Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 11, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
p f ,w„w J* .vyi* w v.v.Vs+j+.+.v jv_+ V fy ■». ».» ». » » » » » » » I "/"' '" ' '' ■' I ► 1 ► • .< '► . ► ' | Extra Large Size Rugs To-morrow is the second day which has to offer another |- ; ~ . n . large assemblage of bargains that will prove as interesting as > P\ Are Uoing vJUt At the offerings on sale to-day, and those also will be a part of to- • ► I iftle Prires morrow's programme. This B. B. B. Sale will out class its rivals !; this year just as it has at previous times and should warrant a !< ti A number of homes with those large special trip to this city by county residents. ! 1 spacious rooms may awake to the need of a Look fnp the vpllnw nrice carHs ' new rug and what better time than now. tilC ycllOW prlCc CaruS. a k 10-6x12 Tapestry Rug, regular price $17.60 $12.50 | r WjTTjjV , 11-3x12 Axmlnster Rugs, regular price $27.50 ¥22.50 f •< ► [iff II 11-Bxl6 Tapestry Rugs, regular price $25.00 $20.00 ,SV L X 1 ll—*'* 10-6x12 Body Brussels Rug, regular price $38.60....*28.00 T * IV /V 1 * L ' ► Now Is "Saving Time'* 11 "" 2 B °" BruM *"TT""""' M 0 "° Interesting Mushnwear Uf 5 i>OW IS saving i line $5.69 Grass Rugs, $3.69 —in green with woven ® K ID* .L* borders on both sides. F} 1 • • r ~n , l_ • 'r k* ► In DOyS Clothing $3.50 and $3.75 Smith & Sanford Axminster Rugs, IvCCIUCtIOIIS 10. 1 lllS ? y Thoughtful parents will look forward to school #2.59 oriental and floral patterns. DDDCI £ days not far away and with a little foresight a Floor Samples of Couch Hammocks; one of a kind. U U U g I M H considerable sum may be saved during this $7.50 Couch Hammock 95.50 * * / pvv * y * B. B. B. Sale. f!? - ™ r° UC u Ji '"a«*Kn ..Drawers at 250, value 50c—open and closed; p A i K Boys' Norfolk Suits, 94.50 —regularly $5.95 fiTo? OUC u hammock . JJ58.50 nainsook and cambric, trimmed with wide em- - V\ * ► and $5.45 —in English suiting; the newest $14.25 Couch Hammock ..#10.59 broidery insertion and lace. ' \ \ * ► models; straight front with patch pockets; some Remnants of tapestry and velvet carpets in lengths Gowns at 750, value SI.OO and $1.25 —fine nain- \ i, ► with two pair of pants. Sizes 6to 17 years. from Ito 6 yards at about half price. sook; slip over style with low neck and short *" '■< ► Boys' Norfolk Suits, $3.65 —regularly $4.95 carpets for 390 sleeves; also empire styles; trimmed with fine > ► and $4.45 fancy cassimeres and tartan checks; f IJ J? carpets for 590 lace, embroidery and ribbon run beading. ) y straight fronts with military pockets; some with car P ets f° r 750 Gowns at 390, values 59c to 79c—low neck, f two pair of pants. BOWMAN's —Fourth Floor. short sleeves; yoke of lace and embroidery. j* y Boys' Fancy Wash Suits, $1.95 regularly ~ 1 Small sizes. - - lifll liT 1 $2.95 and s3.7s—coat effect with detachable belt, fUJI O _ J,.-_ J White Petticoats at 590—nainsook with wide JYiCrY Will W CICOITIC \ cuffs and collars. Sizes sto 8 years. S /\utOITlODII6S IxCUUCCCi tucked flounce; trimmed with lace; insertion and * Boys' Trousers, 590 regularly 85c and 75c $13.60 Electric Automobile, with electric lights and horn; lace. TT ' \ in fancy mixtures. Sizes 6to 17 years. painieawmte/with gold f, mp . 1 JllS IlOSiery Otrering |« Boys' Oliver Twist, Norfolk, Junior and upholstered seat; special at $4.88 V J a *■ Tommy Tucker Suits, 79* regularly $1.50 and * BOWMAN's —Third Floor. A large special purchase brings unusual ► $1.25 —in Rep, Galatea and Beach Cloth. , , U K Boys' Oliver Twist Suits, regularly 50c . XT/L'i. CL * D J J lfl tllC jDSSCHICnt V/llin3. accept this opportunity to lay in a good supply. < ► —striped and checked waists with plain blue and rOpillar White rabflCS IxeCIUCeCi ► gray pants. Superior English Ix,n* Cloth, chamois flnlsh, 12 yards for R R R ► BOWMAN'S Third Floor 88c; regularly $1.26. V.JIUI V U. U* XJ, L liLCo full fashioned double soles, high spliced heels. I ► ' ia®y P^ r EnP:,lßh IjOD,S ° l ° th ' 10 >ar<lß f ° r 44C5 regU " . Men ' s 25c Ha,f Hose Pair-fu" fashioned and ' y V J White Lawn, handkerchief finish, 10c yard; regularly 15c; p/aTro-J 1 seamless. Plain black and colors; double soles and * . _ .. . 