Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 24, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    A "Fur lent" Ad on His Page Is Sire to lead tie Person You Seel!
\\ 11 I.tARP Died. July 22, 1915, at
12:30 A. M.. Edward C. Williard, aged
36 vears.
Bodfy out be viewed on v Sunday even
ing:. between the hours of 7 and 9
o'clock, at the funeral parlors of Hoover
& Son. 1413 North Second street. Ser
vices Monday morning,, at 10:30.o'clock,
iln the Lutheran Church. Dalmatia. Pa.
Burial Palmatla Cemetery.
LOST Automobile crank between
Harrisburg and Middletown. Reward it
returned to C. E. Balr & Son, 24 North
Fourth street.
LOST A bunch of keys this week In
i the city. Reward if returned to Uaug
ler's Studio, 408 Market street, City.
LOST Pearl crescent pin in Senate,
Market street or along River Front.
Friday evening. Reward if returned
to office of Astrich's Store.
LOST July 12. 1915, on Sixth
street, between the Capitol and Broad
street, gold cuff link. with intlals
"W. O." Finder please return to 510
Curtln street. City.
FOUND At the river, lady's gold
ring, with setting. Apply at Police
Headquarters and identify it.
FOUND—The well-dressed man. He
always sends his clothes to Egbert's
Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning
Works, 1245 Market street. Do you?
Both phonos. Call and deliver.
WANTED Two livewlre salesmen
for established tea and coffee routes j
—must be able to furnish bond—salary
and commission—also two solicitors.
Jewel Tea Co.. 269 Broad street. |
YOUNG MEN WANTED who wish to 1
become practical or mechanical chauf- ;
feu is to call or write us at once. Full I
unlimited course. 535. Open day -and
evening. Auto Transportation Repair
Shop. 5 North Cameron, street
WANTED A man to work two
days a week on lawn and garden. Ap
ply Heathcote Road and Twenty-first
WANTED Single white man to
work on farm, who understands farm
ing. Apply 1700 North Second street.
Of energy and tact to sell high-class
advertising services for New York
house; permanent. If engaged one of
our field men will sell in your presence
and instruct you. Commission basis.
No advance seekers need apply. Ad
dress R„ 2765, care of Telegraph.
HIGH SCHOOL BOY, young man, or
lady, each town as local representative.
Pleasant business. Salary and commis
sion. Address S., 2763, care of Tele- '
graph office. |
To present high-class proposition to
manufacturers and retailers; none but i
high-grade men need apply. Address i
G.. 2764, care of Telegraph. j
especially Insurance Agents, or
Traveling. Part time men accepted.
Pay weekly. Outfit Free. References.
Heath Nurseries, Manchester, Conn. I
MEN AND WOMEN to raise mush
rooms in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. sl2 I
to $25 weekly. Success guaranteed. ,
Write to-day. Hiram Barton, 333 West
Forty-eighth street, New York.
WANTED Organizers to obtain ]
miAiibers and establish lodges on com- I
mission. The Owls, South Bend, Ind. I
SBO MONTHLY and expenses, to i
travel, distribute samples and take j
orders, appoint agents. Permanent. ;
Jap-American Co., Chicago.
1 WILL PAY any honest man up to j
SSO monthly for part of spare time. No
canvassing. No capital. Write to-day. |
Voorhie*, Desk 155, Omaha, Neb.
S3O WEEKLY, evenings at home.
Everything furnished; no experience;,
no canvassing. Don't worry about i
capital. Boyd H. Brown, Dept. A, 297, |
Omaha, Neb. j
WANTED First-class barber at i
r.4H Broad street. Apply at 1114 North !
Seventh street, j
is offered a teal salesman to act as ;
county manager; specialties new, in ,
wonderful demand; continuous repeat,
orders: applicant must finance him-1
self and be a hustler; proposition I
worth at least sin per week to live!
men. Call J. W. Simons, Metropolitan '
Hotel, to-day.
to get. My free booklet Y-372, tells
how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop-';
kins. Washington. D. C.
WANTED Shoe machine cutter on
ehlHren's shoes; give experience;!
steady place. Sterling Shoe Co.. 640 j
East Third street, Williamsport, Pa. '
way Mall Clerks, Post Office Clerks '
and other branches. Private coach- j
ing no publicity money refunded 1
If not sucessful. Exams soon. Ad
dress Professor. P. O. Box 431, Harris- j
burg. Pa.
Southwest corner of Second and
Emerald streets.
20x0(1 Vj
No. 1007 BerryluO street. Just
west of Cameron street inr.o
East side of North Third street
above Woodbine. Per ft. front, f«o
Northeast corner Twenty-third
and Woodbine streets. Per ft
Northeast corner Bellevue Road
and Twenty-first street 94200
Southeast corner Front and Emer
ald streets. Per ft. front ... siuo
78x07 V 4
East side of North Cameron, be
low Verbeke street
an w.xi.v) ft.
