Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 25, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    Hundreds Wait to Fill Year Want. A tittle Want Ad Will Find Ttiem|
McCONNELL Died. August 22, 1916,
Frank J. McConnell.
Relatives and friends, also S. S.
White Trap Shooters Club, are invited
to iilend the funeral services Tliurs
daJPfit 3 P. M., at his late residence,
ISiT Chestnut street, West Philadel
phia. Burial private.
McCORMICK On Monday morning.
August 23, 1916, S. Cameron McCor
mick, aged 75 years, 8 months and 19
Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at
? o'clock, from his late residence, 1716
North Sixth street. Burial private.
LOST A small, black pocketbook
somewhere In city, containing six dol
lars and some small papers. hinder
please call phone 2691 J. or leave at
Telegraph Office, for reward.
FOUND—The well-dressed man. He
always sends his clothes to Eggert s
Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning
Works, 1245 Market street. Dv> you?
Both phones. Call and deliver.
WANTED First-class tool makers,
profilers, millers, drillers, riflers and
barrel turners. Good pay to competent
men Address, giving experience, to
J F. Creswell, P. O. Box 264, Lancaster,
WANTED Young man who can
trim windows, write price cards and
wait on trade In a clothing store. Ap
ply P. O. Box 105, Sunbury. Pa. j
to get. My free buolslet i-572, tells
how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop
kins. Washington, D. C.
WANTED Elevator boy. Apply at
once. Astrlch's, Fourth 8-nd Market.
WANTED Collector and solicitor;
one with Insurance experience pre
ferred. Address R, 2913, care oi Tele
WANTED Men waiters, white. Ap
ply Hershey Cafe, Hershey, Pa.
WANTED Carpenters. Apply F.
A. Havens Co., Ninth and Cumberland
streets. City.
MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar
ried men between ages of 18 and 35;
citizens of United States, of good char
acter and tomperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English
language. For Information apply to
Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building,
3d & Market Sts.. Harrisburg. Fa.
WANTED Colored boy for porter
work. Apply Robinson's W oman
Shop. 20 North Fourth street.
WANTED First-class plumber. Ap
ply to R. J. Flowers, 113 South Thir
teenth street.
WANTED Experienced shoe cut
ters. Apply Devine & Yungel Shoe
Manufacturing Co., Sixteenth and State
WANTED—Bright, experienced clerk
for grocery store; salary and commis
sion. Applv Fountain Market Co., Mul
berry and Derry streets.
BOY WANTED Apply Factory Out
let Shoe Co., 16 North Fourth street.
WANTED A first-class tinner. Ap
plv between 7 A. M. and 6 P. M. to E.
•W. White, 1221 North, Sixth street.
YOUNG MEN/VANTKD who wish to
practical or mechanical chauf-
call or write us at once. Full
unlimLid course. $35. Open day and
evening. Auto Transportation Repair
Shcp. 5 North Cameron street.
WANTED Lady for offlce work;
must be over 24 years of age and have
good references. Apply Jewell Tea Co.,
269 Broad street.
WANTED A reliable, experienced
white woman as cook; also white
house girl. Address Mrs. M„ care of j
Telegraph. I
WANTED. AT ONCE Several ex- j
pei ienced salespeople. Those who (
have good experience can secure good
positions and good salary. Apply to !
Mr. Greene, ground floor, Astrich's.
WANTED Girl from 16 to 20
vears old, to work In day time in con
fpctlonerv store: steady position for
all winter. Apply 1025 North Seventh
street. Bell phone 1617 R.
WANTED A titter to take charge I
of our alteration room. Apply Robin
son's Woman Shop, 20 North Fourth
WANTED September 1. neat, young
colored woman, general housework,
plain cook, good ironer washing put
out: live at place. Apply at once. K.
G , 71. care of Telegraph.
WANTED —■ An experienced girl for
cooking and housework; three In fam
ily; no washing or Ironing; gooti
wages; references required. Address
S.. 2912. care of Telegraph.
WANTED for the manufacture of paper
boxes. Call Thursday morning. Har
risburg Bag and Box Co., 1550-52 Ver
non street.
FALL TERM commences August 30;
Night School. Tuesday evening. August
31. Thorough courses. Individual in
struction and the greatest results. Har
risburg Shorthand School, 31 North Sec
ond street.
WANTED Girls over 16
years of »ge to learn the trade of
Cigar Making. Pay while learn
ing. Welfare looked after by a
trained nurse. Apply at Harris
burg Cigar Co., 500 Race street.
HELP WANTED—MaIe aiul Female
WANTED Girl ushers and man;
must be refined and courteous. Apply
Regent Theater between 10 and 12 A. M.
WANTED Young man desires po
sition as stenographer, clerk or bill
clerk; ten years' experience; A 1 refer
crences. Address H.. 2915, care of
WANTED Married man would
like to have a position to do general
reoalrlng. Call at 436 Cumberland
WANTED A position to drive a
Ford jitney by an experienced street
car man. Addresß 8., 2905, care of Tele
WANTED By all experienced man,
r jltion driving automobtle or truck.
