Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 11, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Have a Pleasant Outing While
Guests at the Powhatan
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shellaman
chaperoned a party of young people
camping for two weeks at Perdix.
Powhatan cottage was headquarters,
end the guests enjoyed overy minute
of their stay in that delightful coun
try. testing the boating and fishing,
walks through the woods, and the real
farm fare so generously provided.
The party included Miss Florence
Hambrlght, Miss Gertrude Miller, Miss
Clara Buchanan, Miss Alva Knepp of
Huntingdon, Miss Mary McGulre, Miss
Mary McGulre, Miss Anna Farmer,
Roy J. Plank, J. C. McGulre, William j
McGulre and Jay Cookerly of New
Mrs. Samuel Wlttenmyer and two
•mall daughters of Front and Wood
blng streets are summering at Selins
grove, Mrs. ■ Wittenmyer's former
Dr. Charles Strong Snyder has re
turned home to Chicago after a little
visit with his mother, Mrs. Isaiah
Snyder, 1008 North Second street.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Starry of One
ont'a, N. Y., left for Washington, D. C.,
this morning after a sliprt stay with
relatives in this city.
Miss Mabel Losh of 2213 Jefferson
street went to Atlantic City to-day to
Join a party of friends for an outing.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stackpolo and
family are guests at the Wolcott
hotel, New York City, while on an au
tomobile trip.
Mrs. John Brua Keefer and Miss
Carolyn Royer Keefer spent the day
with Mrs. Paul A. Kunkel at her sum
mer home near Goldsboro.
Mrs. Henry T. Williams and Miss
Laura Williams of Cleveland, were
recent guests of their relatives, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur G. Norton, in _this
Miss Grace Nlckum, of Duncannon,
Is spending the week with Mr.and Mrs.
T. L. Sharon, 2213 Jefferson street.
Miss Elizabeth Blough of Dauphin
and Mrs. E. R. Seidel of Speeceville,
have gone to the Panama-Pacific Ex
position at San Francisco.
Mrs. Thomas H. Robinson, Jr., and
Miss Nancy Robinson, of Redlands,
Cal., are guests of Miss Mary B. Rob
inson, 111 State street.
Miss Anna Bosserman of North Sec
ond street, is visiting friends at York.
Mrs. Joseph LeCompte and Miss
Alice LeCompte will spend several
weeks at Braddock and Atlantic City.
Frank L. Cook, senior partner of L.
W. Cook & Co., was called to Goshen.
Ind., by the death of his father-in
law, Volpert Fink, a former resident
of this city.
Miss Marie Melville. 1835 North
Second street, is spending two weeks
at Delaware Water Gap.
By E. Sauer, M. D.
Weak, inflamed eyes, if not properly
treated in time may bring on partial
or even total blindness. Granulations
may form which irritate the eyeball,
next an ulcer may occur on the ball
which may result in total loss of the
sight, and the continuous strain may
seriously affect the optic nerve, which
If It should die would also cause loss
of the eyesight. Therefore, wnen your
eyes become fatigued or Inflamed you
should at once use a little Luxotone.
The ingredients in this remarkable
product are widely used by eminent
eye specialists in the treatment of con
ditions above referred to. Its power
is so great that it will make red, In
flamed, "blood-shot" eyes clear, white
and bright in from five to ten minutes
time. It quickly soothes, refreshes
and tones up weak, tired eyes. Re
lieves headaches and restores failing
eyesight due to simple Inflammatory
conditions. I always prescribe it in
all ordinary cases of eye trouble. Of
course, cataract after It has once
formed requires a surgical operation,
but many surgical operations on the
eye may be avoided by the use of
proper treatment in time.—E. Sauer,
M. D.
NOTE: The above article was au
thorized for publicity by the Public
Health Laboratories. It Is desired to
instruct people how to save their eyes,
prevent surgical operations on the eye
and reduce the alarming number of
cases of loss of eyesight through care
lessness and ignorance in regard to the
care of the eyes.
The Luxotone referred to above is
carried in stock by Croll Keller and
other leading druggists in tnis city.
