IA "ftr Kent" id on This Page Is Sure to' lead the Person Yon Sect] * LOST LOST Automobile crank between Harrisburg and Mlddletown. Reward it returned to C. E. Balr & Son. 24 North Fourth street. LOST July 12, 1915, on Sixth street, between the Capitol and Broad .aireet, gold cuff link, with intials <)." Kinder please return to 510 Curtin street. City. FOUND FOUND —The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Murket street. Do you? Both phones. Call and deliver. HELP WAITED—MaIe WANTED Two livewire salesmen for established tea and coffee routes —must be able to furnish bond—salary and commission—also two solicitors. Jewel Tea Co., 269 Broad street. TOUNG MEN WANTED who wish to become practical or mechanical chauf feurs to call or write us at once. Full unlimited course, $35. Open day and evening. Auto Transportation Repair Shop, 5 North Cameron streot. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES—] MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar- j rled men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write the English language. For information apply to; Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, . 3d & Market Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED A man to work two I days a week on lawn and garden. Ap- ] ply Heathcote Road and l'wenty-flrst j street. j WANTED Single white man to work on farm, who understands farm ing. Apply 1700 North Second street. WANTED A good, reliable man for the tea and coffee business; one ■who can give good reference. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second street. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, to drive car for hire In Harrisburg and vicinity. Reference required and clean record es senthal. Liberal commission. Address Driver, leiegraph Office. WANTED Salesman, to solicit and do contracting worn in city and sur rounding towns. Reference and experi ence necessary. Good opportunity to right party. Address P. O. Box No. 481. WANTED First-class, experienced machinists and tool makers; good pay to competent men. Address, giving ex perience, to J. F. Creswell, Box 264, Lancaster. Pa. WANTED One first-class steam fitter. Apply Herr© Brothers, 8235 North Fourth street. Riverside. WANTED Shoe machine cutter on children's shoes; give experience; steady place. Sterling Shoe Co.. 640 East Third street, WllTlamsport, Pa. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS RaIU way Mall Clerks. Post Office Clerks and other branches. Private coach ing no publicity money refunded if not sucessful. Exams soon. Ad dress Professor. P. O. Box 431. Harris burg, Pa. HELP WANTED —leuitUe WANTED Girls over 16 fears of age to learn cigarmatring. Paid while learning. Apply Har risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. Private Lessons in Short hand, Typewriting, Dicta tion, Penmanship, Etc., at class instruction rates for students wlio want Direct Results. You want that kind. Fall enrollments now being received. Write or call to-day for full Information. Merle E. Kaller, 309 Patriot Building. WANTED An experienced cham bermaid. Apply State Capital Hotel, 215 Walnut street. WANTED I teach shorthand by association methods, and students be come efficient in five or six months. Expert individual instruction and plenty of it means success. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second street, Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED—Experienced help. Apply Silk Mill, Cor. North and Second streets. HELP WANTED— Maio or Female WANTED Lady or gentleman as canvasser and collector; good opportu nity to right party. Address J.. 2749, care of Telegraph. __ AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED We want two men fn every county in Pennsylvania to sell our Horse, Cattle and Poultry Remedies, etc. Every preparation guaranteed. Hartman Mfg. Co., Mt. Wolf. Pa. LOTS FOR SALE] CITY 100x130 Southwest corner of Second and Emerald streets. 20x00 Vi No. 1007 Berryhill street, just west of Cameron street *4.-,o 130x115 East side of North Third street above Woodbine. Per ft. front. 