Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 04, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    |A "far tent" Ad en Ms f age Is Sure to Reach fie 'Person fen Seet[
BURKE—Died. Monday. August 2. 1915.
at 1 A. SI.. Thomas F. Burke at his
home. No- HPS Green street. . ,
Requiem Mass at the Cathedral
Thursdav morning, at 9 o'clock, to
which relatives and friends and em
ployes of the P. R. R. Station are In
I»ST—Lady's pocketbook, either on
Market Square or on Second street car
or Second and Hamilton. contains
money and keys. Reward If returned
to 206 Hamilton. _
FOUND — The well-dressed man. He
slwavs sends hts clothea to Eggert s ;
Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning
Works, 1245 Market street. Do you?
Ro'.li phones. Call and deliver.
WANTED First-class tool makers;
good pay to competent men. Address,
giving experience, to J. F. Cresweli, Box
Sot. Lancaster. Pa.
WANTED A young man to work in
lunch room. Apply Davenport Lunch.
3.5 .tUrkat stret. Clt>.
WANTED Good tool workers or j
skilled machinists to assist die sinkers [
ana trimmers on drop forging work. ;
Exceiitent opportunity to learn the
trade. Apply by letter only, lhe D.
Wilcox Mis. CO.. Meehanicsburg. Pa.
WWTED lntelligent office boy to
learn business. No previous experience ,
necessary Boy from country pre
ferred Address, in own handwriting. ;
staling age. to Box 713. Harrisburg
P. O. |
of estimating, designing and taking ;
charge of draughting room of plate ,
steel products manufacturing plant.
Stute age. experience and salar> desir
ed Address W., -S2S. care of le.e
MEN WANTED Ablebodled. unmar
ried men between ages of IS and 35.
citizens of United fctates, of good char- j
acter and temperate habits, who can
speak read and write the English
language. For information apply to
Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building,
3d & Market Sts„ Harrisburg. Fa. I
WANTED Carpenters and handy j
m an a t once. Apply Robert j
traftrng Co! C V. R R. Bridge to Is
land Park. j
WANTED First-class all-around \
butcher, one who can djiye wagon. Ad- j
dress S-. 2834. care of Telegraph ,
to get. My free booklet Y-3.2 tells
how. Write to-day —NOW . Earl Hop- |
kins, Washington. D. I. I
WANTED First-clas- barber:
steady work. 1018 Nort .• Seventh j
street. * I
WANTED A young man to learn j
drug business. Apply at Georges
Pharmacy, 1306 Third street, Harris
burg. i
WANTED A good, reliable, married
man. one who can give a bond and S°°u
references. Apply tjrrand nion Tea co., ;
208 North Second street. :
WANTED Six men to sell "Light
ning Carbon Remover" for motorboats,
motorcycles and motorcars. Good P*/.'
Call on. or address, Ed. F. Eisel>. 1301
Berryhiil street. Harrisburg. Fa.
enrfd Amazeen Skiver. Apply at Of- j
flee Lindner Shoe Co., Carlisle, Pa.
YOUNG MEN WANTED who wish to
become practical or mechanical chauf
feurs to call or write us at once. Full
unlimited course. $36.
evening. Auto Transportation Repair
Shcp. a North Cameron street.
HELP WANTED —rein*!®
WANTED Reliable white girl for
general housework. Apply at once. 19.3
North Second street. j
Private Lessens in Sbort
fcand, Typewriting, Dicta
tion, Penmanship, Etc.,
at class instruction rates for students
who want Direct Results. You want
that kind. Fall enrollments now being
received. Write or call to-day for full
Information. Merle E. Keiler, 309 ,
Patriot Building.
W ANTED Girls over 16
years of age to learn the trade of
Cigar Making. Pay while learn-,
ing. Welfare looked aiter by a
trained nurse. Apply at Harris-,
burg Cigar Co., -00 Race street.
WANTED A live, wideawake sales
man to represent a large Glass and
Paint jobbing concern of New Y'ork
State. Want man to cover Central
Pennsvlvania. Excellent opportunity
for the right man. Only those willing
to work need respond. State age. Give
references also experience, if any. All
answers treated confidentially. Address
D . 2535. care of Telegraph.
WANTED Several llvewlre sales
men on automobile specialty. Ask for
Manager. Southern Chemical Co., Dau
phin Hotel.
WANTED By young man, position
as wagon driver or clerk for grocery I
store; three years' experience; refer
ence furnished. Address Xo. 1609
Zarker street.
WANTED Strong boy. aged 16, de
sires a position In green grocery store,
or other work; has experience, and can
furnish reference. Apply Albert Al
bright. 1930 North street. Harrisburg.
WANTED By Trtilte man. work
taking care of garden or lawn. 1012
North Nineteenth street.
WANTED Experienced chauffeur I
desires position for private car or truck;
can do own repairing Call, or address,
M Jacobs. 601 Boas street.
WANTED By reliable colored wo- '
man, work by day, or bundle wash.
521 Brown street.
WANTED White girl wants posi
tion as waitress; has had experience.'
Call, or address. 1606 Wallace street.
WANTED Young white woman
wants washing or cleaning to do two
diys a week. J. H. S.. 1403 Mayflower
Jfnet. i
Real Estate For Sale
1509 N*. 4th St 92500 !
1916 N. 6th St $6500 J
105 Chestnut St S9OOO i
1847 Regina St 94200
1917 N. Second St S6BOO
23 N. 18 th St S4OOO I
2218 N. Second St $7200 !
1421 Zarker St ...SI4OO !
612 Woodbine St $2900 j
1931 Rhoads Ave SI2OO I
405 Herr St $3200
2447 Reel St $2650 !
1203 Pigeon Ave S7OO !
Insurance Surety Bonds
locust and Court Streets
• I WANTED Reliable whits woman
1 | wants laundry work to do; can give
, ' good references. Call, or address. Mrs.