40 inches. X 1C V <lll high spliced heel. Plain and silk lisle; some are * Wr»mp»n C Rr Sp Vofc 50 '"d-r.sul.rly l« ci tllnch... seconds. ► WOlllCllJj O S Sal. Boxes, 17«- Men's 15c Half Hose 10? pair—double soles. '< \ __ . _ ~ regularly 25c im- Plain black; plain white. < J Hosiery bpecials Stamped Goods Reduced ported and domestic; '< * * x r with hinged wood & Mm. \ J►' , _ Stamped Pillow Cases, 89c—value 50c and 59c; scalloped .. -IIhKI r I kVomen S Hose, 90 pair, 3 pair 200 plain black and hemstitched edge, all nerw neat patterns. cover. | , m * • ' cotton hose; double heel and toe. Stamped Aprons, *■ BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. ork . , .f rQM* J O A ' AV4I ' , Women's Hose, 180 pair, 3 pair for 500—plain Sets - 390—regular- I. wh XTIXT a K black cotton and silk lisle. _ ly 59c German ||^/ ! T NCCfI NOW " y Women's Hose, 650 pair—plain black silk hose; D. H. D. lOy IveduCtlOnS porcelain; plain < double soles; high spliced heel; wide garter tops. Van- stuffed Animals, Dog., Cats, etc.; values up to $1.25. white; six bowls to BigL/ ' OUS shades. Special 19c set ■ 9 UCUUtCU < ;.. l nt T' ?""•*** r - regUkrly 10c! p,ain - mSST:. KW BOd ' *" d JOIn " H ' D °"''.?..?.?& Jardinieres, 4»f - formerly 75c and 98c - made of . Read ov£r , he . |is , carcfully _ your ? black and colors; fine rib. ioc stuffed .'teimais. Special 2c American oottery 1 loiiowing 11st caretuny jour < Children's Sox, pair, 3 pair for fancy top. .TT..?. ' Fern Dishes, 50<, - regnlarly 98c - perforated comforter conven.ence may find somethmg ,n- , BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. bfass; with coppered liner. Palm Beach Trousers $1 45 X Yellow Mixing Bowls, 390 Set—regularly 57c 52.00 Linen Crash Trousers'! *.! 1.#1.45 "I . J_*lA -i\ J- • . white decorative band around bowls; six bowls to set. $2.00 Alpaca Coats #1.25 < 1 r>cf O lISI I 11Cj 1 1 QT" 1 1 0 —regularly 50c salad or $3.00 Alpaca Coats #1.85 \ vIL/U vQll VXlli rL lvlw tIU V * ill 11JL v til berry bowls; deep or shallow shape; assorted decor- $4.00 Alpaca and Serge Coats #2.65 \ : ► ations; luster finish. $2.00 Felt Hats, in black, gray and brown, \ * 1 _ HTI J- "L. 1 _ _ O * n English Porcelain, 750 dozen formerly $1.20 — #1.35 i \ ostlc lhat Combines ORVIMS s^^^ pu^cap.^ .»««,; b iu«wiiiow ► , iT4 , _ , . Baking Set, 440-regularly 89c-fireproof; set con- g°.-£° D R ? inco ? ts in and tan L ► XAT +i. . Tr sists of 7-inch covered casserole, bowl, pudding dish CJQQ R AIN< ; 0 P s . «I'«K 1 " W ltll vjllSlllty and six small custard cups. , , q .... White Serg^Trousers,'striped''! '#l!9s >< , J French China, 890 set formerly $1.39 initial $5 00 White and Striped Flannel Trousers, I ► Quality, however, stands foremost and every piece of furniture found on our large floor sugar and cream sets, Roman go c treatment. . #2.95 i ► is thoroughly dependable, and while savings are not of the "sensational" sort, they are to be Table Tumblers, B.>o dozen regularly $1..