Full directions accompany encn pack
A Fitting Home
For the Stieff
The new Stieff build
ing, 24 North Second
street, will indeed be a
fitting home for "the
piano with the sweet
Modern in every
sense, the new Stieff
building will not only be
the biggest piano house
in the city carrying high
grade pianos exclusively,
but it will be the finest.
You will forgive us,
we're sure for feeling
just a little proud of our
new home!
Watch for the Open
ing Date! Meanwhile
visit us in our temporary
212 North 2nd Street
David Bispham's Daughter
Weds Prominent Italian
A few of the personal friends In this
city of David Blspham, the famous
singer, have Just received word of
the marriage In Florence, Italy, of his
daughter, Miss Vida. Blspham to Sig
nor Rlccardo Alessandro Daddl. son
of Mme. Maria Gwendallna Daddi-
Borgheri. The ceremony took place
In the chapel of the villa of the bride's
godfather, with whom she has been
staying, and the only attendant was
Prince Scilla, who acted as best man
for the groom. Slgnor Daddl-Bor
gherl and his bride spent a few weeks
of their honeymoon on the Italian
seacoast, and will make their home
with the former's mother. The en
gagement had not been announced, al
though It was known to the families
and a few Intimate friends, as the
wedding was originally planned for
the autumn, but the entering of Italy
Into the war changed their plans. The
bridegroom may be ordered to the
front with the reserves, and he desired
the ceremony to take place at once.
Miss Packer's Guests
at Her Penbrook Home
A number of young people of this
city had a pleasant walk to Penbrook
last eevnlng to the home of Miss Ruth
Packer, where they had had the pleas
ure of meeting her house guest, Miss
Esther Bomgartlner of Beedsville.
Plants and flowers decorated the
house and the lawn was illumined by
Japanese lanterns.
Music, games and refreshments -were
enjoyed by the Misses Esther Bom
gardner, Helen Sellers, Ruth Gosnell,
Anna: Bockus, Edna Forrer. Nelle
Murphy, Nelle Jones, Miriam Jauss,
Katharine Johnson, Verne Bomgard
ner, Carolyn Shearer, Margaret John
son, Helen Moyer, Marian Johnson,
Lyda Snyder, Mabel Feeser, Viola Wit
mor, Ada Feeser, Ruth Packer, Ralph
Rhodes, Ralph Packer, Miles Florry,
Lester Richards, Clarence Packer and
Lawrence Johnson, of Pittsburgh.
Mrs. Edward Cranford is the guest
of friends in Columbia.
George Kline, of Chamebrsburg, has
returned after a visit in this city.
Mrs. John Stinson Dally and Miss
Margaret Dunlap, Philadelphia, are
visiting Mrs. John M. Stinson, Sixth
and Maclay streets.
Mr. and Mrs. William Burt, Boston,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Eckleman, 48 North Tenth street, for
Miss Edith Fahnestock of the Vassar
College faculty, Poughkeepsle, N. Y,,
is visiting her aunts, the Misses Weir,
at 1604 North Second street.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Westlake have
gone home to Baltimore after a short
visit with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry G. Foster of State street.
Miss Norma Anderson and her cou
sin, Miss Grace Willis of Cambridge.
Mass., have gone to Washington and
Alexandria, Va., for ten days.
Thomas Cook of Baltimore was a
recent guest of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Cook, 20 South Thirteenth
street. He has joined Mrs. Cook at
Hanover for a visit with relatives.
Dr. F. Frank Reckord, Mrs. James
Reckord and Miss Mary Reckord, 220
Kelker street, have gone to Ocean
Mr. and Mrs. David Glngher, Chica
go, are the guests of the former's
mother, Mrs. Pamela Glngher, 317
South Front street, for a few weeks.
Miss Belle Quay, of Kane, Is visiting
Miss Grace Quayand Miss Alice Nead,
at Hamilton Place, Camp Hill.
Miss Emily Cummings of Crescent
streets, is home after a pleasant visit
at Clearfield.
