Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 11, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    i «*»»%%%%%«%»»• tlur here not alone because prlcei ire lorrer, but berauae aualltlea are
Attend This Big Monday Sale of
New Fall Millinery
Prices Are For the One Day—Monday Only
While every day is bargain day in our Millinery Department, Mondays are set
aside as clean-up days in various lots of hats and trimmings which the close of
Saturday's business leaves unsold.
Every week new shipments are received here, and rather than fill in or carry
over odds and ends left at the end of each week, they are put into a Monday
sale at prices for the one day only.
It is impossible, of course, to determine beforehand just what these remaining
lots will be, but every hat offered will be the top notch in style and quality.
It will pay you to attend these Monday Millinery Sales, which may include
just the sort of hat you want. Quantities are as a rule limited, and, therefore,
early shopping is advisable.
' *
If You Are Interested in Crocheting
You Should Make It a Point to Attend Our Two Weeks'
Demonstration of Golden Fleece Yarns
Beginning Monday, September 13
During the demonstration, the new crochet stitches will be taught free of
charge by an expert demonstrator. You are cordially invited to attend'—
lc to 25c Department Store
J§y Where Every Day Is Bargain Day
215 Market Street Opposite Courthouse
New Stieff Piano Store
Open For Business Sept. 15
The new Stieff Piano Building', 24 North Second
street, is now completed, and will be open for busi
ness September 15.
A full line of high-quality Stieff and Shaw play
ers and pianos will be maintained from that date
The formal opening of the new Stieff Building
will be an event of October 1.
Temporary Headquarters
The Only Safe Place j
VALUABLES are not safe at home, no
matter how you safeguard them.
There's the danger of loss by fire, theft and
other destructive agencies. The only se
cure place for important papers, jewelry
and other valuables is a safe deposit box.
Our steel vault js fire and burglar proof
and boxes rent for only $2.00 and
a year.
ft- - , 213 MARKET STREET r
Capital, $300,000 Surplus, *300,000
'A Critical
smoker is he
' who can Taste
OMADE OF ALL the su P erior
qualitjr of
Get Next to a
A real aroma
Made by John C. Herman & Co.
Stricken in West End Store While
on Way to Market; Dies Two
Hours Later
Stricken with apoplexy, Mrs. Cath
erine S. Simonetti, of 215 Forster
street, wife of Lewis R. Simonetti,
the wholesale fruit dealer, fell
over on Third street while on her
way to market this afternoon and died
less than two hours later at the Hart
man Hospital.
She was picked up and rushed to
the hospital in a passing automobile
soon after being stricken but efforts to
revive her were unavailing. Surviving
Mrs. Simonetti are her husband and
the following children: Frances, Ross
and Catherine.
Mrs. Simonetti, who was 4 8 years
old, had been apparently in the best
of health during the summer. While
on her way to market she stopped in
the store of Cleckner and Burke, 1226
North Third street, to make a pur
chase. She fell over on the counter.
The funeral will be held from St. Pat
rick's Cathedral. Further arrange
ments have not been made.
"One of the best examples of mod
ern methods and equipment for sew
age purification is the plant recently
built for treating the sewage at At
lanta, Ga., where the first Ihoff sep
tic tanks ever installed in this coun
try are in service," says the August
Popular Mechanics Magazine in an il
lustrated article. "Septic tanks of this
type, though a comparatively recent
invention, are already in common use
in the Ems River valley, and other
sections of Germany, and are said to
have proved the best means yet dis
covered for the first stage in the bac
terial treatment of sewage. The Im
hoff tank is simply a modification of
the ordinary septic tank, which is it
self an enlarged and improved cess
pool. As in the case of the cesspool
the process of treating sewage by this
method depends on the action of bac
teria, but in the septic tank this action
is carried out rapidly and on a large
"The raw sewage enters the Imhoff
tank through a series of inlets spaced
across the end. It then flows slowly
through the tank, and the liquid is
finally discharged through outlets at
the opposite end which lead to the fil
tering beds. The first bacterial action
on the sewage takes place during its
passage through this tank. There is
nothing done to bring this about or to
assist it, the action being a natural
one exactly like the decomposition
that takes place in a cesspool. Much
of the solid matter contained in the
sewage is decomposed before it sinks
and is transformed into a liquid, but
I the heavier parts settle through a slot
I Into a compartment below known aa
Ithe sludge-digestion chamber. The
| deposit of sludge is being constantly
j decomposed and transformed into a
| liquid by the bactoria. so that the ac
cumulation of sludge i 3 so slow that
[the chamber can ordinarily go for
■ months without being cleaned out."
