»» v V VWWV VW V V.V VV W V WT. T.f. ,▼ T T T T>f fTVTTTtf VT ¥ »T T ▼ T ▼ T TT T T»TT ▼T T T TT ▼ T ▼ T_TLTLT , «LT..VS ►' Starts To-morrow I ————— ■ ———* ——————————————————— ———————————————————— ► I A \M:ii:~ The great sale event known to six surrounding counties— f R dd c . r 1 5 j> I A Millinery the most widely recognized money-saving period of the year. . . . aeo , ► rc P utat i° n alone, a mere announcement of this 8.8. B. Sale Sample Neckwear . '? I Clearance would indicate that there are yards and bolts and boxes of Up-to-date Styles For Women " '< ► (Told in Brief) merchandise-honey that our busy bees have assembled, on 50c neck p^eccs l2 o4* j| ► Rather than the telling' of manv crea- Which yOU realize a S3.Ving , bllt OUT purpose IS tO ha Ve BOWMAN's —Main Floor. •< ► tions in the assortment, the B. 88. Sale this sale grow in its present greatness and consequently be of ' ; on'trfmmed and imrim^mnU*™ 818 greater benefit to the community, therefore this extra large Handbags f ► Untrimmed Shapes, at 15?, 49?, 98? announcement. Childrens' Bags, 19*-regularlv 25c and 50c- as- J : Trimmed 98? and »i.98- Yellow cards will tell the story more thoroughly. y pood variety from which to choose. and white. r * White and black satin sailors, with fancy VTT*O 1N Q T*T7 N BOWMAN s— MAIN FLOOR. ► wool edges; advance autumn styles, 89c. JLX lIdOIUII Id iy OdVlllgb WII - i< * > ' Sheets and Cases m . Narrow \ Dainty Dresses For (in the BB B SaU) Lmbroidery Edges in the j Sheets, at 39e. or 3 for #l.O0 —regularly 45c welded seam; made of good J* ' D D D C 1 C. \/ 1 * A * 1 quality muslin; 72x90 inches. iilT' 13. D. D. tJclie. JC YQ. 4 ► ./xTC OpeCl9.l Sheets, at 49e—regularly 65c—bleached; made of good weight sheeting; 3- ► inch hem at top; 81x90 inches. Excellent 10c values, illustrating the rare L 1 ► at $175 Sheets, at 75* —regularly 95c-good, even, round thread; 81x90 savings this sale has in store. Also: \ f V * Utica Sheets, at 79* regularly SI.OO slightly mill soiled; 81x99 inches. /f- -Jc linen Torchon Laces and Insertions, at, yd. ... 3e You'll be surprised at this Pillow Cases made of mohawk muslin; slightly mill soiled; 3-inch hems. I i"d ° lnt . 1S l- aces > at - yd 5* assortment of new dresses 42x36, at 14*, from 18c; 45x36. at 13*. from 20c. ' ' / £ c 18 " in . c n h Batiste Flouncing at yd 25* . p«;nciallv the fine - * c f ,^°. I i set ,°)^ r Embroidery, at, yd 25* , P - & j n „. sca |i o p e d edge; four different patterns to select from. BOWMAN'S Main Floor c to SI.OO \ oile and Organdie Flouncing, at, yd., 48$ , material and workmanship BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. < JS-S ™ f ~ BB B shoe Sal* With B. B. B Domestic Offer- Ribbons: The Loom-)! JSSSSTZ Bargains Unusual ings Are Timely and Ends at 19c yd. : broidery; also neat ribbon. Women's patent colt, gun metal calf, vici kid and of a Special Nature A big variety of plain shades and fancies Fine gingham dresses; white canvas button and laced shoes; good in widths 4to 8 inches. long waists; belted; with styles; formerly $2.50 to $3.50. Pair V/UC Hill Muslin, 10 yards cut from the piece for '•>*•_ These qualities on full bolts sell for * plain and plaited skirts. 