Mrs. Herbert Elder of Kensington,
Md., Is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Ed
ward Clarke Cowden, South Front
Miss Caroline Wanbaugh, of Phila
delphia, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Coulter Wanbaugh, 1517 Penn
Miss Clarie Demaree has returned
home to Newport after visiting the
Misses Corbett at 20 South Twenty
second street.
Miss Hazel Robena Page has gone
home to Athens after spending three
weeks with Mrs. G. M. Eshelman, at
1412 Naudain street.
Mrs. Costello. of Huntingdon, Is vis
iting Mrs. William Russ, 12 Market
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deichler, 17
South Seventeenth street, are in At
lantic City.
Mrs. Clyde Love, 132 2 Kittatinny
street, has returned from Lykens,
where she visited Miss Margaret
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Steckley of
Philadelphia, came here by automobile
for a several weeks' visit with Mrs.
Staekley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liarn Irwin, 1812 Green street. Ac
companying them were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Holllngsliead of Merchants
ville, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. German
and son of 613 Boas street, are tak
| Ing a two weeks' camping trip on Lake
ITimagami, Ontario, Canada.
Mrs. Henry McCormick, Miss Anno
I McCormick, Miss Mary Cameron and
Mrs. William E. Wright have returned
from a motor trip to Spring Lake, N.
Manhattan Shirts Reduced
$2.50 and $3.00 Pajamas, #2.00
$1.50 and $2.00 Pajamas, $1 .15
50c "Onyx" Fancy Hose, 190
75c Athletic Undershirts, 250
$2.00 American Hosiery Com
pany Union Suits ... SI.OO
$1.50 Athletic Union Suits,
odds and ends SI.OO
$2.50 Shirts, odds and ends,
50c Neckwear, odds and ends,
SI.OO Neckwear, odds and ends,
SIO.OO Bath Robes $6.50
$7.00 Silk Athletic Underwear,
$5.00 Silk and Linen Under
wear $3.00
r y 3rd st.
Forry s ut
M iran PIRK
Augsburg Members Guests of Miss
Geissinger at Pleasant
Little Outing
Members of the Augsburg Lulh.cran
Sunday school choir were delifhtfully
entertained at Reservoir Park on
Tuesday evening in honor of Mlsa
Erma Baker and Miss Ruth Hughes,
guests of the hostess, Miss Pearle
Geissinger of 213 4 Green street.
Those present were: The Misses
Ruth Hughes, Erma Baker, Esther
Paull, Mary Dehart, Jennie Cook, Ruth
Willoughby, Ethel Henry, Sara Mit
chell, Beatrice Wells, Margaret Zelg
ler, Sylvia Landis, Viola Bteele, Leah
Lusk,Pearl Geissinger,Miss Bender and
Miss Morrow of Shamokln. Robert
Cook, Paul Bruehl, Harry Hursh, Si
man Keister, Dixon Hollahan and
Kenneth Relnard.
Mrs. O. Bonsall and daughters,
Misses Irene Nellie, 626 Verbeke street,
and Mrs. Clara Hoffman, 922 Green
street, have returned from Mifflin and
Island Grove campmeeting at Mexico.
Miss Mildred Wells, 2292 North
Sixth street, left to-day for a two
weeks' stay at Altoona and Newton
Hamilton Camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Myers and Mr.
and Mrs. E. Charles Esminger motor
ed to Perdix last evening and were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geisel,
Jr., at Wayne cottage.
Miss Mary Sliker of 506 Calder
street, is spending the month of Au
gust at Wayne cottage. Perdix, the
guest of Mrs. Henry Geisel, Jr.
Mr. and Frank Morrett have re
turned from a motoring trip to South
Amboy, Morgan Beach, and the Rarl
tan Bay, where Mrfl Morrett caught a
quantity of flsh.
Some P. 0. S. of A. Notes
of interest to Many
The booster committee of Washing
ton Camp, No. 8, will hold a session
in their hall this evening, where a
full report of the committee will be
heard and new members admitted.