| People are beginning to find new
I comfort values in the porch. A few
years ago the porch was just a part
jof outdoors like the front walk; we
[sat there In the summer time on heavv
J storm-proof chairs and enjoyed it, but
! the porch was just a porch—a place
I to sit.
| Then electricity became housc
! broken and the porch light was in
i stalled on the ceiling and the screen
| ed-in veranda began to look like a
I room and to be used as a room. Com
: fortable chairs and rugs and tables |
that were afraid to be out in the dark i
| have become regular porch furniture I
j and an extra receptacle or two have
I been added so that there may be a
, *oft, comfortable reading light on the
table and a fan on sultry nights and a
'chafing dish for an impromptu party.
Crucible Steel Heavy at Outset, but
Soon Recovered; C. & 0.
Makes Change
By Associated Press
New York, Sept. 11.—To-day's stock
market developed no features of in
terest in the early dealings. Invest
ment issues were neglected, while war
specialties manifested further reac
tionary tendencies. General Motors de
fining 4 points to 259 and Studebaker
- % to 113%. Crucible Steel also was
! heavy at the outset, but soon recov
ered. United States Steel changed
hunds in large blocks at a small frac
tional loss. Chesapeake and Ohio wis
the only railroad stock to make a ma
terial change, losing a point at 47 V 4 •
Furnished by E. S. Goshorn,
208-209 Arcade Building.
New York, Sept. 11.
Open. High. Low. Clos.
| Alaska GM 35 35% 334 33%
j Allis-Chal . 38% 39% 3S 38%
-Am Bt Sub 65 65 64 64 %
lAm Can .. 56% 56% 55% 56
Am C& F. 67 67 66% 67
Am Cot Oil 50 50 50 50
Am Ice Sec 23% 23% 23% 23%
Am Loco . 52% 52% 51% 52
!Am Smelt . 80% 81 80% 80%
Am T & T. 122%" 122% 122% 122%
Anaconda . 69% 69% 69 % 69%
Atchison .. 100% 101 100% 101%'
Baldwin .. 79% 79% 78% 79
B& O 82% S2 % 82% 82% i
Beth Steel . 312 312 312 312
Bklyn RT. 84 84 83% 83%
Cal Petro. . 17% 17% 17% 17%
Can Pacific 153% 153% 153 153
(Cent Leath 44% 44% 44% 44%
IC & 0 47% 47% 47% 47% 1
C. M&St P 84% 84% 84 84
C.HI4P. 19 >4 20 % 19% 20%;
C Con Cop. 41% 44% 44% 44%
Cruc St . . S6 87% 85% 85% j
Dist Sec .. 26 26% 26 26%
Eric 29% 29% 29% 29% i
Erie Ist pfd 47% 48% 47% 47%!
Gen E Co.. 170% 171 170% 170%!