S. W. Cor. Bosler and Apple ave
nues, Lemoyne 5450
I f 25x140
Fifth street, near Geary street
New Cumberland »125
S. W. Cor. Oyster's Point avenue
and Logan street. Camp Hill . . MOO
River Road, just north of the
Rorough of Wormleysburg. Per ft
front S2O
32 Lots
River Road, north of Wormleys
burg. on Front and Second streets.
South side of Market street. Camp
Hill only a few minutes' walk
from trolley at Oyster's Point. 91300
Insurance Surety Bonds
Locust and Court Streets
I CHAUFFEUR, experienced, to drive
I car for hire in Harrisburg and vicinity.
Reference required and clean record es
| stnthal. Liberal commission. Address
Driver. Telegraph Office.
WANTED First-class, experienced
machinists and tool makers; good pay
to competent men. Address, giving ex
perience, to J. F. Creswell, Box 264,
Lancaster. Pa.
WANTED A good, reliable man
for the tea and coffee business; one
who can give good reference. Apply
Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second
quarries. Hoffman Bros. & Wilson.
Twenty-third street and Philadelphia
I and Reading Railroad.
Thorough instructions, $5. Returned if
not appointed. Particulars free.
American Civil Service School, Wash
ington. D. C.
Harrisburg soon. Prepare now under
former Government Examiner. Booklet
S. 122, free. Write to-day. Patterson
Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y.
Private Lessens in Short
band, Typewriting, Dicta
tion, Penmanship, Etc., .
; at class instruction rates for students
j Who want Direct Result:-!. You want
i that kind. Fall enrollments now being
1 received. Write or call to-day for full ,
Information. Merle E. Keller, 309
I Patriot Building;.
W ANTED Girls over 16
! years of age to learn the trade of
[Cigar Making. Pay while learn
; ing. Welfare looked after by a j
| trained nurse. Apply at Harris-]
burg Cigar Co., 500 Race street, j
WANTED Trustworthy young [
woman of means to join a progressive
farmer and orchardlst in a nice coun- ,
try home. Must be tidy, economical
housekeeper and good manager. Ref- '
rence given and required. Address
Box H. -'767, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young girl to assist ,
with office work; some knowledge of
shorthand and typewriting necessary. |
Address 8., 2765, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Girl to assist in kitchen. I
Apply 9 North Front street.
woman to distribute hosiery to custom
ers. Experience unnecessary, all or part
time. For particulars and complete out- I
fit address International Mills, Dept. 1,
Norristown. Pa.
| WANTED Persons to color art pic
tures at home; easy work; no experi
ence; good pay; sample free. Gleason
; Wheeler. 337 Madison. Chicago.
1 WANTED I teach shorthand by i
j association methods, and students be- i
; come efficient in five or six months.
Expert individual instruction and
, plenty of it means success. Harrisburg
• Shorthand School. 31 North Second
i street, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED—Experienced help,
j Apply Silk Mill, Cor. North and
Second streets.
' HELP H AXTF"—MaIe and l'citiai*
| SONG POEMS WANTED for publica
tion. Experience unnecessary. Send
us your verses of melodies to-dav or i
write for instructive booklet—it's free. I
Marks-Goldsmith Co.. Dept. 233, Wash- I
ington, D. C.
WANTED Nursery Agents in every
town. Start now. Outfit free. First ]
National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y.
_____ I
WE want an agent in every town.
Special Inducements for quick action.
Pay weekly. Address Perry Nurseries,
Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Agents to sell new auto- |
• mobile device. You can't get anything
I better. Write I>ee Company, Bo 581.1
! Rochester, N. Y.
! a day. Big season is on. Get busy. Sell
| Concentrated Soft Drinks—just add'
, water. Delicious summer drinks for j
I the home, picnics, parties, fairs, ball i
I samea. eac. Every popular drink j
| small package, makes 80 glasses less
than 1 c ent a glass. Guaranteed under j
I". S. Pure Food Laws. Woods made sl6
first day; Quinn took 115 orders two i
days. Others coining money, selling to i
! soda fountains, soft drink stands, etc.]
j 250 other hot weather sellers. Over 1
1100 per cent, profit. Territory •roing '
, fast. Complete outfit furnished. Sample
i case free. Just a postal to-day—now.
i American Products Company. 2396
I Third street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
! FREE SAMPLE Nonsplash water
j strainers sell themselves—no talking—• 1
I experience unnecessary. Dally profits
• big, sr, upwards. Send 2c (mailing cost).
D. B. Union Filter Co.. N. Y.
| men In every county In Pennsylvania
to sell our Horse. Cattle and Poultry
I Remedies, etc. Every preparation
i guaranteed. Hartman Mfg Co., Mt.
| Wolf. Pa.
WANTED Salesman to sell High
• Grade Temperance Drinks In small
| country towns. Commission contract
I with $40.00 weekly drawing account.
Crown Company, 207 South Commercial
] street, St. Louis, Mo.
| WANTED Traveling salesman for
our product. Blankets and Dress Goods.