The Past President's Association of
the P. O. S. of A. of Dauphin southern
district will meet in the camproora of
716 Monday evening, August 16. This
meeting is expected to be the largest
the association has ever held as its
session is Just before the State con
Mrs. George M.Whitney, 1605 North
Second street, has returned after a
short visit in Philadelphia.
Miss Elizabeth Knisely and Miss
Ruth Payne are home after a stay at
Old Sweet Springs, Va., where the
Paynes are summering.
Mr. and Mrs. Alden D. Groff and
Edward L. Groff. 11., have returned
home to Elizabeth, N. J., after visit
ing Mrs. Edward L. Groff, 212 Reily
Mrs. Charles W. Montgomery and
son Richard, 1903 Market street, have
returned after a two weeks' visit in
Robert A. 801 l is home from School
ey's mountain where he was a guest of
Dana Gurnett at his summer home.
Miss Hazel Flurle has returned to
her home at Newport after a short
visit with friends and relatives here.
Miss Dull Entertains
Members of H. G. L. Club
Miss Mildred Dull delightfully en
tertained members of the H. G. L.
Club at her residence, 626 Camp street
last evening, In compliment to her
house guest, Miss Helen Crouse of
The hours passed merrily away with
games, and music and refreshments
were served to the Misses Helen Shuey.
Ruth Minnig, Esther H. Jones, Helen
Crouse, Buck waiter,: Blanche Minnig
Marguerite Dobbs, Esther Worden
and Mildred Blanche Dull.
Plan Good Time Night
on Y. W. C. A. Roof Garden
The young girls connected with the
R. F. O. M. club of the T. W.C. A..have
planned a "Good Time Night" on the
roof garden of the association, Fourth
and Walnut street, for to-morrow
evening. In case of rain the party
will be held In the club rooms. There
will be many special attractions for
the members, including music and
contests of various sorts.
Miss Grace M. Miller a city mission
ary for the Presbyterian Board at
Newark, N. J., who has been visiting
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mil
ler of 2117 Penn street, left to-day
with her guest and coworker. Miss
Dorothea Luder, for a week's stay at
the Y. W. C. A. Camp Ncpahwin, at
Canton. Miss Miller will spend the
remainder of her vacation here.
Miss Olive Erisman, of Perkasie.
who has been attending the summer
school at West Chester, is spending
several weeks at the homes of Mr.
and Mrs. E. S. Schilling and Mr. and
Mrs. G. Washington Swelgert. She will
teach In one of the public schools at
South Perkasie at the opening of the
Fall term.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hart Patter
son, Miss Margaret Beatrice Patter
son, Mrs. V/. H. Patterson and Mr.!
and Mrs. Frank Brittingham have re
turned to their Pittsburgh homes after
spending several weeks with Mrs. John
W. White- at her cottage, "Valley
Breeze," RockviUe.
Miss Helen M. Hollar, 1640 Market
street, will spend the week-end at
Shippensburg and Chambersburg,
where she will attend the Hafner re
union at Red Ridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Maeyer, of
2017 Green street, announce the birth
of a daughter, Jane Miller Maeyer,
Tuesday, August 10, 1915. Mrs. Maey
er was formerly Miss Edith Miller of
■Mr. and Mrs. George M. Young of
Duncannon, announce the birth of a
son, Stewart Singleton Young, Sun
day, August . 8, 1915.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Andrews,
of Washington Heights, announce the
birth of a daughter, Jane Morrison
Andrews, Tuesday, August 10. 1915.
Mr?. Andrews was Miss Helen Shaver
before Uer marriage.
Thousands Will Attend Annaal
Picnic at Hershey Park; Con
cert a Feature
Practically every grocery store in
the city will be closed to-morrow be
cause of the annual grocers' picnic at
Hershey Park. Busy housewives who
have not supplied their wants must
wait until Friday.
To-morrow morning at 7 o'clock a
parade will start In front of the court
house led by the Commonwealth band.
