Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 23, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    +>l*4*4* •^4*4*iH-4* •£• 'lrirlrk'k'irlr'k' 4«4* 4* 4*4*4* 4*4'4*4*4* 4*4*4*4*4*4* 4*4*4*4*4* .V 4*4' 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4 i 4*4 # 4*4 i 44*4*4*4*4*4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 'lrirlrlnf*
1 This Advertisement I BEGINNING Q ur Guarantee I !
" t Every article in our immense stock of Diamonds, Watches, This is not a Sale of Cheap Jewelry. I
gains offered during this big sale. 11 ,s a sale of High Grade Jewelry,
i =si=3gig Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, 3™™™ |
~i* Only Claster's Regular
«4» Stock store for 20 years to maintain a high *§®
t, _ , , reputation for merchandise of quality «£»
* grade"and guSeeYloVVstfs It is the Policy at Clasters to keep the stock new and fresh at all times. No an l, for fa,r de " l,n(f ltl . .. I
represented. j 11 J 1 • t_ -i * 1 a* , The " ame pollcy wUI d ° m '"ate this F
2 goods are allowed to remain on hand long enough to become shopworn. Rather „ rlc .. on , h . £
.iust what you want and are thor- than allow them to depreciate in this way, we prefer to give to our customers the The original prices as well as the I
oughly satisfied that it is right in X - - - • • reduced prices are marked in plkin. *l*
Quality and Price. I benefit of generous price concessions. I figures. P J
-4* V / * »
1 This Siore Must Be Cleared to Make Room For New Goods to Arrive Later 1
- s - This is a Genuine Bargain Treat. The sale includes nothing but Claster's regular stock. Every article is guaranteed as represented and every sale is backed by Claster's reputation for Quality «f*
and Integrity. 4»
«*» w»
Look at These Record=Breaking Reductions
IVautlhil . harms j„
largest stocks, and our assortments are so complete that we can meet $5.50 Candelabra 54.50 $5.50 Solid Gold Charms .... 53."5
every demand from the smallest Diamond up to those costing thousands $2°.00 Chime Clocks $11.50 s9.rto Candelabra 80.00 SK.OO Solid Gold Charms .... SI-00 >
of dollars. Our stock is notable for Quality. Pure White Diamonds, $1.95 Mahogany Finished Clocks .. .51.25 fW llffl. Jl2 nn «n'oo Solid gold, plain and with sets; 17,50 SoIW °° , d Charms '-' W ' T
** perfectly cut and full of brilliancy— \V .♦ /iA $14.00 Candelabra 59.00 75c aml slo o values. BUTTONS *s*
e)e SI.OO Ivory Clocks 6I»o /I ymsH/ r, n n . i . n . , JL
±Diamnnr? ShuMeH D Amiwl ShuMod - "Mtlm Candle Sticks '' each ,• }J:K 1312 8SI5IS8S2:::::: IE *
ejt» 1/lalTlOnQ JIUUUcQ Uic4msnu Jtaflfleu $1.76 Brass Clocks s , ~ I f New Patterns. Heavily Plate<l fiUA! I ICDCC All Orders »f
3 r 5 53 $3,00 Candle Sticks 82.00 L/\ V ALLIEiIVLiO ———————*s•
«4 f 11 • „ _ PIJD la °« r Clock Department is complete. Clocks in beautiful solid ma- lll C £ S ««'Sn F Bag— «$»
7 I OVU ! I fASfI hoganj- cases. Fine Chime Clocks, Office Clocks, Wall Clocks; in fact, t9 - 00 Cand 'e Sticks $6.00 .
uAV uUIVI Cw UUIU BJI UVvlClo everything desirable in clocks up to magnificent Hall Clocks with West- ' --, ■r
rit ' minster Chimes; all heavily reduced in price. « rp 1 1 .