' ] Wiley. 1907 S North Seventh street.
' ! FOR SALE House on acre, mod
; em conveniences. fru*>, productive gar
! den. Long street, reai «f Dr. Swallow's;
i 1 eight minutes' walk t j trolley. At hom«,
' Saturdays and Sundays. W. H. Yingst.
, Camp Hill.
REDUCED 1300. 1713 Reglna street;
8 rooms; bath; all Improvements; lot 110
ft. deep; drive alley in rear. Price,
12.130. H. G. Pedlow. 110 South Thir
teenth street.
1 i 23S HUMMEL STREET Is going to be
sold. Has heen reduced to 12.000. In
spect it and make oie an offer. H. G.
Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street.
containing eight lots 50x150. with
eight-room house; all kinds of fruit,
bearing, good soil, at bargain. Address
A.. 2832. care of Teelgraph.
240 N. Fifteenth street —corner prop
erty large rooms all Improve
ments porch front suitable for a
, garage. Price and particulars at Bell
! Realty Co., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE A very desirable coun-
I try village home, new house, 6 rooms,
lot about 138 ft. by 130. Garden and a
spring of One water on lot. At Singers
vllle. about l l « miles from Dauphin.
Will sell cheap and on easy terms. Ap
ply to Grover C. Kennedy. Dauphin. R.
I D. or Harvey E. Knupp, Buss Building,
; Harrisburg. Pa.
FOR SALE 433 Harris street 3-
! story brick house 9 rooms bath I
: gas furnace front porch. The !
I property is desirable and the price I
' right. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build- j
FOR RENT 1629 Green street. !
house. 11 rooms and bath; all Improve
ments; side alley way; water !n teilar; I
rent. 130.00 monthly. Inquire John C. j
Giede, 1312 North Third street. |
FOR RENT 1942 New Fifth street;]
i three-story brick; all improvements. .
j Inquire D. G. Holahan. 520 Emerald
! FOR RENT No. 1543 Whitehall
| street; modern, steam heated brick
! house: newly decorated; splendid loca-
Itlon; rent. $32.50. No. 129 S. Fourteenth
! street; modern 3-storv brick house;
newly papereji throughout. A very de- j
sirable home. Rent. f|22. J. E. Gipple,
i 1251 Market street.
I FOR RENT, 1907 North Fourth; ;
|S-Btory brick; tront porch: large back;
lyaid; all improvements; electric lights !
I Rent. 120.00. Call L G. Dimm, Fourth j
and Muench treets.
i 692 S. Twentieth St >12.00 •
415 S. Seventeenth St 20.00 j
| 191S Bellevut RoaA (new) 22.50
)H. G. PEDLOW. 110 S. Thirteenth St. j
FOR RENT Attractive cottage on
j Chautauqua grounds. Mt. Gretna, seven !
rooms and bath, large llvingroom, stone
fireplace, wide porches Address Dotter, ;
Mt. Gretna. Pa.
FOR RENT ll9O Christian street; I
two-story brick; all improvements and
up-to-date in all respects: seven rooms.
Including bath; rent. 517.00. Inquire
259 Herr street, between 5 and 7 P. M :
FOR RENT I7SI Carnation street;!
two-story brick house ; aU Improve- [
ments: porch front: rent. 116.00. Also i
ments; porch front: rent, 116 00. Apply
1546 Xorth Sixth street.
■ i
Green Street 3-story brick house 1
S rooms bath gas furnace
! cemented cellar porch front. Now
i vacant —key at our office. Bell Realty |
I Co.. Bergner Building.
FOR SALE on easy terms, or for
rent, desirable house at White Hill with
j nil improvements. Apply W H. Snook,
; 334 ivelker street, rtarri'sburg.
WILL SELL at s sacrifice or rent,
1815 North Second street; possession at
once. Apply Regent Theater, 410 Msr
i ket street.
floor at the Walzdorf, facing Capitol; .
six rooms, tiled bath and pantry: hard
wood floors, electric light and city j
steam. Inquire 400 North street.
New Building Just finished pri- 1
vate apartments, consisting of three
i rooms and large balcouy, with lockers
In basement; large bay window fronts;
light and airy; convenient and comfort
able. Just the thing for small family. !
Little expense and low rent. Apply on
premises. 1321-1323 Wallace strsst. ,
Dally inspection invited.
FOR RENT 225 North Second '
street, housekeeping apartments; 5 J
rooms, pantry and tiled bath: modern;
in every detail; city steam; running'
hot water. Apply 218 Pine street. j
floor housekeeping apartments j
three rooms and bath modern im- |
provements immediate possession
out tree to September 1. inquire First
FOR RENT Suburban apartments; !
new, up-to-date; 5 rooms; reception !
hall; bath; pantry; front and rear i
porches; 2208 and 2210 North Third;
; street. Apply C. C. Whiteman or H.
!W. Miller. Bell »2»W. or 81R.
FOR RENT—Third noor. front apart
ment. No. 32 North Second street; 3
rooms and bath: steam heat and elec
tric Ugbt. Apply to Commonwealth
Trust Co.. 222 Market street.