The route will extend ovpr the streets
in the central part of the city. It was
announced to-day that the team win
ning the baseball game between the
West End and Allison Hill grocers will
be given five gallons of ice cream.
The following program will be
given by the Commonwealth Band to
morrow afternoon at 3 o'ciocx in tne
new band shell—
March, "The Panama Exposition,"
Plerson; overture, "Raymond,"
Thomas; Don Quixote euite, ta) "Dul
clnea," (b) "Don Quixote," Safranek;
"Hawaiian Patrol Kuanea," Barn
house; selection, "Songs of the Old
Folks," Lake; gavotte, "Heart's De
sire," Schrappe; rhapsody, "Slavonic,"
Friedemann; waltz, "Elaine," Baxter;
descriptive overture, "A Hunt in the
Black Forest," Voelker; march, "Ger
man Fidelity," Blankenburg; "Star
Spangled Banner." W. Fred Weber
will be the conductor.
Auxiliary Has Outing
Yesterday at Paxtang
The following people attended the
annual outing of Keystone Division,
No. 47 Ladles' Auxiliary to O. R. C.
yesterday at Paxtang Park: Mr. and
Mrs. William Young, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Young, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Helm, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Allen V.
Lebo, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Eastright,
Mrs. Sara Himes, Mrs. D. Bfl Grunder
inan, Mrs. J. W. Bennett, Mrs. Alice
Walters, Mrs. J. W. Flickinger, Mrs.
V. C. Hayman, Mrs. William Conrad,
Mrs. John Keagle, Mrs. William
Gramm, Mrs. Martha J. Hartzell, Mrs.
E. E. Dissinger and-Miss Julia Dissln
ger, of Marysville; Miss Olive Young,
Miss Ethel Hayman, Miss Conrad,
Miss Kathryn Conrad, Miss Ethel Con
rad, Mrs. Bertha Fortenbaugh, of
Marysville; Roy Miller, of Philadel
phia, and Harry Leonard, 111.
Mrs. Malcolm Long and family, who
are spending the summer at their cot
tage in Castine, Maine, have had a
most delightful house party, including
Mrs. George C. Potts, of Harrlsburg;
Mr. and Mrs. Peiper and Miss Ger
trude Peiper, of Watertown, Mass.
Miss Also M.Boyles and Miss Myrtle
Brown, of Hamilton street, are spend
ing a vacation in Baltimore, Washing
ton, Richmond, Va., and at several of
the pleasure resorts of the South,
The Rev. Harry B. King, pastor of
the Paxton Presbyterian Church, with
Mrs. King and their son McLain King,
are summering at Claysville, their
former home.
Mrs. S. Ernest Philpitt and Miss
Evelyn Philpitt of Jamaica, L. 1., are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins of
Penn street.
Miss Katharine E. Wilhelm of 1706
Green street, who started to-day for
a vacation trip to the seashore was ac
companied to New York by her father,
Charles Wilhelm and her sister, Miss
Mary Wilhelm.
Miss Mildred Burkholder, of 270
Pt.ffer street, visited relatives at Hum
melstown yesterday. .
Miss Leah Rudy is enjoying a stay in
New York clts*this week.
Mrs. George C. Potts, of North Sec
ond street, is home after a three weeks'
stay at Castine, Maine.
Mrs. Kathryn A. Erisman, of Per
kusle, is spending several weeks as the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Schilling.
Miss Suzanne Westbrook and Miss
Helen Cherrick Westbrook. of Mel
rose, came home to-day from Ta
maqua, where they visited their sister,
Mr. l -. Heber Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Berkheimer
and sons, Harry and Earle, of Mechan
lcnburg, were visitors in this city Mon
Mrs. J. J. Miller, of Lebanon, visited
friends here yesterday.
Miss Nancy Kline is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Sanders at Gettysburg.
Miss Nancy Winston and Miss Re
becca Wiii»*3n have gone home to Pe
tersburg, Va., after a short stay with
.relatives in this vicinity.
Mrs. Martin Bowman, of Lebanon,
spent yesterday visiting friends In
Robert H. Clymer. of Lebanon, was
a Tuesday visitor In this city.