'IK or address, G. W. Krebs, Route 2.
I.rflVisburg-. Pa.
J Paxtang Several vefy desirahlej
4 dwellings particulars upon in-1
Jquiry. • I
i Riverside. No. 3003 Riverside!
4 Drive a fine 2'4-story tile and!
house. Plot 116 ft. front. I
t >ew I'umberlnnd.—Some reason-1
♦ ablv-priced homes. i
f Carlisle.—A bargain In the 2H-f
♦ story frame. 0-room house on North*
♦ West streets. Plot 316x210. ♦
♦ 11 n r rinhiirit.—North Second street t
♦ —we offer for sale at reasonablef
♦ figures several choice properties.*
♦ (Jet our list. f
, Innurnni e Surety Bonds t
« Locust and Court Streets ♦
WANTED Young, married man
wishes position In pool room and res
taurant; can give best of reference. Ad
dress F.. 2908, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Colored woman desires
place to cook tn hotel or boardlng
liouse, In or out of city. Call, or ad
dress, 207 Arch street, Mechanicsburg,
WANTED Colored girl desires
place as child's nurse, or work of any
kind. Call, or address, 20 North Elev
enth street.
WANTED Young widow. with
three-year-old child, would like posi
tion as housekeeper. Mrs. Phoebe
Spend. Marysville.
WANTED Two young colored girls
desire day's work or work by the week.
Call, or address. 1407 Currant street.
WANTED Respectable white wo
man wishes position as good, plain
cook, in or out of city. Address Marie
Weiner, General Delivery, Harrisburg,
WANTED By young woman hav
ing nine years' experience In general
office work, position as bookkeeper or
stenographer; good reference, also bond
If necessary. Address S. H. J., care of
WANTED White girl desires pub
lic work of any kind In city. Call, or
address, 35 South Summit street.
WANTED Situations by two young
women experienced in department store
work; references furnished. Address E.,
2918, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Colored woman desires
work of any kind; can furnish refer
ence. 513 North avenue.
WANTED Young woman desires
position; experienced as shoe clerk and I
in genera! store work. Address 0., j
2916. care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young woman desires ;
position; experienced as cashier and
in general office work. Address X.,
2917, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Colored woman desires
washing and ironing to do at home.
Call, or address, Mrs. M. Brooks, 1006
Cowden street.
WANTED By experienced colored
woman, position as cook or day's
work. Apply 1211 Wallace street. City.
WANTED Young girl, 16 years old,
would like to work on Saturday or
Sunday extra. Apply 28 LJnden street.
famous Red Oak line of Art Calendars
in Pennsylvania territory. We have
salesmen making $5,000 per year. Ex
cellent opportunity for experienced
road man. Address The Thos. D. Murphy
Co.. Red Oak. lowa.
FOR SALE Modern 2 V4 -story
frame house, standing on one-half-acre
of improved ground; variety of fruit,
berries and flowers. Conceded the best
location in Camp Hill. One block from
trolley. Good elevation. Bell phone
3056 M. '
FOR RENT Tljree-story brick; 9
rooms; liath; steam heat; cemented
cellar; hardwood floor; large cementea
porch; possession December 1. Apply M.
Brenner & Son, Green and Emerald
FOR SALE Middle Paxton Town
ship Farm. 100 acres farm land, 60
acres timber. Good stone house, large
bank burn, wagon shed. etc. Well and
two good springs near house. enclng
good. Adapted to grain and fruit rais
ing. J. H. Shopp. Attorney, Bergner
FARM FOR SALE—B2 acres in Perry
county. 13 miles from Harrisburg, 2
miles from Duncannon; 76 acres farm
land, balance young timber; new frame
house, good bank barn, necessary out
buildings; water in house and barn;
good spring near house; 125 bearing
peach trees. 200 apple trees, one-half
bearing; choice variety of other fruit;
land in fine state of cultivation. For
further partciulars address D. B. Trout
man, Route 3, Box 37, Duncannon,
Perry County, Pa.
INSPECT vacant house No. 22 N.
Seventeenth Street key at our office |
—brick steam heat gas and elec
tric light desirable location. Price
' low—little cash needed. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
! vacant price and particulars at our
| office 9 rooms all improvements
;—owner has left city and will consider
i a reasonable offer for this house. Bell
; Realty Co., Bergner Building.
l.bath furnace porch large new
porch excellent view lot. 9axlos—
of fruit good garden. Par
j ticulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner
! Building.
eighteenth block for sale to quick
I buyer at reduced price 3-story brick
—all improvements drive alley on
• rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build
| l"g.
<3S> VI'KES (ff»BO>
1 (35) acres ($950) terms ($100) cash]
| balance take your time. (Cozyhome)
j bank barn, water at door, all kinds
choice fruit. Haney to neighbors,
school, church, lime kilns and city
market. Dandy for early vegetables,
poultrv and remember fine spring water
flowing through property. The great
est surprise Is the low price. Bear in
mind—No mistake only ($950). With
Horse (age 8) cow (6 hogs) and (40)
chickens ($1200). For further infor
mation telephone (7 to S) Danville.