Gen Motors 259 261 255% 255%
Goodr'n BF 62% 62% 61% 61%
Gt Nor pfd 118% 118% I
Gt N Ore s 41 41 40% 40%
Gug Expl. . 64% 64% 63% 63%
Insp Cop .. 34% 34% 34% 34%
Lehigh Val 143 143 142% 142%
Mex Petro. 84% 54% 83% 83%
Miami Cop 26% 26%
Nat Lead.. 63% 63% 63% 63%
N Y Cent.. 92% 92% 91% 92
NY.NH& H 66% 67 66 % 67
Nor & W. . 109% 109%
North Pac. 107 107 107 107
Pac Mail.. 30% 30% 30% 30%
Pa Rail 109% 109% 109% 109%
i Pitts C 32% 32% 32% 32%
Pitts C pd. 100% 100% 100% 100%
Press SC.. 60 60% 60 60
Rail SS. . . 38 38 38 38
Reading .. 149% 149% 148% 149%
Rep 15... 42% 42% 42% 42%
South Pac. 88% 88% 88% 88%
South Ry.. 16% 16% 16 10
Studebaker. 113% 115% 113% 114%
Tenn Cop.. 56% 56% 54% 55%
Third Ave. 56 57 % 56 57%
Union Pac. 129% 129% 128% 129%
U S Rub.. 49% 49% 49 49%
US Steel.. 74% 75% 74% 74%
U S Stl pd. 113% 113% 113% 113%
Utah Cop.. 65% 66% 65% 66%
West U Tel 76% 76% 75% 75%
West Mfg.. 114% 115 113% 114%
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Sept. 11. Wheat
Higher: o. 2, red. new, spot. Septem
ber, $1.09% @1.11%; No. 2, red, western,
new, sl.l4%<ff 1.16%.
Corn—Market higher: Noo. 2. yellow,
local, 86%@87%c; steamer, No. 2, yel
low, local, 85% @B6 %c.
Oats Higher; No. 2. white, none
here; No. 3, white, new, 40@41c.
Bran The market is quiet; winter,
city mill, winter, per ton, $26.60;
western, winter, per ton. none here;
spring, per ton, -3.00@23.50.
Refined Sugars—Market unchanged;
powdered, p.soc; fine granulated, 5.40 c;
confectioners' A. 5.30 c.
Butter Market quiet: western,
creamery, extra, 26c; nearby prints,
fancy, 29c.
Eggs The market is firm;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases, $7.50@7.80 per case; nearby
current receipts, free cases, $6.90@7.20;
western extra firsts, free cases, $7.80©
8.10; western firsts, free cases, $7.20®
Live Poultry Market dull; fowls,
15@16Wc; old roosters, 12@13c; broil
ing chickens, 15@17c: spring ducks, 14
@lsc; old ducks. 12@14c.
Dressed Poultry Market steady;
fresh killed fowls, fancy. i.s»i@l»c. .10,
average. 16%@1i%c; do., unattractive,
14%@\5%c; do., old roosters, 13c; do.,
broiling chickens, nearby. 22@>26c; do.,
western. 16@21c; do., spring ducks. IS
@l7c; do., western, 10@12c; ice packed
fowls, 15 @ 18c.
Potatoes Market steady; Maine,
per bushel, 15@20c. New York, per
bushel. 15<fl>20c: Southern, per barr*l.
50c@51.25; Jersey No. 1, per basket, 25
@3sc; Jersey No. 2, per basket, 10@16c.
Flour —Quiet.steady; winter straights
new, $4.73@5.00; spring, straights, new,
$4.75@ 5.00; do., patents, new, $5.00®
5.25; do., patent, old, $6.25@7.00.
Hay—Steady; new hay, $16.00021.00;
per ton as to quality;
bales. $2400@2500; No. 1, medium
bales, $25.00; No. 2, do.. $14.00; No. i,
do.. $20.00 @21.00.
Light mixed, $24.00; No. 1. do., $22.50
@23.00; No. 2. do.. $20.00021.00.
Chicago. 111.. Sept. 11. Hogs Re
ceipts, 9.000; light strong, others weak.
Bulk of sales. $6.80®7.85: light, $7.45®
8.25; mixed. $6.50@8.25; heavy. $6.25®
7.75; rough, $6.25@6.40; pigs, $6.50®
Cattle Receipts, 8,000; steady.