FOR RENT Handsomely furnished j
rooms for rent, centrally located; also
rooms for light housekeeping; terms |
very reasonable. Apply 209 State street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished, !
airy rooms; plenty of windows; all
facing Capitol Park; electric lights,
hot and cold running water In each >
i room; use of large bath and phone, j
410 North. I
FOR RENT Furnished. large j
r room, bay window. staUonary wash- i
stand; city steam: electric lights: hard- I
I wood floors; near bathroom: suitable ;
! for one or two gentlemen; reference re- '
| quired. 218 Pine street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished bed- I
1 room, second floor, neighborhood Thlr- |
teenth and Market; convenient to bath: i
' use of phone; all conveniences; $1.50 I
weekly; none but respectable people
need apply. Call Bell phone 499 R.
FOR RENT Two communicating
rooms to bath, second floor front, fur
nished for light housekeeping: all con
j veniences; use of phone; gas for cook
; ing. 925 North Sixth street. Bell phone
: 610 W.
FOR RENT Two rooms: also three !
rooms and kitchenette, completely fur
| nlshed for light housekeeping: corner I
house; good locality; all improvements; 1
, gas ranges; refrigerators, kitchen
'cabinets; no children. 1238 Kittatinny
' street.
FOR RENT One large unfurnished
room on ground floor, suitable for office
or apartment; also furnished rooms: all
modern conveniences, including city 1
steam; central location. Call No. 9 North
| Fifth street.
| FOR RENT —• One nicely furnished
room, on second floor, and two unfur
nished rooms on third floor; new h-use;
electric light; gas: bath; all improve
| ments; pleasant location. Call 1212
Berryhiil street.
FOR RENT Central location
j nicely furnished and comfortable bed-
Iroom. for two gentlemen, or married
couple; use of dfnlngroom and kitchen;
reasonable. Address 0., 2833, care ot
rOR RENT Furnished rooms, for
light housekeeping:; large, well fur
nished second floor front rooms; all
conveniences; uso of pbone. 813 Nortb
Socond street.
BUILT especially for light houi*-
keeplng. single or with kitchenettes,
arrangements strictly private, stoves
furnished free. laundry. phone, and
i bathroom privileges. Private lookers
t for surplus furniture. Inquire office.
429 Broad street, or Janltress. same
building. Daily inspection invited.
WANTED Board and room in prt
! vate family by man. wife and 9-year
iold boy. Reasonable walking distance
of business district preferred. Address
P. O. Box 175. Camp Hill.
FOR SALE Scratch Pads new
i supply—SO for 36c while they last. Ap
; ply Job Printing Department. The Tele
graph Printing Company.
Carpets, Furniture, Musical
: Linoleum. 35c; Ingrain. 20c—best. 45c;
, Best Brussels, 60c, Lining. 3c; Sweepers,
ifl; Rugs. 9x12. $3: Fence Posts, lac.
j Yingst. Front-Cumberland.
patterns at half of list price. Paper de
llvcrel anywhere free. Hanging rea
j sonable. A. U. Spots, 1317-19 Market
I street.
GLASS window sign v. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Root.is. Rooms and
Board and Table Board at Sic each. One
I of these signs will be given with each
slx-tlme order for a classified ad. if
paid in advance. Inquire at Office of
I Telegraph.
jSALE Will sell stock and Ten?
j property, or will sell both real
[estate and business. A good-pay
ting proposition. Miller Brothers
it Co., Locust and Court streets.
FOR SALE Late model Cadillac. 40-
: H.-P. commercial car; newly overhaul
ed and painted; will demonstrate; must
be seen to be appreciated. Apply Unl
! versal Motor Car Co., J 826 Wood ave
i nue.
FOR SALE Overland touring car,
i model 79. 35-H.-P. engine, in good run
ning condition; electric lights. Inquire
j evenings. 32®S> Derry street.
' FOR SALE Automobile; slx-cylin-
I der Winton. In good condition. One
extra tire. Will sell cheap or exchange
, for car of about 2,700 lbs. Mechanics
i burg Auto Shop.
j FOR SALE Regal roadster, in One
condition. $275.00 cash. Call Bell phone
FOR SALE Best paying rooming
, house business in city ; centrally locat
ed; thoroughly equipped; all convent-j
;ences; furnishings mostly new; rooms
always filled. Reason for selling, has
other business. Address X, 2536, care
| of Telegraph.
! FOR SALE I offer my Soda and
I Confectionery Store. 1307 Derry street,
; at a very low figure; must sell on ac
; count of ill health LJ. Bumgarrlner.
! FOR SALE Second-hand and re
built typewriters of all makes. $lO I
1 and up. L C. Smith. Underwood, Royal. I
Densmore and others. Inquire Georg* :
P. Tillotson. 36 South Fourth street. !
FOR SALE One pen Buff Leghorns. ;
1 pen White Rocks. Prize winners. J. 1
H. Zeiders, 1443 Reglna street.
1 FOR SALE One hundred (100) ft. i
of wrought Iron—fancy fence, posts and :
gate— suitable for. lawns. Price very J
reasonable. Apply Universal Motor 1
Car Co. 1826 Wood avenue.
FOR SALE A corner saloon prop- I
erty in the best business section of '
Lancaster, doing a splendid business; i
can be handled with $5,000 cash. Ad- j
dress J. G. Forney. Lancaster, Pa.
FOR SALE 125 acres of coal, 3-ft. !
vein, under the estate of James Walker,
1,200 ft. from N. Y. C. R. R. Inquire 1
of Clement Dail, Bellefonte, Pa.
FOR SALE. Inquire at 1604 Regina
FOR SALE Opera House Cigar and !
Pool Room, on account of owner want- j
lng to retire. A. Schaubla, Carlisle. Pa. I
FOR SALE 1916 Maxwell touring
car; fully equipped: new tires and extra
new tires; a bargain for quick buyer '
Bell phone 100.
1 FOR SALE Late model Ford tour- 1
lng car; excellent condition; can he i
seen at 1733 North Sixth, City.
