Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 20, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Bttabluktd itti
Prtsidtnt and Biitor-m-Chiif
S tertiary
Managing Editor
Published every evenln* (except Sun
day) at the Telegraph Building, 116
Federal Square. Both phones.
Member Amerloan Newspaper Publish
ers' Association. Audit Bureau of
Circulation and Pennsylvania Associ
ated Dallies.
Eastern OfTlce. Fifth Avenue Building,
New York City, Hasbrook, Story St
Western Office, Advertising Bulldtnr.
Chicago, 111., Allen St Ward.
Delivered by carriers at
<DMkerl£64C> six cents a week.
Mailed to subscribers
at $3.00 a year in advance.
Entered at the Post Office In Harris
burg, Pa., as second class matter.
Snorn dally average circulation for the
three months ending July 31, 11)15
it 21,084 ★
Average for the year 1914—21389
Average for the year 1913—19,963
Average for the year 1913—19,649
Average for the year 1911—17,068
Average for the year 191(^—16,261
The above Harare* are net. All re
turned, unaold and damaged copies de
Feear not, O faithful heart,
but bring what most is meet;
Bring love alone, true love alone;
and lay it at His feet.
—Richard Watson Gilder.
IN one column of a Washington
newspaper we read that President
Wilson is "determined to have a
ship purchase bill passed" by the
coming session of Congress, and that
he Is very much In earnest in his de
sire to build an American merchant
marine. In another column of the
same publication we note the trans
fer of several American steamers to
foreigners, as a result of the opera
tions of the La Follette law, which
act the President approved. The Wil
son shipping policy appears to be
one of off again on again and we
cannot but wonder how long it will
he until it is gone again.
With a multiplicity of candidates
coming into the political arena at this
time for all. manner of offices, the peo
ple will have little difficulty in choos
ing their public servants for the next
three or four years. But the theory
that the open primary would solve all
the political ills of our day is being
rudely shattered by fusion games and
all sorts of machinations.
WHEN Emperor William ex
claimed: "Nothing must be
done anywhere on the globe
without the sanction of Germany's
ruler," the whole world laughed.
Paragraphers were busy with the
saying for days. Cartoonists had un
bounded fun with it. It was a good
joke; this bombastic flub-dub of a
swaggering imperial swell-head. But
evidently the Kaiser did not regard it
as such. The evidence of German
interference with things Amerioan
and the exposure of German secret
service activities at Washington, as
outlined by the sensational articles
appearing during the past week in the
New York World, are convincing proof
that the emperor was very much in
earnest. The big question now agi
tating the American people is, what
is the President going to do about it?
Russia's ammunition may be low, but
she still has a plentiful supply of jaw
breaking names.
GERMANY is very naturally
ch'eered by the wonderful vic
tories her armies are winning in
Russia. Mile after mile they are
driving the armies of the czar, thou
sands of prisoners have been taken,
cities have fallen into the hands of
the Kaiser's onrushlng hosts. "On
to Petrograd" is the cry and It may
be that the Germans will reach the
capital of the Czar. But many will
hesitate to pass such Judgment until
the feat has been accomplished, re
membering the "On to Paris" of a
year ago.
It is true that Russia is being
frightfully punished and her losses
of men have been tremendous. But
men are the cheapest munition of
■war the Czar has at his call. What
he needs are guns, ammunition and
other supplies and these he is rapid
ly accumulating.
There is just one possibility of a
permanent German success In Rus
sia, and that is the envelopment ori
destruction of the Russian armies.
So long as they are in retreat, so long
they will be a constant menace to the
invading forces. Up to this time the
Germans have not been able either to
break the Russian armies or the Rus
sian spirit, and if the Grand Duke
extricates himself from his present
position there Is left for him all Rus
sia and all Asia into which he may
retreat. Of course. It Is not likely
that he will avail himself of more
of the territory to his rear than he
must, but there Is always the possi
slbillty of successful flight, and every
day gained is of priceless worth to the
Czar and of inestimable loss to the
Germans, no matter how successful
it may have gone for their arms.