1100) ACHES ($4200)
Between (Milton) to (Danville) on
Main State Road handy to (2) large
Markets. (Mile) to stores, churches,
schools, railroad station. Beautiful
Location, well watered, Ideal Stock
(and) Dairy Farm. Painted (Buildings)
jail (New). Remember (100) acres only
lls 42U0). Must be seen to realize Great
| Bargain. Fine match teum horses (6)
! years, weigh (2800) and (4) fresh cows
j (7 i good hogs (70) chickens 103 bushel
I oats (140) corn (hay) und (straw)
, glowing crops, giveaway Hp ($5300.)
(7K> ACHES (*3 4(H))
I (78) acres <& ($3400) terms ($1500)
I cash. Fine (team) horses. Pick (3) out
of (10) cattle (6) thrifty hogs (68)
chickens (104) bushel oats (210) corn
(20) ton hay and straw, farm wagon,
team harness only ($4000) spot cash or
($4250) terms ($2500) cash, balance on
time. (Possession) at once. On Main
Road between large markets. School
and Church edge of farm. Telephone
in (3) porch home. Large bank barn,
straw barn, double wagon house, all
, building 'ike new painted In fine loea
| tlon. „
Danville Telephones Sunbury
Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings
WANTED Rooms and board for
family of four; central; well located;
references furnished. Address Box J.,
2910, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Five-room furnished
apartment; modern; references furnish
ed. Address 2911, care of Telegraph,
HOUSE New three-story frame, 8
rooms and bath, at a sacrifice; lot. 18x
110; front and back porches; 120 ft.
beyond city limits: low taxes. Apply P.
j O. Box 18, Hill Station. Harrisburg, Pa.
MOVE Into a new brick house with
all modern Improvements and pay for
It as you would pay rent. Only SSO
cash needed. H. G. Pedlow. 110 South
Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE—Five rood brick houses,
with all modern Improvements, on the
Hill, that will give a net return of 11
per cent Price, SI4OO each. H. G. Ped
ilow, 110 South Thirteenth street
FOR SALE— SI2OO will buy a home.
7 rooms, bath, all improvements, side
entrance, on a prominent street on the
Hill. Rental sl3. Only S3OO needed.
H. G. Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth St.
FOR RENT Preferably to young,
married couple, furnished house on
Hill in refined neighborhood, from Sep
tember 1 to November 1. Reasonable
rate. Address 8., 2904, care of Tele
FOR RENT 516 South Fourteenth
street, 1409 Green street. John H. Ma
loney, 1619 Green street.
FOR RENT 2147 Atlas street; rent,
$14.00; has been renovated, repainted
and In first-class condition; all con
veniences; possession at once. C. S.
Weakley. 1815 North Second street.
sl2 on " 1 anil up;
New and modern.
Corner Stores
New la course of construction.
Hamilton and Third Streets
Suitable for any business or
offlce purposes.
For particular* and plans, see
Chas. Adler
1003 Si. Third Street.
FOR RENT lBO7 North Fourth
street; 3-story brick; all improvements:
electric lights; front porch; large yard;
rent, $20,00. Apply L G. Dunn. 346
Muench street.
FOR RENT 1329 Thompson street;
new brick building. 65x20; two-story;
steam heat; sewer and water. Apply
1330 Derry street.
FOR RENT ll#o Christian street:
two-story brick; all improvements and ■
up-to-date In all respects; seven rooms,
including bath; rent, $17.00. Inquire
259 Herr street, between 6 and 7 P. M.
rooms; 3-story brick house, recently
remodeled. Terms reasonable. Call,
or address, First National Bank, New
port, Pa.
FOR RENT Residence 317 North
Second street; suitable for doctor or
dentist. A subtenant now In building
will remain. Apply on premises to Miss
L M. Bulleh, or to Mrs. J. McK. Reiley.
Apartment 5. The Kenilworth, Buffalo,
N. Y. •
Cottage, Perdlx. Possession, September
I. Rent reduced for remainder of sea- |
son. A. C. Young, 26 North Third street.
Bell. 713 J.
No. 75 Dlsbrow St $17.00
No. 1234 Walnut St 17.00
No. 1917 Swatara St 15.00
Market St. Apartment 27.00
1251 Market St.
MOVE Into a new brick house with
all modern improvements and pay for
it as you would pay rent. Only SSO
i cash needed. H. G. Pedlow, TlO South
1 Thirteenth street.
FOR RENT 1713 North Third
street; three-story; all Improvements;
recently papered and painted through
out; immediate possession. Apply 1100
North Front street.
FOR RENT Third floor apartment,
5 rooms and bath; steam heat; gas
range; electric light. Inquire 20 North
Fourth street.
floor at the Walzdorf, facing Capitol;
six rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hard
wood floors, electric light and city
steam. Inquire 400 North street.
FOR RENT—Third floor, rront apart
ment, No. 32 North Second street; I
rooms and bath: steam heat and elec
tric light. Apply to Commonwealth
Trust Co.. 222 Market street.