-4» Solid Gold and Platinum. $20.00 Gold Bracelets SIB.OO \ | onH I hnmlato *r*
$28.00 Gold Bracelets 522.00 lO>l*7 F> T) 9 o*l »vQ <IIIU VllUtUialC TJT? A PTTT TTTQ Z?l'
»5.0« Lavallieres 53.75 $45.00 Gold Bracelets 535.00 IXZL/ KOCPV* riffle Nl 1 Vf*VW2)l**#* ri "
!}? Sa . <t?.Vn2 $60.00 Gold Bracelets 545.00
_t. 110.00
t ttSiliSS ::::::: «uS ° u "ng this sale we well-known ware in W il'oj u-ic oo'lTbSSwu'': .Sl:™ £
A* J java !!! er ®' 8 ~ , the following patterns: Sharon, \ ista, Columbia, X M $12.00 h-K Gold Bracelets, ..S7.so
& sioo'.oo i^avaiiteres !!!!!!! sso.oo Diamond Studded Lenox, Berkshire, Avon, Salem and Lotus at un- <\ Sl2 ooVow Mn^Vraciie'ti;'xrtth
t HSS.-S8 fetsssjs: $ in .oo cu, u rL?nf tons .. low prices. A t
* -p.. 1 0 r Ti- *30.00 ruff Buttons 5522.50 1 ? 1.50 Babv Spoons 51.17 $1.75 Coffee Spoons, H dz., 51.15 f/ >\ tr !}2*22 J-' avar JJ} eres 2«a2 sterling silver and sold filjed;
**< Diamond Scarf Pins «50 00 Cuff Button. Sl7 V) ? , 25 Tomato Server 51.13 75c Butter Knives »8c JC !J? 5S I java ereS regular price 25c; Sale Price, 15c
Af 50U.UW LUIT Buttons 5.i,.00 ?1 30 Cream Ladle 80c 50c Baby Snoons 2S( , $15.00 Lavalliertfs ,$ 9 -25 ____
, $5.00 Diamond Scarf Pins.. 53.75 $2.00 Salad Forks 51.35 $3.75 Salad Forks, 'A doz S2 25 _ $20.00 Lavallieres $ll.OO .
W SIO.OO Diamond Scarf Pins.. 57.50 r»- J 3.50 Table Spoons, set 6 . .$2.1(1 $2.50 Ovster Forks H d«" Sl5O Our line of Tea and Chocolate Sets $25.00 Lavallieres SIB.OO Comb, Brush and MIITOr, X
$15.00 Diamond Scarf Pins. .512.00 Diamond Ear Rings $4 Orange Spoons, Vfe doz., 52.50 $2.50 Sugar Shell Better" Knife are.wlthout a doubt: $29.50 Lavallieres $16.50 M ' •„ M iwr;i:
^ ta l nab . . $37.50 Lavallieres 520.00 ManiCUre and Mill-
L. *?0.00 Diamond Scarf Pins. .$22.50 Ranging In price from »ia to $450. > Second, of the highest artistic de- tarv Sets \ X
j Oneida Community Par Plate 3a S&JPX JK. VamtyCases
ry»t ° ur Btock is new and complete: not pt'- ..-■?£ -
Diamond Brooches Cluster Diamond Silverware to «iect° r from ee sets : but many \[ |HBeßhbK| \ l N P *
J SIO.OO to $500.00 each 4 ter „ fp.„, Beautiful Bridal Wreath Pattern y n V^S
Reduced 20 Per Cent Ruby and other gem centers - Specially Low Priced 1 "d. Oclo f ] Hr
Reduced 2S Per Cent Teaspoons, set 65c Soup Spoons, set 51.35 $50.00 Silver Plated Tea Sets, $35.75 V t *
_4. xwvauv-vu Xci Tablespoons, set 51.25 o rance Snoons set *1 no $35 0 ° silver Tea Sets, 522.00 J.
T Ice Teapspoons. set $1.15 ° ..Sl.oo $85 . 50 gjlver Plated Tea Sets, $21.28 14 v.nitv .iiv.r n i» t .H «•» -n
td _ rj- . Butter Knives 28c Cold Meat Forks 10c $27.50 Silver Plated Tea Sets, 516.40 fs"oo VnSitv
<4* Diamond Bar Pins Diamond Rings sugar shells 2»c Berry spoons esc ja.'so vanity', sterling siiveV.'ie.'oo 4»
t "' K "° M ... I~_ . Special 26-piece Chest, William Rogers' Ware; beauti- UlOCOlate Sets ,85J 2SBS SSS: StS
latinum. Ladiesand Gentlemen fully cased; fully guaranteed $0.70 ~, chocolate set. s- m n5 0 ° vanity, sterling stiver, 5a.26 T
* Prices?K.i(l tn ftO.-in All Solitaires . 7 II 7.M slS !!!!!!!! sM! Vanity, sterling sih er. $11.50 , )finnaptß SB.OO 4*
Reducctl 15 Per Cent. 1} M — (|;f i „ $29.50 Chocolate Sets $20.35 ~ $12.00 Sets 57.00 ♦
Reduced is Per Cent. * f —— \ Cigarette Cases »8.50i^54.50 r
*** A (A r, i— ■■ ~| ■ CI I . !• S5 $5.00 Sets $3.00
i (Si w A Trm?c HHBf . tlectrohers and @aa $
t WAIUJiJI/O Match ffl® Shaving ?
