Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 09, 1915, Page 11, Image 11
}A "Fur lent" Ad on This Page Is Sure to Reach tic Person Yen Seek| PIED FV>V After a brief Illness, on Friday evening, Abner H. Fox. of New Cum berland Survived by his widow and one daughter. Mrs. Otto Kauffman of Bradlev Beach. N. J.; on® son, John Rife, of Baltimore. Md. » Funeral services will be held Tues dav afternoon, at 1 o clock. ,from his late residence. Bridge street. New Cum berland. Burial Mt Olivet Cemetery The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Mclaughlin or. August 8. I9IS>. Mrs Marcla Alice McLaughlin, wife of John McLaughlin. No. 2144 Susque- Fureral on Wednesday. August 11. at 4PM from her late residence. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery. The relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. CRI'LL On August 9. 1915. Mrs. Mary Crull, In her (3d year, at her late home. 263 Cumberland street. Funeral services will be held at the above address on Thursday morning, at 10 30 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial at Harrisburg Ceme tery. WOLFLEY John S. Wolfley died Monday. August 9. 1916. aged 80 years Funeral services Wednesday, August 11. strictly private. LOST — LOST August 8. New Red Top Flsk 4x3 4 Automobile Tire and Rim between Shepherds town and Center Square on Harrisburg and Gettysburg tim ber land County. Reward if returned to this office. LOST An Angora cat In the vicin ity of Dauphin and Elizabeth streets. Reward if returned to ueorge W. Orth, 1831 North Sixth street. LOST—In P. R. R. Station. August 6. pasteboard suit box. containing ladj s wearing apparel, black dress, chtlds fancv dress, etc. Reward If returned to R Meyers. MS West Green street. Mechanles'burg. Pa. LOST Will the party who found the starting crank on the corner of Rosmoyne and Herman streets, l.#e movne. leave it at the Lemoyne Auto ■hop. FOUND FOUND —The well-dressed man. He J always sends his clothes to Eggert s I Steam Dveing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street. Do you. Both phones. Call and deliver. | HELP WANTED —Male WANTED Good tool workers or • killed machinists to assist die sinkers and trimmers on drop forging * or k- Excellent opportunity to l«a™ the trade. Apply by letter only. The D. Wilcox Mfg. Co., Mechanlcaburg. Pa. WANTED. AT ONCE Retired or Discharged Soldiers for special guards. Apply to Sergeant Qulgley, Room -00, . Metropolitan Annex. __ WANTED One live salesman who wants to better his position and make from S2O to S3O per week; good refer ence* and bond required. Jewell Tea Co.. 269 Broad. WANTED Competent carpenters. Apply General Supt. Office, Central Iron A. Steel Co.. Harrisburg. Pa ARMT OF THE UNITED STATES — MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar rled men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good char- > acter and temperate habits, who can ip£&k, rcftd And write tb< English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Bergner Building, i 3d & Market Sts.. Harrisburg, Fa. WANTED Buyer and man-1 ager for the ladies', misses and children's shoe department. State | full particulars and salary desired, j Jonas Long's Sons, \\ ilkes-Barre, j Pa. WANTED First-class tool makers, profilers, millers, drillers, riflers and barrel turner?. Good pay to competent men. Address, giving experience, to J F Creswell. P. O. Box 264, Lancaster. Pa _____ WANTED A cook for a yount, men's camp; must be reasonable, whltu and temperate In habits. Beginning j August 14 for two Address P. j O. Box 698. Harrisburg. j WANTED Boy about 15 years old. j well built, to run errands, keep stock . and make himself useful. Applicant must have references. Wages, 13.00 j ner week. Good chance to learn elec trical business. Apply P. O. Box 781, City. • TOUNG MEN WANTED who wish to become practical or mechanical chauf feur* to call or write us at once. Full | unlimited course. $36. Open day and evening Auto Transportation Repair Shop. 5 North Cameron street. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn the trade of Cigar Making. Pay while learn ing. Welfare looked after by a trained nurse. Apply at Harris burg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. WANTED Girl for general house work In an apartment; two In family. Hanson, ISI4 State street. WANTED Colored girl In family of three; give reference as to honesty and ability; no laundry work unless de sired; transportation furnished. Mrs. William W. Cunningham. 12 South Main street, Lewistown, Pa. WANTED A white girl, or mid dle-aged woman for general housework. Must know how to cook. Reference re quired. Call at 1701 North Second street. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Reliable man. thl* dis trict. to look after our interests and appoint agents; liberal salary and ex penses; if you qualify, honesty ant wiMlngnes* to learn more appreciated than experience. National Wholesale Importing Co., Niagara Falls. N. Y. | Real Estate For Sale PAXTANG CHOICE RESIDBJICB I One of the most desirably located' ihouse* In Paxtang—brick house TVlth modern convenience*. Lot SOx 1 120 ft. This property 1* on the I market at a very reasonable figure. I 1434 BERRYHILL ST. I 2% -story frame house with eight | room* bath and furnace. ' Lot 21x !1 05 ft. Property Is in very good condition. IK-ACRE FARM • 1100 I Two mile* north of Mlddletown on I the road to the Emau* Home. Flve- I room log and frame hou*e—stable • and outbuilding*. Considerable I fruit. I 80-ACRE FARM No Building'. t One-fourth mile aoutheast of t Ppeecevllle on State Road to Bun- T bury. All cultivated—loo flve-year t old apple trees. A bargain at (2SOO | MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE i laaaraace Surety Bond* Locust aad Cewt Streets MONDAY EVENING, I SITUATION WANTED —Male WANTED By a first-cla** bread, cake and pastry baker, position. In or out of city. Calf, or address. Baker, 1545 j Fulton street. I WANTED Boy, 19 years old. Ju*t | come from Virginia, would like work of any kind. Call, or address, 933 Grand j street. City. WANTED An apprentice boy de- I sires position with plumber; ha* work l ed at trade eighteen months; not afraid lof hard work. Address P., 2853, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young boy would like position in the country. Address Box J., 2847, care of Telegraph. WANTED Toung man, with three years' experience, as shipping clerk in department store, desires position either in this line or in stock room; best of references. Address H.. 2849, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young, married man, with six year*' business experience In the capacity of clerk and bookkeeper, desires to connect himself with a firm in Harrisburg or vicinity; best of ref j erence as to character and ability. Ad- I dress J„ 2852, care of Telegraph. WANTED Strong, willing, young man wants farm worlc. any kind. la*t two weeks August. R. Graner, Box 16. Brooklyn. N. Y. WANTED Married man. 29. well educated, ten years' experience retail and wholesale salesman, two years' road experience, desire* position; best ref erences furnished. What have you to offer? Address C.. 2818, care of Tele graph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED By two colored girls, work of any kind. Address 907 Sarah avenue. WANTED By white woman, wash ing and Ironing to do at home; refer ence given. 2019 Moltke avenue. WANTED Two colored sisters want work in private family; also wo man wants day s work. Apply 414 South street. I WANTED Neat, young coldred girl desires general housework. Call, or ad dress. 318 Mulberry street. WANTED By reliable white wo man. day's work of any kind in private family or office cleaning: references. Address Stella A. Taylor. General De livery. City. WANTED Colored woman desires position as cook; can furnish reference. ! Call, or address. 1336 North Seventh street. WANTED By middle-aged woman, position as waitress or assistant light housework. Addres* D.. 2R46, care of Telegraph. j WANTED Young white woman, with child three years of age. desires position as housekeeper. Call, or ad dress. Mrs. Delia Wallower, Marysvtlte, Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $3,000 BUYS a dwelling and store property worth $1,500, store, stock and fixtures worth $2,300, in a good com munity for all kinds of country pro duce. Addresß F., 2841, care of Tele graph. 2551 N. Sixth St., 3-s. brick. 24 Chestnut St.. Steelton. 104 S. Seventeenth. 3-s. brick. 1837 N. Second. 3-story brick. 1737 N. Sixth, 3-*. frame. 2006 Susquehanna, single brick. 2015 N. Seventh, 3-s. frame. 1836 Recina, single brick. 1807 Rudy, 2-s. brick. 214 Reily, 3-* tory brick. 256 Race, 3-story brick. 1936 Park. 3-s. brick. 2015 Penn. 3-story brick. 1409 N. Third, dwg. & store. 1410 Penn St.,2H-s. frame. BRINTON-PACKER CO Second and Walnut St*. SECOND STREET PROPERTY FOR ! SALE Now vacant owner left city —large brick house all conveniences i —key at our office. Inspect it soon No. 1435 North Second street. Bell ; Realty Co., Bergner Building. i CORNER PROPERTY for sale at a reduced price all improvements —( porch front drive alley No. 1400 North street. Inspect it soon. Particu- ] !ars at Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build ing; ! FOR SALE West Fairvlew, double i house, corner property, desirable loca | tion large rooms modern conveni ences near trolley practically new | —large lots occupied by owner. Par ticulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner j Building. AN 8 PER CENT NET INVESTMENT —1713 Reglna street reduced to $2,160 — 8 rooms, bath, lot 110 ft. deep, paved drive alley In rear. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. WHAT will you give for 340 Crescent street? Any reasonable offer will be considered for 238 Hummel street, now held at $2,000. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE 2 %-story brick dwell ing; 6 rooms: paved street; ten-minute walk from Square. Price, $1,300.00. Rental income. $12.00 per month. Ad dress Box 66. Camp Hill, Pa. STEAM-HEATED BRICK HOUSE SALE at reduced price. All other , Improvements. Must be sold soon. No. 122 North Seventeenth street. Now I vacant. Terms easy. Bell Realty Co., I Bergner Building. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 173 North Fifteenth • street. sl3; gas and water. Inquire of 173 North Fifteenth street. FOR RENT 1443 BerryhiU street, and 515 South Fourteenth street. John H. Maloney, real estate and general insurance, 1619 Green street. FOR RENT No. 1843 Whitehall street: modern, steam heated brick house; newly decorated; splendid loca tion; rent, $32.50. No. 129 S. Fourteenth street; modern S-story brick house; newly papered throughout. A very de sirable home. Rent. ss22. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT House 51$ Race street; < rooms, bath and furnace. Inquire 431 Mi rket street, third floor apart ment. 1804 State St $25.00 808 N. Eighteenth St 21.00 715 N. Eighteenth St 21.00 1425 Berryhill St 20.00 A. S. MILLER & SON, Real Estate and Insurance Eighteenth and State. FOR RENT An old physician's | stand. 826 North Third street —two rooms. For particulars apply to S. Friedman, Real Estate and Insurance, Kunkel Building, or 217 Peffer street. FOR RENT No. 6 North Fifth street, nine rooms and bath. Apply to S. Friedman, Kunkel Building, or 217 Peffer street. BEAT THE HEAT. Go to Perdlx. For Rent, furnished. Point Breexe Cot tage, $7.00 per veek; reduction for re mainder of season; will accompany peo ple; immediate possession; will sell It at a decided bargain, SSOO to quick buyer. Terms can be arranged. Will sell Wayne Cottage at a sacrifice, A. C. Young. 26 North Third street. Bell 7 m. FOR RENT Three-story house, 122 Linden street; 8 rooms; water and gac. Rent. sl2 Possession at once. Apply C. F. Go hi, 100$ North Second street. Bell phone S»»M. REAL ESTATE FOK RENT FOR RENT ll9O Chrl»tlan etreet: two-atory brick; all Improvements ana up-to-date In all respects; seven rooms. Including bath; rent. $17.00. Inquire 259 Herr street, between 6 and 7 P. St. FOR RENT I7XI Carnation street; two-*tory brick house : ell Improve ments; porch front: rent. $14.00. Also ment*; porch front; rent, $ll.OO. Apply 1545 North Sixth *treet. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT WILL SELL at a sacrifice or real. 1(15 North Second street; possession at one*. Apply Regent Theater. «10 Mar ket street REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To rent farm with the privilege of purchasing same later, 20 to SO acres, with buildings, in the vicin ity of Hummelstown. State rent. Ad dress A.. 2842, care of Telegraph. WANTED To purchase house or lot of ground not less than 25x200, In country, within three miles of this city, either In Dauphin or Cumberland coun ty. State price. Address Box 2543, care of Telegraph. ATARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor at the Walxdorf, facing Capitol; six rooms, tiled bath and pantry: bard wood floors, electric light and city ■team. Inquire 400 North itreet, 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET —Second floor housekeeping apartment* three rooms and bath modern im provements lmmediate po**es*ion . ent lice io September 1. inquire First Floor. FOR RENT Third floor apartment, three rooms and bath. $15.00 per month, in advance. No children. 27 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Desirable Apartment, four rooms and bath. Locust Street front, one square from Post Office. All modern conveniences, city steam heat. Penna. Realty & Improvement Com pany, 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Furnished Apartment, consisting of Livingroom, bedroom, dln ingroom, bathroom and kitchenette. Rental. $37.50 per month. References required. X. T. Z.. 2544, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT—Third floor, front apart ment. No. 32 North Second street; I rooms and bath; steam heat and elec tric light. Apply to Commonwealth Truat Co.. 222 Market street. FOR RENT Third floor apartment. 5 rooms and bath; steam heat; gas range; electric light. Inquire 20 North Fourth street. FOR RENT Suburban apartmenta; new, up-to-date; 5 rooms; reception hall; bath; pantry; front and rear porches; 2208 and 2210 North Third street. Apply C. C. Whiteman or H. W. Miller. Bell 623 W. or SIR. ROOMS FOK KENT FOR RENT Two up-to-date second floor rooms, (urnished for light house keeping, with all conveniences; use of phone. Apply 1315 Swatara street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, corner' house; all improvements; gas range; kitchen cabinet; refrigerator; good lo cality, near town; no children. 123S Klttatlnny street. FOR RENT Large second floor front room; nicely furnished; u»e of bath and phone. Call Bell phone 1086 M, or apply 440 North etreet. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms: all Improvements; use of bath, and also Bell phone; good location. Ad dress B„ 2846. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two communicating rooms, with water and sink, furnished for light housekeeping; all conveni ences; use of phone; gas for cooking. Bell phone 610 W. No. 925 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Neat, second-floor front, corner room for gentleman In private family, Second street near Brlggs; all solid mahogany furniture; electric lights; adjoining bath. Ad dress R. if C.. care of Telegraph. FOR BENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping or sleeping on second floor; use of bath and phone; no children; references exchanged. 160« Derry street. FOR RENT Two airy rooms; one front with bay window, one back wltn balcony; rent reasonable: all conveni ences, at No. 338 Hummel street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, for light housekeeping; large, well fur nished second floor front rooms; all conveniences; use of phone. 