FOR RENT 225 North Second,
housekeeping apartment. 5 rooms,
pantry and tiled bath, modern in every
way; city steam heat, hot water fur
nished. Apply 218 Pine street.
floor No. 28 South Third street; six larg«,
rooms, two hay windows, plenty closets,
gas, electric light and city steam. In
quire 400 North street.
FOR RENT Second floor apart
ment; seven rooms; steam heat; elec
tric and gas; phone, etc. Apply Finton
Apartments, 1632 North Sixth street.
FOR RENT Apartment, four rooms j
and bath; all conveniences; city vapor,
heat; also suite of rooms suitable for
doctor or dentist. Apply to dwelling
No. 222 Locust street.
FOR RENT Suburban apartment*;
new, up-to-date; 5 rooms; reception
hall; bath; pantry; front and rear
porches; 220s and 2210 North Third
street. Apply C. C. Whiteman or H.
W. Miller. B«U S23W. or «IR.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished,
airy rooms; plenty of windows; all
facing Capitol Park; electric lights;
hot and cold running water In each
l room; use of large bath and phone.
410 North.
KOR RENT Nicely furnished room
and board; also two furnished rooms
for light housekeeping. Apply 222
North Third street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms,
single or en suite, light housekeeping.
Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth
FOR RENT Two neatly furnished
rooms, with large bay window, front;
each room convenient for one or two
gentlemen. Hoffman Apartments, Fifth
and Market streets. Second Apartment.
WANTED Three unfurnished sec
ond floor rooms, with balcony, by el
derly ladles; heat and light; moderate
rent. Address X., 2909. care of Tele
429 BROAD STREET Built especi
aly for light housekeeping, single or
with kitchenettes; arrangements
strictly private; stoves furnished free;
laundry, phone and bathroom privi
leges; lockers for surplus furniture.
1321-23 Wallace Itreet; remodeleu
and newly papered throughout: ar
rangements. two rooms and a kitchen
with running water, range and cabinet.
Dally inspection invited. Inquire on
premises, or 107 ik>as street. Phone
771) M.
FOR SALE Old-established fur
nished room house, completely furnish
ed. Low rent. House filled. Rooms
en suite. Price reasonable. Two min
utes' walk frcum Market Square. Ad
dress 0., 2876. care of Telegraph Office.
FOR SALE One Stenotype ma
chine, good as new; also one Reming
ton typewriter, model 7; good condition.
Call, or address. Mr. Joseph Hess, 107
Evergreen street.
FOR SALE Second-liana and re
built typewriters of all makes. $lO
and up. I. C. Smith. Underwood, Royal,
Densmore and others. Inquire Ceorg*
i P. Tlllotson. 36 South Fourth street.
long; stream lined hull, with a first
class Grey motor. Apply at 206 Myers
street, Steelton.
FOR BALE lndian motorcycle; fine
condition; 4-H.-P.; free engine; $65 cash
takes it. Call evenings, 418 Hummel
, street.
FOR SALE Good, gray horae.l.»Qo
R>s. Price, 176.00. Inquire Ober*»
Stable, Court and Cranberry.
FOR SAI.E CARDS on itlt at the
Telegraph Business office.
»nd 117 South Second street. 5,000 gal
lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme
quality. All the full line of the Acme
FOR SALE Good Pullman light
delivery automobile; Bosch magneto;
new tires; good condition; too small
for our work. Price, $160.00. Hershey
Creamery Co., Harrlsburg.
FURNITURE Mrs. M. B. Gurtner will
sell at public sale, at her residence, I
2832 Bank street. Penbrook. Pa., on
Saturday, at 3 P. M., August 28. Mrs.
M. B. Gurtner.
FOR SALE 1914 Cadillac Road
ster, fully equipped, extra tire, car in
excellent condition. Demonstration by
appointment. Address S., 2907, care of
BICYCLES, frames, coaster brakes
or any part of bicycle boug-ht for
highest cash price. Write, phono or
call. Keystone Garage, 81* N. 3rd
I street. Bell phone 266-R.
FOR SALE —Indian Motorcycle, twin,
two-speed .electric lights and horn,
speedometer, tandem, starter. We of
fer this machine for quick sale. A
bargain. Neidig Bros., 314 North Sec
ond street. \
MERRILL PIANO Bought three
years ago, in good condition. Cheap on
account of leaving town. Address P. O.
Box IS, Hill Station, Harrlsburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Four round soda
tables, -with four chairs to each table in
compact design; mahogany finish. One
half original cost. • Apply 321 Market
FOR SALE Three-piece mahogany
&arlor suit, in fine condition. Call 237
laclay street.
FOR SALE Fourteen square yards t
of the best Inlaid linoleum, very slight
ly used in private home; will sell for
SIO.OO. Also fine mission librarv suite,
genuine leather seats, with table to
match, $36.00. Address R„ 2898, care of
FOR SALE Household goods and
unclaimed freight on Thursday, Au
gust 26. at 9 A. M. Harrlsburg Storage
Co.. 437-446 South Second street.