Even the capture of Petrograd
would not spell victory, although it
would be a big step In that direc
tion, any more than the loss of Paris
would have meant the ultimate defeat
o' France. Neither Is Petrograd so
seriously menaced today as was Paris
at the outset of the war. Fabian tac
tics are as old as warfare and the
army pressing the offensive often
finds itself In distress at the end, even
as the Russians at the beginning of
the war.
Russia has been the graveyard of
more than one military ambition. It
has room for many more gravestones.
IT Is altogether in keeping with the
character of the celebration that
the churches of the city should
have been Invited to participate In the
big municipal Jubilee which is to mark
the completion of Harrlsburg's pub
lic Improvements next month. It is to
be hoped that the pulpits will ring
with clarion calls to municipal service
on the Sunday set apart for the ob
servance in the churches.
This is our city, our home, and if
we do not leave it a better place for
our children than we found it we
have not fulfilled our duty to our-
selves or to posterity. Furthermore,
[a city that provides sparkling, whole
some water for its people, which gives
them clean, paved streets, which sets
apart for them playgrounds, parks and
recreation places, which in short gives
them proper surroundings in which
their physical health may be preserved
and their moral and spiritual natures
opportunity to expand and which in
creases their possibilities for happi
ness, is fulfilling the mandates of the
great Power of which the church on
earth is the agent.
It is fitting, indeed, then that min
isters should point out to their mem
bers'the benefits that have been de
rived from the public improvements
which we have wrought at so great
an expenditure of labor and money,
and to point out to them that we have
made but a fair start and that the fu
ture holds much to be done if we are
to keep step with the vigorous march
of progress we have been maintaining
for the past fourteen years.
When the first improvement cam
paign was under way preachers spoke
In potent voice in behalf of the pro
gram as then outlined, and who shall
say the influence they then wielded
was not for the up-building of the city
and the betterment of everybody
claiming Harrisburg as his home.
THE reunion of the Republican
party for the 1916 campaign is
foreseen by United States Sen
ator Henry Cabot Lodge. Speaking
ai the outing of the Worcester County
Republican Club, in Massachusetts, the
other day. Senator Lodge deplored the
division of the party in 1912 and saw
reason for rejoicing in the fact that it
was "reuniting once more in a com
mon and commanding purpose." "I
prefer to say reuniting," he added. "I
do not like overmuch the words 're
turn' or 'comeback,' for I have no dis
tinctions to draw, and in our reunion,
when completed, the Republican party
will not only find victory, but, what is
far more important, prosperity and
repose will once more be granted to
our business, and our high standing
abroad, so sadly impaired, will be re
Senator Lodge's words are not only
encouraging to Republicans every
where as coming from one who has
sources of information not open to the
ordinary voter and who is noted as a
far-sighted, keenly observant states
man. but they strike the keynote of
party unity as well. There is no such
thing as "coming back" for thousands
of Republicans who voted for Roose
velt in 1912 for the very plain reason
that they never were outside the party.
Many of them cast their ballots for the
Progressive candidates In the firm con
viction that by doing so they were
supporting the choice of a majority of
the voters of the Republican party.
They were Republicans and they regis
tered in the voting booths their protest
against what they thought was a per
version of leadership. They were just
as honest and sincere as those who
voted for William Howard Taft.
But next year will find a different
situation. The voters will be unques
tionably in the saddle. There will be
r.o excuse whatever for a party split.
So there can he no talk of "coming
back" to the party, because, to repeat,
those who supported Roosevelt four
years hack were never really out of
the party. Rather, it will be, as Sen
ator Lodge says, a reunion of Repub
licans. The ultra-conservative and tho
ultra-radical elements will come to
gether on a common platform, where
each will yield something, but where
their views will be met in the main as
they will be in no other party decla
ration that will be written next year.
WE had been led to believe that
the German secret service
penetrated all things, knew all
things and could accomplish all things
It set out to accomplish. We had been
persuaded that it was the most effi
cient Instrument of its kind on earth.