Beeves, $6.10@10.25; cows and heifers,
$3.00@5.40; Texas steers, $6.40@7.40;
western steers. $6.70@8.80; calves. $7.50
Sheep Receipts, 2,000; strong. Na
tive. $0.40®5.90; western, $5.u0@6.00;
yearlings, $6.20@7.00: lambs, native,
$6.40@8.65; western, $6.50@9.00.
[ the Water's
JB Bathing Never Better at Hershey Park
fluffi, Sacred Band Concert
jKf Sunday Afternoon 2to 5 P.M.
Hon/tin/Y Every Wednesday and
IsallCing Saturday Evening
Great Masterpiece Film Productions at Theater
Every Mon., Wed. and Sat. Evenings.
Ugly Duckling
W l ' HERE is the child who has not marveled at the
; change from the ugly, awkward, gray duckling,
, to the beautiful white swan?
Our completed store will not be a spotless swan as
the story goes, but the comparison is good.
' 1 W or k has progressed rapidly from the beginning,
> : | but has remained in its crude state.
J i Now th e time is ripe for "finishing touches" and
L-„ the next couple weeks will show a decided step
toward completion.
We are aware of the inconvenience which department changes
bring about and ask for your kindly patience a short while longer.
Floormen and elevator men can best direct you.
CALL 1991—ANY PHONE . t : FOUNDED 1871
Local G. A. R. Veterans
Arrange For Jaunt to j
Washington Review
Special train accommodations have
been provided by the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company for members of
Post 58 Grand Army of the Republic,
and their friends who are planning to
go to the national encampment of the
Grand Army at Washington, Septem
ber 28.
The train will leave at 9 o'clock,
stopping only at York and Baltimore.
Tickets for the return trip are good
until October 15. Headquarters for
the local post will be established at
the Vendome Hotel, Third and Penn
sylvania avenues. The Commonwealth
Band with forty pieces will accom
pany the post.
Unless exceptions be filed, the re
port of J. D. Saltsman and H. O. Bur
nett auditors for the city school board
will be confirmed absolutely by the
Dauphin county court filed yesterday.
This shows a cash balance of $109,-
046.63 and the net assets in excess of
liabilities of $604,907.28. During the
year the receipts totaled $695,223.70
and the expenditures were $776,432.75.
The total assets including cash bal
ances, buildings. furniture, etc.,
amount to $1,849,407.28.
By Associated Press
Pniladelphia, Sept. 11. Stocks clos
ed steady.
Cambria Steel 63%
General Asphalt 32
General Asphalt. Pfd 69
Lake Superior Corporation 10%
Lehigh Navigation 75%
Lehigh Valley 71'/*
Pennsylvania Railroad
Philadelphia Electric 24
Philadelphia Company 43
Philadelphia Company, Pfd 37
Philadelphia Rapid Transit 10V4
Reading 74%
Storage Battery 72
Union Traction 36>,i
United Gas Improvement 84 ?i
United States Steel 74%
By Associated Press
New York. Sept. 11. The actual
condition of Clearing House Banks and
Trust Companies for the week shows
that they hold $224,122,990 reserve in
excess of legal requirements. This is
an increase of $15,012,080 over last
The statement follows:
Actual Condition
Loans, etc., $2,679,960,000; increase,
Reserve in own vaults (B), $522,157,-
000; increase, $19,920,000.
Reservo in Federal Reserve Banks,
$139,594,000; increase, $1,154,000.
Reserve in other depositories $29,-
736,000; decrease. $1,915,000.
Net demand deposits, $2,695,240,000;
increase, $2.?,944,000.
Net time deposits, $139,818,000; de
crease. $^,549,000.
Circulation, $36,978,000; decrease,
<B) Of which $447,806,000 is specie.
Agregate jeserve, $691,487,000.
Excess reserve, $224,122,000; In
crease, $15,012,080.
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., Sept. 11. Board of
Trade closing:
Wheat September, 99%; December,!