FOR SALE Stock and fixtures of l
an old-established Grocery and Meat'
Market, doing an excellent business.
Good reason for selling. Property can
be bought or rented. Stock and fix
tures at inventory. Address No. 2903,
care of Telegraph.
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 25c each. One
of these signs will be given with each
six-time order for a classified ad. If
paid In advance. Inquire at Office of
FOR SALE Scratch Pads new
supply—6o for 26c while they last. Ap
ply Job Printing Department ,The Tele
graph Printing Company.
patterns at half of list price. Paper de
livered anywhere free. Hanging rea
sonable. A. U. Spotz, 1317-19 Market
FOR SALE Five-passenger auto
mobile, Cadillac 1910 model; good con
dition. Inquire 1412 North Third street.
secured at the Telegraph Bualneaa
op TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all
kinds and gates to match. No. lU-llf
South Second.
FOR RENT Desirable first floor
room in Telegraph Building. Inquire
Superintendent. Business Office.
_FOR RENT Second floor room,
3,700 square feet, for light manufactur
ing purposes. New building. Call at
premises. Twelfth and Herr streets.
WANTED To buy a Ford Touring
car; must be in good condition; state
price. Address S„ 2914, care of Tele
graph Office.
sand dollars for three years. High
grade security. Address M., 2906, care
of Telegraph.
I MADE $50,000 In five years In the
mall order business, began with $5.
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
cock. 356 Lockport, N. Y.
ANY Intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798, Lock
port, N. Y.
WE are headquarters for Trunks,
Suit Cases and Bags. Before your va
cation Inspect our large stock. Have
your repairing done here and save
money. Harrlsburg Harness & Supply
Company, Second and Chestnut.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market
street. Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
R. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable and
National Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
2503 R.
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
security In any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower Address P. Q.
Box 174, Harrlsburg. Pa.
rooms for household goods, $2 per
month and up. We Invite Inspection.
Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second
Btreet. Harrlsburg Storage Company.
In 8-story brick building, rear 408
Market street.
Household goods In clean, private
roonia. Reasonable rates. Apply to
P. «. Dlener. Jeweler. 408 Market St.
STORAGE 4l» Broad street, tor
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms. $1 to $$ Wagons. 7E cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper * Co.. 411
Broad street. Both shonea.
Pennsylvania State Highway Depart
ment. Harrlsburg, Pa. Sealed proposals
will be received at said office until lu
A. M., September 16, 1916, when bids
will be publicly opened and scheduled
and contract awarded as soon there
-1 after as possible, for the reconstruc
tion of 11,987 lineal feet of either Bitu
minous or Cement Concrete pavement,
16 ieet wide, situated In Kennett and
East Marlborough townships, Chester
county, and 22,999 lineal feet of either
Bituminous or Cement Concrete pave
ment. 16 feet wide, situated In Hender
son township. Huntingdon county.
1 Plans and specifications may be seen at
office of State Highway Department,
Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street,
Philadelphia, and 903 Hartje Building,
Pittsburgh, Pa. Full particulars and
Information on application to R. J. Cun
iiilngham, State Highway CommUsioner.
The undersigned. Trustee under the
Mortgage of the Lykens and Williams
Valley Street Railway Company, re
corded in Dauphin County in Mortgage
Book Y, Vol. 5, page 333, and In Schuyl
kill County In Mortgage Book 7 D,
page 152, under and by virtue of the
authority therein contained, at the
written request of the holders of one
third in amount of the outstanding bonds
of the said company secured by the
said mortgage,—the said Company hav
ing for a period exceeding three
months after demand made failed to
pay ' the semi-annual Interest on the
said bonds, —will on November 12.
11115, at 2 o'clock, I*. M., In front of the
Courthouse In the City of HnrrUbnra;,
PH., sell to the highest and best bid
der nil the railways, estates, real and
personal, corporate rights and fran
chises of the said Lykens and Williams
Valley Street Railway Company, in
cluding Its line or system of Electric
Railway, in the counties of Dauphin
and Schuylkill aforesaid, together with
all and singular its shops, depots,
stakes, poles, grounds, power houses,
engine houses, car houses, wires, build
ings, Improvements, rolling stock,
tools, machinery, implements, ma
terials, tenements and hereditaments
owned by the said Railway and used
or intended to be used for the purpose
of operating the railways a* the said
Railway Company, and Its rights of
way and rights, privileges and fran
chises acquired In or from the Bor
oughs of Lykens and Wllliamstown
and the Townships of Wlconisco and
Williams in Dauphin County, and the
Borough of Tower City and Township
of Porter in Schuylkill County afore
said; and all the corporate rights and
franchises owned, possessed and en
joyed by the said Railway Company
under and by virtue of the laws of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in
cluding the franchise to be a corpor
ation. The line or system of railway
as now built and operated extends from
the Borough of Lykens in Dauphin
County to Bearmont in Schuylkill
County, a distance of about eleven
miles, and includes the following tracts
or parcels of land, used as ana form
ing a part of the said system or line
of railway:
1. In the Borough of Wllliamstown
aforesaid, bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at a point formed
by the intersection of lands formerly
of Charles Reidinger and Daniel Bad
dorf on the north side of Market street;
thence westward along said street 55
feet; thence north 3 degrees 14 minutes
west 128.25 feet to a point; thence
north 76 degrees 46 minutes west 161.16
feet: thence north 8 degrees 27 min
utes west 132.83 feet; thence north 76
degrees 23 minutes east 223.83 feet to
property now or formerly of Charles
Reidlngef: thence south 3 degrees 14
minutes east 328.08 feet to the place of
beginning; on which are erected the
Office. Power House. Carn Barn, Repair
Shops, Supply Room and Oil House of
the Company;
2. In Williams township, mile
west of Wllliamstown, bounded and
described as follows. Beginning at a
point on the main road leading: from
Wllliamstown to Lykens; thence N. 30
degrees E. 156 feet along the lot of
Row to a post; thence N. 87 degrees W.
