Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 31, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    laiirete Want to Fill Yonr fait. 4 Little Wait Ad Will Hid Tlei
ATPI-E On Tuesday morning, August
31, 1915, Mrs. Maria H. Apple, at the
home of her daughter. Mrs. Joseph
Pve. 610 North Second street, aged 87
Funeral on Thursday morning, at 1«
o'clock, from the above address. Burial
will take place at Franklin Church,
York county, on Thursday afternoon.
The relatives and friends are Invited
to attend without further notice.
FOX On August 31, 1915, Mrs.
Martha E„ widow of Wilson C.
I'o\, of 1440 Derry street, aged 69
Funeral arrangements will be an-
LOST The person who took Mal
test Angora cat from 413 Broad street
is known, and unless same is returned,
party will be prosecuted. Owner called
to claim property, but no one answered,
FOUND—The well-dressed man. He
alwavs sends his clothes to Eggert's
Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning
Works, 1245 Market street. Do you?
Both phones. Call and deliver.
UKl.l' WANTED Male
Apply to R. J. Flowers, 113 South Thir
teenth street, City.
WANTED Young men, from 18 to
22, to learn collecting and soliciting
among regular customers In c 't>'
Steelton. Salary, $lO to start. Quick
advancement. Address B„ 2945, care of
Must be thoroughly proficient and well
acquainted. A good position for the
right man. Address in strict conti
fklence. Address L, 2939. care of lele
drug business In one of the best stores
in city. Address Box D., 2946, care of
Telegraph, in own handwriting, stating
age and previous employment.
S3O WEEKLY, evenings, at home.
Everything furnished; no experience,
no canvassing. Don't worry about capi
tal. Bovd H. Brown, Dept. D. 101,
Omaha, Neb.
WANTED A manufacturing cor
poration desires an experienced sales
man for Pennsylvania. Trade already
established. One familiar with Mill
Supplies preferred. State age, experi
ence and wages expected. Address w.,
2947, care of Telegraph. _
have experience In dressing drill steels.
Applv F. O. Reese, Supt. Susquehanna
Stone Co., Dalmatla, Pa.
WANTED -I Boy 16 years of age,
for grocery store, to deliver on bicycle
and help about the store. Apply \\ eis |
Pure Food Store. 1313 Market street. |
Quarrv. Hoffman Bros, and Wilson,
Twenty-third street and 'Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad.
WANTED Man for out-of-town
club work; must know a little about
cooking, permanent position. Apply
Davenport Lunch.
WANTED Two young men. 18 to
®5, to travel with crew, only hustlers
need aptffv. 700 North Sixth, after 4
P M. 4 1
WANTED Experienced collector,
married; must be able to furnish bond.
Good opportunity for live wire. <-. all
before 8 o'clock this evening at Liv
ingston's. 9 South Market Square.
WANTED Automobile mechanic.
Apply Seven Star Garage. Carlisle, Pa.
Three high-class men with
book experience. No competition,
guarantee and per cent. A year's
work in Pennsylvania. Can show
results. Call on Mr. llear-u, 6.30-
7.30, Metropolitan Hotel.
— |
WANTED Tool makers as-j
semblers grinders, machine
hands, experienced on gasoline
motors. No labor trouble. Pitts
burgh Model Engine Co., Lexing
ton street and P. R. R., Pitts
burgh, Pa.
WANTED Experienced dye cutter |
on infant's shoes; also boys to learn
cutting Harrisburg Leather Products
Co., 1420 Wyeth avenue. j
WANTED Steamfitter and helper. ,
Apply E. Mather Co., 204 Walnut street, j
WANTED An errand boy in a sta- [
tionery store. Address W„ 2941, care |
of Telegraph. j
WANTED Two first-class soltcl- '
tors, one wagon salesman. Apply Jewel
Tea Co.. 269 Broad street.
YOUNG MEN WANTED who wish to
become practical or mechanical chauf
feurs to call or write us at once. Full
unlimited course. $36. Open day and
evening. Auto Transportation Repair
Sh"r». R North Cameron street.
to get the things you desire
if you are trained—office
trained. Aspiring young •
men and women who want
to feel the satisfaction of
enjoying more than the com
mon necessities of life
\hould send for our booklet,
We will gladly send you a
copy of this little book free and
without the slightest obligation.
Use a postal to-day. The Of
fice Training School, Kaufman
Building, 4 S. Market Square.
Bell phone 694 R.
j 814 Muenrh St. 3-story frame!
t house rooms and bath. Rented?
fat $16.60
t 183 a Park St.—3-»tory brick St
J rooms bath and furnace. Lot? !