Roadster; electric lights; good condi
tion. Ford Sales Company. South Cam
eron street. Harrlsburg. P».
and 117 South Second street. 8,000 gal
lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme
quality. All the full lia« of the Aoioe
FOR SALE Gilbert Player, good as I
new; scarf, bench and rolls; cost $550.00; 1
will sell for $224.00 to quick buyer, as
we need the room. Apply 424 Reliy 1
street. Bell phono 2281 W.
secured at the Telegraph Business
OO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all
kinds and gate* to match. No. 111-117
South Second.
FOR SALE Good, gray horse, 1,200 1
»«. Price. ITS. 00. Inquire Ober's
Stable, Court and Cranberry.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business office.
Desk room in desirable office in
Telegraph Bldg. Apply 405 Tel
egraph Bldg.
two cars, new brick building, corner
Fulton and Clinton streets. Rent rea
sonable. Apply 710 North Sixth street.
FOR RESIT Second floor room.
8.700 square feet, for light manufactur
ing purposes New building. Call at
premises. Twelfth and Herr street*.
ANY intelligent person can earn good
Inccme corresponding for newspapers- I
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate. TIL Lock- I
port. N. T.
1 1 , MA ® E 150.000 la five years in the
mall order business, began with 88.
Send for free booklet Tells how Bu.
cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y
WB are headquarters for Tronka I
Suit Cases snd Bags. Before your n- <
cation Inspect our large stock. Raw i
your repairing done here and save 1
money- Harrlsburg Harness & Supply I
Company. Second and Chestnut. ,
• ■ |
FOR fallins hair try Gross Qulnlns
Hair Tonic, prepared by Orosa. the
Druggist and Apotheca.y. lit Market
street. Harrisburg. /*a. Telephone
orders given prompt attention BeU
R. A. HAKTMAN. BoaraUag Stable mm*
National Tranafer Co. Rovers of
pianos safes, boilers and general haul
ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell - phone No.
MOXT-Y TO LOAN on Real Estate
security In any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower Address P. O.
Box 174. Harrlsburg. Pa.
rooms tor household goods. |1 par
month and up. We Invite inspection.
Low Insurance. 417-445 South Second
! street. HarrUburg Storage Company.
In S-story brick butldlag, rear 4M
Market street.
Household goods In eleaa, private
rwna Reasonable rates. Apply ta
P. G. Dleaer, Jeweler, 408 Market St.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, (or
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to JS. Wagons. 15 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper A Co., 411
Broad street. Both phone*.
In the District Court of the United
States for the Middle District of
Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy. No.
2943 ln the Matter of Diller S.
Sollenberger. Bankrupt.
THE undersigned trustee will expose
at public sale, in front of the Court
House. Harrlsburg. Pa., on
SATURDAY. AUGUST 7, 1015. at 2
o'clock P. M.
! the following described real estate, to
f wit:
• Ploi 1. AH that certain lot or piece
| of lanl, situate in the City of Harrl
j burg, bounded and described as fol
| lows, to wit:
Beginning at a point on the west
| side of Wood Avenue, ninety-live (95)
feet northwardly from Peffer Street;
thence westwardly by a line parallel
! with said street one hundred (100>
feet to Yousling Avenue; thence north
j wardly along said avenue fourteen Tl4 >
I feet to line of property of Diller S.. Sol
lenberger; thence by the line of said
I property eastwardly one hundred (100)
; feet to Wood Avenue aforesaid: thonce
southwardly along said avenue fourteen
<l4) feet to the place of beginning.
Having thereon erected a dwelling
house Known as No. 2004 Wood Avenue.
Plot 2. All that certain lot or piece
of land situate in the said city, and
bounded and described as follows, to
Beginning at a point on the west side
of Wood Avenue one hundred and nine
(109) feet northwardly from Peffer
Street: thence westwardly by a line
' parallel with said street one hundred
| (100) feet to Yousling Avenue: thence
northwardly along said avenue four
' teen (14) feet to line of property lately
|of Geo. Yousling; thence by the line
jof said property eastwardly one hun
dred (100) feet to Wood Avenue afore
said; thence southwardly along said
avenue fourteen (14) feet to the place
of beginning. Having thereon erected
a dwelling house known as No. 2006
Wood Avenue.
Plot 3. AH those certain lots of
ground, situate In the Eleventh Ward
of the City of Harrlsburg. Dauphin
County. Pa., bounded and described as
follow?, t-> wit:
| No. 1. Beginning at a point on Wood
; Avenue about ninety-eight (9S) feet
[distant from Maclay Street, at the cor
-1 ner of a three (i> feet wide private al
! lev; thence westwardly at right angles
j with said avenue along the line of said
j alley one hundred (100) feet to Yous
[ ling Avenue: thence southwardly by
rthe line of said last mentioned allev
twenty (20) feet to a lot. now or late,
of George Yousling; thence eastwardly
by the line of said lot one hundred
(100) feet to Wood Avenue aforesaid:
thence northwardly by the line of said
avenue twenty (20) feet to the place of
beginning- Having thereon erected
two dwelling houses known as Nos.
j 2010 and 2022 Wood Avenue.
Plot 4. No. 2. Beginning at a point
on the western side of Wood Avenue
J distant two hundred and seven (207)
I feet northwardly from the northern
side of Peffer Street, at the southeastern
; corner of a lot, now or lately, of Mary
i Ann Yousling; thence westwardly
I along the line of said lot. at right
; angles with Wood Avenue one hundred
j (100) feet to Yousling Alley: thence;
I southwardly along said alley forty-two
(42) feet to line of lot, now or lately.
| of George Yousling: thence eastwardly
J at right angles with said avenue one |
hundred (100) feet to Wood Avenue:
thence northwardly along said avenue |
forty-two (4!) feet out to the place of,
| beginning. Having thereon erected a
large stable and warehouse.
