IT.ADIES' BAZAAR DON'T FORGET IA 17C Q* DON'T FORGET THE NUMBER IU-l£ O. 4tll 31. THE NUMBER "We Advertise the Troth—The Troth Adrertbes Us" WOMEN'S WASH PRESS SKIRTS WOMEN'S SUMMER a-, j WASHABLE DRESSES Sold all season >| Q _ „ . , . . . a, 4i>C Sold all reason f 4Q up to $1.25 up to S2.ON Splendid belted and pocket styles Pretty Bt r ,e ® ln a °. ho } c ? "elation ashable materials. All co ior and color combination. All regular waist bands. regular sizes. Women's Wash Women's Wash Women's Women's Dress Skirts DreM Sklrte Summer Wash- White Dresses Sold All Season „I.I„ n.—™ Sold All Season up to *3.r,0. aoie uresifs Bold All Season _ _ Sold All Srnaoß Bu ufi up to $1.98 $1.79 op to •S.AN ei oa 89c nigh Trade $1.89 I S,J ' BS ' Every new style terlsis'; stunning Charming voUe and ornan' and material in styleß - Re * ular "tyles. materials VOl 'f """ or*an ana material in and pxtra s | ze nnd co ] ors Al j die dresses. this lot. waist bands. regular sizes. Neatly trimmed. Women's Women's Waists Women's Women's Silk Dresses Sold All Season Silk Waists Cloth Coats Sold All Season up to $1.50 Sold So,d A " Season _ _ "P <0 $2.4» up to SO.»N t£*Q 89c sl * 49 $ 3 - 98 Lingerie, Voile, Silk Crepe de Coats that can Wanted styles, Organdie and Chine Waists, be worn late Into materials and Tub Silk Waists." Pretty styles the Fall. All shades. hand- In newest and colors. All wool materials, somely trimmed. styles. sizes. Pretty styles. WOMEN'S SILK HOSE 00-ICORSETS—ReguIar gQ Regular price SOc [ Prices SI.OO and $1.50 OJ7C White and colors. All sizes. I All sizes. Newest shapes. QUIETLY MARRIED Miss Hllla M. Miller and. Elmer E. Wickline. both of this city, \\ere quietly married at the home of the bride, 221K North Fourth street, Sat urday night by the Rev. H. C. Pardoe. Mr. and Mrs. M. Philip Hall, 328 Sruth Fourteenth street, are sojourn ing at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bickle, 1331 Tierry street, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc yer. Eighteenth and Regina streets, with Mrs. T. V. Hessey, of Shrews berry. are home from a motor trip to Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Mrc. Harry Evans, who was operated upon at the llartman hospital, has been removed to her home in the Mil ler Apartments. A. K. Lefever, 121 Herr street, has returned from a week-end stay in caster. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mulcahy and daughter, Miss Elinor Mulcahy, of Old Orchard, will leave to-day for Phila delphia to attend the Sheahan-Harvey wedding Wednesday. Miss Cora Waeland. of Middletown. spent the -week-end with the Misses Ammon, 2037 Penn street. ■ \ fThe Ha rrisburg Carpet Co. is showing a very choice line of New Fall Patterns in Carpets, Rugs Linoleums, Oil Cloths and Window Shades, at very attractive prices. Harrisburg Carpet Co. 82 NORTH 2ND ST. L__ Purse-Comfort Prices on Body-Comfort Wear As comforting to your purse will be these special Wednes day prices as the merchandise will be to your body during the hot days of August. There's a bit more merchandise here than we think ought to be at this time of year—so we take the one means to clean it out quickly—heavy price cuts. The sale is for one day only—just about enough time to accomplish our pur- Ipose. Therefore, come to-morrow, Wednesday, if you'd share in the event. WEDNESDAY SPECIALS One lot Women's House Deep Embroidery and Flounce Dresses, formerly 1 QQ White Petticoats, 4Q -53.98, now 75c va , ue IVC Wednesday Special. Indies' •j| u i ti. la i| n mpi women s Trimmed Hflts, new Bleached Muslin 25 C summer styles, formerly sold Gowns 98c, $1.49 and $1.98; -| f| r Wednesday Special. Allover one day only XVC Embroidery Corset 9®!** < " >ne SI.OO Corsets. Perfect Covers, 390 value models. Special #sQr> ... , . _ . Wednesday ui7l ' $1.66 Y*!' 1 ® deep Embroidery O ne ] Women's House Flounce White f{Q/« Dresses, broken lots of SI.OO and Petticoats $1.25 goods. OQ 15. 60 tine all 811k Crepe de Wednesday OJ7C Chine Blouse Waists. Misses' Middy Dress Skirts, to Wednesday match middy Qo Ladles' $1.50 value Fine Swiss waists; each . .......... Embroidered Blouse Q Q _ ExtraSpeclal.Glrls and Chil- Walsts, all new styles. .. . 