T16%x110 ft aooot
[ 1228 Conden St. 2-Sto'ry framet
T house—s rooms. Lot 13x62. Rent-1
Ted at $ll.OO *13.-,oj
T 1001 x. 7th St.—2%-story brick!
Tafid frame —■ 6 rooms and bath. Lot!
I 14x140 ft SI TOO,
I Tia N. nth St.—Apartment house—l
I an investment proposition.
I 1827 X. Third St—3-stOry brick- 1
I 9 rooms bath steam heat gas I
land electricity. Lot 20x115.. .SMooJ
« Insurance Surety Honda 4
• Locust and Court Streets «
WANTED Everybody to Know a
student entered March 16 and started
work with a structural company July
20 —Just four months. Harrisburg
i Shorthand School. 31 North Second
| street.
WANTED A bright girl to learn
i marking and assorting. Apply Troy
: Laundry, 1520-2(5 Fulton street. City.
WANTED Lady piano player, sight
reader; lady singers, dancers, musical
artists (or traveling musical comedy
show. Write immediately. Send
photo, age. height, weight. Address
Bert Marshall. Red Lion. Fa.
enced salespeople; higher salaries paid
to those who are competent; also extra
help for Saturdays. Apply Mr. Green,
main floor. Astrich's.
WANTED Experienced waitress.
Apply 9 North Front street.
WANTED Girls over 16
years of age to learn the trade of
Cigar Making. Pay while learn
ing. Welfare looked after by a
trained nurse. Apply at Harris
burg Cigar Co.. 500 Race street.
WANTED Salesman to travel and
appoint agents; salary, SBO a month and
expenses. Home Supply Mfg. Co., Sta.
A, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
WANTED Salesman to travel. In
quire The Wonder Store, 211 Market
WANTED Boy 15 years of age
wants work of any kind. Call, or ad
dress. 320 Sayford street.
WANTED By a colored high school
'boy, work around house, store or office.
Call, or address, H. B„ 1425 North
Fourth street.
WANTED Jitney driver desires
position; age. 19 years. CtfU, or address,
319 Buckthorn street.
WANTED Young man desires posi
tion a* automobile driver and repair
man. Call, or address, 1104 Walnut
WANTED Day's work sweeping,
cleaning and ironing. Inquire, or ad
dress. M. 8.. 1425 North Fourth street.
Side entrance Basin avenue.
WANTED By a respectable colored
woman, place in private family as
chambermaid and waitress or as good,
plain Virginia cook. Call, or address,
No. 1424 Keese avenue.
WANTED Work by the day or
week by young colored woman. Ad
dress 130 Liberty street. City.
WANTED Colored woman desires
day's work for Monday, or small wash
ings to do at home. Call, or address,
1412 North Fourth street.
WANTED Colored woman wants
cooking or washing and ironing at
home. Call, or address, 1314 Marlon.
WANTED White woman wants
day's work of any kind. Call, or ad
dress, 230 South Second street.
AV ANTED Refined, middle-aged
lady, with four-year-old boy, would
like position as housekeeper. Call, or
address, 1124 Montgomery street.
WANTED Refined, young lady de
sires position as an assistant in office of
any kind; good penman. Address R„
2932, care of Telegraph.
WANTED By young girl, position
as stenographer; is a graduate of the
School of Commerce; can give refer
ence If required. Address M., 2937, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED Young girl desires posi
tion as assistant in office; some knowl
edge of stenography,' typewriting and
bookkeeping. Address S., 2931, care of
Telegraph. .
83 ACRES adjoining Mechanicsburg
on the west on trolley line level
limestone soil ll-room dwelling
.brick barn a location such as this is
seldom offered for sale. This is known
as the Vogelsong Farm. Brinton-
Packer Co., Second and Walnut Sts.
1523 GREEN ST. 3-story brick
9 rooms and bath lot, 24x87—(Note
the frontage this property has)—locat
ed within one-half square of Second
St. trolley, Third St. trolley, Rockville
trolley, and two squares from Broad
St. Market. Possession at once. Brin
ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Sts. |
eighteen block for sale at an attractive
price 9 rooms bath gas fur
nace lot, 100 feet deep. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
FRONT ST., adjoining Country Club
—2 fratne' dwellings one has 8 rooms,
the other 6 rooms and bath—lot, 70x450.
Rrinton-Facker Co.. Second and Walnut
Sts. ,
FOR SALE Ten-room brick house,
Nineteenth and Park; hardwood floors;
gas; electricity and steam heat. Will
sell less than cost if sold at once. Call
27 North Nineteenth street.
NO. 1820 N. THIRD STREET is for
sale or rent business corner—steam
heated all other Improvements—well
built brick house. Particulars at Bell
Realty Co.. BeVgner Building.