We sell retailers direct and pay good
! commission. Desirable side line. Schuyl
• kill Mills. Box 1192, Philadelphia. Pa.
; burg and Cumberland Valley. Per
manent position. Best line advertising
calendars, cloth and leather goods.
] Commissions most liberal. Fall trade
i begins now. Address Sales Manager,
United States Calendar Company, Cin
i clnnati.
I open August first for capable salesman
iln Pennsylvania. Staple line for gen
j eral retail trade. Liberal commissions.
; $35.00 weekly advance. Ralph H. Ide,
1730 Williams Building. Detroit.
! SALESMEN —On salary or commis
' sion. to handle high-grade specialty.
| Send for free booklet on Salesmanship.
I Binns Sales Co . 128 West Gorgas street,
■ Philadelphia, Pa.
■j WANTED Salesman to call on
I grocers, general store and confection
ers, In small country towns. 25 per cent,
•commission; $35.00 weekly drawing ac
| count. Sales Manager, 206 South First
j street. St. Louis. Mo.
| WANTED Reliable man to sell
I guaranteed automobile tires at 20 per
I cent, below ordinary nrlces; excellent
! proposition for hustler. L»stlc-Air
■ Mfg. Co.. Inc.. Niagara Falls, N. Y.
(Unnecessary; easy work; big nay.
I Write now for large list of openings
I offering opportunities to earn from SIOO
jto SSOO a month while you learn. Ad
i dress nearest Office. Dept. 244. National
. Salesmen's Training Association. Chi
cago. New York. San Francisco.
i SALESMAN X have a fast selling
j article that will brine in good money
l to anv man who Is willing to do a little
hustling. Send ten cents for samnle and
if'tll Information. H. Corhett, 757
, Maplewood Boulevard. Rochester. N. Y.
i WANTED —By young man, 18
years old. work of any kind around
1 grocery store, or on delivery wagon.
I Address M„ 2758, car* of Telegraph.
WANTED—Young, married man, with
five years' business experience, desires
position as bookkeeper or clerk for
business house or corporation; best of
reference. Address 8., 2803, care of
WANTED Young, married man.
sober and honest, desires position driv
ing Jitney. Call, or address. N. I. Z.,
626 Schuylkill street. City. I
WANTED— Typewriter operator (60
to 70 words per minute on the machine)
land stenographer (130 words from dic
tation), desires position. Address C.,
2757. care of Telegraph.
WANTED Reliable colored woman
wants work as cook in private family,
boardlnghouse or hotel; can give city
; reference. 1917 Logan avenue.
WANTED By young lady having
had nine years' experience In general
office work, a position as bookkeeper or
stenographer; can furnish good refer
nce. Address S. A., care of Telegraph. ,
WANTED By a colored woman,
small washings to do at home. Call,
or write. No. 1412 North Fifth street.
WANTED Two white girls, age 16,
want work as child's nurse or light
housework. Call 631 Kelker street
FOR SALE (Moving to Suburb) A
desirable corner property. 219 Maelay i
Street, corner Penn; a beautiful view i
from every room, overlooking four of '
the largest and finest lawns In the city. !
First-class condition, awnings, screens, I
Hot Water Heat, etc. For appoint
ments, phone Bell 889W, or 1444 J.
FARMS FOR SALE Size, 4, 16. 53, j
65 and 95 acres, respectively—required I
buildings on each farm —fruit and j
ample water supply. Bell Realty Co..
Bergner Building.
TOR SALE 238 Hummel' street is
now ottered at $2,000. Has all improve- I
ments and a deep lot. What will you i
give for it? H. G. Pedlow, 110 South j
Thirteenth street. City.
FOR SALE Make an offer on 1713 I
Regina street; all improvements; drive
alley in rear. Was held at $2.350.0«,
Will go at a bargain price. H. G. Ped
low. 110 South Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE ln Camp Hill, one acre
of ground under cultivation; practically
new frame bungalow; all Improve
ments; 94 fruit trees; grapes; black
berries; chicken house; immediate pos
session. Price, $3,000.00. Address Box
66. Camp Hill. Pa.
FOR SALE Bargain, at Bowmans- j
dale, Pa., two acres, house, barn, fine ;
■well water, stream through property. ,
fruit; fine for poultry and vegetables, i
For particulars write 2465 North Na- |
trona street, Philadelphia, Pa. I
TOR SALE The desirable residence !
property No. 2014H N. Fifth Street;
will be offered at adjourned public sale '
on Saturday. July 31, 1915, In front of |
the Court House by the Harrisburg
Trust Company, Administrator.
FOR SALE Large lot, house, 8
rooms, double, for two farftilles; large
summer house; good barn; other build
ings; fruit; great for trucking, chick
ens, pigs, etc; only two squares from
L trolley. See this property. Price
only $1,250. C. B. Care, Care's Gro
cery, Linglestown, Pa. Description at
409 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa.