Now comes the New York World
with evidence that its secret service
has investigated pretty thoroughly the
secret service of the kaiser. It has
been operating so effectively that it
has kept tabs on even the most secret
transactions of the kaiser's most se
cret agents. In short it has not only
played the Germans at their own game
but it has beaten them at it. Sherlock
Holmes Is a tyro as compared with
this detective agency of the World.
There are hidden in its archives news
stories far more thrilling than were
ever printed even in the sensational
exposures of hidden transactions so
frequently appearing In the columns
of the World itself.
—The telephone girl may not be a
good angler, but at all events she
knows how to throw a line.
—Anybody who longs for the days
of June may do so; weather like the
past two days for ours.
—lf we wanted to be real nasty
about it, we might infer that there
have been occasions when the Harris
burg Indians had to play the umpire,
—Georgia is our idea of a good place
to stay away from.
—lf at the close of the war Euro
peans turn their bayonets into plow
shares some of them will have to go
over to Africa to find room in which
to work.
—The cost of living has advanced
$3 a week in Germany. Ah, come on
over, Kaiser, and take a lesson from
the Wilson administration.
Lloyd-George has proved that some
hyphenated citizens are mighty valu
able.—Kansas City Times.
Although disturbed by the presence
of our marines, Haiti hopes that the
customary disorder will soon be re-,
stored.—Washington Post.
Diplomacy is something a nation
uses either when it wants to avoid a
fight or when it wants to get into one.
—Philadelphia Inquirer.
The Italians seem to have had a bet
ter eye than the Russians for picking
a nice, comfortable, middle-sized war.
—New York Evening Sun.
[Fronj the Telegraph, Aug. 20, 1865.]
22 Regiments Still in Service
Twenty-two Pennsylvania regiments
are still in service in different parts of
the country. Camps Curtin and Re
turn, of this city, are almost deserted,
most of the soldiers having been dis
Repeal Ordinance
Council has repealed the ordinance
prohibiting the sale of liquor between
the hours of 11 in the evening and 1
o'clock in the morning.
Immoral of John Haldeman
Funeral services for John Halde
man will be held from his home in
Front street, Tuesday afternoon at 3
Said to llnvf Worked When I'rlnrr for
American Nenapaper
Most people know of King Albert's
love of literature, but few are aware
that some time ago his desire for
knowledge prompted him to become a
newspaper correspondent. When Prince
of the Belgians lie put aside his title
for a plain Incognito and traveled
through France, Austria. Great Britain,
America and Scandinavia as a press re
porter. In this way the democratic
Prince was able to study the commer
cial advantages of other countries as
well as broauen his views and educate
his mind. In order that he should not
be recognized during his expeditions
King Albert grew a beard, wore glasses
and trimmed his hair in a new way. His
disguise was so effective that many of
his countrymen to whom he was a fa
miliar figure passed him without recog
nition in the various towns he visited
The royal reporter seriously worked
at the profession he adopted. In
America lie was employed by a Minne
apolis newspaper at a salary of sls a
week. The King's employers were quite
unaware of his identity.
[From the Philadelphia Bulletin.]
The seventh separate and special fund
in the hands of the State Treasurer has |
just been set aside at Harrisburg ac
cording to recent law and as a result
it is announced that available cash has
been so depleted that current payments
for schools and general purposes may
have to be curtailed. The latest fund
is that of the Game Commission derived
from fees for hunters' licenses and
amounts to something more than half
a million dollars, which can only be
spent for the establishment and main
tenance of preserves, the propagation
and protection of game and as bounties
for noxious creatures.
While the purpose of these special
funds is good, in that the Legislature
sought to provide that especial benefit
should be given to objects mostiv di
rectly concerned with or related to the
origin of the particular revenue, like
the restriction of the automobile licetiSe
collections to improvement of the State
highways, it is, nevertheless, plain that
the idea, carried too far, may handicap
the fiscal officers of the State in meet
ing the general running expenses of the
His job wasn't much, at the office:
We thought him a sort of a dub.
He took little part in our chaffing,
He didn't belong to a club.
We thought him a cipher with rim off:
We pitied him worst thing of all!
Till we saw him one day with his
And we wished all our taunts to re
The look in the eyes of his kiddies,
As up at their father they gazed,
Made all of us alter our ratings—
It left us ashamed and amazed.