FARM FOR SALE—B2 acres in Perry
county, 13 miles from Harrisburg, 2
miles from Dunoannon; 76 acres farm
land, balance young timber; new frame
house, good bank barn, necessary out
buildings; water In house and barn;
good spring near house; 125 bearing
peach trees. 200 apple trees, one-half
bearing; choice variety of other fruit;
land in fine state of cultivation. For
further partciulars address D. B. Trout
man, Route 3, Box 37, Duncannon,
Perry County, Pa.
FOR RENT ll9O Christian street:
two-story brick; all improvements and
up-to-date in all respects; seven rooms, |
Including bath; rent, $17.00. Inquire
259 Herr street, between 5 and 7 P. M.
FOR RENT Basement room, suit
able for tailor, cobbler or plumber, at
1266 Market street; rent, $lO, Including
heat and water. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Mar
ket street.
Month and up;
* New and modern.
Corner Stores
Nun- In cuiirne of construction.
Hamilton and Third Streets
Suitable for any business or
office purposes.
Kor particular* nml plana, see
Chas. Adler
1003 IV. Third Street.
* "
—j I
FOR RENT 2145 Atlas avenue;
rent, $14.00; has been renovated, re
painted and in first-class condition; all
conveniences; possession at once. C. S.
Weakley, 1816 North Second street.
FOR RENT —• 109 Evergreen, three
story brick dwelling; modern Improve
ments, including electric lights; just
repapered; immediate possession; $20.00
§er month. D. S. Light, Room 14, Union
tation, or 26 Evergreen street.
FOR RENT 660-862 Calder street;
three-story brick house; S rooms and
bath; all Improvements; rent reason
able; will rent to good colored people.
M. Baturln, 639 Boas street.
FOR RENT 1713 North Third
street; three-story; all Improvements;
recently papered and painted through
out; Immediate possession. AjDDly 1100
North Front street.
floor at the Walzdorf, facing Capitol;
si* rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hard
wood floors, electric light and city
steam. Inquire 400 North street.
FOR RENT 226 North Second
street, housekeeping apartment; 6
rooms, pantry, tiled bath, modern in
every detail; private hall entire length
iof apartment; city vanor heat; hot
water furnished. Apply 218 Pine stree.t
Bell phone 559 W.
floor housekeeping apartments—three
rooms, kitchenette and bath—modern
improvements city steam heat in
cluded. Apply to Brinton-Packer Co.,
Walnut and Second streets.
FOR RENT Third floor apartment.
19 North Fourth street, 6 rooms and
bath; modern; rent reasonable; imme
diate possession. Apply, Dr. J. H. Mil
ler, 19 North Fourth street.
FOR RENT—Third floor, rront apart
ment, No. 32 North Second street; 1
rooms and bath; steam heat and elec
trlo light. Apply to Commonwealth
Trust Co.. 222 Market street.
FOR RENT Third floor apartment,
B rooms and bath; steam heat; gas
range; electric light. Inquire 20 North
Fourth street.
FOR RENT Large front room, sec
ond floor; pleasant for man and wife;
warm clean home for winter; hot
water system; also smaller room on sec
ond floor; use of phone. 117 Pine
FOR RENT Furnished rooms,
single or en suite. Bell phone. Address
719 North Blxth street.
FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms,
suitable for light housekeeping, in
cluding both phone and heat; rent rea
sonable; good location. No. 227 Boas
FOR RENT Three comfortably
furnished rooms, second floor; one con
tains large bay window; bath; gas; hot
air'heat; no small children; three min
nutes' from Thirteenth and Derry
streets. Address D„ 2938, care of Tele
graph. ,
FOR RENT Nicely furnished, airy
rooms; all Improvements; steam heat;
electric lights; use of two baths. Ap
ply 415 Cumberland street.
FOR RENT Newly furnished
rooms, second floor; all modern conveni
ences. Apply 125 Pine street.
FOR RENT Two pleasant rooms
for light housekeeping, furnished or un
furnished; corner residence. Apply 1529
Reglna street.
FOR RENT Furnished room, with
hot and cold water; use of bath. Apply
266 Herr street.
FOR RENT Four unfurnished
rooms, with bath; good location; price
reasonable. Address Z., 2986, care of
FOR RENT Two neatly furnished
rooms, with large bay window, front;
each room convenient for one or two
gentlemen. Hoffman Apartments, Fifth
and Market streets. Second Apartment.
WANTED Refined, young man,
Hebrew, who Is to stay In town from
three to four months, desires furnished
room with private family; state terms
and full particulars. Address Box 2948,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED One or two second floor
rooms, uptown, preferably above Hamil
ton street. Address Box R., 2930, care
of Telegraph.