42H feet along land of same to a post;
thence N. 3 degrees E. 151 feet along
the lands of and Evangelical
Association to a post; thence N. 87
degrees W. 171 feet to the public road
leading to Dayton; thence N. 3 degrees
E. 298% feet to Dayton; thence S. 86%
degrees E. 548 feet to a stone; thence
S. 3 degrees 15 minutes W. 589 feet
along the lands now or late of Albert
Grace and John Sowers to the first
mentioned public road; thence west
along said public road 332% feet to the
place of beginning; containing 6.13
acres, known as "Midway Park," on
which are erected a Dancing Pavilion
and Theater, an Amusement Building
and a Cooking Shanty, and
3. In Wlconisco iownship, all that
certain part of Lot No. 34 on the gen
eral plan of the town of Wiconisco as
recorded in the Recorder's Office at
Harrisburg, Pa., in Deed Book T, Vol.
2, p. 414. bounded and described as fol
lows: Beginning at the southern line
of Pottsville street at the S. E. corner
of Lot No. 33; thence eastw*ard along,
the said southern line of Pottgville
street 44 feet to the line of property
now or late of the Lykens Vallev Coal
Company; thence S. % degree W. 121
feet more or less to the line of prop
erty now or late of the Summit Branch
Railroad Company; thence westward
along the line of said last mentioned
property and along the northern line
of an alley 84% feet more or less to
the southeast corner of Lot No. 33
aforesaid; thence northward along the
eastern line of said Lot No. 33, 114 feet I
to Pottsville street, the place of be
The motive power contained in said
Power House includes one Harrisburg
Engine, one Skinner Engine, two
Thresher Generators, one Switchboard,
one Water Heater, one Oil Heater, two
Tubular Boilers, one Injection Pump
and three Oil Tanks, with pumps and
oil. The tools, machinery, implements
and materials consist of one Turning
Lathe (motor drive), one Work Bench
Tools for car and track repairing, two
Armatures, four Field Colls, four Rhe
ostats, three Shunts, five Journal
Boxes, three Trolley Bases, two Car
Registers, four Armature Casings, as
sorted Coil and Elliptic Springs, lot of
Brake Shoes and miscellaneous ma
terial for repairing cars, armatures
track and overhead line; one Forge,
one Anvil, one Drill Press, one Work
Bench, one Vise, sundry Blacksmith
Tools and complete set of Traps and
Dies. The rolling stock consists of
one Box Car, two Open Cars, one
Freight Car, two extra Car Trucks
four pairs of extra Wheels and Axles
and ten Car Jacks; all of which ar
ticles are and will be sold as part of
the said line or system or electric rail
Terms: Ten per cent, when property
is struck down and the balance on de
livery of deed in 10 days thereafter.
MY wife, Mrs. W. S. Simmons, hav
ing left my bed and board without Just
cause, I hereby notify all persons not
to harbor nor trust her on my account,
as I will not pay any debts contratced
by her.
(Signed) W. S. SIMMONS.
NOTICE is hereby given that appli
cation will be made to the Public Ser
vice Commission of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania by the Philadelphia
and Heading Railway Company for a
Certificate of Public Convenience, evi
dencing the Commission's approval of
the construction, at grade, of a railroad
siding across Tenth Street, south of
Market Street, a public highway in the
City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County,
Pennsylvania. The public hearing on
which will be held In the rooms of the
Commission at Harrisburg, on the Bth
day of September, 1915, at 10 o'clock In
the forenoon, when and where all per
sons in interest may appear and be
heard If they so desire.
OSCAR M. THOMSON. Special Agent,
Philadelphia & Reading Railway Com'
NOTICE is hereby given that appli
cation will he made to the Governor of
Pennsylvania on Friday, September 17
1915, under the provisions of an Act of
Assembly, entitled, "An Act to provide
for the incorporation and regulation of
certain corporations," approved April
29. 1874, and its Supplements, for a
charter of an Intended corporation to
be called I. E. ROBINSON & COM
PANY. the character and object of
which Is the manufacture, purchase and
sale of clothing and other personal
wearing apparel of every description,
and for these purposes to have, pos
sess and enjoy all the rights, benefits
and privileges by said Act of Assembly
and its Supplements conferred.