-»0 BOWMAN-S— Third Floor. i r >, . => J blown elass; erape and floral cuttine. V J * ► considered because of their genuineness. T .. . ,>£>. i i a t „ , r -., ~a . , „ Jardinieres, 300 regularly 49c American ? ■ Read a few of t em W ich follow: pottery made; brown and green glazed; 10-inch size. K'nit T I T"1 Hf* r\A7P» Q V Pnr j,( ~ \ A Solid Mahogany Poster Decorated China, 290 —regularly 49c —salad dishes, lYllll UIIUCI "Cal X Cll i Ten-Piece Dining Room Bed— cake plates, cracker jars sugar and cream nut . « ► Is but one of the numerous bowls, spoon trays, footed comports and olive dtshes. Womeil-bpCCial oUlte, fpl 4 " styles in Period beds. This style BOWMAN'S— Basement. y i f i tv'iv comes in solid mahogany; dull Womens Vests, 70 each, 4 for 250 —extra size; low ; ► Patterned alter the W llliam rubbed; either in "twin' or full —— neck; sleeveless; bleached. t ► H V 111 litii S ' ZC ' at ; #19.50 Women's Pants, 210 lace knee; extra size. L y Jacobean 'finish. All-oak %% in- #2 ( '> t 'lO S #29 00 f • n *L O A Women's Union Suits, 290 each regularly 50c— ► teriors; dust-proof throughout. V.SJ.UU Clearing Out the Remainder of bleached; open mesh; seconds. r To see it is to aooreciate Bowmmn 7oV Grocery Stores. Women's Union Suits, 350 each, 3 for #l.oO— ► beauty and value. Value . "F~l Soecial B. B. B. Price 14c. regularly 50c - bleached; low neck; sleeveless; lace ; ► $215.00. August price, #179 W fW J s knee. I y J y IB , jjjy $0 4/ t /W sleeves and sleeveless; white or ecru. ► JpL Fireside Chairs » Domestics Are Low | y SNm, Note in particular the beautiful ,M M Jk, _ —, : ~ U U ® \ lines ' Covered in a steel-blue jjjjtT :i 111 1 lICC •_ A P i y jjy velour a new and already v/ l&GLTtflg jr\.XJoCi\ i k popular shade: also in a restful. AW MIIMI H M,I LJrrj Lancaster Gingham, yard good patterns; r sw .... s- t=. «L_ Hl,ill t r f tl n niere r.nrsfts hatistp and rnntil ; hark- and frnnt lar# • Tip-Top Table brown. Turkish spring j ' P yard-regularly 10c • bleach- W. B.; C. B.; Royal Worcester; Warner and La Reine », Very Special, $5.95 seat g.ves_comfort to the final let- ===4 ==^ :== ed; ► Made of solid mahogany and in- - '1 ► laid, as shown. Just as durable as price #19.75 6 ►it is handsome and convenient. Rockers to match—same price. ~~^^ =:=:::: T===== ==; ~ =;; Unbleached Muslin, 70 yard—regularly 10c •39 SI.OO Warner Corsets; coutil; medium bust; long i y Exceptional value. inches wide. ' hips; heavy hose supporters. Special, 790. \ y Note the Savings Genuine Savings ® i; Unbleached Sheeting, 230. yard—regularly 32c; BOWMAN S— second Floor. ► on Extension Tables . = yv 90 inches wide; cut from full piece. ► SIO.OO Golden Oak Extension m Mattresses I - _— _ y Awning Stripes, 160 yard—regularly 20c and 25c; D L T/ lm * 1 ► T S, e 'ru' , Roll Edge Felt Mattresses - 1 assorted patterns. tSCLOy V eHICIeS , y $13.75 Golden Oak Extension 4 Dress Gingham and Shirting Gingham, yard ; Tables #18.95 $7.00 value. August pnee, *4.95 Ul _ regu larly 8c and 10c; cut from the piece. ' * D D D D $22.50 Extension Tables, quar- A New Felt Mattress made Handsome Straight Line Pillow Tubing 140 yard—regularly 20c; 42 inches LJD•£j %JD • L # 1-C't^O tered oak; platform base. Hiree f or us as an extra special for our f wide; cut from the piece. . , , . ■* different patterns #18.75 , . atn qit Dresser, Wood-body Sulkey, with upholstered seat and i ► _ ' „ . + sale ' at . ( ■ back rest, reversible back, at #1.89. . y Bed Koom rurniture Imperial Felt Mattress—heavy Exactly like illustration; and SAVE ON SHEETS—Low prices prevail dur- $23.50 Reed Baby Coach, cradle gear, corduroy ► Ver y S P ecial , „ t edge; extra weight; $12,00 value; Wal ", Ut .i,° r duH ing the B. B. B. Sale. cushions, special at #14.98. Choice of dresser, cniffonier. toilet ~ . r „ • . , . , rubbed mahogany. In the same " e . < ► table, or Princess dresser; well made art ticking; full imperial roll and stvles are beds chiffonier and V V BOWMAN'S—Third Floor and popular design; in mahogany, . ibq m\ . ii , ' ai* * o - , walnut and tuna mahogany, at $12.d0 August price 5p0.90 toilet table, also at #14.9«> each. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. v > h [WEDNESDAY EVENING, HAKRISBtTHG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 11, 1915. 3