811 North Second street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, centrally lo cated, private preferred; state terms. R., 2848, care of Telegraph Orflce. UNFURNISHED ROOMS i 429 BROAD STREET Built especl aly for light .housekeeping, single or with kitchenettes; arrangements strictly private; stoves furnished free; laundry, phone and bathroom privi leges; lockers for surplus furniture. 1321-23 Wallace street; remodeleu and newly papered throughout; ar rangements, two rooms and a kitchen with running water, range and cabinet. Dally inspection invited. Inquire on premises, or 10T Boa* street. Phono 779 M. FOR BAIJE FOR SALE Scratch Pad* mw supply—so for 26c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department. The Tele graph Printing Company. FOR SALE WALLPAPER Many patterns at half of list price. Paper de livered anywhere free. Hanging rea sonable. A. U. Spot*, 1317-19 Market street. FOR SALE 1915 Ford touring ca., like new, $360. Apply, or write, No. 1190 Walnut street, Harrlsburg, Pa. QLASB window sign v. Garnished Rooms, Unfurnished Moons, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 16c each. On* of these slfftas will be given with each six-time ordar for a classified a& If paid In advance. Inquire at Offtoe at Telegraph. FOR SALE Opera House Cigar and Pool Room, on account of owner want ing to retire. A. Schaubla, Carlisle. Pa. FOR SALE, CHEAP Oakland Roadster; electric lights; good condi tion. Ford Sales Company, South Cam eron street. Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE Bureau, cupboard, dln lngroom table, sewing machine and 9 yard of linoleum, practically new. Will sell at a great sacrifice to an early buyer. 1701 Derry street. FOR BALE Btore fixtures, counter and two cases, In good condition: also bedroom suit. Apply R L McNally. 2001 North 81xth street. FOR SALE Late model Cadillac, 40- H.-P. commercial car; newly overhaul ed and painted; will demonstrate; must be seen to be appreciated. Apply Uni versal Motor Car Co., 182* Wood ave nue. REAL MOTORCVCLE BARGAINS 7-H.-P. INDIAN with tandem, light, Prestolite tank and speedometer, S9<TOO --H.-P. Reading-Standard, $95.00; 4- H.-P. Excelsior, *55.00; 5-H.-P. Mon arch, $65.00. All In flrst-class condition Come In and see them. Harrlsburg Mo torcycle Exchange. 1302 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Boom logs down to 1 splinters, sacond-handed lumber, sec j ond-handed hard birch, 5-pasaenger ! Maxwell. ao-H.-P., running shape. Will 'jiisi I*7 South Front Bell HARBXBBURO TELEGRAPH FOK SALE FOR SALE Dental office and flx and good will, continued practice '"Jfty-five years. Rent of office rea sonable. Good location. Address P. X. T.. this office. Will sell cheap. ROOMB FOR RENT CARDS can he Office *' tba Telegraph Business TOR SALE Ford touring car. »n (■ r *t-class condition; will make excel lent jitney; a snap for somebody; will demonstrate. Call at 1735 North Sixth after 5 P. M. w SALE Serond-hana and re built typewriters of all makes. $lO and up. L. C. Smith, Underwood, Royal. 8™!S 1 S or ® an d others. Inquire Georg* P. Tlllotson, 36 South Fourth street. BICYCLES, frames, coaster brakes ." ny part of bicycle bought for highest cash price. Write, phone or . . Keystone Garage. 814 N. 3rd street. Bell phone 266-R. FOR SALE One hundred (100) ft. of wrought Iron—fancy fence, posts and gate— suitable for lawns. Price very reasonable. Apply Universal Motor Car Co, 1826 Wood avenue. FOR SALE An up-to-date grocerv •tore in residential section of city; good business and good stock; good reason for selling. Address X., 2854, care of I Telegraph. FOR SALE —AT GABLE*B, 111, U» and 117 South Second street. 8,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full Una of the Acme make. , FOR SALE Best paying rooming house business In city; centrally locat ed; thoroughly equipped; all conveni ences: furnishings mostly new; rooms always tilled. Reason for selling, has other business. Address X, 2836. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Gilbert Player, good a* new; scarf, bench and rolls; cost $560.00; will sell for $224.00 to quick buyer, a» we need the room. Apply 424 Relly street. Bell phone 2281 W. HAVING purchased a truck, will sell some good single wagons, one heavy, open buggy. Brelsford Packing Co. FOR SALE—Nicely furnished Room ing House—l 9 rooms—completely equip ped; steam heat; rent extremely low; tilled with permanent people; near Mar ket Square: owner leaving city. Ad dress W„ 2851, care of Telegraph Office. FOR SALE 1914 Saxon runabout, nearly good as new; price $200.00. In quire, 116 West Main street. Palmyra, „ CLOSING-OUT BARGAINS! New Carpets. Furniture. Musical Instrument*, Linoleum. 3oc; Ingrain. 20c—best. 45c; Best Brussels, 60c: Lining. 