Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 09, 1915, Page 12, Image 12
12 A Fresh Importation of Last of the Summer Dresses Japanese China ftMllte±AOT!T _ utininimmmmTfT Sizes for Women and Misses Representing 33c to 50c Values MB fl{S3tll3 Colored and White Voile Specially Priced m the •Km Buyers Sale at 25c IIIIWMJIW. HBO JL ISMI „ „. M . Mprf TOO . n. , x , . ~, . BSR ••' t I dresses with Quaker collar and you are an admirer of Japanese china you 11 be ' / ouir.s „ f sheer organdie. Buyers- S^l pleased to read this announcement of specially priced J , m Pric ® ,3 - 9 ft M $6.50 striped voile and polka dot \ f\ fresh- arrivals. , M dresses In plain tailored or fancy / //' . styles wllh narrow ruffles. Buyers' / I 1 1 The assortment is verv complete and includes: Ba lf..^i oo •;, ••• •:•• ••••• $4 50 ['%■%? r *' \ J r HA % 15.00 embroidered voile drosses I , u ,xrz,:r:irr™'""" In the Refurnishing of Any Part of SSRSSSSg Cups and Saucers Oat Meal Dishes Tea Strainers "\7" T T ,\ A . 1-7 • wash skirts ni-.m ckd * - Hair Receivers Powder Boxes Jewel Stands Jl OVll 1 lOIXIO tllO 1 fowl coni P sk!rt;, R^kl? t 1 " e n'l"r »!nt!r. Tu"e™' f4ue r pr'ic<! n .«5.00 _ . . _ $2.98 grey mixed linen skirts, with patch pockets and belt. Buy* 50 Dozen Floral Cot Glass Tumblers: 33c Sfllf* T c a C-.x.. WES' "USt i«W -J3£ WdlC/ 1 O CJL It A A S-' II I V A tl (<I II I _ ?® - S* cream serge skirts. Buyers' tailored and with patch pockets. A value that promises to create active buying in the Base- O «/ 88,6 Prlce $5.00 1 Buyers' sale Price 93.50 ment; of good design and enough to last through one day. ~ Furniture of recognized dependability is offered in the August Sale at savings $1.75 fancy glaze umbrella stands, in varied colors. Buyers' that will appeal to every man or woman who is interested in home or room refur- AO 1 roi* C \ r Sale Prke 9125 nishing. America's best makers have contributed their choicest pieces. In furni- A bale Ol ShlftS TOf Meil Bamboo Porch Screens ture for every room in any home the prices will be found to be satisfyingly low. Make your porch attractive and comfortable for the bal- $19.50 dull mahogany $lO 7S hr'as* heH C / • • \Z 1 1 ance l of the season at small cost. bed V d/ueS 771 CjracleS To-morrow a sale of Bamboo Screens— 1 mahogany , 85c grade, reduced to- 59e $35.00 dull mahogany bureau. r 7 7 . xr. j 7-7 98c grade, reduced to 65c princess dresser. ■KXflMjwA f $15.00 mahogany chif- Of tfLC jT ITtCSt JT 7*0772 SL4B rade D ;:. d . uc pll; ** 5o duil fonier ' p i <:+ i ■ - - Rsvuhr Stock Wnfnpn'c »nrl dl o Extra special in the DllVVKlnivKiwvnwl August Buyers' and high grade madras. Buyers Sale Underwear and Fine F " r r "-"" W Sale * 3IOO . »•» »-s?»«:»,in mer«ri«d » n d u . n , , Sale " n " d mahoi;any hfd ' ISjOT'si7 n PHce 95c Ullfl ITV MOvSlfifV Keniirpri $14.50 bress bed. Solid mahogany bureau, wuaill j I 0 - . • ;.i , , . , , $16.50 dull mahogany n ' 1 (! ~ an > c 1 " and plaited front, with laundered cuffs; sizes to /^a okes T ecial ; P " fa^ y bureau. fonier. ' 20; v alues to SI.OO. Buyers' Sale Price 69c 25c white lisle Cumfy cut ribbed vests; regular and extra $16.50 dull mahogany Suspenders, -55e sizes. Special 15c chiffonier. Three-piece fumed oak 50c President suspenders of wide and narrow lisle 19c white cotton ribbed shaped vests. Special .. 12 V4e .W * " T ".. 1 i.Cii".?* :• '•« , , webbing. Buyers' Sale Price 350 , . ~ . . . . . , 7 Library Suite, with ' 50c white lisle union suits; sleeveless and knee length. $47.50 suite regularly. • , . . . 