Miss Katharine Simonettl Is home
after a visit with friends at Atlantic
City and nearby summer resorts.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Miller of
Philadelphia are guests of their broth
er-in-law, Aaron M. Kramer, at 117
Hoerner street.
Miss Clara Rice of this city and her
uncle, Harry Shelley of Philadelphia
have been visiting Mrs. Francis Fry
at Newport and Mrs. Camilla Rice, at
Mrs. Jacob W. Smith of Mauch
Chunk, wife of a memher of the
House of Representatives from Car
bon county, has returned home after
spending several days as the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Schilling.
William L. Uhler of Lebanon was a
business visitor here yesterday.
Miss Amanda Brown of Newport
visited friends in this city yesterday.
Miss Rheda Bird of South Thir
teenth street, was hostess at a dinner
of ten covers in honor of her guest,
Miss Marjorie Smith of New Castle.
Mr. and Mrs. William Brennan, and
sons, Edward and Vincent Brennan,
of South Seventeenth stdeet, leave to
morrow to spend a fortnight at Atlan
tic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard Coch
ran, 122 State street, leave to-mor
row for a vacation stay at Hotel Mor
ton, Atlantic City.
Mrs. Mary Longacre, of Newport, is
visiting friends in this city.
Mrs. Wilton Stark and daughter,
Miss Mary Stark. 238 Kelker street,
are spending two weeks with rela
tives in Altoona.
Hours: 10 a. m. to 11 p. m.
Torday and To-morrow, Jesse L.
Lasky presents BLANCHE SWEET
In "THE CAPTIVE." 5 parts.
Thur. and Frl„ Paramount Travel
Friday, one day only, HEN
. The coolest theater In the city and
I the home of the Moller pipe-orgran.
Bell phone 3719; United
I Admission Adults, lOn Children, Sc.
Goldsmith's For Good Furniture Goldsmith's For Good Furniture
Buy Good Furniture
at These Low Prices I
High Grade, Standard Make, Dependable I
Furniture, at Wonderful Savings j
This sale has proved that Goldsmith's is I
really the Furniture Store of Better Values I
Don't hesitate for a moment to come and see for your
self. You don't have to pay in full for what you
purchase. Suitable arrangements will be made for
a dignified plan of liberal charge accounts.
This Extra Fine <£-| nn
Adam Bedroom Suite $-Lv/U |
Regular Selling Price Is $135
A beautiful solid mahogany suite, in antique brown finish—4 pieces, consisting g
of dresser, toilet table, chiffonier, and full size bed. Dustproof construction. Also 1
shown in ivory enamel finish.
\ ————————————.——————
This Beautiful
Library Table
$22.50 $2.95
Regular Selling Price, $29 .
, . ... , 16x25 inches—with heavy brass handles
Mad-e of solid mahogany, . .
28"x45", oval top, one . Regular Selling Price $5.00 .
drawer; casters. Limited Quantity
This Colonial Mahogany Davenport $45 00
Iff A stunning davenport of solid mahog- I
any with demm covering Well built !
■' J *w beautiful in design and finish. Limited B
+ For Good FurNiture ♦
AVc>lnut to Locust obovte Second.
t \
Park Theater
Vaodejillt'i C'laimleat Slnttins and !
Dancing Offering
Helen Primrose j
"Nut Comedienne"
Fireworks Thursday Eve.
Try Telegraph Want Ads
AUGUST 11, 1915.
p TR QlfllM °* t ' le an( * Switch Dept. I
The Pennsylvania Steel Company
To Willow Grove
Saturday, August 21, 1915
Fare, Adults $2.00 Half Fare SI.OO
? - •
Train lenvr* P. A R. Station. Harrlabnr*, at 4.20 A. M.
Train Iravra P. A H. Station, Steelton, at 4.00 A. M.
Train Irarn P. Jk R. Station, Mlddletoirn, at 4.30 A. M.
mWi 1 ——
Try Telegraph Want Ads Try Telegraph Want Ads