Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 21, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    her* not clone because prlcea are lower, but because qualities are batten***************
Big Monday Cleanup Sale of
All Summer
At Record Breaking Prices For the One Day Only
We need all possible room for incoming Fall millinery. So we have gone through our stock
of Summer Millinery and cut prices to the core for Monday selling. The prices are for the one
day only—be sure to be on hand.
Black Hemp Hats, f £ Hemp Sport Hats. Children's Colored Hemp
Monday Price 100 Monday Price V C Hats. Monday
White Hemp Hats. QC_ Mo '" lay Pr "* 39c value. Monday Price,
Monday £.DC 50c ACTUAL VALUES 10?
Crash Outing Hats. *1 £ 50c value. Monday Price,
$1.50 ACTUALVALUES Monday Price XO C
Leghorn Hats. oe_ $2.00 ACTUAL VALUES
Monday Price £.DC Genuine Panamas, TRIMMINGS
Monday Price C 25 c an d 39c values. Monday
White Hemp Hats. A Q Genuine Panamas. Q Q 50c va^ue * Monday Price,
Monday Price T"i/C Monday Price t/OC (
1c to 25c Department Store
Where Every Day Is Bargain Day
XX?QMen rgJnreße-8
Why Worry?
"The legs of the stork are long, the
legs of the duck are short; you can
not make the legs of the stork short,
neither can you make the legs of the
duck long. Why worry?" says the
Chinese philosopher.
The world is not at all as most of
us would have it. In summer we who
•work in the great cities must face
Iqj.r stretches of hot days when we
d#tg through our toil in sweltering
But what do we accomplish if when
the first hot day of July arrives we
begin to worry lest this be the be
ginning of a "hot spell?" Neither
heat nor cold is any the easier to
bear because we worry about our
ability to bear It.
Do you know why an aching tooth
troubles you most at night? During
the day your tooth has ached a bit,
but you have been busy about your
tasks and have had little time to
spend in considering the pain, or if
you did consider it at all it was to
dismiss it with the idea that if it got
unbearable you could run in to your
dentist's office for a minute and seek
At night how different the case of
your tooth versus you! You lie down
in fear lest it begin to ache and thus
cause you suffering. You worry your
self into A state of weak receptive
ness where pain and jangled nerves
may have full sway. You imagine
how dreadful the pain will be when
it comes.
All worry has as poisonous an effect
as this. Never was there wiser mot
to than this one popular a few years
ago: "I have had many troubles in my
.time —and most of them never hap
Troubles are always worse in anti
cipation than in fact. Sorrow, suffer
* >
White Pine
To secure a beauti
ful durable and eco
nomical trim for your
house you can do no
better than use our
Michigan White Pine
With it you can
achieve any wood ef
Besides you avoid
the unnecessary ex
pense of hard wood
finish for the interior
while at the same time
you are able to get the
hard wood appear
Come in and see
what we have; our
yard is located in the
center of the city.
No trouble to show
United Ice & Coal Co.
Main Office:
Forster and Cowden St».
!«<•* ••tablbhmaqt. Bert tadlltlw. Nmrtm
•xpenilve. Chap*]*, roosu. vault, to*, oaod
Try Telegraph Want Ads
ing, poverty, shame —any evil that be
falls you—can be endured when the
time comes for facing it. Strength
is found for facing reality or else
one proes under and is finished! But
for the waste and wear and tear and
silly foolishness of tilting at shad
ows, there is no remedy—except just
to STOP.
Worry brings trouble nearer, makes
it happen sooner, clouds hours that
might well have been stin filled,
weakens the power of enduring when
real trouble arives. Worry nets you
no gain, gets you no power. There
is never an antidote for worry in ac
tion of a useless sort. It never sane
ly works out methods of avoiding
evil. It is Just flustered fright that
cannot take proper precautions to
prevent harmful happening.
Why worry? Thee are many
things in life that cannot he changed
and that must be endured. Winter
is bound to have blizzards; summer
is sure to have scorching sunshine,
but against facts of climate and natu-'
ral phenomena, against strong physi
cal reactions and fatigue and pain
and hunger and thirst, worry will not
avail you.
Suppose you have not been sleep
ing well; suppose you have an un
comfortable habit of blushing, sup
pose you are tongue-tied in company;
none of these things (or others even
more annoying) will work you any
great harm. Men have lived to be
eighty > and have been sound and ac
tive in spite of not sleeping four
hours a night on an average for
thirty years.
People who blush or are tongue
tied and awkward in company often
win friends through their very sim
plicity and shy sweetness.
