Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 13, 1915, Image 14

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    </===—^—=— — " 0
Goodby to Three Fine Lots of A Clearance of Dresses To-morrow: $2.981
Young Men's Summer Suits Tomorrow Re s ul " ss 95 and $6 50 Lines From Regular stock _
$5.95 and $6.50 Summer Dresses in sizes for women and misses; the materials include floral crepes,
<r*in * H \ • m* i air Stripe lawns and voiles in black and white, blue and white and flesh and white and other ex- <fcO QQ
$lO Mohair tZ sls Cloth fITQ ! S2O Cloth QM OIT ft eolor combinations. Finally reduced to J&Z.270
Suits . . j Suits . *Pi/.OvJ | Suits . . Pure Lirfen Dresses
. $7.50 French and Irish linen dresses in light blue, white, flesh and pink, with hand cm- d»0 *7t^
J A Mid-Summer Clothing Clearance That
Promises the Biggest Savings of the Season ° Imported Voile Dresses !
weekend |o uRregularst ° ckofSummer Suits has surrcndered a " is.. ro, r.r. bi :r^.. *$4.95
broken lines and odd sizes for a final farewell to-morrow. white linen dresses, sizes 34 and 38. Finally reduced to <gy gQ
V The suits are divided into three lots, including Priestlev's $18.50 imported white voile dresses, trimmed with ribbon girdles and embroidery; in (in
\ sizes 16 and 42. Finally reduced to 4>IU.UU
v \ tvltti -n cravenetted English mohair suits and blue serges and fancy
tr ID l V cloth suits. The reductions are evidence of our determination Remarkable Cloth Suit Values
SAISUm to thoroughly clean up our stock before the end of the season, $27.50, $30.00, $35.00. $39.50 and $45.00 cloth suits, imported gabardines, checks and serges: navv
r . . , .. . , , b,ue - bl ac k . P»tty. Hague blue and black and white; sizes are 34. 36, 38 and 40. Finally (tl C fIA
and men have the chance to buy high-grade, well-tailored gar- reduced to «J)IO.UU
- \ SvT ments at unusual savings. JO 5 1 8.50 $ 2 2.50 and $25.00 suits in tan, Copenhagen, navy blue and black. Sizes 34. 36. d» 1 O Efi
* \ \W 38, 40 and 44. Hnally reduced to
I \r Priestley's Cravenetted English C
hJ \,I Mohair Suits~slo.oo Reduced to s qpr t a i t , • *r
7 J I i Plain black, black shadow stripes, blue shadow stripes, pin stripes, grey shadow stripes IS 1 \.lVy S lillor6Sririy TO
I \ I and plain greys—sizes 34 to 40. These are dressy summer suits that are cool and dust- rp *-t y ,
/// /I s l^ ding connn cn Lower-Priced Dress Cottons
Jil || Uur ontire vy 1 Especially during a sale such as the Buyers' Sale which inaugurated end-of-the-season clearance
I I I O O • a "T? a. 4.1 O 1 4. I J prices on many sold-down lots of Summer merchandise.
11l 'I OUmmer OUItS JDnter tne Dale at * lsc ® ilk and cotton poplin. light and *tQf* 23c silk Stripe voile, in shades of navy, brown ana
I / / I I • dark shades and black, yard ajv\* tan with se if-colored fancy 1 01/
// I Sizes For Stouts and Regulars d Jn£ hi "!J iffht and dark 39c silk stripes, yard /2C
/ / I 35c seeded voiie florai printings nr- . } sc fla *°n. "eat floral designs, figured stripes and
I 1 This lot comprises Summer's finest styles for men and young men with a small as- 0 n white ground, y.».rd 25c dots °" whlt ® and colored 12 /2C
eQ> I I • semblage of left-overs from late Spring, included are— BOcsilk stripe voile, white ground with self- oe. cAttnn oovArV*»riv* nVri,' , _
a II colored silk stripes and floral printings, yard.... cotton covert cloth, gre>, dark 1 Qf»
I / Rliip «s#.rcrp<; Rlnp TTnfinkhpH Wnr«st«»Ha Srntrh Mivfiir#»c . 25c. cotton voile, light ground with floral 1 and brown. 34 Inches, yard
r I I ISiUe ocrgeS XJlue unnnisnea WOrStCQS ocotcn IYIIXtUrcS designs, dots and stripeii, 38 inches, yard IOC Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor.
mm I Black and White Checks Refill itifl ll Rid lr \ T Krpf Hate of QPI
HHL Two-buttop English sacks and two and three-button sacks of the more conservative cut; Jt/d.Vi 111 111 UIcACJ/JV V vlVv/l 1 Adlo dl
plain and patch pockets. New autumn fashions are filling the Millinery Section with their
■ | r O f r\ /% C\ C c^arm novelty. A new lot of beautiful trimmed black velvet hats //
Clearance Ol Doys .OvJ anQ as conie t n time for Saturday's visitors and they are surprisingly
(l»n ETpk jQ i-#-o i- 1 /-Iqt; nt- good values at $3.95. Many women have tired of their summer
Men's and Young Men's $15.00 Sizes Bto 18 years—but not of every style. Grey Scotch mixtures, grey and tan home- V 1" 'mi,' ' j 0 -V"« 1 $3.90
SUMMER SUITS, in the sale spuns, brown homespuns, black and white check cassimeres, Scotch tweeds, tan diagonal models in velvet, Silk and satin, at
to-morrow Crt cassimeres and worsteds; nobby English Norfolk models in single and double-breasted styles »p4..J0, and
at «Pc7»OU with patch pockets. Ready-to-wear silk, velvet and satin hats, at ... $1.69 to 5?2.90
V—————Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing. Second Floor, Rear. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor, Front.