9«o j 140x115 Northeast corner Twenty-third and Woodbine streets. Per ft font $8 j 150x118 Northeast corner Bellevue Road ' and Twenty-first street 94200 ' 100x150 Southeast corner Front and Emer- 1 aid streets. Per ft. front ... 9120 73x07H East side of North Cameron, he- ' low Verbeke street 91050 SUBURBAN 84tv z xir>o ft. S. W. Cor. Bosler and Apple ave nues, Lemoyne 94^0 25x140 Fifth street, near Geary street, New Cumberland $125 50x100 S. W. Cor. Oyster's Point avenue and Logan street. Camp Hill .. 9400 25x150 River Road, just north of the Borough of Wormleysburg. Per ft ,r ° nt «20 32 Uta River Road, north of Wormlevs buqp, on Front and Second streets, 90500 100x300 South side of Market street. Camp P T .R"' l ' a minutes' walk from trolley at Oyster's Point, 91300 MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE lunriiH Surety Honda Locust aud Court Streets FRIDAY EVENING, HARRIBJBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 23, 1915. SITUATION WANTED—Maio WANTED By young man, 18 years old, work of any kind around grocery store, or on delivery wagon. Vildross Af.. 2758, care of Telegravh. WANTED Typewriter operator (60 to 70 words per minute on the machine) and stenographer (130 words from dic tation), desires position. Address C„ 2757. care of Telegraph. . WANTED By white boy, IS years old, work of any kind. Address A., 2753, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED —FEMALE WANTED A middle-aged woman would like position as housekeeper for widower; no objections to children. Ad dress Box H„ 2761, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position by middle-aged white woman work by the day. Ad dress 1114% Wallace street. City. WANTED Reliable colored woman wants work as cook in private family, boardlnghouse or hotel; can give city reference. 1917 Logan avenue. WANTED By a colored woman, small washings to do at home. Call, or write. No. 1412 North Fifth street. WANTED Two white girls, age 16, want work as child's nurse or light housework. Call 631 Kelker street. WANTED By colored girl, posi tion for plain' cooking or as second girl. Address M., 275b, care of Tele graph. WANTED Middle-aged woman wants day's work or as cook; can give references. Call, or address, 28 Linden street. REAL ESTATE FOR SAId land. Price, $3,500.00 —$1,000.00 cash—immediate possession. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. NEW BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE No. 1848 Chestnut Street 8 rooms bath gas electric light steam heat good location well built house reasonable price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Twc-Story brick house, improvements, good location on Hill. Will sell for $2,000. Rents for $17.00. Address M., 2754, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE Hlghsplre property In central location at a bargain price. Small amount down, balance same as rent. A farm, acreage or lots taken in exchange as whole or part payment. Address Box H, 2761, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 1629 Green street, house, 11 rooms and bath; all improve ments; side alley wdy; water in cellar; : rent, $30.00 monthly. Inaxilre John C. Giede, 1312 North Third street. ! FOR RENT New two-and-a-half j story brick. No. 2029 and 2031 Swatara street, seven rooms, bath and toilet separate side entrance, steam heat; No. ; 2018 Swatara. two-story brick, new, I steam heat, all Improvements; also No. 1 2002 State, nine rooms, all improve i ments. Irvln Johnson, No. 2052 Swatara. FOR RENT 2137-2X39 Moore street, $12.00. Apply Mrs. Weigle, 1713 North Fifth street. i FOR KENT 2220 North Fourth I street; three-story brick house; ai' lm- I i>rovements. Inquire 2216 North Fourth ! street. | FOP. RENT 1721 Carnation street; ■ two-story brick house : all Improve ! ments; porch front; rent, $16.00. Also I 2516 Agate street, rent, $13.00. Applv I 1545 North Sixth street. FOR RENT No. 1622 Resjlna street, all improvements, 8 rooms and bath, ; $25.00 per month. Apply to Harry M. Bret!;. 