South Fifteenth street 8 rooms
bath gas furnace cemented cel
lar porch front. Good location. Par
ticulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner
hens, 3 pigs, 50 fruit trees, 40 grape
vines, 100 strawberry plants. Sacrifice,
$258. Near Irondale, Mo. $7 down,
$3.80 monthly. Mottaa, 705 Olive, St.
—Corner property 6 rooms bath
gas electric lights cemented cel
lar •*- good furnace plumbing and
all equipment in good condition—porch
front—prtce reduced No. 117 Sylvan
Terrace. Bell Realty Co., Bergner
$425.00 WILL BUY my small truck,
poultry farm, three miles from New
Kingston, Cumberland county. All
buildings. Four acres. Don't miss this
offer. Geo. H. Martz. Twentieth and J
Paxton. Harrisburg, Pa. j
FOR SALE Several nice plots of ]
ground In growing section of city, i
Prices attractive. Just ripe for develop- j
ment. Also some improved properties ,
at a bargain. A. C. Mead, Eighth Floor, ,
Union Trust Co. Building.
FOR SALE Residence 237 Maclay
street. Owner must leave city. Apply
to above address.
FOR SALE Eight-room house with
porch front—large yard and garage
between Reservoir and Arsenal Parks—
s3oo down, $lO per month—sl,sso. Ed
gar B, Lerew, 4 North Fifth street.
FOR SALE Market street
property in the heart of business:
section. Apply to Samuel Fried
man, real estate, Kunkel Bldg.
No. 1848 Chestnut Street 8 rooms
bath gas electric light steam
heat good location well built
house reasonable price. Bell Realty
Co.. Bergner Building.
REAL ESTATE For SaJe or Exchange
FOR SALE Highsplre property In
central location at a bargain price.
Small amount down, balance same as
rent. A farm, acreage or lots taken
in exchange as whole or part payment,
j Address Box H, 2761, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT 1629 Green street,
house. 11 rooms and bath; all Improve
ments; side alley way; water in cellar;
rent. $30.00 monthly. Inquire John C.
Giede, 1312 North Third street.
FOR RENT 1535 N. Fourth Street;
eight, rooms and bath; improvements;
cemented cellar; trolley passes the
property; good neighborhood. A. C.
Young. 26 North Third street. Bell.
713 J.
FOR RENT Will rent, sell or ex
change, beautiful house bungalow, a
i rooms, all conveniences, Kelso street,
I Paxtang. Pa. Come quick. Won't be
'on market very long. Address Jno. C.
Wensell. 104 Paxtang avenue, Pax
| tang.
I WHY PAY RENT? A home any
where on easy payments. A company
j that Is loaning money at 5 per cent, in
terest to buy and build homes on return
! Monthly Principal Payments only, $8.30
' per thousand, and will do for you what
j they have done for others, if you will
adopt their plan. Write to-day for
I folder. A. Stuart, 704 Payne Building,
' Roanoke, Va.
i ___
I FOR RENT B-room house, with
I gas and bath, plot for garden, at Steel
ton Heights opposite Frog Shop Office.
Apply J. M. Heagy, 39 South Front
street, Steelton.
FOR RENT New two-and-a-half
storv brick. No. 2029 and 2031 Swatara
street, seven rooms, bath and toilet
separate side entrance, steam heat; No.
2018 Swatara, two-story brick, new,
steam heat, all Improvements; also No.
2002 State, nine rooms, all improve
ments. Irvin Johnson. No. 2052
FOR RENT 2137-2139 Moore
street. $12.00. Apply Mrs. Welgle, 1713
North Fifth street.
FOR RENT 2220 North Fourth
i street; three-story brick house: all lm
| provements. Inquire 2216 North Fourth
j street.
BEAT THE HEAT Go to Perdix.
Furnished cottages fpr rent. A. C.
Young, 26 North Third street. Bell
1 713 J.
FOR RENT ll9O Christian street;
two-story brick; all improvements and
up-to-date in all respects; seven rooms,
bath; rent. $17.00. Inquire
209 Herr street, between 5 and 7 P. M
|§3~ Bailey* St., 2V4-S. brick.
Camp St., 3-s. frame.
2015 N. Seventh, 3-s. frame.
214 Reily St., 3-s. brick.
1;> 2 A Berryhlll. 3-s. brick.
6_Acres near West Fairvlew. $2,800.
i '• Acres near Mechanicsburg, $12,300.
5 Acres near Mechanicsburg. $1,750.
18 Acres near Brandtsville, $1,200.
57 Acres near Mechanicsburg, $9,000.
Second and Walnut Sts.
FOR RENT 1721 Carnation street;
two-story brick house ; all improve
ments; porch front; rent, $16.00. Also
2616 Agate street, rent, $13.00. Apply
1545 North Sixth street.
ONE ACRE with 5-room dwelling
chicken houte located one mile north
of trolley line at Twenty-first and State
bts. Price, $1,350.00 easy terms
Immediate possession. Brlnton-Packer
Co., Second und Walnut streets.