I know a man who for ten years
was a "merchant prince." During all
New Speed Record Comes
With Cooper's Victory
Special to The Telegraph
Elgin, 111., Aug. 21.—The Chicago
Automobile Club Trophy for which nine
drivers entered over the Elgin course
was won yesterday by Earl Cooper. The
time for the 301 miles established a
now record for the course. Cooper's
average speed was 74.97. The previous
record for the distance over the Elgin
track was at the rate of 73.5 miles per
hour, made by Ralph De Palma last
De Palma was the favorite at the
start and held the lead for the first
fifty miles, when he broke a rocker
arm. He laid up at the pit for more
School of Commerce
Troup Btilldlnr, Phone, Bell 1846 J.
IB So. Market Square, Harrliburg, Pa.
Fall term bcsimai Day School, Septem
ber 1| Night Sehool, September 6.
Office open from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m..
Phone, write or call for catalog or
farther Information,
Harrisburg Business College
Day and Night School
Sept. 7, 1915
Business, Shorthand and Civil Serv
ice. 30th year. 329 Market St., Har
risburg, pr
that time he made himself miserable
worrying about the possibility that
he "might starve in a garret" some
'day. Recently he met with financial
ruin. His worrying had not impelled
him to take precautions or save for
"a rainy day." But his worrying had
clouded t the ten years that might
have been happy.
Why worry? There is no force for
good in worry; no impulse to ward
off evil; no strength to combat dan
ger. Worry wakes nerves and wrin
kles; it is the traitor who opens the
citadel of your personality to evil; it
wears you out anticipating suffering,
so that you are not strong to combat
it if it should come; It creates an
atmosphere in which calamity flour
nss concern, might not marriage be
When you have trouble that can be
met by action or warded off by fore
sight, by all means act and plan.
When you suspect or imagine an un
pleasant possibility why brood over it
until you have manufactured your
own little "old man of the sea" to
carry as a burden?
When you faice facts of nature, of
society, of your own personality, why
worry about the way they are going
to work out? •
If you come ever to some swift cur
rent over which there is no bridge
perhaps you can turn and go some
other way! If not there may be a
ferry to carry you over —or' perhaps
you will find you can swim or even
ford the waters. The evil you can
imagine—the way out you may not
be clever enough to conceive. Why
worry ?
"The legs of the stork are long;
the legs of the duck are short. You
cannot make the legs of the stork
short; neither can you make, the legs
of the duck long. Why worry?"
than an hour while the part was being
replaced, and started again, although
hopelessly beauten. Finally seeing
that the pursuit was hopeless he drop
ped out to have his motor for the race
Social and Personal News
of Towns Along West Shore
Mjss Emma Kline, Harry Hoffman
and William Bechtel, of Harrisburg,
were in Marysville on Thursday.
Charles Kass has returned to his
home at Philadelphia, after spending
his summer vacation with his grand
father, Charles F. Kass, at Marys
Miss Mona Myers has returned to
her home at Shermansdale, after visit
ing friends at Marysville.
Samuel Shope, of Marysville, candi
date for the Republican nomination of
Director of the Poor of Perry county,
was in New Bloomfleld this week.
Miss Romaine Spangler has return
ed to her home at York after spending
some time with A. B. Palmer of
J. F. Heishley, of Harrisburg, visit
ed relatives at Marysville this week.
Miss Katherine Hench and Miss
Stella Deckard. of Marysville, are visit
ing Mrs. Effle Bell at Keystone.
The Rev. H. I. Crow of Bethlehem,
is spending part of his vacation with
Charles E. Kass at Marysville.
Mrs. Kate Gettys and son, Fred, of
Roanoke, Va., spent several days with
Mrs. Julia Gettys at Marysville.
Mrs. C. M. Kennedy, and children, of
Harrisburg, spent Thursday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ellen
berger at Marysville.
Marysville, Pa., Aug. 21. "The
Principles of the Christian Faith" will
be the subject of an interesting ser
mon In the Methodist Episcopal
church on Sunday evening, by the Rev.
S. B. Bidlack. On Sunday afternoon,
the Rev. Mr. Bidlack will conduct a
baptismal service In the Susquehanna
The Rev. L .H. Hiesley, of near this
place, a divinity student at Albright
College will preach In the Church of
God on Sunday morning.
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa.. Aug. 21.—A car on
the Northern trolley leaving Shady
Grove at 7:30 in the evening, ran into
a herd of cattle belonging to Lewis
Bowders, near Reld, Md., killing two
of the animals, severely injuring two
others, and detailing a fifth member of
[the herd. The front of the trolley car
I wan battered and all the windows were
A'New Model with Straight Edges
Adapted to Embroidery.