" "
All Broken Lines of Men's $1.50 Shirts at 95c Persons Who Anticipate Future
A sweeping clearance of men's negligee shirts to-morrow. In the lot are fine JtfjT '' T I nc j ot i T T JT T _ t _ >f< - _ r "|\T IX7' 11
madras, fancy picardy weaves and plain woven stripes. These are the balance of our 1 lOSIOIY Q,ilQ. llClGl^WGdl 1 N GGCJ.O VV 111
regular $1.50 negligee shirts, and it is needless to say that there is choice picking, if |\ "K * T~* * A. T
at w 4tm\ Save Money oy buying JN ow
Shirts Valued to $2.50, at $1.50 SI.OO Shirts Going at 69£ JJ /fl/SsLi/ / ... , , , ...
Another lot of our finer negligee shirts is Men's negligee shirts with French cuffs and J& i Many special prices prevail although comparative prices are not given m every in
. made up of picardy madras, silk and linen, pleated percale shirts with laundered cuff,. f ,ance ' e are clearing away many broken lots and lowered prices are of course the
values to $2.50, at SI.JO sixes 13/, to 20. SI .00 values, at 09* I leVCra B e t0 mOVe them off shelves and tableS '
c A ... . c .._ a. f Jl Women's Hosiery 50c white lisle ribbed union suits, knee length,
Men s Sport Shirts at 500 Work Shirts at 3o* j Black fiber silk boot hose, lisle tops 180 390
59c and 69c sport shirts in white mercerized Blue chambrav and black satine work shirts, Black and tan cotton hose, seamless .... 6© White cotton ribbed drawers, knee length, lace
cloth*and fancy striped collars at 500 sizes 14 to 18, 3 for $1.00; each 350 Black lisle hose, seamless 150 trimmed 250
omi *t i n i ** » a a. .- j .T a White silk lisle hose, seamless 150 Men's Underwear
Silk Neckwear at 200 Men s Auto and Outing Hats FiK.r «m, p,i™ uu , . . .
T . . c . , • r,, j i, - • Li nn '.i t • r» i r. t. j • riber silk hose, black, Palm Beach and grev. White cotton ribbed union suits, short sleeves,
.Large variety of styles in full cut open-end silk four-in- SI.OO silk hats in Palm Beach and stripes 790 , 350 k nec leneth 69<>
hand ties; stripes, figures and fancy patterns; cut from 50c 75c silk hats at 090 White thread silk hose, fashioned feet ... T9O White Egyptian'cotton' open mesh union suits,
grade of silk, choice of any in the lot at 850 | aOc crush hats at 390 Children's Hosiery short sleeves, knee and ankle length 690
f ~ ' Black and_ white fine ribbed silk lisle hose, 50c white madras waist union suits 390
Clearance of Women's Silk and Fibre Silk Sweaters, at savings of a third to a half. seconds of 25c quality Egyptian balbriggan union suits, sleeveless,
J TOc black ribbed cotton hose, seamless Pair, knee length 210
i Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store, Street Floor. 70; 4 pair, 250 Men's Hosiery
________——————'' sle fanc )' to P socks, seconds of 25c qual- Black silk lisle hose, seconds of 25c quality,
Beautiful Mahogany Bureaus Qualities of Silk Gloves That „»3
T„ A pHfni+firo /~\- \ _ 25c white cotton ribbed vests, sleeveless, plain grey 250
111 l lIG r\UP USI rUrnilUrC I I\rp A CCllf QfiPP nf ( ,rvr\rl \A/c»Qr anc ' anc X yokes 150 Interwoven fiber silk hose, black and colors, 3
ScllG 3-t Fownes, Kayser and Centemeri are names that are identi- 70, or 4 for 250 1 1 "• Pomeroy & .tewart. street Floor.