—Two three-story brick houses—each
eight rooms—bath furnace. Rentals,
$25 per month. Miller Brothers & Co., i
Bell phone'l69s. I
TWO new three-story brick houses, I
Nos. 224 and 226 Seneca street; 9 rooms; I
bath; all conveniences. Apply G. E.
Shelter, 220 Seneca street. Phone Bell !
877 M.
WILL SELL at • sacrifice or rent '
1816 North Second street; possession at I
once. Apply Regent Theater. 410 Mar
ket street.
floor at the Walzdorf, facing Capitol;
six rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hard
wood floors, electric light and city
steam. Inquire 400 North street.
New Building Just finished pri
vate apartments, consisting of three
rooms and large balcony, with lockers 1
in basement; large bay window fronts;
light and airy; convenient and comfort
able. Just the thing for small family.
Little expense and low rent. Apply on
premises. 1321-1323 Wallace street.
Dally Inspection invited.
Four rooms. Private bath, including
kitchen, also large locker in basement. I
Select neighborhood. Rent. $30.00 —j
immediate possession. Penna. Realty &
Improvement Co.. 132 Locust St.
FOR RENT Housekeeping, unfur
nished apartment, five rooms and bath.
Including kitchen; also locker in base,
ment; on Thirteenth street. Rent,
$16.00. Apply Penna. Realty & Imp-
Co., 132 Locust street.
FOR RENT—Third Iloor, front apart- \
ment. No. 32 North Second street; S
rooms and bath; steam heat and elec
tric light. Apply to Commonwealth
Trust Co., 222 Market street.
FOR RENT Modern apartment In
Althouse Building, corner Thirteenth
and Market streets. Rent very liberal
for summer months to right party. J.
E. Glpple. 1251 Market street.
FOR RENT Newly furnished
front room, facing Capitol P» k (three
windows) hot and cold running water
and electric light In room; also use of
large bathroom and Bell phone. 410
North street.
FOR RENT Two rooms on third
floor, with all conveniences. Address D.,
2759, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms,
second floor, directly across from Capi
tol Park. All conveniences, Including
6 hones. Rent very reasonable. 406
orth street.
FOR RENT Two communicating
rooms with hall, completely furnished
for light housekeeping: use of bath
and phone. Apply 210 South Thirteenth
FOR RENT Two rooms; also three
rooms and kitchenette, completely fur
nished for light housekeeping; all im
provements; gas ranges; refrigerator;
sepcrato bell; corner house; no children;
references exchanged. 1238 Klttatlnny
street. City.
FOR RENT Three large unfurnish
ed rooms on first floor, with privilege
of cellar and summer kitchen. 503
Cumberland street. City.
FOR RENT Handsomely furnished
rooms for rent, centrally located; also I
rooms for light housekeeping; terms I
very reasonable. Apply 209 State street, !
City. j
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished i
rooms, for light housekeeping, corner
house, refrigerator, kitchen cabinet, |
gas range and running water, $16.00
per month; no children. 342 South Six
teenth street.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms,
all conveniences, from 2.00 up weekly;
also table boarding if desired. Apply
222 North Third street. Bell phone
[ 1834 W.
FOR RENT One furnished suite of
two rooms, kitchen and private bath;
I immediate possession. Address R., 2756,
care of Harrlsburg Dally Telegraph.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, for
iight housekeeping; large, well fur
nished second floor front rooms; all
conveniences: use of phone. 812 North
Second street.
FOR RENT Large, cheerful second
floor front room; electric lights and use
of bath; centrally located; close to
Capitol and Post Office. 233 South
utreet. Phone 1825 M.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms,
single or ensutte; all conveniences. In
cluding phone; reference required. Ap
ply 1015 North Front street
: WANTED Refined, young couple
I desire rooms or an apartment in pri
vate family with private bath; all con
veniences; references exchanged. Ad
dress R., 2762, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Two or three well-fur
nished rooms for light housekeeping,
by young, married couple, north of
| Derry and east of Twelfth street pre
ferred. No third-story rooms. Address
l Dodd & Struthers. Sixteenth and Elm
i streets. City.
BUILT especially for light house
keeping, single or with kitchenettes,
arrangements strictly private, stoves
furnisned free, laundry, phone, and
bathroom privileges. Private lockers
for surplus furniture. Inquire office,
429 Broaa street, or Janltress, same
building. Daily Inspection Invited.
FOR SALE One good oak office
table, at half price. Q. W. Kehr, 204
Chestnut strct.
FOR SALE Scratch Pads new
supply —6o for 26c while they last. Ap
ply Job Printing Department. The Tele
graph Printing Company.
I secured at the Telegraph Business
GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all
kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117
South Second,
FOR SALE Good, gray horse, 1,200
tbs. Price, $75.00. Inquire Ober's
| Stable, Court and Cranberry.