It was worship, all trustful ahd loving;
It made all us "baches" seem crooks.
We take off our hats to him. mornings.
Since we've found him a daddy de luxe.
—Reading Herald.
[From the Philadelphia Press.]
The right of neutrals to sell muni
tions of war Is not only a long-estab
lished and recognized right, but it is a
right which makes for Justice snd
equity, as It serves to shield the peace
ably disposed nations against the ag
gression of prepared and bullying Pow
ers when fired by a lust of conquest.
]From the Erie Evening Herald.[
You can't always Judge by appear
ances. The daschund has mighty short
legs hut his pants are Just as long as
any other dog's.
TFrom the New York Sun.]
James J. Hill, the railway builder of
the Northwest, has been seleoted by a
committee of five as MinnesotiTs great
est living citizen to accept honors be
stowed by the Panama-Pacific Exposi
tion. Mr. Hill belongs to the nation as
one of Its eminent men no less than to
Minnesota. It Is a curious thing that
our foremost railroad man was born In
Canada and that Canada's great rail
road men. Van Home and Shaughnessy
saw the light In the United States.
[From the St. Louis Weekly Globe-
Before Vic Murdock went to Congress
he was a delightful humorist. His pre
dictions as chairman of the Progressive
national committee Indicate that he Is
returning to his old form.
[From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.]
After watching the actions of a man
who discovered a "fresh-paint" sign on
a fence the other day, we were able to
better understand the Kaiser's curiosity
as to that "strlct-accountabllitv" thing.
The m#n wanted to be sure th« paint
really was fresh.
It was.
*j>otO£c* lit
By ttie Ei
The first nominating petition for a
congressional candidate in the 24th
district, where a special election will
be held to select a successor to the
late William M. Brown, was filed to
day by Henry W. Temple, of Washing
ton county. Mr. Temple was elected
to congress in 1912 as a Progressive.
The petition filed to-day Is for the Re
publican nomination. The district Is
composed of Beaver, Lawrence and
Washington counties.
Judicial nominating petitions were
filed to-day in behalf of Judge S. J.
Telford, Indiana, who seeks renomin
ation, and for the following judicial
candidates: U. P. Rossiter, Erie; F.
H. Wilkinson, Greene; Clement B. Mc-
Carter, Beaver; William T. Dare, Jef
ferson; Samuel H. Sell, Bedford, and
James A. McLaughrey, Mercer.
—Late yesterday a big paper was
filed for Judge Joseph S. Woods, con
taining names of many prominent men
in Mifflin, Huntingdon and Bedford
counties. The Judge, who is a former
senator, will be backed by a strong
citizens' committee.
—Judge R. S. Holt, Beaver, and Ar
thur T. Park, Chester, filed judicial
nominating papers late yesterday, both
being good sized documents.
—Congressman J. Hampton Moore
yesterday reiterated his desire to re
main in congress rather than become
mixed up in a mayoralty row.
—Mayor Ira W. Stratton, of Read
ing, and Samuel I. Spyker, of Hunting
don, are being mentioned as possible
appointees to places in the State gov
ernment soon. Spyker is likely to be
come counsel for'the Workmen's Com
pensation Board.
—Philadelphia Democrats are scrap
ping gorgeously over magistrate nomi
nations. The Democracy can always
be depended upon to fuss when there
is no occasion for it.
—Lieutenant Governor Frank B.
McClain, State Treasurer Young and
Secretary of Internal Affairs Henry
Houck will be in the Panama-Pacific
Exposition party.
—Apparently fusion schemes are not
taken very seriously very far from
Market Square.
—Pittsburgh dispatches say that the
Penrose influence will be thrown
against P. C. Knox for senator. Knox
has been strongly boosted by some of
the Pittsburgh newspapers.
—Harry D. Schaeffer, who is out for
orphans' court in Berks, was a former
candidate for the bench. He will op
pose Judge Bushong, who was named
by Governor Tener to the bench.
—Erie is facing a lively contest for
nominations for c.lty council In the
midst of the recovery from the flood.