.WANTED By woman, a few women
boarders. Home comforts. Call at 1327
North Sixth street. City.
FOR BALE CARDS on sal* at tb*
Telegraph Business office.
ind 117 South Second street, 5,000 gal
lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme
quality. All the full line of the Acme
BICYCLES, frames, coaster brakes
or any part of bicycle bought for
highest cash price. Write, phone or
call. Keystone Garage. 814 N. 3rd
street. Bell phone 266-R.
FOR SALE Drug, ice cream and
confectionery store; central location;
business paying 30 per cent.; retiring
on account of health. Address D„ 2988,
care of Telegraph.
patterns at half of list price. Paper de
livered anywhere free. Hanging rea
sonable. A. U. Spot*, 1317-19 Market
HORSE Good horse, wagon and
harness. Suitable for most anv kind oi
delivery work or huckster. "Will sell
very reasonable. Call Milk Depot, 1317
Williams street, City.
FOR SALE Furniture In good con
dition at 806 North Sixteenth street.
Diningroom table, old fashioned sofa,
library table, bedroom suit, small
tables carpets, etc. Call mornings be
fore 12, or from 4 to 8 P. M. Sale will
continue until all furniture is sold.
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 25c each. One
of these signs will be given with each
six-time order for a classified ad. If
paid in advance. Inquire at Office of
ar ? ,th the Gangers' picnic, at
Williams Grove, "this week, with fifty
of the finest Beagle, Rabbit and Fox
Hounds ever exhibited there. We have
Pedigreed Pups and Broken dogs. Don't
fall to see them. This is your opportu
nity to buy a real dog for this year's
sport. Evans and Smith (Dillsburg
Chicken Farm over, along the Lingles
town Trolley Line. Price, $1,650, in*
eluding everything on and In the prem
ises. Liberal terms. C. B. Care, Care's
Grocery, Llnglestown. Pa. Call 409
Market street. Harrisburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Scratch Pads new
supply—so for 2Ec while they last. Ap
ply Job Printing Department .The Tele
graph Printing Company.
BARGAIN lndian free engine mo
torcycle; new Goodyear tires; excellent
shape; |SO. 418 Hummel street.
FOR SALE Second-Yiana and re
built typewriters of all makes. 110
and up. L. C. Smith, Underwood, Royal
Densmore and others. Inquire Geortti
P. Tlllotson, 36 South Fourth street.
FOR SALE Will, sell at a bargain
a beautiful Behning player-piano (88
note). Good as new. Same can be seen
at Slglers Piano Store, 30 North Second
street. Harrisburg, Pn. The Social Club
FOR SALE Three canoes, two 18
ft. and one 17 ft. In good condition
Terms reasonable. James Snyder
Wormleysburg, Pa.
One Excelsior, twin cylinder, new
tires, tandem, Stewart Klaxon. A big
bargain; $125.00. Investigate to-day
Keystone Garage, 814 North Third
FOR SALE Jackson roadsters in
good condition; new tires; could be
used for truck service. Price $l5O will
take the car. Can be seen at Lemoyne
parage. Lock Lrawer F. Duncannon,
FOR SALE Bargain In a country
hotel if sold before September 15; $2 700
cash; good neighborhood; good trade
Address P. G. Forney, Real Estate. 55
North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa.
secured at the Telegraph Bualneu
Furnished by E. S. Goshorn,
208-209 Arcade Building.
New York, Aug. 31
Open. High. liow. Clos.