2 Women's white duck, gray suede and tan calf low ches'wide heav^T cto * to 6. and 6to 14 years. shoes, pumps and Colonials, turns and QHr» Cretonnes, 7->4* yd. regularly 12^c—36 inches BOWMAN-S— Main Floor. Choice at $1.75. welts, formerly $2 to $3. Pair v/vC wide; light and dark patterns. - t BOWMAN'S— Second Floor Girls' Button shoes of patent colt and gun metal; Pillow Tubing, 10e yd. regularly 18c-—45 inches IT / — N solid oak leather soles. Harrisburg made. Sizes 6to w ide . iemnant lengths. 'l. f i „ „ Q . ~ . m . . m Calico, 4-3 4 f yd. regularly 6'4c—in silver gray, "* ► Silk Girdles, in assorted styles, $1 to 8, at 95*; 8,4 to 11, at $1.20; 11/ 2 to at J1.40. blue and light shirtings. * ) \ $1 39 values at 69c* Boys gun metal button and laced shoes; absolutely Dress and Shirting Ginghams, yd.—regularly jfjjT j ' BOWMAN S— Main Floor * solid leather throughout and wear like. iron. Sizes 10 8c and 10c —27 inches "wide; cut from full pieces. , I 4 ► J to at #1.00; Ito2, at $1.15; 1 r% T? Unbleached Muslin, 5* yd.—regularly 7c—39 inches /Jliki K ► 91/ ' -,/ . JK I (\r% wide; good, even thread. J&M\ft| fm\ ? BR R C-1- ~ 2 . 2 ' ..T »U • Mohawk Pillow Cases, 14* and 15* —regularly 18c \ <\Wl :..,, ifjk; \ / A • 39c Steel Scissors 25* metal with stout oak soles; sizes 5>4 to (t\-i Unbleached Sheeting, 15* yd. regularly 22 c—72 4 y \2y 2 c Dressing Combs 5* 10; formerly $2.19 to $3.00. Pair QlsUO inches wide; will bleach and wash easily. > M ► 25c nickel Skirt Gauges 19* /" l|||| |j|l W UWF I ► 25c Sleeve Protectors 15* T"-v T-V ; !c Basting Cotton, 3 spools lOe i - lu/i Hli'l # Ml 'mBIH r. ►sc Pearl Buttons, 2 dozen 5* _ _ fiQ , Waists, at tSJ? Iff jj | I jj |lt l" y BOWMAN'S Main Floor. Summer Dresses, Otl? Clean-up of various stvles, in embroidered voiles ill K |iH Vltnj r j* ► / —\ A rack full of light, airy summer dresses reduced and organdies; also lawns. IM/ 11 U |1 lluß ► U 4, C J A for clearance; mostly printed voiles. Waists, at $1.69 Iff/ || / ffl Ullft. ? ► V-xfOCtiet Dpreaas /\re Cream Serge Suits, .50 Latest styles, in embroidered voiles; flat collar; &J Qfi u Bp P ; y y # Clearing out the remaindei of these suits which long and short sleeves. * y Lowered in Price are belted models and good styles. Unusual saving. i BOWMAN'S— second Floor. y for immediate use. in full bed size; ready j A 50c grade of Mercerized Satin Damask is 1 £) esira b[ e Weaves in DreSS PnCeS Oil Mdl'S I , value $1.50. marked down to 39c in our B. B. B. Sale. CL* A-.D* _l\/ I O " , TT i ► 790, value SI.OO. r abrics Are rnced Very Low Suits Have ► 44c, value 69c and- 75c (single bed I .1 O T) O C 1 ,* h sizes) ' iij.wrtwws.rt.flWl In the d. d. bale RparhpH A Mpw i y BOWMAN's —Main Floor. I*4 i HJ1?0 V*7 SI.OO 54-inch black Mohair, Sicilian weave, at 45* £VCdL/llvLl /\ II C jj t k V J ]7' jQk yard. _ c< ! EISS A The B B B Sale Brina, l\ lipOTT at 45* yard. LOW MarK t * 8 I lllra .i j $1.50 40-inch silk and wool Tussah Brocade, in jas ► T + l! '^fcS®^Ssssiu" pe si.so 44-Inch r black Poplin, at $i.