Excitement is not hard to find in Erie
at any time.
—Commissioner Smith said In Phila
delphia last night that he was giving
attention to his new job and nothing
else. .
—From all accounts, the responses
'to State/ Chairman Morris' efforts to
lift the burden of debt from the Demo
cratic State committee have not been
very liberal. He found It as hard to
get many answers in this community
as it was to secure harmony between
the Wetzel and Blddie wings in Cum
berland county.
—The Philadelphia Record a few
days ago contained this interesting
editorial comment, which might be
headed "The Truth Will Out." The
Record s/ild: "The truth will out.
Our esteemed contemporary. Warren
Worth Bailey, who hates polHical
bosses and who has been trying to
make himself believe there is a Demo
cratic organization in Pennsylvania,
now protests that th%re was no Demo
cratic platform in this State last year
and that the squeak of one lone Indi
vidual was masqueraded as a Demo
cratic platform."
The Philadelphia Record says to
day of the Philadelphia mayoralty:
"A new situation arose in the Repub
lican mayoralty tangle yesterday when
City Chairman David H. Lane, who is
now in Atlantic City, was quoted as
saying that Thomas B. Smith had at
one time been agreed upon as a com
promise candidate for mayor, and
when both Senator McNichol and Sen
ator Vare promptly denied this report,
making their first public utterance on
the Smith boorji. The statements of
McNichol and Vare practically give
the lie to The whole matter
aroused discussion afresh concerning
the Smith candidacy and it was agreed
that there probably had been some
thing to the Smith boom in the first
place, but that it was now abso
lutely dead."
The Philadelphia Inquirer says to
day of Governor Rrumbaugh: "The
Goyernor is much tanned and looks as
he says he feels—in tip-top physical
condition. His good roads program is
occupying considerable of his atten
tion. he said, and so far aa it has been
worked out has been highly grati
fying. 'ln coming through Pennsyl
vania,' he said, 'I traversed probably
150 miles of country in which the
patrol system is now'in •force,-and the
effects of it are apparent to any ob
server. I believe it will become one
of the most important factors in pre
serving good highways over Pennsyl
vania. once they are established'."
Our Daily Laugh
What model Is
' Second mort-
"Whenever I
break into a M
You alw a y s^A^T*
com p 1 ain," jv I V&jkJM
"Well, why in the
world." sb« Vfl ~p§)TOe:
answered, —-"im J HUi
"Don't you try
to find the * *J<—»
Br Wing Dinger
But if perchance, while I'm away.
Or cold, as case may be,
I'll be a strolling- 'long the beach
That runs beside the sea.
So if you And no verses here
To-morrow night, forgive.
Because for two days, t«ke my word,
I'm just a-goin' to live.
But if perchance, while I'm away,
The secret I should get
Of what the sad sea waves do say.
Just place a little bet
That when back home again I come
A little verse I'll write
About this unsolved mystery
V And try to set you right.
"How'd You Like to Be the Richest Man in the World?"
r |rV W I
I ' '
—l* rom the N. T. Evening Mail.
ll.—Compulsory Military Service
By Frederic J. Haskin
WERE the military experts of the
nation to speak their minds
they would to a man advise
Uncle Sam to inaugurate a system of
easy but compulsory military service,
based upon that In operation in
The forthcoming report to Presi
dent Wilson of the Secretaries of "War
and Navy may not contain such a rec
ommendation because the experts
Know of the prejudice in the Ameri
can public mind against militarism,
and compulsory service sounds mili
taristic. But they nevertheless believe
that this would be the best solution of
the question of preparedness.
For Switzerland, most peaceful of
nations, has sifted the absolutely es
sential out of the mass of work of the
world in training its military and has
developed a system which in forty-flve
days will convert the youngster of the
street or the farm Into a first-class
fighting man. If the United States had
the Swiss system in operation it would
be able to call to arms In a week
5,000,000 soldiers capable of meeting
an army of equal strength from any
nation in the world and giving an ac
count of itself. Had it such a dormant
army, it is claimed that it would be
absolutely safe from attack and would
remain forever at peace. It is also
held that the training thus given the
youth of the land would be vastly to
its benefit.
