline gauge located beside filler. TIRE CARRIER—IMPROVED: Supported by chassis only—no body attachments —and adapted to carrying rims as well as tires. FRAME: Deeper and stiffer. Designed to carry the extra passenger load and to minimize body vibration. SPRING SUSPENSION: Re-designed to accomodate long wheelbase. Increased easy riding qualities as shown above. MOTOR: Re-designed in small but important details. By re-designing front end we have been able to eliminate two gears and at the same time all gear noises. Also refined in other details, which you would not notice but which will give greater satisfaction. AND FINALLY, THE LOCKING DEVICE, a feature that is made possible by the unique Reo design, and which we think others will find it difficult to copy. This enables the driver to lock simultaneously, the starting device, the transmission and the floor boards. Starting device is made inoperative, at the same time that the transmission gears are locked in neutral position. And to make assur ance trebly sure, floor boards are locked down so it is impossible to get at the parts. It would take a volume to describe it —but you will see and appreciate it at a glance. SPECIFICATIONS The Now Reo Six (Model M) —Price $1250 Wheel Base — 126 inches. Brakes —Two on each rear wheel, Springs— Front — Semi-elliptic — one internal, one external, 14" 38" x 2" with 8 leaves. Rear— diameter drum* —service brake Cantilever —50x 2)4." with interconnected with clutch 8 leaves. pedal. Front drop forged Steering-Gear and sector with with Timken roller bearing spin- lg „ wheel. Rear Axle —Full floating, Timken Control —Left-hand drive, center roller bearings at differential and control —spark and throttle on at wheels —two universal joints steering wheel with foot accele in propeller shaft—torque taken rator. Positive—thief proof by separate torque arms—gear locking device, ratio 4 to 1. Fenders —Drawn sheet steel of Tires —34" x 4H" front and rear. latest oval type—shield be- Non-skid on rear. tween running boards and body Motor —Vertical, six-cylinder, —close fitting, quick detachable cast in threes, modified L type under pan—aluminum bound with integral head, with inlet linoleum covered running valve in head. Valves mechan- boards. ically operated and protected. Gasoline Capacity— lß gallons. Exhaust valve seated directly Tank in rear with Stewart Vac m the cylinder. uum System supply. Gasoline Cylinder Dimensions— 3A x gauge beside filler. Horsepower —4s. ' Bo dy^even-p a^^touring Cooling System —Water jacket, «« w „ th wide full "U" and tubular radiator, cellular doors fnmt and rear. Genuine pattern hand-buffed bright enamel finish Lubrication —Automatic force leatherupholrtering. Deepcush feed by plunger pump with re- lon# " turn system. Finish—Body, Golden Olive— Carburetor —Automatic, heated running gear, Black—equip by hot air and hot water. ment nickel trimmed. Ignition —Combined generator Equipment —Fully electric light and magneto driven through ed throughout; improved 5-bow timing gears with 100 ampere one man, mohair top with full hour storage battery. side curtains; mohair slip cover; Starter —Electric, separate unit, dear-vision,rain-vi<rion, ventila connected to transmission. ting windshield; speedometer; Transmission —Selective swing- electric horn; extra rim with im ing type with tingle rod cen- proved tire brackets; power tire ter control. pump; jack; complete tool and Clutch —Multiple dry disc, faced tire outfit; foot and robe rails, with asbestos, with positive and Price— sl2so, f. o. b. factory, instant release. Lansing, Michigan. Millersburg—Millersburg Auto Co. Millerstown—Millerstown Auto Co. MtUheim—C. H. Breon Auto Co. Mt. Union—Mt. Union Motor Car Co. Pine Grove—Harry Smith. Plymouth—Frank Martz. Rmrlng Creek—lrvin Krelscher. CU.l* College—C, £. Snyder's Garage. ASSOCIATE DEALERS Sellnsgrove—Chas. Neiswender. Shamokin—Warren Unger. Shenendoah—E. D. Longacre. Tyrone—Keystone Motor Car Co. Wataontown—W. E. Uaidaeher. Waynesboro—J. G. Beaver. York—York Auto Exchange.