95; May. 98 V,.
Corn September, 72%; December, I
57%. |
Oats September, 36 •'?i; December,
Pork—October. 12.20; January, 14.87.
Lard—October, 8.02; January. 8.57.
Ribs—October, 7.92; January, 8.30.
Two Hurt When Speeding
Auto Smashes Into Wagon
City detectives were busy to-day
searclrfng for anauotomobile driver who
last night narrowly escaped killing Mr.
and Mrs. S. T. Myers, of Siddonsburg,
York county, when the automobile
crashed into the market wagon in
which they were enroute to this city.
Both were hurt.
The discomforts endured by Thack
eray in the United States, which he
dwells on in the letters to Mrs. Brook
field. were alleviated by some amusing
incidents. After his return to London
; he told Carlyle that during one of his
American journeys "the train stopped
at Concord. Then one of the two silent
Yankees opposite me turned to tlie
other and remarked, "Mr. Emerson. I
hear, lives in this town.' 'Ye-as,' was
the drawling rejoinder, 'and I under
stand that. In spite of his odd notion?.,
he is a man of consid-er-able prop
erty.' "
Let Kelley's Coal
Solve Your Heating
Troubles This Winter
All that isn't coal is thrown
out before it goes into your
Consequently you feed
your furnace and range only
pure coal —and that the best
[mined in Pennsylvania.
Office, 1 N. Third Street
Yard, Tenth and State Streets
Office Training School
Kaufman Bldsr., 4 S. Market Sq.
Day Sehool and \IK lit School
Call or send for 32-page booklet— I
Bell phone 694-R.
I.nat rhnnce to aee big bargain vau
deville bill, headed by
Mr. and Mrs. Voelker
and Co.
4 other good acta.
Alao lnat day to aee moving plcturea J
of Romper Day.
Flrat half of next week, "Petticoat |
Minatrela" and
Richards and Kyle
Poaltlvc favorltea here In great act.
3 other big hlta.
Matinee 2.30, 10c and lftci Even
ing contlnuoua, 7.30 to 10.30, 10c,
15c, 28c.
To-day Jesse L,. husky presents Blanche Sweat 4k
Ciirlyle Klnrkncll In a plcturlzatlon of
the most discussed photoplay. From the play by Chan-
Monday and Tuesday Jesse L. Lasky presents Edgar
Selwyn In
1 ha county commissioners yesterday
afternoon visited the old "Horseshoe
:>lke east of Hummelstown with a
view to determining what action the
county can take toward repairing the
road. The Derry township supervisors
nave mandamused the commissioners
to compel them to repair the tract.
Matinee and Night
PRICES . . M » t - 2Se to si.r.o,
| Eve., -5c to #2.00.
Home of Photoplaya Supreme
Continuous Daily 11 to 11
Vltnjirnph'w latent wruKnttonnl
four-pnrt melodrama
Big Caat of Vita Stara Hradcd
By Jnmei Morrison and
Dorothy Kelly
Alnuya Intereatlng "Pathe
Xewa 71."
A Big Scream t "Juat Tramp."
Monday and Tuesday
l.nhln'a flvc-part Myatery Pho
toplay of ninny aurprlaea. deal
ing with the theft of «hc
ivorld'a grenteat Kuliy,
Georne Soule Spencer and a
Big Caat.
SEE the thrilling flKht In a
monater balloon In mld-alr.
Wednesday and Thursday
Wllllnm Kox'a Maaalve Pro
duetlon of Kate Claxton'a
Evergreen Saeeeaa,
The Two Orphans
All Star Caat Headed Bv
and WH. SHAY.
The Story That .Never l.rona Old.
Friday and Saturday
Kananay'a Six-Part Drama
In the I.eadlnK Role.
A drama of rugged people with
Ita acenea laid In the great far
neat one of the moat maaalve
and reallatle produrtlona of the
Herman Yenger at the Pipe
Prleea Alnaj-n the Same
5 &lOc