NOTICE Letters Testamentary on
I the Estate of Catharine E. Etter. late
of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin
county, Pa., deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned residing at
Reservoir Park, Harrisburg, Pa., all
persons Indebted to said Estate are re
quested to make Immediate payment,
and those having claims will present
them for settlement.
J. H- SHOPP, Attorney,
Bergner Building,
iiarrUburg, Pa.
The old way of washing
takes about 2000 rubs on the
wash-board for the average
way saves at least 1 800 rubs.
Think what this saving of
time and strength means to you.
Just as wonderful for all household cleaning-.
Furnished l>y E. 8. Goshorn,
208-209 Arcade Building.
New York, Aug. 25.
Open. High. Low. Clos.
Ailis-Chal . 40 40 38 % 38^
Am Bt Sug 6414 66 % 64 Vi 64%
Am Can .. 61V4 62 H 60% 62
Am C& F. 69 69% 68% 68%
Am Looe . 54% 55 % 54 54
Am Smelt. 80 80% 79% 79%
Anaconda. 70% 71% 69% 69%
Atchison.. 101% 102% 101% 101%
Baldwin .. 79% 79% 78% 78%
B&O 82 82% 81% 82
Beth Steel .2 80 285 280 283
Can PaciHc 150% 152% 150% 151%
C&O 45 46 45 46
CM& St P 82% 82% 82% 82%
CRI &P. 22 24 21 % 22 U
C Con Cop. 45 45% 45 45%
Co! F & I. 40% 42 40% 41%
Crue St .. 76% 78% 75 75%
Dlst Sec .. 28% 28% 28 28%
Erie 27% 28% 27% 28
Erie Ist pfd 42% 44% 42% 43%
Gen E Co.. 173 178 173 176%
Gen Motors 215 215
Goodrh BF 61 63% 60% 62%
Gt N Ore s 42% 43% 42% 42%
KC So .. . 26% 27% 26% 27
Lehigh Val 143 143 % 142% 142%
Mex Petro. 83 83 % 81% 81%
Mo Pac .. 3% 5% 3% 4%
NY Cent.. 89% 91 89% 90%
NY.NH& H 64% 64% 63% 63%
NY.O & W 25% 26% 25% 26
North Pac. 107 107% 107 107>,i
Pac Mail.. 31% 31% 31% 31%
Pa Rail... 108% 109% 108% 109
Pitts C\... 31% 32 31 31
Pl'S S C... 63 63 60% 60%
Rail S 5... 46% 46% 40 40
RayCC... 22% 22% 22% 22%
Reading .. 148% 150% 147% 148%
Rep 15... 44% 44% 43% 44
.South Pac. 89% 90% 89% 89%
South Ry.. 15% 16 15% 15%
Studebaker. 11l 117% 110% 111%
| Union Pac. 129 131% 129% 130%
US Rub... 51% 52% 51% 52
U S Steel.. 75 76% 75 75
U S Stl pd. 111% 111% 111% 111%
Utah Cop.. 65% 66% 65% 65%
West U Tel 71 71 71 71
West Mfg.. 115% 116% 115% 116
Philadelphia. Aug. 25. Wheat
Lower; No. 2. red. car lots, new, ex
port, $1.08®1.10; No. 1, Northern. Du
luth. old, export, $1.54® 1.69.
Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local,
88iff>89c; steamer. No. 2, yellow, local,
87<6 88c.
Oats—Nominal; No. 2, white, none
Bran Market steady; winter,
city mill, winter, per ton, $26.50;
western, winter, per ton. none here;
spring, per ton, $24.00® 24.50.
Refined Sugars Market unchanged;
powdered, 5.70®5.75c; fine granulated,
5.60® 5.65 c; confectioners' A. 5.50@5.55c,
Butter Market steady; western,
creamery, extras, 26% c; nearby prints,
fancy. 30c.
Eggs The market is Arm;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases, $6.70®7.20 per case; do.,
current receipts, free cases, $6.30®
6.60 per case; western, extras, firsts,
free cases, $7.20®7.50 per case; do.,
Ilrstß, free cases, $6.60® 6.90 per case.
Live Poultry Market steady; fowls,
16®16%c; old roosters, ll(S;12c: broil
ing chicken, 14@20c; spring ducks, 15
(fi'l6c; old ducks not quotea.
Dressed Poultry Market firm;
fresh killed fowls, fancy. lMsifcilSo; do.,
average, 16%®>17%c; do., unattractive.
14%@15Mic; do., old roosters, 13% c; do.,
broiling chickens, nearby, 22®26c; do.,
western, 18®21c; do., spring ducks, 16
®l7c; ice packed fowls, 15®18c.
Potatoes Dull and weak; Maine,
per bushel. 15®2uc; New York, p«r
bushel. 15®20c; Southern, per barrel.