I Alaska G M 33 33 32 % 32%
I Allis-Chal . 38 38% 36% 37%
Am Bt Sug 66 66 64% 65
Am Can .. 59% 60% 59% 59%
Am C& F. 70% 70% 68 69%
Am Cot Oil 51% 51% 51 61
Am Ice Sec 23% 23% 23% 23%
Am Loco .54 54 % 53% 54
Am Smelt. 80% 81 80% 80%
Am Sugar. 110% 112% 110 110%
Am T & T. 123% 123% 122% 123
Anaconda .73 73 % 72 72 %
Athissn .. 101% 102 101% 101%
Baldwin .. 81% 83% 80% 82%
B«• O 81 % 81 % 81 % 81 %
Beth Steel . 292 292 285 291
Bklyn RT. 85% 85% 84% 85%
Cal Petro.. 19% 19% 19 19%
Can Pacific 150% 151% 150 151
Cent Leath 44% 44% 43% 43%
C&O 46% 47% 46% 47%
C. M&St P 82% 83 82% 83
C,RIiP. 21 % 24 21 % 23%
C Con Cop. 46% 46% 46 46%
Col F & 1.. 42 42 % 42 42 %
Cruc St .. 75% 76 74 74%
Dist Sec ..27 27 26 26%
Erie 29 29 % 28% 28%
Erie Ist pfd 44% 43% 44% 44%
Gen E Co. . (175 175 174 174%
Gen Motors 219% 219%
Goodrh BF 67% 67% 66% 67
Gt Nor pfd 118% 118% 118 118
Gt N Ore s 42% 42% 41% 41%
GugExp.. 67% 67% 66% 67
Insp Cop .. 35% 36 35 35
In-Met .... 21% 22 21 % 2fc
In-Met pfd 77 7 T
Lehigh Val 142% 142%
Mex Petro. 85% 86 84 % 84%
Miami Cop. 26% 26% 26% 26%
Mo Pac . . 4 % 4 % 4 4 %
Nat Lead.. 65% 65% 64% 64%
NY Cent.. 91% 92 91 % 91%
NT.NH& H 66 67 % 65% 67
NY.O & W 27 27% 27 27%
•Nor & W. 106 106% 105% 106%
North Pac. 107% 107% 107% 107%
Pa Rail.... 108% 109% 108% 108%
Pitta C 34% 34% 33% 34%
GO TO GABLE'S for -wire fence of all
kinds and gates to match, No. 111-111
South Secon.4.
FOR lcK.Vr
FOR RENT Warehouse; three
story brick building; 11,000 sq. ft. door
space; elevator 6xß ft.; along P. R. R.
with siding. Inquire Dauphin Deposit
Trust Co.
FOR RENT Second floor room,
3,700 square feet, for light manufactur
ing purposes. New building. Call at
premises. Twelfth and Herr streets.
WANTED A partner in a small
.lobbing business. Call at 1317 Wil
liams street, City.
WATED, TO BCY Second-hand
Ford touring car In perfect condition.
Address G., 2944, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Large wall or circle tent
about twenty or thirty ft. or larger, in
good condition. Address Universal
Motor Car Co., 745 North Sixth street.
WANTED Second-hand cash reg
ister; must be in good condition; regis
ters 1 cent up. Address D., 2934, care
of Telegraph Building.
I MADE $60,000 in five years in the
mail order business, began with $5.
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
cock, 355 Lock port, N. Y.
WANT PARTNER with three thou
sard dollars In high-class Mail Order
Business. Or, will borrow this amount
at 6 per cent, and give real estate se
curity. H., 2942, care of Telegraph.
ANY intelligent person can earn good
income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798, Lock
port. N. Y.
WE are headquarters for Trunks,
Suit Cases and Bags. Before your va
cation Inspect our large stock. Have
your repairing done here and save
money. Ilarrlsburg Harness & Supply
Company, Second and Chestnut.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
Btreet. Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
n. A. HAHTMAN. Hoarding Stable nnd
\ntloniil Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No
2503 R."
rooms for household goods, $2 per
month and up. We invite inspection.
Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second
street. Harrlsburg Storage Company.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3 Wagons, 76 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411
Broad street. Both shonea.
MONEY TO LOAN having two Bulld
ing and Loan Associations and a Trust
Co. Address P. O. Box 496, Steelton, Pa.
WHEREAS, the Hon. George Kunkel,
President Judge, and Hon. Sam. J. M.
McCarrell, Additional Law Judge, of
Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Ses
sions of the Peace of the Twelfth Ju
dicial District, composed of the County
of Dauphin, having issued their precept,
bearing date the 11th day of August,
A. D. 1916, to me directed for holding a
Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gen
eral Jail Delivery and Quarter Ses
sions of the Peace of Harrlsburg for
the County of Dauphin, and to com
mence the fourth Mohday of September,
1915, being the 27th day of September,
1915, and to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given to
the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Al
dermen and Constables of said County
of Dauphin that they may be then and
there in their proper persons at 10
o'clock in the forenoon of said dav.
with their records. Inquisitions, exami
nations and their own remembrances,
to do those things which to their of
fice appertain to be done, and those
who are bound In recognizance to
prosecute against the prisoners that
are or shall be in the laii of Dauphin
County be then and there to prose
cute against them as shall be Just.
Given under my hand at Harrlsburg
the 21st day of August, A. D. 1916.
being the one hundred and fortieth
year of Independence of the United
Sheriff's Office, Harrlsburg, Pa.. ' _
August 21. 1915.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore subsisting be
tween Charles L. Lelby and Ellsworth
E. Flurlo under the firm name of Lelby
A- Flu Tie, Manufacturers of Brick anil
Clay Products, was dissolved on the 4th
day of August. 1915, by mutual consent
All debts owing to the partnership are
receivable by Fox & Geyer and Elmer
E. Erb, Attorneys for said parties, Har
rlsburg. Pa., to whom also all claims
and demands against the same are to
be presented for payment.