Plot 5. All those two (2) certain |
(lots of ground, situated in the Sixth!
Ward in the said City of Harrlsburg,
I more particularly bounded and de
j scribed as follows:
[ Beginning at a point on the south
! side of Peffer Street at a line of prop
erty of Theodore J. Nichols: thence
southwardly along said property of j
I Theodore J. Nichols at right angles to
; PefTer Street about seventy-eight (7S>|
| feet six (6) inches to the side of an al- )
| ley three (3) feet wide: thence west
j wardly along said alley thirty-four (34) i
i feet to Wood Avenue; thence north- I
| wardly along Wood Avenue about!
; seventy-nine (79) feet to PefTer Street;!
; and thence eastwardly along Peffer j
I Street thirty-four (34) feet to the place!
of beginning. Having thereon erected ;
two dwelling houses known as Nos. 523
and 525 Peffer Street.
Plot 6. All the following described !
lot or tract of land, situate in the Sixth I
Ward, of the City of Harrlsburg. Coun
' ty of Dauphin and State of Pennsvi-1
vania. bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit.
Beginning at the southwest corner of i
Penn Street and Geiger Avenue: thence
along said Geiger Avenue (south side) i
sixty (60) feet to a corner of a four (4)
feet wide alley; thence in a south
wardly direction along said four (4)
feet wide alley twelve (12) feet to line
of property of Samuel D. Kochanour;
i thence In an easterly direction along
! said property sixty («0) feet to a point!
ion Penn Street: thence along said
I Penn Street (west side), twelve (12)
I feet to the place of beginning. To- I
I gether with the right of Ingress and j
j egress over said four (4) feet wide allev !
\ in common with the other owners of j
land abutting thereon. Having there- j
|on erected a two-and-a-half storv i
! frame dwelling house numbered 2018 |
Penn street.
! Plot 7. All that described lot of
ground situate, lying and being In
Franklin Township. York County, and
State aforesaid, bounded and described
! as follows, to wit:
t Beginning at a corner of land of
j Catherine Hoffman: thence by land of
Samuel Smith's heirs south fifteen (15)
'degrees and three-fourth east
; perches to stones; thence south six
! teen (16) degrees and a fourth west.
. eight perches and one-tenth to a stone
lat a public road; thence along the
same to a corner of land of Catherine
' Hoffman: thence by lands of th» same
jto the place of beginning, containing
I one acre neat measure, be the same
I more or less. I
; Plot 8. All the hereinafter describ
ed lot of ground, situate, lvlng and I
being In Franklin Township. York'
j County and State aforesaid, bounded
! and described as follows, to wit:
j Beginning at a post: thence by land
I of the said Diller S. Sollenerger, north
seventeen (17) degrees east, seven
1 perches and five-tenths to a post;
; thence by land of Samuel Smith's heirs
j south seventeen (17) degrees and three
| fourths east, eight perches and seven
tenths to a post at the side of a pub
lic road; thence north seventy-eight
(78) degrees and three-fourths west
crossing said road four perches and
I nine-tenths to a poet at the side of said
road, the place of beginning, contain
ing eighteen perches neat measure
Plot 9. All that certain lot or piece
of land, situated, lying and being in
the Tenth Ward, City of Harrlsburg
County and State aforesaid, bounded
and described as follows, to wit:
the corner of Howard
Al.ey. and another fifteen (15) feet
wide alley. In the rear of Seneca
Street, as designated In a plan of lots
of John R. Shoemaker, and recorded In
the office for the recording of deeds
in and for the County of Dauphin afore
said. In Plan Book "B," page 17; thence
westwardly along the line of the last
mentioned ftfteen (15) feet wide alley
twenty-two (22) feet to line of lot of
one Rambo: thence northwardly along
said line flfty-»tx (56) feet more or less
to a point; thence eastwirdly parallel
521.31 IN lIIJ
! Pen-in, Paying Teller, Locked in
Vault; Condition Con
sidered Grave
By Associated Press
Cedar Rapids, la., Aug. 4. The
Cedar Rapids National Bank was held
up and robbed of $21,300 early to-day
[by a lone robber, who, at the point of a
revolver, compelled Leo Perrin. the
paying teller, to open the vault and
| afterwards locked him up. Perrln was
; discovered a prisoner in the vault
. about ftfteen minutes later, in a state
i of temporary insanity, as the result of
his experience. His condition at noon
I was said by physlcinns to be serious.
' The robber Is believed to have been
!in the building all night. Perrin was
j in the bank at 6:30 a. m. to get out cur
rency shipments for the banks of
neighboring towns and had just opened
! the outer door of the vault when the
I msti stepped before him. held a re
j VQlver to his head and ordered him to
. open the remaining doors, which he
I did. As soon as the currency safe was
reached, the bandit calmly helped him
self to bundles of the currency, and
| then backed out. slamming the outer
I door on the teller. No trace of him
I had been found at noon.
The bnnk is capitalized at $500,000,
surplus $300,000 and deposits of $6,000,-
1 000, according to the last statement.
I Ralph Van Wechten, vice-president of
the Continental and Commercial Bank,
of Chicago, Is Its president.
Special to The Telegraph
Shlrentanstown, Pa.. Aug. 4. To
morrow Shiremantown's nrst annual
town picnic wilt he held at Boiling
Springs Park, and It Is thought that
• at least 1,000 people from this vicinity
j will be present. Games and contests
have been arranged and many prizes
' wil be awarded, but the character of
j the contests and the various prizes
j will not be made known until - arrival
j at the park.