This is the best furniture that has ever been sold at such a fied with the best makes of women's silk gloves.
low price in Harrisburg. We have handled this particular fac- Lon g white .iik r bow ~B st h, double fl„ ser tip. Of\ IKq C\v€\ n 1 1 1 C\ tf*A tKA
tory s furniture for years and know how well it is made. In the Centemeri white silk riovea, elbow length, double nnger tip.,.. ,85c liJOe Ctll LllCt iC/LL Otly*dl , \PI.O L
regular course of events pieces of this quality would sell, con- Fownes and Kayser 16-button length silk gloves. In black, white .
vServatively sp>eaking, for a half higher. and c °iors sl.oo and 5i.75 This is the Headliner in Saturday's Grocery News. At this price no sugar will be sent
-iTf- _ I I , ■/» . . Washable 16-button length white chamolsette gloves 50c C. O. D,
P • ICrC A™ C '.° nierS f . V Washable 2-clasp chamolsette gloves, with white and black and self Fu „ quart bottlep Span)gh Quee „ oUv „ 28c PICNIC GOODS
Jy ■■■■Xk Princess dressers in matching embroidery 50c Pimento stuffed Spanish olives 25c .. . '
Cs. fi patterns at the same price. Kayser and Fowne. J-clasp silk gloves In black, white and colors. Stork, early June peas, 12c grade; dozen. »»c; sliced l'unche^o'kfh'lb.'.'.'.'.'.".'.*.'.".'Mo
if li I T ijll 'I Mahogany Bureaus, with 44-lnch ° U P ' ' 80c, 75c and 11.00 Fancy sweet corn, creamy and tender; dozen! 99c: BwVttzer cheese, lb. . 35c
llf® iilU'l'l- IlllllP ■■ oi.in i.„w _ «, a « n Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. each «o Y - cream cheese, lb ~... 25c
II Mtftn'fflß* ' ; 24x3 ®- ,n^ h ™' rTor ' New pack salmon In tall cans 10c and 12e £ lnt Jftrs ' dlu - sweet and sour pickles 10c
■ '''l ' Rffi Bird a-eya Maple Bureaus, 44- Peanut butter, glass 10c
wt W a y'|V J 1 IMIV inch base, 26x32-tnch mirror; tops, TEAS FOR ICING Sardines in oil and mustard 5c and 10c
J-li ® If ¥i fronta ' e " dß ' "T Cl « rd 3 an l, Po " tß a " I 60c Hershey's Milk Chocolate Kisses. Special QQ Ictlpse Ce?l d on- b mdlan tea." packed in ib." cans' 59c xlw '.'.'.".'.'.".'.'.*
m Wl M/ VB veneered with finest bird's-eye i,. i <VI /» 1 Tuna fish white meat a n 4
\\ J M marking $25.00 Saturday only, pound Ou C . COFFEE Ritter's baked beans in tomato sauce, can ....9c I
Hie W //./ Hi $129 3-piece leather library suite / Record coffee, lb. bag
II y fljl SIOO.OO Banquet coffee, lb ' aoe ''
llw DaVenporU B^ with"'Ioo« TCP] 7\ 11H RPf V 1 OPYX
cushions ...... $35.00 lCcldllU J\clrigCidlUrb i\eQUCcQ Callfornla , lma beans. Vibs. for each purchase of tea or coffee.
The excellent features of the Iceland is well known in K !::: - !:! : ; Dlves, Pomeroy & Stewart-Basement.
Hi "" Wing chairs, mahog- hundreds of homes hereabouts, and the fact that we have been
II - » « bed'and distributing them for more than twenty-five years is proof of R n v<;' fo, fiQf C UCU* * IT:
| ? 0 v to m tc oo their worthiness. ao y s rresh ohipment oj r ancy
11 The lateat atyles of J7.50 white enamel lined, 39-lb. I 116.50 sine lined with water tank, C - <-t <-» -w w t T—l •♦- r* T" 1 'i /*""* O
m I s»«;!b„ f s '°*,.';r c ," y ■ a■ k,',^v ■ ■ *" 5 "I': ,12 ' 50 rrats Fruits Grocery Section
HI -- —I spring edges, covered $9.98 zinc lined, 68-lb Ice capac- $16.50 porcelain lined, seam- *J
H fees I lj With fine tapestry lty $7.50 less, 53-ib. ice capacity $12.50 Orlrl SI7PQ Colorado Cantelouoes 86 California Seedless r lM n«
II 1 ' $59.00, $85.00, $90,00 513.00 zinc lined with water tank. SIB.OO zinc lin»rf ina.ih <*. ««- /Qtl oIZcS *i
■1 . _ mi I—l There are seven styles 45-lb. ice capacity SB.OO p aC | ty , " California blue- Plums; doz., lb 80
TW 1 'jg- H including Turkish tuft- $13.98 zinc lined, 68-lb. Ice ca- tA9 ''''' V'"l' V o A 25© a- it At i a
liTf' II 111 ln K- Plain and loose pacity $».00 $ 42 o <> porcelain lined, best oak i !]« r D . _ . California Malaga Grapes,
Iml IV aprlng cushions. $15.48 white enamel lined, 68-i Pase - Porcelain water tank, 120-lb. <l?7ly Large nartlett rears, dozen, ~ .
f| *2 Dlvea, Pomeroy & lb Ice capacity $11.501 capacity $31.00 290 AU "
O Stewart Third Floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart-Basement. FrSnt"" 1 ' MesSina Lemons, doz., 150 ni.es, Stewart.
' ——T. " ' V: ' '= '■ •" : ' V-j-.r