What, then, Is this system of Switzer
land and is it adaptable to the needs
of the United States? Let us see
whether compulsory military service is
a burdensome tyranny upon this ad
mirable people.
Iu Switzerland
In Switzerland every lad, during the
summer of the year in which he
reaches the p.ge of twenty, reports for
military service. There are depots
within convenient reach of his home.
He is carefully examined and if he is
found to be physically fit he has passed
a milestone in his career as a possible
defender of his country. About half
of those examined are accepted. It is
a recommendation to a lad to have
passed these tests and it reflects upon
him if he has failed. Prospective em
ployers take note of success or failure
in this test and, since the demand for
eugenic parents has come into being,
the young man who has been shown
unfit to serve his country may have
difficulty in getting himself a wife.
Every lad hopes above all else to be
able to pass his examination with
credit. The public schools give set
ting-up exercises and calisthenics to
develop the youngsters. There are
many military organizations among the
boys to train them for the test. The
effect is felt among the youth of the
land in its desire to become physically
fit. There is also a mental exami
nation in common school subjects, and,
where a lad fails to pass this, he is re
quired to go to night school and make
up his deficiencies.
Each young man is given a book, in
which the results of these tests are set
down. The following summer, that of
the year in which he becomes twenty
one. he reports for work in the cadet
school. Here he gets forty-five days of
very strenuous work in the few tasks
which Switzerland regards as most es
sential parts of a military training.
These are field work and shooting. It
is held that if a man can do credit to
himself in the open, on the march, in
camp, in preparation for battle, and if
he can shoot when the time comes to
fight, he is a pretty good soldier.
Training Out of Doors
These youngsters do not know what
a drill hall Is. All their training takes
place out of doors. They learn how
ts make camp, how to live properly In
the open, how to carry their knap
sacks, how to dig trenches, how to
shoot, how to hear gruelling marches.
What they learn of the precision of
the drill ground is merely incidental
and picked up during marches and
other maneuvers. Switzerland does
not believe that a great amount of this
parade ground precision Is necessary.
During thlJ first period of training
the recruit has fired 200 actual shots
with the sort of gun he would use
during war and his instructors have
sewi that he handled his weapon cor
rectly. As the weeks of vigorous ex
ercise in the open have passed he has
felt his strength developing and has
grown to take pride In it. Finally,
toward the end, he is given two days
and a night of ceaseless, grinding
marching—such a test as he might be
called upon to meet in a great emer
gency. He Is shown what hardship Is,
how he may endure it, how he will
recover from it. It is six weeks as
though he were actually at war.
This is the major part of the com
pulsory military service of the youfig
citizen of Switzerland. When he has
completed it his record Is entered in
his book and he Is sent home. He la
assigned to a battalion. He is given
his uniform, his gun, his full accouter
ment. He is now a member of the
"elite." Until he is sixty years old he
retains his uniform and gun and is
subject to call by his country.
Sixteen Days In Field
Within a year or two years he will
bo required to do cervlce with his regi-
'AUGUST 20, 1915.
mc-nt and will spend sixteen days, also
in vigorous field work, with the other
men of his kind in his community who
go to make up that particular part of
the army of the nation. After that he
reports for sixteen days of service each
two years until he reaches the age of
thirty-two, when he becomes a mem
ber of the landwehr, and Is called
upon to drill but eleven days in each
four years until he is forty. All this
with variations for the different serv
ices. Then he enters the landsturm.
where he remains, subject to call if
needed, until he is fifty.
Altogether the citizen of Switzerland
gives about six months of his life to his
country. This six months Is spent out
of doors in the most manly and health
giving sort of work. Every youngster
is taken away from his mother's apron
Strings just as he comes to maturity,
is set upon his feet, taught hygiene,
the virtues of physical exercise, the
possibilities of his own physical prow
ess—ls straightened up, hardened.