8609 Fancy Blouse, 34 to 42 bust.
Here is a dainty blouse that means very
little labor for the making. The edges of
the fronts, of the collar and cuffs are
straight, consequently embroidery and
lace suit them to perfection. In the pic
ture, fine batiste is used for the blouse
and the embroidery is joined by means of
hem-stitching. The finish can of course be
varied to suit each need. For the blouse,
all sorts of pretty materials are appro
priate; crftpe de cnine, batiste, voile and
cotton crtpe suggest themselves at once
and cr&pe de chine or other silk materials
can be used in combination with lace.
If embroidery is not liked, the blouse can
be made of material throughout and the
edges finished with banding or scallops or
treated in any way that may be liked.
Whatever the material, whatever the
finish, the blouse will be an attractive
one and the combination of tl\e V-shaped
neck and long sleeves is especially smart.
For the medium size will be required
aH yds. of material 27 in. wide, 1% yds.
36, 1% yds. 44 in. wide, with 2% yds. of
embroidery ss4 in. wide; or, 3J4 yds. of
material 27 in. wide, 2 yds. 36, 1% yds.
44 in. wide, for the entire blouse.
The pattern 8609 is cut in sizes from
34 to 42 in. bust measure. It will be
mailed to any address by the Fashion
Department of this paper, on receipt of
ten cents.
Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns.
Will Bo Bijtgest Motion Pii-ture House
in City With Largest Pipe
Orßan in Pennsylvania
The opening of the Colonial Theater
Monday morning at 11 o'clock as a
moving picture theater will mark the
start.of what promises to be a busy
theatrical season for the Wilmer and
Vincent people operating the Or
pheum, Majestic and Colonial in Har
The Colonial has been completely re
furnished and renovated for the open
ing Monday and the installation of the
big three manual Moller pipe organ
was completed to-day. Special elec
trical equipment has been provided to
insure perfect projection of the pic
tures on the screen and the lobbies of
the theater have been made over into
spots of ease and beauty. The big
screen is surrounded by a Japanese
pagoda setting, making the setting ex
ceedingly beautiful. The floors have
been completely recarpeted and the
interior and exterior boast new coats
of paint.
Changes of program will be made
at the Colonial every Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday. High class film
features, Pathe news pictorials and
the best comedy films will be shown
at the new moving picture house, the
Vitagraph, Lubin, Selig, Essanay
group of features being contracted
The opening headliner will be Cyrus
Townsend Brady's five-reel film story,
"The Chalice of Courage" which will
feature the Monday and Tuesday pro
gram. This film story has its setting
in the heart of the Rocky Mountains
and the scenic effects produced
through photography in the dead of
winter are most picturesque. The tale
revolves around a recluse and an east
ern girl, both of whom are immured
in a mountain hut over winter because
of the impassable snows. When the
Spring comes then comes happiness
for both and suicide for the man who
stood between their love. The story
grips from start to finish and is con
sidered one of the very best Vita
graph features ever produced.
Wednesday and Thursday, "The
Climbers" will be shown; Friday and
Saturday, the headliner will be
"Crooky" with Frank Daniels, the
well-known comedian, in the principal
Much interest is being evinced
throughout the city's theatergoers in
Good Millinery Stand
For Rent!
Possession September 1
If interested In a good money-making
Millinery Business, write for particu
lars at once. No old stock. Must be
rente'd by September 1. Residence con
Address or call on
CHAS. S. YEAGERf Ephrata, Pa.
1° . CITY N.J.
from akin tortures get speedy and per
manent relief by using
Dondi Eczema Ointment
Cases of Eczema of years' standing
have responded to the treatment ana
permanent relief effected. Price SB
All druggists or P. O. Box 419, Har
rlsburg, Pa.
™ 5
| Reconstructing a Store |
I And Its Methods J
"■ ■ M
~ c==============THEßE yet lies in the path of able, willing earnest workers, ®
| a task far greater than hoisting giant girders or placing ■■
5 U huge beams to support a substantial building, before the £
f] H tedious work of reconstruction is finished. |j
If Si We've already stated- that "Ideals will be adjusted;
S 8 standards remounted on a higher base."
<s> A Z
fWI c 9; *t 1S our purpose to adopt most modern methods of busi- S
W i ness rou tine — t0 promote individual betterment among ®
" members of our Store Family—and place at the disposal 0
%L °* tlie P u^^c a thoroughly reliable store where shopping ■■
™ may be done in an easy and comfortable manner.
1 . 1
U All are but students in the art of serving human desires; but with m
S the aid- of a proficient instructor, we're all steadily climbing to a higher £?
