6 ImP "• - ; «... -•«.«•• •• •.1 Chief Dlv. of Appointment* ,vKiVjS Pffl - Miley Sheaifev, Treasury Department VffjTjS EJW afa A < DlUsburf, P*. Wa«hln*ton, D. c. ! fclewui A Dinloma 4 and Stenotyplat ; V ' >V4, *"■ « V-T ## » V* »V i AS School of Commerce 1 |. :ft: is the Medal T&jjgi *|§ B That Opens the Door of Opportunity Which Leads f j IS rati to the Highest and Best Paying Positions H'Siwfpt Education is something rather intangible—you cannot compare it as you can articles of merchandise. ffMi }. SgtijMßii .8 'S® ; B0 B k Buying an education, therefore, is a much more difficult problem than buying merchandise. You only II ' ;11 ®S$ ; Hummeiatown, pa. b U y a business education once in a lifetime. The difference between the cost of good and bad instruction Mi f ' a jj ' is small, but the difference in results is great. Good training will bring you success and happiness; poor v^V j I training, failure and disappointment. How, then, is the selection of a school to be made when a business |jj|jj j| %I;'M YOU CAN JUDGE A SCHOOL BY THE SUCCESS OF ITS GRADU- i ||§i ||j| f/^m^ ATES JUST AS YOU JUDGE A MILL BY ITS PRODUCT |r ij ||| Svfe ifThe young men and women whose portraits appear on this page represent hundreds of our gradu- w5» 11 gmM/j ates sa y at t^le thorough training received at the School of Commerce has proved invaluable to them Btenosra penna.^. e ßl lt D * p^" in the attainment of their business success. The School of Commerce considers its hundreds of graduates H ?J r if bU1 ** ! School of Commerce graduates succeed because its courses of study are thorough and complete with a | I j||i,p ■ an efficient, experienced teacher at the head of each department. The courses of study comprise Bookkeep- I .' ' ' ' ' '' i n &> Stenotypy, Shorthand, Typewriting and Penmanship, together with the kindred subjects required to stMkogTapher CIVIL SERVICE—Our graduates always successfully pass the Civil Service examination; but in /nHB_ fcljP Et ,,ott "Harr^burg. e p«i ter Co., order to insure quick appointment, one should stand high on the list. To insure high grades, we have ar- II ranged a Post Graduate Course for stenographers. To master it virtually means a position with the U. S. T 5 Government, as it is unable to secure a sufficient number of efficient stenographers. j OUR EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT is known to the business men of Harrisburg and its sub- ; urban towns as a reliable source of obtaining thoroughly trained, efficient office assistants; for we will not ... ir*^ recommend any one who has not first made thorough preparation. £ss$ 1 fM § ' ?// International 1 Harvester Co.. Dept. Labor*and Jnilustrj Water S^pply^jmralMlon. Dav«nporl, Commonwealth of FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG flrfStftl TELEGRAPH AUGXJST 13, 1915.