50c®51.25; Jersey, per basket, 10@32c.
Flour Dull and weak; straights,
new, $5.15@5.30; do..patent, new, $6.85®
new, $5.15® 5.40; do., patent, new, $6.00
5.60; do., clear, $5.50®6.25; Kan
sas, Jute sacks. $5.10®5.50; spring,
straight, old. $6.50®6.76; do., patents,
old, $6.75®7.30.
Hay—Nominal; new hay $16.00®21.00
per ton as to quality; No. 1, large
bales, $2400® 2600; No. 1, medium
bales, $25,00; No. 2, do., $14.00; No. i,
do.. $20.00®21.00.
Light mixed, $24.00; No. 1, do., $22.50
@23.00; No. 2. do.. 120.00®21.00.
By Associated I'ress
| Philadelphia. Aug. 25.—Stocks closed
! American Railways 24%
of the
SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv
ed at the office of the undersigned in
the City of Harrlsburg, Pa., until Au
gust 30, 1915, at three o'clock P. M., for
the purchase of SIOO,OOO 4 per cent,
coupon City Bonds in the denomina
-1 tions of $1,000.00, SSOO and SIOO, and
I dated September 1, 1915, consisting
|of ten series from "Q" to "Z." in-
I elusive. Series "Q" for SIO,OOO, ma-
I turlng March 1, 1935, and one series
maturing annually thereafter In aW
phabetlcal order for SIO,OOO each; In
terest payable at the office of the
City Treasurer on the first day of
March and September in each year.
Bonds will be engraved under the
supervision of ana certified as to
their genuineness by the United
States Mortgage and Trust Company,
of New York City, and the legality
approved by John G. Johnson. Es
quire. of Philadelphia, Pa., whose
opinion as to legality or duplicate
thereof will be delivered to the pur
Bach proposal must be accompanied
by cash or certified check, payable
to the order of the City Treasurer
of Harrlsburg, Pa., for two per cent,
of the par value of the bonds wanted.
Delivery of the bonds to be made
at the offloe of the City Treasurer,
I Harrisbure. Pa., on or about Septem
ber 10. 1915.
No bids considered for less than
par and accrued interest from Sep
tember 1, 1915, to date of delivery.
The right la reserved to reject any
or all bids.
Supt. of Accounts and Plnane*.
Cambria Steel 54%
General Asphalt 31
General Asphalt, Pfd 67
Lake Superior Corporation 9
Lehigh Navigation 72%
Lehigh Valley 7J
Pennsylvania Railroad 54%
Philadelphia Electric 23%
Philadelphia Company 42%
Philadelphia Company, Pfd 33
Philadelphia Rapid Transit 9%
Reading 74
Storage Battery 61%
Union Traction 3514
United Gas Improvement 54%
United States Steel 75%
Warwick Iron and Steel 10
By Associated t'rcss
Chicago, 111., Aug. 25.—Board of Trade
Wheat September, 99%; Decem
ber, 97%.
«.9, orn ~~ September, 73%; December,
, September, 67%; Decern
ber, 3b«i4.
13^ rlt September, 13.55; October,
s ■>o ar<l September, 8.07; October,
Ribs September, 8.47; October, 8.60.
Chicago, 111,, Aug. 25.—Hogs Re
ceipts. 19,000; higher. Bulk of sales,
$6.55®7.45: light, 57.20®7.90; mixed.
$6.46 0T 7.85; heavy, $6.25®7.40; rough,
$6.25©6.40; pigs, $7.00®8.00.
Cattle Receipt.-. 17,000; slow, but
steady. Beeves, $6.00«i)10.00; cows and
heifers, $3.10®8.75; Texas steers. $6.10
®7.50; western steers, $6.65®5.85;
calves. $8.50® 12.55.
Sheep_— Receipts. 18,000; steady. Na
tive, $5.65®6.25: western, $5.85(86.35;
yearlings, $6.30®7.35; lambs, native,
$6.75®8.80; western, $6.85®9.00.
To Housekeepers, Work* I
■Ai lngmen and Salaried Km, I
I ployea.
Room 21 4th Floor I
Spooner Building
1 Cheap to Quick Bayer
Photoplay Film Exchange.
Good investment.
Big stock of reels.
Apply any morning this
week at 4 South Fourth street.
The Harrlsburg
; Real Estate Exchange
Public Auction
AT 1.30 P. M.
for Mm. J. P. Smith, Owner.
j Nos. 331. 333, 335 Calder street,
each fronting 14 ft. on Calder street
and 60 feet deep, making a total
on Calder street of 42 feet, and 60
feet d»-ep, having thereon erected
three 2%-atory frame houses. The
houses are all tenanted and very
desirably located and will positive
ly be sold to HIGHEST and BEST
Sale will lie held In front of No.
333 Calder street, and property will
he sold free of all incumbrance and
1915 taxes.
Terms of Sale lO per cent,
when properties are knocked down.
Dnlanee In thirty days.
Rettew & Bushnell
H.D. KOONS, Auctioneer