3c; Sweepers, $1; Rugs, Bxl2. $3; Fence Posts, 15c. Ylngst. Front-Cumberland. HUPMOBILE Touring model; full electrical equipment; all in excellent condition. Address W., 2855, care of Telegraph. GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 South Seconi. FOR SALE Good, gray horse, 1,100 rbs. Price, 176.00. Inquire Ober's Stable. Court and Cranberry. FOR SALE CARDS on sal* at tb* Telegraph Business office. FOR RENT FOR RENT Warehouse! three story brick building; 11,000 sq. ft. floor space; elevator 6xß ft.; along P. R. R. with siding. Inquire DauphTn Deposit Trust Co. FOR RENT Second floor room, 1,700 square feet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streeta. WANTED WANTED Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, near bath; no children; vicinity of Thirteenth and Market streets; please state rent. Ad dress W., 2850, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANT intelligent person can earn good lnccme corresponding for new«papers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798, Look port. N. T. GOOD MOUNTAIN SPRING WANTED GROUP of Eastern capitalists con templating erecting plant for produc tion of Natural Spring and Carbonated Waters, will purchase site with Moun tain Spring of large capacity situated In Catskills, Berkshires. Adirondacks or White Mountains, or In Northern Penn svlvania. Address Banker, W. Room 805, 60 Broadway, New York. 1 MADE $60,000 In live years In the mall order bualness. began with IS. Send for free booklet Telia how. Hea cock. 356 Lockport. N. T. BUSINESS PERSONALS WE are headquartera for Trunk*. Suit Caaea and Bags. Before your va cation inspect our large atock. Have I your repairing done here and save money. Harrlsburg Harness A Supply Company. Second and Chestnut. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist ana Apothecary, lit Market ■treet. Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone ordera given prompt attention. SeU lIM. __ HAinnro R. A. HARTM AN. Boarding Stable ss* Natloaal Transfer Ce. Movers of ftlanoa, safes, boilers and general haul ng. K. W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streeta. Bell phone Nix 3603R MONEY TO LOAN MONET TO LOAN on Real Eatate security in any amounti and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrlsburg, Pa. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE, Private rooms for household goods, |l per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE la 3-story brick building, rear 408 Market atreet. HeaseMM goods la eleaa, private rooms. Reaaonable rates. Apply te P, G. Dleaer, Jeweler, 408 Market St. STORAGE 4ll Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to It. Wagons. 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper A Co, 411 Broad atreet Both phones. E9TATK OF BENJAMIN BRENNER DECEASED LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above eatate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment and those having clalma to present the same, without delay, to RABBI ELIEZER (Li/WIS) BILVER, LEWIS BATURIN. Executors. Or their Attorney, ROBERT ROSENBERG. 101 Patriot Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Harrlsburg, Pa. NOTICE Is hereby given that applica tion will be made by Robert FT Reed and Walter H. Crook to the Board of Pardons of Pennsylvania, on Wednes day, September 16. A D. 1916, for the benefit of the commutation law as pro vided in Act of Assembly May 11. A. D. 1901; the said Robert F. Reed now serv ing sentence In the Dauphin County Prison under indictment No. 126 and No. 127, September Sessions 1914, and the said Walter H. Crook serving under : indictment No. 188 September Sessions [ ISI4 - W- W ' CALD^j^^ |L LEGAL NOTICES In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy. No. 2960 ln the Matter of Mathias H. Baker, Bankrupt. PVBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE THE undersigned Trustee will expose at public sale, in front of the COURT HOUSE, HARRISBURG. PA„ on TUES DAY, AUGUST 31. 1915, at 2 O'CLOCK P. M.. the following descried real estate, to jvit: No. I—All that certain piece, parcel, or tract of land, situate, lying and e ing lit the Ninth Ward, of the City of Harrisurg aforesaid, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit.: Beginning at the southwest corner of Summit and Christian Street*; thence along the line of Summit Street 16 feet and 4 Inches, more or less, to a point; thence at right angles with said Summit Street and through the center of a partition wall between this and property now or- late of Cornellu* Daley, 50 feet, more or less, to a point; thence at right angles with the aforesaid Christian Street 16 feet and 4 inches. more or less, to Christian Street; thence along the line of said street 50 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. Having there on erected a 3-story brick and frame dwelling house, known as No. 163 Sum mit Street. Harrisburg. Penna. It Is understood and agreed that the grantee shall have for himself, his heirs and as signs, the same rights and privileges which the grantor has and enjoys, to wit:—The free and uninterrupted use and enjoyment, of the sewers and water pipes as the same are now placed In this and the other premises now abutting thereon, which said use and enjoyment shall extend to the owners and occu piers of the abutting premises, but either party may. at any time in the future, change the sewer and water pipes for the use of the separate prem ises. at their own expense, doing no damage to the other property owners. For title see Deed Book "T, Vol. 15, No. 2—All that certain lot or piece of land, situate in the Ninth Ward, of the City of