! FOR SALE CARDS on sale at-the
A Telegraph Business utile*
Will sell six-cylinder Chalmers
car, practically new, first-class
condition, electric lights and
starter, reasonable, will demon
strate. Thompson, 1913 Derry
street. Phone 842 J.
FOR SALE Bay mare, fat as a
fool, with colt; weight, 1300 rbs. Will
sell her reasonable on account of hav
ing: colt. Call at 1317 Williams
street, Milk Depot.
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished nooma. Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 26c each. One
of these signs will be given with each
six-time order for a classified ad. if
paid in advance. Inquire at Office of
FOR SALE Children's Shoes, from
factory to consumer. Big value. 50 to
60 per cent, discount. All kind. 1639
Naudain street.
Roadster; electric lights; good condi
tion. Ford Sales Cofnpany, South Cam
eron street, Harrlsburg, Pa.
Carpets. Furniture, Musical Instruments,
Linoleum, 35c; Ingrain, 20c—best, 45c;
Best Brussels, 60c; Lining, 3c; Sweepers,
$1; Rugs, 9x12, $3; Fence Posts, lbc.
Yingpt. Front-Cumberland.
FOR SALE • Pony outfit. Handsome
dark bay pony mare, 4 years old. well
! brlken; weight. 775 Tbs.; new rubber-
I tire runabout and harness. A bargain.
Apply to Robert Walborn, Mlllersburg,
FOR SALE Several stoves, folding
bed, couch and other furniture, all in
good condition. Call at 268 Herr street.
and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gal
lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme
quality. All the full line of the Acme
FOR SALE 1914 Interstate auto
mobile; four doors; electric starter and
lights; in first-class condition; used
only 2,200 miles; can be seen at 2701
Main street, Penbrook, Pa.
FOR SALE Extra fine Poodle
Pups, 8 weeks old; thoroughbred Bel
gian hares and Plymouth Rock Ban
tams. T. D. Orris, No. 507 West Main
stret, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Black horse, harness,
hose wagon, chemical fire extinguish
ers, and ladder, in first-class condi
tion. Formerly owned by Citizens
. re Company, New Cumberland. Ap
j ply W. H. Kepple, 1313 Green street.
[ FOR SALE, CHEAP Candy Floss
machine. Beats a Jitney for money
making, by lollowing up fairs or parks.
Can make S3OO In one week. For par
ticulars address W., 219, care of Tele
FORD On account of going West
in a few days, must sell my late 1913
Ford Touring Car; fully equipped and
absolutely new tires, nonskid, on rea»-,
machine in excellent condition. First
$300.00 takes it. Write, or call, at Derry
Church Post Office, Box 8.
FOR SALE Jackson Roadster
good condition good tires owner
leaving city will sell cheap. Address
E., 2760, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Ford, five-passenger,
five lamps, horn, top and windshield.
Fine condition. 5 North Cameron
FOR SALE Gilbert Player, good as
new; scarf, bench and rolls; cost $560.00;
will sell for $224.00 to quick buyer, as
■we need the room. Apply 424 Reily
street. Bell phono 2281 W.
FOR RENT Bungalow, best situat
ed, along Susquehanna river, between
Wild Cat and Accomac. Furnished com
plete. Particulars. A. L Resch, Marl
i etta, Pa.
i FOR RENT Furnished cottage at
iStoverdale; possession ...ugust 1. In
quire Bell phone 948 M.
FOR RENT Second floor room,
5.700 square feet, for llgiit manufactur
ing purposes New building. Call at
premises. Twelfth and Herr streets.
WANTED About five or ten acres
of woodland, near railroad. Cord and
ties preferred. Write D. Gizstar, 809
South Third street, Steelton.
HAVE an BS-note player which I will
store with a reliable family. Please
give reference in answering. Address
H. Q., care of Telegraph.
WANTED A tub ice cream freezer,
20 to 40 quarts. Inquire 1016 Nortte
l Third street. City.
i WANTED —To rent, space for small
i automobile In private garage or stable,
• near Third anrl Walnut streets. P. W.
i England. 208 Nor.th Third street. Tele
phone 743 J.
ANY Intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par*
tlculars. Press Syndicate. 70S. Lock
port. N. Y.
rlsburg to represent responsible, up-to-
I date Illinois Manufacturing Company.
I Experience in our line not esentlal. The
rift lit man can make a good connection
I that should pay from S2OO to S4OO per
I month. An investment of SGOO to SI,OOO
required, which is secured at all times
by stock of merchandise. Address i
National Manufacturing & Specialty
Co., First National Bank Building, Chi
SALE as follows: Dying and Cleaning;
Restaurant; Confectionery; Flour; Coai
and Feed. We may know of another
proposition that would suit you. Bell
I Realty Co.
I I MADE $50,000 In five years In the
I mall order business, began with IS.
Send for free booklet Tells how. Hea
] cock. 256 Lockport. N. Y.
! WE are headquarters for Trunks,
i Suit Cases and Bags. Before your va
cation inspect our large stock. Have
your repairing done here and save I
i money. Harrlsburg Harness & Supply !