At to-day's session of the County
Commissioners Mr. and Mrs. D. T.
Fackler were considered as steward
and matron respectively for the pro
posed new county .iuvenite house of
detention which will be opened In a
few days on the Glngerich farm near
I Lucknow.
I Mr. Fackler had served successfully
as the teacher at the old house of de
; terftion on the Dauphin county poor
I Following a long illness Mrs. Anna
j Clouser. aged 81, died at the home of
j het daughter, Mrs. Elsie Martin. 1605
Zarker street. Funeral services will be
' held at the daughter's home Thursday
| evening at 7.30. Undertaker C. H.
Mauk will take the body to New
• Bloomfleld Friday morning, where
' burial will he made.
I Cape Haitlen. Aug. 4. Government
officials who have been in this city have
fled to Fort Llberte on the dispatch,
boat Paciflaue. Revolutionist troops
! are beginning to enter the city and
; marines have been landed from the
I United States gunboat Nashville tt>
: maintain order. .
Amos Mason will be given a hear
j ing by Alderman Bayles this evening
I on a charge of assault and battery.
| George Norrls, of 1219 North Seventh
street, charges Mason with hitting him
1 on the head with a hatchet.
• with Seneca Street, twenty (20) feet six
(6) Inches more or less to Howard
Alley; thence along the line of Howard
Alley, flfty-six (56) feet more or less
to the corner of said other fifteen (15)
feet wide alley, the place of beginning.
; Plot 10. All that certain piece or
! strip of ground lying and being in the
I Tenth Ward of the City of Harrlsburg,
Pa., bounded and described as follows: I
Beginning at a point on Howard
Avenue, which point is ninety-four (94)
| feet southwestward from the corner of
Seneca Street and Howard Avenue, and
| at the corner of the property now of
• Diller N S. Sollenberger: thence west-1
wardly along the lot of the said Diller
I S. Sollenberger. and parallel with Sen-1
! ecn Street twenty (20) feet six (6)]
i Inches, more or less to a point on the
j line of lot now or late of Louisa Ram
bo; thence northwardly along (he line
jof said lot three (3) feet to a point; l
. thence eastwardly by a line parallei
I with Seneca Street and along other
I lands of the said Susan M. Coble,
I twenty (20) feet six (6) inches, more
|or less to Howard Avenue; thence
i along said Howard Avenue, south
wardly three (3) feet to the place of
The above described real estate will
be sold free and clear of all en
TERMS: 10 per cent, on day of sale,
and balance thereof on conflrmation by
the Court.
| Trustee.
i NOTICE IS HEREBY given that ajT
plication will be made to The Public
Service Commission of the Common
! wealth of Pennsylvania, bv the County
I of Dauphin, for a Certificate of Public
i Convenience, evidencing the Commis
sion's approval of the erection of a
County Bridge crossing the tracks of
the Philadelphia and Reading Railwav
Company, at Nineteenth Street, in the
City of Harrlsburg. Pa., above grade;
the public hearing on which will be
held in the rooms of the Commlstlon at
Harrlsburg. on the 10th day of August,
1915. when and where all persons In
Interest may appear and be heard, If
they so desire.
FREDERICK M. OTT, Solicitor.
NOTICE is hereby given that an ap- '
plication will be made to the Governor I
of Pennsylvania on the 27th dav of Au
gust. A. D. 1915. under the Act of As
sembly. entitled "An Act to provide for
[ the Incorporation and regulation of cer
-1 tain -orporatlons," approved April 29
[ 1874. and the supplements thereto, for
the charter of an intended corporation
to be called The Pennsylvania Food
Company, the character and obiect of
which Is the Manufacture and Sale of I
Stock and Poultry Conditioners as well
as a full line of Condlmental Feeding
Stuffs, and for these purposes to have
possess and enjoy all the rights, bene
fits and privileges of said Act of As
sembly and supplements thereto.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Dauphin County, dated June
J4. 1916. there will be sold at public
sale by Thomas C. Egenreider, Ad
ministrator. on the premises No. 324
Rally Street, Harrlsburg. Pennsylvania,
on Thursday. August 5. 1915, at 10
o'clock A. M.:
Brick house and bakery, known as No
324 Relly Street;
Two-story frame building, known as
No. 326 Relly Street;
Frame dwelling house, known as No.
328 Relly Street, and
Two frame dwellng houses and stable,
known as Nos. 1510 and 1510 4 Nortn !
Fourth Street, Harrlsburfr, Pa.
Attorney. 4<
AUGUST 4, 1915.
j Now York, Aug. 4.—After a mixed
I opening to-day the stock market de
veloped a sudden accession of strength
with a keen demand for steel and oil
shares, coppers and various other In
dustrials. Trading again ran largely
to the war stocks and Bethlehem Steel
outdid its previous rapid advances.
It opened at 278 4* as compared with
> Its close or 265 and on the next sale
I Jumped* to 286. It then advanced to
. 1 287, an overnight rise of 19 points
II and a gain of 12 points over Its pre
j | vious high record. Califarnta Petro
-1 | leum was marked up 3 Vi and Crucible
' Steel 2. United States Steel rose 1H
,! to #9%, the best figure in the year.
f I Railway Steel Springs. Mexican Pe
, i troleum, American Locomotive. Ten
j nessee Copper, Smelters, American Car
i j and Allis-Chaliners rose 1 to 2 points.
! I Furnished by E. S. Goshorn,
208-209 Arcade Building.
> New York. Aug. 4.
Open. High. Low. Clos.
' Alaska G M 3 3 «. 3 33tj 33V« 33 » a
j Am Bt Sug 57 5856 58
. Am Can . .