(K) yard. F°r the B. B. B. Sale we have j" !► L/OW / rtces \Jn si!w y^ inch black French Serge ' waterproof ' at assembled all $9.90 and some higher \ L njr % r\ « rt SIOO 44-inch navy serge, with white pin stripe, at priced models, and will place them !■ Men s Furnish- 3«— -». —»- i ! ► j SI.OO 42-inch Herringbone Serge, in gray, at 45* I; ings 'Way Down Prices ibO.(JO \ _ . ... and plaids, at yard. \ j ► Desirous of ridding our men's stocks of sur- - „ . , . , t \ y plus, men can purchase shirts, hose underwear ured Lawns, Crepes and Dress Ginghams, at 5* yard. Cassimere, homespuns and worsteds in sizes > inri thp iii. ot ovtromai . 1 „ « . ► 11 ' prices. Panel Curtains, $1.15 and $2.15 each —formerly Messalines, Vestings, fancy Velvet, Brocade Messa- mostly stouts up to 46 size. j* Dress Shirts, 42* madras, in coat style, with $2.00 and $3.55 white and ecru; 2V 2 vards long; line and mahogany Charmeuse. at 39* yard. * i* | French cuffs heavy cable bobinet, with pretty designs. BOWMAVS-m"- Floor. a j j», ' \ ► Dress Shirts, <>9* - regularly SI.OO plain and T LJi , _ J\TIG 1 11611 \ ► mercerized madras; coat stvle with French cuffs - Curtains, .>;>* to sh.>.t)o pr.—formerly o9c to yvi » /-> i _ ( ► choice patterns. ' $5.00 white and ecru; plain and covered centers. W Omen S VjlOVeS Our $12.50 and $13.50 wool cassimere and * ► Neckwear, 10* regularly 25c—t-:n-hands and Noveltv Net Curtains 89c to 't »0 nr —fnrmprlv Silk Gloves, 49* pr.-16-button length, double worsted suits are also lowered, and may be ? y club-string ties. H finger tips; small quantity. purctiased for Suspenders, 25* regularly 50c—lisle webbing, $ t0 W a " ecru; cluny brussels net and Silk Gloves, 39* pr. 2 clasp; exceptional 41 leather ends, patent cast off. Battenberg, 2 l / 2 and 3 yards long. values. "< ® eltß 'ol ß^-l or men and bo - vs - Sunfast Materials, 69* to SI.OO yard formerly M If 1 1 ► ..aS,S b e ;?d„l r 3 f ° r * l '°°- mUSlin ° r «*- 50 *«* ■■ »PW« a»d figured de- WoaMn .. 5, - reg „- ftfj tft f \ y Union Suits, 39*— cotton, ribbed, open mesh and s, R ns - brown and green. larly 10c white and colored initials; not all in- ? \ y nainsook. Curtains, $2.50 to $3.50 pr.—formerly $3.95 to $5 itials in the lot - _ . , ' . \y Underwear, 18*—regularly 25c—bleached; open —sunfast and armure curtains. Women's Linen Handkerchiefs, 10* regu- Striped worsteds, grays, tans and dark mix- 4 mesh; knee drawers, sleeveless. R( .j p„ llc . 0 - . ~ larly 15c to 25c white initials. tures; grav cassimeres, Tartan checks and < ► Half Hose, 7e pr., or 4 prs. 25*-plain black and k * ' C ~ sl.2^-,n white, blue, Crepe Handkerchiefs, 6 for 25*- various col- others. Sizes for regulars, young men and 1 ► glain tan; double heels and es. pink and yellow; collapsible; space for pillows. ors. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. shorts ' ' J . BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor l * I buwmais bourth Floor. V BOW'MAN'S—Third F»oor. TUESDAY EVENING, • HJLRRISBURG frffljftl TELEGRAPH AUGUST 10, 1915. 3