Pitts C pd. 101 102% 101 102%
Press SC.. B0 >4 «0% 59 % 59%
Rail SS. . . 38% 38% 38% 38%
Ray C C.. 23% 23% 22% 22%
Reading .. 149% 149% 148% 148%
Rep IS.. 43% 43% 42% 43
Rep I 8 pd. 101% 101% 101% 101%
South Pac» 89% 89% 88% 88%
South Ry. . 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 %
South Rpd 49 49 49 49
Studebaker. 109% 109% 107 108%
Third Ave. 53% 54 >4 53% 53%
Union Pac. 132% 132% 131% 131%
U S Rub.. 50 50 49% 49%
U S Steel. 75% 75% 74% 75
U S Stl pd, 112% 112% 112% 112%
Utah Cop.. 68% 68% 67% 67%
Vlr-Car C.. 40% 40% 38% 39%
West U Tel 74 75% 73% 74 %
West Mfg.. 116% 117% 115% 115%
x Ex. dlv. 1%. *Ex dlv. 1%.
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Aug. 31. Wheat
Lower; No. 2, red. car lots, new, ex
port, $1.04% ® 1.06% ; No. 2, red, west
ern, $1.07V'®1.09%.
Corn Steady, No. 2, yellow, local,
88®89c; steamer. No. 2. yellow, local,
87 <R 88c.
Oats Lower; No. 2, white, none
here; No. 3, white, 48® 19c.
Bran Market steady; winter,
city mill, winter, per ton. (26.50;
western, winter, per ton. none here;
spring, per ton, $24.00®24.50.
Refined Sugar Market steady;
rowdered, 6.70<®5.76c; fine granulated.
.60@5.65; confectioners' A, 5.5005.55 c.
Butter Market steady; western,
creamery, extras, 26 %c; nearby prints,
fancy, 30c.
Eggs The market is firm;-
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases, $7.20@7.70; per case; do.,
current receipts, free caseß. $6.60®
6.90 per case; western, extras, firsts,
free cases, $7.50@7.80 per case; do.,
firsts, free cases. $6.90@7.20 per case.
Live Poultry. The market is
firm; fowls are higher; fowls.
16@17%c; old roosters, 12@13c; broil
ing chickens, 15@19c; Spring ducks, 15
®l6c: old ducks, 12@14c.
Dressed Poultry Market firm;
fresh killed fowls, fancy. 1f»%4i19c: do.,
average. 16%@17%c; do., unattractive.
14% #ls %c; do., old roosters, 13c; do.,
broiling chickens, nearby, 22@26c; do.,
western, 16<®21c; do., spring ducks. 18
<S>l7c; do., western, 10@12c; Ice packed
fowls, 15@18c.
Potatoes Market steady; Maine,
per bushel. 15@20c; New Xork, per
bushel, 15®20c: Southern, per barrel.
60c(551.25; Jersey, per basket. 10®>32c.
Flour Nominal; winter straights,
new. $5.00®5.25; do., patent,new, $5.85®
new, $5.15@5.40; do., patent, new, $5.00
6.50; do.. clear, $5.5006.25; Kan
sas. .lute sacks SS.I n OSJ>O; spring,
straights, old. $6.25 (ft 6.50; do., patents,
old. $6.50@7.20.
Hay—Steady; new hay, $16.000 21.00
per ton as to quality; No. 1, large
bales, $240002500; No. 1. medium
bales, $25.00; No. 2, do., $14.00; No. 1.
do.. $20.00@ 21.00.
Light mixed, $24.00; No. 1, do.. $22.50
@23.00; No. 2. do., $20.00021.00.
Philadelphia, Aug. 31.—Stocks closed
Cambria Steel 54%
General Asphalt 30%
General Asphalt. Pfd 67
Lake Superior Corporation 9%
Lehigh Navigation 73%
Lehigh Valley 71 >i
Pennsylvania Railroad 54 3-16
Philadelphia Electric 24
Philadelphia Company 44
Philadelphia Company, Pfd. .... 39
Philadelphia Rapid Transit 9%
Philadelphia Traction 73
Reading 74' A
Storage Battery 66 U
Union Traction 35
United Gas Improvement 84 %
United States Steel 75
United States Steel. Pfd 112%
Warwick iron and Steel 10
Chicago, 111., Aug. 31. Hogs Re
ceipts, 16,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $6.60
@.ao; light, $7.25 @7.95; mixed. SK.4O@
7.80; heavy, $6.20(87.50; rough, $6.20®
6.35; pigs. $7.00®8.00.