, Am C& F. 59 V* 6514 59Vfc 62 H
Am Cot Oil 51 Kj 51i»
. Am Ice Sec 24 £ 24% 24->i 24%
■ Am Loco . 56% 56% 55% 55%
■ r Am Smelt. 80% 81% 80% 80%
Am Sugar. IOBV4 109% 108% 109%
Anaconda . 71% 71% 70% 71
Atchison .. 101% 101% 101% 101%
Baldwin .. 79% 80% 79% 80
B& O 81% 81 % 80% 80%
Beth Steel . 278% 290 27S'\. 290
. Bklyn RT. 86 86 86 86
1 Cal Petro. . 17 19 17 17%
r Can Pacific 145% 145% 145% 144%
t Cent Leath 42 43 42 42
•CAO 42 42 43 42
1 Ssf* Stp 82 83 Vi 81% 81%
, CRI & p.
r 45 ** * 45 *
' £° l F o & K 401, « 41 H 39 %
1 „ St •• 72 % 72 73 %
Dist Sec ..28 28 27% 27%
l E «'e 27% 27% 27% 27%
I Erie Ist pd 42 % 42% 42 42
; Gen ECo.. 172% 174 172% 173%
Goodrh BF 52% 52% 52 52
r Gt Nor pfd 118% 119% 118% 119%
.Gt N Ore s 41% 42% 41% 42%
I Gug Exp .. 63% 63% 63 66
• InspCop.. 33% 34 33% 34
r, In-Met .... 21% 21% 20% 20%
1 K C So ... .24% 24% 24% 24%
•■Lehigh Val 143% 143% 143 V* 143%
iMex Petro. 82 8 2 79% 79%
■ Miami Cop. 26% 26% 26% 26%
■Mo Pac .. 2% 2%
■ Nat Lead.. 65 65% 64% 64%
N Y Cent.. 90% 90% 89% 89%
NY.NH& H 63% 63%
Nor & W.. 105% 106 105% 106
North Pac. 107% 107% 107% 107%
Pac Mail.. 36 V* 36% 34% 34%
Pa Ry .... 107% 107% 107% 107%
Peo G& G 116 116 116 U6
Pitts C.... 24 24 24 % 24%
Prs SC... 52 55% 52 55%
Ry S S 42 42% 41% 41%
Ray C C. . 23% 23 % 23 23
1 Reading .. 149% 149% 149 149%
Rep I 5... 43 44% 42% 44%
Rep I Spd 97% 98% 97% 98%
j South Pac. 87% 88 87 % 87%
South Ry.. 14% 14% 14% 14%
,'South Rpd 45% 45% 45% 45%
iStudebaker. 83 84 % 83 84
ijTenn Cop. 39% 40% 39% 40
Third Ave.. 51% 51% 51% 51%
Union Pac. 129% 129% 129% 129%
U S Rub.. 49% 50% 49% 49
U S Steel.. 68% 70% 68% 70%
I S Stl pd. 111% 112 111% 112
Utah Cop.. 66% 68% 66% 67%
Vir-Car C. 36% 36% 36 36
, I West u Tel 69% 70% 69% 70
West Mfg.. 111% 112% 111% 111%
Philadelphia. Aug. 4. . Wheat
Higher; No. 2. rod, car lots, new. July,
export. $1.15® 1.17. No. 1. Northern. Du
j luth. old, $1.55® 1.60.
| Corn Steady; No. 2. yellow, local,
| 90® 9lc; steamer. No. 2. yellow. 89®
1, 90c.
Oats Steady; No. 2, white. 62 1 ®
| 62 %c.
! Bran Market steady: winter,
I city mills, $527.00 per ton; winter,
1 per ton. none here; spring, per ton.
j $25.50@26.00.
Refined Sugars Market quiet;
I powdered. 5.90 c; tine granulated. 5.80 c;
j confectioners' A, 5.70 c.
I Butter Market steady; western,
I creamery, extras, 26c; nearby prints*
j fancy, 29c.
I Eggs The market is Arm;
! Pennsylvania xnd other nearxv flrst*.
: free cases. $6.00 per case; do.,
.current receipts, free pases. $5.55®5.85
I per case; western, extras, firsts <6 m»
1 per case: do., firsts, free cases, $5.55®
j 5.85 c per case.
.»yyS. Poultr J" Market firm; fowls,
!16ifirlS%c; old roosters. ll@12e; broll
i ing" chickens, 15®22e; spring ducks. 15
@l6c; old ducks. 12(§114c.
Dressed Poultry Market steady;
fresh killed fowls, fancy. 18%@19c: do.,
average, 16%®17%c; do., unattractive,
14»-. ift'ls%c; do., old roosters. 12% c; do.,
broiling chickens, nearby. 25®30c; do.
western, 20® 23c; do., spring ducks, 16%
@ 17e; ice packed fowls. 15©17% c.
Potatoes Market steady; Maine,
per bushel, 15®30c: New Tfork. Def
pushej. lo®20c; Southern, por barrel
40c® SI.OO.
**«*<«• straights.
new, $5.00@5.25: do., patent, new, $5.25®
5.50; do., clear. S3i3o®t.3S; Kan
sas .lute sacks. sx. >uf»3-So.
straights old. *6.50® «. 75; do., patents,
old, $5.25®5.75.
Light mixed, $34.09: No. 1. do.. 1*22 50
@23.00; No. 2. do., $20.00031.90.
Philadelphia. Aug. 4.—Stocks closed
Cambria Steel 5j
General Asphalt 31U
General Asphalt. Pfd gS%
Lake Superior 9%
Lehigh Navigation 72V4"
Lehigh Valley 71a..