Z state of Efficiency.
M EFFICIENCY is but one of the standards by which this store 0
5 will be guided. ™]
| . |
I JzaccmanZ (
the fact that Herman Yeager, former
conductor of the Orpheum orchestra,
is to play the big pipe organ. Mr.
Yeager is one of the best organists in
the State and he is one of the most
popular musicians in Harrisburg. He
will play the organ from 2 to 5 in
the afternoon and from 7 to 11 in
the evening-
The theater will be open every day
from 11 to 11. The price has been
set at ten cents for grown-ups and a
jitney for children. —Advertisement.
This week's vaudeville show at the
Paxtang Park theater is one that any
one who enjoys vaudeville should take
the opportunity of seeing this even
ing if they have not already done so.
It is without doubt the best park bill
we have had this season. In fact the
bill compares favorably with any of
the shows presented at the leading
theaters of the town.
Next week's program will be an
nounced on Monday and some sur
prises in the way of headliners sel
dom seen outside the dollar admission
theaters are promised.
Another big fireworks display 'will
be given at the park on Thursday
evening. The public haS become so
well acquainted with the quality of
the fireworks shown at Paxtang that
a first class pyrotechnical entertain
ment may be looked for on that date.
I is "Crowded with
■ —there are I
six more in ■
I Sterling Gum I
H The 7^-point I
The object of "Safety
First" Is prevention.
You can prevent your
advertising from meet
ing the fate of the waste
basket If you will make
it attractive with proper
Bring your next copy
to us for Illustrative
treatment. One treat
ment will convince you
that our methods are a
The Telegraph
Art &Engraving
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Street June >7. 1915.
TRAINS leave Harrisburg—
For Winchester and Martlnebur* at
5:08, *7:52 a. m., *8:40 p. m.
For Hacerstown, Chambersburgr. Car
lisle, Mechanlosbur* and Intermediate
stations at *5:03, *7.5J, *11:68 a. m_
*8:40. 5:17, *7:46. *11:00 p. m.
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Mechanlcsburs at 9:48 a. m.. 2.16; I:2*,
6:3U, 9:25 a. m.
For Dlllsburg at 6:02, *7:52 and
*11:53 a. m.. 2:ls, *3:40, 5:37 and 6:M
p. m.
•Daily. All other trains dally ezeepS
, Sunday. H. A KIDDLE.
i. H. TONGa a. P. A
AUGUST 21, 1915.
Plans for the big park bargain day on
September first are.rapidly being per
fected and the day's program will be
announced some day next week. It is
Manager Davis' object to make this
one of the big days of the season and
great bargain opportunities for pleas
ure seekers are promised.—Advertise
Special to The Telegraph
Marietta, Pa., Aug. 21.—Announce
ment was made to-day of the marriage
of Miss Clara Hardies, of Detroit,
Mich., and Chester R. Bushong, which
took place on July 21, the Rev. H.
Horny, of the Lutheran church, offi
Why Not You?
A TRUST COMPANY is selected as execu
tor and trustee by many thoughtful people
of means.
Whether your estate is large or of only mod
erate size, you cannot better assure its careful
management in the best interest of your heirs
than by naming this company in your will to
serve you in such a capacity.
Let's Talk It Over in Confidence
To All Contractors and jj
Material Men
The Board of Directors of the Keystone State
Fair and Industrial Exposition desire names of
all contractors and material men interested in
bidding on work to be done on our Speedway
and Fair Grounds. Names must all be in our
office by August 25th, in order to reach our ar
chitects in Chicago by August 28th. , j j
Keystone State fair & Industrial Exposition
By W. M. HAWTHORNE, President.
706 Kunkel Building, Harris burg, Pa. _
Buy Ceal Now—Cheapest jj
This Is the month to order next winter's supply of coal. There's J
a material saving to be effected, and the wise folk are taking advantage J
of present low prices. Buy before the advance comes, and buy; Mont- j
■ornery coal thus Insuring the most quality for your money.
Both Phones Third and Chestnut Streets
Waynesboro. Pa., AUK. 21. — A thief
went into the dental offices of Dr. J.
C. Criswell, in the Wayne building, and
the dental parlors of Drs. Stevenson
and Heefner, in the Bank of Waynes
boro building, early yesterday and
took all the scraps of gold fillings and
bridge material laying around loose,
to the value of SIOO.
Marietta, Pa., Aug. 21 To-day the
Pioneer Fire Company held a concert
and festival, the proceeds to be used in
Koing to Philadelphia to the State
Firemen's convention. The Liberty
Band of Marietta, furnished the music
and they will accompany the fire laa
dies on their trip.