Harrisburtr, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the east side of North Seventeenth Street, said point being 15 feet, 6 Inches, more or less, north of the north east corner of Seventeenth and Car nation Streets; thence in an easterly direction in a line parallel with Car nation Street and along the line of property of Frank Newmyer SO feet to a point In the western line of a five foot wide private alley way; thence northwardly along the line of said if ley way 16 feet, 4 inches to a point in the line of property of Nathan It. Long; thence In a westerly direction along the line of property of said Na than R. Long 80 feet to a point, the eastern line of North Seventeenth Street; thence In a southerly direction along the line of Seventeenth Street, 15 feet. 4 inches to a point and the place of beginning. Having thereon erected a three-story brick dwelling house with two-story back building and being numbered 77 North Seventeenth Street. The party of the second pari to have free ingress, egress and regress to and through the above mentioned five feet wide private alley way extend ing along the rear of the premises, and shall be kept open perpetually for the use of the abutting property owners and occupants. For title see Deed Book "NY" Vol. 13. pape !»5. No. 3—All that certain tract or piece of ground, situate In the Ninth Ward, of the City of Harrlsburg, aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the northern line of Rcgina Street, which point is 113 feet. 8 inches east of the northeast corner of Regina and Reser voir Streets; thence northwardly at right angles with Regina Street through the center of a six feet wide space 86 feet, more or less, to a 3 feet wide pri vate alley; thence eastwardly along the southern side of said three feet wide private alley 5 feet, more or less, to a point; thence continuing along said alley In a southeasterly direction 16 feet, more or less, to a point on the di vision line of property of C. H. Grove; thence southwardly along the division line of property of C. H. Grove 80 feet. !• inches, more or less, to the northern line of Regina Street, and thence west wardly along the northern line of Re gina Street 19 feet, to a point, the place of beginning. Having thereon erected a three-story brick mansard roof dwelling house. No. 1832 said Regina Street, together with the right to use the 3 feet wide private alley in the rear of said lot In common with the owners and occupiers of other property abut ting thereon. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, that this dwelling shall not be sold to or used by any person than one of the Caucasian descent for a period of ten years from the date of this Deed. AND IT IS FURTHER AND EX PRESSLY' UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, that no building or obstruc tion other than an open porch shall be erected beyond the present building line on Regina. For title see Deed Book "V," Vol. 14, page 264. No. 4—All that certain plot or piece of land, situate In the Ninth Ward, of the City of Harrlsburg aforesaid, more 'particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit; Beginning at a point on the eastern side of North Twelfth Street, which point is distant in a south erly direction 28 feet from the south east corner of Twelfth Street and Shrub Avenue: thence in an easterly direction along the line of and In part through the partition wall of property number 47 Is. Twelfth Street. 72 feet, more or less, to a four-foot wide private al ley way running south from Shrub Avenue; thence In a southerly direction along the western line of said four foot alley way. 14 feet to a point, the line of property number 43 N. Twelfth Street; thence In a westerly direction along the line of. and in part through the partition wall of last mentioned property 72 feet, more or less, to a point on the eastern side of Twelfth Street, and thence In a northerly direction along the eastern line of said Twelfth Street 14 feet, to a point, the place of beginning; together with the right of Ingress, egress and regress, In and through the above-men tioned four-foot alley way in the rear of said premises. In common with the owners and occupiers of other prop erty abutting thereon. Having thereon erected a two-story brick dwelling house numbered 45 N. Twelfth Street. For tttle see Deed Book "V," Vol. 14, page 527. No. s—All that certain lot or piece of lantd. situated In theClty of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows, to wit: Be ginning at a point on the eastern side of Logan Avenue. 