222 Market street. ; HEAT THE HEAT —Go to Perdix. , Furnished cottages for rent. A. C. I Young, it North Third street. Bell | 71 8 J. | RKAL ESTATK FOR RENT i FOR RENT Stone Dungalow lo ; rated along the .Susquehanna river op ! poslte Speeceville Station. Possession I after August I. 1915. ran t»e rented for | 111 - month or year. Address Bungalow, ; care of Telegraph. FOR RENT ll9O Christian street; ! two-story brick: all Improvements and I up-to-date In all respects; seven rooms, : including bath; rent. 117.00. Inquire 250Tlerr street, between 6 and I P. 11. FOB HEVI . 131 & 133 NOttTII THIRTEENTH ST. j —Two three-story brick houses—-each l eight rooms—hath furnace. Rentals, i £25 per month Miller Brothers & Co., j Hell phone 1595. iREAL Ie&XATtii toll saw; OR RENT TWO new three-story brick houses, ! Nos. 22! and 226 Keneca street; 9 rooms; I bath; all conveniences. Apply G. K. Shelter, 220 Seneca street. Phone Bell 877 M. WII.L SELL at * sacrifice or rent. !81f. North Second street; possesion at once. Apply Regent Theater. 410 Mar ket street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor at the Walzdorf, facing Capitol; six rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hard wood floors, electric llgnt and city steam. Inquire 400 North street. FOR RENT New Building Just finished pri vate apartments, consisting of three rooms and large balcony, with lockers In basement; large bay window fronts; light and airy: convenient and comfort able. Just the thing for small family. Little expense and low rent. Apply on premises. 1321-1323 Wallace street. Dally inspection invited. I'On RENT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT. Four rooms. Private bath, Including kitchen, also large iocker in basement. Select neighborhood. Rent, $30.00 immediate possession. Penna. Realty & Improvement Co.. 132 Locust St. FOR .RENT Housekeeping, unfur nished apartment, five rooms and bath, including kitchen; also locker In base, ment; on Thirteenth street. * Rent, $16.00. Apply Penna. Realty & Imp- Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT—Third IToor. front apart ment, No. 32 North Second street; S rooms and bath; steam heat and elec tric light. Apply to Commonwealth Trust Co.. 222 Market street. , FOR RENT Modern apartment In Althouse Building, corner Thirteenth and Market streets. Rent very liberal for summer months to right party. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Newly furnished front room, facing Capitol P%k (three windows) hot and cold running water and electric light In room; also use of large bathroom and Bell phone. 410 North street. FOR RENT Two rooms on third floor, with all conveniences. Address D„ 2759, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms, second floor, directly across from Capi tol Park. All conveniences. Including phones. Rent very reasonable. 406 North street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, all conveniences, from $2.00 up weekly; also table boarding if desired. Apply 222 North Third street. Bell phone 1834 W. FOR RENT Two communicating rooms with hall, completely furnished for light housekeeping; use of bath and phone. Apply 210 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Two rooms; also three roomß and kitchenette, completely fur nished for light housekeeping; all im provements; gas ranges; refrigerator; seperate bell; corner house; no children; references exchanged. 1238 Kittatinny street. City. FOR RENT One furnished suite of two rooms, kitchen and private bath; immediate possession. Address R.. 2756, care of Harrisburg Dally Telegraph. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, for light housekeeping; large, well fur nished second floor front rooms; all conveniences; use of phone. 818 North Second street. FOR RENT Large front room, sec ond floor; pleasant home for man and wife; cool; near bath; also desirable room for refined gentleman, second floor; use of phone. 117 Pine street. FOR RENT Large, cheerful second floor front room; electric lights and use of bath; centrally located; close to Capitol and Post Office. 