Company. Second and Chestnut
I FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine!
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
I Druggist ana Apothecary. 118 Market
i street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone 1
orders *tven prompt attention Bell 1
I PAY sl6 making Rubber Stamps
for me In your own home. Easy work.
Send 25c coin for full particulars and
start work at once. Adam Weiser, Box
6, Sinking Springs, Pa.
H. A. HARTMAN.IIonrdInc Stable and
National Transfer Co. Movers of
f llanos, safes, boilers and general haul
ng. H. W. Lath*. Manager. Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
1503 R.
rooms for household goods, (2 per
month and up. We Invite Inspection.
Low Insurance. 437-446 South Second
street. Harrlsburg Storage Company.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411
Broad street. Both phones.
THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen
sary will be open dally, except Sunday,
at 3 P. M„ at Its new location, front and
Harris streets, for the free treatment of
the worthy poor.
JULY 24, 1915.
by making your
Cuts the time and work in half.
Makes boiling, scalding and
hard-rubbing unnecessary.
Do all your work with
Won't hurt the hands.
Our new product
Fells-Soap IPowd®r.
• It's new, it's sweet, it's a wonder worker.
Bethlehem Steel Rushed Up Rap
idly; Moderate Advances in
Similar Shares
By Associated I*rcss
New York, July 24. Pool opera
tions were encouraged by the reception
accorded the President's message in the
Street, and the fact that the outside
participation In the war specialties is
expanding steadily, despite the sensa
tional height to which prices of many
of these shares have risen. Following
out their well known procedure of
singling out a particular issue for ef
fect on the entire group, Bethlehem
Steel was rushed up rapidly, with more
moderate advances in similar shares.
Early profit-taking and a desire to
await enlightenment on the manner in
which the President's message will be
received at Berlin caused a reaction, but
there was a sharp upturn later. Sensa
tional buying of Electric Boat in the
"outside" market sent It up seventy
five points to 340. The closing was
Bonds were steady.
JFurnished by E. S. Goshowi,
208-209 Arcade Building.
New York, July 24.
Open. High. Low. Clos.
Alaska G M 33% 33% 33% 33%
Amal Cop . 71% 72% 71% 72
Am Bt Sug 51 % 52% 51% 52%
Am Can .. 57% 59% 57 % 59%
Am C& F. 56% 57 56 % 56%
Am Loco . 52% 53% 52 52%
Am Smelt. 78% 78% 77% 77%
Anaconda . 68% 68% 68 68
Atchison . . 101 101 101 101
Baldwin .. 77% 78% 77% 78%
B& O 73 70% 78% 78%
Betli Steel . 202 200% 202 208
Bklyn RT. 86 86 " 86 86
Cal Potro.. 10 10 9% 9%
Can Pacific 140 % 140% 139% 139%
Cent Leath 42% 42% 42 42%
C& O. 39% 39% 39% 39%
CM& St P 79% 79% 79% 79%
CKI &P. 12 12 11 % 11%
C Con Cop. 44% 44% 44% 44%
Col F& I. 34% 34% 34% 34%
Cruc St .. 45% 47% 45% 45%
Dist Sec .. 27 27% 26% 26%
Erie 25% 25% 25% 25%
Erie Ist pfd 39% 39% 38% 39
Gen E Co.. 170% 171% 170 170
(Gen Motors 182 182 180 180%
[Goodrh BF 51 51% 50% 50%
Gt Nor pfd 116 116
Gt N Ore s 37% 37% 36% 36%
Gug Exp 4. 60 % 60%
lnsp Cop.. 30% 30% 29% 30
In-Met 19 19% 19 19%
In-Met pfd 73 73
KC So .. . 23 23
Lehigh Val 141% 141% 141 141
Mcx Petro. 73 73% 71% 71%
Miami Cop 26% 26%
Mo Pac . . 2% 2% 2% 2%
Nat. Lead.. 63 63 62% 62%
N Y Cent.. 86% 86% 86 86
N Y.O & W 26 26
Nor & W. . 104 104
Pacific M.. 35% 36% 34% 34%
Pa Rail.... 106% 106% 106% 106%
Pitts C 22% 22% 22% 22%
Prs 5C.... 50 50 50 50
Ry S S 36 36 35% 35%
RayCC... 22% 22% 22% 22%
Reading ... 146% 147% 14G% 146%
Rep I & S.. 36 , 36% 35% 35%
RI& Spd 93 93 92% 92%
South Pac. 84% 85% 84% 84%
South Ry.. 13% 13% 12% 12%
South Rpd 44% 44% 43% 43%
Studebaker. 82% 82% 82% 82%
Tenn Cop.. 36% 36% 36% 36%
Third Ave. 51 51 50% 50%
Union Pao. 126% 127% 126% 126%
U S Rub... 44% 46% 44 44 %
US Steel.. 64 64% 63% 64%
U S Stl pd. 11l 111% 110% 110%
Utah Cop.. 66 66 65% 65%
West U Tel 69 • 69 69 69
I West Mfg.. 107 109 107% 107%
| Philadelphia. July 24.—Stocks closed
I steady.