jjoi\ k v One Tested and / nj( El , cl „ - | Ci. n J.
t m Guaranteed chafing dishes, r ijt GLASS 1 Sa eS %Mm> •"»« I Z
At fr9 (D —\ii t A Assortment xJIiiIUL/ j Many Styles Stands $4.00 ff
f l\: o -7# All ° f the best known American $ 5.00 Chafing Dishes $3.57 Beautiful, Brilliant, Heavy. Deeply See them and ou J J Shaving W
t W,6a 4# and imported makes for ladies, gen- JJ'SS cKSS BISS ?«'» I*." »"• '«.l£ . s, *" a " JU %
tkmen a„ d children, in solid gold, »n.go «.»„• ra,h„ ::.. tsc ; .<D >r
if rgolcl-nlled, Silver and Sllvenne cases. ...... $1.25 Nappies 89c r>»l •- $8.50 Cig. Cases, silver $4.75 $9.00 Shaving
_ • «o -c rr- A VIII7AV I E lAltA^if 1 SIO.OO Cig. Cases, silver .... $6.25 Stands $6.00
Ladies' Solid Gold gl °!£, 1 2» u re « utar » 1 - 00 Watchea. <3* $2 - 75 Celery Trays $1.50 OIIV6I JL/€POSII T
Watches ™ce . .... 63c $1.75 Spoon Holder, 81.25 MT " I 1* * C n« 1 H.
2 watcnes 20-year guaranUd' Gold Killed 12.25 Sherbets. % dozen .... $,.50 Wj,-. JardiniereS —f Cm Ulshes ttC. S
Heavy plain case, set with fine Cases, with Elgin or Walthani $3.75 Tumblers 52.25 f? (|j t * ;
<4* large -white diamonds; fine .leweled movement. Special tf>Q "TC $4.50 Tumblers $2 50 . . ,
vafue. m Sa[e% n rice s . 7 . s . . 548.00 Sale Price 4S> EIMS*. $3.00 Sugar and Creams .... SKSfI $2.25 JardmereS 900 T
/ $36.00 value smaller diamonds. Filled Cases with ftA $4.75 Sugar and Creams 83.00
2 Rg $26.00 A ™t", m o°r'*"n.d JPQ. !i»*.n U S» $1 an d SOcFern Dishes, Sot i
jj' One lot solid 14-K Gold Watches, movemen't'* rante i; d 4 cs^ c l; $4.00 Water Set, 50c Flower Baskets 25r »t «■ ' 4',' •. tfV J*
,4, Prlce * °ne lot Men's every-day. good TnfFpp Pprrnlatnrs !! '! Sot ««.',* a 75c Cuspidors ....*. 25c
V i«c? ,1 s .« i j y~, serviceable Watches. 10 and 18 ferCOiatOrS sß.do Whiskey Set $6.25 i|7S eTO T
«9-ko 8l^e • °P en face - American move- We have a tine line in nickel plate $ 11.25 Whiskey Set $7.75 \9J «V
--value Price $18.50 a' e "V /"J'V s " arnnteed - J] Qfi a,M ' coPPe«" $6.75 Bowls 81.05 Remarkably l/ow Prices For These 0 . «¥»
4s ' a ' Ue - u Sp r ec,al Sa,fi Prlce $3.75 Percolators $2.15 $12.00 Bowls ,8.25 Beautiful Goods >JBgglggggL s2o ° Umbrella Stands 51.25 J
<4* handsomely cases, El I gln 16 and'°s Elgin || |g Silo tH" 7™ $4 M) $ Uc Vaws Cream * "'
S3O 00 alt Sa a iT mOVemt #nn V AA Xl'sTle" 1, fUlly KUarante *>. $8.50 Percolators soldo ra he^ 58 00 SOc Baits and'Peppers' 2oc $9.00 Umbrella Stands $4.50 *f>
i $30.00. Sale $20.00 b . 20 *l° 00 Percolators $7.50 » 3 00 * ern Dishes 81.95 50c Eernon Dishes 2»c K ,, 0 , , nn «**
j* Prlce Price <P j 12 .00 Percolatoft 89.00 $4.50 Fern Dishes 88.13 $1.50 Candle Sticks "5c SIO.OO Umbrella Stands $5.00 «?*
if , j. ... ~„f A It will prove a good investment for you to patronize this sale and provide for your future needs. There are thousands of articles tt * tttt Awn phtma
t Exlraordinary Offer J|| «-«m. »«.»,
i ..r" tmmk tj n riT a G(|iul> gems, jewels, silverware %
I ff,»-88 1 Jtl« U« tLAoILK, 302 Market Street |