25c Garters, 160 i r...;_ i qa a & i spring seat ana upnols- -i 1 Special 39c en.,;,i ;« -u- T a 1 "Briffhton, "Paris 1 and "Boston" pad grarters. Children s white cotton ribbed union suits; sleeveless and' special in the f terv in leather. In the , . s Ifi knee length. Special 25$ August Furniture Chairs without cushion (as illus- August Furniture Sale. buyers bale rice Women's 25c black fiber silk seamless hose. Buyers' Sale Sale $39.00 trate 1 *V $13.30 Men's and Roys' black bridal solid leather belts Pric * ; 'rV'""C-Y'"il"v\ .""'L ;• 18< ! Three-piece Library Suite of mahoganv Golden Oak Dinine Chairs (no split leather). Buyers' Sale Price 250 Women s 2oc white silk lisle seamless hose. Buyers' upholstervin tapestry. August Furniture W ith^ a t. I' \ fl vA Dives. Pom.roy & Stewart-Men's Store. Sale Price 18e Sale Price #35.00 Ith S '. ,p SCatS; one t0 three of a kmd ' re ~ - V Women's 25c white and black silk lisle hose; seamless l\yr; cc ; rt ,, phoire duced as follows— ( , . ~ , , .CIO- Mission unairs Keduced SI 95 °rade at Ol** and fashioned feet. Buvers Sale Price 15e -r i j- t graae at »,>c , .„ , „ . . v Twentv pieces, including rockers. «-> ;n crraHe at «1 »>■; Women s oOc black fiber silk seamless hose. Special, 35e sg.OO rockers, reduced to $4.00 * f \ *7 Women's 10c black cotton hose, seamless. Special .. .6e $9.75 rockers, reduced to $4.87 -r\ g C 3 Children's fancy top sox, seamless. Special ... 9e $7.50 rockers, reduced to $3.75 $3.50 grade at $1.75 Children's 25c fancv top seamless sox. Special 15e $13.50 rockers, reduced to $6.75 Fumed oak spring seat chairs and rockers. rrirefc Pomeroy & etoirart, street Floor, sls -°° rockers > reduced to $7.50 Special in the August Furniture Sale. $3.95 Cotton Dress Weaves in Men's and Boys' Fine Quality Colors Specially Priced o z? \ T t . , . 0 , bummer rootwear very Low in the August Sale . n , A D , e , " g§r!^s.sa. m !St* , ?S?r in price in the August Duyers bale Buyers' Sale Price, yard.... Sale Price, yard /2C 36c Toiles, 36 inches wide in 15c glnghajtis, 33 inches wide; in Men's $4.00 English oxfords in gun metal, patent Broken lines of J3.00 and $2.50 oxfordi, dj'-l QC floral stripes and polka dots. Buy- seersucker stripe®. Buy- Ql/ _ colt and tan calf. tfo ofi not all sizes. Buyers' Sale Price ""I.OJ ers' Sale Price, lSc er^_^ a Jf. )' art l /ZC Buyers' Bale Prlc. Boys' $3.00 English oxfords In tan calf and gun ' "iirtc voiles, 36 inches wide, in large kimono deigns. * Men English tan calf oxfords, with rubber 6rS 52.35 floral and fancy strips. J Sale Price, yard lUC Buyers" Sale Price $3.25 Boys' $2.60 oxfords 'in vicV kid,' gun metal and tan Buyers' Sale Price, yard * lv Bates' ginghams In plain Buyers sate rnce c&jf Buyers' .1 rwo 13lace lawns, in white stripes, checks and fancy plaids. Men's SB.OO oxfords. og Salp Price Jhloi/O noral 7V 2 C BV2C Buyers' Sale Price Boys' i2!66' oxfords in' 't'an calf.' 