Cattle Receipts, 4,000; steady.
Beeves. $6.10010.20; cows and heifers,
$3.1008.60; Texas steers, $6.4007.10;
western steers, $6.65®8.85; calves, SB.OO
Sheen Receipts, 12,000; weak. Na
tive, $5.80@6.40; western, $5.9006.60;
yearlings. $6.60@7.55; lambs, native,
$7.00®9.30; western. $7.0009.35.
Chicago, 111., Aug. 31.—Board of Trade
Wheat September, 93%; Decem
ber, 92%.
Corn September, 71%; December,
Oats September, 36%; December,
36 %.
Pork September, 13.32; Decem
ber, 13.52.
Lard September, 8.12; October,
Ribs September, 8.27: October.
THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen
sary will be open daily, except Sunday,
at 3 P. M.. at its new location, front and
Harris streets, for the free treatment of
the worthy poor.
Office Training School
Knnfman lll<lg., 4 S. Market Sq.
Day School and Night School
Call or send for 32-page booklet —
Bell phone 694-R.
*■ *
Store Room, 19 N. 3d St.
Call 20 N. Fourth St.
Saturday, September 4
Via Reading Railway
Sixteen Day Tickets Good
on Any Train
Flour Mill For Sale
Flour mill with 60 barrels dally
capacity, four-story building, three
thousand bushel warehouse: mill
equipped with Pennsylvania sys
tem throughout, runs by electric
power, and a general store includ
ing flour and feed business doing a
thousand dollars a week business.
Selling on account of settling up an
estate. Price $12,000. Located at
West Newton. Pa.
Real Estate
29 N. Second St. Harrisburg, Pa,
Exhibits Will Show
Progress of Trade
Merchants are • planning elaborate
window displays for Merchants' Night
during the municipal celebration. At
the meeting of the committee to-night
at the rooms of the Harrisburg Cham
ber of Commerce, a number of unique
ideas will be presented.
One dealer contemplates an exhibi
tion showing the advancement In
hardware goods. A local tinner Is
planning to show changes In his line
of business. There will be fashion
displays and other features. Chair
man A. E. Buchanan of the commit
tee, has received acceptances from
many local merchants who will be on
hand to-night to discuss details.
All committees planning for the
municipal celebration will meet at
the Orpheum Theater Thursday night.
President Henderson Gilbert of the
Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce Is
anxious to hear reports from all com
mittees showing what has been ac
complished up to date %
The water carnival committees are
hard at work. J. Ray Hoffert, the
chairman, was busy with Romper
Day exercises to-day, but will meet
his subcommittees to-night and to
morrow night and expects to be able
to make a report Thursday night.
Chief Engineer Uhler
to Speak at Oakland
Chief Engineer William D. Uhler, of
the State Highway Department, will
leave Harrisburg to-night for the Pa
cific Coast where he will attend the
Pan-American Road Congress to be
held In Oakland, California, on Sep
tember 13-17, inclusive. He was ap
pointed by Governor Brumbaugh as a
delegate from this State. Mr. Uhler
has been selected to present a paper
to the Congress and will speak on
"Resurfacing Old Roads" at the morn
ing session on Wednesday, Septem
ber IS.
Failure to pay revenue taxes to
day, means a fifty per cent, penalty.
The taxes are for the year ending
January 31. 1916, Deputy Revenue
Collector William S. Brlcker said to
day that very few dealers and manu
facturers In his district had not paid.
Fine Homes For Sale
1 liree Houses Nos. 914, 916 and 918 North Eighteenth
street. Built in pairs, having side and rear entrances, all modern
improvements, including steam heat. Price and terms liberal.
One House No. 1721 Boas street, in course of erection. This
is a detached house, having a wide lot and extending to a
twenty-foot rear street. Single houses are not usually built
for sale but there are many families now appreciating the ad
vantages of a home with air space from all sides. Look this
house over, you will find in it a thoroughly up-to-date home.
1 \\ O BUNGALOWS, built along the Progress Trollev
line, between Penbrook and Progress, all improvements, six
rooms, hall ?nd bath, steam heat, electric lights. Lots 32 ft. by
150 ft. Attractive, well built and comfortable suburban homes.
HA CVi Aflr Owner and Builder
• XX. OilerJl, 1325 STATE ST.
Public Sale
Entire Livery Outfit
jt/k Of Horses, Wagons,
Funera I Cabs, Harness,
Friday, Sept. 3, 1915
At 1 O'clock P. M. at His Stables, Corner Emaus and
Pine Sts., Middletown, Pa.