Cambria Steel 51%
General Asphalt 31
Lake Suprior Corporation , 8%
Lake Superior Corpqfation 68
Lehigh Navigation 73%
Lehigh Valley 70%
Philadelphia Company S8
Reading 73%
Union Traction 32
United Gas Improvement 83%
Philadelphia, July 24. Wheat
Higher: No. 2. red, car lots, new, July,
export, 51.14®M. 16; No. 1, Northern, Du
luth, old. export, $1.56(^1.61.
Corn Higher; No. 2. yellow, local.
91®'92c; steamer. No. 2. yellow, 90®
91 c,
—. ii. i. - 1
Lumber guaranteed to be perfectly kiln dried. Floors
laid and finished complete ready for use. Ask for free
estimate. C. A. SLOUGH, 232 Yale St. Bell Phone
Oats Firm: No. 2, white, 64G
64 He.
Bran The market is firm; winter,
city mills, winter, $27.00 per ton; winter.
j>2B.6o°<Mo ne here: BP,inK ' PCr to "'
Refined Sugars Market steady;
powdered. 6.20 c; fine granulated, 6.10o;
confectioners' A, 6.00 c.
Butter Quiet, hut steady; western,
creamery, extras, 27c; nearby prints,
fancy, 30c.
Eggs The market is firm;
Pennsylvania snrl othei neartiv ' firm*,
free cases, $6.00 per case; do.,
current receipts. free eases, $5.70
per case; western, extves. firsts. $6.00
per case; do., firsts, free cases. $5.70®
S.RK per case.
Live Poultry The market Is dull;
16Va®17e; old roosters. ll@12c; broil
ing chickens, 16®24c; ducks, spring, 15
@l7c; do., old. 12®14c.
Dressed Poultry Market steady;
fresh killed fowls, fancy. lßH@l9c; do.,
average, 16%®17%c; do., unattractive,
14Vt«$16%c; do., old roosters. 12c; do.,
broiling chickens, nearbv, 25®32c; do.,
western, 21®26c; do., spring ducks, 16%
@l7c; Ice packed fowls, 15® 18c,
Potatoes Market dull; Maine,
per bushel. 15020 c; New York, per
bushel. 15®20c; Southern, per barrel,
40® 90c,
Chicago. July 24. Hogs: Receipts
7,000; strong. Bulk, *6.89* 7.80 ; light
$7.45®57.50; mixed $6.75®57.78; heavy
$6.40@57.40; rough $6.45@56.70; pigs
$6.76(f< $7.65.
Cattle—Receipts 2,000; steady. Na
tive beef steers $6.40®510.35; western
steers $7.00®58.20; cows and heifers
$3.30©59.25; calves $7.00®510.50.
Sheep—Receipts 3,000; strong. Sheep
$5.75@56.75; lambs $6.00®58.20.
52 ncre* In Newberry township, York
county, S miles front Sew Ciimherlnnd,
8 miles froui llnrrlsburg.
3,~ acres farmland, 17 Meres wood
land. Sill) telephone poles, 1000 eorda of
wood, 10,000 feet of poplar ean lie cut
oIT. Mind nlinle soil. Rood truck farm,
ruunlna water, two springs at build
ings, eight-room house, hank barn, .100
fruit trees. Price 93,500
C acre poultry fnrin, 3 miles west of
Knalo, fl-ronin house. 300 fruit trees.
114 acres In Dauphin county, 13 mile*
from Hnrrlshnrg, 3 miles from Halifax,
snnd soil, good land, two springs, run
ning water, seveu-rooin house, bank
barn, IIWKI peach trees. 300 apple trees.
A good fruit farm, Selling on account
of retiring;. Sacrifice 93000
W. P. KHAKIS, 20 X. Second 9t,
You Are Safe
In judgljf; what a company
will do in the future by what
It has done in the past. You
are not only safe and get the
benefit of the lowest rates In
the city
When You Borrow
with Its record of nearly 6
years of prompt, confidential,
courteous and considerate
service, but you have the
privilege of arranging the
terms to suit yourself, repay
ing the loan In small weekly
or monthly payments.
Co-Operative Loan &
Investment Co.
Open Ba. in. to 0 p. m. Wed
nesday nud Saturday even*
lugs until II p. ill.
For Sale!
1823. Herr St.
New 3-story brick; never occu
pied; all Improvements; 8 rooms,
hall and bath; chestnut finish;
steafn heat, electric and gas lights;
side entrance; concrete walks and
steps, grass plot, slate roof,.front
and back porch; price, $3,000; on
easy terms.
1903 Forster St.—3-story frame,
8 rooms and bath; all improve
| ments; side entrance; concrete
i walks, cement cellar, automobile
j garage; price $1,800; on easy terms.
Charles Barnhart
1821 Whitehall St.