141 feet and 7 Inches southwardly from Woodbine Street; thence eastwardly through partition wall 90 feet and 1 Inch to Orange Ave nue; thence southwardly along said Orange Avenue 13 feet and 6 Inches to a point: thence westwardly and through center of partition wall between this house and the one adjoining on the southern side 90 feet 1 Inch to Logan Avenue; thence westwardly along said lyogan Avenue IS feet and 6 Inches to the point of beginning. Having there on erected a two-storv brick dwelling house known as No. 2157 Logan Avenue. For title see Deed Book "Q," Vol. 15, page 490. The above described real estate will be sold free and clear of all encum brances. TERMS —10 per cent, on day of sale, and balance thereof on confirmation by the Court. AT,. K. THOMAS. ' Trustee. PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING Office of the Board of Commlsalonera of Public Grounds & Building's. Com " monwealth of Pennsylvania. Harrls burg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed until two (2) o'clock P. M.. of Tues day, August 10, 1915, for furnishing all labor and material necessary for the completion of a new fire-proof main building (the first floor and basement having Been contructed under a former contract), on the State Arsenal Grounds at Eighteenth and Herr Streets, Har rlsburg. Pa. as called for In revised specifications and drawings prepared by the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings. Instruction to bidders, specifications and drawings may be secured by ap plying to the Superintendent of Public Grounds & Buildings, Capitol Building. Harrlsburg. Pa. Proposals shall be In sealed envelope marked "Proposals for State Arsenai Building, addressed. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds A > CapUolJiulldin^ AUGUST 9, 1915. IR SNARES HIGHER j IT MARKET OPENING Crucible Steel Which Developed i Reactionary Tendency Saturday I Showed Renewed Stength j By Associated T ess New York,, AUK. 9. All of the war ! shares were higher at the opening to- ■ day. A widely circulated report that a i war order totaling more than $200,000,- i 000 was to he placed stimulated bidding j for these shares. Crucible Steel, which ] developed a reactionary tendency on i Saturday, showed renewed strength to day and advanced six points. Bethle hem Steel grained ten and among the other war stocks there were advances of a point or more. General Motors made a new record bv rising twelve points to 216. Railroad stocks made a pood showing, rising with the Indus trials. Union Pacific, Reading, Ijehigh Valley and St. Paul were strong. NKW YORK STOCKS Furnished by E. S. Goshorn, 208-209 Arcade Building. New York, Aug. 9. Open. High, Low. Clos. Alr.ska G M 32% 38 y* 32% 33% Am Bt Sug 65% 55% 55 55 Am Cf.n .. 59% 60% 58% 59% Am C& F. 62 63% 61% 62 Am Loco . 53 54% 53 54% Am Smelt . 80% 83 80% 83 Am Sugar . 109 109 109 109 Am T & T. 122% 122% 122% 122% Anaconda . 68% 69 68 68% Atchison .. 101% 102% 101% 102%' Baldwin .. 79 82% 78% 82% B& O 80% 80% 80 >4 80% Beth Steel. 300 300 293 295 Bklyn RT. 85% 85% 85% 85% Cal Petro. . 15% 18% 15% 18 Can Pacific 149 149 % 147% 148 Cent Leath 43% 43% 43 ' 43% C& 0 42 42% 41% 42 CM& St P 83% 83% 82% 83% CRI & P. 16% 17% 16% 17% C Con Cop. 44% 45% 44% 45 Col F & I. 41V* 41% 40% 41% Con Gas .. 128% 128% 128 128 Cruc St .. 88 91 87% 89% Dist Sec .. 28% 30% 28% 29% Erie. 27 27% 26% 27 Erie Ist pfd 41% 41% Gen E Co.. 171% 173% 171% 172% Gen -Motors 207% 217 207% 216 Goodrh BF 51% 52% 51%. 52% Gt Nor pfd 118% 118% 118% 118% Gug Exp .. 64% 64% 63% 64 Gt N Ore s 41 % 41 % 41 41 % Insp Cop .. 33% 33 Vi 32% 32% In-Met .... 20% 20% 20 20% Lehigh Val 146% 146% 145% 145% Mex Petro. 79 83% 78% 83% Miami Cop. 26 26 Mo Pac .. 2% 3 2% 2% Nat Lead.. 65% 67% 65% 67% N Y Cent.. 90 90% 90 90% NY.NH& H 62% 62% Nor & W.. 106% 107 106% 107 North Pac. 107% 108 107 108 Pac Mail.. 34 34 34 34 Pa Rail ... 109% 109% 109 109% Pitts C 24% 24% 24% 24% Pitts C pd. 94 94 94 94 PresSC... 59% 64 59 64 Reading .. 150% 151% 150% 151% Rep I 5... 44% 44% 43% 44% ReplSpd. 98% 98% 98% 98% South Pac. 88% 88% 87% 88% South Ry.. 15% 15«g 15% 15% South R pd 47 47 47 47 Studebaker. 84% 86% 84% 85% Tenn Cop.. 42% 43% 42% 42% Third Ave. 50% 52 50% 51% Union Pac. 130% 131% 130% 131% U S Rub.. 48 48 47% 47% US Steel.. 73% 74% 72% 74% U S Stl pd. 112% 112% 112% 112% Utah Cop.. 66% 67 86 66% Vir-Car C. 34% 35 34 % 35 West U Tel 70 % 70% 70% 70% West Mfg.. 112% 114% 112% 114% PHIf.ADRI.PHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, Aug. 9. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, car lots, new, July, export. $1.14®)1.16; No. 1, Northern, Du luth, old. export, $1.5401.59. Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local. 90M:®»91 %c; steamer No. 2 yellow, lo cal. 89%®90%C. Oats Scarce and firm; new, No. I, white, held at 67c. Bran Market steady; winter, 'city mills, *527.00 per ton; winter, per ton, none here; spring, per ton. $25.50(0)26.00. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered. 6.75(5)5.80c; granulated, 5.65 @5.70c; confectioners' A. 6.55@5.60c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras, 26c; nearby prints, fancy. 29c. v Eggs The market is higher; Pennsylvania and other nenrby nrst«. free cases. $6.30 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $5.40 @5.70 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases. $6.30@6.60 per case; do., firstß, fre cases, $.55 @6.00 per case. L.lve Poultry Market steady; fowls, 16@16%c; old roosters, ll@>l2c; broil ing chickens, 15@22c; spring ducks. 15 @l6c; old ducks. 12@14c. Dressed Poultry Market firm; fresh killed fowls, fancy. 18%@19c; do„ average, 16%©17% c; do., unattractive. 14 , *Gi'15%c; do., old roosters. 