The approach of other terms of serv
ice make it necessary that he should
keep in condition and affect the whole
of his life. Aside from the benefit that
the state derives from thus securing
for itself the equivalent of a strong
standing army, it profits through the
added health and efficiency of its man
All of this training takes place un
der the eye of highly skilled military
instructors. Switzerland has almost no
regular army, but a corps of these
officers, acting as instructors, and the
noncommissioned officers, who act as
drill sergeants and in such minor ca
pacities. It has such a corps as the
experts claim the United States should
develop for 'the training of a volun
teer army even though nothing is done
toward general military service.
During all these services of the citi
zen of Switzerland he receives his sub
sistence and 10 cents a day to cover
any Incidental expense.
Exemption Penalties
The man who Is exempt for any |
reason from military service not only
suffers the humiliation of the brand
of unfitness, but is subject to three
separate taxes in addition to those
otherwise borne. He must pay a poll
tax of 6 francs, a material property
tax and a tax of 1 % per cent, on his
income. There are exemptions under
certain mlnimums for the benefit of
the afflicted and very poor.
As a result of this system Switzer
land, with a population of 3,500,000,
could raise an army of 250,000 trained
and properly equipped soldiers In
twenty-four hours. Back of these
would be another body of similar size,
partially armed and trained, but not of
the first line. In any community a call
may be published to-day and to-mor
row morning the elite, in uniform and
bearing arms, will report for service at
a prearranged point, and by noon a
battalion may be entrained and hur
ried to the front. Ali Switzerland may
thus fly instantly to arms.
If the Swiss system were In op
eration in the United States it would
produce, judging from the results from
a given population In that country,
5,500,000 fighting men between the
ages of twenty and forty, reasonably
trained and ready for service to-mor
row. Basing an estimate of the cost
of developing this fighting force upon
the cost in Switzerland, the United
States would need spend about
$250,000,000 a year upon it.
Military authorities say that an army
of this sort, made up of the men who
are the backbone of the nation, men
of intelligence and initiative, would
make the most formidable fighting or
ganization in the world. They assert
that the Swiss army of 250,000 men
which might be called out to-morrow
would be a better force with which to
prosecute a campaign than would be
the same number of regular soldiers
who had been In the ranks for years.
They would have more snap, enter
prise, ingenuity, patriotism, will-to
conquer, in them than any regular or
ganization, and they would know the
It is also held that an American
army made along these lines would
be particularly effective, for the Ameri
can learns quickly, is normally a man
of enterprise and ingenuity, is more
accustomed to outdoor life than the
citizen of most nations.
I'll sing you a ditty of Mexico City.
It falls about four times a week.
Marauders attack it and take it and
sack it,
Harassing its occupants meek.
It is a great pity that Mexico City
Is thus of its treasures bereft.
The town is still saving Its sidewalks
and paving.
But really there's little else left.
—Louisville Courier-Journal.
TFrom Judge.l
Bride—Hubby, I gave Hover one of
my doughnuts to-day. What do you
think the cute tiling did with it?
Huby —Can't guess.
Bride—Took ft out and burled It in
the yard.
Hubby—And yet they say dogs can
not reason!
©jetting (Efyat
The nation-wide spirit in favor of
defence has had an excellent effect
upon the National Guard of Pennsyl
vania and It is authoritatively stated,
that attendance at the encampments
of the Pennsylvania National Guard,
this year was the best known in a
decade. The figures received at the
Capitol have shown in many instances
that the guardsmen turned out
ter than known by their officers and
there were many organizations which
were above the minimum require
ments. It is believed that when every
thing is in the attendance will show
the greatest strength in the guard s
peace history. The conditions at the
encampment at Mt. Gretna and In
diana as well as at the cavalry,
artillery and engineering camps at
tracted attention because of the large
number of men under canvas. The
infantry organizations in a number of
cases were above the minimum and
companies where poor showings had
been made came to the front with
more men than in years. The Tenth
Regiment showed hardly two per cent,
of its total enlisted strength absent
and other regiments made excellent
reports. The cavalry and artillery re
ports of attendance were all very
favorable, in some cases far ahead of
recent camps. Interest in national de
fence and increased attention to
military work as a result of the en
couragement of officers and men are
given as the reasons for the fine re
sults of this year's camp. It is most
gratifying to note in this connection
that the three Harrisburg organiza
tions and most of those In Colonel
Hutchison's regiment were among
those whose attendance was of the
kind that showed the right kind of
Have you ever driven along a coun
try road at night in an automobile and
been surprised to find that what you
supposed was a lantern or electric
light several hundred feet ahead was
nothing more than the reflection of
the head lights of your automobile
upon the eyes of a cat upon the road
side? It is one of the peculiar qual
ities of the eyes of a cat that they
radiate many times the size of the
pupil. You will also discover that
many chauffeurs are superstitious as
to a cat and will never permit one to
run across the road ahead of the ma
chine if they can prevent it. Cats are
regarded as bad luck, especially the
black ones.