'gun' metal and Bnyers Sale T /Zi» Broken lines of $4.00 and $3.50 oxfords in gun patent colt. Buyers' *1 /»(■ SOc ratine, 36lnches wide. 11- Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, metal and tan calf. OC Sale Price Buyers' Sale I>rice. yard... Street Floor. i Buyers' Sale Price 5Z.85 Dlves Pomeroy Stewart-Street Floor. ————— j Bringing Up Father # $ # $ $ # By McManus | ra^nri^-S 1 ' Kp-sw 11 a I llWES'issr- [ET [ ] m I ■ Wr f MONDAY EVENING, BAJUIISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 9, 1915. ' LAWN OR G \RDEX ANTS* jDo Not Injure Plant*—-May Be Eaully •_'r»ilrollril | There seems to be a rather excep- i J tlonal abundance of the common little lawn ant, probably what is often called the garden ant (Lasius niger) this year. ; These little ants, yellowish brown in color, construct their small crater nests on lawns and pastures in enormous | numbers, often a dozen or more to the > square yard of surface. Other species of ants may be con cerned. some of them black in color, but i the common species widely distributed throughout the Northern States is the | one named above. : Very frequently these ants are noted ]on roses and other ornamental plants I • and on garden plants, and fears are naturally aroused that they are injur ing the plants, and any damage which the plants may exhibit from other causes is naturally ascribed to the ants, i Usually, however, a a careful examina- I tion of the plants will reveal the exist- | ence of plant lice, the presence of which attracts the ants. These plant lice ex- ■ crete a sweet liquid, of which the ants , are very fond and which they collect > from the plant lice without any injury j to the latter. For this reason plant ! lice are very frequently termed "ant : cows." The presence of ants on plants therefore. Is usually an indication of , the presence of plant lice or related \ insects, which may also excrete sweet ish liquids. The relation of ants to plant i | lice Is very Intimate, and the little lawn ant discussed has A record of hat - | boring in its nests over winter plant I lice to return them to an appropiate I host plant the following Spring. The jcorn-r<*t aphis, for example, has been ! found bv Professor Forbes and others |ln nests of these ants. In this role ! i ants can be considered as injurious, in 'i! that they assist in the overwintering ' and subsequent dissemination of injuri ous plant lice. A NEW AMUSEMENT PARK THRILLER The latest thriller for amusement parks and similar institutions is a so j called "bowl of death" which turns | from a horizontal to a vertical position \ and then hack again as the rider drives ; his motorcycle at high speed around i the rim. A picture of the device ap- I pears in the August Popular Mechan | lcs Magazine. The bowl is mc.de up of segments of perforated steel, is 15 | feet in diameter, and is hemispherical ; in shape except for a flat section at ! the center and a sharp inward curve at the rim designed to furnish the J rider some degree of protection against 1 the danger of running off the edge, t When the motorcyclist begins his ride the bowl is horizontal, with the open* side up. As soon as the machine at | tains sufficient speed to ride on the vertical edge the bowl is slowly swung . to a position in which the open side j is vertical. NEW ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE MOVING PICTURE FIELD ; Two ingenious developments in the j art of motion picture projection have I recently been made which may add | somewhat to the spectators' pleasure -as well as broaden the photoplay i field. Each achievement, while in a i manner related to the other, Is dlffer i ent both in purpose and means of exe cution. One makes it possible to show I a film in a sun-lilled room, while the ] other enables pictures to be displayed lln open air at night under the full I glare of powerful electric lights. Both ' methods are fully described in the August Popular Mechanics Magazine.