12% c; do., broiling chickens, nearby, 24®28c; do., western, 16@23c: do., spring ducks, 16 @l7c; Ice packed fowls, 15@18c. Potatoes Market firmer; Maine, per bushel, 15@20c; New York, par LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE to property owners along the lines of Emerald street from Front street to Fifth street, Gruber alley from Camp street to Emerald street. Swab alley from Elizabeth alley to Gruber alley, Nineteenth street from Market street to Reglna street, Nineteenth street from Market street to Chestnut street, Wharton alley from Fifth street to Sixth street. Howard street from Woodbine street to Wharton alley, Howard alley from Wharton alley to Camp street, Howard alley from Curtin street to Seneca street, Ethel street from Eighteenth street to Nineteenth street, and Market street from Nine teenth street to Twenty-first street. You are hereby notified that the as sessment to pay the cost and expense of paving ana curbing the above named highways, under Ordinance No, 62, Ses sion of 1914-1915. Ordinance No. 75. Session of 1914-1916, Ordinance No. 64, Session of 1914-1915, Ordinance No. 74, Besslon of 1914-1916, Ordinance No. 129, Session of 1914-1915, Ordinance No. 104, Session of 1914-1916, Ordinance No. 109, Session of 1914-1915, Ordinance No. 116, Session of 1914-1916, and Ordinance No. 128, Session of 1914-1916, will be made by me, at my office. In the Common wealth Trust Company Building, No. 222 Market Street. Harrisburg, Pa., on Thursday, the 19th day of August, 1915, between the hours of nine o'clock A. M. and twelve o'clock noon, when and where all parties Interested shall be heard. M. B. COWDEN. City Engineer. For Rent Two brick dwellings, 5-room and 6-room, with bath, hot water range, finished attic, all electric wired. Situated along Creek Bluff in West Fairview, 100 yards from trolley line, (all-night cars). Inquire of FRANK MARTIN West Fairview, Pa. L .._. | bushel. 15®20c; Southern, per barrel 40c@$1.10; Jersey, per basket, 10@26c. Flour Nominal; winter straights, new, 15.00tT5.25; do., patent, new. $5,259 6.50; do., clear, $5.50@6.25; Kan* sas. Jute sacks. 15.10 @6.50; spring, tralghts, old, $6.50@6.75; do., patents, old. $5.25@5.i5. Hay Market nominal; No. 1, large, bales, $2400@2500; No. 1, medium bales. $25.00; No. 2. do., $14.00; No. J, do., $20.00@21.00. Light mixed, $24.00; No. 1. do., $521.60 @23.00; No. 2. do.. $20.00@21.00. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, Aug. 9.—Stocks closed steady. Cambria Steel 64% General Asphalt 31 >£ Uake Superior Corporation 10% L»ake Superior Corporation, Pfd. . 69 Lehigh Valley 72% Pennsylvania Railroad 54% Philadelphia Electric 23% Philadelphia Company 38% Philadelphia Company, Pfd 34 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 10% Rending 75% Storage Battery 67% United Gas Improvement 85% [United States Steel 74% Warwick Iron and Steel 10' B Union Traction 35 % Lehigh Navigation 73% CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Aug. 9. Board of Trade closing: Wheat September. 1.06%; De cember, 1.07%. Corn September, 74%; December, 63<*. Oats September. 38%; December, 39 %. Pork September, 13.90; October, 14.00. — Seotember, 8.15; October, 8.20. Ribs September, 9.20; October, 9.15. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Aug. 9. Hogs Re ceipts, 25,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $6.30 @6.90: light, $6.85®>7.65; mixed, $6.15® 7.45; heavy, $5.95@6.90; rough, $5.95!® 6.10; pigs, $6.50®7.50. Cattle Receipts. 22,000; ewak. Na tive beef cattle. $6.10(® 10.15: cows and heifers, $3.10@9.20; calves. $7.50(^11.25. Sheep Receipts, 13.000; slow. Sheep, $6.20® i.IO; lambs. 17.25@9.50. DOtJBLE-KND LOCOMOTIVES BUII/T FOR FRANCE One hundred narrow-gauge locomo tives of the Pechot type, each mounted on two boiries and provided with double-barreled boilers and two fire boxes, were recently made in America and shipped abroad for the use of the French Government. Al though these engines are of a design entirely foreign and were constructed according to metric measurements, they were built and the last one ship ped seven weeks after the order was received. Because of its great flexibility, which allows its use on narrow un even tracks where sharp curves are frequent, this engine is being em ployed by the French, particularly in drawing its munition trains over hur riedly built lines leading to its war camps. A picture of the engine is a feature of the August Popular Me chanics Magazine. For Rent Uarge room in Kelker Street Market House, lighted on all sides, elevatof and cellar room If needed. Inquire of Market Master, or 1716 Susquehanna street. MONEY A To Housekeepers, Work |\ Ingnien and Salaried Em. I ployea. I LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY • N. MARKET SQUARE Room 81 4tb Floor Spooner Building (FRANK R. LEIB & SON Real Estate and Insur ance Office No. 18 North Third Street,, Harrisburg, Pa. FORSALE Elegant Suburban Home on West Third St., New Cumberland. Det a c hed dwelling on lot 50x140; has all improvements. Owner moving to Phila delphia and will sell at a reasonable price. 1006 N. Second St., 3- story brick dwelling, 11 rooms and bath, imp., side entrance, 2-story stable on rear of lot. Price right to quick buyer. LOANS sls to S3OO for Individuals pressed by lack of -funds to meet im mediate necessities at new low legal rates. Payments arranged to suit your Income and time to suit your conven ience. CO-OPERATIVE Loan & Investment Co. 804 CaMTXVI n. 11