233 South street. Phone 1825 M. POR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensulte; all conveniences. In cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1016 North Front street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Refined, young couple desire rooms or an apartment in pri vate family with private bath; all con veniences; references exchanged. Ad dress R„ 2762, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two or three well-fur nlshed rooms for light housekeeping, by young, married couple, north of Derry and east of Twelfth street pre ferred. No third-story rooms. Address Dodd & Struthers, Sixteenth and Elm streets. City. FOR SALE FOR SALE One good oak office table, at half price. G. W. Kehr, 204 Chestnut strot. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department, The Tele graph Printing Company. FOR SALE, CHEAP Oakland Roadster; electric lights; good condi tion. Ford Sales Company. South Cam eron street, Harrisburg, Pa. CLOSING-OUT BARGAINS! New Carpets, Furniture, Musical Instrument*. Linoleum, 35c; Ingrain, 20c—best, 46c; Best Brussels, 60c; Lining, 3c; Sweepers, $1; Rugs, 9x12, $3; Fence Posts, lbc. I Ylngst, Front-Cumberland. FOR SALE Pony outfit. Handsome dark bay pony mare, 4 years old, well briken; weight, 775 lbs.; new rubber tire runabout and harness. A bargain. Apply to Robert Walborn, Mlllersburg, Pa FOR SALE Several stoves, folding bed, couch and other furniture, all in good condition. Call at 268 Herr street. FOR SALE 1914 Interstate auto mobile; four doors; electric starter and lights; In first-class condition; used only 2,200 miles; can be seen at 2701 Main street, Penbrook, Pa. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can bs secured at the Telegraph Business Office. GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 .South Socon-I. FOR SALE 1915 six-cylinder, seven-passenger Overland, like new, run only few thousand miles. Also couple good four-cylinder touring cars, cheap. Crlsnen Motor Car Co. FOR SALE AT GABLIi'S. 113. lit SDd 117 South Second screet, 5.000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acra* quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR RALE Good, gray horse, 1,200 lbs. Price, $75.00. Inquire Ober's Stable, Court and Cranberry. FOR SALE CARDS on sal* at tb« Telegraph Business office. FOR SALE Children's Shoes, from fftetory to consumer. Blf? value. 50 io 60 per cent, discount. All kind. 1639 N&udaln street. FOR SALE Will sell six-cylinder Chalmers j car, practically new, first-class condition, electric lights and starter, reasonable, will demon strate. Thompson, 1913 Derry street. Phone 842 J. , FOR SALE Bay mare, fat as a fool, with colt; weight, 1300 lbs. Will | sell her reasonable on account of hav ing colt. Call at 1317 Williams street. Milk Depot. GLASS window mgng. Furnished Koonig, Unfurnished Hooma. Rooms and Board and Table Board at !5c each One of these signs will be given with each ! »lx-tim® order for a classified ad. if [ Paid in advance. Inquire at Office of FOR SALE Black horse, harness, hose wagon, chemical fire extinguish ers, and ladder, in first-class condi tion. Formerly owned by Citizens , eCompany, New Cumberland. Ap ply W. H. Kepple, 1313 Green street. FOR SALE Jackson Roadster flood condition good tires owner ? av „'PA c 'ty will sell cheap. Address K„ 2160, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Ford, five-passenger, five lamps horn, top and windshield. Fine condition. 5 North Cameron street. FOR SALE Gilbert Player, good as new; scarf, bench and rolls; cost $550.00; will sell for $224.00 to quick buyer, an we need the room. Apply 424 Reily street. Bell phono 2281 W. FPU KENT GARAGE FOR RENT Privatecom partments; light, heat and water, at Calder and Penn streets. Apply George W. Updegrove. 1200 Penn stret. . RENT Second floor room, $,700 square feet, for llgiit manufactur ing purposes New building. Call at premise*. Twelfth and Herr street*. WANTED WANTED About five or ten acres of woodland, near railroad. Cord and ties preferred. Write D. Gizstar, 50'* South Third street, Steelton. HAVE an 88-note player which I will store with a reliable family. Please give reference in answering. Address H. Q„ care of Telegraph. WANTED To rent, space for small automobile in private garage or stable, near Third and Walnut streets. P. England, 208 North Third street. Tele phone 743 J. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANT Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port. N. Y. BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS FOR SALE as follows; Dying and Cleaning; Restaurant; Confectionery; Flour; Coai and Feed. We may know of another proposition that would suit you. Bell Realty Co. I MADE $50,000 In five years in the mail order business, began with ss. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 266 Lock port. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS WE are headquarters for Trunks, Suit Cases and Bags. Before your va cation Inspect our large stock. Have your repairing done here and save money. Harrlsburg Harness & Supply Company. Second and Chestnut. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrlsburg. P«. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Beli IXO. I PAY sls making Rubber Stamps for me in your own home. Easy work. Send 25c coin for full particulars and start work at once. Adam Welser, Bo* 6, Sinking Springs, Pa. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN, Hoarding Stable an* National Transfer Co. Movers of J ilanos. safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe. Uunager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2603 R. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower Address P. O. Box 174. Harrlsburg, Fa. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE). Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite inopectlon. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE In a-storr brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household good* In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rales. Apply to p. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 4OS Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cent* ger month. Apply D. Cooper Jt Co.. 411 road street. Both phones. NOTICES MEMBEBS of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, No. 673, B. of L F. & E„ are requested to attend the funerai services of Brother C. E. Knisely at Mifflin, at 2 P. M„ July 24. All members attending take train No. 15 at Union Depot leaving Harrlsburg at 11:40 A. M. same date. Ll'.LAl. -NiJiilJiiS NOTICE The Board of Inspectors of the Western Penitentiary. of Penn sylvania, North Side. Pittsburgh. Pa., will receive sealed proposals until 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, July 29, 1915, 1 for furnishing the Western Penlten -1 tiary at Rockvlew. Centre County, Pa., with a supply of dressed meat com mencing August 6, 1915, and ending [September 30, 1915. Specifications and I forms of proposals can be procured at office of Penitentiary, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. JOHN FRANCIES, Warden. KSTATE OK BENJAMIN BRENNER, DECEASED LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims to present the same, without delay, to RABBI ELIEZER SILVER, LEWIS BATURIN. Executors. Or their Attorney. ROBERT ROSENBERG. 301 Patriot Building, Harrlsburg, Pa. PROPOSALS FOR DISTRIBUTING PUBLIC DOCUMENTS SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the Superinten dent of Public Printing and Binding, In the Capitol, at Harrlsburg, p a .. until twelve o'clock noon. July 27, 1916, for distributing, public documents of the Commonwealth, irt accordance with the terms of the act approved April 28 1915, when said bids will be opened and 1 published. Each proposal must be accompanied I by a bond or a certified check to the | order of the State Treasurer, in one fourth the amount of the proposal For further Information apply to A. NEVIN POMEROY, 1 Superintendent orf Public Printing and Binding. !THE Harrisburg Polyclinic sary will be open daily, except Sunday at 3 P. M., at its new location, front arid Harris streets, for the free treatment of the worthy poor. FURTHER REMIT SHOWNJ TWIG Dealings Were in Relative Small Volume; B. & 0. Makes Progress By Associated Press New York, July 23.—Further re straint -was shown by the war shares at the opening of to-day's market, although overnight gains of 1 to 2 points in that group were more or less general. Dealings were in relatively small volume, however, with an ab sence of the extensive overturns of recent sessions. In point of fact, the movement in the railways was more Interesting and significant. St. Paul declined iy to 78, its minimum quo tation since 1898. Missouri Pacific at 2 % made a new low record and the Harrimans and Canadian Pacific con tinued under pressure. Baltimore and Ohio made further upward progress as a result of Its very favorable June earnings. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by E. S. Goshorn, 208-209 Arcade Building. New York, July 2 3. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 34 34 33% 33% Amal Cop . 72% 72% 71% 72% Am Sugar . 52% 62% 51% 51% Am Can .. 56% 67% 55% 56% Am C& F. 66% 57% 56% 66% Am Cot Oil 47 47 46% 46% Am Ice Sec 24% 24% 24 24 Am Loco . 52% 53% 51% 62% Am Smelt. 77% 78% 77% 78% Am Sugar . 109 109% 109 109 Anaconda . 68% 68% 67% 68% Atchison .. 100% 100% 100% 100% Baldwin .. 75% 77% 75% 7 7 B&O 78% 79% 78% 78% Beth Steel . 196 203% 196 201 Bklyn RT. 86% 86% 85 85 CalPetro.. 10 10 10 10 Can Pacific 138% 140% 138 139% Cent Leath 43 43 42% 42% C&O 39 39 38% 38% CM&St P. 78% 79% 78 79% CRI &P. 12% 12% | 10% 11% 9. ?°J? 9 op - 44 45 44 to 44% Col F & I. 34% 34% 34 34 % Con Gas .. 127% 127% Cru St ... 46% 46% 44% 45 Dist Sec .. 25% 26% 25% 26% Erie 25% 25% 25% 25% Erie Ist pfd 39% 39% 39% 39% Gen E Co.. 170% 111% 170 170% Gen Motors 183 183 180 181 % Goodrh BF 51% 51% 50% 51 Gt Nor pfd 116 116% 116 116% Gt N Ore s 36% 36% 36% 36% Gug Exp .. 60% 60% 60% 60% Insp Cop.. «0 % 30% 30 30% In-Met .... 19% 19 19 59 KC So ... 23 .... 23 Lehigh Val 141% 142 141% 141% Louis & N. 108 108 106 106 Mex Petro. 71% 74% 69% 72% Miami Cop 26% 26% 26% 26% Mo Pac .. 2% 2% 2% 2% Nat Lead.. 63 63% 63 63% N Y Cent.. 85% 86 85% 86 H "to 57% 57% 57% NY.O & W 26% 26% Nor & W.. 104 104 North Pac. 104 104 103 103% Pac Mail.,. 34% 34% 34% 34% fa Ry 106% 106% 106%" 106% Pitts PrsSC.... 50% 50% 49% 50 Ry S ST-'. . . 35 35% 34% 34% RayCC... 22% 22% 22% 22% Reading .. 146% 14f 146% 147 Rep I& S. 36 36% 35% 35% R I & S pd 93 93 93 93 South Pac. 83% 84% 83% 84% South Ry... 13% 13% 12% 12% South R pd 45 45 42 43% Studebaker. 82 82% 81% 81% Tenn Cop.. 37 37 37 37 Third Ave. 50% 50% 50% 50% Union Pac. 126% 127% 126% 126% USRub... 45 45% 44% 45% US Steel.. 63% 64% 63% 64% U S Steel pd 111 % 111% 111 m Utah Cop.. 66% 66% 65% 65% West U Tel 68% 69 68% 68% West Mfg.. 107 108 105% 107% PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, July 23. Wheat Higher; No. 2, red, car lots, new, July, export, $1.12® 1.14; No. 1. Northern, Du luth, old. export. 51. 54® 1.69. Corn lfigher; No. 2. yellow, local. 90® 91c; steamer, No. 2, yellow local, 89@90e. — Higher; No. 2, white, 64® Bran The market is steady; winter, city mills, winter, $27.00 per ton; winter per ton, none here; spring, per ton'. $25.50(^26.00. Refined Sugars Market steady powdered, 6.20 c; fine granulated, 6.10 c; confectioners' A. 6.00 c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras, 27c; nearby prints, fancy, 30c. Eggs The market lg steady; Pennsylvania nno other nearbv nr*i« free cases, $6.00 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $5.70 per case; western, extras, firsts, $6.00 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.70® 5.85 per case. Live Poultry The market is steady; 16%017c; old roosters. ll®12c; broil ing chickens, 16@24c; ducks, spring. 15 ©l7c; do., old. 1214e. Dressed Poultry Market steady; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18%®19c; do„ average. 16&@17%c; do., unattractive, 14%ffi>16%c; do., old roosters. 12c; do., broiling chickens, nearby, 25®32c; do., western, 21®26c; do., spring ducks, 16% @l7c; ice packed fowls, Is®lßc. Potatoes Market dull; Maine, per bushel, 15@20c; New York, per bushel, 16@20c; Southern, per barrel, i 40090 c. Flour The market Is nominal; and nominal; winter straights, $5.50®6.75; do., clear. $6.5006.25; Kan sas, jute sacks. $6.10©5.n0; spring, straights, $6.75® 6.90; do,, patents, $56.90 @7.80. Hay The market is Arm with a fair demand; No. 1, large bales, $21.00; No. 1, medium bales, 521.00; No. 2, do., $19.60020.00; No. 3. 0., $16.00@17.00. Light mixed, $19.50®20.50; No. 1, do.. $18.00@118,50; No. 2. do.. $16.00017.00. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, July 23.