I will sell the entire Livery Outfit of F. W. Myers, who Is retiring
from the business on account of ill health, and everything to be sold
without reserve. This positively is one of the best Livery Outfits In
this part of the country and was Mr. Myers' pleasure to have only the
! ?J NE HEAD OF HORSES consisting of one pair of Handsome Bav
iob Horses, Elk and Gad. They stand 16 hands high, weigh about
2" hundred lbs., one t>f the greatest livery teams in this country; cannot
be hitched wrong, single or double; broke for the most timid person
to drive.
One pair of Bay Cob Horses, Mutt and JefT. They stand IS hands
high, weigh about 2 4 hundred lbs., are broke to all city objects and to
all harness; a great show team. Can use either horse out of any team
and make a great Road or Carriage Team. These four horses are the
handiest horses In this part of the country, matters not how or where
you hitch them, single, double or 4 in hand.
One pair Black Horses, Nig and Jim. weigh about 23 hundred lbs.,
a great livery team, as they cannot be hitched wrong. A handsome
team suitable for Hearse, Carriage or General Business, a team worthy
the inspection of any one looking for a team of this kind, and are broke
to all harness and city objects.
One Bay Pacing Horse, John, a great road or pleasure horse, works
heavy or light; a great fun horse that can pace a mile around 3:40
without any training.
One Bay Horse, "Dan." 7 years old, weighs about 1,000 lbs. A
great livery or pleasure horse, used with Bay Pacing Horse as a team.
One Brown Horse, suitable for all business, has been my old
stand-by for years.
ir Interested in any of the above mentioned stock, don't. miss this
chance, as you don't often find a class of horses like these In a livery
5 Rubber-tired Funeral Cahs, all rebuilt and repainted in the last two
months and used very little.
4 Rubber-tired Germantown Carriages, all In first-class shape, one of
them a storm front.
4 Rubber-tired Buggies, only hitched to a few times; all home-made
und built to order.
3 Steel-tired Jenny 1/ind Buggies, about new.
1 Rubber-tired Sporting Wagon, built to order.
1 Surrey. 1 Trap (a Columbus).
2 MeCall Wagons.
2 Spring Wagons, 1 all but new with top and seats to carry 20 people.
7 Poles, 6 Single Sleighs, all new; some never used.
1 2-Seated Sleigh, 1 Bob Sleigh with box.
Hay and Oats.
5 Sets Double Cab Harness, about new.
2 Sets Single Heavy Harness.
1 Set Trap Harness.
10 Sets Single Buggy Harness.
These harness are all hand-made; were made by H. H. Shellen
• Blankets, Storm Covers. Halters. Whips, Clipping Machine. Forks,
Shovels and many other useful articles too numerous to mention.
1 Lot and Building erected thereon, used as carriage house; build
ing 80 by 48 ft. The lot is 60 by 110 ft.
This 1* one of the oldest Livery Stands In this part of the county,
and said building can be rented to any suitable party.
Conditions of sale to be made known by and said stock to be sold by
M. B. Schaffer, Auct.
Sale Friday, September 3, 1915, at Middletown, Pa.
» ,
Drive Out Invisible Rule
and Bosses, Urges Root;'
State Must Be Reformed
Albany, Aug. 31.—Castigating poli
tical bosses and denouncing Invisible
government fh what was characterised
by Henry L. Stimson as one of the
most remarkable speeches of his life,
Ellhu Root after a brilliant defense
of the short ballot and the T*nner
plan to reorganize the State govern
ment. declared that he would feel it a
fitting climax to his puhllc career If
he could help the people to establish
visible government in the State of
New York.
Allies May Have to
Cancel Orders Here
By Associated Press
New York, Aug. 31.—Foreign ex
change rates reached their most se
rious stage to-day with an overnight
break of two and one-half cents In
orders for such imports as could be
this market at $4.58, close to the mark
where curtailment of big foreign or
ders to the United States would fol
low. In the opinion of bankers here.
Nothing like the violent break in
quotations had ever been recorded in
foreign exchange markets here before.
The low level reached to-day was two
cents below the mark set weeks ago
by financiers as the so-called lrreduct
ble minimum which, when reached,
would cause British buyers to seek
other markets In which to place their
oredrs for such imports as could be
'obtained elsewhere than In America.
Foodstuffs, manufactured goods and
many other products, in fact almost
everything except actual munitions of
war were embraced within this cate
By Associhtei Press
Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 31. —Funeral
services for Mrs. John J. Pershing and
her three daughters who perished in
a fire at the Presidio, San Francisco,
last week were held to-day. Bishop
Thomas officiating. Commercial ac
tivity in the larger Wyoming towns
ceased during the services, out of re
spect for the dead.