Erasmus Wilson, the philosopher of
the Pittsburgh Gazette-Times, one of
the most enjoyable writers tn the State,
is going into transports over the
dumpling season. As a matter of fact
he says thore is no such season as the
dumpling season but that people like
to think of it at this time. This Is the
way he writes of it: "The season of
the apple dumpling is the year round.
But Just now with oat nppien, sheep
noses, pound pippins and a few other
choice varieties Just ripening, may be
called the opening of the season, to
be followed by Rhode Island green
ings and other autumn brands known
as good cookers. Probably there are
no bad apple dumplings, but It will *oe
conceded that some are better than
others. This depends largely on the
cook. No matter how good looking
she may be, nor how xuccessful with
pound cake, or jelly cake, she may go
bad on the dumpling. Rich, juicy,
slightly tart apples are best, but an
expert at the dumpling business can,
by dexterous use of cinnamon, all
spice and some of the finer condl- ft
mcnts, turn out a very creditable
dumpling with a rather poor quality
of apple. This is not necessary In this
splendid fruit country where grow the
finest flavored apples to be found any
• • *
One sport that hasn't been getting
much recognition on the city's sporting
pages but which is mighty popular
here is canoe sailing. On any day
when the wind is up river dozens of
the beautiful little craft fashioned by
the redskins long ago can be seen hit
ting the wind or tearing full ahead on
the water basin between the bridges
and Maclay street. When the water is
about four feet high a canoeist who
has to depend on a paddle has one
deuce of a time to get through the raft
channel at the Maclay street riffles,
the current is so terrific; but a canoe
fitted out with a sail rides through
the narrow waterway as easily and
gracefully as a swan. Sailing in a
canoe is real sport, for there's always
the chance of an upset and a swim
ashore, but there are dozens of girls
who take chances the same as the hoys
who frequent the river. Even when
the water was high last month sails
(lotted the river nearly every hour of
the day.
• ♦ •
Visitors to the city yesterday In
cluded Senator E. W. Patton, who rep
resents the West Philddelpnla district
in the Senate. The senator is said to
have a constituency representing more
homes than any one in the State.
—A. E. Borie, the new heacr of the
Sharon munitions plant, Is a former
vice president of the Bethlehem Steel
—C. C. Sterling is the new post
master at Masontown.
—Joseph McGlaughlin. one of the
vice presidents of the Federation of
Catholic Societies, is a Pennsyivanlan.
—Or. Stanley M. Rinehart, the
Pittsburgh physician, is recovering
from a severe illness.
—Nathan Everitt, the Northampton
silk manufacturer. Is buying plants in
Lackawanna county.
—Frank I. Gowen, of Philadelphia,
has been on an extended western trip.
That Harrishurg has some pretty
good organizations that oould
serve as starting points for na
tional defense?
A Two Name Note
Banks regard the "two name
note" as an excellent form of
In much the same way a stand
ard trade marked product sold
through a reputable dealer offers
this same form of security to
the purchasers.
Two names are behind it.
The dealer Is always ready to
make good and the manufactur
er Is equally anxious to support
his good name.
1.,05s to purchasers is impos
Look over this newspaper for
the names of standard articles
and the dealers who sell them.
of the Civic Club for 1915.
Augi>t lit to September 35th.
Five cents ■ pint tor all (Ilea, and
! many prices In gold.