9oC drenß $1 00 $1.49 and $1.89 New ...JJ. Trimmed Hats; to close the lot New $1.50 Value Fine Middy Wednesdav, oq Blouses, all sizes, all white and each OJTC white trimmed, In 98 C Ladies' New Wash Dress red or blue Skirts, worth up to $2.00, $2.50 One lot Girls' OC- an LaPerle NEXT TO ORPHF7TM THEATER . AUGUST 3, 1915. K. U. G. Girls' Club Home From Wild Cat Falls The members of the K. U. G. Club have just returned after spending two pleasant weeks at Farview cottage, Wild Cat Falls. Mrs. Margaret Barth chaperoned the merry crowd during the house party. The party Included the Misses Marion and Edna Barth, Selena Howe, Marie Perry, Esther Demmy, Kathleen Robe son, Alverda Blessing, Kathryn Bow ers, Margaret Miller, Mary and Mar garet Campbell, James Ruby, George McCurdy, Elmer B. Grove, David Shank, Harry Frank, Fred Rudy, Wil bur Drawbaugh, Thomas Egenreider, Elsworth McMullen and Karl Barth. JUNIATA BRIDGE PERSONALS William G. Ford and Mrs. A. A. Yaple entertained the following guests at their cottage at Juniata Bridge over the week end: Mr. and Mrs. Jay N. Hursh, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Beaty, Mrs. Maurice P. Gorinley, Miss Hazel Beatty, Miss Ruth Beatty, Miss Naomi Crown shield, Gordon Ford, Norman Ford, Harold Yaple, Harry Rote, William Rote, Frank Feltenberger, Walter De vine, Charles Madden, Frank Ford, Alfred Yaple and Horace Geisel. Miss Anne Bacon, North street, has gone to Norfolk and Portsmouth, \'a;, 1 where she will be the guest of Miss Doris LeFeurcheur and Miss Mary Tonkin until September. While in Portsmouth she will be a member of the bridal party of Miss Tonkin. Albert J. Astrich, 216 Hamilton street, has returned from a two weeks' visit to New York and Brighton Beach. Miss Blanche Baumgarten, New York city, is the guest of Mrs. Louis Astrich, 216 Hamilton street. Miss Miriam O. Carl will leave to-night for Jamestown, N. Y., where she will spend a week with her sister, Mrs. oward Brine, formerly of this city. Miss Grace Sparver and brother, Norman Sparver, of 1918 North Fifth street, will leave to-day for a visit to Colebrook. ' / AMUSEMENTS Paxtang Park Theater The Battle of Bunco Hill With WIIjI,ARD AND BOND 5 OTHER STANDARD ACTS 5 Fireworks Display Wednesday Evening - ■raHHMHi IjAST TIME TODAY "SILVER THREADS AMONG THE GOLD" ! Shown »t 10 a. m., IliSO a. in., l p. m., ItiilO p. ni.. 4 p. m., , r u3o p. m 7 p. m., 8:30 p. m., 10 p. m. TOMORROW THE "GODDESS" VICTORIA Journey to Duncannon to Help Celebrate Birthday A number of young people made an impromptu visit to the home of Miss Laura M. Weaver of Duncannon on Saturday evening to assist the little hostess with the celebration of her thirteenth natal day anniversary. The house was beautifully decor ated with sweet peas and nasturtiums. The color scheme was yellow and white. Many beautiful presents were received by the little hostess. Dainty refreshments were served to the fol lowing guests: Misses Wilma Harper, Amelia Cope, Helen Bender, Louise Parsons, Mar garet Rathfon, Mary Hurst, Hazel Bolden, Carrie Weaver, Laura Weaver, Vivian Weaver, Charles Sommer, Blake Alander, Grafton Hiltner, Har old Bender, Rice Weaver, Wilbur Iscnberg, James Kennedy, Mrs. Annie F. Weaver, Mr. nnd Mrs. Emanuel Casey, Mrs. Annie Gamber, W. J. Myers and Charles Gamber. Miss Elizabeth Herr, of 503 Cum berland street, and Miss Edna Ebert, of 1503 North Sixth street, have re turned from a visit in Lancaster. Mrs. Prank Lehman and son, Lester, of 227 Briggs street, have re turned from a three weeks' visit at Qu&rryvlUe. . AMUSEMENTS ' " Hours: 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. TO-DAY Victor Moore "SNOBS" Paramount. * Tomorrow. Thurs.. Fri. and Sat., "HYPOCRITES" One of the most striking and un usual pictures now on the market. The most tßlked of picture be fore the public. It deals frankly with the sin of hypocrisy. Featuring Courtenay Foote Supported by an all-star cast-. No change in price. ADMISSION. 10c TO ALL. The coolest theater In the city, and the home of the Moller pljie organ. Bell phone, 3719. United 73;Y L , .i i ' I SO-IMPERIAL WONDERSSO-M DANCING GIRLS |I 40 CLOWNS 51,000,000 MENAGERIE I GRAND FREE STREET PARADE 1 EVf.RY MOWNING AT TEN O'CLOCK , HARRISBURG Thursday, August 5 5