Pennsylvania Railroad 53v,
Philadelphia Electric 23%
Philadelphia Company 37V4
Philadelphia Company, Pfd 34
Philadelphia Rapid Transit 8%
Reading 74%
I Storage Battery 58
: t'nion Traction 32%
1 I'nited Gas Improvement 83
I Cnlted States Steel 70%
Chicago. Hl„ Aug. 4. Hogs Re.
celpts. 28.000; dull. Bulk of sales. $6.55
#•.30; light. $7.20ff?7.85; mixed, $6.40®
7.75; heavy, $6.20<»7.25; rough. $6.20®
6.35; pigs, $6.75®7.75.
Cattle Receipts. 16.000; easv. Na
tive beef cattle. $6.20®10.30; cows and
heifers. $3.20®9.25; calves. 18.00® 11. 50.
Sheep—Receipts. 12,000; steady.
Sheep. $6.10®7.00; lambs, $6.75®9.40.
Chicago, 111., Aug. 4.—Board of Trade
Wheat September. 1.08%; Decem
ber. 1.09%.
Corn—September, 78; December, 65%
Oats September. 42%; December,
Pork September, 13,35; October.
Lard September. 7.92; October 8.02
Ribs—September. 9.99; October. 8.97!
July bank clearing* soared away
above these of June according to the
monthly report for the past month is
sued yesterday by A K. Thomas, sec
retary of the Harrisburg Clearing
House Association. July total clear
ings were $7,828,418.17. and the clear- 1
ings for the same month last year
Were $7,489,151.01. The report showst
that the increase over June of 1915
waa $785,978.70 and 1139.28J for July
lot 1914. 1
School Superintendent Shambaugh
Tells of Progress of Competi
tion in First Annual Report
Thirty-eight farm boys have entered
the corn and potato growing contests
which have been Inaugurated In Dau
phin county under the jurisdiction of
Professor F. E. Shambaugh, superin
tendent of the county schools.
The Telegraph set the pace to boost
tbts competition among the youthful
farmers of the county by offering
handsome prizes. The other local pa
pers followed suit. In speaking of the
corn and potato contests Mr. Staam
twugh says in his first annual report.
Issued to-day;
"Corn and potato growing contests
were inaugurated, thirty-eight boys
being entered. Handsome prizes were
ofTered by the three Harrisburg pa
: pers. the Telegraph, the Star-Inde
pendent and the Patriot, as an Induce
ment to stimulate interest In this im
portant work. Many of the teachers
failed to take the proper interest in
these contests, with the result that the
number of entrants was smaller than
wc had hoped it would be.
"To overcome any possibilities of
having a teaching force, inadequately
prepared to carry out a progressive
program tentative plans have been
made for conducting a training school
for rural teachers during the summer.
In which the major portion of the tlmo
will be devoted to methods, manage
ment, and organization of rural schools
and rural sociology. The plans also
Include a model school In charge of
two expert teachers. The rural schools
have largely suffered through the fact
that their best-trained teachers, who
secured their training and experlenco
at the expense of the rural schools
are working city-ward and to those
places where urban conditions are
usually more pleasant than the isola
tion existing in some rural com
munities. We believe that a training
school of the character mentioned
above will remedy the deficiencies too
often found in the rural teaching force.
It Is an unfortunate fact that so many
teachers view their work simply as a
commercial proposition.
"To Inspire the teachers of this type
we have borrowed an idea fom that
great temperance force, 'The Flying
Squadron,' and a similar organization
1 is being formed to go over the entire
country to preach the gospel of bet
ter schools.
"Vocational schools were organized
in Wllliamstown, Wlconlsco and Ly
kens. Most of the courses elected
were along the line of practical min
"There are 315 teachers In the
county. Reports from most of them
show that more than 12,000 persons
visited the schools during the past
year. There are 171 schoojhouses
with a total of 325 rooms. The 16
high schools have made notable prog
ress- in the way of improved courses,
equipment and higher standard of
teachers. Millersburg will add a
1 teacher of commercial branches to Its
1 high school faculty. The superintend
j ent made a total of 450 visits to tha
j schools under his jurisdiction."
Direct Word Received
From Mexican Capital
By Associated Press
Washington, Aug. 4.—First direct
word from the Brazilian Minister in
Mexico City to reach the State De
partment since July 19 came to-day
with the re-establishment of commu
nication. It described conditions in
the capital as bad for lack of food.
General Carranza cabled his agency
here to-day that with the reoccupa
tion of the capital he had appointed a
commission of five civilians to super
vise distribution of food stuffs and was
arranging to bring from Vera Cruz
ample supplies. Carranza troops have
taken all strategic points about the
capital for its protection and defeated
I the retreating Zapata trooips.
Jones Bros. Circus
in Town Tomorrow
Jones Brothers" circns will be in
town to-morrow on the big lot along
Seneca street between Second and
Third streets.
At II in the morning'thene will be a
parade over the principal streets of
the city.
In his report to the Dauphin County
Commissioners to-day for July Harry
A. Boyer, county inspector of weight's
and measures state that during the
past month he made 747 tests, 704
seallngs, 33 adjustments and 43 con
demnations. These were divided re
spectively as follows, In order:
Scales, 83; 82; 11; 1; dry measures.
176; 162; 0; 14: liquid measures, 188;
176; 0; 10; miscellaneous. 155; 151;
10; 4; weights, 147; 133; 12 and 14.
To Housekeepers, Work
■ Ingmen and Salaried Em
Room 21 4th Floor
Spooner Building
————— J
For Sale
Business property on Second
street, near Walnut.
Brintoo-Packer Co.
Second and Walnut Streets