—Stocks closed higher. Cambria Steel 5114 Electric Co of American Bid 30',4 General Asphalt SOU General Asphalt. Pfd 67 Lake Superior Corporation 8% lyehlgh Navigation 73% Lehigh Valley 70% LEGAL NOTICES PUBLIC SALE—Saturday, July 24, at 2 P. M.. at the late residence of Agnes A. Irwin, deceased. Dauphin, Pa., the following: Beds, bedding, bureau, washstand. tables, sideboard, chairs, lounge, stoves, docks, cooking utensils, washing machine, wringer, tubs, lawn mower, window screens, soap, carpets, I mirrors, crocks, Jars, stovepipe, etc. JOHN IRWIN, WM. IRWIN. Administrators. PROPOSALS FOR WASTE PAPER— In accordance with the provisions of an Act of Assembly approved April 28, 1916. the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding will receive bids for the purchase of waste paper at his office in the Capitol, on Tuesday, July 27, at 11 o'clocjc. For further particu lars apply to A. NEVIN POMEROr, Supt. Public Printing and Binding. Pennsylvanta Railroad 63 5-16 Philadelphia Company 38 Philadelphia Company, Pfd 33 Philadelphia Rapid Transit B<4 Reading 7314 Storage Battery Union Traction sj United Gas Improvement 83U United States Steel 64 V 4 CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, 111., July 23. Hogs R«- Sf , JP- t s> A l ,! 00 ?; steady. Hulk of sales, ff '°g7.3o; light. $7.40@7.85; mixed. |8J5@7.70; heavy. $H.50®7.40; rough, $6.50®i6.66; pigs, $6.7&@7.60. Cattle Receipts, 1,000; steady. Native beef steers, $6.40@10.36: western steers. 17.008.20; cows and heifers, $3.30(0)9.26; calves, $7.00@10.50. Sheep Receipts, 2,000; strong. Sheep, $5.75@6.75; lambs, $6.00® 8.20. • CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, 111., July 23.—Board of Trade closing: 1 OS*" 81 ~~ JUly " 110,4 1 Se P te, P ber ' Corn—July, 80%; September, 75%- Oats—July. 61 V 4; September, 37%. 114 go —September, 14.47; October, Lard—September, 8.17; October. 8.27. „ Ribs—September, 10.00; October. | JI.HS. Thief by Clever Ruse Gets Dr. Smith's Car Between 12 and 1 o'clock this morn ing thieves made a getaway with the automobile owned by Dr. Harvev F. Smith, 130 State street. Tho machine was kept at the City Auto Garage. Late last night, accord ing to the employes, some one phoned to the garage asking that the car be sent up to the physician's home, head ed toward the river and left there. Instructions that the horn should not be blown and that It was not necessary to ring the door bell, were also given. To-day at noon Dr. Smith needed his car, went to the garage for it, and was told the story. The machine was a Hudson light six, 1914 model, dark blue body. A set of surgical instru ments were in the car when It was stolen. Jim Thorpe Will Play With Harrisburg Indians To fill the vacancy created by the injuries V> Callahan, Jim Thorpe has been attached to the Harrisburg team at his own request. GARDNER AND RASKINS FILE Both Squire T. V. Gardner, justice of the peace and O. P. Basklns, super intendent of the Steelton water plant, to-day filed their petitions for the nomination of justice of the peace to succeed Gardner, present incumbent. Baskins wants on both Democratic ana I Republican tickets and Gardner filed the Republlcun candidate's petition. WILSON WILL LEAVE CAPITAL Washington, July 23.—President Wilson plans to leave Washington for another visit to the summer White House at Cornish, N. H., within the next 24 hoursfi The length of his next 24 hours. The legnth of his largely upon developments in the Ger man situation. SAW TORPEDO PASS ORDUNA Washington, July 23. the report was not made public it was understood that an affidavit has been received from an American on the Orduna who swears he saw the tor pedo pass the stern of the Orduna and that he also saw the shells fired at the ship strike the water. CLERKS APPOINTED Miss Catherine Comstock, daughter I of the late George S. Comstock, head of the State Industrial Board, ,was to jday appointed clerk in the Depart - I rnent of Labor and Industry. Wallace Rohrbach, Sunbury, was assigned to temporary summer work. CONTRIBUTIONS TO ICE FUND COMING SLOWLY The free ice fund of the Associated Charities was increased by SI.OO to day. Arrested in New Orleans; May Be Muenter Aid HANS HALLE New Orleans. July 23.—Until news telling of th